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Toward a More Realistic

An AES Paper
October 26, 1450

A complete, frank discussion of the trend in equipment development which

is necessary to provide the discriminating listener with optimum repro-
duction in the home, if the consumers' demand is to guide the engineers.

to inform: we owe them a profound making the necessary interconnections

T HIS IS, FIRST, a report on the atti-
tudes Consumers' Research has found
commonest among those interested
in high-fidelity in the home. CR receives
debt of gratitude.
N a t u r e of Unfilled Demand for
in their assemblies. Much hum, and most
reports of unreliable performance are
traceable to this difficulty. Often when
Audio Systems
more inquiries on this subject than on the supplier has not volunteered full in-
any other except automobiles, so we Non-professional high-fidelity enthusi- formation on the necessary wiring, the
believe we are dealing by no means with asts, we find, are more interested in good non-technician is at a complete loss.
an insignificant minority. Common fac- record-playing equipment than in any- A fourth too-common complaint is
tors in these inquiries have importance thing else. Radio is most often regarded made over the difficulty of laying out
to those in the profession. as an accessory, to be used for inci- an assembly so that the controls come
Assemblies of high-fidelity compo- dental listening, but not as a primary out symmetrically and at one central
nents have been well received by con- source of serious musical entertainment. point, so that duplication among them is
sumers. W e are much impressed with There is an important minority of non- avoided, and so that convenience of
the willingness they show to make sub- technician consumers which is interested operation is optimum. The physical con-
stantial investment in their equipment. in home recording. These are almost ex- figuration of the equipment is blamed.
It is surprising that so many are ask- clusively concerned today with magnetic Related to this objection is the series
ing, not for the "best low-cost equip- apparatus, with tape commanding most of inquiries on how to arrange the
ment,': but for the "best available." En- inquiries. equipment in either built-in or cabinet
couraging as this may be, there are Another matter of wide concern is set-up so that the final assembly looks
widespread danger signals of conse- the consumers' inability to hear and see neat and professional. It is said that ex-
quence to everyone in audio. the equipment before purchase. Many pensive arrays of fine equipment should
The amount of misinformation re- still are unaware that well-equipped look well enough to justify their cost.
flected in our inquiries is appalling. sound salons are maintained by dealers Nobody, it is suggested, short of a combi-
Some of what passes for quantitative in the larger metropolitan areas. nation architect and electronic engineer
data in advertising is, we believe, down- Many purchasers of assemblies inform could assemble, re-arrange, and alter
right misleading. Some of it may be us that they experience difficulty in some of the components on the market,
written by people who are, themselves,
misled, but much of it appears to bg de-
liberately misinforming, cmposed with
full understanding that however am-
biguous the impressive figures may be,
even professionals are enormously in-
fluenced by graphs and charts that ap- +I5
pear to be derived from measurements
on equipment too complex and expensive +I0
to be familiar. m
Aside from the advertisements, the +5 1
dealer himself too often sponsors con- W
fusion in the buyer. There seem to be 0 3
two common types: the one who first m
feels out the customers' prejudices, and a
-5 a
then feeds on them; and the type which 0
assumes an Olympian attitude toward z
all mere customers-an attitude whose -I0 2
loftiness is the best measure of its ig-
norance. There are, of course, the -15
honored few who offer respect and seek
*Audio Engineer, KJBS, Sun Francisco,
Calif., and Audio Consultant, Consumers'
Research, Inc., Washington, N. J. e 3 4 s e r e 9 1
(Consumers' Research is a non-profit organiza- 100 1000 !0000
tion which examines a large variety of consumer FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND
goods and makes reports evaluakng them, in a
published Bulletin.)
Fig. 1. By no means a "horrible example," this is one of the most highly-regarded of contemporary
loudspeaker systems. The measurement was made outdoors from the top of a high building in a
paper rests upon the author, and state- silent location. I t should be noted that the amplifier source impedance was artificially reduced to
ments contained herein are not binding absolute zero (constant-voltage) conditions. The bass characteristic assumes somewhat more
upon the Audio Engineering Society. normal proportions when the source has some, i f little, effective internal impedance. The 1000-cps
dip may be due to rim resonance or to a cancellation arising out of cabinet conditions.


