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896 Rapid Communication

Influence of Grid Control and Object Detection on

Radiation Exposure and Image Quality using Mobile
C-Arms – First Results
Der Einfluss von Gridregelung und Objekterkennung auf Strahlenexposition und
Bildqualität bei transportablen C-Bogengeräten – erste Ergebnisse

Autoren D. Gosch1, A. Ratzmer2, P. Berauer2, T. Kahn1

Institute Klinik und Poliklinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR
Ziehm Imaging GmbH, Nürnberg

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Key words Zusammenfassung Abstract

" C-arm
! !

" dose reduction
Ziel: Ziel der Studie war, zu untersuchen, inwie- Purpose: The objective of this study was to ex-

" pulsed fluoroscopy
weit eine neuartige Dosisleistungsregelung amine the extent to which the image quality on
(Gridregelung) die Bildqualität von mobilen C- mobile C-arms can be improved by an innovative
Bogen verbessern kann. Außerdem sollte die mö- exposure rate control system (grid control). In
gliche Dosisreduktion durch automatische Rege- addition, the possible dose reduction in the
lung der Pulsfrequenz bei gepulster Durchleuch- pulsed fluoroscopy mode using 25 pulses/sec
tung mit 25 Pulsen pro Sekunde durch produced by automatic adjustment of the pulse
Objekterkennung ermittelt werden. rate through motion detection was to be deter-
Material und Methoden: Bei der Gridregelung mined.
wird im Gegensatz zu den üblichen Dosisleis- Materials and Methods: As opposed to conven-
tungsregelungen, bei denen ein zentrales kreis- tional exposure rate control systems, which use
förmiges Messfeld verwendet wird, ein enges a measuring circle in the center of the field of
Gitter quadratischer Zellen über das gesamte view, grid control is based on a fine mesh of
Röntgenbild gelegt. Das Belichtungssystem nutzt square cells which are overlaid on the entire
nur die Zellen für die Belichtungssteuerung, die fluoroscopic image. The system uses only those
vom abzubildenden Objekt abgedeckt werden. cells for exposure control that are covered by
Damit soll unabhängig von Größe, Form und the object to be visualized. This is intended to
Lage des abzubildenden Objektes eine optimale ensure optimally exposed images, regardless of
Belichtung erreicht werden. Das System erkennt the size, shape and position of the object to be
auch automatisch Objektbewegungen. Wenn visualized. The system also automatically de-
eine Pulsfrequenz von 25 Pulsen pro Sekunde an- tects any motion of the object. If a pulse rate of
gewählt ist und keine Veränderungen im Bild re- 25 pulses/sec is selected and no changes in the
eingereicht 10.5.2007 gistriert werden, wird die Pulsfrequenz der ge- image are observed, the pulse rate used for
akzeptiert 1.7.2007 pulsten Durchleuchtung schrittweise reduziert. pulsed fluoroscopy is gradually reduced. This
Damit kann die Strahlenexposition verringert may decrease the radiation exposure. The influ-
werden. Der Einfluss der Gridregelung auf die ence of grid control on image quality was exam-
DOI 10.1055/s-2007-963389
Online-Publikation: 2007 Bildqualität wurde mithilfe eines anthropomor- ined using an anthropomorphic phantom. The
Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: phen Phantoms untersucht. Die Dosisreduktion dose reduction achieved with the help of object
896 – 900 © Georg Thieme durch Objekterkennung wurde durch Auswerten detection was determined by evaluating the ex-
Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York · von Untersuchungsdaten von 146 Patienten aus amination data of 146 patients from 5 different
ISSN 1438-9029 5 Ländern ermittelt. countries.
Korrespondenzadresse Ergebnisse: Die Bilder des statischen Phantoms Results: The image of the static phantom made
Dr. Dieter Gosch waren mit Gridregelung unabhängig von der Posi- with grid control was always optimally exposed,
Klinik und Poliklinik für Diag- tion des darzustellenden Objektes immer optimal regardless of the position of the object to be vi-
nostische und Interventionelle belichtet. Die durchschnittliche Dosisreduktion sualized. The average dose reduction when using
Radiologie, Universitäts- bei 25 Pulsen pro Sekunde durch Objekterkennung 25 pulses/sec resulting from object detection and
klinikum Leipzig AöR
und automatische Pulsregelung betrug 21 %, die automatic down-pulsing was 21 %, and the maxi-
Liebigstraße 20
04103 Leipzig
maximale Dosiseinsparung lag bei 60%. mum dose reduction was 60%.
Tel.: ++ 49/3 41/9 71 74 16 Schlussfolgerung: Durch die Gridregelung wird Conclusion: Grid control facilitates C-arm op-
Fax: ++ 49/3 41/9 71 74 09 die Bedienung der C-Bogengeräte vereinfacht, da eration, since optimum image exposure can be

Gosch D et al. Influence of Grid… Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: 896 – 900
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unabhängig von der Objektpositionierung eine optimale Belich- obtained independently of object positioning. Object detection
tung erreicht wird. Die Objekterkennung kann zu einer Reduk- may lead to a reduction in radiation exposure for the patient
tion der Strahlenexposition von Patient und Untersuchungsper- and operating staff.
sonal führen.

