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The term "internet," which stands for "interconnected networks," refers to the world's computer

networks and computers. The way people interact, obtain information, conduct business, and much
more have all been significantly affected by this, one of the most important technological developments
of the 20th century. Here are some essential internet-related elements and ideas:

History: The 1960s saw the development of the internet as the U.S. The Department of Defense
launched the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) research initiative. The original
internet, known as ARPANET, was created to make it easier for research institutes to communicate.

Global Network: The internet connects billions of devices, including computers, cellphones, tablets, and
other gadgets, on a global scale. A defined set of protocols is used by these devices to communicate with
one another, with the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) being the most popular.

World Wide Web (WWW): The World Wide Web is a network of multimedia and hypertext-based
documents. Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari are used to access this portion of the internet.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the WWW in 1989.

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