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PDF 37 

Ex.200 page.8
1. Which 3. Where
2. Who 4. Whose

Ex. 204 page.8

1. When 5. Why
2. Where 6. Whose
3. Which 7. When
4. Who

PDF 38
Ex. 152 page.14
1. since
2. so
3. because
4. so
5. as
6. Therefore
7. such a
8. since
9. such
10. Due to

Ex.153. page.10
1. so 6. such
2. such 7. Such a
3. so 8. so
4. such a 9. Such
5. so
Ex. 154 page. 14
2. It was such a long train journey therefore I fell asleep
I felt asleep: because it was such a long train journey
3. Due to the fact the meal was so bad because we never went back to that restaurant.
We never went back to that restaurant Therefore, the fact that the meal was so bad.
4. The soup was so hot because she burnt her mouth
She burnt her mouth. because the soup was very hot

PDF 39
1) Relative Clauses
1.. That’s the tablet [which John bought last week].
2. Mary, [who Jane met yesterday], is an excellent person.
3. Kate is a student [who passed the exam].
4. London is the city [where I live].
5.. That was the summer [when I met my wife].
6. Brian, [whose salary is spectacular], is the boss.
1. The customer [who sent me an e-mail] was polite.
2. The man [who was wearing jeans] was very tall.
3. George saw a man [whose car was full of lions].
4.Sam has just bought a car [which I like].
5.Thank you for the e-mail [which I received yesterday].
6.This is the man [who I work with].
7.Robert is a good person [who I work with].
2) Time Clauses
1) If I’m late this evening, don’t wait for me.
2) ‘Are you going out later?’ ‘Perhaps. If I go out, I’ll close the window’.
3) I’m going home now. When I get home, I’m going to have a shower.
4) When I get up in the morning, I usually drink a cup of coffee.
5) Have something to eat. If you don’t eat now, you’ll be hungry later.
6) John is still at school. When he leaves school, he wants to go to the university.
7) Be careful! If you aren’t careful, you’ll fall.
8) I’m going to Paris next week. When I’m there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
9) Tom might phone this evening. If he does, can you take a message?
10) I think he’ll get the job. I’ll be very surprised if he doesn’t get it.
1) Tom has gone away. He’ll be away until Monday.
2) By the time the police arrived, the two men had disappeared.
3) Sorry, but I must go. I have to be home by 5 o’clock.
4) I’ve been offered a job. I haven’t decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to
decide by Thursday.
5) He’ll be a millionaire by the time he’s 25.
6) By the time he got to the party, most of the guests had left.
7) By the time the guards discovered what had happened, the escaped prisoner was
miles away.
8) I think I’ll wait until Thursday before making a decision.
9) ‘I hear you’re writing a book. Have you finished it yet?’ ‘Not quite, but I hope to
finish it by the end of this month’.
10) By the time I finished my work, it was too late to go shopping.
1) We will buy it as soon as we have enough money.
2)I would like to finish it before it gets dark.
3) We are going to have a rest while we are on holiday.
4) He will not regret it until she moves away.
5)Can you water the flowers when we leave the house?
6) Get in touch with him as soon as I write to him.
7) Come to see me whenever you feel alone.
8) The moment I find the opener, I will open the bottle.
9) We will go to the shop while we are walking the dog.
10) After I have finished my lesson by noon, I will come round.
1) Look both ways before you cross the street.
2) Joe listened to music while he was doing his homework.
3) Wait here until I come back.
4) Don't leave until you've finished your work.
5) Tran saw an accident while he was walking home.
6) Tom and Joe have been friends since childhood.
7) I always brush my teeth before I go to bed.
8) When I see him this afternoon, I'll tell him what you suggested.
9) Let's go for a walk before it starts to get dark.
10) They haven't seen each other since they got divorced.
3) Clauses of purpose
1) I’ll give you my number so that you can phone me.
2) I hurried so that I wouldn’t be late.
3) We wore warm clothes so that we wouldn’t get cold.
4) I spoke very slowly so that the man could understand what I said.
5) I whispered so that no-one could hear our conversation.
6) Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.
1)I am buying paint in order to paint my hall door.
2)He turned out the light so as not to waste electricity.
3) He opened the lions’ cage in order to feed the lions.
4)He rushed into the burning house in order to save the child.
5) He read only for short periods each day so as not to strain his eyes
6) They got up very early in order to get to the top of the hill before sunrise.
4) Clauses of result and reason
1) He spoke in such a loud voice that everybody could hear him.
2) The fire raged so strongly that the house was burnt down.
3) They played so enthusiastically that the other team was beaten.
4)Such heavy rain fell that the streets were soon flooded.
5) They built so fast that the building was finished in a year.
6) It was so cold that the pipes were frozen.
1) The weather outside was cold. Therefore, Sally closed the window.
2) She's very kind and friendly. Therefore, everybody likes her.
3) She didn’t have breakfast. Therefore, she’s hungry.
4) I'm likely to have to move if I want to get promoted because all the senior managers
here are members of the same family.
5)She took her umbrella because it was raining.
6) She bought her boyfriend a present for St. Valentine’s Day because she loved him.
7) I bought an expensive car because I had won the lottery.
5) Clauses of concession
1)Although I don't think I'll get that job, I'm still going to apply.
2) Although there is no direct train to Calais, you can get there if you change at Lille.
3) Although he was strong, he couldn’t lift the weight.
4)He is bad-tempered. However, she still loves him.
5) He went to London. However, he didn’t see the Big Ben.Ç
6) Conditional clauses
1) If I were offered the job, I think I would take (take) it.
2) I’m sure Tom will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if he refused
3) I’ll be very angry if he makes (make) any more mistakes.
4) The table will collapse if you stand (stand) on it.
5) If he washes (wash) my car, I’ll give him £10.
6) Many people would be out of work if that factory closed (close) down.
7) If she sold her car, she wouldn’t get (not/get) much money for it.
8) If you had arrived (arrive) 10 minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
9) If I had known (know) that you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
10) If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I wouldn’t have lent (not/lend)
him the money.
1. No. If they caught the 10.30 train, they would arrive too early.
2. No. If I invited Bill to the party, I would have to invite Linda too.
3. No. If she applied for the job, she wouldn’t get it.
Letter 01
House of Stationery
38 Monument Parade
Londres SW12 3PB
Telèfon: 0181-842-9393
Fax: 0181-842-9294
15 de juliol de 2019
Cap de Vendes
Zeugermann Office Supplies
Hackley Road
Wolverhampton WV16 JXZ

