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“Ugh! I can’t believe you!!

” Kazue said, picking up her soda and dumping it on Yusuke’s

head. He flinched a bit under the cold liquid, retracting his hands. Now he really wished he
hadn’t just tried that. Kazue rose from her seat, her breasts bouncing stiffly a bit as she did, and
stormed out of the restaurant, her long brown hair swishing.
“Wait, Kazue, come back!” Yusuke called after his now ex-girlfriend, standing up. “I’m
sorry, I shouldn’t have done that! Just give me another chance!” Kazue ignored him, however,
and he ran after her. Some of the other customers in the restaurant looked up as the scene
unfolded. By the time he got out of the restaurant, Kazue was already at her car, angrily throwing
her coat and purse onto the passenger seat on the left and getting in, slamming the door. She was
pulling the seatbelt across her large chest just as Yusuke ran up to her. Once she had fastened
herself in, she rolled down the window. Yusuke flinched again as she practically screamed at
him, “Lecher!!” The cloud of her warm breath in the cold air of mid-November almost made it
seem like she was angry enough to be breathing fire at him.
Yusuke groaned and slumped in place as she drove off, thinking to himself, And now I’m
single again. Story of my life… Kazue was now just the latest in a long line of ex-girlfriends on
Yusuke’s part. He’d actually gotten off pretty light this time—what he’d just tried with her had
gotten him slapped more than a few times, and punched on one occasion. He could never bring
himself to blame his ex-girlfriends for any of that, though.
Yusuke Mizuhara was an eighteen-year-old college student, currently attending the local
university, having moved here to Fukuoka from Yokohama relatively recently. He was of
average height, about 170cm,i and presently was wearing a blue T-shirt and beige slacks, though
now he had to change—his shoulders were soaked from Kazue’s rejection. He shivered a bit in
the cold; the soda in his shortish black hair made it seem even chillier than it was, and he needed
to shower, now, too. His greenish-hazel eyes glanced around quickly and he saw, conveniently,
that a bus was approaching. He didn’t have a car, so he ran back for his jacket and book bag in
short order, ignoring the muttering from some of the other customers, and then over to the bus
stop. He got there just in time and boarded the bus. As soon as he sat down, he put his bag on his
lap, and for good reason: several other women were on the bus, and almost all of them were very
busty for Japanese.
He was a smart man, majoring in mathematics in the hopes of one day becoming a
professor in the field, but he had one weakness: boobs. He had an almost uncontrollable
obsession with well-endowed women, and by now was something of a connoisseur of
pornography that specialized in busty beauties. He was sharp, too, and could roughly tell what a
woman’s cup size was with almost a single look based on her height, and could even tell if they
were fake or not no matter how subtle their surgery had been. That was what had drawn him to
Kazue in the first place: she was a classmate of his and he charmed his way into a relationship
with her that lasted for a good five weeks, longer than most, but now he’d jumped the gun by
trying to steal second base.
Yeah, so what else is new? he silently asked himself as the bus got going. He looked
around, glancing at the women on the bus. There was a cosmetic surgery institute on campus
where new plastic surgery procedures were being developed. One of these was a lightweight
breast augmentation method, to reduce strain on the back, and its effects were being tested by
offering implants for cheap. Though they almost always came out well, Yusuke could always tell
that they were fake. It didn’t stop him from getting turned on by them, but as far as he was
concerned natural breasts were better than fake ones. As he looked around, he automatically
noted each of the women’s augmented sizes in his head: D-cup, C-cup, F-cup, D-cup, E-
cup…oh, it’s Takara. He recognized that woman—she was one of his ex-girlfriends, too. For a
brief moment, their eyes met, and he gave a sheepish smile to her, just meaning to be polite.
Takara gave him a small scowl in exchange. She whispered something to the two women
standing next to her, one nearly as busty as she was and the other even bigger, and Yusuke
turned his gaze away with embarrassment and no small amount of shame; she was warning them
about him. He’d tried to be smooth with Takara just like he had with Kazue, and just like with
Kazue it had blown up in his face. For the most part, he didn’t talk to his ex-girlfriends anymore
unless he had a legitimate question for them and otherwise they had a mutual agreement of
silence and non-interaction with him. He hated to admit it, but he was basically the bad guy to
them. He couldn’t help himself!
Yusuke was trying to avoid eye contact with any of the other women on the bus, focusing
on the photos in a newspaper that the man across from him was reading, when his cell phone
buzzed. He pulled the flip phone out of his pocket and saw that his friend Yoshio had texted him.
The digitized kanji read, Are you busy? Almost in a flash, Yusuke texted him back, Kind of.
Why? In seconds, Yoshio had texted his reply: Can you come to the Blue Gale?
Yusuke glanced up and saw that, conveniently, he was very close to the café that Yoshio
meant. Texting as he yanked the overhead cable, he replied, Sure. and the bus came to a stop.
Yusuke pulled his jacket on both for the cold and to hide his soda-soaked shoulders as he walked
down the sidewalk, expertly negotiating the sleeves around his book bag even as he moved
through a crowd. The Blue Gale Café was just a few meters away and he walked right in. He
looked around, scanning the tables of students having lunch, drinking coffee, and talking. It took
him a moment to notice Yoshio at the far end of the café, sitting opposite a young woman that
Yusuke didn’t recognize. He walked over to them as they continued talking. He couldn’t see
Yoshio’s face from this angle, but the woman’s expression changed and then Yoshio rose and all
but yelled something that Yusuke was still too far away to hear.
As Yusuke approached, he could finally hear them clearly as the woman said, “Come on,
Yoshio, keep your voice down. We’re in public.” Yoshio was dressed pretty similarly to Yusuke
except for wearing a polo shirt that was more reddish in color. While Yoshio’s coat was slung
over the back of his chair, the woman was still wearing her own, a cream-colored parka, and
some form-fitting long jeans. Even sitting down, he could tell that she was rather tall, just about
matching his own height.
At that moment, Yoshio saw Yusuke out of the corner of his eye and quietly snarled, “I
just don’t understand you, Reina. Why him? What’s wrong with me?”
“Hey, what’s with the attitude?” Yusuke asked. Yoshio scowled at him, too, and then
grabbed his things. He turned back to the young woman and said, “Well, here he is: Yusuke
Mizuhara. Happy birthday to you. I’ll see you later, and you, too, Yusuke,” and he walked off,
muttering to himself about how unfair he felt the situation was. Yusuke wasn’t too worried;
Yoshio got like this sometimes, but would be back to his old self by nightfall.
“P-please, would you sit down?” the woman said. Yusuke glanced at her, finally
registering her almost exotic-looking auburn bob cut and her amber-colored eyes. She seemed
nervous; he could see a bit of a blush on her face.
“Uh, sure,” Yusuke replied, sitting down where Yoshio had been minutes before. He was
about to say something when a waitress walked up to take his order. Yusuke bought a small
coffee, almost absentmindedly, as he fully devoted his attention to the young woman before him.
She was looking rather glum about Yoshio’s tone; she must have been sharing him with Yusuke
as a friend without him ever realizing it. As she took a sip from an orange smoothie, Yusuke
looked her over again as he gathered his thoughts. Okay, no idea why Yoshio was so angry, but it
has to have something to do with this woman, he thought to himself. Looking more closely at her
face, This really cute woman, then his gaze fell on her chest, who has giant breasts!
Indeed, whoever she was, she was very well-endowed; Kazue just barely edged her out,
but she had to have one of the biggest racks on campus! Even as Yusuke kept collecting his
thoughts, the woman reached up for her zipper and said, “L-let me take this off.” Yusuke kept
thinking to himself as she undid her parka, Oh my God, is she serious?! He had no idea who this
woman was, she had apparently called him here with Yoshio as the middle-man, and now she
was taking off some of her clothes right in front of him?!? In public!?
As he’d expected, though, she was wearing something else underneath; in fact, she was
wearing more than he had expected. Under her parka, she had on a sleeveless yellow sweater,
and under that was a short-sleeved white button shirt; the button shirt’s collar was folded over
the sweater’s. Almost sensually, she slipped out of the topmost layer of her clothing, revealing
her slender shoulders and showing her bust in greater detail than the puffy-looking parka would
ever allow. As she did, Yusuke noticed, even under at least two more layers of clothing, that her
breasts moved ever so slightly as she breathed, jiggling almost unnoticeably. Wait…are they
real?! Are they really real!?! It was only another few seconds before his keen eyes told him that,
yes, unlike Kazue’s, this woman’s chest was 100% natural. He somehow managed to keep a
straight face as he thought, Amazing! I’ve never seen someone with natural boobs this big!
With her coat off now, the woman seemed more nervous than before: she kept looking at
Yusuke, then away. She must have been shy. Her hair bounced a little as she moved her head,
mostly staying in her bob cut but with none of it covering her face—he was thankful for that,
because she was very pretty and covering up even a centimeter of her beautiful looks would have
made her that much less attractive, but only just. Her nose was kind of small, in contrast to his,
and her eyelashes were short. With more of her skin visible, Yusuke could clearly see that it was
a lighter tone than his, making her almost look Caucasian. Coupled with her hair, eyes, height,
and her enormous endowment, he would have been astounded if she’d never been mistaken for a
Finally, the woman locked eyes with Yusuke, apparently having finally mustered up the
courage to speak, and introduced herself: “Um…I…I’m Reina Toyohara. It’s nice ta meet you.”
Yusuke wasn’t a linguistics student, but her dialect was distinctly Kyūshū, not Kantō like his
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you, too,” Yusuke replied just as his coffee arrived. He thanked
the waitress and took a sip of his drink as Reina spoke up again, “I need ta ask you a favor,
“Okay, shoot,” Yusuke set down his cup for a moment.
“Well…” Reina’s blush grew as she, again, had to work up the courage to speak to him.
“Yoshio told me that you’re really smart, so I was wonderin’…” she faltered again for a second,
“w-would you…tutor me, if you don’t mind?” Reina asked. When Yusuke got a puzzled look on
his face, her tone and expression changed almost instantly and she pleaded, “Oh, please,
Yusuke? My grades are failin’ and I don’t want ta have ta take my classes again! I-it has ta be
you! Please? For me?” She leaned forward and bowed her head, clasping her hands together as
she practically begged him. Yusuke ‘happened’ to glance down at her chest again and almost
became short of breath, seeing her massive melons being squeezed between her elbows.
His obsession taking over again, Yusuke thought to himself, They’re F—no, wait, she’s
probably a G-cup! Maybe double G-cup! He tried his best not to let his expression betray his
thoughts. If this Reina wanted to spend time with him, regardless of the reason, then maybe he
had a chance with her, and didn’t want to ruin it like he had with Kazue not half an hour ago.
“Does this mean you can’t do it?” Reina asked, looking up at him. Yusuke realized how
quiet he was being and moved his line of sight up to her face. Were her eyes glistening?
Reina gasped a bit as Yusuke took her hands in his and said, “Listen, Reina, I should
warn you that I’m in pretty advanced classes. If I do tutor you, my lessons will be tough. Are you
sure you want this?”
“Yes! Yes, of course!” Reina answered immediately, her depressed expression being
replaced by a big grin almost instantly. “I’m lookin’ forward ta it!”
Yes! Private lessons with a big-breasted beauty! Yusuke thought. He almost felt like
giggling right there, but restrained himself. Smiling back at her, he said, “Okay, then, Reina. I’ll
teach you.”
“Oh, thank you, Yusuke! Thank you!” she said, almost leaping across the table and
nearly knocking over their drinks to hug him. Yusuke blushed, first with embarrassment at this
sudden squeeze—in public and by a woman he’d only just met, no less—and then with pleasure
as he felt her bountiful bust being pressed against him. They were so soft; they were real. After a
moment, she released him and reached down to the floor, grabbing her purse from under her
chair to take out a pen and paper. “Here, I live at…”

The next day, just as the sun began to set, Yusuke got off the bus closest to where Reina
lived. As he got out, he saw that he was just outside an upper-class neighborhood. Maybe that
explained why he hadn’t seen her at campus much, if at all: she didn’t live in an apartment like
he did or in one of the on-site dorms. She had to be a local, and a well-off one at that, and
probably didn’t need to rely on public transit like he did, either. Yusuke rubbed his hands
together in the cold and started walking. It was quite a way from the bus stop, and he’d have to
climb almost all the way to the top of a hill. It made him thankful that snow hadn’t fallen
recently—he’d hate to slip and fall and never even get a chance with Reina, to say nothing of
being plain injured.
Before long, Yusuke had reached his destination, and checked the note Reina had written
for him a final time. The address on the paper matched the house, which practically screamed of
financial security: the driveway was gated, but open and waiting for him, the house had two
floors, and exotic plants grew in the yard—a yard, in a country as crowded as Japan and region
as urbanized as Fukuoka!—and the architecture almost put Yusuke in the mind of something that
an English peer might live in. As he walked up the driveway, he noticed an expensive-looking
Mercedes-Benz parked off to the side. “Whoa…” he couldn’t help commenting. The sedan
almost seemed brand new. He wondered how they could afford all this—everything around him
suggested that money wasn’t a problem for her, but was Reina just plain rich?
Yusuke shook the thoughts of however wealthy Reina might be out of his mind and
continued on his way to the door. Just as he set foot on the welcome mat, an image of Reina
came to his mind, taking off her parka again but now revealing that she had nothing on
underneath. He all but slapped himself, Focus, Yusuke! You’re just here to tutor! For all you
know she could be a lesbian! You’re here to teach and only to teach, nothing else! You’ll figure
out if she’s interested in you eventually but keep it in your pants or you’ll ruin it again!
He took a deep breath and, reaching for the doorbell, kept repeating to himself under his
breath, “I’m just here to tutor. Don’t do anything stupid,” all the while fighting his thoughts of
his tutoring partner in various states of undress. He pressed the button and heard the bell sound:
Almost as soon as he rang the bell, he heard a voice call from inside, “I’ll get it!” and in
seconds the door opened. Yusuke’s eyes almost bugged out when he saw Reina standing there,
and more importantly what she was wearing. Reina herself obviously looked the same as she had
yesterday, but now she was wearing a skimpy orange top that stayed on only by spaghetti straps
and was loose enough it was more like a curtain over her boobs than a shirt. She also had a
yellow microskirt showing more leg than he’d ever seen anyone wear in real-life, and—best of
all—no bra!
“Hey, Yusuke! Come on in!” Reina beamed; she had obviously been waiting for him.
Unrestrained, her hooters moved even more now; the slightest movements made them jiggle like
jello. Yusuke had to quickly move his book bag to hide his rapidly growing erection; if she really
wasn’t interested in him, then he didn’t want to ruin his chances of changing her mind before he
even got them. Considering that Reina was showing a lot of skin and walking around braless,
though, he was pretty much certain that she had an ulterior motive, too.
“I’m so glad you came!” Reina said, shutting the door behind him as he walked in. He
glanced around and saw he was standing in a foyer—there was a dining room to his right, a
living room on the left, and a staircase to the second floor almost directly in front of him next to
a hallway that turned into a T-junction. A homemade banner hung from the second-floor
banister, the characters on it reading ‘Happy Birthday, Reina!’—Yoshio wasn’t just being
sarcastic when he said that to her yesterday, then. There were a lot of ornaments, pieces of art,
and framed photographs on the walls. He began feeling a little envious—his apartment was
pretty underfurnished, but even at home in Yokohama there was pretty much just his parents’
wedding photos and one or two other decorations, things with more sentimental than monetary
value. It was nice and toasty inside, and Yusuke promptly hung his jacket on a coat hanger by the
As Yusuke took off his shoes, Reina turned towards the inside of the house and called,
“Mama! My tutor’s here! Come and meet him!”
Mama…? Yusuke thought.
“Hi!” he heard a new voice say. When Yusuke turned around, his eyes really did bug out.
A woman, evidently Reina’s mother, walked into the room and stopped not far from them,
leaning forward just a bit. Just like with her daughter, his eyes immediately fell on her chest: she
was even bigger than Reina! Holy shit, J-cups! No, double J-cups, I’m sure of it!! he thought.
Even if he was wrong, she still had the biggest breasts he’d ever seen, in real-life or in porn—she
was easily four cup sizes bigger than her daughter, and just as tall or slightly more, perhaps
because of her age.
“Welcome! I’m Mitsuki. Reina is my daughter, but you probably figured that out
already,” she said, almost playfully; like Reina, she used the local dialect, but there was
something else about her accent that Yusuke couldn’t quite place. Her hair was considerably
longer than Reina’s, going down to her waist. Though they had the same eye color and light skin
tone—Reina must have inherited them from Mitsuki—her hair was light brown in color, almost
tannish. While most of her hair fell down behind her shoulders, there were two locks of it in front
that reached down just past her collarbones, and her bangs were parted in such a way that they
almost went partway over her eyes. Yusuke couldn’t help but think he was mistaken the day
before, thinking that Reina wouldn’t look as pretty with some hair covering her face—if Mitsuki
was any standard, it would just make her even more beautiful. The older woman was wearing a
light red sleeveless turtleneck which, like Reina’s top, didn’t leave much to the imagination, and
a light tan skirt made from a single piece of cloth, reaching down just below her knees and
terminating in a ruffled frill all along the bottom edge.
Trying to keep back his thoughts about her buxom body, Yusuke replied, “H-hi. I’m
Yusuke Mizuhara.”
Mitsuki said, “I’m sorry my daughter was so insistent. She just didn’t want anyone but
you ta tutor her, so…” and she tittered a bit, hiding a small, amused smile behind her hand.
Yusuke saw a wedding band glitter on her ring finger under the lights from the ceiling. Yusuke
could hardly believe how youthful she looked—obviously, she couldn’t be much younger than
thirty, but if he hadn’t known otherwise he might have thought she was no older than Reina!
Maybe even younger!
“Mom! Shut up! You’re embarrassin’ me!” Reina said with an annoyed tone. She turned
back to her guest and said, “Come on, Yusuke. I’ve got everythin’ ready ta go upstairs.” Yusuke
had hardly uttered a word of agreement before Reina took him by the arm and led him upstairs.
Just before they got to the top, Mitsuki called to them, “Oh, Reina, I almost forgot! I’ll be goin’
out for a little bit! Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t!”
Without stopping, Reina called back, “Okay, Mom!” and she led Yusuke into her room.
The second they walked in and she let go of him, it hit Yusuke that he’d never actually been in a
girl’s bedroom before—every time he’d dated in the past, they had always been out in public and
he’d never been able to control himself long enough to get as intimate as being here might imply.
He gazed around and felt some envy again; the room was so big all by itself that it almost put his
whole apartment to shame. There was a desk, a couple of bookcases, a comfortable-looking
twin-size bed with a jade green comforter rather than a futon,ii two chairs—an adjustable office
chair at the desk and a standard four-legged wooden one off to the side—and a closet, with room
to spare. A few framed photos hung on the wall, but Yusuke’s attention was instead drawn to a
much larger vintage Sailor Moon poster; Reina must have been a fan, at least at one time. There
was a set of adjustable dumbbells and sets of weight disks in the corner of the room, next to a
hamper half-filled with dirty clothes; Yusuke thought for a moment, and almost immediately
realized that Reina must need to exercise daily to keep back pain from getting to her—after all,
unlike most of Yusuke’s ex-girlfriends, her gigantic jugs were all-natural, they had to be really
heavy. He could only imagine what Mitsuki’s exercise regimen was, considering that her melons
were even more massive.
“So, Yusuke, what are you goin’ ta be teachin’ me first?” Reina inquired as she walked
over to the desk. She leaned forward a bit, and Yusuke couldn’t help stealing a glimpse at her
backside. His inner self slapped himself across the face, Idiot! Don’t ogle her! You’re trying to
not do that this time!
“Um, actually…” Yusuke almost muttered, thinking fast. His eyes shot around the room,
trying to find something to say. He settled on the chair set apart from the other and walked over
to it, setting it up to face the desk from the middle of the room. Sitting down, he finally got his
train of thought moving again and said, “Before we start, why don’t you tell me a bit about
yourself?” While Yusuke was just trying to buy himself a bit of time, he did want to know more
about Reina if he was eventually going to try courting her, and their first meeting yesterday had
been so short and sudden that they’d skipped every formality.
Reina smiled at Yusuke’s apparent politeness and pulled her own chair out to face him as
she sat down, too. “Well, I’ve lived here in Fukuoka my whole life,” she said, “and I’ve wanted
ta be a prosecutor since…well, almost since forever. I’ve read every legal book I can get my
hands on three times,” and she indicated a bookcase. Yusuke glanced over at it and saw that at
least half the shelves on it were filled with dense legal tomes on at least half a dozen law
subjects—it was mostly on criminal law, but in the few moments he inspected the shelves he
could also see books on taxes, drug control, case law, copyright, and gambling. “I’ve been takin’
all the legal courses I can, too, and I want ta transfer ta another university with advanced classes
in jurisprudence, but, uh…” her cheery tone shrank into an embarrassed one as she went on, “I
think I may have been takin’ too many legal classes and I need the math credits ta get into the
school I want.”
“Which one’s that?” Yusuke asked.
Yusuke blinked a few times before exclaiming, “Columbia? The Columbia University? In
“Yes,” Reina said, taking a serious tone. “Japanese law needs some changes, and maybe
if I study at an American school, I can figure out how ta make those changes here when I become
a prosecutor.” She stood up, making her braless breasts bounce as she did, and continued, “But I
need those math credits ta get there, and I want ta get them as soon as possible. That’s why I
need your help, Yusuke.”
Yusuke nodded, “Then I’ll do whatever I can to help you.” And then maybe you’ll be so
happy that I did that you’ll let me bend you over that desk and… his rational side cut in on his
sex-crazed side again, What the hell are you thinking, you pervert?! You haven’t even tried
asking her if she’s even interested in you yet! This time, however, his irrational side tried
overpowering the other: Come on, she’s clearly into you! Do you think she wouldn’t be wearing
a bra if she wasn’t!? Yusuke’s inner thoughts basically started fighting each other: It’s the 21st
century, you pig! ~ That doesn’t matter if she really is trying to seduce you! ~ Don’t assume
anything! You thought all the others would be okay with you groping them, too, and they never
Finally, Yusuke forced both those lines of thought to shut up and tried to focus on the
matter at hand. Reina was putting her chair at the desk again and started getting out her supplies,
and Yusuke did the same. He handed her a worksheet he had printed out earlier in the day and
began hovering behind her. “Okay, Reina, first I want you to answer all the questions on this
sheet. It’s all pretty basic stuff, so you shouldn’t have much trouble with it. After that, we’ll see
where you need to improve.”
“Okay,” Reina replied and got to work on the math problems set before her.
Standing over her, Yusuke tried to keep his gaze away from Reina’s cleavage, but his
eyes kept being drawn back to it. He felt his member stiffening again as the two conflicting trains
of thought in his head began arguing again, competing with wild thoughts of what he almost
desperately wanted to do to her that flooded into his mind. Those are some unbelievable tits, he
thought to himself. How am I supposed to control myself with those in front of me?!
“Yusuke? Yusuke!” Reina said, flapping the paper at him. Yusuke snapped back to
reality and took the paper from her; for someone apparently having a lot of trouble with her math
classes, she finished remarkably quickly. As he scanned the lines of handwriting on the first
page, Yusuke kept finding himself glancing at Reina’s chest. From where he was standing, he
could see straight down her shirt. She absentmindedly adjusted her chair, lowering it just a few
centimeters, and Yusuke felt his heart start pounding as her boobs met the desk, only enhancing
her cleavage and making her look even sexier than she already was.
“This is…this is good, Reina. You, uh…you know what you’re doing here,” Yusuke said,
only realizing as the words came out that he might have been saying more than one thing. “I’m
surprised you even need a tutor.”
“I, uh…” Reina said, pausing for a moment, “I just have a little trouble focusin’
“Yeah, that’s…that’s a problem…” Yusuke was having trouble keeping his thoughts
straight, himself. No matter what he did, his eyes kept darting back to Reina’s rack. Still turned
away from him, she began tapping her pencil against the desk, waiting for Yusuke to evaluate the
worksheet. After a moment, as Yusuke was watching, she reached for the hem of her shirt and
tugged at it just slightly with a single slender finger, revealing even more of the voluptuous
valley that was already barely hidden beneath. That was the last push Yusuke need to completely
lose control of himself and he thought, Oh, I can’t take it anymore!
Without warning, Yusuke dropped the paper and lunged, bringing his arms around the
chair and grabbing both of Reina’s knockers. Each one was so gigantic that he could barely get
his hands around them.
“Oh!” Reina said, surprised.
“Ooh, Reina, I’ve got you,” Yusuke teased.
“Yusuke, what are you doin’?” Reina asked with a naïve tone, but Yusuke saw her
beaming as she turned her head to glance back at him instead of having a horrified or angry
expression on her face. “Y-yusuke, no…” she ‘resisted,’ blushing as he kept feeling her through
her shirt.
Yusuke shuddered, “Oh, your boobs are amazing, Reina! They feel like marshmallows!”
“Yusuke, please! S-stop! You can’t, i-it’s too sudden!” Reina said between pleasured
shudders and moans.
“Come on, Reina. You’re wearing these skimpy clothes on purpose to turn me on, aren’t
you?” Yusuke said, “You know you were hoping for this to happen.”
“No, I didn’t—aah!” Reina said with a gasp of pleasure as Yusuke clutched one of her
boobs a bit harder. Yusuke stopped for a second to slip her spaghetti straps down over her
shoulders and pulled her top down to her waist, fully exposing her breasts. He became short of
breath at the sight of them; he wasn’t proud to admit it, but he’d peeped into the girl’s locker
room a few times in high school, and even then had never seen bare breasts in real-life before, let
alone ones as big as Reina’s. Soft, pink areolas about 5cmiii in diameter tipped each one.
“Oh, look at these! They’re perfect!” Yusuke said with awe in his voice. He began
fondling her tits again, even faster and more passionately, as he closed in behind her to kiss and
lick her neck and cheek.
“Y-yusuke! Yusuke…oh, God!” Reina squealed, her face turning redder than before as
she felt her panties getting wet. She’d never experienced anything like this before. She was glad
that she was already sitting down—her knees felt weak.
“Well? It feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, Yusuke! I…m-my nipples…I want you ta play with my nipples, too!” Reina gasped
out. Yusuke’s smile got even wider and he chuckled a bit, shifting his attention to her teats.
Taking two fingers to each, he lightly gripped Reina’s nipples, rubbing and squeezing them,
making her shriek in pleasure.
“How does it feel?” Yusuke asked.
“Good! It’s so good!” Reina moaned, “Righ’ there! Ahn! Yes! Yes! Oh, Yusuke! It feels
incredible! My nipples are really sensitive!” she cried out.
“They’ve gotten so hard,” Yusuke commented, running his fingers over her hooters. In
fact, she may have been as hard as he was.
“It’s because you’re payin’ so much attention ta them,” Reina said. Yusuke stopped for a
moment—he had an idea. Reina opened her eyes, then gasped as Yusuke suddenly swiveled the
seat so that she was facing him. He was short of breath again as he finally did something he’d
always wanted to do: Yusuke ducked his head down and began licking one of Reina’s nipples,
teasing the other with his fingers, and sensually holding her shoulder with his free hand.
“Aah! Oh, yes! Yes! Yusuke, please don’t stop! It feels so good! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
Reina said, her voice growing more and more frantic as pleasure completely overwhelmed her,
“Yusuke! Yusuke!! Yusuke!!!” she cried out his name as she came. Yusuke stopped handling her
hooters and sat down as she caught her breath.
Once Reina cooled down a bit, her head tilted back as she kept taking deep breaths, she
said, “Oh, God…that was amazin’. I’ve never felt like that before.” As Yusuke was still
processing exactly what she’d said, she looked up at him and continued, “I can’t believe how
soon you started this.”
“So you were trying to seduce me,” Yusuke sighed with relief. No good would come of it
if he really and truly had just taken advantage of her. But if Reina really was asking for it and not
‘asking for it,’ then who was he to deny her?
“Yeah,” Reina said. Picking up her breasts with a hand each for emphasis, she said,
“Yoshio told me how much you like big boobs, and…” she released her rack and started
blushing again, “well, I…I think I’m in love with you.”
Yusuke was taken a bit aback. “Really?”
Sitting upright, fast enough to make her boobs bounce, Reina said, “Yes! I saw you at
campus earlier this year and I’ve barely been able ta stop thinkin’ about you since! I saw righ’
away that you knew Yoshio and I’ve been waitin’ for the perfect moment ta try ta meet you!”
The blush came back as she said, “I was goin’ ta try comin’ on ta you for real after a few lessons,
but you got ta it first.”
Yusuke gave an almost embarrassed laugh, “Well, you were sending some really strong
signals.” He regained his composure in second or two and asked, “So…y-you really want to be
my girlfriend?” He’d almost never been on the receiving end like this—usually, he turned on the
best parts of his personality and talked women into a first date and went from there. Reina was
the first woman he could remember who asked him to date her.
Reina got to her feet and took the few steps needed to get to him, dropping to her knees in
front of Yusuke. She took his hands in hers, just like Yusuke had at the restaurant yesterday, and
stared up at him with a lustful expression, “Oh, so much more than that. The few months I’ve
waited ta ask you have been some of the longest of my life and I want ta make up for lost time.”
The meaning of her words puzzled him for only an instant—her apparently recent birthday must
have been her eighteenth, and a law student would know better than anyone to make sure she and
her partner were both consenting adults.
Looking down at Reina, her giant, uncovered melons resting on his knees and an eager
look in her eyes, Yusuke knew what he wanted to do with Reina next. Reaching for the front of
his pants, Yusuke grinned, “Well, then, I guess it’s my turn, now,” and he undid his zipper. The
button came undone next, and he pulled down his boxers just enough to completely expose
Reina’s eyes widened and she gasped as Yusuke’s hardened, 18cmiv cock in front of her.
“It’s so big!” she commented. She was quivering with nervousness and anticipation and gazed up
at him, “What do you want me ta do?”
Thinking of something he always liked seeing in hentai, Yusuke—just as eager as Reina
was—said, “I want you to give me a titty-fuck.” He’d never had a girlfriend willing to do this
“Wh-what’s a titty-fuck?” Reina asked. At first, Yusuke thought she was joking, but
when her expression didn’t change, his hands went down to her knockers. Both of them gave a
soft gasp as Yusuke grabbed Reina by her boobs and pulled her in a bit, putting a jug on either
side of his manhood. “Like this,” he said, moving her tits up and down his love muscle. Already,
he was flushed with pleasure. He’d waited years for this moment!
Watching Yusuke rub her rack across his rod, Reina gave a little moan, this time in
pleasant surprise. “Yusuke, does…does it feel good?”
“Y-yeah,” Yusuke said, moaning as well. He was tempted to keep doing this himself until
he came, but he managed to stop himself and released her. Reina’s rack fell to a more natural
position with his erection between them, and she understood what he meant. She took hold of her
own tits, gasping again as she felt her fingers caress her own warm, soft flesh and set to rubbing
them against his member just like Yusuke had. “Like this?” she asked.
“Yeah, just like that,” Yusuke moaned out, closing his eyes as his voice trembled with
pleasure, “It feels great.”
Reina’s breathing quickened with excitement, “I feel strange, Yusuke. I love the feelin’.
It’s so good.” She started caressing him faster and said, “I want it ta feel even better!”
“Reina!” Yusuke gave an ecstatic groan, screwing his eyes shut. He’d been hard long
enough now that he was right on the edge even so soon into this. “Reina! I-I’m going to cum!!”
he warned her.
“What do you mea—” Reina started to say, but she could almost feel what he meant for
herself. She felt him spasming a bit between her breasts, and instinctively flinched as he blew his
load, his semen landing on her face and neck.
Yusuke panted with pleasure and he wound down from his orgasm—the first he’d ever
had thanks to a girlfriend—and stared down at Reina after a moment. He saw his seed on her; he
wasn’t sure if she was upset or elated. “R-reina, are…are you…?” He didn’t know what to say to
her. Trying and failing to be sneaky to come on to a girlfriend and getting a little too close for
her comfort in the process was one thing, but he just came all over this young woman’s face.
Would this ruin it for them?
Reina panted a bit as she tried to register exactly what had just happened. Finally, she
gasped out, “Y-yusuke…that…” he got worried as she paused for a second, “that was
incredible.” She reached up with a shaky hand and wiped some of his semen off her face,
“Wow…so much came out.” She gazed at the glistening bit of his cum on her fingers. She had a
nervous expression on her face but, after a moment, she stuck her fingers in her mouth; Yusuke’s
eyes widened in surprise as she sucked his semen off her fingers, savoring it. “Mmm…it tastes
good…” she all but muttered, then gave a small gulp. “Oh, God, you taste so good, Yusuke!” she
said ecstatically, rising up to look straight into his eyes.
“Oh, Reina…” Yusuke replied with lust in his voice. He clasped a hand against her breast
again and moved in, kissing her deeply. He was a bit grossed out when he tasted what he was
sure was his own semen as he stuck his tongue in her mouth, but he didn’t care. His heart was
beating like a drum as she returned the gesture, both of them moaning sensually, and he felt
Reina sit down, straddling his lap, and her hand went down to stroke his rod while her other hand
gripped his shoulder. Yusuke’s free hand went to her waist, holding her affectionately.
Everything seemed to melt and fade away around them, as if they were all that ever had or ever
would exist, locked in this passionate embrace. Degree by degree, they both felt their body
temperatures rise until they were all but steaming even in the warm indoors of the Toyohara
After a long time—an absentminded glance at Reina’s alarm clock told Yusuke that
they’d sat there making out for almost half an hour!—the young woman withdrew from their
kiss. Yusuke was a bit disappointed at that, but instantly saw why she had. Reina’s entire face
was bright red and she was panting with anticipation. “Yusuke, I…I want more. I want more of
you. I want ta be yours forever, and for you ta be mine!” she declared. Excitedly, she grabbed
both of his shoulders, “Yusuke, I want you! I need you! I think I migh’ die if I can’t have you!!”
I can hardly believe this!! Yusuke thought to himself as Reina dominated his field of
vision. She was still straddling him, his still-erect rod pointed up at her heaving chest and a look
of burning, unquenchable, fiery passion on her face; her eyes blazed with desire, saying that she
would never let him go if she had him. That would’ve been a red flag for Yusuke if he didn’t feel
the same way about her. He wanted her so badly that he felt like it might kill him to be apart
from her, too, and wanted to make her his slave and for him to be hers for the rest of their lives,
to hold her and be with her and never stop loving her until the heat death of the universe.
In spite of having had several girlfriends over the years, and many more of them since
coming to Fukuoka, Yusuke had honestly never had sex. It was almost always his own fault,
driving off previous girlfriends with his unfortunately sleazy behavior. He hated that he was like
that, but couldn’t help himself. Now, though, he knew for certain that his partner wouldn’t mind.
“Yeah…yeah! Yeah, Reina!” Yusuke’s voice built into a yell, getting just as excited as
Reina was. He suddenly stood up, making her shriek as he picked her up in the process. She
instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he held her close. “Let’s do it, Reina! I need you,
Reina’s mouth formed an enormous smile, the biggest he’d ever seen anyone give to
anyone else, and she replied, “Yes! Oh, Yusuke, yes!!” and she pulled his face into her cleavage.
Yusuke shuddered again, feeling his face buried in her beautiful, bountiful bosom. “Yusuke!
Make love to me, Yusuke! I want you! Forever!”
Without another word, he carried Reina over to her bed and gently laid her down. He put
his hand to her thigh, going slowly and sensually; neither of them would ever forget this
moment, the first time they made love, and wanted every instant of it to be as memorable as the
last. He moved his hand down to the hem of her skirt, lifting it and revealing the plain, pale blue
panties underneath, soaked with cum from when Yusuke had gotten her off earlier. Reina was
panting faster and louder than before; she was getting more and more turned on by the second.
Yusuke reached for the edge of her panties, glancing up at her, but he noticed that her face had
changed. She seemed much more nervous than she had before, or at any other time since he’d
gotten here. “Is something wrong?”
“N-no,” Reina said, “i-it’s just…c-could you…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.
Yusuke let go of her hips and climbed onto the bed, almost lying down next to her.
“What is it, Reina? You can tell me.”
That definitely calmed Reina down, because she stopped stammering and brought up a
hand to soothingly stroke Yusuke’s face. Passionately, she said with a smile, “Just be gentle,
Yusuke. It’s my first time.” Yusuke could almost feel himself getting twice as hot and twice as
hard as she said that—she was a virgin, too.
“Alright, Reina. I will. We’ll take it slow,” he replied. Stealing a touch of her breasts as
he straightened up again, he got back to work undressing her. Before long, he would feel her, and
both of them would be casting aside their virginity forever.
Suddenly, they heard a door close.
“It’s Mom!” Reina shouted quietly, suddenly worried. She pushed Yusuke away and ran
to her bedroom door, pulling her top back up as she did. She peeked outside. Nothing. She
walked to the banister and looked down to the ground floor. Mitsuki was there, walking into the
kitchen with a bag of groceries in each arm. She was wearing a custom-made, form-fitting khaki
trench coat and had a midnight blue scarf wrapped around her neck for the cold. In a moment,
she came back into view, walking back outside for another armful of groceries and closing the
door behind her again to keep the cold out. Not once did her mother’s face turn towards her.
Reina ducked back into her room, taking a fresh pair of panties from her drawer—a bit to
Yusuke’s surprise—and ran down the hall to the bathroom. Yusuke was left alone and a bit
confused in Reina’s bedroom for a few minutes. When Reina didn’t come back immediately, he
walked over to her still-open underwear drawer and found one of her bras; if he was going to be
Reina’s boyfriend, then he figured he should know exactly what her cup size was. He blushed
again when he saw that he’d been wrong before, if only just—she was a GG-cup, not single G.
She was even bigger than he thought she was!
Right then, Reina walked back in, his semen washed off her face and her panties
replaced. She tossed the wet ones into her hamper and said, rather loudly, “S-so, what next? Do
you have some more worksheets for me?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yusuke replied, hastily putting her bra back where he found it. If he weren’t
as intelligent as he was, he might have asked her why she’d switched so suddenly from sex-mode
to student-mode, but the answer was obvious: she didn’t want her mother to know that her
ostensible tutor was trying to get in her pants, or her into his. He disappointedly put his cock, still
rigid, back into his pants and zipped up again before taking out another sheet of problems. The
remainder of their tutoring session was practically melancholic—both of them were still so horny
and they couldn’t do anything about it for fear of maternal interference.
An hour later, Reina had finished everything that Yusuke had brought for her when he’d
been assuming that she only wanted a study partner. They got in seven more minutes of Heaven
as, hidden behind Reina’s bedroom door, they kissed and held each other in total silence. Just as
their carnal desires started taking over, they forced themselves apart; they didn’t want to try
getting past second base with Reina’s mother home and risk their relationship crashing before it
even got off the ground.
Reina walked Yusuke to the door and he got his coat. “So, Yusuke…same time
tomorrow?” Reina asked. “I’m sure you have a lot more ta teach me,” she gave him a knowing
“Yeah, of course,” Yusuke replied. It took all his self-control to keep from kissing her
again, especially since Mitsuki walked into view right then. She was back to just the turtleneck
and long skirt, her own coat hanging next to where Yusuke’s had been moments ago.
“So, the lesson’s over?” she inquired.
Reina spun around, surprised to hear her mother’s voice so suddenly. “Uh, yeah. Yusuke
was just leavin’.”
“Is that so?” Mitsuki asked, looking right at Yusuke.
“Y-yeah,” she said. He gave her a respectful bow, “Thanks for having me over, Mrs.
Toyohara,” then turned to leave, opening the door.
“Oh, Yusuke, wait,” Mitsuki stopped him.
Yusuke turned back around, “Y-yes, ma’am?”
“It’s so cold out tonigh’,” the older woman said, walking up. She reached past him—
close enough that Yusuke could feel her body heat radiating from her—and took the scarf she
was wearing earlier from the coat hanger. “Here, let me lend you this. You’ll catch your death in
this weather if you’re not bundled up righ’, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
Yusuke blushed as Mitsuki got very close to him, gently wrapping the scarf around his
neck and shoulders. As she did, she said to him, “Come back soon, dear, and thanks for all your
help. Make sure you take good care of my daughter.” Yusuke and Reina both felt their eyes
widen—did she already know about them?!
If Mitsuki did, she didn’t say anything about it. She took a few steps back and gave her
own respectful bow to Reina’s guest, saying, “Thank you again for teachin’ my daughter. I know
how much law school means ta her, and you’re helpin’ her get there.” As she bowed, Yusuke
couldn’t help noticing her breasts bounce and bob a bit.
“N-no problem, Mrs. Toyohara!” he said and quickly made his leave. He could already
feel his pants tightening and didn’t want to insult or embarrass his new girlfriend, seeing him
getting hard at her mother. As he walked down their driveway, he took a moment to pull the
scarf further up to protect his nose and lips from the cold. As he did, he got a long whiff of what
he was certain was Mitsuki’s own scent; it almost made him tremble with arousal.
Reina and Mitsuki watched him depart, keeping an eye on him until he was out of sight.
Finally closing the door, Mitsuki commented, “He seems really nice.”
“That’s why I wanted him ta help,” Reina lied.
Giving her daughter a coy look, “Do you think he’s single?”

