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1. Expressions are formed from variables and constants.

2. Terms are added to form expressions. Terms themselves are formed as products of factors.
3. Expressions that contain exactly one, two and three terms are called monomials, binomials and
trinomials respectively. In general, any expression containing one or more terms with non-zero
coefficients is called a polynomial.
4. Like terms are formed from the same variables and the powers of these variables are the same,
too. Coefficients of like terms need not be the same.
5. While adding (or subtracting) polynomials, first look for like terms and add (or subtract) them;
then handle the like terms.
6. There are numbers of situations in which we need to multiply algebraic expressions: for example,
in finding area of a rectangle, the sides of which are given as expressions.
7. A monomial multiplied by a monomial always gives a monomial.
8. While multiplying a polynomial by a monomial, we multiply every term in the polynomial by the
9. In carrying out the multiplication of a polynomial by a binomial(or trinomial),we multiply term
by term i.e. , every term of polynomial is multiplied by every term of binomial(or
trinomial).Note that in such multiplication we get terms in the product which are like and have to
be combined.
10. The following are standard identities:
(i) (a+b)2=a2 + b2 + 2ab
(ii) (a-b)2=a2 - 2ab +b2
(iii) (a+b) (a-b) =a2 - b2
11. Another useful identity is (x+a) (x+b) = x2 + (a + b) x +ab
12. The above four expressions are useful in carrying out squares and products of algebraic
Sample Questions
1. Subtract: 13xy – 6x + 4a – 1 from 25x2 + 16xy – 3b2 – 2.
2 2

Sol. (25x2 + 16xy – 3b2 – 2) – (13xy – 6x2 + 4a2 – 1)

=25x2 + 16xy -3b2 – 2 – 13xy + 6x2 – 4a2 + 1
= (25x2 + 6x2) + (16xy – 13xy) – 3b2 – 4a2 + (-2 + 1)
= 31x2 + 3xy – 3b2 – 4a2 - 1
2. Find the product of 2x2y3 and -3xy2
Sol. (2× (-3))×(x2y3×xy2)
= -6×(x2×x) ×(y3×y2)
= -6x3y5
3. Evaluate 1812-192
Sol.1812 – 192 = (181-19) (181+19) Using identity: a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b)
= 32400
4. Find the continued product: (x + 3) (x – 3) (x2 + 9)
Sol. (x + 3) (x – 3) (x2 + 9) = [(x + 3) (x – 3)] (x2 + 9) (by Associative Law)
= [(x2 – 9)] (x2 + 9) Using identity: a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b)
2 2 2 4
= (x ) – (9) = x – 81
1 1 1
x2   38, x x4 
5. If x2 find the value of (i) x (ii) x4
 1 1
 x    x  2  2  38  2  36  6
2 2

Sol. We have:  x  x
 x 6
x 2  2  38,
(ii) x
 1 
  x 2  2   38

 x 
 x 4  4  2  1444
 x 4  4  1444  2  1442

1. The product of a monomial and a binomial is a

a) Monomial b) Binomial c) Trinomial d) None of these
2. Common factor of 17abc, 34ab , 51a b is2 2

a) 17abc b) 17ab c) 17ac d) 17a2b2c

3. 2312−¿ 1312 is equal to
a) 13100 b) 23100 c) 36200 d) 100000

4. 1002 −992 is equal to

a) 199 b) 1 c) 100 d) 99
5. Volume of a cuboid whose length, breadth and height are 3xy,5xyz and 2yz respectively is
a) 30 xyz b) 30x2y2z2 c) 30x2y3z2 d) 30x3y3z2
6. The expression x + y + z has
(a) one variable
(b) no variable
(c) three variables----
(d) two variables.
7. The sum of 5x², -7x², 8x², 11x² and -9x² is
(a) 2x² (b) 4x² (c) 6x² (d) 8x²
8. The area of a rectangle whose length and breadth are 9y and 4y² respectively is
(a) 4y³ (b) 9y³ (c) 36y³ (d) 13y³
9. (x – y)(x + y) + (y – z)(y + z) + (z – x) (z + x) is equal to
(a) 0 (b) x² + y² + z² (c) xy + yz + zx (d) none of these
10. If we subtract 4a – 7ab + 3b + 12 from 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3, then the answer is:
(a) 8a + 2ab + 2b + 15
(b) 8a + 2ab + 2b – 15
(c) 8a – 2ab + 2b – 15
(d) 8a – 2ab – 2b – 15
11. Find the area of a rectangle with length 3a and breadth 8ab2.
12. Multiply (3x -2y) by (4x -5y)
13. Multiply (x2+2y2) by (5x2+y2)
14. Multiply (0.4x-y) by (0.3x+y)
+ 1 3 −1
15. Multiply (x3 3 )(x 3 )
x x
−5 2 3 −16 3
x y and x y
16. Find the product of 8 15
17. From the sum of 2x2 + 3xy – 5 and 7 + 2xy – x2 subtract 3xy + x2 – 2.
18. Simplify the following expressions and then find the numerical values for x = -2.
3(2x – 4) + x2 + 5

1 1
x + =20 x 2+ 2
19. If x , find the value of x
1 +1
x− =3
20. If x , find the value of x2 x

1 5 +1
x+ =
21. If x 2 ,find the value of x6 x

22. If x−¿ y = 7 and xy = 9 , find the value of x2+¿ y2

23. Evaluate the following using identity
a) 102×106
b) 2.07×1.93
24. Find the value of ( x + 2y) ( x - 2y) at x = 1 and y=2
25. If 4x2+¿ y2 = 40 and xy = 6, find the value of 2x+¿ y .
26. Calculate the area of a rectangle whose length and breadths are given as 3x2y m and
5xy2 m respectively.
27. Two adjacent sides of a rectangle are 3x2−¿5y2 and 3x2+¿ 5y2. Find its area, also find the area
of the square on its diagonal.
28. If 3x+¿ 2y=12 and xy=6, find 9x2+¿ 4y2
29. If 2x + 3y = 14 and 2x – 3y = 2, find value of xy.

30. What must be added each of the following expression to make it a whole square?
(i) 4x2 – 12x + 7
(ii) 4x2 – 20x + 20
31. If x – 1/x = 3, find the values of (i) x2 + 1/ x2 (ii) x4 + 1/ x4.