so as to avoid ugly cabinet proportions,
eccentric lumpy shapes, and trailing
,To most of us here the most important
objection raised by non-technical people
is this : many expensive assemblies
don't sound good enough. The specific
complaints most often received are with
respect to noise, shrillness, and weak
or dirty bass response. This is not with
reference to users of faulty equipment,
Now, presumably, the reason we
make measurements in designing and
building equipment is in order to pre- Fig. 2. A high-quality
dict, in the scientfic sense, the end re- home system in which '
control complexity
sult to be obtained, namely listener sat-
isfaction. If we refuse to recognize a
listener's objections on the ground that
he is incompetent, we are ignoring a
serious discrepancy in the accuracy of
our predictions. A refusal to admit that
the experimental results disagree with
the predictions is an inexcusable viola-
tion of scientific method, and can't be
tolerated. Before we conclude that the
listeners are mainly tin-ears, and retire
to the laboratories to please no one but
ourselves, we had better re-examine our
measuring rnqthods and their interpreta-
tions. I t is suggested that the trouble
lies with s i q k and attractive, but un-
realistic, interpretations pf ouy evidence.
We're not relatirg the physics and the e will improve the lis- of the speaker system. This amounts to
psychology of the problems before us in teners'-'reactions. .Still .bet&: Iistener- ljetween -23 and -40 dbm, representing
an adequate way. Our engineering. it is reaction is observed if, instead, further performance which, with a nominal 10-
suspected, is excellent, but our psy- reductions are made in noise, distortion, watt amplifier, would be described as
chology needs an overhaul. We are pre- and raggedness. W e think that in this "Noise 63 to 80 db below full output."
occupied with the glamorous means we direction, laboratory predictions and The first figure is not hard to attain, but
are using to the point that we're for- listener reactions may be brought to co- the latter, when high-gain magnetic
getting the ends toward which we should incide. pickup preamps are in the circuit, is
be working. rarely achieved, representing noise cor-
Suggestions for improvements of responding to a noise-input level of -118
Acoustic Quality dbm. The listener who wants quietness
Listener Preference These, then, are our impressions of enough to Pay two Or three hundred
the most significant needs of the home dollars for his amplifier expects to have
Our findings indicate that listener sat- this demand met. Lower-cost installa-
isfaction increases with increasing fre- user, and a theory from which we think
better satisfaction of those needs can tions will, presumably, involve speakers
quency-range only when noise, distor- of lower efficiency1 especially at the
tion, and raggedness of frequency re- grow. On the basis of these needs we
expanded criteria for judging hum frequencies, and will meet the re-
sponse are all greatly reduced simultan- quirement with the higher noise figure.
eously. T o be sure, there is nothing new ComDonents and assemblies, to include
about such a theory. Many investigators not bnly (1) highest possible acoustic Record Scratch Limits
feel these are the culprits in the public's quality, defined in terms of listener sat-
isfaction, but also (2) convenience of Take another example: how much
notorious distaste for wide-range sys- record-scratch is tolerable? When we
tems. Yet, many of us continue to display installation, maintenance and operation,
(3) appearance matching or excelling integrate several factors together at
attitudes-and equipment-which over- once, we find that the character of the
emphasize wide range to such a degree that of comparable-cost production con-
soles, and (4) reliability and safety scratch is at least as important as its
that, by comparison, noise, distortion, relative level. If the sound-pressure re-
and raggedness are ignored. Equipment above any reproach.
sponse of a whole system is full of dips
is commonly designed to pass 30 to 15,- ,md peaks, scratch causes objections out
000, or even 20 to 20,000 cps-the very Noise Level Limits of all proportion to its level. But if the
limits of human hearing-yet how miser- T o evaluate audio quality realistically system is smooth throughout its range,
ably short are we still of getting noise by means of physical measurements, we and that range does not include much
down to the threshold of hearing, of re- have to integrate them together at every more than the cleanly-recorded fre-
ducing distortion to the point where it's point. Quantitative standards are neces- quencies, the silky character of the
undetectable, or of reducing acoustic out- sarily arbitrary, so it is best to make hiss is tolerable when its measured
put that is free of dips and peaks. Ex- them marginally more exacting than the level is as little as 25 db below peak
tending ralzge is easy, and therefore majority of cases requires. T o illustrate recorded signal; with modern record-
tempting. But extending range without how much electrical noise is tolerable, ing means it can be reduced much
correspondingly improving noise, dis- we find that listeners are displeased if more than this-and it should be.
tortion, and smoothness characteristics, such noise, in the absence of -signal, is
is costing us listeners. W e think it can- audible a few feet from the speaker. The Pickup
not be overemphasized that in a system In our tests the electrical output, in tube- A common source of gross distortion
of any range-wide or narrow-noise, noise and hum, that was just audible and intolerable raggedness is the align-
distortion, and raggedness are not suf- varied between 0.1 and 5.0 microwatts, ment o j the cartridge relative to the
ficiently reduced if the listeners don't dependit@ upon the level and character record, especially in changers as they
like the sound. Sometimes a reduction of ambient noise and upon the efficiency are installed by dealers, some of whom