Quite a while later, back at his apartment, Yusuke laid on his futon, staring up at the
ceiling as he reflected on everything that had happened today. This was the furthest he’d ever
gotten into a physical relationship in his entire life, and it had all gone down in a fraction of the
time it took for all his other relationships to end.
Yusuke felt a tremor at the memory of very nearly getting to lay with Reina, his first time
ever having sex. Hers, too, as it turned out. Even if it ended in disappointment, this would still be
something he’d remember for a long, long time. She was amazing…her boobs are so big, so
soft… he thought as the image of a bare-breasted Reina came to his mind, winking and blowing a
kiss to him as she lifted her chest for him.
Then, his mental image of Reina changed a bit. Her chest swelled to an even more titanic
size and her hair grew rapidly, transforming into a light brown as it did. Soon, the imaginary
Reina had transformed into her mother, and the phantom Mitsuki beckoned to him. Yusuke
reached towards his neck again and inhaled deeply. He was still wearing Mitsuki’s scarf, and
wasn’t planning on taking it off anytime soon. Finally, the thoughts that had been dominating his
mind since he left the Toyohara home became too much to ignore, and he headed to his
bathroom with another thought in mind: I bet Mitsuki’s are really soft, too.
Meanwhile, at the Toyohara home, Mitsuki was wrapping things up for the day; there
were only a few more chores that she needed to complete and then she could have her alone
time. She was already looking forward to it as she walked up the stairs—a little late-night
television, some reading, maybe a crossword puzzle, and a fresh bottle of top-of-the-line saké.v
She licked her lips a bit with anticipation—she liked her saké, and had been waiting for this all
She finally got to the top of the stairs and quietly opened the door to Reina’s bedroom.
The lights were off, and her daughter was already asleep, curled up under the covers and snoring
lightly. Mitsuki smiled; she was happy to see that Reina’s dream of becoming a prosecutor was
almost in reach for her, and there was no doubt in her mind that, now that she was getting the
help that she apparently needed, she would reach it. Being as quiet as possible so as not to wake
her, Mitsuki picked up Reina’s hamper and left the room, dumping the clothes from her own
hamper into Reina’s and carrying the whole load downstairs to the laundry room.
She opened the washing machine, poured in the detergent, and started loading her and
Reina’s clothes into it. When she got to Reina’s orange top, she couldn’t help thinking to herself,
Why did she wear this? In seconds, though, she answered her own question: Oh, ya know
perfectly well why she wore that. She likes him! Ya saw she wasn’t wearin’ a bra earlier.
Mitsuki stopped and gave a heavy sigh, My little girl’s grown up so fast. I can remember
when she couldn’t even think about datin’ anyone! At this rate I’ll be a grandma before my next
birthday! She shrugged the whole thing off—if this was where Reina wanted to go with love,
who was she to stop her?—and went back to the clothes, digging through the hamper to find
some more colors to wash together. A dress she’d worn to a dinner two days ago went in next,
followed by Reina’s skirt, a few of her own pairs of formal socks, some panties…
“Hm?” she said to herself. She reached down into the washing machine and took that pair
of panties back out, scrutinizing them. That’s weird…are these mine? she wondered. Something
about them seemed very much like they belonged to her, but that didn’t seem right. She checked
the monogramming to be sure. Stitched into the band by her own needle and thread were the
kanji 麗菜; they were Reina’s.
Now, Mitsuki knew what seemed so familiar about them. It had been a long time since it
had happened, but in the Toyohara household this was something that had only happened to her
underwear. And yet this pair of Reina’s was the same. Mitsuki looked up, in the direction of her
daughter’s room, and realized that her suspicions had been confirmed. Well, well…I guess
Reina’s even more grown-up than I thought…