Answer Key
1. 2. b)17ab 3. 4. a)199 5. c) 6. c)three 7. d) 8 x2 8. (c) 36y³
b)Binomial c)36200 30x2y3z2 variables
9. a) 0 10. c) 11. 12. 12x2 – 13. 5x4 + 14. 0.12x2 + −1 2 5 4
15. x6 16. xy
24a2b2 23xy + 11x2y2 + 0.1xy – y2 x
10y2 2y4
17. 2xy + 4 18. -15 19. 398 20. 11 4097 22. 67 23. 24. -15
64 10812,3.9
25. ±8 26. 15x3y3 m2 24. true 25. false 26. a-3, b- 27. 9x4−¿ 28. 72 29. 8
5,c-1, d-2, 25y4, 18x4
e-4 +¿ 50y4
30. i) 2 31. i)
ii) 5 11
ii) 119


Points to remember:
 Parallelogram:
(i)Perimeter=2x sum of adjacent sides (ii)Area=base x height
 Rhombus:
(i)Perimeter = 4 x side (ii)Area= x product of diagonals
 Trapezium:
(i)Perimeter = sum of all sides
(ii)Area= x sum of parallel sides x height
 Circle:
(i) circumference = 2πr = πd; d=2r (ii) Area = πr2=πd2/4
 Area of a general quadrilateral = ½ x d x (h1+h2)
d=length of a diagonal & h1,h2=heights of altitudes on it
Volume of cuboid and cube
Volume of cuboid = length x breadth x height
Volume of cube = (side) 3
 Surface area of cuboid and cube
Surface area of cuboid = 2(lb + lh + bh)
Surface area of cube = 6s2
 Volume of a cylinder
Volume of cylinder = area of base x height = πr2h
 Surface area of a cylinder
Area of curved surface of cylinder = 2πrh
Total surface area = area of curved surface + 2 x base area
= 2πrh + 2πr2 = 2πr (h + r)
1. The volume of a cube is 512 cm3. It is to be painted at the rate of Rs. 10 per m 2. Find the cost of
painting the cube? [3]
Solution: Let side of cube is ‘a’ m. therefore 512 = a
a = 512 = 8 m. Edge of cube is 8 m.
the surface area of the cube is 6a2 = 6 x 8 x 8 = 384 m2.
Cost of painting = 384 x 10 = Rs. 3840
2. The rainwater falls 10cm on a particular day. The rainwater that falls on a roof 70m long and 44m
wide was collected in a cylindrical tank of radius 14m. Find
a. Volume of rainwater that fell on the roof.
b. Rise of water in the tank due to rain. [3]
Solution : Volume of cuboidal roof =70x44x10/100 cu.m = 308cu.m
Now, volume of cuboid =volume of cylinder = π r2h
So, Height = 308x7 /22x14x14 =44/4312 = 0.01mts.
3. * What is the area of shaded portion in the adjoining figure?
Solution: Area of outer circle = π x 14x 14
Area of inner circle = π x 7x7
Shaded Area= π x 14x 14 - π x 7x7
= 147 π cm2 = 462 cm2
4. * Find the area of hexagonal table top with each side 2m.
Solution. The hexagonal table top can be divided into 6 equilateral triangles.
Required area = 6 x area of one equilateral triangle
3 3
 side   6   2   6 3m 2
2 2
= 4 4
Multiple Choice Question
1. A cube of side 5cm is painted on all its faces. If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimetre cubes, how many 1
cubic centimetres cubes will have exactly one of their faces painted?
a) 27 b) 42
b) 54 d) 142
2. * A circle of maximum possible size is cut from a square sheet of board. Subsequently, a square of
maximum possible size is cut from the resultant circle. What will be the area of the final square?
a) ¾ of original square
b) ½ of original square
c) ¼ of original square
d) 2/3 of original square
3. The volume of a cube is 64 cm3. Its surface area is
(a) 16 cm2 (b) 64cm2 (c) 96cm2 (d) 128cm2
4. How many small cubes with edge of 20 cm each can be just accommodated in a cubical box of 2 m
(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) 10000
5. Two cubes have volumes in the ratio 1:64. The ratio of the area of a face of first cube to that of the
other is
(a) 1:4 (b) 1:8 (c) 1:16 (d)1:32
6. * The area of the figure is

(a) 77 cm² (b) 154 cm² (c) 38.5 cm² (d) none of these
7. * The area of a rhombus is 60 cm². One diagonal is 10 cm. The other diagonal is
(a) 6 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 24 cm.
8. * The area of a trapezium is 40 cm². Its parallel sides are 12 cm and 8 cm. The distance between the
parallel sides is
(a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm
9. 8 persons can stay in a cubical room. Each person requires 27 m³ of air. The side of the cube is
(a) 6 m (b) 4 m (c) 3 m (d) 2 m.
10. If the height of a cuboid becomes zero, it will take the shape of a
(a) cube (b) parallelogram (c) circle (d) rectangle.
11. * The areas of two circles are in the ratio 49:64. Find the ratio of their circumferences.
12. * A bicycle wheel makes 500 revolutions in moving 1 km. Find the diameter of the wheel.
13. How many cubic metres of earth must be dug to construct a well 7 m deep and of diameter 2.8 m?
14. A river 2 m deep and 45 m wide is flowing at the rate of 3 km per hour. Find the amount of water in
cubic metres that runs into the sea per minute.
15. A rectangular sheet of paper is rolled in two different ways to form two different cylinders. Find the
volume of cylinders in each case if the sheet measures 44 cm × 33 cm.
16. * The area of a trapezium is 143 cm 2 and its height is 11cm. If one of the parallel sides is longer than
the other by 4cm, find the length of longer side.
17. * The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio 3:2. If the area of the field is 3456m 2,
find the cost of fencing the field at Rs 4.50 per meter.
18. The area of the base of a right circular cylinder is 15400cm 2 and its volume is 924000cm3. Find the
area of the curved surface.
19. If the dimensions of a room are 4m x 3.5m x 3m, what is the volume of air contained in the room?