Hem vist el seu anunci a l’últim número de la revista “Stationer’s Gazette” i estem
particularment interessats en la nova gamma d’accessoris d’oficina Zeugermann, els
quals creiem que complementarien les nostres existències actuals.
Per tant, podria si us plau fer que ens enviessin fulletons d’aquests productes, així com
mostres de tota la gamma? A més, si us plau, indiqui els seus millors preus, condicions
de pagament i les dates de lliurament més ràpides.
Estaríem agraïts si pogués donar a aquest assumpte la seva atenció més immediata, ja
que esperem fer una comanda per a la tardor.
Li agraïm per endavant.

C.J. Kilpatrick
C.J. Kilpatrick

Cap de compres
Letter 02
Ford Construction Co.
5 Stokeston Road L
ondres NE5 9XT
28 de novembre de 2019
Aluminium Installations Co.
Ltd. 38 Fenton Street
Birmingham B21 9XT
Referent al seu anunci al ‘Builder’s Journal’ del 16 de novembre, estaríem agraïts si
poguessin enviar-nos detalls de tota la seva gamma de marcs de finestra d’alumini.
Indiquin també si us plau les seves condicions de pagament, juntament amb detalls de
descomptes per compres habituals i grans comandes
Com a contractistes d’obres amb molta experiència, construïm unes 500 cases a l’any.
Actualment estem participant en negociacions per a la construcció de 12 blocs de pisos
de 15 plantes a l’àrea de Birmingham. Per tant, és probable que augmentin les nostres
necessitats anuals de marcs de finestra del tipus que vostès fabriquen.
Si els seus materials són de bona qualitat, si els seus preus són competitius, i si poden
garantir un lliurament ràpid, és possible que puguem fer comandes importants amb
Esperem rebre notícies seves ben aviat.

Nicolas Hood
Nicolas Hood
Cap de Compres
Letter 03
61 Linenhall St.
Basingstoke RG24 1QC
7 d’octubre de 2019
AngloJams Ltd.
Crossley House
Sussex FN4 6LK
A/A: Sr. F. Connors Director General.

Sr. Connors,
Li escric en referència al pressupost que li vàrem enviar per correu el 16 de setembre
relatiu a la instal·lació dels nostres radiadors elèctrics a tota la seva nova planta a
Somerset. Com que no hem rebut encara la seva decisió, em preguntava si acceptaria
una nova oportunitat per tractar el pressupost i les seves necessitats especials.
Com vaig mencionar anteriorment, totes les comandes rebudes abans del 30 de
novembre estan subjectes a un descompte del 15%, la qual cosa fa que el nostre
pressupost sigui particularment atractiu.
He demanat al Sr. Ronald Atkinson, el nostre representant local, que concerti una cita
amb vostè per tal de repassar el pressupost en detall.
Estem a la seva disposició per qualsevol altra informació que vostè pugui necessitar.

Norman Fairchild.
Norman Fairchild.
Director General
PDF 51
Taylor & Co
56 Main Street
London EC4 3HN
United Kingdom

15 November 2021
Guazelli Company
23 Caller de la Paz
Sao Paulo NK56 9US

Dir Sr, Connors,

We remind you that according to our records, our invoice on the 15 of November N
Fra124354 still pending payment. Since we also have commitments to our suppliers
and not the company policy to extend credits without a prior agreement.

Please, send a bank transfer in order to settle the account, or an explanation as to why
the sum has not yet been paid. Unless we receive payment with in fifteen days, we will
have no alternative but to take legal action to recover the Money.

We would appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter as soon as possible. If

you have already dealt with it, please disregard this letter, and would you accept our
apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Your faithfully,

Susan Mc Gregor,
Susan Mc Gregor,
Accounts manager.

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