The next day, Yusuke returned to the Toyohara home. He ran his fingers through his
black hair as he walked up the driveway; he’d been preparing for this all day and still felt like he
wasn’t ready. He’d showered and shaved and was wearing a freshly-cleaned T-shirt and slacks—
blue and brown in color, respectively—and had even washed his jacket just to be safe. He also
had the scarf that had been lent to him yesterday; though it almost pained him to do so, his sense
of responsibility told him that he had to return it. He breathed into his hand to smell his breath
even knowing perfectly well that he’d brushed more thoroughly than usual before leaving his
apartment and had been swilling mouthwash the whole way here, spitting and taking another
mouthful from the travel-size bottle whenever he could, and had made sure that his lips weren’t
chapped. He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for tonight.
Even with all this preparation, both physical and mental, he was still extremely nervous.
After all, he was expecting Reina, his ‘student,’ to be more than ready and willing to seal the
deal with him. When he came over yesterday, he’d learned that Reina hardly needed him as a
tutor at all and truthfully just wanted to be with him. A grin formed on his face, remembering
how good her titty-fuck yesterday had felt. They’d gotten so close to getting some action, but
fate had conspired against them and they couldn’t. But nothing would stop them tonight, he was
certain of it. He’d even come over earlier than before to give them more time together.
Yusuke rang the doorbell, just like he had last time. However, the similarities to
yesterday ended there: rather than Reina in her orange top and microskirt, it was her mother
Mitsuki who answered the door. Like yesterday, she was wearing a light red sleeveless turtleneck
and a knee-length tan skirt. She smiled a bit when she saw that it was him and said, “Oh, hello.
Please, come in,” and opened the door wider for him. Yusuke got a closer look at her as he
entered; she wasn’t wearing much makeup, just a bit of blush under her amber eyes, but she
looked fantastic nonetheless. It was odd, though—Yusuke didn’t recall her wearing any makeup
yesterday, and she didn’t look like she was going out somewhere. He could also see that, a bit to
his surprise, Mitsuki was actually taller than him, if only by a centimeter or two.
“Good evening,” Yusuke replied, slipping out of his shoes. His hazel eyes scanned the
room as he walked further in and asked, “Is Reina here?”
After Mitsuki closed the door, she turned to him—her long, light brown hair swishing a
bit as she did—and said, “Sorry, she just got into the shower.” Now that Yusuke thought about it,
he could hear running water coming from upstairs. She must really be looking forward to this,
too, Yusuke thought. An image of Reina in the shower came to him, surrounded by clouds of
steam with suds in her hair and water running down her beautiful body. Part of him wanted to
run upstairs and have sex with her right now, but he forced himself to suppress that urge. You’ve
waited more than five years to lose your virginity, Yusuke—you can wait another few minutes, he
silently told himself.
At that moment, Mitsuki walked by. Yusuke stole a glimpse of her, looking over every
inch of her beauty from the top of her head and down her curvy torso to her feet. She was
absolutely gorgeous. He finally spoke up again, “It’s probably my fault for showing up early,
anyway. I’ll just wait in her room, if you don’t mind,” and he hung up his coat and the borrowed
scarf by the door. If she walks in with just a towel… Yusuke hoped his anticipation didn’t show
on his face—as far as Mitsuki knew, he was just here to tutor her daughter, and wasn’t sure he
wanted her to know that they were going to have sex instead.
“Actually, I just remembered,” Mitsuki said, turning back to him, “my next door
neighbor gave me a cake the other day. Would you like some?”
“That sounds nice,” Yusuke replied with a small smile.
“Good!” Mitsuki grinned back, clasping her raised hands in a pose of appreciation. “I
need ta turn the oven off first, so why don’t you go sit down in the livin’ room? I’ll just be a
moment,” she said. Yusuke nodded as Mitsuki walked into the kitchen. He took a moment to pull
the scarf back to his nose and inhaled deeply. It was Mitsuki’s, and her own scent was still on it.
He could still hardly believe that women like her and Reina really existed—he’d always thought
that they were just fantasies made up by hentai writers. Even as Mitsuki’s aroma filled his
nostrils, Yusuke forced himself to stop, What are you thinking, you idiot!? You already have a
girlfriend and you’re going to have sex with her tonight!
Yusuke sat down on the sofa and looked around at some photos and other things on the
wall while he waited. There were a few plaques for school tennis tournaments and
championships from the 1970s, along with a personalized pink and white tennis racket on a rack
that suggested it was kept there for show but left the wall pretty regularly. There were also a few
diplomas from a number of schools, mostly from Nagoya. That would explain Mitsuki’s
accent—like Yusuke himself, she wasn’t from Fukuoka.
There were pictures of relatives and family outings: a few of Mitsuki and an eight-year-
old Reina at Tōkyō Disneyland, another of them at Daytona Beach in the United States—
apparently not long after Reina hit puberty, if her DD-cups in the picture were anything to go
by—a grainier one of a teenaged Mitsuki posing with her tennis racket in an all-white outfit that
flaunted the cleavage of her FFF-cup boobs, another of her with a male tennis player who was
obviously trying not to look at her chest, and…was that Mitsuki shaking hands with ex-Prime
Minister Kaifu?
He saw another of Mitsuki by herself on a bench, and immediately noticed that she
seemed like she’d swallowed a beach ball. It took him a second to realize that it must have been
a commemorative pregnancy photo—Reina was technically in the picture, too. She was smiling
as a courtesy to the photographer, but her eyes betrayed depression.
Then, he saw another photo on an end table across from him, under a lamp. How had he
missed that one? He picked it up, and saw that it was old—from the 1980s, at least, and maybe
taken on an even older camera at that—and showed Mitsuki wearing a light purple dress in the
arms of an auburn-haired man who held her up as they kissed. It must have been from their
wedding. He couldn’t help wondering what had happened between the wedding and Reina’s
birth to make Mitsuki so sad like she was in the other photo.
“That’s my husband, Nobuyuki,” Mitsuki commented as she walked into the room,
startling Yusuke a bit. She was carrying a tray with the cake already cut into equally-sized pieces
on it, along with some hot tea. After Yusuke returned to the sofa, she leaned over to put the tray
down on a coffee table inbetween the rest of the furniture. Yusuke blushed when he saw her
enormous boobs, which were only shown off more when she set down the food. They wobbled
freely in the air a bit, moving more than they did yesterday. Was she not wearing a bra?
They’re amazing… he thought to himself. Mitsuki definitely had the biggest rack of any
woman he’d ever seen. He’d even checked his stash of porn last night and even professional
models didn’t come anywhere near her size, or Reina’s, for that matter. The largest he could find
was an H-cup model, and she’d still had surgery done to get that big. And yet here was this
incredible, beautiful woman with natural J-cups right in front of him!
“Here you go,” Mitsuki’s voice brought Yusuke back to reality. “Reina takes long
showers, so you just relax, okay?” she said as she handed him a plate with a slice of cake on it.
His eye caught sight of her wedding ring again as he took the plate.
“Thank you,” Yusuke said. Mitsuki sat opposite him in an armchair. She picked up a cup
of the tea and sipped the steaming, emerald-colored drink for a bit before attempting small talk,
“So, tell me about yourself, Yusuke.”
Talk about déjà vu, Yusuke thought, remembering that he’d said almost the exact same
thing to Reina the day before. “Well, I moved here from Yokohama to go to the university. I’m
majoring in mathematics and I’ve been tutoring people on the side since high school. I guess
that’s why Reina asked Yoshio to introduce us; he and I are old friends.” Of course, Yusuke
knew perfectly well that that wasn’t why Reina had arranged the introduction. He continued,
“I’ve got an apartment not too far from here, and…” he hesitated.
“Yes?” Mitsuki asked before taking another sip of her tea.
“I’m…I’m a little estranged from my parents,” Yusuke admitted.
Mitsuki lowered her cup, “Oh, that’s a shame,” she said with genuine sympathy in her
“Yeah…they wanted me to stay in Yokohama and go to the university there, but I wanted
to go here. I guess they didn’t want to let go yet. I haven’t spoken to them for a while,” Yusuke
continued. The room fell silent until, after a minute or so, Yusuke went for his own cup of tea
and asked, “And what about you, Mrs. Toyohara?” Considering his new relationship with Reina,
he may as well get to know Mitsuki—she could easily be his mother-in-law before much longer.
“Actually, it’s just Miss.” Mitsuki sighed, “My dear Nobuyuki died a long time ago.”
“Oh. I’m sorry,” Yusuke said solemnly. He hadn’t meant to stir up bad memories.
“Yes, it was righ’ after I learned I was goin’ ta have Reina,” Mitsuki said. She sighed
again and continued, “Sometimes, I can’t help blamin’ myself for his death.”
“How so?”
“After I learned I was pregnant, I called Nobuyuki at his office ta tell him and he came
rushin’ home. He must have been so eager ta get back ta our apartment that he tried crossin’ the
street too soon and…” Mitsuki started to get a little choked up at the thought. Though he’d never
know this Nobuyuki, Yusuke genuinely felt for Mitsuki and her late husband. For a second, he
thought he was going to cry.
After a few seconds, Mitsuki regained her composure and continued, “I moved here righ’
after Reina was born ta try and leave those bad memories behind. She’s all I have left of
Nobuyuki.” She stopped for a moment to take another sip of her tea, then said, “I married him
righ’ after I retired back in ‘83.”
“That’s—wait, you’re retired?” Yusuke stopped midsentence when he registered what
she’d said.
“Yes, I am,” Mitsuki replied, giving him an amused look—she was having fun, springing
this on him. “You see, both my parents died in a car crash when I was in high school, and they
left me a pretty big inheritance. They were both from upper-class families, former I
was worried for my future, so I entered as many lotteries as I could all over Honshū.”vii She
tittered a bit as she said, “If you can believe it, I won all of them!” Yusuke nearly spit out his tea
in astonishment at that—she was loaded! Mitsuki kept talking, “Not only that, but I invested half
my winnin’s and put the rest into savin’s.”
Almost humorously, she glanced around as if to make sure no one was listening in and
then got up to sit next to Yusuke. He blushed a bit as she leaned in close, raising a hand to her
mouth as she whispered in his ear, “Because of all that, I’m worth over three-hundred-and-fifty
quadrillion yen!”viii
Yusuke really did spit out his tea at that, spraying a green mist in front of him—if she
was telling the truth, then Mitsuki was the single-richest person in history! She giggled a bit,
obviously expecting that reaction, and said, “I’ve told only a few people that; not even my late
husband knew, and Reina only knows that we’re wealthy enough, not how much. I didn’t want ta
spoil her too much, so I’m happy she grew up the way she did.” She leaned back from him and
continued, “I finished high school and college, retired, and then I met Nobuyuki.” She sighed
again, but more passionately this time as she recalled a nice memory, “Oh, it was magical! Love
at first sight! We were hardly married fer a year but we sure made the most of it!” Yusuke
noticed her voice changing a bit as she spoke, the Hakata dialect receding as her emotional state
made her shift back to her native Nagoya accent.
Still blushing because she was so close, Yusuke tried to change the subject a bit and
asked, “Uh, say, Miss Toyohara, if you’re so rich then why do you live here? You could
probably buy the Imperial Palace if you wanted to!”
Not at all angrily, Mitsuki replied, “An’ why should I? I like the life I lead.”
“No servants or anything?”
“Why should I hire help n’ live in a palace if’n I don’t need to?” Mitsuki said with a
smile. Changing the subject and shifting back to a local accent, she continued, “At this point, I
don’t think I’ll ever remarry.” She stretched out her right hand, showing off her wedding ring, “I
kept Nobuyuki’s family name, though. No matter what, I’ll always remember him and always
carry his torch.”
Yusuke averted his gaze a bit and said, “Must’ve been rough for you all these
years…alone.” Immediately, he felt like punching himself in the face. Idiot! Why the hell would
you say that to a widow?! he silently scolded himself.
Mitsuki didn’t miss his comment. “Far from it,” she said. Yusuke got a puzzled look on
his face, then she continued, “As soon as Reina…bloomed, I gave her The Talk and went back ta
the bars and clubs. I haven’t been—ahem—‘alone’ at all,” and she blushed. Yusuke gave an
almost silent gasp, a little shocked at how freely she was talking about her sex life. Why was she
talking about her sex life?! That question made Yusuke realize more strongly than before that
he’d been actively fighting the urge to stare at her tits, but now he was having trouble resisting
with Mitsuki and her mountainous mammaries right next to him. When did she get this close?
She was close enough that he could hear her breathing, and he had to fight almost desperately to
keep his gaze from fixing on her breasts, as big as they probably ever were and within arm’s
reach. Mitsuki kept talking, “I may have lost track of how many people I’ve slept with since
then, but don’t you dare think that I’m a bad mother. If Reina ever needed me, I was always
there for her,” she said, moving in even closer for emphasis.
“Don’t worry, I never thought that!” Yusuke’s voice was almost cracking as his face
turned red. He’d been too busy trying not to think of about what he wanted to do to her rather
than of what she may have done years ago. He tried to fight images of Mitsuki lying on her back
in a motel as she coupled with a featureless man, struggling to get the image out his mind as he
scooted away from her on the sofa and placing his book bag on his lap to hide his hard-on. Every
time he banished one image from his thoughts, another took its place: Mitsuki having a session
of suspended congress with a different man; fellating another; yelping in pleasure as she did it
doggy-style with yet another; rubbing off two men and taking both loads at once; and finally,
wildest of all, Mitsuki crying out in pleasure as she made love to another woman. For some
reason, the other woman in Yusuke’s mind wasn’t featureless like the men had been—in fact,
she almost looked like Reina. As he tried his best to ignore his racing thoughts of sex, Yusuke
noticed that Mitsuki was moving along with him, and soon he ran out of sofa to retreat to.
“And speakin’ of Reina…” Mitsuki began saying. Yusuke looked at her, seeing only
imaginary past images of the woman before him having sex with innumerable partners in her
face, and gulped, “Y-yes, ma’am?”
“You fucked her yesterday, didn’t you?” Mitsuki asked. Yusuke’s eyes widened with
astonishment, not by the question itself, but by how bluntly she said it and how she’d asked it: he
didn’t hear any anger in her voice, as far as he could tell. In almost any other situation, he’d be
much happier that his girlfriend’s mother wasn’t furious with him for apparently getting intimate
with her daughter. Contrary to any expectations, she had more of a curious tone. Combined with
how closely she was sitting, he was getting worried.
Trying to play innocent, Yusuke stuttered, “What? Miss Toyohara, w-what are you
talking about?”
“I know everythin’. Reina told me that she fell in love with you when she saw you by
chance earlier this year. That’s really why she asked ta be introduced ta you, and why she
wanted you ta be her tutor. I just didn’t expect things ta go so quickly,” she said. She brought her
face very close to Yusuke’s and asked, “You took my daughter’s virginity, didn’t you?” Now she
was close enough that he could feel her breath; the scent of the tea wafted out with her words.
Realizing that he’d been caught, Yusuke blushed even harder and averted his eyes again,
“N-no, I haven’t fucked her.” He silently cursed himself for using such crude language in front
of her.
Mitsuki placed her left hand on Yusuke’s cheek, startling him a bit, and said, “Hm. I’m
surprised.” Her Nagoya accent came up again as she went on, “Given this, I thought ya woulda
done it already.” Yusuke’s eyes widened even further as he felt something at his waist and
glanced down. Mitsuki had casually pushed his book bag off his lap and, now, her right hand was
gripping his dick through the fabric of his pants, feeling him up. Once again, he saw her wedding
band glint on her finger.
“M-miss Toyohara!” Yusuke said. He was embarrassed and ecstatic at the same time,
thinking, Holy shit, is this really happening?!!?
“I’ve been a little…frustrated lately, n’ I really like ya, Yusuke,” she said, sultrily. Her
hand left his face and went down to the nearest of his own instead. “My breasts will feel much
better than Reina’s. I promise,” and she guided him to her breast. She gasped once his hand made
contact, even through her turtleneck; clearly, her boobs were just as sensitive as Reina’s.
“Miss Toyohara, they feel incredible!” Yusuke said, and he hadn’t even made skin-on-
skin contact yet; he could already tell that, indeed, she wasn’t wearing a bra under her turtleneck.
“What are your measurements?” he asked, but immediately regretted it—even considering that
she was seducing him, what kind of question was that?
Mitsuki didn’t seem to care if that question came out awkwardly because, blushing with
pleasure, she giggled and gave them to him in reverse: “Well, my hips are 102 centimeters,” she
guided his free hand to her hip, “my waist is 76 centimeters,” she put it to her waist, “n’ my
bust…” she made sure she had Yusuke’s full attention as she brought his hand to her other
breast, pronouncing and emphasizing every digit, “is one-hundred twenty-six centimeters. I’ve
been usin’ these double-J’s of mine to make myself feel good fer years!” After that, she stopped
trying to talk to him for a while and just enjoyed feeling his hands kneading her chest. Yusuke
kept fondling her for a few more minutes, panting along with her as she went back to polishing
his rod. Soon enough, like he had with Reina the night before, he stopped for a moment to pull
her turtleneck up. He revealed her chest; as he’d thought, her endowment was absolutely
enormous, each breast tipped with an areola that was an almost surprising light brown color.
Even the smallest parts of her breasts were bigger than Reina’s, a full 9cmix in diameter. Yusuke
started beaming as he massaged her bare skin.
“Ahn! Oh, yes! Yes! Do my breasts feel good, Yusuke?” Mitsuki asked, moaning and
gasping more loudly than before.
“They do…they’re huge, Miss Toyohara!” Yusuke replied.
“Don’t—aah!—don’t call me tha-that anymore. Oh! Just call me Mitsuki,” she said.
Without letting him answer, she practically hugged his head and pulled his face into her
cleavage. Yusuke let out a pleasured shudder, feeling her soft, warm skin against his. Where had
she been all his life?! After a few minutes, Yusuke reluctantly forced himself out of her titanic
chest and replied, “Okay, Mitsuki.”
Just as he had with Reina, he guided Mitsuki’s nipple to his mouth and started licking and
sucking on it. Mitsuki moaned even louder, “Ahn! Oh, Yusuke! Yes! That feels so good! Bite my
nipple, Yusuke!” He obliged, and Mitsuki cried out as she came, months or years of blazing,
pent-up desire being released all at once. Gently, she pushed Yusuke away so that she could
catch her breath and rest her eyes; he respectfully let her be, but stared at her humongous,
heaving hooters the whole time.
After about a minute, Mitsuki opened her eyes again and stood up. She turned around,
giving him a lustful look, and said, “Alright, Yusuke,” she took hold of the hem of her already
mostly removed turtleneck, “now it’s my turn,” and she pulled it over her head, leaving her
completely naked from the waist up. Seeing Yusuke’s equally excited expression, she grinned
and turned so that he could see her tits in profile. “Ya like what ya see, right?” She brought up
both of her hands and lifted her hooters, “Not bad fer a forty-year-old mom, ain’t I?”
Feeling himself getting completely hard again, Yusuke said, “Mitsuki, you might just be
one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen anywhere.”
“Thanks, Yusuke,” she replied. “Now, where were we? Oh, right!” She stepped up to him
and leaned down; Yusuke sat up straight as their lips met in a sustained, passionate kiss. Their
tongues played over each other as Yusuke brought up his hands to squeeze her breasts again.
Soon enough, though, Mitsuki stood up straight again. Yusuke got a disappointed expression and
asked, “What, done already?”
“Of course not,” Mitsuki said, casually pushing the coffee table back with her foot. Then,
she knelt down on the floor in front of him and he watched, almost in awe, as she unzipped his
fly, reaching into his pants to pull out his fully-erect manhood, which pointed up towards the
ceiling like a spire.
“Mm, yer dick is so big,” she said lustfully, leaning in and giving his rod a long lick from
base to tip, using almost her entire tongue to do so. Yusuke moaned euphorically; none of his
past girlfriends had let his love muscle get anywhere near their mouths, and even Reina had
stopped short of it last night. “It tastes good, too,” Mitsuki continued. Taking her hands away
from Yusuke’s waist, she looked up at him and said, “Let’s have some fun, Yusuke.” He
wondered what she meant for only a second, and she confirmed his suspicion immediately: with
one of her JJ-cup breasts in each hand, she started giving him a titty-fuck.
“Oh, Mitsuki!” Yusuke moaned.
“Well, Yusuke? Ain’t I right? Don’t mine feel much better than Reina’s?” Mitsuki asked,
rubbing him faster. Yusuke couldn’t answer her—she wasn’t kidding about those one-night
stands, she clearly had a lot of experience doing this. Reina’s titty-fuck yesterday had felt
amazing, but was no match for her mother’s, and Yusuke’s cock was often completely buried in
her bosom, his lower head only occasionally poking out of her cleavage.
“M-mitsuki! I can’t hold it much longer!” Yusuke said, his eyes screwed shut and his
voice strained as he felt himself building to a climax.
“If yer gonna cum, then cum inside me,” Mitsuki replied. Yusuke’s eyes snapped open at
that—did she just say what he thought she said?! Yusuke held back as best he could while
Mitsuki hurriedly got to her feet, hiking up her skirt to reveal her thighs as she did. She straddled
his waist and lowered herself down on top of him; Yusuke realized then that, this whole time,
Mitsuki hadn’t been wearing any panties. Though her now scrunched-up skirt covered her
actions, she shoved her sheath onto his shaft, shuddering as she did, with 100% accuracy.
Yusuke moaned, too, as he came the second the head of his cock was inside her, shooting his
load into her.
Still inside her, Yusuke panted and his thoughts racing through his mind: in less than
three days, he’d met the voluptuous girl of his dreams and her even bustier mother, had gotten to
third base with Reina, and less than a day later was now giving his virginity to Mitsuki! Other
thoughts rushed in, too, as if competing sides of him were all talking over each other: I just had
sex! Real sex! I can’t believe it! I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to have my first time
with! Wait…what about Reina!? What’ll she think?! I just came inside her mother! Does she
need to know? Wait, holy shit, Mitsuki’s old enough to be my mother! Is it okay if I brag about
this? God, Mitsuki’s so beautiful! Her tits are so big! What if I just knocked her up with Reina’s
baby brother?!?
Yusuke didn’t get to finish his thoughts. Mitsuki wasn’t done yet: she hadn’t stopped
what she was doing just because she felt Yusuke cum inside her. She moaned as her sheath took
his 18cmx spear all the way to the hilt. Putting her hands to his shoulders, she started properly
banging him, sliding herself up and down his rod and keeping him from going limp as her breasts
bounced up and down. Yusuke felt himself getting hard again while he was still inside her, and
he instinctively brought his hands to her waist, holding her as she started gasping and crying out,
“Ah! Ahn! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!! Ahh! Ahhn! Yes! Yes!!” until she gave a wordless scream of
pleasure along with Yusuke as they got off together.
Mitsuki went limp and laid down on top of Yusuke with his love muscle still inside her;
Yusuke blushed again as he was almost smothered in her cleavage. Once she caught her breath,
Mitsuki straightened up only to lean in again, and Yusuke knew exactly what she was doing. He
leaned in, too, and their lips met. They held their kiss for a while, and when Mitsuki finally
backed out of it, a thin strand of saliva hanging between them, she spoke in her local’s accent,
“Yusuke? You can only do this with me, okay? If you cheat on me with Reina, I won’t forgive
His eyes widening a bit with awe, he replied, “Y-yes! Of course, Mitsuki!”
The woman twice his age grinned at him with lustful eyes and said, “Glad ta hear it.” She
brought her hand to his face and soothingly drew her fingers along his jawline as she asked,
“You’re ready for another go, righ’? I can feel you gettin’ hard again.” Her native dialect came
through again, “I’ll let ya lead this time, lover.” Yusuke just nodded. Mitsuki smiled again,
“Well, then, Yusuke, whaddaya wanna do to me? I got to have ya twice now, so how’re ya gonna
have me?”
Yusuke knew what he wanted to do immediately. “Could you stand up?”
Mitsuki giggled, “Sure thing. I can’t wait to see what ya got in mind.” She gasped as she
pulled herself off his dick and stood up again. Still seated for the moment, Yusuke gazed up at
her; the gigantic girls on Mitsuki’s front took up most of his field of vision. In a second, he got
up, too, looking straight into her eyes. He put his hands to Mitsuki’s waist, and she got a look of
anticipation on her face.
“You won’t be needing this,” Yusuke grabbed the top hem of her skirt. With one hand, he
undid the skirt and then tugged it down, letting it fall to her ankles. He got short of breath again;
it occurred to him that this was the first time he’d seen a real woman completely naked. He’d
seen plenty in his collection of porn, but they hardly compared to the real thing, and Mitsuki
outclassed them all in any case. Just like he’d thought when she took his virginity only minutes
ago, he couldn’t think of a better woman to be his first. Well, except maybe Reina, he thought to
himself. Wordlessly, Yusuke shed his clothes as well, and soon he stood naked before this
woman…before his lover.
He started guiding his lover into position, but Mitsuki instantly got what he was thinking
and steadied herself against the sofa with both hands. She arched her back a bit and gazed back
with a smile, wiggling her round, seductive hips and her bare behind at him. Being as fixated on
breasts as he was, he’d never thought about how sexy the other parts of a woman’s body could
be. Before he began, he placed his hands on each of her hindquarters. Mitsuki looked back again
as he felt her up and said, “I hope that’s not all y’all’re gonna be doin’, Yusuke.”
“Don’t worry about that,” he replied. In a second, rather aggressively, he took hold of
Mitsuki’s right leg and held it up, eliciting a cry of both surprise and lust from her, and plunged
his cock back in as he fucked her sideways. Between gasps and moans, she said, “Ahn! Ah! Oh,
Yusuke! Ahn! Seventh posture? This—oh, God!—this ain’t yer fir-first time, ain’t it? Ahn!”
Barely missing a beat, Yusuke replied, “N-no, it—ahh!—it is! Oh, Mitsuki!”
“L-learned by watchin’, huh?” Mitsuki teased; she saw right through to Yusuke’s source
for sex moves. Yusuke didn’t reply, however; he began fucking her harder and faster, his and her
body heat rising as they grunted and moaned in pleasure. Before long, both of them cried out as
they came together again. Yusuke pulled out of Mitsuki and they sat down on the couch together,
both of them gasping for air and as naked as the day they were born. They were both so tired,
they just wanted to fall asleep right there.
After a minute or two, Yusuke glanced over at Mitsuki. Once again, her gigantic rack
heaved with every breath. He grinned again and reached out with both hands, leaning in and
taking hold of her nearest knocker. She moaned a bit as she felt him, her eyes closed as she kept
resting even as, she knew, Yusuke was eager to start with her again. Slowly, he started bringing
her nipple to his mouth; he was thirsty from making love to her so much in so short a time, and
wondered if she had anything for him in there.
Then, Mitsuki’s eyes snapped open, “Yusuke, d’ya hear that?” she asked, worry in her
Her nipple just a few centimeters from his mouth, Yusuke stopped and listened. “No.
What is it?”
“The shower!” she said hushedly, “Reina turned off the water!” Yusuke listened more
closely, and did notice that he couldn’t hear running water anymore. Instead, he heard a hair
dryer running. Mitsuki jumped up, yanking her tit out of Yusuke’s hands, and got herself dressed
again so quickly that Yusuke scarcely registered it. Was this not the first time she’d had to get
dressed so fast?
Before he realized it, a fully-clothed Mitsuki was straddling him again and had both
hands to his face, forcing him to look straight into hers. “We only got a few minutes before
Reina’s outta bathroom. Teach my daughter, n’ we can pick up where we left off later,” she said.
She gave him a deep, powerful kiss, then released him and said, “Oh, God, I want ya so bad,
Yusuke. I can’t wait ‘til the next time we make love.” She kissed him again, just a quick peck on
the lips this time, then stood up just as fast, “Hurry up n’ get dressed! What’re ya waitin’ fer?!”
and she quickly climbed the stairs. Out of view, Yusuke heard her say, “Oh, Reina! Don’t go that
way just yet.”
“Huh? Why?” he heard Reina’s voice.
“Yusuke just got here. Get dressed first.” Mitsuki said. Yusuke heard a little shriek from
Reina, obviously not wanting him to see her naked. Of course, he knew that Reina did want him
to, but she was trying to keep her and Yusuke’s relationship a secret from Mitsuki, unaware that
her mother already knew or what she’d done right under her nose. He heard footsteps moving
away from the top of the stairs, then Mitsuki came back into view. She put a finger to pursed
lips, calmly calling for quiet, then blew him another kiss before walking into the bathroom
herself; he could see her pulling her shirt off again just before she left his sight. As he heard the
water begin running again as, no doubt, Mitsuki took a shower of her own, he dressed himself as
quickly as he could and regained his composure. He straightened his hair as best as he could with
his fingers in the hopes that Reina wouldn’t notice his afterglow from having sex with her
In minutes, he heard footsteps approaching and saw Reina coming down the stairs. Her
amber eyes fluttered at him as she walked up. There had been so little time since she got out of
the shower that Yusuke could smell her shampoo and conditioner once she was close enough; the
smell of chrysanthemum flowers wafted from her still-damp auburn bob cut, but another scent
that he couldn’t place came off her skin—was it an essential oil? Best of all, though, was her
outfit—she was just as scantily dressed as yesterday, if not moreso. This time, she was wearing a
pleated, navy blue skirt that echoed of high school days and a white top that was a bit more form-
fitting than the orange one she’d worn yesterday and with wider straps. Unlike her orange top,
this one was thin enough that Yusuke could basically see right through it and, better yet, she was
braless again. He could just barely make out the lovely pink areolas that tipped her GG-cup
hooters through the fabric.
“Hi, there, Yusuke,” she greet him, walking up to him with a seductive swagger; she was
happy to see him. Before he could say anything, Reina had laid her arms across his shoulders and
brought her lips to his. Yusuke’s eyes widened a bit even though they shouldn’t have—he knew
perfectly well that Reina wanted to be his girlfriend and him banging Mitsuki didn’t change that.
In an effort to keep up the façade, Yusuke returned her embrace and kissed her back. They stood
together for a few minutes, holding and kissing each other. Finally, Reina released him. “Well,
I’ve got everythin’ ready ta go upstairs again,” she said, gesturing for him to follow her upstairs.
As they climbed to the second floor, Reina asked, “Did I keep you waitin’ long?”
“Maybe, but I don’t mind. Mits—your mother said you’d just gotten into the shower
when I got here. We were…” he paused for a moment to consider his words, especially since
he’d almost misspoken once already, “chatting. Downstairs.” He hoped Reina didn’t notice the
somewhat awkward sentence structure as he made up a lie.
“That’s good. If I’d known you were goin’ ta come over early, I would’ve saved my
shower until after the lesson,” she said. As she opened the door to her bedroom, she glanced back
at him and added with a suggestive tone, “even if that might have made the wrong impression.”
As they entered Reina’s bedroom, Yusuke noticed it felt a bit stuffy; maybe the heater wasn’t
working properly? There was only one small window and no ceiling fan. Reina stretched out and
groaned, “I knew I should’ve run some cold water before I was done. Why’s it so hot in here!?”
and she went to open the window in an effort to ventilate the room. As she sat down on her bed
and Yusuke in the swivel chair at her desk, she wiped some sweat from the exposed part of her
cleavage and flicked it away, “I can’t believe I’m sweatin’ already—I just got out of the
Seeing that got Yusuke hard again almost immediately, despite having gotten off with
Mitsuki three times in less than an hour, and he tried to hide it, setting his book bag on his lap as
he got out some papers—after all, he was officially here to tutor despite the fact that he’d really
come here to make love to Reina and ended up doing it with her mother instead. Even knowing
that he’d now promised himself to Mitsuki, he couldn’t help looking over the supple youth
before him. Her skin was a little pink from the heat, and it only accentuated her luscious lady
lumps. Mitsuki’s are nice, but so are Reina’s, he thought to himself.
“Hey, Yusuke,” she spoke up, grabbing his attention, “what are you goin’ ta teach me
today?” Reina asked. It was a legitimate question for a student to ask her tutor, but Yusuke knew
she was really asking more than one thing.
Doing his best to resist his urges but remembering her passionate kiss earlier, Yusuke
simply replied, “We’ll be covering basic algebra today.”
That was when Reina decided to drop the pretense. She gave him an inviting, seductive
look and asked, “Are you sure that’s all we’ll be doin’ today?” and she slipped down one of the
straps of her shirt suggestively.
That invitation pushed Yusuke over the edge. “Of course it isn’t,” he said with a chuckle
and immediately pounced on her. Reina gave a yelp that turned into a laugh as Yusuke pushed
her to the bed and pulled off her shirt, revealing her rack. He began kneading her chest like fresh
dough and snogging with her. She moaned in response, sticking her tongue in Yusuke’s mouth,
unknowingly just like her mother had. She enjoyed the long, passionate kiss until Yusuke pulled
away. She opened her eyes with a disappointed look in them, “Already?”
Yusuke answered by pulling off her skirt and panties and then stripping down as well.
Reina panted with excitement as Yusuke got on top of her. She didn’t say anything, but he was
pleased with what he read in her expression: Really, Yusuke? You mean it? We’re going to have
With his newfound experience given to him by Mitsuki, Yusuke rammed his rigid rod
right into Reina. She gasped again in a mixture of surprise, pain, and ecstasy as her hymen broke.
“Yusuke!” she moaned, feeling a man inside her for the first time in her life. Yusuke kissed her
again before he started thrusting, making her boobs bounce in sync with him. “Oh, Yusuke!” she
cried as he made love to her missionary-style. She began calling his name over and over again
until Yusuke silenced her with another kiss; if he wanted this to work, he couldn’t let Mitsuki
find out about it, but another part of him was angry and annoyed that he was doing this. Reina
moaned underneath him more passionately than before she was kissed, fondled, and fucked all at
once. As pleasure overcame him, Yusuke started hammering her harder and harder. He was glad
that he was kissing her—beyond just expressing his love and lust for the lovely lady with this lip
lock, it also muffled both of them when they flew over the edge together.
Yusuke pulled out of Reina and laid on the bed next to her, their feet resting on the
pillows and their heads at the foot. They stayed there or a few minutes as they caught their
breath; it was a bit harder for Yusuke—he’d cum four times today, now, and it was only Reina’s
first time in more ways than one. Finally, Reina spoke up, “Oh, Yusuke…that was amazin’.
Better than yesterday.”
“Oh, believe me, I know,” Yusuke gasped out.
“So that was sex?” Reina asked rhetorically. She shuddered and, before she knew it, had
reached up to her own bust, squeezing her tits in pleasure for the first time in her life, “Oh, God,
I love it. I loved every second of it.”
With some effort, Yusuke sat up and turned around, asking, “Are you ready for another?”
Reina sat up, too, and caressed his face, “Yes, Yusuke. I want ta feel you in me again. I
never want ta stop doin’ this,” she said with a smile, her voice overflowing with desire.
“Alright, Reina,” Yusuke said, nodding to her. Remembering something he’d seen in a
hentai once, he said, “You know, Reina, there’s lots of ways to have sex. Want to try it some
other way?” Reina just gave an erotic shudder and a nod in response; she was trembling with
anticipation, already prepared for her second time. Yusuke grinned and, rather roughly, spun
Reina around so that she fell to the mattress, practically flipping her onto her stomach. Reina
looked back at him with a puzzled expression as he got behind her, “Yusuke, what are you—
aah!” she stopped midsentence as Yusuke penetrated her again, taking her doggy-style on his
knees. Soon, she gave in to this new position and found her face being pressed into her own bust,
using them as a makeshift pillow as Yusuke banged her. Pleasure began welling up inside them
again, and both lovers moaned and groaned as they climaxed again.
Suddenly, there was a polite knock at the door the very second they climaxed. Not
waiting for a response, the door opened and Mitsuki, now cleaned up in fresh clothes like what
she was wearing earlier, walked in carrying a tray of tea and snacks for them. “Reina, I brought
you some tea—” she stopped midsentence and dropped the tray in shock, her face turning into
one of shock as the cups shattered on the floor, “—what’re ya doin’!?”
Yusuke knew that was directed more at him, “Mitsuki!”
“Mama!” Reina said, astonished.
Yusuke gulped and fell back onto the bed and out of Reina, his cock still covered with
her cum. He knew and remembered perfectly well what Mitsuki had said to him: If you cheat on
me with Reina, I won’t forgive you. He was ashamed that he’d given in to temptation so easily,
but part of him had been hoping that he’d be able to keep up the charade for at least a while
longer. And yet here he was, literally caught with his pants down on the first day—no, in the first
hour—since he’d promised to only have sex with Mitsuki, and in the middle of cumming inside
her daughter, no less!
As Reina sat up, he watched in terror as Mitsuki’s face changed from stunned silence to
quiet fury, and then he saw her gaze shift from him to Reina, glaring at her with complete
contempt. He glanced over at his peer, who pulled up her bedsheets to try and cover herself, and
saw that her own expression had changed from embarrassment to the same venomous face that
her mother was giving her, stubbornly staring back. She was starting to figure it out, too—there
was no other reason for Mitsuki to be looking at her like that.
This is bad… Yusuke thought even as coherence began to escape him, This is bad, this is
really bad. In less than an hour, he’d had actual sex for the first time, swore to only couple with
one woman, and then immediately broke that promise so that he could fuck her daughter the
second the opportunity arose. Still seated behind Reina, he lost his balance and fell off the
mattress to the bedroom floor. As he recovered, brushing some hair out of his vision, he picked
up that the two Toyohara women had hardly even noticed that—they were too focused on each
other. His eyes darted back and forth between them as he sat up. The whole scene was so tense
that it felt like the air could ignite at any second.
Finally, Mitsuki took a deep breath and, carefully enunciating each word, questioned,
“Reina: what’s the meanin’ of this?”
“The meanin’ of what?” Reina questioned back. This time, she was feigning naïveté
rather than genuinely not understanding. Even if she wouldn’t have wanted to admit it, she was
quickly figuring out why her mother looked so angry.
Mitsuki’s expression went from silent anger to straight-up rage and she demanded, “Just
what in the hell were y’all doin’?!” Her anger overpowered the Nagoya woman’s acquired local
accent and she slipped back to her hometown’s dialect.
“What, you mean you can’t tell?” her daughter replied, “We were havin’ sex!” Her
matter-of-factly tone only made it clearer that she already knew what her mother was acting the
way she was.
Mitsuki’s expression changed again, a blush like she was embarrassed combining with
her fury to make her face even redder. She’d been hoping that she had only imagined just seeing
Yusuke fucking her daughter doggy-style. “Wh-what did ya just say?!”
“You heard me: SEX!!!” Reina repeated as she stood up, still holding the covers to her
boobs, almost seeming like she was wearing some kind of exhibitionist gown. She took a bouncy
step off her mattress to the floor, gracefully sinking to her knees and almost pressing herself
against the still-naked Yusuke. She rubbed her face against his with an adoringly affectionate
expression and said, “Righ’, Yusuke?”
“Y-yeah…” Yusuke practically muttered, giving an aside look to Mitsuki with
embarrassment on his face. He wondered if Reina had any idea of the mess they were in, sitting
there grinning like that. An instant later, he thought to himself, You idiot, it’s your fault this is
happening, not hers. You just couldn’t resist banging both of them, could you?
Mitsuki’s face changed back into one of hatred and she ground her teeth. Fuming, she
walked over to them and leaned down. “Get off each other!!!” she demanded as, with surprising
strength, she forcefully pulled them to their feet and apart from each other. Reina yelped as she
was roughly thrown to the floor, landing on her side and dropping the bedsheets.
“Mom! What’re you doin’!?” Reina yelled, looking up and possibly in denial as she said,
“Yusuke and I just—” but Mitsuki cut her off. Pulling Yusuke to her side and leaving no secret
untold, she shouted, “Yusuke’s mine!” and she jabbed a thumb at herself, “I had him first so he
belongs to me!” She pointed at Reina next and shouted, “Y’all stay the fuck away from him!!!”
Much like her mother, Reina’s expression changed instantly, though from one of angered
annoyance to shock and betrayal as she shifted her gaze to Yusuke. He realized that she may
have suspected it before, but was probably hoping it was otherwise. She didn’t say anything, but
Yusuke could see what she wanted to say in her eyes: You fucked my mother?!
Yusuke winced as, suddenly, Mitsuki not-too-kindly seized his arm; to his surprise, she
was gripping him so hard that it hurt. She really didn’t like that Yusuke had cheated on her. She
began leading him out of Reina’s bedroom, almost certainly to her own, as she growled, “C’mon,
Yusuke. Maybe if’n we make up now, I’ll give ya another chance.”
Defiant, Reina got up and took hold of Yusuke’s other arm, stopping Mitsuki in her
tracks. The older woman slowly turned, never letting go of Yusuke, and contemptuously stared
at her daughter again. With a voice as cold as ice, she ordered, “Reina, let go of Mama’s lover.”
Reina glared back with the same hatred and tugged Yusuke towards her. Mitsuki growled and
pulled back. In seconds, Yusuke suddenly found himself stuck between them in a tug-of-war for
who would get to have sex with him next. He felt he’d be ecstatic in any other circumstance, but
he felt conflicted instead: on the one hand, he was being offered sex by two unbelievably shapely
women who undoubtedly both loved him very much—or at least were lusting for him just as
uncontrollably as he was for both of them—but on the other this was destroying a relationship of
eighteen years between a mother and her child. What right did he have to be upsetting that? How
would he come to terms with this? Yusuke was so deep in thought that he didn’t hear the two
women trying to get his attention at first.
“Yusuke?” Reina asked, never letting her eyes stray from her mother’s.
“Yusuke!” Mitsuki said, more threateningly than Reina.
“Y-yes, ma’am?” Yusuke replied. He heard Reina growl, annoyed that Yusuke would
listen to her mother—no, her rival—and not her.
Mitsuki’s face softened as she finally broke from her staring contest with Reina to look
into Yusuke’s eyes instead, and she asked, “Which of us do ya like more: me or Reina?”
Yusuke stammered for a second before finally saying, “N-no, wait, this is all going so
fast. I can’t—I mean…” He was a smart man, but too many thoughts were going through his
mind just now; he almost felt like a computer trying to run more programs than it could handle.
He tried to clear his mind, and examined both of the buxom beauties holding on to him like their
lives depended on it. He inspected each of their faces and chest in turn, recalling all the sex he’d
had with each of them so far as he silently weighed his options: Who do I love more? The
adorable Reina, or the sexy, sultry Mitsuki?
“Hurry up, Yusuke!” Mitsuki said, getting impatient.
“Yeah, Yusuke! Just tell Mom that you want me and get it over with!”
“Don’t be so sure of yerself, Reina,” Mitsuki shot back, glaring at her daughter again.
Yusuke let out an exasperated yell, “I can’t pick one of you over the other!” he finally
said. Reina and Mitsuki stared at him, at the badly conflicted expression on his face, and
understood. He wasn’t avoiding the question, he really couldn’t decide between them. Not so
quickly, anyway…
“Good grief…” Mitsuki groaned, letting go of Yusuke and stepping away before turning
towards the door. Was she leaving? Reina got a triumphant expression on her face.
Then, Mitsuki spun around, her jugs swaying with the sudden momentum, and grabbed
the hem of her turtleneck, declaring, “If’n ya can’t make up yer mind by yerself, then choose
between us based on our breasts!” With that, in a swift motion, she pulled off her shirt, once
more baring her enormous, braless JJ-cups. Reina’s eyes widened, then narrowed again as her
mother’s massive mammaries moved into a more mellowed position as they were cleared from
the confines of her clothes. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen Mitsuki’s bare breasts: like just
about all Japanese children, she’d taken baths with her mother at a young age but, naturally, had
grown out of it over time. Not only that, but living in a house that essentially only ever had the
two women in it meant she had occasionally seen Mitsuki naked as she left the bathroom after a
shower or on certain days when she’d neglected to do enough loads of laundry and had to wash
their clothes topless. Reina herself was no different; in fact, before she’d known that Yusuke was
already here just earlier today, she’d been walking to her bedroom without even a towel until
Mitsuki had stopped her. Now she really knew why her mother had stopped her—she was trying
to steal her boyfriend!
And that meant that this time seeing her mother’s endowment was different. This wasn’t
the casual between-rooms toplessness that she’d seen every once in a while. Right now, Mitsuki
wasn’t her mother—she was competition. Reina heard Yusuke nervously gulp next to her, and
was vaguely aware that he was getting hard again despite having clearly cum a lot within the past
hour. As Mitsuki took off her skirt and—to Yusuke’s surprise—a pair of pink panties, Reina
released Yusuke’s arm and glared at her mother more intensely than before, clenching her fists
so hard that her knuckles turned white. Her whole body was trembling with anger—how dare
she try to take the only man that she’d ever loved?! And where did she get off saying that she
had Yusuke first!??!
Once Mitsuki was completely undressed, unceremoniously throwing her panties to the
floor of Reina’s bedroom—the younger woman couldn’t help thinking that maybe she was trying
to say something with that—she folded her arms under her breasts, propping them up as if she
was wearing an invisible push-up bra to make them seem even more appealing to Yusuke than
they already were. Her brow furrowed with determination, she said to her lover, “Well, Yusuke?
Who’s it gonna be?”
Reina scowled at her mother and declared, “Fine! If you’re goin’ ta be like that, then
you’re on! I’ll prove that Yusuke wants me!” and she walked over to stand next to Mitsuki,
imitating her pose. “Alrigh’, Yusuke! It’s time for you ta choose!” She gave a sideways glare to
her mother and, quietly enough that Yusuke couldn’t hear her, she hissed, “I’m not goin’ ta lose
ta you, you slut.” Mitsuki inhaled sharply as her face turned into one of shock, then completely
turned her head to look at her daughter with fury in her eyes and her mouth twisted into a sneer.
Reina turned her head just a bit more and said, “Yeah. I figured it out. Game on, whore.”
Yusuke barely heard Mitsuki issue a retort as he considered his predicament. No matter
what, he didn’t think he could actually choose between the two Toyohara women based only on
their merits as partners, as lovers…maybe even as wives. He liked both of them a lot for what
made them unique as people, beyond just their unbelievable bodies, which even surprised him as
a man obsessed with women’s breasts. With the two of them standing side by side like this, he
could really gauge their physical similarities and differences. Reina and Mitsuki shared the same
lighter skin tone than typical Japanese, including Yusuke, and had the same almost reddish-
brown eyes—amber, if he remembered correctly. Reina had auburn hair, inherited from her
father, which was now mussed up a bit from her having sex with him only minutes ago; Mitsuki
was right in saying that she looked like the late Nobuyuki, except for being a woman, of course.
Mitsuki’s light brown hair, reaching down to her collarbones in two locks in the front and to her
waist behind, was still a bit wet from her shower, and glistened in the light, in contrast to Reina’s
bob cut; it was almost like a wavy or feathered princess cut. Their eyelashes were similar, too,
but Mitsuki’s seemed softer than Reina’s, unmarred even by her fierce expression. Mitsuki was
taller than Reina—and Yusuke, too, for that matter—by about 7cm,xi in all likelihood because
she was more than twice their age and had done more growing than either of them.
Of course, the most important parts of them right now were a bit further down. As
Yusuke continued his good, long look at them—analyzing every aspect of their beautiful, bare
bodies before him—he felt his blood rushing and his heart pounding with desire as his manhood
grew even harder than before. The two beauties were examining him, too: his black hair, his
hazel eyes, and—more than the rest of him—his fully-erect 18cmxii dick. Their faces were
pointing in the same direction as before, but Yusuke could see that their amber eyes were staring
down at his waist. So this is what it feels like to be ogled, he thought. After all the time he’d
spent fantasizing about busty women, including the two before him, Yusuke felt like it was both
fitting and odd that now, all of a sudden, it was happening to him, too. As the two women stood
together, side by side, Yusuke could see for certain—as if he didn’t already know—that
Mitsuki’s bust was bigger than Reina’s. Even the smallest part of her JJ-cups, the light brown
areolas that tipped them, were bigger than the soft pink ones on Reina’s GG-cups. Just the sight
of their enormous busts together like this nearly had him halfway to orgasm.
Yusuke started weighing his options. On his right was Mitsuki: not only did she have
bigger boobs than Reina—and was perhaps bigger than almost any other woman on Earth that
she shared a body type with—but she was older, more experienced. She’d told him herself that
she’d had many partners over the years, which told him that she was an expert at sex, as if he
needed any more confirmation of that after she took his virginity just earlier today. He could
hardly imagine everything they could do together. Glancing further down past her knockers, he
could just barely see the stretch marks on her abdomen from when she’d carried Reina eighteen
years ago.
That led Yusuke to thinking of Reina herself, standing to the left. It almost sounded crazy
to the boobie-loving Yusuke, but he felt like Reina, the woman with smaller if still gigantic jugs,
was the one for him. Not only was it a more typical relationship that wouldn’t raise a lot of
eyebrows, Reina was just someone he could better relate to. He sincerely doubted that Mitsuki
kept up with the latest songs and manga, for example, or at least those targeted at his and Reina’s
generation. Instead of letting the older and more experienced Mitsuki lead, he and Reina could
discover the full extent of their love and lust together, even ignoring the fact that she’d just given
her virginity to Yusuke minutes ago just like he’d given his to her mother. Not only that, but
Yusuke had wondered what it would be like to be a father many times in the past, and of the two
Toyohara women—the first two women he’d ever had sex with—it was Reina who would be the
most likely to bear his children. No matter how he looked at it, Mitsuki’s time for another child
was running out, if it hadn’t already, and as yet Yusuke didn’t know if he was ready to have kids,
which could easily close the gap for Mitsuki in that field.
Finally, Yusuke inhaled deeply. Reina and Mitsuki’s eyes perked up at him, pulling their
gaze away from his cock as they awaited his decision. He took a few steps forward and said with
a shrug, “I know you both want me to pick you, but I can’t decide just by looking.” When he was
less than a meter away, he reached out, seizing Mitsuki’s left breast with his right hand and
Reina’s right with his left. Immediately, both of them let out a shudder of pleasure and began
blushing. Yusuke started beaming, “I think I’ll decide after I fully enjoy them,” and he began
pawing and kneading their knockers. Even as he did, his inner self scolded him: Ugh, do you
hear yourself, you idiot? You sound like the villain in a bad hentai. He managed to push that out
of his mind, at least for now, as the Toyohara women started shuddering and moaning in stereo.
Yusuke was practically giddy at how things had turned out here; glancing down past their
endowments, he could see that they were already wet and their knees were shaking. In fact, it
seemed like the elation he was putting them through could make their legs buckle at any
moment. At the same time, he was still angry with himself over his behavior today—no matter
what he did, he couldn’t control himself!
“I should see how you taste, too,” Yusuke said, and leaned forward to lick and suck on
Mitsuki’s teat that he wasn’t palming. Reina’s mother began to moan even louder, practically on
the verge of orgasm, but she managed to cry out, “Yes! Oh, God, yes! More, Yusuke! Suck on
me harder!! Ahhn!!”
“They taste great, Mitsuki,” Yusuke’s voice was a little muffled as he spoke through a
mouthful of her nipple.
Reina noticed that Yusuke wasn’t fondling her as much as he was minutes ago, and the
blush covering her face wasn’t as deep a red as her mother’s. She pleaded, “You’re payin’ too
much attention ta Mom! Suck on mine, too!” Heeding her without a word, Yusuke shifted from
Mitsuki’s right breast to Reina’s left, and the louder, impassioned moaning shifted with him from
the mother to her daughter. “Ahn! Oh, Yusuke!” she said between gasps.
“Your tits are so soft and fluffy, Reina,” he said, muffled again as he teased her nipple
with his tongue.
“Ohh! Yusuke, how—aah!—how do they taste?” Reina asked, her eyes nearly screwed
shut with pleasure as she moaned.
“They’re a little sour, but they taste good,” he replied, “like lemon candy.” Yusuke kept
licking and sucking on Reina’s teat for a few more minutes, then went back to Mitsuki when she
tempted him with her own. He did that for a bit, then Reina spoke up again. Then Mitsuki, then
Reina again. Finally, he got an idea to put this part of their little competition to rest.
Yusuke stopped licking Reina’s nipple for a moment and released the racks he’d been
fondling this whole time. Just as both women were about to look down at him with
disappointment, he grabbed the other ones—the ones he’d been kissing and licking and
sucking—and pushed them together. After a minute’s effort, he managed to get both of their
teats into his mouth at once, and the two of them moaned even louder as he started sucking them
at the same time, stroking their knockers with his hands. Finally, he gently bit down on their
nipples with opposite incisors. That drove both women over the edge at the same time and they
both shrieked as they reached orgasm together thanks to the man they were fighting over. That
finally made their legs give way and they fell from Yusuke’s grasp to the floor, panting as their
rapture receded; Mitsuki stayed on her knees while Reina sat down, supporting herself with her
Yusuke stood over them and shrugged as they opened their eyes, staring up at him. “I
can’t complain. Both of you have some incredible tits, but I can’t decide based just on your
boobs.” Once again, despite his words, Yusuke was conflicted within, his thoughts arguing with
themselves: Heheh…maybe I can get to have both of them some more! ~ What the hell is wrong
with you?! You’re making it worse!! If you really can’t decide then just flip a coin or something!
~ How would that help?! You can’t make a decision like this so rashly!
Still panting, Mitsuki stood up; Reina’s gaze followed her mother as she rose above her,
“Is it really so difficult?” she said with exasperation. Taking the others by surprise, she pushed
Yusuke onto Reina’s mattress and sank to her knees again. Before they knew it, she had a hand
wrapped around Yusuke’s shaft and was rubbing him vigorously. “I’ll show ya who to pick!” she
all but shouted as Yusuke began moaning.
“Mom, that’s not fair!” Reina yelled, jumping up to try to pull her mother off Yusuke.
“All’s fair in love an’ war, Reina,” Mitsuki retorted, batting her daughter away with her
free hand. Reina yelped with surprise at that and fell to the floor; her mother had never struck her
before. She was in such shock that she hardly noticed it when Mitsuki took hold of his stones
with her other hand, palming them between her fingers. By the time she caught on to what her
mother was doing, it was too late for Reina to try stopping her again: Yusuke gasped and began
moaning louder when Mitsuki popped her mouth over the head of his dick, ignoring the taste of
what she knew was Reina’s fluids as she did. Reina watched helplessly as Yusuke yelled and
came in Mitsuki’s mouth with her tongue dancing around the end of his penis.
Still on her knees, Mitsuki leaned back a bit, a strand of Yusuke’s sticky cum hanging
between the tip of his cock and her lips. She turned to glance at her daughter and smirked. She
licked her lips and then made as loud a gulp as she could as she swallowed his load, “Aaah!
Reina ground her teeth and furrowed her brow. She stomped over to Mitsuki and, with all
her strength, threw her out of the way and said, “Move over! I’ll show you how it’s done, you
old hag!”
“Hag?! Ya little bitch, I’ll—” Mitsuki cursed at her daughter, but Reina interrupted her,
“Sorry, Mama, but I can’t hear you over how good I’m makin’ Yusuke feel!” she said as she
started tit-fucking him. “Righ’, Yusuke?” He yelled out, “Oh, Reina!”
Doing her best to keep him from going limp after cumming so much in so short a time,
she vigorously stroked his shaft between her tits. When it looked like it wasn’t working for a
moment, she resorted to mimicking her mother. She was a bit nervous about it, but she wanted to
win so badly that she ignored whatever reservations she had and began sucking on Yusuke’s
shaft as hard as she could. Along with Yusuke himself, she was sure she could taste her mother’s
saliva on him, and tried to ignore that, too. When she started getting worried about losing again,
she worked at it even harder; fighting her gag reflex, she thrust her head further down onto his.
Yusuke panted loudly, “R-reina! Reina, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!!” and then yelled out as he
ejaculated into her throat. Yusuke fell backwards onto the bed as Reina released him, falling
back as well. She coughed a bit and rubbed her throat—she’d barely been able to breathe for a
second there.
Yusuke, meanwhile, stared up at the ceiling, still panting. He was so tired; he’d had no
idea how exhausting sex could be, even considering that before noon today he’d been a virgin.
He scarcely even registered Mitsuki issuing a challenge to Reina until both of them were yelling
at each other again as they pushed themselves into him, each fighting for dominance as they
made to suck and tit-fuck him at the same time. Suddenly, Yusuke had four gigantic breasts and
two nimble tongues rubbing against his member at once, and a hand from each of them trying to
fondle his balls. This was almost more than he could handle! “Stop, stop!!” he yelled, hardly
believing that he was even saying that—this was practically a dream come true for him! Before
he knew it, he was rigid again in spite of everything that had happened today. He yelled out
again as he came, harder than he ever had before, and saw his cum shoot out in three or four
spurts and land on the faces and chests and in the hair of both of the Toyohara women.
Then, blackness.
Mitsuki and Reina got up and kept arguing for another few minutes before they realized
how quiet it had gotten, even considering their yelling at each other. Still naked and with
Yusuke’s cum on them, they stared at the man they both loved on the bed. He wasn’t moving.
“Oh, nice goin’, Mom! You killed him!” Reina gave Mitsuki a scolding smack on the
“Me?! Y’all were doin’ the same thing! If anythin’ this here’s yer fault!”
“My fault?!”
“Yeah! If’n ya’d just let me take him to my room n’ fuck him, none of this woulda
“Well he had me first, you liar!!” Reina shouted, recalling what her mother had said
earlier about calling ‘first’ on him. “Yusuke and I had such a good time tit-fuckin’ yesterday that
I was plannin’ ta have sex with him today, not just do it on the spur of the moment like you did,
you cow!!!”
“What in the hell did y’all just call me!?!” Mitsuki shouted at her daughter and slapped
her across the face.
“You heard me! You’re too old for him! Yusuke wants someone cute and young like
ME!!!” Reina shouted back at her, returning the slap.
“Cute?! Young!? Bullshit!! Yusuke wants a better lover than y’all are ever gonna be!!”
she snarled. She smirked and said, “An’ where do ya think yer gettin’ off, sayin’ y’all really had
him first? A titty-fuck ain’t nothin’ like real sex, n’ I had him like that first! Y’all’re too late,
Reina—I’m the one who took Yusuke’s virginity n’ there’s nothin’ ya can do about it!!!”
“Well he took mine!!!” Reina shouted at her. “And like takin’ his virginity really means
anythin’ ta you! All those times you were out ‘havin’ dinner’ and ‘socializin’’ when I was in
junior high, you were out fuckin’ random people in bars, you WHORE!!!”
That sent Mitsuki over the edge. She screamed as she leapt at Reina, throwing both of
them to the floor, and wrapped her hands around her daughter’s throat, “CUNT!!! I’LL KILL
YA!!!” Reina gasped for air, genuine terror on her face as her mother choked her. Her eyes
blurred with tears of fearful pain as she tried desperately to get Mitsuki off her, her mother’s
furious face with Yusuke’s love juice still stuck to it dominating her field of vision. Then again,
even as this mortal fear set in, her heart raced; there was something…ecstatic about this.
Mitsuki’s thoughts as all this happened were very different: That’s it! Just a little more n’
y’all’re gone forever! No more Reina!! Yusuke will be all mine!!!
She came to her senses as soon as she finished that thought. W-wait! What am I doin’!?
She loosened her grip on Reina’s windpipe. Why?!?! Why would I…oh, God!!! I almost killed my
daughter!!! She let go completely and fell back, scrambling backwards across the floor until she
hit a wall. The younger woman coughed and desperately sucked in precious air as she sat up. She
rubbed her throat; she could still feel her mother’s steely grip squeezing the life out of her.
Mitsuki had a look of horror on her face, fully realizing what she’d almost done just now. She
looked at the hands she’d just been strangling Reina with; they were shaking uncontrollably. She
felt sick to her stomach with guilt at the fact that, even if it was for just a second or two, he’d
really and truly wanted to kill her only child. And for what?! So she could have a good screw!??!
She buried her face in her hands and began sobbing over what she’d tried to do. Reina looked at
her crying mother, also conflicted—Mitsuki had nearly murdered her just now, but she was
obviously just as shaken up over it as she was.
After just minutes, Mitsuki calmed down enough to be able to speak again. She lowered
her hands, now covered in tears and cum, and was about to say something when they both heard
a groan. The two naked women looked back at Yusuke, still lying on the bed. He shifted around
a little, and was clearly breathing.
“Oh, thank God! He’s alive!” Reina said, kneeling down to lift his head a bit.
Seeing that, Mitsuki forgot all about what she was going to say. Her sense of desire
kicked in again and overpowered her confused emotions from just moments ago, “I thought I
told y’all to stay away from my lover!!” and, not missing a beat, the two of them started arguing
again. They ended up walking out of the bedroom, still yelling and cursing and occasionally
hitting each other as they went to the bathroom to wash off Yusuke’s seed, lashing out at each
other over the tiniest slights and most inconsequential mistakes that they could think of from
their entire life together as mother and child, like accidentally leaving the front door unlock or
taking the last slice of cake. They kept screeching at each other even as they wiped down their
faces and chests with towels. Soon, they were walking back together, now dressed, so to speak,
in bathrobes; though they both wanted Yusuke and to prove it any way possible, neither of them
wanted to just stand around naked any longer while he was still essentially unconscious.
“I never shoulda let him tutor ya! I shoulda turned him around at the door on Day One
an’ got him to myself later!” Mitsuki shouted. Both of their cheeks were stinging and red; they
had been exchanging slaps as much as insults, and both of their voices were getting hoarse by
“Well—” Reina was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing: DING-dong-bing-
“Oh, who in the hell could that be?!!” Mitsuki said, her voice simmerin with anger. She
headed for the door, then spun around to say to Reina, “This ain’t over!” and she stormed down
the stairs and to the door while Reina waited at the top of the stairs, silently sending a rude
gesture after her mother. Mitsuki opened the front door and, to her surprise, saw a policeman
standing there. Both of them were taken completely by surprise, as was the officer when he saw
how she was dressed. “Oh, he-hello, officer,” Mitsuki said, shifting back to her acquired local’s
accent; she’d been prepared to shout an irritated “What?!” at whoever was at the door and
exhaled as she spoke. She immediately changed her demeanor to try to hide the fact that she was
fighting with her daughter over sex.
“E-evenin’, ma’am,” the officer said, tipping his hat to her as he forced his line of sight to
her face instead of her rack. She could see a bit of a blush on his face; like many, he was surely
surprised to see anyone with such a titanic chest. On top of that, he was noticeably shorter than
her, which might well have made her look even more stunning to him. The man cleared his
throat and said, “We received some complaints about the noise level comin’ from here.” At the
top of the stairs, Reina’s hand shot to her mouth as realization hit her: the window! She’d opened
it when she and Yusuke went into her room! The whole neighborhood could’ve heard them
screwing Yusuke and screaming at each other! As Reina ran to her bedroom to close it, the
officer continued, “Some of the reports said that it sounded like a domestic disturbance. Is
everythin’ alrigh’ here?”
“Oh! I-I’m so sorry about that! M-my daughter and I were just…watchin’ our favorite
movie! Yes! We got so, uh, so drawn into it that we lost control and started screamin’ with
excitement!” Mitsuki lied, hoping that she sounded convincing enough. “A-and after that we, we
were watchin’ the news! Some of the things on there got us so angry that we couldn’t help
yellin’!” she said. Oh my God, if that ain’t the most unbelievable thing I ever heard… she
“Well, there doesn’t seem to be any real problem here, then,” the officer said.
He actually bought that?! Mitsuki thought to herself, unbelieving. Just then, she noticed
that his gaze has drifted back down to her bust. “Hey. My face is up here,” she said, deadpan and
a little annoyed.
“Sorry, ma’am,” the officer tipped his hat again, his blush getting deeper at being caught
looking. “Accordin’ ta police records, this is the first time we’re hearin’ of any kind of offense
from here, so I’ll just leave you with a warnin’. Just keep the volume down—people are tryin’ ta
sleep righ’ now,” he said. Mitsuki glanced around, a little shocked that she hadn’t seen how late
it had gotten; just how long had she and Reina been fighting?
“Yes, officer,” Mitsuki said, waving innocently as the policeman walked back to his
motorcycle and drove off. She closed the door and spun back around, her fake sweet expression
reverting to anger and her voice to Nagoya again, “Ooohh, I’m gonna git that little bitch!” she
growled, almost tearing off her robe and storming back up the stairs at the same pace that she’d
gone down them. She slammed the door to Reina’s room open, hardly surprised to see a naked
Reina cuddling next to the still-unconscious Yusuke, both of them repositioned on her bed.
“Go away, Mama! This is a private party!” Reina said, almost snobbishly.
“Like hell, it is!” Mitsuki shouted, pulling Reina from the bed. She held Reina in place as
she started screaming at her again, “Now y’all listen to me, ya little brat! I brought ya into this
world n’ raised ya by myself! No one since yer father ever satisfied me as good as him!” she
indicated Yusuke, “I deserve a good lover, so Yusuke! Is!! MINE!!!”
“No! I never got ta have a boyfriend before him!! You can go back ta the bars for your
kicks but Yusuke belongs ta me!!!”
“I can cut ya off, ya know!”
“Oh, just try it, Torpedo Tits!”
The two women went straight back to screaming at each other, and then suddenly both of
them went silent. They stopped, confused, and Mitsuki let go of her daughter. Reina felt at her
throat and tried to say something, anything, but no sound came out. Mitsuki tried the same to the
same result. It hit them at the same time: they’d been screaming at each other so much that
they’d lost their voices.
Mitsuki folded her arms and furrowed her brow at her daughter. Reina did the same and
Mitsuki scowled at her. Reina shook her head, trying to tell her mother that it was her own fault
that she’d lost her voice. Mitsuki’s body language said that she was yelling with pure
exasperation, but no sound came out. Reina shook her head again. She pointed at Yusuke and
then at herself, trying to say that he was hers. Mitsuki copied her, more forcefully. Reina made a
strong gesture, and Mitsuki slapped her again. Reina got an enraged look and slapped her mother
right back. The women got in each other’s faces, staring each other down with the same
expression and so close that their tits were being squished together.
Finally, Mitsuki pushed Reina away from her and exhaled sharply, stepping back at the
same time. She walked to the door, opened it wide, and gestured for Reina to leave. Reina
crossed her arms and shook her head again, refusing. As best as she could, Mitsuki meant to
indicate that she actually didn’t want to try having sex with Yusuke just now. When Reina still
refused, not understanding, she took her daughter by the ear and all but dragged her out of the
room and down the hall, bringing Reina to her own bedroom instead. She pulled the sheets and
pillows off her bed and threw them on the floor, then pointed at Reina and then at the bedding.
Next, she pointed at herself and then at the bare mattress, and pantomimed sleep. Reina looked at
the sheets, then the mattress, and shook her head again. Mitsuki made like she was screaming
again before walking over to a desk on the wall opposite her bed. She got a pen and a piece of
paper and wrote on it. Once she was done, she handed the paper to Reina. It read:
睡眠。 あなたは暖かい毛布を得ます、そして、私は柔らかいマットレスを得ま
す。 私たちの声が戻ってきたら私たちはユースケに対処します。
Sleep. You get a warm blanket and I get a soft mattress. We will deal with Yusuke when
our voices return.
Somewhat reluctantly, Reina nodded in agreement and began laying out the sheets and
pillows as a makeshift sleeping mat while Mitsuki turned on a space heater. Mitsuki laid down
on the mattress and closed her eyes. Reina shut off the light before getting under the last of the
covers and trying to sleep as well.
After a while, unable to leave consciousness just yet, Mitsuki sat up. She quietly walked
over to Reina, who was sound asleep, and sat down beside her. In the darkness, she stroked her
daughter’s hair, the same color as her beloved Nobuyuki’s, and gave a small sigh. She wished it
hadn’t come to this. Was this going to be the end of their relationship? Would Reina leave her
like Yusuke had his own parents? After nearly choking her to death, Mitsuki couldn’t blame her
if she decided on that. Reina was the only family she had left in the world, and now that she was
eighteen there was virtually nothing Mitsuki could do to stop her if she really wanted to leave.
She didn’t want it to end like this…
Mitsuki sighed deeply and returned to her mattress. Finally, she fell asleep.

