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Our neighbors will always influence in any aspect of our lives, even if we do not interact with

them in a daily basis. I am of the opinion that living in a neighborhood full of people that you
can count and rely on is really important nowadays. There are two reasons why I believe this:
in case of an emergency and it is good to count on someone for any circumstance.

To begin with, no one can know for sure when they are going to need help. Additionally,
neighbors are usually around you most of the time and therefore they can be really helpful in
times of need. My personal experience is a compelling example of this. Two years ago, my
family went to vacations and they asked to watch the house. I live in another city so I was
unable to go the same day they left, unfortunately, that very night some thieves tried to break
into the house. If it had not been for the neighbors, who caught the thieves red handed, no
one would have noticed the robbery until the next day I arrived. Thanks to them a calamity
was avoided, because they were kind enough to help without being asked.

Secondly, emergencies are not the only unexpected situations that can happen, in a daily basis
there are lots of common situations that requires an extra help. Requests from work, school or
even family can happen without prior notice. These eventualities can change our planes
drastically, but with the help and support of neighbors this can be avoided. For instance, my
brother once asked me to watch his seven-year old kid because he had to work and her wife
had a minor accident. I took my nephew to my apartment and all of sudden I got a call that I
had to go college to sign some papers. Obviously, I could not take the kid with me, so asked my
neighbor to watch him for a couple of hours. She agreed and I was able to fulfill both my

In brief, neighbors who are supportive are the best kind of neighbors someone can have. I
believe in this because they are really helpful not only for emergencies but also in common
eventualities that can occur anytime. People whom we can trust are really difficult to find and
if they live next to you, the better.

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