20. A water tank is filled with 104,000 liters of water. Its length and breadth are 800cm and 650cm,
respectively. What is the height of the water in the tank?
21. Find the height of a cylinder whose radius is 7cm and the total surface area is 968cm 2?
22. Base area of a cuboid is 45cm2. Its height is 6 cm. Find the volume.

23. A closed box is varnished on the outside at the rate of 5 paise per cm 2. What is the total cost of
varnishing a box of length 50cm, breadth 40cm and height 30cm?
24. A closed box in the shape of a cube has a total outer surface area of 150cm 2. What is the length of its
side in centimeters?
25. * The diagonal of a quadrilateral is 20 m in length and the perpendiculars to it from the opposite
vertices are 8.5 m and 11 m. Find its area.
26. * Find the area of a rhombus having length of a side equal to 13 cm and one of whose diagonals is 24
27. Three cubes of sides 3cm, 4cm and 5 cm are melted and a new cube is formed. Find the side of the
new cube.
28. How many 5cm cubes can be obtained (cut off) from a cube whose edge is 20cm?
29. A cylindrical vessel of radius 77cm is filled with water to a height of 80cm. If some more water is
added to raise the height to 100cm, find the increase in the volume of water in the vessel in liters.

30. * The parallel sides of a trapezium are 25 cm and 13 cm; its non parallel sides are equal, each being
10 cm, find the area of the trapezium.
31. A solid metallic rod 15cm long with a diameter equal to 3.5cm is melted into another rod of radius
3.5cm. What will be the length of the new rod?
32. The radii of two right circular cylinders are in the ratio 2 : 3 and their heights are in the ratio 5 : 4.
Calculate the ratio of their curved surface areas.
33. A cuboidal fish tank with the length and width of its base being 50cm and 40cm respectively contains
60dm3 of water. What is the height of the water in the fish tank?
34. A cylindrical vessel, without lid, has to be tin-coated on its both sides. If the radius of the base is
70cm and its height is 1.4m, calculate the cost of tin-coating at the rate of Rs.3.50 per 1000cm 2
35. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder whose curved surface area is 2640 cm 2 and the
circumference of the base is 66 cm.

Answer Key:
Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16

7:8 7/11m 43.12m3 4500m3 3388cm3, 15cm

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 3 3
Rs.1080 2640cm 42cm 200cm 15cm 270cm Rs.470 5cm
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2 2 2
120cm 195m 6cm 64 372.68liters 152cm 3.75m 5:6
33 34 35

30cm Rs.485.10 13880cm3

*Mark topics & questions are not for examination point of view.


Statistics: Statistics is a branch of mathematics in which we study about collection, analysis and
interpretation of numerical data.
*Raw data: Information’s gathered initially is called raw data.
Range – The difference between the highest and lowest values of the observations in the given data is
called range.
Frequency- In given data the number of times a particular observation occurs is called its frequency.
Frequency distribution table- A table showing the frequencies of various observations of data is called a
frequency distribution table.
Grouping data: When a large amount of data has to be collected, we use a grouped frequency
distribution .We usually organize the data into groups called classes or groups.
*Frequency Distribution:
It shows how frequently a particular item occurs, in a group.
Bar Graph:
It is a pictorial representation of the numerical data by a number of bars of uniform width, erected
horizontally or vertically, with equal spacing between them.
The uniform width of the bars and the uniform gap between them is suitably chosen, keeping in view the
given information and the space available for the diagram.
A Bar graph should have a title. The chosen scale should also be mentioned below the graph.

*Histogram: Histogram is a grouped

frequency table represented
graphically as shown in the diagram

The probability of an outcome for a particular event is a number telling us how likely a particular
outcome is to occur. This number is the ratio of the number of ways the outcome may occur to the
number of total possible outcomes for the event. Probability is usually expressed as a fraction or decimal.
Since the number of ways a certain outcome may occur is always smaller or equal to the total number of
outcomes, the probability of an event is some number from 0 to 1.
Event: One or more outcomes of an experiment make an event.
Random Experiment: An experiment when repeated under identical conditions do not produce the same
outcomes every time but the outcome in a trial is one of the several possible outcomes is known as
random experiment.
For example in tossing of a coin one is not sure if a head (H) or a tail (T) will be obtained. So it is a
random experiment.
number of favourable event
Probability of any event=
total number of all possible outcomes
Sample Question:
1. Suppose there are 10 balls in a bucket numbered as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, and 6.A single
ball is randomly chosen from the bucket. What is the probability of drawing a ball numbered 1?
There are 2 ways to draw a 1, since there are two balls numbered 1. The total possible number of
outcomes is 10, since there are 10 balls.
The probability of drawing a 1 is the ratio 2/10 = 1/5.
2. In the month of July 2018, a house owner spent his monthly salary amounting to Rs 7200 on
different items as given below:
Items Clothing Food House Education Miscellaneous
Amount(Rs) 600 4000 1200 400 1000
Draw a pie-chart for the above data.
Sol: First we prepare the table like this:
Items Amou In fraction Central Angle
(In Rs)
Clothing 600 600 1 1
  360 0  30 0
7200 12 12
Food 4000 4000 5 5
  3600 
7200 9 9 2000
House Rent 1200 1200 1 1
  3600 
7200 6 6 600
Education 400 400 1 1
  3600 
7200 18 18 200
Miscellaneous 1000 1000 5 5
  3600 
7200 36 36 500

Then, pie-chart is prepared like this.

3. *Draw a histogram to represent the following data of the earnings of workers:
Monthly Earnings Number of
workers (in
80-120 4
120-160 7
160-200 11
200-240 8
240-280 5
280-320 2


1.The number of times a particular observation occurs in the given data is called ?
(a) range
(b) frequency
(c) raw data
(d) none of the above
2. Difference of highest and lowest observations in a given data is called?
(a) range
(b) frequency
(c) raw data
(d) none of the above
3. The maximum value of the probability for an event is:
(a) -1
(b) 0
(c) 1
(d) none
4. A bag contains 9 red, 7 white and 4 black balls. A ball is drawn at random. Find the probability that the
ball drawn is not red.
(a) 0.25
(b) 0.45
(c) 0.55
(d) none
5. A box contains 19 cards having numbers 1, 2, 3, .... 19. A card is drawn from box. What is the
probability that the number on card is divisible by 5?
(c) 0
(d) none
6. What is the total allocation of degrees in a pie chart?
a) 180 b) 360 c) 540 d) 300
7. What is the probability of getting 5 when a die is thrown?
a) 0.1666 b) 0.25 c) 0.333 d) 0.5
8. Size of class 150 -175 is _____________
a) 150 b) 175 c)25 d)20
9. Data collected in a survey shows that 40% of the buyers are interested in buying red cars . The
central angle of the sector of the pie chart representing this information is
a)120 b)150 c)144 d)40
10. Study the following frequency distribution table and answer the questions given below :

i. What is the size of the class intervals ?