or an amplifier at the' point where re-
sponse is just measurable, on the tail-
end of an 18-db-per-octave declination,
but the practice is apparently common in
rating loudspeakers. W e think the in-
dustry is sufficiently grown-up today
Fig. 3. A high-quality that it can afford to apply the same rig-
home system in which orous standards to speakers that it does
the necessities of to other components.
component construc- If the speakers merely cut off the top
tion have led to dup- and bottom, it wouldn't be so bad. But
lication and complex- the distortion that results in the middle-
ity in control func- range when a cone is driven out of the
linear portion of its magnetic gap by
boosted 40-cps fundamentals makes a
strong argument for electrically restrict-
ing the bass range. The same holds for
the top, when the ragged residue of re-
sponse goes to work on the harmonic
structure. Horns help a great deal in the
top range, of course, but if they are to
seem ,to have.,the impression that the think, inadequately measured a t the low begin handling power at 800 or 1200 cps
cartqidge is properly installed if its percentage-modulation used in standard their diaphragm-mass forces a fast roll-
styltk nxbqges to contact the record test procedures. With the high modula- off from 6000 or 7000 cps. The value of
surface ,once each revolutian. If gross tions routinely maintained nowadays, adding a miniature third unit for the
disorders of &is kind are relieved, the there is need for dra3lic improvement in extreme top is questionable, since in our
loudspeaker becomes the limiting factor. detectors. FM distortion may be ex- experience its function is largely to
As response-smoothness improves, the pected to be below 1 per cent with 9 5 make a fine display of the hash to be
upper tolerable range, we find, can be kc swing and 50-microvolt signal, at found there from almost akl program
extended. which 40 db of quieting should be ob- sources. Provision for cutting off the
served. Such a standard is attainable top electrically should be provided in
Distortion Limits and is, we find, required in many loca- Every quality installation. If our listeners
tions to satisfy critical listeners. set the cutoff lower than we do, we
w h e n we consider distortion limits might inquire what distortion products
we have to integrate them with power We 'Ome last the question fie-
and jagged responses up there drove
requirements. At the risk of extended qUency-range because we are
argument, we report that oscilloscopic convinced that this is the last place them away. Control of the high fre-
where should be sought. quencies presents more complexities
observations at the final grids of a num- than the usual controls allow for. If
ber of amplifiers in actual home service, It appear sheer heresy Weak horn speakers, or others of good distri-
using musical transmissions with low- a high-fidelit~system range is
efficiency speakers, showed no peaks good from perhaps 70 6000, Or bution and smoothness, are used, sharp
60 8000 'ps- BuT IF WE MEASURE IN cutoff points are needed to minimize
driving the amplifiers beyond 5 watts, program-source irritations. If ragged
even when uncomfortably high sound- TERMS OF OUTPUT,
levels were developed. With high-ef- ING THE SAME STANDARDSWE APPLY speakers are dictated by economics,
ficiency speakers the signals were con- AND OTHER ELECTRICAL ELE- gentle roll-off of the whole upper range
siderably lower. Furthermore, when M E N T S ~THE IMPOSES SUCH
is demanded, we find, by listeners. Very
peaks of this power, transient or other- LIMITATIONS. That this is due to no form sharp cut-offs, or, worse, peaks followed
