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Set my

Prioritizing means focusing
your efforts on the right
things, that is, on the
important things. It also means
doing it at the right time,
taking into account the time
available. It is about deciding Plan my day create a
what to do, what not to do or routine and follow it
what to postpone, keeping in
mind that time is limited. with discipline
By committing to setting
daily, weekly, and monthly

Balancing my personal
and work life
Lead a healthy life, both
mentally and physically
Placing a barrier Correctly share time with
between work and my my loved ones
time at home Lead an active life,
trying to always be
comfortable, without
affecting others

Never give up
until i get it
exercise my will
Identify with the me
Visualize the path of the future
and not the goal,
always knowing
where I have to go.
Separate my goals by
Not settle
conforming can be very harmful, since settling
makes us give up, think that we can not choose
anything better or that we are not capable of
more. That's when settling stops our personal
development and we can fall apart.
Always try to get out of
my comfort zone

Maintain long-term
working relationships
Being able to balance correctly
with my future teammates
Colleagues can be new
opportunities to learn about
job offers
Be willing to possible changes
in the work environment with

When we learn to organize our lives, we discover that a good

part of the issues that we considered essential can wait. And
that gives us a sense of control and security that improves our
self-esteem and reduces our stress.

Following this path and over time, we will be able to go beyond

the day to day and we will begin to value our life as a whole, in
this way we begin to calibrate which are the areas of our life
that need attention because we have had them abandoned for a
long time. and what areas can I do without them totally or
partially because they really are not that necessary.
This is why we must always truly
consider what is important to us.

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