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Chapter 2B Test Review (2.4-2.

Simplify each of the following:

1. 4 √ −40 2. ( 5−i ) −(11−i) 3. −5 i(3−4 i)

(5−2i)(6+8 i)
4. 5. 6.

Solve each quadratic. AKA: Find the solutions. Find the x-intercepts. Find the Roots. Find the Zeros. Find where
You may use factoring, completing the square, solving with square roots OR Quadratic Formula. You must use each
method at least once.
7. 8. 9. 2 x +8 x +6=0

10. x 2−14 x=13 11. f ( x )=x 2−3 x−8 12. x 2=144

13. x −5 x+ 6=0 14. x 2−16=16 15. x 2−22 x+133=0

16. 2 x2 −10 x +18=0 17. g ( x )=3 x2 −5 x +3

Write each quadratic in vertex form.

18. f ( x )=x 2−4 x +9 19. f ( x )=x 2 +2 x−7 20. 2

f ( x )=−2 x −4 x+ 6

Find the number and type of solutions. Sometimes phrased as describe the nature of the solutions.
21. 2 x −16 x+32=0 22. x 2+ 3 x +8=0 23. 2
−2 x −12 x−7=0

24. What value(s) of b will cause 8 x 2+ bx+ 2=0to have one real solution?

25. A toy cannon ball is launched from a cannon on top of a platform. The equation h(t) = -5t 2 + 15t + 10 gives
the height h, in meters, of the ball t seconds after it is launched.

a. Will the ball reach a height of 24m? How do you know? Explain

b. How long will it take the ball to land back on the ground?

c. What is the initial height of the toy cannon?

Determine the number of solutions to each system:

26. 27.

Solve each system.

28. 29.

30. Juan solved the problem below by completing the square. Circle the step where the mistake was made, then solve the
problem correctly.
In which step did he make a mistake? Circle your answer.

Problem: x2 + 8x + 24 = 0
Step 1: x2 + 8x = -24
Step 2: x2 + 8x + 16 = -24 + 16
Step 3: (x + 8) 2 = -8

Step 4: x + 8 = ± 2 i√2

Step 5: x = -8 ± 2 i √ 2

Correct Answer: ________________

31. What is the complex conjugate for:
a) −2 i b) 3i c) 4−8i d) −3−2i e) −6+ 8i

32. Answer the following questions regarding the equation:−x 2+ 4 x−4=0?

a.) What is the value of the discriminant? ________________________

b.) Describe the number and type of solutions to the equation. ________________________

c.) How many times does the graph of y=−x2 + 4 x−4 cross the x-axis? __________________

33. Answer the following questions regarding the equation:5 x 2+10 x +8=0?

a.) What is the value of the discriminant? ________________________

b.) Describe the number and type of solutions to the equation. ________________________

c.) How many times does the graph of y=5 x 2 +10 x+8 cross the x-axis? __________________

34. Answer the following questions regarding the equation: x 2+ 4 x +2=0?

a.) What is the value of the discriminant? ________________________

b.) Describe the number and type of solutions to the equation. ________________________

c.) How many times does the graph of y=x 2 +4 x+2 cross the x-axis? __________________

35. Given the equation: y=−2 x 2 +6 x−2

a) Write the equation in Vertex Form

b) Determine the Domain and Range
c) Identify the y-intercept
d) What is the minimum or maximum value?

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