Introduction The Ziehm Vision system, manufactured by Ziehm Imaging in

! Nuremberg (Germany), is the first C-arm to use automatic ob-
The use of mobile C-arms in the operating room (OR) is con- ject detection for solving such exposure problems. In addition,
stantly increasing. The introduction of new surgical procedures, the fluoroscopic image is monitored for motion. If no changes
for instance, has led to greater use of fluoroscopy [1]. Mainly as occur in the image and a pulse rate of 25 pulses/sec is selec-
a result of computer-assisted procedures, their acceptance and ted, the pulse rate used for pulsed fluoroscopy is reduced step
relevance are expected to increase further, since these proce- by step. The present study will explore the extent to which im-
dures provide increased accuracy at low radiation exposure le- age quality can be improved and radiation exposure can be de-
vels compared to conventional surgical procedures [2]. A nega- creased by means of this technology.
tive side effect of the increased use of mobile C-arms is radiation
exposure of patients and OR staff. A number of studies investi-
gate the level of radiation exposure of operating staff during dif- Materials and Methods
ferent surgical procedures [3 – 5]. !

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There is no threshold value for the occurrence of radiation-in- Conventional exposure rate control systems on mobile C-arms
duced cancer and hereditary diseases. The probability of oc- use a central measuring circle in the fluoroscopic image, where
currence depends on the dose applied. Since even the lowest the average or peak value of the TV signal is measured. The tube
radiation doses may cause somatic and genetic radiation ef- voltage and current required for penetrating the object are then
fects, radiation exposure minimization is imperative. Radiation adjusted using a characteristic curve. For the grid control imple-
protection is particularly important for OR staff members, who mented on Ziehm Imaging's Vision system, a grid of 256 × 256
do not have any direct benefit from the application of radia- measuring square cells is overlaid on the entire fluoroscopic im-
tion and are exposed to ionizing radiation during their entire age instead of the measuring circle. The system uses only those
professional life. Since the wearing of X-ray protective cloth- cells for exposure control that are covered by the object to be
ing is highly inconvenient and cumbersome under OR condi- imaged. According to engineering data of the manufacturing
tions, technical solutions for reducing the X-ray dose are of firm, this approach ensures that no unattenuated useful radia-
special importance. Enhancements of the image intensifier/TV tion adversely affects the exposure rate control regardless of
system by using more sensitive CCD chips, image intensifiers the size, shape and position of the object to be visualized.
with a higher conversion factor and more efficient coupling The system also automatically detects any motion of the object
of the TV camera to the image intensifier output have allowed since the values measured in the individual cells change in this
lower image intensifier input dose rates and consequently also case. If the system does not detect any object motion, the pulse
a reduction of the radiation exposure of patients and operat- rate used in the pulsed fluoroscopy mode, which is normally set
ing staff. to 25 pulses/sec, is gradually reduced to a minimum of 2 pulses/
One of the most important technical means of reducing radia- sec. This takes less than 1 second (840 msec). Simultaneously,
tion exposure is pulsed fluoroscopy, which may result in an X- the filter levels used for recursive filtering are increased to their
ray dose reduction of up to 70% [6]. The selection of a certain maximum in order to suppress noise in the image. As soon as the
pulse rate determines the temporal resolution. Low pulse rates system detects any motion, it increases the pulse rate to 25 pul-
reduce radiation exposure, but also temporal resolution, a fact ses/sec again, while at the same time lowering the recursive fil-
which may lead to information loss especially when watching ter levels. This increases image noise but ensures that the spatial
fast-moving objects. Choosing the optimum pulse rate there- resolution remains the same. The initial pulse rate of 25 pulses/
fore requires a certain level of qualification of the operating sec is reached after 500 msec.
staff, which is not always met. Consequently, the maximum The effects of grid control on image quality (correct exposure)
pulse rate is often used instead of lower pulse rates, thus re- were examined with the help of an anthropomorphic phan-
sulting in high radiation exposure. tom. A skull phantom by Radiology Support Devices, Inc.
One of the main problems when using mobile C-arms in the OR (Long Beach, CA, USA), consisting of human bones embedded
is the correct positioning of the object to be visualized. Sub-op- in tissue-equivalent materials, was used for this purpose. The
timal positioning may cause problems with the automatic expo- phantom was placed on the periphery and in the center of the
sure rate control system. On most C-arms, the image signal is image intensifier's FOV and then visualized using both con-
measured in a circular area in the center of the image intensifier. ventional exposure rate control with a central measuring cir-
The tube voltage and tube current necessary for penetrating the cle and grid control. The test was carried out with the same
object are then set automatically on the basis of this information C-arm.
using a characteristic curve (automatic exposure rate control, To enable quantification of the dose reduction obtained via pulse
AERC). If the object is positioned, e. g., in such a way that it is lo- rate reduction in the case of non-moving objects, the C-arm logs
cated on the periphery of the field of view (FOV) and the control not only the fluoroscopy time and dose area product but also the
area of the image intensifier receives unattenuated useful radia- number of pulses actually used. Thus, the dose reduction can be
tion, the AERC will set tube voltage and current values that are calculated using the ratio between the number of pulses that is
too low, resulting in the object not being visualized adequately. theoretically possible and the one that was actually used. The

