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Duhok polytechnic University

Shingal Technical Institute

Department/Health Department
Evening study
Group A


Prepared by
1-Mohammed zidan
2-Hana Ali
3-Yasir Nawaf
4-Kawa kareem

Supervised by

a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust

between two people. In all cultures, friendships are
important relationships throughout a person’s life span.

friendship concept

The concept of friendship is considered one of the different

forms, whether psychological, social, or in different fields of
literature and arts. As it is one of the most important things
that help to advance in social relations and protect the
mental health of the individual. Friendship is considered
one of the distinguished relations in our society, because it
helps to crystallize the human personality for the better,
especially with the availability of good morals, as it is based
on mutual interest, and sincere love that appears through
concern for everything that is in the interest of the friend, in
addition to That this relationship is permanent, even if life
concerns abound
The importance of friendship The importance of friendship
is represented in the following points. Know them as
Improving the nature of life:
the presence of positive people in a person’s life makes
him feel happy, supported, and grateful, reduces his feeling
of loneliness, and makes him more able to give and help
Developing personal skills:
friendships are not limited to improving the nature of life
only, but also contribute to the development of individual
skills, and on the other hand, friendship contributes to
promoting mental and physical health.

Dealing with stress better: Friends help to deal with stress

better, and they give their friends better options that keep
them strong, and finally, it has been found that friendship
contributes to a person's recovery from illness faster.
How to Build New Friendships

Children often make friends seamlessly; the settings in

which they spend time, such as school, camp, and sports
teams, naturally spur fast friendships. It can be harder to
make new friends without those built-in mechanisms as an
adult, but there are still plenty of ways to create new,
enduring relationships.
How can I overcome shyness?

Push yourself out of your comfort zone in small ways, such

as by asking one question during a meeting or starting one
conversation at a party. Reflecting on the discrepancy
between how bad you thought past gatherings would be
and how bad they actually were can help, too. These ideas
and others can soothe the stress of being shy.

How to Nurture Lifelong Friendships

Maintaining lifelong friendships provides deep fulfillment

and meaning. A few key practices can ensure that those
bonds don’t fade over time. Friendships require that both
people invest time into the relationship, cultivate trust and
honesty, and work through disagreements when they arise.
How can I overcome conflict in a friendship?

Disagreements are bound to happen over the course of a

long relationship. When expressing your concern, show
that you want to find a solution rather than alienate the
other person. Explain how their actions made you feel,
invite them to do the same, and ask for the change you’d
like to see. When handled correctly, conflict can strengthen

The Benefits of Friendship

Strong friendships are a critical aspect of most people's

emotional well-being. Research indicates that close
friendships are associated with greater happiness, self-
esteem, and sense of purpose. These bonds are even
associated with physical outcomes, such as lower blood
pressure and a longer lifespan.




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