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History of Internet

The seeds of internet were planted in 1969, when U.S. Defence Department
Sponsored a project named ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency
In 1986 a another Federal Agency named NSF (National Science
Foundation) created a new highly capacity advance Network which more
capable from ARPANET.
Later on two networks (ARPANET & NSF) and many other private networks
were combined together to form modern INTERNET

WWW (World Wide Web)

From 1969s to early 1990s, the Internet was a communication and research
tool used exclusively for academic and military purposes. This changed in
1989 (www) was first introduced but commercially for people. www was
proposed between 1989-1991 by Tim Berners Lee.

Definition of (www) - The www is the set of programs, standards and

protocols governing the way in which multimedia files (documents that
contain a combination of text, photographs, graphics, video and audio) are
created and displayed on the INTERNET

Before www Internet was not popular but after introduction of www the
internet popularity increased due to graphic nature.
Difference between “WWW” and “Internet”

Internet – is a collection of computers or networking devices connected


WWW – is a large part of Internet is the ‘World Wide Web’ (WWW). This is
made up of web sites that have one or more web pages.

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