Yusuke didn’t know how many hours had passed when he finally woke up. The morning
sun was shining through the window in Reina’s bedroom. He found that he was flaccid, still
naked, and had been repositioned to lay longways on the bed. He could hardly remember what
had happened last night—it was almost like he’d had too much to drink, but without the
hangover. There had been so much pleasure and exhaustion and screaming.
“Ugh…for the love of…what happened?” he wondered aloud, struggling to sit up. He felt
sore all over.
“Yusuke! You’re awake!” he heard Reina say. He found himself quickly confronted by
the Toyohara women. He was surprised to see that they were still naked. Had they stayed up all
night waiting for him to wake up? No, that didn’t make sense—they looked rested enough, even
if they still needed a few more hours of sleep. They were sitting next to the bed on either side of
As Yusuke swung his legs around to stand if he needed to, Reina got right to the point
and asked, “Yusuke, which of us did you like better?” He noticed that her voice sounded just as
sore as his body felt.
Mitsuki butted in, “It’s me, right?” She was still speaking with her Nagoya accent, and
Yusuke wondered if this always happened when she got really emotional.
“What are you talkin’ about, Mom?! Of course he liked me better!” Reina said, standing
up to confront her mother yet again. Her boobs jumped a bit with the motion.
“Oh, come on!” Mitsuki shot back, her breasts bouncing as she rose as well, “Yusuke
would never pick someone with boobs as puny as yers!” and she pointed at her daughter’s boobs.
Reina struck a sexy pose with a sarcastic expression on her face, “I think you’re sadly
mistaken. Yusuke likes perky breasts like mine way better than your saggy tits!” She glanced
over at him, “Righ’, Yusuke?”
Mitsuki scoffed in surprise, “What in the hell did y’all just say?!”
“You heard me, and I meant what I said!”
Mitsuki grabbed her own breasts and held them up, “If it weren’t for these here saggy tits,
y’all never woulda gotten yer own, ya brat!!”
“Oh, you mean the only way you could win Yusuke is if you didn’t have any
competition? That still makes you second best!”
“Y’all had better stop actin’ like a smartass!”
“Shut up! You’re just jealous!”
“You brat!”
“Reina, Mitsuki, please! Calm down!” Yusuke pleaded with his lovers, but neither of
them was listening. They were both pointing and accusing and shouting and cursing. Yusuke saw
the open door and his clothes lying nearby. Trying to keep from drawing attention to himself, he
got his clothes and book bag and walked out into the hall and down the stairs as quietly as he
could. It felt gross, putting the dirty clothes back on—especially since his skin felt like it was
almost caked with dry sweat—but he didn’t see many other options right now. He put on his
pants last, hopping a bit as he headed for the door. He grabbed his shoes and reached for the
doorknob. He didn’t like the idea of just running out on the two of them like this, but he felt like
sticking around was only going to make things worse and they needed time to cool off and rest.
He’d just touched the doorknob when he heard Mitsuki shout, louder than before,
“Hey!!! Yusuke, GET BACK HERE!!!” and he bolted, throwing the door open and running down
the driveway with the two women rushing downstairs, each jockeying for first place in an
attempt to catch him. Mitsuki reached the door first, but stopped herself when she realized she
was still naked, grabbing the threshold to kill her momentum. Reina kept going, running past
Mitsuki and out into the cold November air after him, shouting, “Come back!!! You still need ta
pick me over Mom!!!” but Yusuke was already too far away for her to catch him.
“Reina! Get back here before someone sees ya!” Mitsuki called urgently, dropping her
anger with her daughter for a moment. She was thankful that most of the neighborhood would be
at work right now—with any luck, no one heard either of them. Reina angrily stomped back to
the house, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth about halfway there, and Mitsuki shut
the door behind her. Once they were in private again, they faced each other.
“That’s just great! You scared him off!” they said simultaneously. “Me?! You’re the one
who made him run!” they said at the same time again. “Oh, no I didn’t!! Yes you did!! Are you
crazy?! This was your fault!! No it wasn’t!! Yes it was!!! I’m gettin’ the last word in!!!
FUCK!!!” they continued, ending at the same time and throwing their arms up in the air, almost
synchronized. They walked upstairs side by side, parting at the top to look back at each other as
they backed into their own rooms. They were both still glaring scornfully, but each saw
something else at the same time; they couldn’t help gazing at each other’s tits as they left, trying
to hide their gazes with their expressions. Finally, they looked away as they completely got into
their own rooms. Still simultaneously, though they didn’t know it, they each got a pillow and
screamed into it at the top of their lungs, venting.
In her own room, Reina removed the pillow from her face and felt like she’d lost her
voice again; she tried to say something and, as expected, no sound came out. That’s just perfect,
she thought. In the other room, Mitsuki had unintentionally silenced herself again as well. Still
almost in unison, they started picking things up in their rooms, waiting for tiredness to set in
again so that they could make up for their lost hours of sleep. Reina rubbed one of her shoulders,
groaning a bit—the curse of the curvaceous was setting in, and it was worse for her since she
hadn’t gotten to sleep on a proper bed last night. She regarded the mess of her bedroom that had
been made in the past day as she and her mother had sex with Yusuke. Ugh…it looks like a
typhoon came through here, she silently said to herself. She had more to clean up that Mitsuki, or
at least she felt like she did, since everything had happened right here in her own room, in her
personal space that her mother had invaded.
After tossing her own clothes into her hamper, she began picking up her mother’s. She
held up Mitsuki’s turtleneck, and for a moment she thought of ripping it apart as a way of getting
back at her mother. In just another moment, with her hands starting to twist in opposite directions
at the collar, she sighed and thought, No, you don’t want ta do that, Reina. There’s no point and
it’s just spiteful. Looking at the shirt again, a different thought came to her mind and she gave it
a small smile, imagining Mitsuki’s enormous bosom filling it out. I don’t think I ever realized
just how big Mama’s boobs are. So warm and soft and… her smile faded a bit, …and why am I
thinkin’ about my mom’s tits like I like them?
She couldn’t stop where her mind was going, Why am I thinkin’ about that?! she thought
as a vision of a topless Mitsuki took over. The mental images changed to one of her mother,
naked, lying in bed, and beckoning to her. They changed again, and Reina envisioned Mitsuki
draping her arms across her shoulders, both of them naked, and kissing her, not as a parent to her
child, but as one lover to another. Reina was a bit frightened when she recognized that the
imaginary version of herself was returning the embrace, holding her mother as if it was their
wedding night.
Coming back to reality, Reina realized that she was rubbing her knees together with
desire. She dropped Mitsuki’s turtleneck and reached down, touching between her legs. She
pulled her hand back up to her face and looked at it in surprise. The images of her curvaceous
mother were replaced by the bewildering observation that she’d gotten wet thinking about her.

