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How to Manage Hang Over

Here are simple tips to manage your hangover.

1. Hydrate yourself with a lot of water. Your body is dehydrated so drink water. Alcohol in fact dehydrates your
body by replacing water as the most fluids in your body. Alcohol is a either hydrophobic or hydrophilic, which
means that it could add water or replace water in your body. Our body has a mechanism to excrete excess water
and thus water (hydrophilic) in the alcohol is eliminated faster, while, hydrophobic is diminished slowly. So, the
body is dehydrated and needs water to dehydrate it.

2. Drink tea or coffee. Alcohol when drink in excess acts as depressant, so to counteract the depressant effect of
alcohol you need to drink stimulant beverages to lessen the effect of hangover.

3. Take only pain reliever when headache persists and pain is crucial. As much as possible if you can tolerate the
pain do not take it.

4. When skin rashes appear leave it there. It is just a response of the body against the effect of alcohol. First time
drinkers may have experienced mild to severe rashes and itchiness. These could be treated with antihistamines,
but commonly go away after the alcohol is excreted in the body. If allergic reaction is severe call emergency
hotline and bring the person to the hospital for emergency support treatment.

5. Eat food that rich in carbohydrates and sugar. This can replace loss energy that you use to burn alcohol in your
body. Although alcohol is also carbohydrate itself but the carbohydrate content of it is not enough to provide
energy to your body.

6. When vomiting occurs let him vomit. It is a normal reaction of the stomach because of imbalanced, headache,
and dizziness. However, vomiting can give relief after it has done.

7. Stay on bed and sleep the whole day until your hangover is gone. This is the best way to manage your hangover
with water therapy. Rest can give you more time to have your body recovered.

To prevent hangover to happen again be a responsible drinker. You must know your limit. It is not always the case that
you are the best if you drink a lot, but it is more likely to think first what consequences will happen if you overdone.
Drinking is not prohibited but should be done in moderation.

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