Gosch D et al. Influence of Grid… Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: 896 – 900
898 Rapid Communication

Fig. 1 a Image of a skull phantom. The object

covers the measuring circle used for automatic ex-
posure rate control only partially (poor image
quality). b Image of a skull phantom in off-center
position, captured with grid control (good image

Table 1 Geographical distribution of patients and dose area product

country number of examinations Dose Area Product (in cGy × cm2)

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average value minimum value maximum value standard deviation
China 6 208 17 826 313
Denmark 8 1449 195 3338 1102
England 17 195 20 387 122
Germany 100 911 2 8455 1741
Scotland 15 396 5 1471 435
all 146 775 2 8455 1502

linear relationship between the number of pulses and dose area Table 2 Dose reduction
product was checked experimentally.
country dose reduction (in %)
To quantitatively assess the dose reduction that can be achieved
with object detection, examination data from various C-arms average minimum maximum standard
used in 5 different countries were collected. The units were value value value deviation
used in a wide variety of OR applications, including orthopedic, China 22 17 25 3
traumatology, and vascular and neurosurgical procedures. The Denmark 30 17 35 6
selection of C-arms and procedures occurred accidentally. Only England 26 14 57 11
data from examinations with a pulse frequency of 25 pulses/sec Germany 19 1 60 13
and object detection were evaluated. Scotland 29 12 41 10
all 21 1 60 13

! distribution of patients and shows the average, minimum, and
●" Fig. 1a shows an image of a skull phantom. The measuring maximum values as well as the standard deviation of the cor-
circle is only partially covered by the object, whereas the re- responding dose area product values. ● " Table 2 summarizes

maining area receives unattenuated useful radiation. Conse- the dose reduction that was achieved. ● " Fig. 3 is a graphical

quently, the exposure rate control system sets insufficient representation of the frequency distribution of the dose reduc-
fluoroscopy values, and the object is clearly underexposed. tion.
The effect of grid control on image quality is visible in
●" Fig. 1b, which shows the same object, however with grid

control. In this case the skull is correctly exposed, although po- Discussion
sitioned off-center. Exposure control was based solely on the !
measuring cells represented in the image. The measuring circle The use of mobile C-arms for intraoperative imaging has in-
and measuring cells are normally not displayed. They are creased over the last few years as a result of minimally invasive
drawn in the figures as an addition. An example from clinical procedures [7]. To achieve optimum image quality regardless
practice is illustrated in ●
" Fig. 2, which shows a foot in off-cen- of the object to be screened, the C-arm must provide automatic
ter position captured with grid control. The image quality is exposure rate control. In Germany, automatic exposure rate
good, although the object is positioned on the periphery of the control is required by law for fluoroscopic X-ray examination
FOV. of humans (Art. 26 of the German X-Ray Ordinance) [8]. In the
The possible reduction of radiation exposure resulting from event of inadequate positioning, especially of small objects that
object detection and gradual pulse rate reduction in static ima- only partially cover the image intensifier's FOV, the use of con-
ges was examined on the basis of a total of 146 patients from 5 ventional exposure rate control systems with a central measur-
different countries. ● " Table 1 breaks down the geographical ing circle may result in bad image quality due to an insufficient