Yusuke didn’t dare even think of going back to the Toyohara home until an entire day
had passed. It was a little hard for the black-haired man to believe everything that had happened
in just four days. First, he’d been dumped by his girlfriend after he lost control of his impulses,
only to be introduced to Reina within the hour and agree to tutor her—of course, he knew now
that she’d had her own ulterior motive. The day after that, he went to the Toyohara home as
requested and learned that she basically didn’t need a tutor, but did need Yusuke himself. The
day after that, her mother Mitsuki seduced him and became the first woman he ever made love
to. That just complicated things when Reina all but seduced him, too, triggering a feud between
the two women.
Yusuke was still conflicted over everything that had happened over those two days—
now, he had just about everything that he thought he’d ever wanted, and wasn’t sure he wanted it
anymore considering what had come of it. As far as he knew, Reina and Mitsuki were still
fighting over who had the right to have sex with him. Even that troubled state of mind couldn’t
stop his thoughts from conjuring up images of Mitsuki and Reina, both of them naked, of course.
He’d mostly stayed in his apartment in the few days since then—the university had a long
weekend and he was between jobs at the moment, so it wasn’t like there was anywhere he
needed to be—to avoid bumping into either of his lovers on the street. Who knew what would
happen if he did? Though he couldn’t help wondering why, so far, they hadn’t tried to contact
him. He’d given his phone number to Reina the day they met, so there was nothing stopping
them. At the moment, he was sitting in his apartment, contemplating what to do, but thoughts of
the two busty women kept distracting him.
Suddenly, his phone began ringing. He was so startled by it that he fell out of his chair
and tumbled to the floor. He sat up, wincing as he rubbed where his head had hit the floor. Once
he recovered a second or two later, he fixed his hazel eyes on the phone. He didn’t have caller
ID, so he just stared at it, almost too afraid to answer. It could be Reina, or Mitsuki, or it could be
both of them, or neither of them—he got calls from telemarketers daily. Hell, it could even be his
parents trying to patch up their relationship with him.
The phone stopped ringing, and Yusuke let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, there was a dial
tone and he held his breath again; whoever it was, they were leaving a message. After just a
second, he heard his own voice on the answering machine say, “Hello. It’s Yusuke. I’m not here
right now, so please leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
There was silence for a moment. For a second, he thought it was just a prank call. He
hoped it was a prank call.
Then, he heard the sound of breathing, and the familiar voice of Reina came over the
phone, “Yusuke? It’s Reina.” Even through the answering machine, she sounded sexy. “Look,
Mom and I are sorry about what happened the other day. We want ta make things righ’. Could
you come by sometime soon? Like today? Hope ta see you soon.” For a second, it sounded like
her message had ended, then he heard her whisper, “And I love you!” He heard the sound of a
commotion and Mitsuki’s voice said, “I love you more, Yusuke!” “Mom, shut up!” “Don’t y’all
tell me to—” Beeeeep!
Yusuke gulped. They were still fighting over him, even without seeing him for almost
four days and even over just a little token of endearment like an ‘I love you.’ Was it wise to go
back to such a volatile place? They were clearly still at each other’s throats over who wanted him
more. He could see the two of them still fighting over the phone, even if they hadn’t realized it
had been cut off. He could see Mitsuki’s long hair whipping around as she and Reina struggled,
their matching amber eyes glaring. He imagined Reina pulling at her mother’s light brown mane
in the struggle, while Mitsuki did the same to her daughter’s auburn bob cut. The imaginary
struggle grew more and more violent, both of them getting scuffed up with Mitsuki receiving a
black eye and Reina getting a bloody lip in it all. Mitsuki pinned Reina to the wall, holding her
wrists with her hands, and he saw both of them seething with hatred as they looked into their
rival’s eyes. Then, he imagined Mitsuki lunging in to lock lips with the lovely lady before her in
an impassioned, incestuous embrace; Reina’s eyes initially widened with horror, but then she
moaned as she kissed her mother back and they wrapped their arms around each other, running
their fingers through each other’s hair and rubbing each other’s backs and shoulders.
Yusuke brought himself back to reality, pounding on his own head with both hands.
“Argh, what are you doing, thinking about that?! This is serious!” he scolded himself aloud. The
image of Mitsuki and Reina doing what he doubted they would ever do cleared from his mind.
Pulling his thoughts out of the gutter, Yusuke laid down on his futon.xiii Gazing at the ceiling, he
wondered just what in the blue hell he was going to do about all this.

DING-dong-bing-BONG! Yusuke rang the doorbell to the Toyohara home; it had taken
him a while to come to a decision, but in the end, his urges got the best of him: how could he
resist two buxom beauties who both wanted him?!? He pulled his coat around himself a bit
tighter; it was colder than it had been lately today, enough that a tiny bit of snow was falling.
Under his jacket, he wore an olive green T-shirt and khaki pants. He hadn’t bothered bringing his
bookbag with him this time—there was no pretense of tutoring Reina to try and get into her or
Mitsuki’s pants today.
No one came to the door. Were they not home? After just a second, he realized that
couldn’t be—Mitsuki’s Mercedes-Benz was still parked where he’d always seen it, and he’d
called to let them know that he was coming over. He’d heard them curse at each other over the
phone again, so obviously things were still a bit heated between them. Yusuke rang the doorbell
again, and this time he heard Mitsuki’s voice call from inside, “Come in!”
Yusuke took a deep breath. He knew they wouldn’t be happy to learn that he hadn’t made
a decision, as if either of them would be if he didn’t choose her. He warily opened the door and
walked in, “Hello?” he said, looking around and he shut the door behind him, and was vaguely
aware of some enticing scents in the air. His eyes locked on a junction between the main foyer
and a hallway near the back of the house; he could almost sense that that was where he needed to
be looking. As soon as the door shut, the two Toyohara women came into view, Reina from the
left and Mitsuki from the right. His eyes widened a bit at each of them. Both were dressed far
differently than he’d ever seen them before, but both were just as beautiful as always.
In contrast to the turtlenecks and longer skirts he’d seen her in before, Mitsuki was
wearing a pink, scoop-necked wrap top with elbow-length sleeves that showed off so much
cleavage that probably the only way she could show more was if she was topless. Further down,
she had on a pair of white hot pants which, he guessed, she hadn’t actually worn in quite a while
given how tightly they hugged her hips. For that matter, her wrap top seemed a bit too small, too,
since it left her midriff exposed and seemed to barely even touch her torso below her JJ-cup
chest, which were threatening to spill out of her top at a moment’s notice. Most of her legs were
covered, but only in the strictest definition of ‘covered’—she was wearing fishnet stockings and,
for all intents and purposes, was showing off as much leg as she could without being naked.
Reina, on the other hand, was dressed more modestly in contrast to the skimpy outfits she’d worn
around him both times he come here before. She was wearing a yellow off-shoulder sweater, also
with elbow-length sleeves and which showed off only the very top of her own cleavage, and a
dark green denim miniskirt. Though she was showing less skin than her mother, her top still
stretched tightly around her GG-cup melons. Also unlike Mitsuki, Reina was wearing relatively
simple knee-high socks. On top of all that, Yusuke’s expert eye for reading women’s chests
could see that neither of them was wearing a bra.
“Welcome back!” the two Toyohara women said in unison, beaming at him.
Yusuke was dumbstruck, “Wha…? What the—what? Wh-what happened?”
“Well, Reina and I yelled at each other so much the other day that we both lost our voices
for a while,” Mitsuki explained; Reina interjected, “Twice!” and held up two fingers for
emphasis. Mitsuki gave her daughter a simpering look, then continued, “Not being able ta talk
for a while gave us time ta think, and just yesterday we calmed down enough and talked it over.
We decided that fightin’ over you wasn’t the best way for either of us ta win you over.” She
spoke with her acquired Kyūshū accent rather than that of her native Nagoya.
Reina chimed in, “Mama’s righ’. I mean, just look at what happened! We made you pass
out for hours and then scared you off, and we lost our voices!” then she coughed a little, “It still
hurts,” and she rubbed her throat. She regained her composure after a second and walked up to
Yusuke, smiling. “So why don’t we take it slow today?” She gave him a sultry look as she put
her arm around his shoulder, drawing a circle over his heart with her other hand, and suggested,
“How ‘bout a nice cold drink? I’ve got a bunch of sakéxiv and beer and—”
Yusuke started a bit as, without warning, Mitsuki pressed herself against him from the
other side; he was so focused on Reina that he hadn’t noticed her. With a lustful expression on
her face, she interrupted with a counter-offer, “Or would you like somethin’ a bit more personal?
Say, my milk?” and her hand casually went into her top to pull out her right melon, pointing it up
at him. Yusuke blushed at the sight of her half-exposed endowment and the light brown areola
that tipped it. Dipping back into her hometown’s dialect, she said, “I know how much ya like my
boobs, Yusuke. I have some here for ya, if’n ya want it.” She gave an aside glance to her
daughter, “Can y’all say the same, little girl?” Yusuke scarcely heard that last part—he was
staring intently at Mitsuki’s nipple. She was stroking it with two of her fingers and his eyes went
wide as he saw a drop of sweet liquid form at the very tip of her breast. He started drooling a bit
at the thought of tasting Mitsuki’s milk.
Reina, meanwhile, was giving Mitsuki a harsh expression. She gazed back at Yusuke,
turning his head to force his gaze away from her mother, and asked, “Are you hungry, Yusuke? I
can make you a nice—” Mitsuki cut her off again, imitating Reina and turning him towards her,
“No, let me treat ya to dinner, Yusuke. I’ve spent years perfectin’ my favorite recipes n’ I’d love
to share them with ya.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure, I guess,” Yusuke said, his eyes darting between them. He was still a
little stunned by all this. Their outfits weren’t helping—in their own ways, they made the two of
them even more attractive than they already were. Mitsuki, of course, was going for pure sex
appeal, flaunting her cleavage and offering herself up to him. Reina, on the other hand, was
dressed in a more dignified way while still appealing to Yusuke’s base desires, meaning to sell
herself as a lifelong partner who would stay with him even after their sex drive wore down.
Reina growled at Mitsuki; she refused to let her mother win! In just a few quick moves,
she grabbed Yusuke’s shoulders, stepped away—pulling him out of Mitsuki’s grasp as she did—
and pushed his face into her tits. Grinning, she asked, “Do my breasts feel good, Yusuke?”
Just as suddenly, Mitsuki grabbed Yusuke to push him into her own cleavage instead,
“No, mine feel much better than Reina’s, right?” Still holding him to her breasts, she smirked at
Reina, “But y’all already knew that from that great tit-fuck I gave ya before, didn’t ya? Not like
the one Mosquito Bites here did after I got ya goin’.” Yusuke shuddered, feeling the skin of
Mitsuki’s bare breasts against his face; her strategy of playing to his lust was working. He
smelled a pleasant aroma coming off her, but was too focused on what she was doing to him to
try identifying it.
Reina growled again at the insults to both her sexual skill and her bust size, and walked
over to confront her mother again. She got right in her mother’s face, pressing her breasts against
Yusuke’s head as she said, “Oh, there you go again with that! He’s my boyfriend!” “Quiet, ya
brat!” Mitsuki shot back. Beneath the two arguing women and with their tits enclosing his head,
Yusuke was euphoric. Had he died and gone to Heaven?
Suddenly, Mitsuki raised her hand in a call for peace and said, “No. No, let’s not do this
again.” She stepped away from Yusuke, leaving her rival practically leaning on him, her hands
and humongous hooters on his shoulders. She had more reason to fear getting too fired up than
Reina did—she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to forgive herself for almost strangling her
daughter to death on the day their feud had begun.
“You’re righ’, Mama,” Reina agreed as Mitsuki slipped her breast back into her top. Each
of the women took one of Yusuke’s hands began leading him into the dining room, “Come on,
Yusuke.” As they led him around the corner into the dining room, he could still hardly believe
that this was happening to him—he’d fantasized about it more than once, but Yusuke never
thought he’d genuinely have two sexy women competing for him like this.
At that moment, the dining room table came into view. “Whoa!” Yusuke said at the sight
before him: the whole table was covered with trays, bowls, and plates of delicious-looking food!
Homemade tempura, Kobe beef cooked to perfection, bunches of grapes that almost seemed like
rubies, sliced melon mixed in a scooped-out rind, and a humble but delicious-looking bowl of
miso soup were just a few of the dishes that caught his eye. In fact, just about the only luxury
food that he didn’t see on the table was fugu.xv
“Here, Yusuke. Sit down,” Reina said, guiding Yusuke to the middle of three chairs on
one side of the table. Mitsuki and Reina each took a seat next to him, on his right and left,
respectively. He got a closer look at all the food spread out before him; about half of it was
Japanese cuisine, but there were lots of foreign foods as well, from French dishes to gourmet
hamburgers. Had the two of them spent all day making this on the chance that he would come
over? And how had they cooked everything in such a short time with only one oven?
“Well, Yusuke? What do you like?” Mitsuki asked affectionately. Yusuke glanced to
each of the women next to him. He hadn’t noticed before that they were both wearing just the
right amount of makeup to make them even sexier without overdoing it. He glanced at Reina
first, who was wearing a warm pinkish-orange lipstick and a reddish-purple eye shadow that
made her amber irises really stand out. Then he looked at Mitsuki, who had a darker and richer
red on her lips and stark red eye shadow that almost made her look primal and exotic, like a
tribal woman from an old pulp magazine, although it contrasted with her very modern clothing.
Their fingernails were painted, too, the same rich, golden orange; they must have shared nail
polish. With such lovely ladies on either side and all this food laid out before him, he felt like he
was at luxurious club with the two most beautiful hostesses in the world serving him.
Then, he smelled it: what they’d used to clean themselves before this contest between
them. The smell of their shampoo and scented soap almost overpowered the delicious smells of
the food. The chrysanthemum, he knew, came from Reina; he’d smelled it on her the first time
they had sex. Mitsuki’s was different, though—he smelled plum blossoms in her hair, and could
imagine himself pulling one of the locks that fell to the top of her chest toward him so that he
could take it in. Their scents were so enthralling that he was certain they’d put on perfume as
well. It wouldn’t surprise him, given how dedicatedly they were both trying to win him for
Yusuke was so drawn in by their makeup and the lovely scents coming off them that he
hardly noticed that both of the Toyohara women had moved their nearest hand to his lap. They
each made to quietly reach for his groin, inching their way to his shaft. Instead, their hands
touched each other just over Yusuke’s member, and both women started a little; they hadn’t been
expecting that. Reina and Mitsuki locked eyes for a moment, and their expressions rapidly
changed from angry to confused to affectionate to embarrassed and then they both turned their
gaze away, retracting their hands.
Finally, Yusuke pointed at a plate of spaghetti with just the right amount of sauce and
parmesan cheese on top. “Can’t go wrong with that one.”
“Ooh, good choice, Yusuke. That’s one of mine,” Reina said, picking up the plate and a
fork. She lowered the fork into the pasta and turned it, latching on to the noodles and sauce, and
guided it to Yusuke’s mouth. He opened wide and she put it in, pulling the fork back when he
closed his mouth. Yusuke chewed slowly, savoring it; it was good.
“What next, Yusuke?” Reina asked. Yusuke scanned the table again, still chewing, and
pointed to some mentaiko.xvi Reina gave a short laugh, her eyes darting over to Mitsuki for a
second as she did; apparently, this was something else she had made. She guided the food to his
mouth again, this time with chopsticks. “Well? What do you think?” she asked, her eyes shining
with the hope that he would pick her.
“It’s all so good. You really made all this?”
Reina leveled her eyes at him and, both of them ignoring Mitsuki saying that she’d made
half the food on the table, she said, “Are you tryin’ ta make fun of me? For your information, I’m
a great homemaker!” I learned from the best, after all, Reina added in her mind, glancing at
Mitsuki again. Reaching for another mentaiko, she still had trouble believing that she was
competing for Yusuke’s affections with her own mother. She fought back her conflicted feelings
again and continued, “Here, have another. I was thinkin’ of you the whole time I was cookin’, so
all the food is packed with my love for you.”
Mitsuki scoffed, “How corny is that?” They turned to look at her. Reina gave her a
contemptuous look while Yusuke shifted his attention to a small cake covered in snowy white
cream and accented with deep red strawberries, which Mitsuki was holding up to him on a plate.
With a cake knife in her other hand, she began cutting a piece and said, “So Reina made her food
with love? Well I made mine with sex,” she put the piece of cake on another plate, “like this cake
here. I baked it with my own milk. It took a lotta work, but I finally got myself lactatin’ again.
It’ll be worth it when ya pick me.” Indeed, when Yusuke glanced down, he could see little wet
spots on her shirt where they hadn’t been before. Maybe the excitement of feeding him with food
made so personally was turning her on and made her leak a little? Yusuke felt himself getting
harder than before just at the thought of it.
Mitsuki handed him the cake and he dug in, taking a bite but just slightly unsure of what
to think of eating cake made with breast milk. If anything, he was expecting something like a
sweet birthday cake. Instead, he felt enraptured again when it touched his taste buds and he
practically moaned with delight. He was scarcely aware of Reina growling at her mother, no
doubt feeling cheated. Mitsuki gave her daughter a devilish smirk and went for a bottle of saké.
“Try this, too,” she said, opening the bottle and slowly pouring into a finely-made saké
cup as she went back to the local tongue. “I like ta think of myself as a connoisseur. I’ve tried

