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Drug-Related Problems

Problems in drugs cannot be eliminated how much we are been expert to them, and how careful or accurate we are in
handling and dispensing them. I know that err is inseparable to human beings, and we are likely to stumble to it.
However, I am much sure that problems are not just blamed to humans alone, but also with the circumstances
happened that are uncontrolled and out-flowed without seeking them. These letting us to learn and correct the mistakes
that could be possibly repeated in the future.

Categories of Drug-Related Problems

1. Medication Errors 
Any preventable event that may lead to inappropriate medication use or cause harm to the patient while the
medication is in the control of a health care professional, patient or consumer.

 CATEGORY A - Circumstances or events that have the capacity to cause error.  Harm is defined as death, or
temporary or permanent impairment of body functions/structure requiring intervention. Intervention may
include monitoring the patient's condition, change in therapy, or active medical or surgical treatment.
 CATEGORY B - An error occurred but the medication did not reach the patient
 CATEGORY C - An error occurred that reaches the patient, but did not cause harm.
- Medication reaches the patient and is administered
- Medication reaches the patient but not administered
 CATEGORY D - An error occurred that resulted in the need for increased patient monitoring, but no patient
 CATEGORY E - An error occurred that resulted in the need for treatment or intervention and caused
temporary patient harm.
 CATEGORY F - An error occurred that resulted in initial or prolonged hospitalization and caused temporary
patient harm.
 CATEGORY G - An error occurred that resulted in permanent patient harm.
 CATEGORY H - An error occurred that resulted in a near-death event such as Anaphylaxis or Cardiac Arrest
 CATEGORY I - An error occurred that resulted in patient death.

2. Adverse Drug Event

It is an injury from medical intervention related to a drug and includes ADRs, but also includes preventable reactions,
including those caused by human error.
- Adverse Drug Reactions
- Patient's Reaction to the drug
- Drug-Drug interactions
- Drug-Food interactions
- Drug-Disease interactions
- Drug-Herbal interactions
- Other incompatibilities

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