wise, drive virtually all our tested or lack of research by by sharp declination, produce the same
speakers into violent distortioq we feel loudspeaker makers does not obviate the sort of listener-irritation as does exces-
that a amplifier which is un- necessity that we recognize the problem sive raggedness.
critical of its load at any usable fre- is eno'mousl~ complex and difficult. Where bass response is concerned,
quency, is generous, and that expense For this reason we feel required to con- we find once more a widespread en-
incurred for power is extrava- sider the limitations of the best speaker gineering reluctance to take the listener
gance. we find such an amplifier which the economics of any given instal- seriously. If he prefers a loud one-note-
contributes no audible unpleasantness if will permit when we select every thump to electrically-measured flatness,
the following conditions are met: dis- other com@nent- W e believe the Pro- there is entirely too much tendency to
tortion must decline with power, and at fession Owes the speaker-makers the charge off the trouble to the listener's
the 10-watt level must not exceed 2 per compliment of recognizing the magni- tin ear. Reconsideration indicates that
cent r.m.s. at any frequency from 40 to tude their problem, and that we many electrically flat systems are acous-
7000 cps. IM distortion of 8 per cent is to discredit the misconception that such tically decidedly weak a t the bass end.
alternately acceptable if the frequencies " range as 30 15~000,Or 20 to 20,000 W e customarily drive speakers from ex-
tremely low source-impedance ampli-
are 40 and 7000 cps separated by 12 db.1 CPS "OW expectable with anything re-
Pre-amplifier and tone-control stages sembling the smoothness and low distor- fiers, so that the power expressed into
must be included, and must not, except in tion We realize routinely from the dec- the speakers at their high-impedance
treble-boost or bass-cut positions, in- trical Components. W e can find NO evi- bass frequencies, is low. Furthermore,
crease these figures. dence that any speaker or system ac; loudspeakers work into living-rooms
Distortion in AM receivers is, we complishes such a standard. See Fig. 1. whose dimensi~~ns do not encourage ex-
Only the costliest systems we have ex- citation a t long wavelengths. Because
It has been shown elsewhere, by C. J. amined produce a recognizable 40- or 50- higher source impedances involve us in
LeBel and others, that the relation be- cps tone, much less one of low distortion. serious damping problems, some pro-
tween total r.m.s. and IM distortion is by The hash which most speakers make of vision is needed to lift the voltage output
no means a simple or a constant proportion. the range above 4000 or. 5000 cps may approximately with speaker impedance.
To the conditions defined here needs to be best be judged by the jaggedness of their Further boosting will be needed to over-
added only the condition that distortion- response-curves in that region. Eventhe come the living-room's unfriendliness
content shall decline regularly with its har- to low frequencies. The boost should
monic number in order to make the mean- vital mid-range is full of points of via-
ing of the 2 per cent r.m.s. figure coincide lent disturbance. Where frequency-re- not be extended too far down, of course,
with that of the 8 per cent I M distortion sponse range is concerned, no engineer or the amplitudes involved will drive the
figure. would rate the "upper cutoff" of a filter [Continued on page 521