every brand of saké that I can find and this is one of my favorites. Not the strongest, but I don’t
know how you like your saké yet.” Filling the cup to the brim, she continued, “I’m lookin’
forward ta findin’ out everythin’ about you when we become partners. Carnal knowledge just
isn’t enough for me, so let’s start righ’ now.”
Once Yusuke had drained the cup, she shifted his attention to a bowl of pudding. Reina
tried to interrupt, but Mitsuki shoved a hand into her face, going behind Yusuke’s head to do so.
Yusuke reached for a spoon, but Mitsuki stopped him, “No, not like that. Allow me,” and she
dipped the pointer, index, and ring fingers of her free hand into the cream-colored pudding. She
dragged them through until her fingertips were completely covered with the delicious-looking
custard. Mitsuki brought her ring finger to her mouth and sucked the pudding off it, moaning
sensually as she did. “I can practically taste my milk in it.” She fluttered her eyes at him, her
wedding ring glinting on her hand again, and asked with a seductive tone, “Would ya like
some?” Without waiting for an answer, she brought her other two fingers to Yusuke’s lips and,
obediently, he opened his mouth to let them in. She was right: along with the flavor from
whatever she’d used to make most of the pudding, he detected a sweeter, milky taste that had
been in the cake as well which, he instinctively knew, came directly from Mitsuki’s chest. Once
he was done, she scooped up some more pudding and fed it to him again. She tittered as he
sucked on her fingers, “Y’know, y’all’re real good with that tongue of yers, Yusuke. I can’t wait
to what else y’all can do with it,” she said with a suggestive tone, rubbing her knees together as
she did.
Reina finally forced her feminine foe’s fingers from her face and frowned at her. She
reached past Yusuke and took the still-open bottle of saké from Mitsuki’s side of the table.
Mitsuki’s eyes widened as Reina brought the bottle’s mouth to hers and tipped it back. “Reina!
What’re ya doin’!?” she objected, forgetting their competition for a second. She wasn’t worried
about losing some of this expensive liquor—she was rich enough that she could easily buy all the
saké in the world if she wanted—but was concerned for Reina herself. Her maternal instincts
overrode her carnal desires for that moment.
Reina ignored her as she filled her mouth, swelling her cheeks outward to get as much as
she could. Once she was done, she grabbed Yusuke’s head and brought him in for a kiss. When
their lips touched, she opened her mouth just a bit and pushed the liquor from her mouth to his,
slowly relaxing her lips and transitioning from a hard pucker to a loving lip lock. Some of it
dribbled down their faces, but neither of them cared. This close, Yusuke could see his reflection
in Reina’s eyes, and they moaned together as they shared this drink. Just knowing that Reina had
done this somehow made it taste even better.
Finally, Reina released him. She swayed around a little in her seat, a small flush
appearing in the middle of her face, “There. A b-bit more personal than sum food wi’ old milk
innit, iz’n’it?” she said, leaning over a bit to glare at her mother with a wicked grin as she
finished. Yusuke raised an eyebrow at her—was she already tipsy? After just one mouthful of
saké that she didn’t even actually drink?
Mitsuki scowled at Reina and declared, “Two can play at that game!” She got a piece of
fried fish with the nearest pair of chopsticks and brought it up to her own mouth, chewing it a bit
before pulling Yusuke in to make out with her, instead, passing the food along with her tongue.
Reina sneered back and grabbed a homemade hamburger, taking as big a bite as she could and
pulling him away from her mother to kiss-feed him again. Where Yusuke felt like he could be
some CEO or Yakuza boss being served by two beautiful hostesses before, now he felt more like
a baby bird.
Halfway through Reina’s attempted transfer, Yusuke had to push away. “Stop, both of
you! You’re going to make to choke!” he said, muffled with a mouthful of food. Reina looked
offended for a second, but immediately understood the truth in his words and nodded. She
chewed and swallowed the rest of the bite of burger in her mouth while she and Mitsuki patiently
waited for Yusuke to finish as well; he grabbed the saké bottle himself and took a swig to wash
down the food. After a minute, he inhaled deeply and gave a prolonged, relaxed exhale.
The Toyohara women took that as their cue to begin their little contest again. They
picked up bowls and plates, shooting for his attention with different dishes and arguing with each
other and trading insults the entire time. It wasn’t as bad as before, but Yusuke was starting to
feel overwhelmed as one moment Mitsuki was offering him another drink then Reina was trying
to spoon-feed him a bit of pie only to be interrupted by Mitsuki bringing a piece of steak up with
chopsticks while Reina offered to peel a tangerine for him. It was when Mitsuki began trying to
draw his attention to her cleavage that things took an interesting turn.
Seeing what her mother was doing, Reina said in as commanding a voice as she could,
“Yusuke, over here!” That got both of the others to look at her, just in time to see her pull her
sweater over her head. Mitsuki scowled again and Yusuke blushed as Reina’s GG-cups bounced
as they were freed from her clothing. Yusuke had been stiff before, but got even harder as he
watched the now topless Reina shove a larger spoon into a bowl of thick cream and fruit as she
said, “Try this!” and took the spoon and threw the sweet fruit and cream onto her bust; some of it
spattered off and landed on the table and on Yusuke and even Mitsuki’s faces.
Reina clutched her cans, cream calmly coursing across her curves, and called coaxingly,
“Go ahead, Yusuke. Enjoy yourself. It’ll be delicious. I promise.”
Yusuke drooled a little at the offer, and Mitsuki pouted as he lunged, grabbed Reina’s tits
and began lapping up the cream and eating strawberries and grapes and banana slices and chunks
of sweet melon. Reina moaned whenever she felt his tongue touch her bare skin, and Yusuke
tasted her body’s pleasantly sour flavor alongside the cream and fruit when he did. It only made
this meal she’d set up for him on her chest all the more erotic.
Once he’d licked the last bit of cream from her cleavage, Yusuke looked up at Reina’s
face; she’d become flushed with pleasure and was gasping for breath. He couldn’t control
himself any longer, and rose up to kiss her as his hands worked their magic. He touched and
squeezed her breasts as Mitsuki crossed her arms with annoyance. Before long, Yusuke moved a
hand from Reina’s bosom to his own pants, unzipping them and letting his fully-erect cock
spring out. Once his dick was out, he shoved the same hand down Reina’s skirt, groping for her
pussy and finding it with little trouble; apparently, she’d been so excited for today that she hadn’t
worn any panties. She panted and moaned more loudly than before, but was muffled by their
continued kiss. She cried out even more loudly as she felt a couple of Yusuke’s fingers enter her.
The two of them held their position, to Mitsuki’s continued annoyance the entire time,
until Yusuke suddenly let go of Reina where he had her to grab her by the haunches instead. She
gasped as Yusuke grunted with exertion, lifting her up and out of the chair. Mitsuki’s eyes
widened a bit at this show of strength, even if it was nothing extraordinary, and Reina exclaimed,
“Oh, Yusuke!” as he sat her back down on the table. He reached for her skirt next, hiking it up,
and Reina immediately knew what he had planned. Getting a little short of breath with
excitement, she laid down backwards on almost a quarter of the food, ruining it, but neither she
nor Yusuke cared.
Yusuke slid right into Reina and both of them cried out as they came almost instantly;
both of them had been right on the verge for a while, so Yusuke feeling her around him and
Reina feeling him inside her sent both of them over the edge. Both of them felt tired from getting
off so suddenly, but Yusuke refused to let this go to waste and started fucking her right there on
the table, keeping himself from getting soft. Reina screamed with exhilaration, her breasts
bouncing along with his thrusts, and gripped the tablecloth, accidentally pulling a jello mold
towards her and destroying it when her head came down on it a second later. She didn’t care at
all, though: she was lying back in salads, sauces, soups, and sweets, there was gelatin in her hair,
her elbow had landed in a bowl of teriyaki chicken, and she was loving every second of it
because she was being ridden by the man she loved most in the world. She shrieked in pleasure,
“It’s! So!! Big!!! AAhhhn!!!”
“Reina! Reina!”
“Oh, Yusuke! Yusuke!”
“Reina!! Reina, I’m cumming!! I’m cumming!!!”
“Me, too!! Yusuke! Yusuke!! I’m cummin’!! I’m goin’ ta cum!!!” She and Yusuke gave
wordless cries—long, loud, and lustful—as their fluids mingled together again. They both
panted, refilling their lungs with life-giving oxygen as Yusuke leaned forward, lying down on
Reina and resting his head against her boobs. She brought her hands up and held him to her
bosom, both of them only vaguely aware that his penis was still inside her, let alone that
anything else was happening around them. Reina let out a contented sigh and whispered, “Oh,
Yusuke. I love you. I love you so much. If we could just stay like this forever, I could die righ’
now and be happy.”
Reina’s wish was interrupted when they heard the dishes rattle just then. “Oh, Yusuke…”
they heard Mitsuki calling his name with a lusty, sing-song voice, “Don’t let her win ya over like
that.” Yusuke and Reina opened their eyes, coming back to reality as Mitsuki went on, “A real
woman will let yer tongue go places that are much more sensitive than her boobs. She’ll let ya
fuck her without even usin’ yer dick.” The two young lovers turned to her, and both their eyes
widened at the sight before them—Yusuke’s bugged out a bit and Reina gasped at what she saw.
Mitsuki had climbed onto the table, too, taking a sexy pose on her knees, and had
completely removed her shorts and pulled her tits out of her top. Milk slowly leaked out of her
nipples in the center of the soft, light brown areolas that adorned her gigantic JJ-cups.
Surprisingly, however, that wasn’t what got Yusuke or Reina’s attention, which instead fell on
her waist. Like Reina had with her breasts, Mitsuki had covered her lap with cream and fruit, and
had even stuck an entire banana, peeled and ready to eat, into her vagina—it poked out of her
vagina just a bit, visible even under the cream that had flowed down between her legs. She was
sweating and blushing from having decorated her most sensitive regions for Yusuke like this.
“Eat, n’ then eat me out,” Mitsuki nearly commanded. “I shaved down there just fer y’all,
Yusuke had had many fantasies since he hit puberty, but giving a woman lip service
wasn’t among them. He’d always been obsessed with their bosoms, instead—the bigger the
better, and Mitsuki was the biggest he’d ever seen. Now that she was making the offer, though,
he couldn’t resist. Yusuke climbed off of Reina and, still on the table, crawled over to Mitsuki to
grab her hips and began licking again. Mitsuki quickly began moaning loudly and her hands shot
to her tits, gripping them with ecstasy.
Reina sat up on the table, still half-naked and half-covered with food. Now it was her turn
to cross her arms with annoyance. She watched Yusuke licking her mother’s vagina and thought
to herself, I would’ve let you do that if you’d asked, Yusuke. I can do anythin’ Mama can, but
better! She glanced down to where her legs met, but her own titanic chest blocked it from view.
Even so, she didn’t need to see her own pussy to know that, unlike Mitsuki apparently had, she
had a bit of a bush down there. Is that why you didn’t ask, Yusuke? she thought to herself, just
slightly worried that this might have cost her victory in this competition against her mother. Her
confidence came back after an instant, Well, fine! I’ll make sure ta do that from now on, too! She
looked over at Mitsuki, at her mother’s beautiful face adorned with its red eyeshadow and
lipstick, perfectly complementing the blush on her face from the overwhelming feelings of
pleasure from deep within her. Yeah! I’ll show you, Mama! Yusuke will be mine! Just you wait!
Mitsuki cried out, “Ahn! Oh! Oh, Yusuke! Right there! Right there! Ahh!!” Reina was
still glaring contemptuously at her mother, but then her gaze fell on her rival’s chest, at the
gigantic jugs being squeezed between her slender fingers, a few beads of sweat rolling down
them, and her painted nails digging into her soft, warm skin; they’d turned pink with heat as
Yusuke pleasured her down below. After a moment, Reina found that she couldn’t take her eyes
off those two huge, luscious spheres of feminine flesh. She was transfixed—the sight of her
mother’s mountainous mammaries like this was nearly hypnotic. The spell was broken when, in
her peripheral vision, she saw Mitsuki’s eyes open and she averted her own. Turning her head
completely away from the other two, she almost started hyperventilating a bit as she thought,
What am I doin’?! Why am I lookin’ at Mama’s boobs like…like they’re nice?! Like they…look
good ta touch…?
Meanwhile, Yusuke licked the last bit of cream from Mitsuki’s lap—there was less
surface area to work with there compared to Reina’s endowment, so he was done with it faster.
Instead of stopping, he went for her pussy and she started moaning even louder as Yusuke began
licking her, teasing her with the tip of his tongue. She was yelping in pleasure as he touched the
most sensitive part of her body with the most muscular part of his. Occasionally, he kissed and
sucked on her, pulling the banana out of her bit by bit and slowly taking small bites of it. Even
more rarely, he would touch her clitoris with his tongue, and every time he did it made her shout
even louder with elation. He was doing his very best to keep her in this dreamy state as long as
he could, to return the favor to her for bringing him into the world of sex. No matter which of the
Toyohara women he ended up choosing, he’d decided that he wanted to treat them just as well as
they treated him.
After a while, Yusuke felt Reina straddle him from behind. She curled forward, bringing
her hands to the sides of his face even as he kept eating out her mother, and he felt her bust touch
the top of his head. She said in an almost whining voice, “Come on, Yusuke! You’re givin’ her
too much attention again!”
“Oh, sh-shut—oh, God!!—shut up, R-reina. Y’all’re su—aah!—such a brat,” Mitsuki
said, panting and shuddering the whole time as Reina began glaring at her again, “Y-y’all’re
sayin’—aaah!!—he’s gi-givin’ me too much—oh, Yusuke!!—too much attention after e-everyth-
thin’ y’all got? He’s gonna—oh, God!!—make me cum soon, n’ it’s gon-gonna be better than
yers! Oh, yes! More, Yusuke!! More!!”
Despite having long since recovered from her apparent inebriation, Reina stopped
thinking clearly right then. Raising her hands and wiggling her fingers, she said suggestively,
“Then why let him have all the fun?” She stretched them out to grasp her mother’s endowment.
Now with four hands squeezing her chest, Mitsuki shrieked in pleasure and some milk squirted
from her teats. The hot, sweet liquid flew through the air and landed on Reina’s own tits, ignored
by her as a grin formed on her face.
“AAaaahh!! Reina, stop!! I’m yer mother!!” Mitsuki exclaimed. Before she could say
anything else, she let out a dreamy, involuntary cry of “Oh, God!!!” as Reina squeezed her
mother’s massive melons as hard as she could, bringing on equal levels of pain and pleasure.
Mitsuki was astonished at how good Reina’s hands felt against her skin—she’d only rarely felt
this good since she’d gone to the bars and clubs for release, and one of the few people who could
do that was Yusuke himself.
“Shut up, Mama. I’m just tryin’ ta make you cum sooner so that Yusuke can get back ta
his real lover,” Reina said as she kneaded her mother’s endowment. Mitsuki began shrieking in
ecstasy, her milk squirting out faster as she approached orgasm. Yusuke was all but oblivious to
the girl-on-girl action happening directly above him. Reina’s grin turned into a cruel-looking
smirk as she cut into Mitsuki’s time with Yusuke, hardly aware of the older woman’s breast milk
landing on her chest again and again. Good! She’ll cum soon and Yusuke will be mine again! she
thought to herself, She’ll cum soon and…and… her expression softened a bit as she stared at her
mother. Her entire face had turned red by now, a bit of drool came from the corner of her mouth,
and she was almost dripping with sweat. Euphoric tears streamed from her eyes, carrying some
of her eyeshadow down to her jawline.
She’ll…she’ll cum and…and…she’ll…why? Why do Mama’s boobs feel so good? Reina
thought, staring at her mother’s chest. Mitsuki’s own hands had fallen away from her breasts by
now, and only Reina’s were gripping them, but she looked as turned on as if hers, Reina’s, and
Yusuke’s were groping her all at once. The soft flesh of the boobs that had been used to nurse
her when she was a baby nearly burst from between Reina’s fingers. Her eyes widened with
recognition: Why’s this makin’ me feel good?! Even as she kept kneading them, she began
thinking, What am I doin’?! This is incest! Why am I still squeezin’ them?!? Why can’t I stop!?!
Oh, it feels so good! Why does it feel good!?! Why can’t I stop?!?! She couldn’t stop where her
thoughts were going, Oh, I wish I was the one lickin’ Mama’s pussy!! She’s so sexy!! I—NO!!!
No!!! What am I thinkin’?! What am I thinkin’?!!? I can’t have sex with my mother!!!
Just then, Mitsuki gave a long, loud, lustful screech as she came. Her jugs spurted milk,
more than before, and Reina recoiled a bit with surprise as it landed on her face. Below,
Mitsuki’s cum flooded out of her vagina, carrying the rest of the banana with it into Yusuke’s
mouth. His eyes widened at that, more from half of a banana being pushed down his throat all at
once than Mitsuki’s fluids flooding in as well, though—like much of what had happened since he
met the Toyoharas—it was also the first time this had happened to Yusuke. Somehow, Mitsuki’s
love juice tasted strange but good.
Even so, he instinctively spit out what was still in his mouth and sat up, startling Reina,
who moved to let him get up again but cried out as she suddenly fell off the table to the floor.
“Ow…” she groaned as Yusuke began pounding on his chest to try and keep himself from
choking on such a big piece of food. Finally, he gave a relieved sigh as the pain eased.
Mitsuki sighed, too, as she wound down from her climax. “Ahh…that was great, Yusuke.
Was it good fer y’all, too?” Yusuke was about to say something when Reina rose back up into
view and yelled, “Are you kiddin’, Mom?! He was spittin’ your cum out! You taste nasty!” She
folded her arms under her breasts and said, mockingly, “Yusuke said that I taste like lemon
candy. What do you taste like, Mama? Green tea? Bitter gourd? Eggplant?”
“That was just a reflex, Mosquito Bites,” Mitsuki retorted, climbing off the table. She
smirked again, “An’ y’all should know that bitter foods are the ones that’re good fer ya. Candy
just rots yer teeth.” Reina scowled at her mother as she extended a hand to Yusuke, who was still
sitting on the table, and said, “Here, Yusuke. Let me help ya down from there.”
Yusuke coughed a little, still recovering from what had just happened to him, and replied,
“Th-thanks.” Once he was on the floor and standing again, Mitsuki took him by the chin and
turned his head to look at her. With lust in her eyes again, she said, “Now, then, help me show
this amateur how a real woman pleases her man. Y’all will like it more the next time ya eat me
out. But first—” she was suddenly interrupted by Reina pushing her hand into her mother’s face,
catching her by surprise and making her fall to the floor with a shout as she declared, “No! He’s
mine!” and she reached down to take hold of the head of Yusuke’s still-exposed, still-erect penis
with her other hand. “You had your fun, Torpedo Tits! It’s my turn again!” She all but embraced
him from behind as she gripped his member, rubbing him vigorously.
“Ah! Reina, slow down!” Yusuke yelled, but she didn’t listen—she started playing with
him even more vigorously instead. Yusuke moaned and sank to his knees; feeling him starting to
fall, Reina went with him, not letting go for even a second. Mitsuki watched, as powerless as
Reina had been the other day, as Yusuke panted faster and faster until he cried out in orgasm.
She recoiled a little as his cum, coaxed out of his cock by her daughter’s hand, shot through the
air and landed on her face and chest.
Yusuke’s whole body, except for his love muscle, went limp and he laid further back.
Reina held him close, lovingly, as he rested his head against her bare breasts again. She calmly
placed her left hand to the right side of his head, his chin resting on her wrist, while her right
hand went to his chest to feel his breathing and heartbeat. After a moment, she sighed and asked,
“Was it good for you, Yusuke?”
A little dazed, all Yusuke could say in reply was, “Fuck yeah…”
Now it was Reina’s turn to smirk at Mitsuki, saying, “See, Mom? I made him cum twice!
You haven’t done that at all today!” As Mitsuki properly righted herself again, Reina gazed up at
the ceiling in an imitation of absentmindedness and said, “Let’s see, I made Yusuke cum once on
our first day, three times on the second, and twice today.” Looking straight at her mother, “I
think I’ve got more points than you.”
Mitsuki slinked over to them on her hands and knees, an expression of both contempt and
cunning on her face. Reina couldn’t help noticing her mother’s curves again, especially with how
she was crawling towards her and Yusuke. Her hooters swayed freely, completely unrestricted
by her clothing and resting against nothing, not even her own torso. Reina hoped that Mitsuki
didn’t see her blush a bit as she thought, There it is again! Why does Mama look so sexy all of a
Yusuke’s eyes popped a bit as Mitsuki’s shoved her bosom against his face as she leaned
in close to look right into Reina’s eyes, saying, “This. Isn’t. Over.” Reina prayed that Mitsuki
misread her somewhat fearful expression as being over possibly losing Yusuke to her rather than
worrying that she might be lusting for her mother. Mitsuki moved back a bit and then leaned
down to look up at Yusuke, resting her bosom on his lap as if she was about to tit-fuck him, and
she asked in her soothing local’s accent, “Are you tired, lover? Or do you want me ta make you
feel good again?” Still a little out of it, Yusuke just nodded. Mitsuki smirked and rose up to her
knees, looking past Yusuke at Reina, and she said, “No interferin’ this time.”
Without warning, Mitsuki practically heaved Yusuke up and nearly threw him at Reina.
Both of them yelled out in mixed surprise and pain as Yusuke’s momentum pushed Reina to the
floor. Reina shouted, “Ow!! What are you doin’, Mama?! Yusuke, get off!! You’re crushin’
me!!!” He was about to do just that when Mitsuki stopped him, straddling his waist on her knees.
She leaned over to give him a deep, passionate kiss as she slid her snatch over his spear, then
rose back up to the cowgirl position. Just like their first time together, Mitsuki rode him up and
down, using her years of sexual experience to her advantage and trapping Reina on the floor
beneath Yusuke as she fucked him. She took some pleasure in that beyond just the ecstasy of
sex, adding insult to injury as she got a step closer to winning Yusuke for herself.
Yusuke, meanwhile, was turned on even more as he watched her gigantic breasts
bouncing above him, and he could hear Mitsuki gasp as she felt him get even harder inside her.
Pressed between her and the struggling Reina beneath him, it was all too much for Yusuke and,
after just a few more minutes, he yelled out as Mitsuki made him pump his load into her again.
She didn’t slow down for even a second, however, refusing to let him go limp and seizing her
own tits to keep herself going. It wasn’t long before Mitsuki herself came, and still she didn’t
stop—she didn’t let up until she felt Yusuke cum inside her again. Almost soaked with sweat,
Mitsuki finally slowed down, spasming in place a bit, then rose up off him. Yusuke’s semen
dripped from her twat as his cock came out of her, and she stumbled a bit once she got to her
feet, taking a light fall as she collapsed back to her knees. Finally freed, Yusuke rolled off of
Reina, lying on his back on the floor. His peer gasped for breath, winded—after being trapped
under her lover while her mother coupled with him twice in a row, her whole body was sore right
down to her bones.
A few minutes later, Yusuke gasped again as Mitsuki straddled him again, forcing his
cock up her snatch again. She leaned down close and whispered to him, “You know, Yusuke,
you really are a great lover. I’ve had more partners than I can remember, but I haven’t felt this
good since Nobuyuki.”
Reina sat up and pounced from her position, “Hands off my boyfriend, Mama!!” shoving
her off Yusuke and pinning her shoulders against the edge of the table. She glowered at Mitsuki
again, their faces just inches away from each other. Yet again, though, confused feelings began
taking over as she thought, I never realized how pretty Mama is…I want ta kiss her—NO! No!
What’s wrong with me?! Why can’t I stop thinkin’ about that?!?
Mitsuki just smirked at her, “By my count, we’re tied. I made Yusuke cum four times on
our first day, and twice today. I’d say that puts me in the lead.”
Reina quickly did the math in her head, and questioned, “What are you talkin’ about?
We’re tied, you said it yourself.”
Mitsuki’s smile became even more malicious-looking as she replied, “But I took
Yusuke’s virginity, remember?” Reina scowled at her—her mother loved throwing that in her
“Well he took mine! And I had sex with him first!” Reina retorted. “It doesn’t matter if I
only tit-fucked him then, it’s still sex!” She looked over at her lover and said, demandingly,
“Righ’, Yusuke?”
All Yusuke could say was, “Uh…” He wasn’t sure he wanted to play tie-breaker here.
Mitsuki shoved her hand into Reina’s face again, pushing her out of the way, and said
with a deceptively calm voice, “I think that’s all we should do today. We don’t want you passin’
out again, do we?”
“Or me, you stupid cow!!” Reina yelled, genuinely angry as she remembered her
predicament from just minutes ago and shoving Mitsuki a bit.
“Quiet, brat!!!” Mitsuki snarled back at her. Her expression instantly changed as she
turned back to Yusuke. “Why don’t you go home and get some rest? We’ll try ta figure out what
ta do tomorrow.”
Yusuke was about to answer, to explain that both he and Reina would have classes
tomorrow and would be busy all day, but Reina cut in, getting Mitsuki’s hand out of her face and
doing the same to her mother instead. “Unless, of course, you pick one of us righ’ now. And by
‘one of us,’ I mean me.” Mitsuki shot a venomous glare at Reina from between her daughter’s
As tempting as it was to convince them to have sex with him several more times each to
help him decide, Yusuke waved his hand in a declining gesture, “I think I need another day or so
to really decide. Give me that, at least,” he said, and rose up. He casually pulled his boxers back
up over his rod and zipped his pants, preparing to leave and having barely undressed at all for the
Both of the Toyohara women started to stand up; Reina got to her feet first and walked
over, saying, “Alrigh’, Yusuke,” before giving him a big kiss of pure affection on the cheek and
leaving a soft pink lipstick mark. Mitsuki walked up next, “See you soon, lover,” and gave him a
smooch on the opposite cheek, leaving her own deep red mark. Such a show of affection, rather
than just sexual desire, made Yusuke feel all warm and fuzzy. Minutes later, as he walked down
the driveway, he waved back to the Toyohara women as they calmly saw him off from the door,
still half-naked and feeling a bit gross from all the food and fluids that had ended up on them
while they were making love with him earlier. Yusuke smiled as he turned to walk down the
sidewalk, knowing that he had a mark of their love on both cheeks.
Mitsuki closed the door and looked over her topless daughter from head to toe. After a
second of silence, she said with a teasing tone in her Kansai accent, “As long as we’re still
dressed like this, ya wanna have some fun?” and she gave Reina a fake wink of lust. She even
brought her face closer to Reina’s like she was about to kiss her. The scent of her soap, perfume,
sweat, and the food that had ended up on her skin mingled into an aroma that was almost
intoxicating to the younger woman.
The same confusing feelings from before welled up again, but Reina forced them out,
“M-mama! I’m your daughter!” she almost shrieked, trying to put as much disgust into her voice
as she could. A giant, embarrassed flush crossed her face.
Mitsuki scoffed, “That didn’t stop you before,” recalling how Reina had started squeezing
her knockers out of nowhere earlier. When she saw Reina glaring at her, she got her accent under
control again and said, “Reina, I-I’m just kiddin’! Don’t be ridiculous! I-I don’t want ta…have
sex with you…And besides, you know I’m only into men.” Even as she said that, she couldn’t
deny that it had felt really good when Reina had groped her. Maybe as good as when Yusuke
After a moment, Mitsuki began shedding her clothes entirely and asked, “So, daughter,
how d’you think we should really settle this?”
Reina tried to mull it over as she unfastened her skirt and took off her knee socks, but her
eyes kept being drawn to Mitsuki as she undressed—her long legs, her luscious hips, her titanic
chest, and every other inch of her curvaceous body. After a moment, Mitsuki realized that Reina
hadn’t spoken yet and glanced at her. Reina averted her own gaze, hoping that her mother hadn’t
caught her staring, and said, “Well, w-we need ta make sure it’s fair, at least, but how?”
Removing her second sock, she straightened up and ran her hands over her GG-cups, wiping
away the last of Mitsuki’s milk that had sprayed onto them. “What do you think, Mama?”
“Huh?” Mitsuki asked. When Reina glanced over at her, she saw Mitsuki turn her head
away just like she had.
“I said, how can we make sure Yusuke makes a fair decision?” Reina repeated.
“Oh…” Mitsuki said, trying to hide the blush that had appeared on her own face, “I-I
don’t know.” From the corner of her eye, she glanced at her daughter’s cute face, her lipstick just
a little smeared from kissing Yusuke earlier while her eyeshadow was virtually untouched. She
couldn’t help gazing down at Reina’s bare bosom. Quickly turning her eyes away again, she
continued, “I’ll…I’ll try ta come up with somethin’ by tomorrow mornin’,” and she made for the
bathroom upstairs, discarding her top as she went. “I’ll be back down soon! I just need ta wash
off Yusuke’s cum!” she hastily called.
Once she was in the bathroom, she locked the door behind her and leaned back on it,
sinking to the floor. Mitsuki quaked a bit in a mix of fear and elation. She hadn’t exactly been
joking earlier when she asked if Reina wanted to fool around. She didn’t want to admit it, but
whenever she wasn’t focused on Yusuke, she’d been gazing at Reina. Something about her
daughter was just so sexy all of a sudden. She stared up at the ceiling, deep in thought: Why?
Why am I starin’ at my own daughter’s tits? An’ why is she turnin’ me on like this??
She couldn’t shake the image of lying in bed with Reina, making sweet, incestuous love
to her daughter.

A full day had passed since Yusuke’s most recent visit to the Toyohara home. He’d
happened to pass by Yoshio while walking back to his apartment that night; they’d only
exchanged greetings, but he could easily tell that Yoshio was feeling more exasperated than the
last time he saw him. Not only was he clearly still bent up over Reina wanting Yusuke to tutor
her—possibly not knowing that had only been a cover story—but seeing Yusuke two big lipstick
marks on his face just annoyed him even more. Yusuke couldn’t help that Mitsuki and Reina
both lusted after him and had been fighting over who would get to call him their boyfriend like
their lives depended on it.
After Yusuke got home and, regrettably, washed off the love marks on his cheeks, he sat
down on his futonxviii and just thought for a while, contemplating his situation. Each of the
Toyohara women—each of his lovers, at present—obviously wanted him to choose her over the
other, but he had a feeling that neither Reina nor Mitsuki would ever accept it if he said no and
chose the other instead. Occasionally, he’d go to the mirror in his bathroom and look at his
reflection, at his own hazel eyes and black hair, as if expecting the Yusuke staring back at him to
just tell him what he should do. Every time he went to the mirror, he noticed the new bags that
had formed under his eyes. All this sex in such a short time was beginning to wear on him—even
cram school hadn’t done that to him.
About half the times he went to contemplate his reflection, his imagination would conjure
up visions of Reina or Mitsuki, and sometimes both of them, walking up behind him wearing
little or nothing and draping their arms across his shoulders as they lovingly kissed him on the
neck and cheek. Every time that happened, Yusuke wondered how he could possibly pick one of
them over the other. Reina was his own age and was just somebody he could relate to, while
Mitsuki had years of experience under her belt and was more stable, both financially and
sexually. He’d taken both of them several times now but didn’t know if he could decide based
just on how good sex with them was. As time went by, images of them kept filling his mind, and
that just made it even more difficult to decide who would be his constant lover and maybe even
his wife. He had to keep fighting images of both women lying in bed with him, fellating him,
riding him all the way to the hilt, walking down the aisle with him, smiling at him with bellies
swollen with his children.
Whoa, slow down, Yusuke. One thing at a time, he told himself when those thoughts came
to him. He had to keep himself on track and his priorities straight. Concentrating on his classes
the next day proved next to impossible—he kept drawing doodles of Reina and Mitsuki instead
of writing notes without even realizing it, and when he wasn’t doing that he was kicking himself
almost constantly for being so indecisive instead, and for being uncommitted enough that he
couldn’t resist seduction by either of them. He was so distracted that he barely got his
assignments for the week written down. As he left campus, closing up his jacket over a blue T-
shirt and gray slacks in the cold weather, he found himself mentally rehearsing acceptance and
rejection for both women, but was half-hoping that they would just decide for him. He hated that
they were at each other’s throats over who had the right to have sex with him, and wanted their
feud to be over and done with as much as they did. He cursed himself for his selfishness, but he
felt that, if the previous few days were any indicator, Yusuke himself would be satisfied no
matter who won the contest.
One other thought kept coming to mind: the wish that he didn’t have to choose at all.
He’d made love with both of the Toyohara women several times already, most of them on the
same day and in front of the other. It gave him a good idea of how talented both of them were as
lovers: Mitsuki had honed her sexual skills over many years, while Reina’s energy and eagerness
more than made up for her lack of experience. But even so, he wished he could just go on having
both of them as his lovers.
All these thoughts kept coming to mind over the course of the day. He was so deeply
immersed in them as he walked back home that he wasn’t watching where he was going and
bumped into someone as he rounded a corner. He yelled in surprise but managed to stay
standing; the other person wasn’t so lucky. As soon as he regained his senses, he said, “Oh!
Sorry, I—Reina?”
Sure enough, it was Reina that he’d accidentally knocked over just now. Her hand was
pressed to her auburn bob cut, wincing as she rubbed where her head had hit Yusuke’s. She was
wearing the same cream-colored parka that she wore on the day they’d met, but instead of jeans
she had on a thick wool skirt longer than he’d seen her wear before and thigh-high knee socks.
Her purse, plaid with a brown base and handles, was slung over her shoulder, but threatening to
slip off at a moment’s notice from the fall. Even under her coat, he could tell that she was
wearing a bra—there were different expectations out here than in the bedroom. She’d washed off
the makeup from yesterday; honestly, Yusuke thought she was just as beautiful without it, even
though it made her seem a little plain. That in itself was a bit of a contradiction considering how
unusual Reina was for a Japanese woman: besides having some of the biggest natural breasts
Yusuke had ever seen, her skin tone and her hair color almost made her look Caucasian, and she
was well above the average women’s height, about as tall as Yusuke himself.
“Oh, Yusuke! I’m sorry!” Reina said, looking up after she stopped rubbing her head.
Yusuke glanced down, and just barely caught a glimpse of her panties under her skirt.
“No, I’m sorry,” Yusuke insisted, “I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He reached
down to help her up and asked, “What are you doing here?” Reina gladly took his hand and
stood. As she dusted herself off, he couldn’t help admiring her beauty as she brushed her hands
over her hips and then her GG-cup breasts.
When she was satisfied that she was clean, Reina looked at Yusuke with those pretty
amber eyes of hers. An adoring expression formed on her face as she took a few steps closer,
“Actually, Yusuke, I was lookin’ for you.” She glanced around to double-check that they were
alone, then put her hands to his shoulders, lovingly, and said, “I wanted ta see if I could convince
you ta pick me over Mama…in my own way.” Before Yusuke could do anything, she leaned in
and their lips met. His eyes widened a bit; this was the first time they’d kissed in public, or
shown any kind of affection where anyone other than Mitsuki could see them even considering
that there was no one who could.
Yusuke himself wasn’t a stranger to this, having kissed and even made out with some of
his previous girlfriends in public before. This was different, though: his heart began racing, and
he felt compelled to embrace her back. He held Reina, pulling her closer to him, his chest
pressing against her bountiful bosom, and they moaned together. This was like nothing he’d ever
felt before. Maybe Reina was the one after all?
After a minute that seemed like a millennium, Reina pulled back, ending their kiss. She
gazed into his eyes, reflected in his like he was in hers, and said, “I love you, Yusuke. From the
moment I first set eyes on you, I’ve loved you, and I will for the rest of my life. Even after we
die, I’ll find you and fall in love all over again, even if we’re reincarnated on different
continents.” She leaned in again and whispered in his ear, “Run away with me, Yusuke. I’ll get
everythin’ out of my bank accounts and we can go anywhere we want. Somewhere Mama won’t
find us, and we can be together for the rest of our lives. Paris, Prague, Cairo, Chicago, anywhere
as long as it’s with you.” Yusuke’s eyes widened again: was she serious? Would she truly give
up everything she’d ever known to be with him?
Reina giggled a bit and said, “And if that’s not enough, then how about this?” and, as if
to give him even more incentive, she opened her parka a bit. Yusuke’s eyes bugged out: he could
see every inch of her cleavage, all the way down to the middle of the green, lacy, floral-designed
bra that she was wearing. It was all she had on under her coat. Before he could comment on it,
she closed her parka again, winked, and said, “That’s all you’re gettin,’” then draped her arms
across his shoulders again and continued, “unless, of course, you pick me righ’ now.”
Yusuke was about to answer when she kissed him again. After seconds that only felt like
a few centuries, Yusuke ended their kiss. When Reina moved to start it up again, he put a finger
to her lips. Somehow managing to resist his urges, using every ounce of his willpower, he said,
“Now, that wouldn’t be fair to Mitsuki, would it?” but he continued in his mind, Or to me. I want
to make sure I pick the right one between you two before I have to make up my mind. His more
rational and respectful side came through again and he scolded himself, Seriously, how many
times do I have to say it? You sound like the villain in a bad hentai. What the hell is wrong with
Reina pouted, but didn’t take her arms away from him. “Yusuke, Mama’s old! Don’t you
want someone who’ll grow old with you?”
Yusuke changed the subject, “Look, how about I just give you my address? Maybe you
or Mitsuki can drop by sometime.” That might not have been the best thing to say at the moment,
but it was the first thing that had popped into his head.
Still pouting a bit, Reina said, “Fine. Thanks.” Little did Yusuke know, in her mind she
was saying, Perfect! This could work!
“Good,” Yusuke said with a smile. “Uh, could you let me go? I need to write it down for
“Oh! R-righ’,” she said, removing her arms from him and standing back. She held her
hands behind her as Yusuke took out a piece of paper and scribbled down the name and address
of the building he lived in and the room number on it. The two of them looked each other over
again before Yusuke handed the paper to her. He didn’t let go immediately when Reina grabbed
it, saying, “Reina, I’m going to trust you to share this with Mitsuki, okay? It really wouldn’t be
fair if you kept this to yourself.”
“Don’t worry, Yusuke! I’m not goin’ ta cheat Mama out of this!” she assured him. She
gave him a final peck on the cheek, then waved goodbye as he left. Yusuke returned the gesture
as he crossed the street, and soon he was out of sight. Once he was gone, Reina reached into her
purse and took out a cell phone. She flipped it open and her thumb nearly danced over the
buttons as she entered a number, then she listened for the tone.
After a few seconds, the other end was picked up and she heard her mother say, “Hello.”
“It’s me, Mama. I have Yusuke’s address!” Reina said, then gave Mitsuki her location.
“I’ll—hic!—I’ll be right there!” Mitsuki replied, and hung up. Reina wondered what
brought on that hiccup, but ignored it. In more time than she would have liked, Mitsuki drove
around the corner, the tires of her Benz squealing on the asphalt. Reina yelped and jumped back
in surprise as her mother skidded to a stop in front of her, the right front tire running up on the
curb a bit.
Mitsuki rolled down the window and leaned out a bit, “Hi, Reina!” she said, more
cheerfully than Reina was expecting, “I’m heeeeere!” Reina ignored that, too, as she walked
around the car to climb into the passenger seat. She hadn’t even fastened her seatbelt before
Mitsuki stepped on the gas. Reina shrieked with surprise as her mother floored it.
“Mom! Why are you drivin’ so fast?!” she asked, forcing the seatbelt over her GG-cups
and into its lock.
“Y’all wanna—hic!—git there, right?” Mitsuki replied, glancing at Reina.
“Mama, we’re goin’ the wrong way! Yusuke’s apartment is in the other direction!”
“Huh?” Mitsuki said, “Oh! Gimme a sec.” Reina shouted with fright as Mitsuki made a
very sudden and very illegal U-turn. Several other cars blared their horns, stopping just in time to
avoid crashing into Mitsuki’s car and each other. Reina’s eyes were wide as dinner plates for a
second, but she managed to calm down quickly. Regaining her composure, she said, “Remember,
we have ta get there righ’ after Yusuke does for this ta work. And no cheatin’ this time, Mama. I
promise I won’t—” she stopped talking when she noticed that Mitsuki’s driving was a little
unstable. “Is somethin’ wrong, Mama?”
Still driving, Mitsuki looked at her and said, “Oh, ain’t nothin’, Reina. Every—hic!—
everythin’s fffiiiiine.” Reina’s eyes widened again when she got a better look at her mother. The
whites around the eyes that matched her own were reddened, nearly half-closed, and there was a
large flush across her face. Her long, light brown hair was a bit disheveled, with more of it
drooping down her front than the usual two locks that went down either side of her head to the
top of her breasts. Her clothes were only slightly better-off—she was wearing a form-fitting
khaki trench coat that, the last time Reina had seen her, had been completely closed up; she
would have been dressed more modestly than Reina was if not for one other factor. Now, though,
the topmost part of the coat had been opened up a bit, showing off some of the cleavage of her
presently-sagging bust.
That was part of their plan for today: both of the Toyohara women had agreed to try to
find Yusuke, Reina on foot and Mitsuki by car, and both of them were dressed for the occasion.
While Reina was dressed almost entirely as she normally would have been for the cold
November weather except for wearing only a bra under her parka, she knew that Mitsuki had
taken it to the next level for her part in the plan. The scene that could have occurred had Mitsuki
found Yusuke first went through her head: Mitsuki calling to Yusuke from her car window,
parking at the first available spot to talk to him, kissing and holding him just like Reina had, and
then giving him her own incentive just like Reina had: opening her coat to beguile her boyfriend
with her bare-skinned beauty. Except for her socks and shoes, that trench coat was the only thing
Mitsuki was wearing right now.
As the imaginary seduction of Yusuke by her mother faded from her mind, she realized
she could smell Mitsuki’s breath: it reeked of rice wine, strongly enough that Reina almost felt a
little tipsy herself just at the scent. Reina looked in the back seat and saw a bottle of undiluted
saké in a bag, which had already been opened and the cap replaced.
“Mama, were you drinkin’?”
“Yep!” Mitsuki answered, as if the clearly intoxicated woman needed to, now slumped
towards the steering wheel. “Yep yep yep yep yep! Got bored n’ thirsty drivin’ around all over
the place. Hic! Funniest thang, I asked fer an ice coffee but they gemme this instead!” she said,
then suddenly straightened up, “Millionth customer or somethin’! Whooo!”
Reina didn’t believe that for even a second, but didn’t bring it up, or ask why her
normally responsible mother had gotten herself plastered. Instead, she zeroed in on the more
immediate concern and said, “Um…m-maybe I should drive.”
“Don’t worry about it!” Mitsuki insisted, completely taking her muddled gaze off the
road to look at her daughter, “I’m a—hic!—I’m a great driver!”
“Mom, you’re in the wrong lane!” Reina shouted, grabbing the wheel and turning it,
swerving out of the way of an oncoming car and into the correct lane.
“Whoo, rollercoaster!” Mitsuki giggled. The momentum of swerving nearly threw
Mitsuki into Reina. The older woman gazed at her daughter again and, in her stupor, said, “Say,
Reina, y’all’re lookin’ real pretty today…”
Reina hardly heard her, “Mom, keep your eyes on the road!”