(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) 20.
ii. Which class has the highest frequency ?
(a) 15-20
(c) 25-30
(d) 35-40
iii. Which two classes have the same frequency ?
(а) 15-20 and 35-40
(b) 20-25 and 30-35
(c) 15-20 and 30-35
(d) 20-25 and 25-30..
iv. What is the upper limit of the class interval 25-30 ?
(a) 20
(c) 30
(d) 35.
v. What is the lower limit of the class interval 35-40 ?
(a) 20
(b) 25
(c) 30
(d) 35

11. Using following table match the following

Marks (out 4 5 7 8 9 10
of 10)
Frequency 5 10 8 6 12 9
(i)The highest frequency a)27
(ii) The frequency of more than 7 marks b) 9
(iii) The frequency of less than 5 marks c)12
(iv) Number of students getting full marks d) 5
12. Suppose there are 10 balls in a bucket numbered as follows:
1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, and 6.
A single ball is randomly chosen from the bucket.
(i)What is the probability of drawing a ball with a number greater than 4?
(ii)What is the probability of drawing a ball with a number greater than 6?
13. Suppose a regular die is rolled.
(i)What is the probability of getting a prime number?
(ii) What is the probability of the occurrence of an odd number?
14. Find the mean of first 15 natural numbers
15. Find the mean of first 9 prime numbers.
16. Given below are the marks obtained by 50 students in a test.
18, 17, 23, 46, 7, 11, 19, 25, 32, 45,26, 37, 16, 9, 5, 24, 21, 27, 35, 39, 40, 30, 19, 14, 10, 3, 7,
11, 9, 19, 25, 6, 16, 39, 42, 31, 33, 13, 29, 19, 23, 27, 41, 37, 42, 6, 23, 36, 21
Draw a grouped Frequency Distribution Table with the class interval 0 – 10,
10 – 20, 20-30,…
17. The following pie chart shows the time spent by a child in a day.
Answer the following questions based on the
given pie chart.
a) What proportion of the sector for hours is spent in sleeping?
b) What proportion of the sector for hours is spent in school?

18. A group of 20 students recorded their heights (in cm). The data received
were as given below. What is the range?
150, 120, 112, 160, 155, 151, 158, 142, 148, 149, 161, 165, 140, 157, 156, 146,
148, 153, 138, 135
19. The daily earnings of 50 stores in a market was recorded as under:
715, 650, 685, 550, 573, 530, 610, 525, 742, 680, 736, 524, 500, 585, 723, 545, 532, 560,
580, 545, 625, 630, 645, 700, 668, 610, 642, 658, 620, 719, 720, 700, 690, 710, 642, 672, 654, 692, 706,
718, 702, 704, 678, 615, 640, 680, 716, 705, 615, 636.
Construct a frequency table with equal class size; taking one class intervals as 500 – 550.
*20. Construct a frequency distribution table for the following marks obtained by
50 students in a history test in class VIII for a school:
9, 17, 12 ,20, 9, 18 , 25, 17, 17, 19, 19, 20 , 9, 13, 14, 13, 12, 14, 13, 14, 15, 13, 14, 13, 14,
16 , 12, 14, 19, 9, 12, 9, 12, 18, 17, 19, 20, 25, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 13, 14, 13,12, 17,13
i) What is the range of marks?
ii) What are the
highest marks?
*21. Histogram for the
number of persons of a
village in different age
a) What information is depicted by the above histogram?
b) In which age group is the number of people maximum?
c) What is the width of each class interval?

*22.Draw a Histogram for the following data:

Class interval 9-15 15-21 21-27 27-33 33-39 39-45

Frequency 10 18 22 12 5 3

23. Draw a Pie-chart for the subjects preferred by 300 students of a school

Subject Math Science English Moral Sc S Sc Total

No of students 75 60 90 40 35 300

24. The following pie chart gives the expenditure (in percentage) on various items and savings of a
family during a month.
a) On which item the expenditure is minimum?
b) Expenditure on which item is equal to the total
savings of the family?
c) If the monthly savings is Rs 4500, what is the
monthly expenditure on clothes?

25. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a number greater than
26. A class consists of 21 boys and 9 girls. A student is to be selected for social work. Find the probability
(i) a girl is selected
(ii) a boy is selected
27.A boy studies for 6 hours, sleeps for 8 hours, plays for 4 hours, watches TV for 2 hours and spends
time in routine work for 4 hours in a day. Represent this by Pie chart.

Language Number of Newspapers

Punjabi 4000

Urdu 2000

English 7000

Hindi 8000

Bengali 3000

Draw a bar graph with suitable scale

Find the excess of no. of newspaper read in Hindi over those in English.
If a Punjabi newspaper cost Rs 2.50, find the total amount spent on Punjabi newspaper.

28.The monthly sale of computers by a shopkeeper is as shown in the following


Months July August September October November

No. of Computers 12 18 28 42 44

Draw a pie-chart to represent the data.

29.Construct a grouped frequency table with class interval 0-5, 5-10,..... and so on for the following
marks obtained in biology (out of 50) by a group of 35 students in an examination also draw
histogram to represent the same.
a) What is range of data?
b) Which group contains maximum number of students?

30. The following pie chart depicts the percentage of students, nationwide. What is the percentage of
(i) Indian students
(ii) African students?
31. The double bar graph shows the average monthly temperatures of two cities over 4 months period.
Read the graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) What does each 1 cm block on the vertical axis represent?

