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V Lesson Plan in English

Grade 7 - LOVE
OCTOBER 17, 2022

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute session, 75% of the students should be able to:
1. recognize phrases, clauses, and sentences;
2. identify kinds of phrases, clauses, and sentences;
3. locate phrases, clauses, and sentences from given texts;
4. construct sentences using phrases and clauses.
5. use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully [EN7G-II-A-1]

II. Subject Matter:

C. Materials: laptop, OHP or Television, Video Presentation

III. Procedure:

A. Lesson Proper
A. Noun Phrase
1. Definition
Noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun as its head or performs the same function as a noun.
Noun Phrase
Bryan’s birthday is on August 31. In this sentence, the subject is the noun phrase Bryan’s birthday.
2. Functions of a noun phrase
a. As a subject of a verb
Example: The tall tree fell down in the storm.
In this sentence, the phrase ‘the tall tree’ functions as the subject of the verb ‘fell’ and it is
therefore a noun phrase.
b. As object of a Verb
S V object of the verb
Example: I wish to see the manager.
In this sentence the phrase ‘to see the manager’ functions as the object of the verb ‘wish’ and it is, therefore,
a noun phrase.
Directions: Copy each sentence. Encircle the noun phrase. Number 1 is done for you.
1. They brightly decorated the play house.
2. I saw a brown horse at the farm.
3. She wants a delicious cake on her birthday.

B. Verb Phrase
1. Definition
Verb phrase is a part of a sentence containing the verb and any direct or indirect object, but not
the subject.
S verb phrase
Examples: 1. Jane could have worked on that project today.
S verb phrase
2.Victor is going to the dance.
In sentence #1, the verb phrase is could have worked while in the second sentence, is going
Activity 1B
Directions: Copy and underline the verb phrases in each sentence. Number 1 is done for you.
1. Al should have watered the plants.
2. My grandmother has repaired the broken vase.
3. The economy has recovered very slowly.

C. Prepositional Phrase
1. Definition
Prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun called the
object of the preposition. (Remember that a preposition is a word placed before a noun or
pronoun to show its relation to some other words.)
1. The cat scratched his hand with fear.
(The prepositional phrase is with fear modifies cat.)
2. One day, an old man was having a stroll in the forest.
(The prepositional phrase is in the forest
5 modifies old man.)
Activity 1C
Directions: Underline the prepositional phrase. Number 1 is done for you.
1. The man pulled his hand with fear.
2. He suddenly saw a little cat stuck in a hole.
3. The other man did not care about him.

To help you identify the prepositional phrase, here is a list of prepositions.


about Before except next to to

above Behind for of toward
across Below from off until
after Beneath in on under
against Beside in addition to on account of underneath
ahead of Between in back of outside up
along Beyond inside over upon
among By instead of since with
around Down into through within
at During near throughout without

Identify the underlined phrases whether they are noun phrase, verb phrase or prepositional phrase. Number
1 is done for you.
1. Parents take their children to the gym each week. (prepositional phrase)
2. The other man did not care about him.
3. The poor cat was struggling to get out from the hole.
4. It is cat’s instincts that makes him scratch to the unknown man.
5. My friend is writing a short story about her cat.
6. The size of that tiny cat changed rapidly.
7. Since Monday we have been planning a picnic.
8. For a while, we watched the many joggers.
9. During summer, my friends go to the beach.
10. My friends had arrived at the park before lunch time.
Directions: Copy the sentences and underline the phrase or phrases found in each of them.
1. Since last week, we have been planning a picnic.
2. Rosemarie convinces us to go to the beach.
3. They love to have a ride in the plaza.
4. Before noon, my friends had arrived at the park.
5. In the morning, my sister is cleaning our house.

In your respective groups, create 3 sentences and identify the phrase and the typeof phrase used in your

A phrase is a group of related words that function as a single part of 1)________. It does not have a
subject and a 2) _______. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun
called the object of the 3) ________. Another type of phrase at has a noun as its head or performs the same
function as a noun is called a 4) _______. Lastly, a 5)___________is a part of a sentence containing the verb
and any direct or indirect object, but not the subject


Research about Clauses and its types.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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