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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________
Grade/Section: ___________________________________ Score:____________
Title of the Activity: Standard Form
Most Essential Learning Competency: Illustrating Quadratic Equation
Directions: I. Fill in the table the quadratic, linear and constant terms and the values of a, b and c of the
given quadratic equations.

Quadratic Equation in Standard Quadratic Linear Constant a b c

Form ax2 + bx + c = 0 Term Term Term
1. x2 + 3x – 7 = 0
2. 3x2 – 5x + 11 = 0
3. -4x2 – 17 = 0
4. 7x2 + 12x = 0
5. -2x2 = 0

II. Tell whether the following equations are written in standard form. Write TWA before the
number if the equation is written in standard form and ANDI if it’s not.
1. x2 + 3x – 4 = 0 6. 7 – 6x + x2 = 0
2. 2x2 + 7x = 5x + 9 7. x2 + 14 = 0
3. (x – 1)2 = 0 8. 5x2 + 3x = 0
4. 3x(x + 2) = 9x – 1 9. 4x - x2 + 11 = 0
5. 7x2 – 4 = 0 10. 6x2 – 4x + 3 = 0
III. Determine whether the following equations is a quadratic equation. Write QE is it a
quadratic equation otherwise write NQE.

_____ 1. 2x2 – 3x – 2 = 5x _____ 6. 10x2 = 0

_____ 2. 4x – 10 = -x2 _____ 7. (x+2) (x-3) = 9x
_____ 3. m ( m2 + 2 ) = 0 _____ 8. x ( y – 3 ) = 52
_____ 4. ½ ( x + 2) = 10 _____ 9. a( a – 10 ) = 0
_____ 5. 2x2 – 3 = 5x + 2x2 _____ 10. 4 – 3x + x2 = 4 - x2
IV. Rewrite the following quadratic equations into the standard form

Quadratic Equations Standard Form

1. x2 + 3x – 3 = 1
2. x2 - 2x – 10 = 4 - 7x
3. 6x + 3x2 = 0
4. 5x – x2 = 2x + 3
5. x2 – 5 + 3x = 0
Title of the Activity: Match Me
V. Match the quadratic expression to its factors by connecting column A to Column B using arrowheads.


2x2 + 11x – 6 (2x - 3)(x + 2)
2x2 + x – 6 (2x – 1)(x + 6)
2x2 + 7x + 6 (2x – 3)(x – 2)
2x2 – x – 6 (2x + 3)(x + 2)
2x2 – 7 x + 6 (2x + 3)(x – 2)
x2 – 10 x + 9 (x – 3)(x – 3)
x2 – 8 x – 9 (x + 9)(x – 1)
x2 – 6 x + 9 (x – 1)(x – 9)
x2 + 8x – 9 (x + 3)(x + 3)
x2 + 6x + 9 (x – 9)(x + 1)
Note: The first number is done for you. Goodluck!

Title of the Activity: Rewrite me as Squared Binomial

Most Essential Learning Competency: Solving Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square
VI. Fill in the blank with the term that must be added to each of the following binomials to make them
perfect square trinomial.
1. x2 + 8x + ________
2. p2 – 20p + _______
3. w2 – 5w + _______
4. k2 + k + ________

5. b2 + 12b + _______
VI. Rewrite the following quadratic expressions as squared binomial.

1. x2 + 4x + 4 _____________________
2. x – 6x + 9 _____________________
3. x2 + 10x + 25 _____________________
4. x2 – 2x + 1 _____________________
5. x2 + 8x + 16 _____________________
Title of the Activity: Find my Roots
Most Essential Learning Competency: Illustrating Quadratic Equation and Solving Quadratic
Equation by Extracting the Square root, Factoring,
Completing the Square and Using Quadratic Formula

VIII. Solve the following quadratic equations by extracting the square root. (Show your solution)
1. x2 + 3 = 19 2. ( x + 2)2 = 64

IX. Solve the following quadratic equations by factoring. (Show your solution)
1. 6x2 – 36 = 0 2. m2 + 12m + 35 = 0

X. Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the square. (Show your solution)
1. x2 – 2x – 35 = 0 2. r2 + 10r + 24 = 0

XI. Solve the following using Quadratic Formula. (Show your solution)
1. x2 + 2x – 15 = 0 2. 2x2 + 4x + 1 = 0

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