(ii) What was the average monthly temperature in Dehradun in

(a) March
(b) April
(c) May
(d) June?
(iii) What was the average monthly temperature in Delhi for the whole 4 months?
(iv) In which month was the difference between the temperature of Delhi and Dehradun maximum and
how much?
Answer Key
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c

5. a
6.b 7. a

8.c 9. c 10.i.a ii c iii b

iv c v d
11.(i)-c , (ii)-a, (iii)- d, 12.(i)3/10, (ii) 0

13.(i)½ , (ii)1/2 14.8 1 16.(a)1/3 (b)1/4

15. 9
17.(i) 16,(ii)25 18. 47cm 20. (i) 16,(ii)25 21. .(b)30-40, (c)10

24. .(a)Transport, 1 3 27.(a)1000 (b)10000

(b)Education on 25. 3 26. (i)
children(c)3000 7
29.(a)50 ,(b) 5-10 30. i) 50% 31.
ii) 12.5% i) 1 cm block on vertical axis
= 10°C
ii) The average monthly
temperature in Dehradun in
the month of
(a) March was 25°C
(b) April was 34°C
(c) May was 40°C
(d) June was 36°C
iii) 41.25°C
iv) 14°C

Prism: A solid whose base and top are identical polygons and side faces are rectangles, is called
a prism. Cuboid, cube, cylinder are all special types of prisms.

a) Pyramid: A solid whose base is any polygon and side faces are triangles, is called a pyramid.
Cone is a special type of pyramid.

b) Sphere: Sphere is a solid whose every point is equidistant from a fixed point.
Cricket ball, football are spheres.
1. A solid shape bounded by polygons is called a polyhedron.
2. a) Polygons forming a polyhedron are called its faces.
b) Line segments common to intersecting faces of a polyhedron are known as its edges.
c) Points of intersection of edges of a polyhedron are known as its vertices.
3. a) Convex Polyhedrons: If the line segments joining any two points on the surface of a
polyhedron entirely lies inside or on the polyhedron then it is said to be a convex polyhedron.
Cube, cuboid, pyramid, prism are all examples of convex polyhedron
b) Regular Polyhedrons: A polyhedron is said to be regular if its faces are made up of regular
polygons and the same number of faces meet at each vertex .A tetrahedron and a cube are
examples of a regular polyhedron.
In all, there are five regular polyhedra, namely, a tetrahedron, a hexahedron, an octahedron, a
dodecahedron and an icosahedron.
A tetrahedron has 4 faces-four equilateral triangles.
A hexahedron has 6 faces-six squares/ equilateral triangles.
An octahedron has 8 faces-eight equilateral triangles.
A dodecahedron has 12 faces-twelve regular pentagons.
An icosahedron has 20 faces-twenty equilateral triangles.

4 faces: a regular tetrahedron

6 Faces: A cube or a regular


List of the number of faces, edges and vertices of different polyhedron:

Solid Vertices(V) Faces(F) Edges(E) V+F-E
Triangular Prism 6 5 9 2
Cube 8 6 12 2
Cuboid 8 6 12 2
Pentagonal prism 10 7 15 2
Triangular pyramid 4 4 6 2
Rectangular pyramid 5 5 8 2
Square pyramid 5 5 8 2
Pentagonal pyramid 6 6 10 2
Octahedron 6 8 12 2

The great Swiss mathematician, Leonard Euler (1707-1783) discovered a very important relationship
among the number of vertices, the number of faces and the number of edges of a polyhedron. The
formula is V+F-E=2.The above table verifies Euler’s Formula.
Sample solutions
1. Verify Euler’s formula for the following 3-D figure:
(i)Edges, E = 16, Vertices, V = 9, faces, F = 9
Euler’s formula is F+V-E = 2
LHS = 9+9 – 16 = 2 = RHS
Hence verified

(ii) Edges, E = 10, Vertices, V = 6, faces, F = 6

Euler’s formula is F+V-E = 2
LHS = 6+6 – 1 = 2 = RHS
Hence verified

2.Draw the side view and the top view of the given figure.

Top view
Side view
3. Give special name to a polyhedron with seven faces , 15 edges and 10 vertices.
Sol. Pentagonal prism
4. Can a polyhedron have 20 faces, 40 edges and 30 vertices?
Sol. V+F-E=2 Euler’s Formula.
30+20 – 40=10
Since Euler’s Formula is not verified this polyhedron is not possible.
5. For the given solid, identify the top view, front view and side view.

Sol. (i) Front view (1x3=3marks)

(ii) Top view
(iii) Side view

Fill in the blanks
1. Square prism is also called a ………………
(a) Cone (b) pentagon (c) cube (d) none of these.
2. Total number of faces in a pyramid with eight edges is ………………
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 12
3. If 4 km on a map is represented by 1 cm, then 16 km is represented by ……………… cm.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16
4. The net of a rectangular prism has ………………. rectangles.
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8
5. Solid having only line segments as its edges is a
a)polyhedron b)cone c)cylinder d)polygon
6. Side of a square garden is 30m. If the scale used to draw its picture is 1 cm : 5m, the perimeter of
the square in the picture is
a)20cm b)24cm c)28cm d)30cm
8. In a blueprint of a room , an architect has shown the height of the room as 33cm if the actual height
of the room is 330 cm, then the scale used by her is
a) 1:11 b)1:10 c)1:100 d)1:3
9. Which of the following is a regular polyhedron ?
a)Cuboid b)Triangular prism c) Cube d)Square prism
10. Which of the following 3D shapes does not have a vertex ?
a)Pyramid b)Prism c) Cone d)Sphere
11. Draw the net of a tetrahedron.
12. How many edges does a cone has?
13. How many vertices does an octagonal pyramid have?
14. By using Euler’s formula find the unknown.
a) Vertices = 12, Faces = 4, Edges =?
b) Faces = 5, Edges = 8, Vertices =?
c) Edges = 8, Vertices = 5, Faces =?
15. Give special name to a polyhedron with 7 faces, 15 edges and 10 vertices.