A while later, Yusuke was panting bit as he climbed the stairs of his apartment building.
His room was on one of the upper floors and he always tried to take the stairs if he could help
it—it was good exercise. He rounded a corner on the stairwell just in time to miss the Benz
rather dangerously pulling into the building’s garage far below him. Mitsuki thankfully got into a
space without crashing into anything; somehow, she’d avoided so much as bumping anything the
whole way here. Reina was still in shock over the experience, frozen in place with her heart
pounding like a speaker with the bass turned up to eleven, and her face had practically turned
blue. Soon enough, though, she recovered and got out of the car, followed by Mitsuki. The sight
of them, along with Mitsuki’s reckless driving, drew the attention of a man trying to find his own
Reina started running towards the stairwell until she realized she Mitsuki wasn’t
following her. She looked back and saw her mother stuck halfway into the driver side window of
her car, her hips wiggling a bit as she reached into the backseat. “Come on, Mom! What’re you
doin’?!” Reina yelled, running back to her.
“My-my-my-my-my alcohol,” Mitsuki said, stuttering drunkenly, as she climbed back
out with the bottle of saké in hand. “There ya are!” She held the bottle close, stroking it like it
was a cat, “Did ya miss me? I missed yoouuuu…”
“Mama, we don’t have time for this!” Reina pleaded, seizing her mother by the arm and
pulling her away from the car. Just before they got to the stairs, a man in a security guard’s
uniform stepped in front of them—a parking attendant.
“Miss, you and your sister need to pay for parkin’ first, unless you have a permit.”
Reina sputtered for a second, “She’s not my—AUGH! We don’t have time for this!” She
sprinted back to the car and got Mitsuki’s wallet from the glove compartment, pulling out a few
¥10,000xix banknotes as she ran back to where mother was, threatening to fall over at any moment
as she took a swig from the bottle of saké. In seconds, Reina had shoved Mitsuki’s wallet into the
pocket of her parka, grasping her mother’s arm with her empty hand, and threw the money at the
attendant and shouted, “Here! Keep the change!” The man was surprised to see that much money
being spent so casually, and would have questioned it were the two women still there—Reina
was climbing the stairs as fast as she could, taking Mitsuki with her.
Meanwhile, Yusuke had gotten to his floor, calmly walking down the long walkway to
his apartment. As Reina raced up the stairs two or three steps at a time, almost dragging Mitsuki
along as the older woman tried to take another drink, Yusuke got to his apartment door and
swiped his keycard. The light buzzed red and he groaned in annoyance. He’d told the building
super that he thought something was wrong with his key or lock but they hadn’t done anything
about it yet. He kept trying for about a minute before, realizing the obvious, he turned the key
around. Finally, it beeped green. Yusuke rolled his eyes and walked inside; he’d told the super
that the keycards were poorly-designed, too. He tossed his bag onto a chair and began walking to
the bathroom for a shower, expecting the door to close by itself in a few seconds like it always
Instead of a little click, Yusuke heard a slam as the door was thrown wide open. He spun
around in shock, expecting to see some kind of home invasion in progress. In a way, that’s
exactly what was happening. “Reina?!” he shouted, more an exclamation than a question. She
was standing there, breathing heavily and sweating; her titanic chest heaved as she drew in each
“Yusuke—huff…huff…—it’s time,” she said, looking up at him. Just then, Mitsuki
staggered into view behind Reina, who started a bit as her mother grabbed onto her shoulder to
keep herself from walking further and to stay standing. Reina took a few steps into the apartment
and, occasionally pausing for breath, continued, “Yusuke! You…you’ve had…both of us…
You’ve been…oh God, I’m thirsty…you’ve been holdin’ out on us long enough!” Reina
completely regained her composure as Mitsuki, giggling and hiccupping, squeezing her JJ-cup
tits against her daughter’s shoulders; to Yusuke’s surprise, Mitsuki appeared to be trying to
grope her daughter. The door finally closed behind them as Reina declared, “You’ve had a week,
Yusuke! We’ve waited long enough!” She indicated herself, two fingers on her right hand
pointing at her collarbone in a dramatic pose, “I’ve waited long enough. No more delays and no
more excuses, Yusuke! You’re goin’ ta pick one of us righ’ now!”
Yusuke tried to find something, anything that he could use to keep whatever was
happening now from escalating and stammered, “Reina, i-it’s not that simp—” but she
interrupted him, “We’re goin’ ta make it simple! Mama and I decided how we’re goin’ ta figure
out who gets you! Whichever of us gets off by you first today wins! You see?! Easy!”
In an attempt to dodge the proposal, Yusuke tilted his head a bit and, looking behind
Reina, asked, “Um, is something wrong with Mitsuki?”
“Huh?” Reina glanced back at her mother, “Oh, no, she’s fine. She’s just drunk.”
“What? Why? How?” Yusuke asked, confused.
“Half a bottle of saké,” Reina explained, then said with a grin, “and I think that improves
my chances.” She walked forward, Mitsuki still clinging to her, and she bluntly said, “Now, then
Yusuke: before Mama sobers up, let’s do it,” and she reached up to unzip her parka. “Let’s fuck
‘til we faint!” she pulled her coat open to show him her boobs. “After that, we can make all the
love we want, whenever we want, and Mama won’t be able ta stop us! We can get our own place,
go on—” but then she was abruptly cut off by Mitsuki.
It seemed to happen in slow motion. Yusuke saw Mitsuki’s hand reach out over Reina’s
breast and come in to make contact. He could see her soft, supple flesh ripple when her mother’s
hand hit it. Reina got a look of surprise on her face when her mother’s hand met her bare skin,
cupping around her endowment, and got an even more shocked expression when Mitsuki’s
fingers clenched, squeezing the luscious feminine orb between them. Reina’s eyes nearly popped
out of her skull and her hair stood on end as she shrieked, “Eeeeek!! Mama, what are you
“C’mon, Reina! Live a little!” Mitsuki slurred, releasing her daughter’s tit and instead
shoving the end of the bottle of saké into Reina’s mouth. Reina felt like her gag reflex could kick
in at any moment as Mitsuki used her free hand to tip her head back. “Ya said y’all’re thirsty, so
drink up!” she said. Reina squealed and struggled helplessly as Yusuke watched the undiluted
rice wine pour down her throat, every last drop that was left in the bottle. Mitsuki finally lost her
balance and fell to the floor, landing on her behind and taking the bottle with her—thankfully, it
didn’t break. She brought it to her own lips, but realized it was empty. She peered into the bottle
and slurred, “Heeey, who took all my saké?”
Reina stumbled away from where she was standing, grasping the counter in Yusuke’s
small kitchen to steady herself. “R-reina?” Yusuke asked, taking a wary step forward. “Reina,
are you okay?”
“Oh, God…” Reina sounded like she was sick, “Oh God…I’ve never had that much
before…” she groaned. She panted, almost able to feel the alcohol being absorbed into her
bloodstream. She really wished her mother hadn’t just force-fed her all that saké. Reina wasn’t a
drinker—she’d felt tipsy just from the small amount she got the other day when Yusuke was at
the Toyohara home, and she hadn’t even actually been drinking any. It was so easy for her to get
sauced that she even tried to avoid foods that used alcohol as an ingredient—she’d learned that
the hard way when she had rum cake once while on a vacation.
“Reina?” Yusuke said, coming up to her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mitsuki
struggling to stand up again. The younger Toyohara woman, slumped over the counter, gazed up
at him. Yusuke could see that Reina had an alcohol flush across her face now, too.
“Hey th—hic!—hey there, Yusuke,” Reina slurred, straightening up a bit and taking a
wobbly step towards him as she hiccupped again.
“Oh, great! Now you’re drunk!” Yusuke was getting exasperated with this situation faster
than he thought was possible.
Reina stumbled towards him, laughing like her mother had, until she fell into Yusuke’s
arms. She looked up at him with half-closed eyes and said, “Oh, hi, Yusuke! What’re you doin’
“Reina, you’re drunk, and so are you, Mitsuki,” he said, glancing over at the other
woman. “I don’t care what you two were planning, you’re going home and getting some rest.”
He didn’t precisely know how he would get them home, but he didn’t even want to consider
having sex with either of them right now. It wasn’t just the moral dilemma of having sex with
them while they were completely plastered, even considering that he’d already made love to both
of them many times and they both wanted to ride him again right this very second. Who knew
what could happen with them under the influence like this?
Giggling, Reina suddenly lost the feeling in her legs and dropped to her knees. She
looked up, her head leaning to the side, and slurred, “When’d you get so tall, Yusuke?” Her head
flopped in the other direction, “I think I like tall guys.” She looked directly in front of her to see
her almost completely exposed tits pressed against Yusuke’s waist. “Whuh-oh, look where my
boobies got ta,” she slurred.
At that moment, Mitsuki got back to her feet. She was so wasted that she hardly knew
where she was. When she saw Yusuke, she began beaming and said, “Oh, look, it’s Yusuke! Hi,
Yusuke!” and she waved a greeting with her entire arm, as if Yusuke were far away. She took a
few steps forward before stumbling, spinning around to land on her back. Not even noticing the
pain in her plastered state, she saw Reina on her knees in front of Yusuke, “Oh, look, it’s Reina!
Hi, Reina!” she waved again, still on the floor.
“Ugh, this is impossible!” Yusuke groaned, and leaned over to help Mitsuki up. He
glanced down her cleavage as she stood up again, but tried to ignore it. Realizing that there was
little he could do otherwise, he said, “Okay, you two aren’t going anywhere for a while. Just lie
down for now.” He managed to get both of the Toyohara women to their feet and began guiding
them to his futon, which he’d forgotten to put away this morning. “You two try to get some rest,
I’ll make some coffee and—”
Somehow, a moment of clarity came through their buzz. Mitsuki pointed at the futon and
remarked, “Hey, look, Reina! Yusuke’s takin’ us to bed!”
“At the same time?” Reina said, “You must be reeeal horny, Yusuke!” She looked at her
mother, “Hey, Mama, you remember our deal, righ’?”
Mitsuki got a vaguely contemplative look on her face, then said, “Oh, yeah! I get off first,
I win n’ Yusuke’s mine forever!” She looked right at Yusuke, who gave her an aside look. Reina
spoke up, “Not if I cum first, Mama!” Yusuke looked at her, too, and a single bead of sweat
rolled down his face.
At once, both women lunged up and planted an enormous kiss on either side of Yusuke’s
face. They jumped him, suddenly taking over and dragging him to the futon instead. They threw
him onto the bedding and began to undress. Yusuke watched, almost awestruck, as the blitzed
buxom beauties pulled their clothes off: Reina ripped off her bra and skirt, then pulled off her
panties as fast as she could, while Mitsuki struggled with the buttons of her coat. Reina finished
first, leaving on only her kneesocks since those wouldn’t get in her way, but it was only a few
more seconds before Mitsuki gave up on her coat and just pulled it open with all her strength,
sending buttons flying. Yusuke had always wanted to have a naked woman in his apartment, but
now he was worried, since they were both still hiccupping drunkenly.
Before he could react, Reina and Mitsuki pounced on him and started practically tearing
his clothes off. “Whoa, hey, slow down! I can undress myself!” Yusuke insisted, resigning
himself to the wishes of his intoxicated lovers, but they didn’t listen as they pulled off his pants
and boxers. They didn’t even let Yusuke make any suggestion for how to see who would cum
first for this final challenge in their contest—Mitsuki and Reina kept pushing him back down to
the futon whenever he tried to get up. They’d almost forgotten the contest again by the time they
saw his penis, which stiffened to its full length of 18cmxx in a flash, and he started moaning as
both women started trying to fellate him, their faces rubbing together as they licked and kissed
his manhood from base to tip, alternating directions whenever they reached one end. Before
long, Yusuke yelled out as he was sent over the edge, and his sperm shot out onto both their
faces and in their hair.
Even in their intoxicated trance, the Toyohara women knew what had happened and
managed to remember what they were here for. The two of them pushed and shoved, each trying
to get onto Yusuke’s cock before he went limp. After a minute or two of fighting for dominance,
Reina forced her way onto him and gasped as he went from half-flaccid to fully-erect inside her.
As Yusuke watched Reina starting to move up and down his penis, her breasts bouncing, he
thought to himself, I guess that’s that, then. Sorry, Mitsuki, but I guess Reina’s going to be my
Yusuke never got to finish that thought. His eyes widened as he saw Mitsuki’s ass and
pussy lowering onto his face. The older woman was already frantically clutching at her hooters
to keep up with Reina in their race to orgasm; a bit of breast milk, which she’d made herself start
lactating again for their previous meeting, started to leak from her nipples. Facing Reina,
Mitsuki’s petals came down over Yusuke’s mouth and nose and her backside over his eyes and
forehead; as he started feeling almost the full weight of her body pressing on his head, Yusuke
brought up his hands to lift her a bit, just enough to get the pressure off him. Mitsuki panted
louder when she felt his hands on her backside.
“Oh, Yusuke! That feels good! More, Yusuke! More!!” Mitsuki slurred. With few other
options and a good helping of his own lust, Yusuke did what she wanted and stuck his tongue
into her sheath. Part of him figured that it was only fair to help her since Reina had gotten onto
his dick first, and his selfish side said that if this was the last time he would get to ride one of his
lovers no matter who actually won then he might as well make the most of it. Mitsuki moaned
louder as she felt the most muscular part of Yusuke’s body caressing the most sensitive part of
hers. The sensation of eating her out turned Yusuke on even more, and he felt himself getting
even harder as Reina rode him—he almost felt like he was penetrating straight through to her
womb!—and he began squeezing Mitsuki’s rear and hips. Reina’s GG-cups bounced up and
down as she rode Yusuke, opposite Mitsuki’s JJ-cups moving erratically as she groped herself.
Without leaving much time for the passion of sex, the two women went faster and faster,
racing to be the first to climax and win the right to sex with the man they were so infatuated
with. As she slid up and down his member, Reina squealed, “I’m gonna cum first! I’m gonna
cum first!! Yusuke’s mine!!” Her face grew even redder as she yelled, “Oh, God!! Oh, fuck!!!”
“No, me!! Me!!! AAhhhhnn!!!” Mitsuki cried out as she kneaded her own knockers. She
was squeezing them so hard that she started squirting milk again. Reina was scarcely aware of
the hot, sweet liquid landing on her own chest and face.
“I’m…I’m gon…I’m gonna cum!!!” Reina screamed as she began climaxing.
“Me too!! Ah!! Ahh!! Ahhhh!!!” Mitsuki cried out as the same feelings coursed through
her like electricity.
“AAAHHHHHNNN!!!!” the two women screamed in ecstasy as they came at the exact
same moment. Yusuke felt feminine fluids from Mitsuki fill his cheeks and run down the sides of
his mouth as Reina’s soaked his dick while his own nearly exploded into her as he came inside
The two plastered women somehow managed to stay upright, though the rest of their
bodies went limp; Reina spasmed up and down Yusuke’s cock a couple more times before
stopping completely. They finally opened their eyes and regarded each other as they caught their
breath. Seeing each other through a half-closed gaze—naked, with Yusuke’s love juice on their
faces, slicked with sweat and shining with afterglow—something sparked between them. It
wasn’t rage or hate or anything like that. Instead of Mitsuki just seeing her daughter or Reina just
seeing her mother, or either of them seeing their rival for Yusuke’s affections, they each saw an
amazingly beautiful woman before them. They saw the beads of sweat on each other’s faces,
both of them flushed with alcohol and arousal. Coupled with their enormous breasts, it made
each of them seem even sexier to each other.
Finally, Mitsuki slurred, “Reina…”
“Mama…did you cum?”
“I did,” Mitsuki replied, “Yusuke’s tongue’s amazin’.” Her face turned even redder as
she remarked, “Y’know, Reina…y’all got a really sexy moan.”
“You, too, Mama,” Reina agreed, her head flopping to the side again. Clearly, they’d
come to the same conclusion.
The two Toyohara women leaned in close to kiss each other. The two of them began
moaning again, still pinning Yusuke to the futon, but in a little while they rolled off him. Yusuke
was scarcely aware of what was happening until he sat up a moment later.
He gazed at the sight before him and couldn’t help but get a feeling of déjà vu again.
He’d fantasized about these two women having sex just the other day, and now here they were,
making love right in front of him. Reina was on top of Mitsuki, missionary-style, as her mother
held her waist as she rubbed her vulva against hers. Mitsuki yelped with exhilaration as Reina
licked and kissed her face and neck and breasts. Soon, she was in such pleasure that she started
crying out, digging her fingernails into her daughter’s back and moaning, “Oh, God!! Right
there, Reina! Right there!! Oh, it feels so good!!”
“Oh, Mama! Mama, I love you!!” Reina moaned as she kissed her mother.
“More, Reina! More! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!! I’m gonna cum!! Reina! Reina!! Reina!!!
Aahaaa!!!” Mitsuki shoved Reina’s face into her cleavage, calling out her daughter’s name as
they came together. Maybe, in her inebriated state, she found the fact that she was fucking her
own daughter even more unbelievably sexy. Euphoric tears streamed from her eyes while
Reina’s fell to her face as well; they were in such ecstasy that it was making them cry. Mitsuki
finally released Reina’s head and her daughter rolled off her, gasping in pleasure.
Soon, Reina began gasped again as, for the first time, she felt another person’s tongue
sliding in and out and around her vulva. Mitsuki moaned sensually as Reina began massaging her
own boobs. “Ahn! Ohh! Oh my God!! Mama! Mama, keep goin’!! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!!
Mama! Mama!! Mama!!! I’m cummin’!! I’m cummin’!!!” she screeched as she hit orgasm again.
After a moment, Mitsuki sat up; Yusuke saw that her cheeks her filled, no doubt with a mouthful
of Reina’s love fluids.
Mitsuki knocked her head back a bit as she gave one big gulp, tracing her throat with one
finger as she swallowed every last drop of her daughter’s fluids. She shuddered, then got a
satisfied look on her face. She crawled on top of Reina, pressing her endowment against her
daughter’s and, still slurring, said, “Mm…yummy. Yusuke’s right—y’all do taste sour. Just like
candy.” She sat up, straddling her daughter’s waist, and put a hand over her stomach as she
asked, “Whaddaya think, Reina, knowin’ yer cum’s inside me?”
“Oh, Mama…” Reina moaned, sitting up a bit as Mitsuki leaned in for another kiss.
Just then, Mitsuki gasped as she was suddenly penetrated from behind and felt her waist
was grabbed. She turned her head and saw, to no surprise at all, that it was Yusuke who had just
stuck his tool in her twat. “Ooh, so my other lover wants in?” she said, and turned as far around
as she could to try to kiss Yusuke. She gasped again as Reina seized her arms and pulled her
back down to kiss her instead. This time, Yusuke cooperated and brought himself down, too,
supporting his weight against the floor with both hands and pressing his front to Mitsuki’s back,
fucking her doggy-style even as she still laid on top of Reina, squeezing her against the younger
Toyohara woman. Mitsuki’s own moans were muffled as Reina kissed her, taking one of her
mother’s knockers in each hand as she did.
Even through the haze of alcohol in her mind, Mitsuki understood just how sexed up she
felt. It had been years since she’d had a real threesome. This time, though, was even kinkier than
any other she might have had. On top of all that, this wasn’t a one-night thing with total strangers
who she would almost never see again—it was with two people she loved, rather than just lusted
for, more than anyone else in the world. Above and below her, similar thoughts were rushing
through the minds of Yusuke and Reina.
Before long, Yusuke started kissing and licking Mitsuki’s neck. That turned her on even
more, and she cried out, “Ah! Oh! Yusuke! More! More!! Give it to me, Yusuke!!”
“Mitsuki! Mitsuki!!”
“Yes, Yusuke!! Yes! Say my name! Say my name! You, too, Reina! Fuck me! Fuck yer
mama harder!!”
“Ah! Yes! Mitsuki! Mitsuki! I’m cumming!! I’m cumming!!!”
“Anh! Me to!! I’m cummin’! Mama, I’m cummin’!! Yes! Yes!! Mama!! Mama!!!” Reina
shrieked along with her two lovers as they all came together. Soon, they started taking turns
taking each other, and the rest of the day became a blur, even for the still-sober Yusuke.

