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Chess has been played since ancient times, first in the 6th century. Discovered in India in the 19th
century. In the sixth. In the 18th century, when chess was discovered, it was given another name,

In those days this Chaturanga was played by four players. To play this game, dice were rolled and the
figure moved.

In those days people played many different rules, but later people adopted this game and called it

This game has evolved in the form of Rapid, and strategies and different rules have been developed for
it. According to the rules of this chess game, White starts first and thus has the advantage of winning,
but because he plays first, Black has the advantage of knowing the move and can attack White’s move.

The player must remove all pieces or can remove opponent’s king to win. A player can remove an
opponent’s piece by placing his own piece on that square, the removal of opponent’s pieces is optional.
Sometimes you lose your own piece when you remove an opponent’s piece. So you have to decide how
to take a piece away from your opponent. Chess is a game that requires complete intelligence and
strategy to win the game.

Some models are given for the placement of the pieces on the board: On the first row are the eight
pawns, which protect the other pieces, and on the second row are the rook, knight, bishop, queen, king,
bishop, knight, rook in a certain order.

There is also a rule that the queen can only stand on a square of her color, that is, if the queen is white,
she must stand on a white square and the black queen must stand on a black square, and there are also
some rules for the placement of the kings of the two players, who cannot stand on a column, that is, the
opponent’s king cannot stand in front of your king, he must stand in front of your queen, and these rules
govern the game of chess.


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As known, chess is played by two players and in this game there is a time limit for each move and the
player must make his move only within this time.

There are also many moves to beat your opponent, such as. B. 4-count checkmate 16-count checkmate
and many other moves to beat your opponent.

Chess is played both nationally and internationally. In India, our chess player Viswanath Anand has set
many records and won many matches against many countries at the international level.
Chess has become a popular game in India and one can play it to exercise his brain in the best possible
way. Chess improves decision-making, learning and analytical skills.

It also builds self-confidence. It also helps to improve concentration and focus. It’s also a very good
memory game.

It is a very popular game all over the world and most people play chess when they have free time
because it refreshes their mind.


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