16. Find the number of edges, vertices and faces in

(i) a rectangular pyramid.
(ii) an octagonal pyramid
(iii) a hexagonal prism
17. Can a polyhedron have 20 faces, 40 edges and 30 vertices?
18. A pyramid with square base has 5 faces and 8 edges. By Euler’s formula, find
the vertices of the pyramid.
19.State and verify the Euler’s Formula for a rectangular prism.
20. State and verify the Euler’s Formula for a triangular pyramid.
21. Prove Euler’s Formula for the given figure
Find the number of edges, vertices and faces in the given
22. For the given solid, identify the top view, front view and side view.
23. Draw the three views of a brick.
24. Draw the front, side and top view of a television
25 Look at the map given below:

Answer the following:

(a) Mark a green ‘X’ at the intersection of Church Street and High Street and a blue
‘Y’ at the intersection of North Street and Leret Way.
(b) Highlight the shortest street route followed by Annie from her current position
to the Institute in pink.

Answer Key
1.(c) Cube 5. a)polyhedron 11. Net
2. (b) 5 6.b)24cm 12. 1edge
3. (b) 4 7. b)1:10 13. 9
4. (c ) 6 8 c) Cube
14 a)Edges=14 b)
9. d)Sphere
10.c)Polyhedrons Vertices=5
15. Pentagonal prism 17. No
16. (i) E=8, F=5 ,V=5 18. V=5
(ii) E=16, F=9 ,V=9 19. E=12, F=6 ,V=8
(iii) E=18, F=8 ,V=12 20. E=6, F=4,V=4
21. E=15 , V=10, F=7


Factors: When an Algebraic Expression is expressed as the product of numbers and algebraic-
expressions then each of these numbers and expressions are called the factors of the given Algebraic-
Ex: 6 x  6 x  3 x( x  2) , Here 3, x, (x+2) are the factors of 6 x  6 x
2 2

Factorization: The process to express an Algebraic-expression as the product of irreducible factors is

called Factorization.
Some important formulae:
(a) a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b) 2  (a  b)(a  b)

(b) a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b) 2  (a  b)(a  b)

(c) a 2  b 2  ( a  b)(a  b)

(d) x  ( a  b) x  ab  ( x  a )( x  b)

Sample questions:
1. Factorize: 20a2b2 + 25a2bc2
=2×2×5×a×a×b×b + 5×5×a×a×b×c×c
=5×a×a×b (4b + 5×c×c)
=5a2b (4b + 5c2)
2. Factorize: x2 + 5x + 6
=x2 +3x + 2x + 6
= x(x +3) +2(x +3)
= (x+3) (x+2)

3. Factorize: a 2  2a  ab  2b
(a 2  2a )  (ab  2b)
= a (a + 2) + (a + 2) b
= (a + 2) (a + b)
1. Find the greatest common factors of 21a3b7 and 35a5b5
(a) 7a3b5
(b) 21a3b5
(c) 5a3b5
(d) none
2. Factorize: q2 – 10q +21:
(q +3) (q - 7)
(q - 3) (q +7)
(q - 3) (q - 7)
(d) none

3. Factorize: 16a2 – 24ab:

(a) 8a (2a – 3b)
(b) 8a (2a+3b)
(c) 8a (4a – 3b)
(d) none
4. Factorize: 25z – 9z3
(a) z (5 - 3z) (5 – 3z)
(b) z (5 + 3z) (5 – 3z)
(c) z (5 + 3z) (5 + 3z)
(d) none
5. Factorize: p2q – pq –pr2 + r2
(a) (p-1) (p - r2)
(b) (p-1) (q+ r2)
(c) (p-1) (pq + r2)
(d) none
6. One of the factor of 9x2−¿ 16y2 is
a) 9x−¿16y b) 9x+¿ 16y c) 3x+¿ 4y d) None of these
7. (4x2+¿ 12xy+¿ 9y2) ÷ (2x+¿ 3y) is equal to
a) 2x+¿ 3y b) 3x+¿ 2y c) 2x−¿3y d) None of these
8. Area of a rectangle is a2+¿ 14a+¿ 48, then its dimensions may be
a) (a+¿ 6) and (a+¿ 8) b) (a+¿ 16) and (a+¿ 3) c) (a+¿ 4) and (a+¿ 12) d) None of these
9. (x−¿1) (x+¿ 1) (x2+¿ 1) (x4+¿ 1) is equal to
a) x8−¿1 b) x8+¿ 1 c) x16−¿ 1 d) None of these
10. Which of the following is not a factor of x8−¿ 1
a) x−¿1 b) x+¿ 1 c) x2−¿1 d) x6+¿ 1
Factorize the following:

3ax  6ay  8by  4bx
12.16x3 – 4x2 + 32x
13. (x+y) (2x+3y)-(x+y) (x+1)
14. d(d-5) + 7(5-d)
15. (a-b)2 – (a-b)
16. Factorize: 144x2 + 24x + 1
17. Match the columns
1 100x2−¿80xy+¿ 16y2 A 3x(5x+¿ 7)
2 (x−¿ y)2+¿ 4xy B (x−¿y)(x+¿ y)(x2+¿ y2)
3 x4−¿y4 C 4(5x−¿2y) (5x−¿2y)
4 39x (50x −¿98)÷ 26x (5x−¿7)
3 2 2
D (x+¿ y)2
5 x+¿ y+¿ px+¿ py E (x+¿ y)(p+¿ 1)
18. If one of the factors of (5x2+¿ 70x−¿160) is (x−¿2), then the other factor is?

19. Factorize:
16  x 2  2 xy  y 2
20. Factorize: 9a2 – 12ab + 4b2 – 36c2
21. Factorize: 4 (a + b) (3x - y) + 6 (b + a) (2y – 3x)
22. Factorize: 12x2 – x – 1
23. Factorize: x2yz + xy2z + xyz2
24. Factorize: ax2y + bxy2 + cxyz
25. Factorize: x3 – 2x2y + 3xy2 – 6y3
26: Factorize: x2 – 11xy – x + 11y
Factorize the following:
27. 2x−¿ 32x5
28. 16 (x+y) 3 – 24 (x+y)2
29. 75a3b2 – 108ab4
30. 49(a – b)2 – 25(a + b)2
31. 9a4 – 24a2b2 + 16b4 – 256

1.a 7. a
2. c 8. a
3.a 9. a
4. b 10. d
5. d
11. (3a+4b) (x-2y)
12. 4x (4x2 – x + 8
19. (4+x+y) (4-x-y)
20. (3a – 2b + 6c) (3a –
 