Gosch D et al. Influence of Grid… Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: 896 – 900
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The level of radiation exposure of patient and operating staff

caused by mobile C-arms depends on the fluoroscopy unit, the
operating staff and finally also the patient. A notable technical
solution for reducing radiation exposure is pulsed fluoroscopy.
A significant dose reduction can be achieved using lower pulse
rates [9]. Since the pulse rate also affects the temporal resolu-
tion of object motion during fluoroscopy, the optimum pulse
rate must be chosen by the examining physician for each indi-
vidual case according to the medical indication. This problem is
often avoided by choosing the maximum pulse rate at the ex-
pense of increased radiation exposure. Object detection gradu-
ally reduces the pulse rate down to 2 pulses/sec in those cases
where the maximum pulse rate is not necessary due to the lack
of motion in the fluoroscopic image. During examinations of
the heart or moving parts of the chest for instance, object de-
tection would not change the pulse rate of 25 pulses/sec.
The results presented in ● " Table 2 indicate an average dose re-

duction of 21 % and a maximum dose reduction of 60%. ● " Fig. 3,

which shows the frequency distribution of dose reduction, de-

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monstrates that a dose reduction of more than 20% was achieved
in approx. 56 % of all examinations. The average dose reduction
Fig. 2 Foot of a patient in off-center position, captured with grid control of 21 % was achieved using 25 pulses/sec with object detection
(good image quality). compared to 25 pulses/sec without object detection.
As listed in ●" Table 1, the examination data were collected in

5 different countries in the course of 146 fluoroscopic exami-

nations of different body regions performed by various opera-
tors. A dose reduction by means of object detection depends
on the mode of operation and the qualification of the operat-
ing staff and will be important if the fluoroscopy time is long
and no variation occurs in the image.
The medical team may further reduce the patient's radiation
exposure by using optimum collimation settings, correct po-
sitioning geometry (maximum focus/patient distance and
minimum patient/image receptor distance) and short fluoro-
scopy times which can be achieved with the electronic image
memory (LIH) and pulsed fluoroscopy with a low pulse rate.
A reduction in radiation exposure can be achieved by im-
proving medical staff training [6]. The higher the amount of
radiation delivered to the patient, the higher the level of ex-
Fig. 3 Frequency distribution of dose savings. posure received by the operating staff as a result of the scat-
tered radiation emerging from the patient. Therefore, any de-
crease in patient exposure also leads to a reduction in the
dose rate since the exposure control system is misled by unat- radiation exposure of the operating staff.
tenuated useful radiation hitting its measuring area (● " Fig. 1a). Other factors that are decisive for the level of radiation expo-
Grid control may solve this problem. As shown in ● " Fig. 1b sure of the medical team are distance from the patient, ade-
(skull phantom) and in ● " Fig. 2 (foot of a real patient), grid quate shielding against scattered radiation in the form of sui-
control ensures that good image quality is achieved indepen- table X-ray protective clothing, and beam direction. Increasing
dently of patient positioning and even with less qualified oper- the distance to the patient can significantly reduce the radia-
" Fig. 2). In addition, it can shorten the fluoroscopy
ating staff (● tion exposure of medical staff, as the inverse square law is
time that is required for correct patient-specific imaging. Smal- basically applicable [10]. Regarding X-ray protective clothing,
ler metal objects such as screws or wires do not noticeably in- special care should be taken to always wear thyroid and ster-
fluence exposure control (● " Fig. 2). However, larger metal ob- num protection, since they will help to reduce the effective
jects in the measuring field can decrease image quality. Object dose [11]. Lead-free protective clothing often has a weaker
detection is not able to detect metal objects and eliminate the protective effect, and should therefore be used only after cri-
negative influence on exposure control. tical evaluation [12].
Mobile C-arms using movable measuring fields (auto track Stationary X-ray equipment often provides additional radiation
from GE) are on the market. The difference between object de- protection devices for medical staff (e. g. lead rubber protective
tection (Ziehm) and auto track (GE) is that object detection curtains, lead glass windows, etc.) which are not available on
uses 256 × 256 measuring cells which can be adapted to the mobile C-arms. As a result, medical staff members might be ex-
shape and position of the object to be displayed whereas auto posed to higher radiation levels when working with mobile C-
track uses only one movable measuring circle. Therefore, part arms than when working with stationary X-ray equipment [13,
of the measuring circle may be not covered by the object. 14].

Gosch D et al. Influence of Grid… Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: 896 – 900
900 Rapid Communication

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