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From an early age I have gone through experiences that have allowed me to learn to

stand up for myself, have shaped me as a person and have encouraged me to get
involved in the world of electrical engineering. Through this, I developed skills that have
been useful not only for my personal care, but have also been essential for my academic
When I was a 14-year-old kid, I moved from my hometown to start a new school. For the
first 4 years, I lived with my older brother. However, he did not used to spend much time
at home and at the beginning I did not know anyone, so I developed a high degree of
independence that allowed me to face the great challenge of learning specialized
subjects, such as electricity and electronics, from which I had never heard and the rest
of the students already had previous knowledge. It was difficult, but not only did I
succeed, but I stood out for my ease in these subjects. In the end, all the courses and
laboratories at my school opened the doors to the wonderful world of electricity. I
understood that electrical engineering has endless technical applications which range
from power generation to when it reaches the different points of consumption and the
entire route that this entails.
With all this precedent, my college education could be nothing more than electrical
engineering. Unlike my start at high school, I had the advantage of having experience in
this field of study, at this point I had knowledge of programming, design of residential
electrical installations and even the fundamental rules of electricity allowed me to stand
out from the beginning. However, what I hadn't realized was that I was barely touching
the tip of the iceberg, the university's main teaching was that electrical engineering
involves much more than understanding how an electron flows from one point to another
generating electricity, an electrical engineer needs to cover a wide variety of knowledge
apart from his field of study, sciences such as statistics, programming, social reality,
project planning, environmental awareness, are what make the difference between a
person who is simply capable of repairing an engine and someone capable of tackling
the same problem from a different perspective, providing solutions that go beyond the
technical aspect. The control and operation of an electrical system is quite an art, this
being the main reason for opting for a master's program. Having the right tools to operate
in this field is vitally important, since not only do the energy needs of society increase
daily, but the development of the electrical system goes hand in hand.
In addition to academia, during my final year at university I actively participated in the
university community as a member of the student council. Together with the rest of the
student representatives of each faculty, through teamwork, we managed to improve the
student’s academic experience. Through social networks and different assemblies held,
the main achievements we have accomplished are the socialization of the main functions
of the student council, the acquisition of an office to serve and advise students was
managed, and their rights were continuously watched over, ensuring that their voice and
feedback were considered. From this unique experience I managed to increase my
teamwork skills, leadership, organization and sense of belonging to the student

The idea of obtaining a master's degree in the USA enthuses me for the personal and
academic growth that it entails, these programs are recognized worldwide for their high
quality in teaching, the instruction to students uses state-of-the-art technology, and its
academic staff is made up of leaders experts in this field. Currently, CENACE, the Energy
Control Center of Ecuador, bet on the development of the national electrical system
through synchrophasorial measurement technology. In this way, it seeks to achieve that
the electrical system becomes a self-healing smart grid capable of providing a
sustainable, safe and uninterrupted service to its consumers. Consequently, the program
in which I would like to take part should deepen my understanding on issues of stability
of electrical systems, their operation and control, analysis and data management. My
ambition and desire are to contribute to the development of the electrical system of my
country by means of the synergy between my knowledge and the different available
technologies. This, together with the skills that I have gained throughout my experiences,
make me ideal for successfully completing a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

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