are only some of the means available to
meet listeners' needs. The important
thing is that these needs exist, and for
REALISTIC AUDIO the sake of survival of the profession
deserve attention.
[from page 261 I t seems to us that some of the prob-
lems of high-fidelity are in an admirable
voice-coils out of their magnetic gaps, state of solution, and that time can be
with attendant uproar. spared from them to pursue the acous-
We're getting better speakers all the tical rodents that still plague us. Among
time, but until the problem is much bet- the best-solved problems in all elec-
ter solved we'll make more friends by tronics is that of the amplifier output
allowing realistically for necessary stage. What we emphatically do not
speaker shortcomings. Our present need is more good engineering talent
speaker systems, if kept within their devoted to yet another variation of the
power 'and' frequency capabilities, and push-pull feedback power amplifier. At
properly baffled, will produce great their best, tape and disc recording means
satisfaction-even 'though it's within have reached a degree of excellence that
a range of 60 to 8000 cps. far outstrips our ability to display it
acoustically. The finest of existing pick-
Suggestions for hnprovemenh in up cartridges, arms, and turntables leave
System Design little to be desired except cost-reduction.
So much for the audible character- May we not hope for concentration,
istics of systems. The weight and spatial then, on those elements that are still
giving trouble? The biggest problem,
requirements of some of the best quality of course, is the loudspeaker system.
components impose difficulties. The But there are others : record-changers,
problem of interconnections among com- for all the low esteem in which they are
ponents is vexing, and indicates that it held by the professional, are seriously
is surely time for an industry conference wanted by most consumers, and their
on standard plugs, a t least for inputs and wishes deserve more than our disap-
outputs. Fortunately many audio houses proval. The techniques that have made
are willing to make up the necessary separate turntable-and-arm combinations
intercables, and to code them clearly. so satisfactory, are applicable to
That doesn't help much when the healthy changers. Tone-control systems designed
curiosity of the owner leads to-his chang- to meet real needs, instead of to fill
ing amplifiers or tuners or what not. graph-paper prettily, are not beyond
The difficulty of arrangi'ng controls reach, technically or economically. AM
into a compact and attractive center are radio receivers are not hopeless: we
formidable. Figure 2 illustrates an elect- have recently seen demonstrated an AM
rically and,acoustically fine instrument, detector circuit whose distortion did not
exceed of 1 per cent at 99 per cent
marred by duplication and excessive modulation. A tuner with performance
complexity of controls. Consumers want approaching this should be available.
the knobs to come out symmetrically, Realism toward high-fidelity in the
with none duplicated or useless as they home requires our taking the non-pro-
are in Fig. 3. I t seems to them a reason- fessional listener seriously. I t may be
able request. This may involve alter- that he cannot define exactly what he
ations in wiring and chassis arrange- wants, in our terms, but his approval
ment which non-technicians cannot be ultimately determines the success of our
expected to make. Some of the best efforts. W e hold that it is the audio
amplifiers cannot, for this reason, be professionals' deepest responsibility, not
used attractively. Long steps in the only to understand and to meet, but to
direction of solving this problem are anticipate the needs of those whose in-
being made in the various remote-con- terest lies in the program, not in the
trol amplifiers. Such a technique as the equipment. More realistic and respectful
attitudes toward the listener, we are
use of removable lock-in shafts could sure, will result, in the end, in more
be applied both to tuners and to ampli- realistic sound reproduction.
fiers, so that duplicated controls could
simply be pre-set, and removed when
their function can be served by an ad-
jacent knob on another chassis. Some
tuners are so designed that removal of
one, two, or more shafts, whose function
may be duplicated at the amplifier, leaves
a symmetrical panel. This is admirable,
and could and should be adopted with E V E R Y B O D Y
amplifier-control panels. Most of these But everybody is planning to
will be mounted in cabinets, and that visit the Annual Convention of
fact should be considered in their design. The Audio Engineering Society,
Great flexibility in provisions for the
connection of antennas to tuners can and The Audio Fair. Why not
and should be provided. Tuners which you?
are designed to serve also as control- November 1, 2, 3
centers need flexible arrangements for Hotel New Yorker
the connection of external inputs, like New York City
tape-recorders and T V sound. These


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