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Mineral County Schools

Keyser Primary School

2022-2023 School Strategic Plan

Updated: August 2, 2022

This Is What We Believe:

MCS  Children are our most valuable resource. They thrive in an environment where they are nurtured, treated with respect and provided with
Core affective support.
Beliefs  Parents and the community must be valued and respected partners in finding success for all students.
 Schools and school systems are responsible for creating the conditions necessary for student success.
 Strong instructional leadership and highly qualified personnel are necessary to achieve success for all students.
 The primary measures of school and system success are: 1) the increase of students who achieve proficiency. 2) The decrease of
students in the achievement gap among student subgroups.
 All students can learn, and 90% of Mineral County students can achieve
 Transforming a school system to produce “Success for All” requires a systemic, continuous improvement process
KPS KPS is comprised of
Mission Responsible individuals who are committed to giving
One hundred percent to achieve a body of
Active learners while building
Respectful relationships in a 
Safe learning environment.
Goal 1: Student Achievement- ELA Evidence Goal 1:
During the 2022-2023 school year 100% students’ academic performance will increase County Wide Assessment (i-Ready)
by 3% in ELA based on General Summative Assessment Data and/or 10 % in I- Ready. ELRS
Wonders Assessments
Goal 2: Student Achievement- Math Evidence Goal 2:
During the 2022-2023 school year 100% students’ academic performance will increase County Wide Assessment (i-ready)
by 3% in math based on General Summative Assessment Data and/or 10 points in i- ELRS
Ready. My Math Assessments
Goal 3: Attendance Evidence Goal 3:
Keyser Primary School will decrease the number of students chronically absent by 5%. Monitor attendance using WVEIS
Goal 4: Safety Evidence Goal 4:
Overall Health, Wellness, and Safety of Students and Staff Attendance Reports
School Climate Survey

Goal 1--Student Achievement: During the 2022-2023 school year 100% students’ academic performance will increase by 3% in ELA based on General Summative
Assessment Data and/or 10 % in I- Ready.
Action Step Description Person(s) Responsible Estimated Begin Estimated
Date Completion
1.1 Differentiate Instruction: Teachers will provide differentiated instruction in order to meet Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
the needs of all learners. Students receive extra help as needed through Title 1 and Special
Education teachers.
1.2 Textbook training sessions hosted by the publisher: Teachers will attend a variety of Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
session to introduce textbook features and how to use them in the classroom and virtually.
1.3 Groupings: Students will be grouped by grade and skill needs based on each iReady Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
benchmark. Administrators, SIS's, and classroom teachers will meet to determine these

Goal 2—Student Achievement: During the 2022-2023 school year 100% students academic performance will increase by 3% in math based on General Summative
Assessment Data and/or 10 points in i- Ready.
Action Step Description Person(s) Responsible Estimated Begin Estimated
Date Completion Date
2.1 Differentiate Instruction: Teachers will provide differentiated instruction in order to meet Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
the needs of all learners. Students receive extra help as needed through Title I and Special
Education teachers.
2.2 Math 4 Life: A WVDE initiative, Math 4 Life, will be used to improve math scores for all Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
students by providing teacher training.
2.3 Reflex Math/i-Ready: Reflex Math utilized to reinforce math fluency Lisa Goldstrom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
i-Ready for benchmarking and a personalized plan
2.4 Grouping: Students will be grouped based on grade and skill needs. Administrators, SIS's, 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
and classroom teachers will work together to determine these groupings. Within the groups, Lisa Goldstrom
the students will work with the SIS to close skill gaps
Goal 3--Attendance: Keyser Primary School will decrease the number of students chronically absent by 5%.
Action Step Description Person(s) Responsible Estimated Begin Estimated
Date Completion Date
3.1 Parent Communication: Parents will be notified at of all student absence Mary Racey 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
3.2 Attendance Incentives: Students will receive Cougar Cash for perfect attendance weekly. Mary Racey/Classroom 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
3.3 Three and Five Day Notice: Letters and parent contact will be made at 3 and 5 days absent. Brandy Fisher 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
3.4 Improve Student Attendance: Classrooms will earn a popcorn party by spelling out perfect 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
Blake Mangold/Classroom
attendance. They get a letter every time their class has perfect attendance. Classes will be
recognized on the morning announcements and on social media.
3.5 Daily WVEIS reporting: Teachers will enter daily attendance through Schoology. The data 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
will be pulled into WVEIS and reports will be created. Letters will be sent on the third Lisa Goldstrom/Misty
consecutive day of absences and on the third tardy. These letters will be requesting the parent Roderick
to set up a meeting with the principal to discuss this.

Goal 4—Health and Safety: Overall Health, Wellness, and Safety of Students and Staff
Action Step Description Person(s) Responsible Estimated Begin Estimated
Date Completion Date
3.1 Student Health: Teachers will teach and model proper handwashing techniques. Student 08/19/2022 06/02/2023
desks will be sanitized each day by the classroom teacher and highly touched surfaces will
be sanitized daily by the custodians. There will also be a clinic present in our building to
deter from students having to leave the building for doctor's appointments.
3.2 Climate and culture survey data analysis: 02/19/2023 06/02/2023
Data from the survey will be analyzed. Leadership team will utilize the information to Lisa Goldstrom/Staff/SLT
address areas of concern and celebrate areas of improvement.

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