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N a n i, A lira L .

1 2 - S h ilo h
G e n e ral B io lo g y (M o d u la r)
1 st P e rfo rm a n ce T a sk

* Fill in the chart in the google form provided, keeping in mind that each part of a cell is compared
to a part of a building or location.

Cell Component Building/Location Component Function

Cell Membrane Door The Cell Membrane is like the
door because it’s where the
customers goes in and out of
the structure.
Vacuole Fridge The Vacuole is like the fridge
because it’s where most of the
materials needed by the cell
are stored.
Kitchen Mitochondria The Mitochondria is like the
kitchen because it is where all
the materials are being made.
Chef Nucleus The Nucleus is like the chef
because it controls and
instructs the organelles of what
is needed to do.
Wall Cell Wall The Wall is like the cell wall
because it gives the structure
Dining Area Cytoplasm The Cytoplasm is like the
dining area because it’s the
area wherein all the organelles
are contained and where the
activities occur.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and turn in with your factory.

1. How might the blueprints for a building or location be compared to the DNA in cells?

DNA relates to cell because it contains all the information in order for the construction of other
components to happen.

2. Would it be more advantageous for a building or location to work like an animal cell or a
plant cell? Decide which one with two supporting reasons.

Plant cell. In the building I decided to choose, it has all the components which fits the roles of
organelles in a plant cell. Such as the cell wall, which animal cell lacks. Another thing is that the
structure of the animal cell isn’t the same as the plant cell and that these two differ from how they stand.

3. What would happen if an organelle went on strike? Choose an organelle to go on strike

and provide three specific outcomes in the cell due to the organelle going on strike.

All possible outcomes would result to the death of the cell. If the vacuole is absent, it most likely won’t
be able to do its purpose and would lead to decay. Secondly, the cell would starve and might become
toxic since the cell doesn’t have the capability to store its nutrients properly without vacuoles. And when
vacuoles are absent, it won’t have the ability to last longer because it plays a vital role in water storage
and the maintenance of the structure.

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