The next morning, at the crack of dawn, Reina’s eyes fluttered open to a headache.
“Ow…hangover…” she said to herself, rubbing her head. She felt sore all over and, in the back
of her mind, she knew that she was naked.
What had happened last night? Or was it yesterday? She distinctly remembered seeing
Yusuke in the afternoon, and Mitsuki force-feeding unfettered saké to her. After that, she didn’t
remember anything—she must have blacked out. And where was she, anyway? She glanced
around with eyes that were begging to be closed again, still too tired to move anything else.
What little she could see was unfamiliar.
Suddenly, it came back to her: she was in Yusuke’s apartment! She and Mitsuki had
managed to find out where he lived yesterday. That brought back another thing: the contest! Who
had won? Was it her? Her mother? What happened last night?
Then, Reina finally regained enough of her senses to notice a pair of hands cupped over
her breasts, holding them contentedly. She was lying halfway on top of someone who was still
asleep. Oh, it’s Yusuke, she thought to herself, smiling, I must have cum first and won him. But
then, she noticed something was amiss: the hands holding her hooters had the same, almost
Caucasian-looking skin tone as her, in contrast to Yusuke’s, and the fingernails on them were
manicured to near-perfection.
Reina’s eyes widened a bit as she started to realize what this meant. She turned her head
back to see who was really holding her so affectionately. Lying beneath her was her mother, also
naked and sleeping soundly. She was smiling as she subconsciously felt her daughter’s soft skin
under her fingers.
Reina screamed.
Yusuke, who was less than a meter away, instantly woke up, “Fire! Murder! Police!
Reina scrambled away from her mother, dragging the bedsheets with her, and pointed a
quivering finger at Mitsuki. With pure horror in her voice, she demanded, “Wh-what the fuck
happened last nigh’?!”
“Huh?” Yusuke asked, then looked where she was pointing, at the sleeping beauty before
him. He just stared at Mitsuki for a moment, hardly noticing her nudity, and finally said, “I…I
don’t know.” He rubbed his head and groaned, “Ugh…I think you two were so drunk that I got
“D-did…did I…did I have sex with Mama?!” Reina asked.
Still clutching his head, Yusuke replied, “I can’t remember…wait…” Taking his hand
away, he continued, “No, wait, I think I do remember.” His eyes widened as he looked straight at
Reina, “I think you did.”
All the color drained from Reina’s face, “I—no, no! I wouldn’t fuck my mother! I
couldn’t! It’s wrong!!”
As his memory of last night fully came back, “Reina…” Yusuke sighed, “you did. I don’t
know how else to tell you, but you did. You and Mitsuki had sex, and you both had sex with me,
“Yusuke!! This is a huge problem!! How can I live with myself after I had sex with my
“You don’t need to shout, Reina, I’m right here,” Yusuke said, rather nonchalantly, as he
dug a bit of wax out of his ears.
“What the fuck am I supposed to be doin’, Yusuke?!?! I had sex with my mother!!!”
At that moment, they heard a groan. Both Reina and Yusuke looked down at the futon to
see Mitsuki waking up. The beautiful, naked woman stretched out and yawned as she returned
from dreamland. Before either of them could say anything, Mitsuki’s eyes snapped open and she
clasped her hands to her mouth. In an instant, she was running to the bathroom, not even closing
the door before she ran to the toilet to vomit. After a few more nauseous moans, they heard her
say, “Ugh…I’m never drinkin’ again.” There was a moment of silence before she said to herself,
“Who am I kiddin’? Of course I will.”
Once she’d rinsed out her mouth at the sink, ridding herself of the awful taste of vomit,
she walked back out into the main room of Yusuke’s apartment, stretching out and yawning
again as she got closer to wakefulness. Yusuke’s member began hardening again at the sight of
her lean, voluptuous body. As she took a deep breath, making her JJ-cup tits rise and fall, Reina
crossed her arms and looked away in embarrassment. Finally, Mitsuki noticed them and asked,
“Yusuke? What’re ya doin’ here? I don’t remember y’all comin’ over again.” She spoke with her
hometown’s accent rather than her acquired local one—maybe the aftereffects of intoxication
still had her tongue looser than usual?
“Mitsuki, this is my apartment,” Yusuke said. As she gazed around, he continued, “You
must not remember coming in. You were really drunk when you showed up.”
“Well I remember that, at least,” Mitsuki groaned. She put a palm to her forehead.
“Ow…I have such a headache. What in the hell was I thinkin’?” Looking at him with one eye,
she asked, “What day is it anyway? The last thing I remember is gettin’ back into the car.”
“It’s Tuesday,” Yusuke said; he was the only one among them who didn’t actually have a
“Oh, God…” Mitsuki groaned, more in amazement at how much time had passed. “Last I
knew, it was Monday afternoon. Ugh, I need a prairie oyster.” She looked around and found the
now-empty bottle of saké; reading the label, she said, “Ugh, this brand. No wonder I got
A look of realization suddenly formed on her face and she exclaimed, “Wait! The
contest!” She ran to Yusuke and seized his shoulders, asking, “Who won? Which of us came
first?” Not even waiting for his answer, she glanced at Reina with a smirk and said, “By the look
on yer face, I guess it was me,” she turned back to Yusuke, “Am I right, lover?”
Yusuke was silent, looking like he was trying to figure out what to say. Reina looked at
him, too; she didn’t know, either, and joined her mother in giving him an expression that was
getting more frightening by the second. He was began feeling intimidated by these two sexy
women staring him down. He wracked his memory trying to recall what had really happened the
day before.
“Well, Yusuke?” the two of them finally asked in unison.
Right then, the moment came back to him. Yusuke answered, “Well…it’s both of you.”
“Huh?” they said, in unison again.
“You both came at the exact same time,” Yusuke explained. When the two women stared
at him even more intently, he said, “Really! I’m not lying!” His lovers stepped closer, analyzing
every centimeter of his face for even the tiniest hint that he might be trying to trick them. After
several moments, they found nothing. He really wasn’t lying.
Stepping back, Reina finally asked Mitsuki, “Well…what do we do now?” She tried
looking at her sideways, still embarrassed at the knowledge that she’d had sex with her own
mother. Mitsuki was still unaware that she had two lovers in the room.
Putting a hand to her chin, crossing the other arm under her boobs, Mitsuki wondered
aloud, “Well…if’n we both came at the same time…n’ since our deal was that whoever came
first got Yusuke…then…we both won?”
The room fell silent for a bit, then Yusuke said, “Well, if you ask me, I think this couldn’t
have ended better. I’m not sure you could’ve gotten a real decision out of me even if you put a
gun to my head. And where did your feud get you, anyway? A mother and daughter fighting over
the same guy? It sounds like something out of a bad hentai. I don’t mind having two girlfriends,
if you don’t mind sharing me with each other. And besides, you two didn’t seem to mind, either.”
Yusuke immediately realized his mistake—he’d said a sentence too much and his eyes
widened into an expression that said, “Oh, shit!”
“What’re ya talkin’ about, Yusuke?” Mitsuki asked. Yusuke tried not to give anything
away, but his eyes darted over to Reina, trying to gauge her own reaction, for just a second.
Mitsuki turned to look at Reina, who got a flustered look on her face as she made to cover herself
with her both arms. Mitsuki’s confusion at why Reina was acting like that led to understanding
in less than a minute.
Mitsuki screamed.
There was a pounding on the wall and a voice shouted, “Shut the fuck up in there!!! Some
of us are trying to sleep!!!”
The three of them ignored the angry neighbor, though. Mitsuki was too busy pacing back
and forth, clutching at her head and saying to herself, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no… This
can’t be happenin’. This can’t have happened!” She turned to Yusuke and quietly shouted, “I
had sex with my daughter!?!?”
Reina gave a terrible, disgusted moan and buried her face in her hands at their mutual
shame. Mitsuki joined her in moaning as if in pain at understanding that they couldn’t just go
back to their lives like nothing happened. Standing off to the side, Yusuke kept trying to think of
something to say, but everything that came to him sounded worse than the last. Finally, he gave
up on that and decided to try something else in place of it. He managed to get enough of their
attention and suggested, “Sit down, both of you. I’ll make some tea.” The Toyohara women
regained a bit of their composure and did as he asked, covering themselves a bit first—Mitsuki
put her trench coat back on, but didn’t completely fasten it, while Reina wrapped one of the
sheets of Yusuke’s futon around her. Yusuke put his pants back on, but nothing else, while he
waited for the water to boil. In minutes, he brought his two lovers a cup of tea each. They both
thanked him as he sat down.
Finally, after a few minutes and a few sips of their tea, Reina gazed into her cup
contemplatively and wondered aloud, “What the hell are we goin’ ta do?” Neither of them had
wanted to commit incest.
“I don’t know…” Mitsuki replied. She looked at Reina, knowing that she would never be
able to look at her daughter the same way ever again. As Reina brought her cup to her lips again,
the sheet she was wearing opened a bit and Mitsuki caught a glimpse of her cleavage. The same
confused, lustful thoughts came back to her mind as before. This time, rather than silently
pushing them aside, she all but smashed her palm into the middle of her face and yelled, “Aargh!
Why in the hell can’t I stop thinkin’ ‘bout how sexy ya look?!” She needed to vent her
That took the other two a bit by surprise. Reina pinched the bridge of her nose and said,
“Ugh, I know what you mean, Mama. I don’t know why, but I kept thinkin’ about you that way,
too. What’s wrong with me?!”
Looking at her daughter again from between her fingers, Mitsuki asked, “Y’all been
havin’ those thoughts, too?” Yusuke began looking back and forth between them, wondering just
what had begun unfolding before him.
“I really don’t want ta admit it, but yeah. I can’t control it! Ever since we started fightin’
over Yusuke and I saw you naked—really naked, when it really means somethin’—it kept
comin’ ta mind. What I wanted ta do ta you, and…and what I wanted you ta do ta me.”
Mitsuki groaned again, “I…I’ve been havin’ a lotta thoughts like that, too,” she admitted.
“I think it started ‘round the same time it did fer y’all, too.”
“I…” Yusuke started to say, then thought better of it, “Nevermind.”
Both women looked at him. Mitsuki spoke first, “No, go ahead, Yusuke.” Then Reina
asked, “What were you goin’ ta say?”
“I don’t think you want me to say it,” he objected, shaking his head.
Reina reached out and grabbed him by the chin with one hand, carefully keeping the rest
of her tea from spilling. Looking straight into his eyes, “Whatever it is, tell us righ’ now. I
promise I won’t be mad.”
“Me, too,” Mitsuki interjected, moving closer to him.
Yusuke took a breath, “I still think you’re not going to like it, but…” He stopped for a
second and started again, “I know you’re both freaked out over having sex with each other. You
were both drunk—” Mitsuki got an embarrassed look on her face, knowing that it was her own
fault that she and Reina had committed incest, “—but, honestly, you looked much happier
fucking than fighting. You both looked as satisfied after having sex with each other as you did
with me, even!”
Reina cocked her head a bit, “Really, Yusuke?”
“Does this look like the face of a liar?” he replied, his completely serious expression
slightly smushed between Reina’s thumb and the rest of her fingers.
Reina released him, and both women looked at each other. Mitsuki glanced down and
stared at Reina’s chest, her cleavage visible between the edges of the sheet that she was still
wearing. Her daughter didn’t miss that, and pulled her ersatz clothing closer as she looked away
in shame. Mitsuki’s heart started beating faster, and she felt herself becoming short of breath.
Mitsuki downed the remainder of her tea in one go as if she was drinking from a shot glass and
edged closer to her. Reina backed up from her, pulling the sheet even tighter and dropping her
own teacup. Yusuke watched, frozen, wondering what Mitsuki was really about to do.
Mitsuki was audibly panting as she raised her trembling hands. Reina finally looked at
her again and asked, with a slightly fearful expression, “M-mom, what are you thinkin’…?”
Before any of them knew what she was doing, Mitsuki had pulled her coat open, letting it fall to
the floor again. In another second, she’d forced the sheet off of Reina; her daughter gave a quiet
yelp of surprise. A lustful blush came to Mitsuki’s face as she looked at Reina’s beauty, her
nudity. When Reina tried to cover herself with her arms, Mitsuki grabbed her wrists and gently
stopped her. They looked straight into each other’s matching amber eyes, and Mitsuki asked,
“Reina, what d’ya see?”
“I…I see you, Mama,” she replied.
“What else do you see?”
“A beautiful woman?”
“What else?”
“A…a really beautiful woman…” Reina said. Her tone slowly changed from fearful to
adoring, “A lovin’ mom…a beautiful woman…a really sexy lady…my…my…” She couldn’t
believe she was about to say what she was going to.
“Go on, Reina,” Mitsuki insisted, starting to realize why she couldn’t stop thinking about
her daughter the way she thought about Yusuke.
Mitsuki’s hands went to Reina’s shoulders, holding her both firmly and softly, “If’n ya
won’t say it, then I will.” She pulled Reina close, “My lover.” She pulled her daughter the rest of
the way in and their lips met. Reina’s eyes went so wide she thought they would fall out. Once
Mitsuki had pulled her in, her right hand had left Reina’s shoulder and went to her breast instead,
lovingly caressing her soft skin. Yusuke’s eyes widened, too, and he felt himself getting hard
instantly as he watched this triple-forbidden love blooming right in front of him.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Mitsuki released her daughter. “I think I know
why ya turn me on so much, Reina, why I can’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout ya like that.” She pulled her
close again and said, “Y’all remind me of yer father. It’s not just yer hair. Y’all might be a
woman, but I can’t help thinkin’ like y’all really are him.”
Now, Reina began panting with excitement. She was liking the idea more and more by
the second. That kiss earlier had almost made her want to cry out in horror again, but she’d
stopped herself. Looking into Mitsuki’s eyes, Reina felt certain that this incredibly beautiful
woman before her was more than just her mother. Something deep within her made her feel like
she had known Mitsuki before, in another life, and that she loved her in more than just a familial
way, and that she was as enamored with her as much as with Yusuke. Mitsuki kissing her and
touching her tit earlier hadn’t felt wrong anymore. It felt good. It felt right.
Reina brought both hands to her mother’s head, delicately holding her at her jawline, and
said in the most affectionate voice she could muster, “Yes, Mama. I love you, and I want you.
Fightin’ was never goin’ ta get us anywhere. I want ta be with you forever, and for us ta be with
Yusuke forever. I want ta make love ta both of you every day for the rest of my life.” She leaned
in and pulled Mitsuki closer, and they moaned together as they squeezed their tits together and
kissed, long and lovingly. Yusuke smiled at the sight. As soon as the mother and daughter were
done sealing their new love together, all three of them consummated their new relationship.

“Okay, on three. Ready?”
“Ready, Mama!”
At the same time, Reina and Mitsuki jumped out of each other’s rooms and into the
upstairs hall, looking at each other. Both of them started giggling like children at the sight. Just
for fun, and considering that they had become much, much closer lately, they were trying on
each other’s clothes. Mitsuki chuckled at the sight of Reina wearing one of her reddish-pink
sleeveless turtlenecks and light tan skirts. The turtleneck went down a little further than it would
have on Mitsuki: while it was intended for someone with a bigger overall frame, it fit around
Mitsuki’s giant rack just fine. The skirt was longer on her, too, falling below Reina’s knees
rather than to them since her hips weren’t as wide as her mother’s.
Then again, Mitsuki herself looked much sillier. For all the same reasons that her clothes
seemed bigger on Reina, Reina’s were too small for her. The pleated navy blue skirt, already
mini by Reina’s standards, was reduced to micro on Mitsuki’s hips, and Reina could see the pair
of her own panties that Mitsuki had picked out ‘under’ the skirt without even meaning to. A
white button undershirt was stretched tightly across Mitsuki’s melons, and not even all of it, at
that—like one of Reina’s looser tops, it seemed more like a curtain over her chest, but one that
had been hooked together in many places and two people were struggling to pull it apart.
Knowing that her outfit was incomplete, Mitsuki said, “Sorry, Reina, but I couldn’t fit your
sweater over my tits.” Even amused like she was now, she spoke with her acquired local accent.
“That’s okay, Mama,” Reina replied, reaching under the turtleneck and behind her back
to pull out something else she was wearing. “Your bras don’t fit me, either. This was the closest
Mitsuki grinned at the rather lacy piece of underwear, “That’s actually what I wore when
I wanted ta be sexy with your father. My boobs were a little smaller back then.” She beamed
lustfully and shifted back to her hometown’s dialect, “In fact, I was wearin’ that when he put
y’all in my belly.”
Reina looked at the bra and nearly purred, rubbing it against her face, “No wonder it
looks so sexy. If it turned Dad on, then it must turn me on, too.” The younger woman got an idea,
“Why don’t you try it on for me? Catch!” and she threw her mother’s bra to her. It fell short and
Mitsuki walked over to pick it up, chuckling again at the complete failure of the throw. As she
bent over, she felt all of Reina’s clothes that she was wearing release without warning; buttons
flew everywhere as the shirt fell open and the skirt slipped down to her ankles, just slightly torn.
Reina felt her heart start pounding again at the sight of her mother’s statuesque, nearly naked
“Oops. Sorry, Reina,” Mitsuki said, genuinely regretful that she had damaged some of
her daughter’s clothes.
“Don’t worry about it, Mama,” Reina waved her hand dismissively. “I’ll sew those back
on later. Just put that bra on! I want ta see what Dad did when you two had sex!” she said.
Statements like that always reminded the two of them that they weren’t just mother and daughter
anymore: now, they were girlfriends as well, and they consummated their relationship almost
every single day. In fact, they often took each other many times in a single day, and had already
made love three times since they woke up this morning.
Mitsuki smiled back at her daughter and shed Reina’s shirt, deliberately being as sultry as
possible for her darling, and then unhooked a bra that was a few sizes too small for her JJ-cups.
Finally, she slipped on her own bra. Reina drooled at the sight of it, holding up her favorite parts
of her mother’s body like that, making her even more attractive.
Standing there in just her bra and Reina’s panties, Mitsuki struck a sexy pose and asked,
“So, whaddaya think, lover?”
Reina dashed over to Mitsuki, grabbing her upper arms and pulling her close, blushing
with desire; she’d lost count of how many times their enormous busts had been shoved together
like this. Her voice dripping with desire, she said, “Oh, God, I want you, Mama. I need ta have
you again!”
“Alre—” Mitsuki began, but was interrupted when Reina suddenly hugged her, pulling
her in for a kiss. Immediately, Mitsuki wrapped her arms around her daughter and kissed her
back. They just stood there together for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of each other again.
Finally, they ended their kiss and Mitsuki got to finish what she was saying, “Y’all already
wanna have sex again? We just did it twenty minutes ago!”
“I know, Mama—I was there. But I just can’t get enough of you!” Reina said.
Mitsuki smiled at her and remarked, “We haven’t even been lovers fer a month n’ I think
we might’ve already had sex more than yer father n’ I did back then.” It was Mitsuki’s turn to
initiate a kiss, now, pulling Reina back in. Their desires were already so strong, though, that they
couldn’t limit themselves to making out for very long. “Alright, Reina. You win. Let’s go n’—”
at that moment, the phone rang. The nearest was in Mitsuki’s bedroom.
“I’ll get it,” Reina said. With a tone that almost sounded mischievous, she added, “Meet
me in my room,” and gave her mother a quick peck on the lips before they released each other,
walking in opposite directions. She picked up the receiver from the nightstand and answered,
“Hi, Reina. It’s me.”
“Oh, Yusuke! Good ta hear from you!” Reina said excitedly, and sat down on her
mother’s bed. The sheets were still messy from earlier—after banging on the dining table, they’d
gone up here for the previous time they’d coupled.
“How have you two been?”
“We’re doin’ great, Yusuke, as if you needed ta ask.” Reina spoke with a tone that made
it sound like she was winking at him over the phone. In the short time since she and Mitsuki had
ended their feud, Yusuke had visited the Toyohara home on several occasions and they’d all had
sex each time, and Reina had gone to Yusuke’s apartment by herself a few times as well. “We’ve
gotten so much closer. You wouldn’t believe how close.”
“I think I can believe it. I believed it before you did, after all.”
“Oh, really? Well for your information, I’m wearing Mama’s clothes righ’ now: her
turtleneck, her skirt, her panties, and no bra,” Reina said.
She heard Yusuke tremor lustfully and then say, “That does sound sexy, Reina.” There
was a moment’s pause, then he asked, “I didn’t…interrupt anything, did I?”
“No, no. Well, maybe a little. Mama and I were about ta have sex again. It’ll be our
fourth time today!”
“I wish I was there to see it,” Yusuke said. Of course, the last time he’d been over they
had each fucked him six times; it left him so tired that he ended up spending the night only to
make love with both of them at once two more times in the morning. Reina giggled and, rubbing
her knees together, offered, “Maybe you can come by later and watch me and Mama have our
fun. And then we can have our fun—I’ve been dyin’ ta taste your cock again.”
“And I can’t wait to eat you out again,” Yusuke replied; his voice was so amorous that
she could almost hear his lips curling into a lustful smile. “I’m too busy today, though, but I
promise I’ll stop by tomorrow.”
“Okay, Yusuke. We’ll see you then. I love you!”
“I love you, too, Reina. And tell Mitsuki I love her, too.”
“Don’t worry, Yusuke, I will. I’ll fuck her for you, too. Bye!” Reina said, and she hung
up the phone. Looking to the door, she said to herself, “Now where was I?”
Reina walked down the hall to her bedroom. She opened the door and saw that Mitsuki
had already taken position on the bed; she was wearing only her bra, now, and gave her daughter
a seductive look. Reina returned it and began pulling off her mother’s turtleneck, almost
mimicking what Mitsuki herself had done on the first day of their feud in this very room. She
noticed that Mitsuki had put on a CD of romantic music as she took off the skirt and panties.
Mitsuki beckoned to her and said, in her calm local accent, “Tell me again, Reina: how
much do you love me?”
Reina walked over to her and answered, “Mom, I love you so much that I’d let you make
me into a mom if you had the righ’ parts for it. And how much do you love me?”
“I love you so much that I’d let my child give me another child if you could,” Mitsuki
said as Reina walked up to her. She climbed under the covers next to her mother and they
embraced, lying on their sides at first, holding and kissing each other fondly.
After only a few minutes, they stopped and gazed into each other’s eyes. Smiling at each
other, they exchanged a few nods and decided what they would do next. Reina climbed on top of
Mitsuki, still under the covers. Mitsuki kept beaming up at her daughter, “Well, here we are
again.” She reached up, placing a hand on Reina’s face, and said with utter sweetness, “Make
love ta me, Reina.”
“I will, Mama,” Reina said with the same sweetness, and leaned in to kiss her mother
again, quickly this time. Once that was done, they got to why they had truly gone to bed together.
The storm had passed. Yusuke, struggling with the decision for longer than he’d ever
wanted to, had gained two lovers instead of one, as had each of the women he loved. But who
knew where this newly-formed love triangle would go? What if they were found out? They could
become pariahs, unable to see each other again undisturbed. They’d even already taken the
precaution that Mitsuki would never be seen with Yusuke in public as his girlfriend, since it
would be suspicious for such an older woman to be with him after it had become known that he
and Reina were together. And could they even last in such a lustful life that all three of them had
so abruptly been thrust into?
All three of them had decided that they would worry about that some other time. Mitsuki
and Reina certainly didn’t care right now, as they both gave loving screeches together in the
privacy of their home. Reina climbed off of Mitsuki and laid down in bed with her, cuddling
against her mother’s naked, curvaceous body. Mitsuki wrapped her arms around her beautiful
daughter and, exhausted from having so much sex today, sleep overtook them.

Yusuke sighed as he walked into the Toyohara home once again. This time, he knew his
stay would be a bit longer than usual. A good number of his belongings were lying out in the
driveway—he, Mitsuki, and Reina were in the process of unloading them from her Benz—but
more than he would have liked was lost for good.
All in all, life had abruptly become very good for him. It hadn’t even been a month since
Reina and Mitsuki had formed their love triangle with him, and with each other. The two women
had become even friendlier with each other since then: Yusuke had seen it with his own eyes.
After a feud had begun between them over who had the right to sex with Yusuke, they decided to
share him instead and quite literally kissed and made up, and now they made love to each other
regularly—almost every day, in fact. Even now, they were taking every chance they could to
glance at each other’s bountiful bosoms, heavenly hips, and attractive asses.
Of course, neither of them wanted anyone else to know that they were lovers, and Yusuke
couldn’t blame them: Reina was Mitsuki’s daughter. They were terrified of becoming outcasts if
anyone besides Yusuke knew about their relationship, to say nothing of the age gap between
Mitsuki and both of her lovers and the fact that both of them were bisexual and polyamorous.
Yusuke himself even avoided showing any affection to Mitsuki outside the house because of
that—he and Reina had already established themselves as a couple in public, so if anyone saw
him being a little too familiar with her mother as well…
Because of all that, Yusuke had been spending more time with Reina than Mitsuki:
they’d often gone out to lunch together, kissed between classes, and—when time allowed it—
sometimes even had sex when they found a nice, private place to do the deed. Though they took
every precaution, the fear that they might be caught made it all the more exciting. As a result,
though, Yusuke usually only got to bed Mitsuki when he came over to their house. The rest of
the time, she stayed behind and maintained her lifestyle as a homemaker. Even then, she used at
least some of her free time looking up new things for them to try; both Reina and Yusuke had
already done plenty of things that they thought they would never do in the short time since
they’d begun with this love triangle.
Now, however, their routine was about to change: just earlier today, an electrical fire had
started in the apartment complex that Yusuke lived in. No one was seriously injured, but two
whole floors had basically been rendered uninhabitable, and Yusuke suddenly found himself
homeless. Luckily, he had two voluptuous women to turn to for help, who were more than
willing to bring him into their home. They had already been treating their shared boyfriend as a
member of the family, even giving him a house key, so welcoming him in as a permanent
houseguest wasn’t that big a leap. In fact, this was just the excuse all three of them needed to
take their love life together to the next level.
“Yusuke! Can you help me with this one?” Reina called, struggling a bit under a rather
large box of Yusuke’s things.
Yusuke turned to glance at her and called back, “One second, Reina!” and he indicated
another large box in his hands. As fast as he could, he found a place to set it down and went back
to help her. As they carried the box together, he said, “Thanks again for this, Reina,” he glanced
at her mother, who was bringing another box, “and you, too, Mitsuki.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all, Yusuke. With investments and savings like mine, your joinin’
us here isn’t even a drop in the bucket when it comes ta costs,” the older woman said. As she
approached them, she added, “Eyes up, you two. You don’t want ta trip and fall, do you?” Both
Reina and Yusuke had stopped in their tracks when they saw Mitsuki’s enormous bosom—
several cup sizes above Reina, who was extremely well-endowed herself—resting on top of the
box. Both of them were basically drooling at the sight of her jugs, even completely covered by
her clothing. With a bit of difficulty, she raised a hand to snap her fingers at them without letting
go of the box, bringing them back to reality.
The Nagoya woman shifted from her acquired local accent to that of her hometown as
she said, “If’n y’all’re that eager, then let’s get the rest of these inside so we can…well,
y’know,” and she winked at them. With that bit of encouragement, the younger two carried the
remaining boxes in as fast as they could.

“Ah! Ahn! It hurts!” Reina yelled, panting with pleasure, sitting with folded legs on her
mother’s bed.
“Silence!” Mitsuki commanded with a cruel tone as she slapped Reina across the face,
“Y’all like pain, slave!”
“Ahn! Yes, Mistress! I love it! Punish me more!!” Reina screamed, pained tears coming
from her eyes. Her makeup was running, staining her cheeks down to her jawline. She shrieked
as Mitsuki tightened the ropes around her wrists, then the ones on her elbows and then her
ankles. Her face was covered in lipstick from her mother kissing her. She panted harder and
harder until Mitsuki tightened the ropes around the base of her breasts, and she cried out as she
climaxed again.
“Mitsuki! I’m almost there!” Yusuke said, panting as he stroked himself.
“Ya hear that, slave?” Mitsuki said, tightening her ropes again, “Master’s about to give
ya his special treatment again.” Reina could only cry out again in response. She gasped in
painful pleasure as Yusuke stepped in front of her and yelled out as he came, too, more of his
seed shooting out onto her face neck to join what was already sprinkled on her. Fresh tears
formed in Reina’s eyes as Mitsuki tightened the ropes again—there was so much pressure on her
tits that her areolas were starting to turn from pink to purple. She was already in such a euphoric
state that she almost instantly hit orgasm again when her mother came up from behind and
started biting her ear, hard enough to set off her pain receptors but softly enough to not actually
hurt her.
When she heard her daughter cum again, Mitsuki stopped nibbling on her and glanced up
at Yusuke. “Yer turn, Master,” she said with a lusty voice. Reina cried out again as Mitsuki
reached around to cup her hands over both of Reina’s melons, and again when she felt her
mother’s fingers gripping her nipples, rolling them between her thumbs and forefingers. She
didn’t get to linger on enjoying that by itself, though, as Yusuke seized her head with both hands
and shoved his love muscle into her mouth, forcing her to suck him off. Reina moaned even
more as Mitsuki clasped harder and Yusuke began thrusting into her mouth. Her mother was
audibly panting, too, as the vibrator in her ass drove her to orgasm. At the same time, both of her
lovers came again, and she felt Yusuke blow his load into her throat as Mitsuki squeezed her
breasts as hard as she could with both hands, which made Reina cum again, too. Reina gasped
when Yusuke let her breathe properly again—it all felt horrible and incredible at the same time.
“Alright, Reina—y’all ready fer the next level?” Mitsuki asked, tightening her ropes one
more time.
Finally, Reina screamed again, differently than before, and then shouted, “Bell tower!
Bell tower!”
Immediately, her lovers stopped and started untying her ropes. Once she was free, Reina
fell backwards into her mother’s lap. She panted as the pain receded, shifting back into pleasure,
and gasped out, “Oh, God…that was amazin’…” She still felt like she was almost on the verge
of cumming. This was the first time she’d ever done bondage; she and Yusuke were trying
something new to commemorate their new lives together in the Toyohara home, at Mitsuki’s
suggestion. She, at least, was already familiar with this and even had some equipment left over
from years past. It made Reina wonder exactly how much her mother had done this in secret—
maybe this was why she always wore turtlenecks and knee-length skirts? On top of that, Mitsuki
had a much higher tolerance to pain Reina did, and knew exactly where to tie the silken ropes to
maximize the pleasurable feelings. She’d even started off for them, tying herself up with the
expertise of someone who’d been doing it for years and making all kinds of demands of her
younger lovers until she couldn’t take it anymore. She still had rope marks on her skin, in the
same places that Reina did.
Mitsuki leaned over a little, looking down at her daughter and lovingly stroking her hair.
“Are you alrigh’, Reina? How are you feelin’?” she said with a soothing tone.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Mama. Thanks for this. I never knew pain could feel so good,” she said,
smiling up at her. “Come here, give me a kiss,” she said. Mitsuki was about to reposition to do
just that when Reina showed her what she really meant and rose up just a little, guiding one of
Mitsuki’s breasts to her lips, and she kissed her mother’s nipple. Mitsuki gave a short moan at
that. Once she was done, though, Reina set her head back down again and reached for her own
chest, “Aah, my boobs are so sore…” she said, stroking her bust.
While she recovered, Yusuke moved to sit closer to Mitsuki and both of her lovers leaned
in to kiss each other; Mitsuki put her hands to his shoulders while Yusuke put one to her waist
and another to her breast. They sat there, holding each other sensually until Reina had regained
her strength and sat up again. Finally, she turned and said, “Hey, don’t forget about me, you
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Reina,” Yusuke said when he broke off from Mitsuki. He leaned
in and down, bringing his lips to one of Reina’s nipples, and began sucking on her. She gasped
when she felt him at her breast, and louder when Mitsuki joined him. They kept at it until
Mitsuki’s vibrator made her climax again and bite Reina’s nipple in response, earning a shriek
from the younger Toyohara woman.
Straightening up, Mitsuki reached behind her and gave grunted a little, then gave a
contented sigh as she pulled the vibrator out of her ass. Setting it aside to be cleaned, she turned
back, slowly so that they could get a good look at her entire body, and said, “Well, it’s my turn
again. I’ll let y’all lead this time, Lady Reina. Remember, my safety word’s ‘full moon.’”
She’d just started taking a step forward when, without warning, there was a loud crash!
All three of them jumped at the sound as shards of glass fell to the floor. A few seconds passed,
and they started glancing around. “What the hell just happened?” Yusuke asked no one in
“Look,” Reina pointed at the floor. There was a puncture in the floorboards—something
was embedded in it. Warily, they stepped around the broken glass and walked over to the thing.
With some effort, they had removed it from the floor and were passing it between them. It was a
rock of some kind, about the size of a marble, and looked like a piece of coal except for the fact
that it had a luminous green glow. They all sat down on the bed again and took turns holding and
looking at the strange rock.
“What do you think it is?” Reina questioned.
“It’s a meteorite,” Yusuke answered.
“Well I knew that, Yusuke. But what is it?”
“Shouldn’t it be burnin’ hot?” Mitsuki asked the room; they had all been holding it in
their bare hands.
No sooner had she said that than did the rock stop glowing, just as suddenly as it had
appeared before them. “What happened?” Reina asked.
“I don’t know,” Yusuke ‘answered.’
Mitsuki rose up and stepped off from her mattress, avoiding the broken glass again as she
walked over to a desk. She opened a drawer and dropped the rock inside. Shutting the drawer,
she turned back to them and said, “C’mon, we’ll continue in yer room, Yusuke. I’ll call someone
to fix that tomorrow,” and she indicated the damaged floorboard and the broken window.
They crossed the hall to Yusuke’s bedroom. Once there, Mitsuki began tying the bondage
ropes around her own boobs again. “Now, then,” and she yanked the ropes tight, gasping out,
“Where were we?” It was more than an hour of bondage and rough sex before she finally
screamed ‘full moon.’
Little did they know, as they made love again and again, a strange, otherworldly radiation
had emitted from the meteorite. It had passed from the tiny glowing rock into each of them. In as
little as a day or as long as a lifetime, strange things would start happening to them. They had
been changed forever by this presence that now resided within each of them.
But just how they would be affected by this was anyone’s guess…

i 170cm = ~5ft 7in

ii futon: traditional Japanese bedding, consisting of a padded mattress and
duvet that can easily be folded up for storage
iii 5cm = ~2in
iv 18cm = ~7in
v saké: Japanese rice wine, though made by brewing like beer rather than

fermenting like wine

vi zaibatsu: financial/industrial conglomerates from Japan’s imperialist era,

which held great influence over Japanese policy of the time; they were mostly
dissolved during the occupation of Japan after World War II
vii Honshū: the largest island of Japan, on which many major cities such as

Kyōto, Ōsaka, and Tōkyō are located

viii ¥350,000,000,000,000,000 (¥350 quadrillion) = ~US$4,000,000,000,000, (US$4

trillion) or the gross domestic product of Japan

ix 9cm = ~3.5in
x 18cm = ~7in
xi 7cm = ~2.7in
xii 18cm = ~7in
xiii futon: traditional Japanese bedding, consisting of a padded mattress and

duvet that can easily be folded up for storage

xiv saké: Japanese rice wine, though made by brewing like beer rather than

fermenting like wine

xv fugu: a type of pufferfish considered a delicacy in Japan and some other

eastern Asian cultures, but very dangerous because of its tetrodotoxin

content such that three or more years of training are required to prepare it
xvi mentaiko: spicy fish eggs, made from the roe of Alaska pollock
xvii originally, seashells were used to serve saké, and artificial saké cups

from later in history adopted a shallow, saucer-like shape because of this

xviii futon: traditional Japanese bedding, consisting of a padded mattress and

duvet that can easily be folded up for storage

xix ¥10,000 = ~US$100
xx 18cm = ~7in

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