2 x 1  4 x 2 1  2 x 1  2 x 
13. (x+y) (x+3y-1) 2b – 6c)
28. 8(x + y)2 (2x + 2y -3)
14. (d-7) (d-5) 21. 2(a + b) (4y – 3x)
15. (a – b) (a – b – 1) 22. (3x – 1) (4x + 1) 29. 3ab2 (5a + 6b) (5a – 6b)
16. (12x + 1) (12x + 1) 23. xyz (x + y +z) 30. 4 (6a – b) (a – 6b)
17. 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A, 24. xy (ax + by + cz) 31. (3a2 – 4b2 + 16) (3a2 – 4b2 – 16)
5-E 25. (x – 2y) (x2 + 3y2)
18. 5(x+¿ 16) 26. (x – 11y) (x – 1)


a=1×a=a1, a×a=a2, axaxa=a3, axaxaxa=a4 etc

Thus, axaxaxax……………to n no. of factors= an, read as ‘a’ raise to the power ‘n’. a=base, n=
Laws of Exponents:
(i) am x an = am+n
(ii) am x bm = (axb)m
a m-n
(iii) n =a
a a
(iv) m = ( )m
b b
(v) (am)n = amn = (an)m
(vi) (ab)n = an x bn
(vii) a0=1; a≠0
(viii) a-1 = ; a≠0
1 n
(ix) a-n = ( a )n = a ; a≠0
a b b
(x) ( )-n = ( )n =
b a a

Here a and b are rational numbers while n is an integer.

Sample Questions:
1. What is the value of 23×24 (1 mark)
Sol. 23×24 =23+4 (0.5)
= 2 =128 (0.5)
-1 -1
2. Find the value of the following: 3 + 4 (2 marks)
1 1
Sol: 3-1 + 4-1 = 3 + 4 (1)
= 12 (0.5)
= 12 (0.5)
3. Find the value of m when (5 ÷ 5 )/5 =53 (4 marks)
m -3 2

Sol. (5m÷ 5-3)/52 =53

 (5 m+3)/52 =53 (1)
 5 m+3-2 =53 (1)
 5m+1 =53 (1)
 m+1 =3 (0.5)
 m =3-1 =2 (0.5)
1. value of 2-2 is:
A. 4 B. ¼ C. 2 D. ½
2. The multiplicative inverse of 7-2 is:
A. 72 B. 7 C. 1/72 D. 1/7
3. 22 x 23 x 24 is equal to:
A. 224 B. 2-5 C. 29 D. 2-9
4. 3-2 x 3-5 is equal to:
A. 3-7 B. 3-3 C. 3-10 D. 37
5. 54/52 is equal to:
A. 56 B. 5-6 C. 5-2 D. 52
6. The value of (34)3 is:
A. 3 B. 312 C. 37 D. None of the above
7. 32 x 42 is equal to:
A. 121 B. 49 C. 144 D. 156
8. 57/67 will give the value:
A. (⅚)7 B. (⅚)0 C. (⅚)-7 D. (6/5)-7
9. 1000+200+50 is equal to
A. 125 B. 25 C. 1/125 D. 3
10. The volume of a cuboid with length, breadth and height as 5x, 3x2 and 7x4 respectively is:
A. 105x B. 105x2 C. 105x4 D. 105x
1. Evaluate using laws of exponents :

( ) {( ) ( ) }
−3 −1 −1
1 1 −1
(a) 4-4 (b)
7 (c)
6 4
2.Simplify using laws of exponents:

{( ) ( ) }
−4 −3 −3
3 3
4 2

[{( ) } ( ) ]
2 3 −4
2 1
× ×3−1 ×6−1
3 3
3−5 ×10−5 ×125
(c) {(-8)-32 ÷ (-8)16} (d) 5−7 ×6−5
3. Express each of the following as a rational number of form q :
2 3 4 2
 3 4 2 7
       
(a)  8  5 (b)  7   5 
4. If x= 3-2 x 23, then x-1=?
5. If 1112 ÷ 11-m = 14641; m=?

() () ()
2 3 2 2 2 x−1
× =
6. Find x, if
3 3 3

( 37 ) ×( 37 ) =( 37 )
2 m+1 5 m +2

7. Find m, if

(3) (2 ) (3) (2)

2 −4 −2 4
2 3 2 3
× , y = ×
8. If x= Find xy-1?
9. If 32 d +1 ÷ 9=27, find d.

() ()
p 3 6 0 p
= ÷ ,
10. If
q 2 7 find the value of
11. Simplify [25 x t-4]/[5-3 x 10 x t-8]
12. If a new-born bear weighs 4 kg, calculate how many kilograms a five-year-old bear weigh if its
weight increases by the power of 2 in 5 years?
13. 5 books and 5 paper sheets are placed in a stack. Find the total thickness of the stack if each
book has a thickness of 20 mm and each sheet has a thickness of 0.016 mm.
14. Express 3-5 x 3-4 as a power of 3 with positive exponent.
16 −16
15. Express 81 and 81 as powers of a rational number.
16. Find the product of the cube of (-2) and the square of (+4).
17. Solve the following:
(a) 100-10 (b) 2-2 x 2-3
18. Write -102000000 in exponential form.
Answer Key
MCQ. 1)b 3)c 4)a 5)d 6)b

7)c 9)d 10)a

1 3. 125/9, 4. 9/8 ¿ 5. -8 6. – 1
1. (a)
256 117649/400
(b) 343
7. -4 9. d = 2 10. ¿

11. [625/2] t4 12.16kg 13. 1.0008 × 102 mm

16)-2048 17)(a)10-20 18.-102 x 106
(b) 2-5

*Mark topics & questions are not for examination point of view.

 In the Cartesian plane, the horizontal line is called the x-axis and the vertical lines called the y-
 The coordinate axes divide the plane into four parts called quadrants,
 The point of intersection of the axes is called the origin.
 Abscissa or the x-coordinate of a point is its distance from the y-axis and the ordinate or the y-
coordinate is its distance from the x-axis.
 Thus if (x, y) are called the coordinates of the point whose abscissa is x and the ordinate is y. i.e
(abscissa, ordinate)
 Coordinates of
a) A point on the x-axis are of the form (x, 0)
b) A point on the y-axis is of the form (0, y).
c) Origin are (0, 0)

In the first quadrant both x- and y-coordinates are positive.

