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-All right, buddy. -Oh, good. -Here's how -- -Good. I love doing things with you.

Laughter ] -Here we go, here we go. -Okay. -All right. I don't like this, either.
Here's how it works. We're gonna have a number of mystery objects brought out in
front of us, and our job is to guess what each one is. The catch is that we have to
figure it out by touch alone. We can never see what's in the box. -Oh, gosh. -I
know. I'm gonna freak out. I thought I smelled an animal backstage. [ Laughter ] I
think I did. -Was that you? [ Laughter ] -All right. So, Selena, since I'm the
host, I'll go first? -Okay. -Wait. What? All right, let's get to our first object.
Oh. -Can I see what's...? -Yeah, you can see it, but don't lie to me and make it --
if it's crazier than it is. [ Audience "Ohs", laughter ] -Ha! Go for it. -Ah. Here
we go. [ Inhales sharply ] [ Cheering ] -Oh. Oh! [ Laughter ] -What?! Go for it. -
No, but he said something weird. [ Laughter, cheers, applause ] ♪♪ -Aah! Gross! -
What the heck? -Ooh! Ew! [ Laughter ] It's -- uh, uh, a egg? -Yeah. -Egg? [ Ding! ]
[ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -That was a lot. -This is the first one. It's kind of
easy. -You barely touched it. -I touched it enough. I touched it enough to know
what it was. -Okay. -It was -- I didn't like its viscosity. -Okay. [ Audience
"Oohs" ] [ Laughter ] -[ Laughing ] Oh. Oh-ho-ho! [ Audience screams ] ♪♪ -I feel
like it's hair. -Yes! It is hair. Oh, my -- Wow! [ Ding! ] [ Cheers and applause ]
♪♪ How did you -- You have guts, man. -I don't even want to see it. Just -- Just go
away. [ Laughter ] That's so gross. No! [ Laughter ] -All right. My turn again. Oh,
no! -[ Laughs ] -I feel like the rounds get crazier. -Oh. [ Cheering ] [ Audience
"Ohs" ] ♪♪ -I don't -- -Whoo! -Whoo! -Whoo! [ Audience shouting ] ♪♪ -Yeah? -No! I
didn't feel anything. I'm just freaking out. [ Laughter ] -You can do it! -Gosh,
oh, gosh, oh, gosh. -Come on. -All right. ♪♪ Aah! [ Audience shouting ] ♪♪ [ Buzzer
] -Is it like a tongue or something? -Oh. -Is it like a chicken or a tongue or
something? -Nope. It's a brain. -Ew! What the -- What?! [ Laughter ] Wait. What in
the what? -Is it real? No, it's not real. -Is that a real brain? -It's a cow brain.
-It was cow brain? Get Purell right now. This is insane. -Ew. [ Laughter ] -What's
wrong with people? Okay, get this out of the way. This is good. All right. The
final round. -Is this the final? -Well, it is for me. Sure. -Okay. -That was the
final round right there. Cow brain. All right, this is up to you. -What do I do?
[ Audience "Awws" ] That's sad. What do I do? -All right, you do the same thing. -I
do it? -Yes, you do it. [ Laughter ] [ Audience screams ] -Is it my dog? No.
[ Laughter ] ♪♪ I don't know what the [bleep] [ Laughter and applause ] -Hey! hey!
Come on. -I'm sorry. -It's a family show! You see what you made her do?! -I'm so
sorry. -You see what you made her do?! You see what you made her do? -Oh, that's so
cute. -Wait. I get cow brain, and she gets a stuffed animal? [ Laughter ] -I'm so
sorry. -Get this thing out of here. I can't believe it. -I'm sorry. -All right,
it's time for the final round. For this one, we're both gonna get the same item.
The first person to guess it wins. -Okay. -All right. Let's do this. -Yep. All
right. -All right. [ Audience "Ohs" ] ♪♪ [ Audience screams ] -Do you smell that?
What? It's, like, food. ♪♪ -Smells like... [ Audience screams ] -No. ♪♪ I think
it's food for, like, a duck. No? ♪♪ -Oh, my God! -What? What? [ Buzzer ] -It is so
gross. It's, like, maggots or something. -No! -What are they? -No! -Oh, my gosh! -
Oh, my God. -What were they? [ Cheers and applause ] -What? -Those are mealworms.
Judges, who is the winner? Audience, what do you think? Who won? -Selena! [ Ding! ]
-Selena Gomez, champion. Mealworms. Stick around! We're talking to Selena after the
break, everybody! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪

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