In the second quadrant x-coordinate is negative and y-coordinate is
In the third quadrant both x-and y-coordinates are negative.
In the fourth quadrant x-coordinate is positive and y-coordinate is
Linear Patterns
Sometimes the ordered pairs when plotted on the Cartesian plane may
reveal some patterns.
If the plotted points make a pattern, then the coordinates of each point may have the same relationship
between the x and y values. In such a case, the x and y values are connected by a certain rule.
A linear pattern is said to exist when the points examined form a straight line.
Sample Solutions
1. * A Grade 8 class is going on a field trip. The bus seats 24 students. An equation that relates the
number of boys on the bus to the number of girls is b = 24 - g, where g represents the number of
girls and b represents the number of boys.
a) Create a table of values for the relation.
b) Graph the relation.
c) Is it possible to have more than 24 girls or boys on the bus? Use graph to answer.
Solution: a) Substitute values for g to find corresponding values
of b.
When g = 0, b = 24 – 0 , When g = 1, b =24 – 1 = 23 and so on…..
The variables represent the number of boys and the number of girls. As the number of girls increases by
1, the number of boys decreases by 1. The graph begins and ends at
24 on each axis.
It is not possible to have more than either 24 boys or 24 girls on
the bus.
2. * Look at the adjoining figure and answer the following.
a. At what times was the temperature highest?
b. What was the increase in temperature from 8a.m to
c. According to the graph, was the temperature at 8a.m
more than or less than 40° C?
a. 9am and 10 am b. 5˚C c. Less than


1. * Plot the points (5,0) ,(5,1) , (5,8 ). Do they lie on a line?

2. * From the given points which point is at a distance of 5 units from the x-axis.
(i) (-2, 1) (ii) (5, 8) (iii) (0, 5) (iv) (-5, -6)
3. * Plot points (7,4) , (9,5) and (9,3) on a graph . What do they represent when joined?
4. * The following graph shows the maximum temperature in the first week of April.

a. What was the temperature on Thursday?

b. When was the maximum temperature 350 C?
5. * Plot the graphs for the values of the following table:
Number of oranges 1 5 7 12 15

Cost (in Rs) 3 15 21 36 45

Distance (in km) 40 70 100 140 190 250

Time (in hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6

6. * Draw time-distance graph, showing a car going at a constant speed of 30km per hour. Take time
in hours, from 1 hour to 10 hours in steps of 1hour each.

7. * Monu gets a pocket money of Rs 50 in first month; her pocket money is raised by Rs5 every
month. Draw a graph to show her pocket money for 1 year. From the graph show
a. What will be her pocket money in 5th month?
b. Which month will she get pocket money of Rs. 85?
8. * A man earns a salary of Rs 1000 in the first year. He gets an increment of Rs 500 every year.
Draw a graph to show his income for 10 years.
a. On the graph, show what his income will be in the 5th year.
b. Which year will give him a salary of Rs 9000?

9. *Write down the distances of these points from the y-axis.

(i) (-1, 1) (ii) (9, 5) (iii) (2, 0) (iv) (0, -6)

10. * On a graph sheet plot the following points A (2, 5), B (-2, 5), C (-2, -5) , D (2, -5).
Join ABCD. What figure do you get? What are the dimensions of the figure?

11. * The graph shows the path of a cyclist.

Answer the questions given below.
a) What is the average speed during the first part of the journey?
b) For how long did he rest?
c) What was the average speed during the second part of the journey?

12. * Choose the correct answer:

1. *The point (–5, 6) is nearer to:
(i) x-axis
(ii) y-axis
(iii) origin
(iv) none of these.
2. * The point (–3, –3) is
(i) nearer to x-axis
(ii) y-axis
(iii) near to origin
(iv)equidistant from x-axis and y-axis.
3. * The point (0, 4) lies on which of the following:
(i) x-axis
(ii) y-axis
(iii) origin
(iv) none of these.
4. *The point (–3, 0) lies on which of the following?
(i) x-axis
(ii) y-axis
(iii) origin
(iv) none of these.
5. *The poits (–3, 2) and (2 , –3) represent:
(i) different points
(ii) same point
(iii) the origin
(iv) none of these.
6. *By joining (–1, –1), (0, 0) and (3, 3) represent:
(i) a triangle
(ii) a curved line
(iii) a straight line passing through origin
(iv) a straight line not passing through origin.
*True and False Statement
a) (5,0) lies on x-axis
b) (0,1) lies on x-axis
c) (0,0) is the origin
d) (4,4) is equal distance from both the x-axis and y-axis
13. *Draw the points (5, 4) and (4, 5). Do they represent the same point?
14. *Draw a line passing through (2, 1) and (1, 2). Find the coordinates of the points at which this
line meets the x-axis and y-axis.
15. *Draw the graph for the following table of values of time (in hours) and distances (in km)
covered by a car.
Time (in hours) 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00
Distance (in km) 60 120 180 240
From the graph, find:
(i) The distance covered by the car during the period 7:00 to 8:00.
(ii) At what time the car would have covered 180 km?
16. *Find the coordinates of the vertices of ΔABC given in graph. Draw a triangle by taking vertices
as A(5, 2), B(1, 2) and C(1, 5).

17. *Following graph describes the movement of a car from a town A to town D. Study the graph a l
answer the following questions:

(i) What is the distance between town A and town D?

(ii) What did the car start from town A?
(iii) Where did the car stop and for what duration?
(iv) How long did it take to go from town C to town D?
18. *Read the following `time-temperature' graph of a place and answer the questions given below.
(i) What was the temperature at 7 a.m.?
(ii) When the temperature was maximum?

(iii) When was the temperature 40°C?

(iv) During which period, the temperature remained constant?

Answer Key :
Q 1 yes Q 2 (0,5) Q3 triangle Q4 Thursday, Wednesday Q 5 Plot
Q 7 Rs 70, 8th Q8 5th,16 Q 9: 1, 9 , 2, 0 Q10 Rectangle, l =10units, Q11
month month units b=4 units. 10km/hr ,
0 hr,
15 km/hr

Q12.1)i Q12.2)iv Q12.3)ii Q12.4)i Q12.5)i


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