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The Gymnast

By Hawkeye7

The night was going well, I was tired, spent, lying next to El, on the sofa. To be fair, she had
done most of the work. I liked that, she was always there to give. She could do incredible
things with her mouth, tongue and fingers.

I was sweating like mad, having dressed up all fat and round. We loved to do
Roleplay, me the huge fat monster, wanting to swallow and devour everything in sight, her
the helpless maid wanting to be consumed, adding to my fabricated bulk.

“Fuck El! That was incredible.” I spluttered, gasping as I came down from the
crushing orgasm. She popped up from somewhere below me, grinning maniacally.

“You're very welcome, my sexy beast” El replied, continuing in character.

The room smelled a heady concoction of sweat, booze and sex.

It was wonderful.
We had been at it all night, drinking, playing, and satisfying each other.

“I need to get out of this.” I said, removing the multiple layers of clothing, stripping
myself bare, into my diminutive athletic thin frame. Anyone looking at me wouldn’t have a
clue about my predator desires to consume and devour. To fill myself until I couldn’t move,
far beyond my bodies limits. No, looking at sweet little ‘old me, people wouldn't know my
deepest devilish thoughts of vore.

El knew.
It came up after a rather lengthy drink filled night, we shared our delicious secrets,
our wants, and it all came out. I still couldn't quite get my head around her fascination with
being prey. Why would anyone want to willingly be shoved inside someone.

No, I much preferred the thought of having something nestling inside my belly,
wriggling and writhing, desperately trying without hope to get out, as I sat back unable to
move, digesting, and … Fuck, I needed to stop.

El stretched cat-like, pulling herself upright, still dressed in skintight Lycra gym gear.
She looked sexy as ever, despite her dishevelled hair. Well, I guess I had something to do
with that, from her earlier escapades trapped under me.

She performed a long slow cartwheel, holding herself in a controlled handstand,

showing the effortless control of her body, before returning back onto her feet.

“Show off” I said, smirking.

“Oh come on… We both know you're better at me doing these moves.”
I was, and although I didn’t normally like to show off. We both knew how to move,
and hold, our strength from all the gymnastic classes certainly kept us in top form.

I got up from the couch, now just dressed in my underwear, the bulk of my earlier
clothes littered the floor. I felt light as a feather, my thin body now able to move without the
strain of the gear. Or maybe it was just the booze, either way, my muscles buzzed at the
strength they now could unleash as I flexed and moved across the room.

I whirled around in a moment of joy, the after-effects of sex filling me with a sense of
happiness. Bending to touch my toes, I pushed downward, and lifted my legs off the ground
in a smooth controlled movement, until they both pointed skyward. I parted my left leg,
edging it wide, pointing my toes. Fully balanced I lifted my right hand off the ground holding
the pose.
I remember trying this back in class, thinking it was impossible, falling all the time.

Now it was effortless, my limbs not even shaking at the hold, despite my earlier
exhaustion. I returned my hand to the floor, and ‘padded’ over to El, as she sat on the sofa. I
could see her upsidedown face beaming at me as I got closer.

I pirouetted, and then slowly bent my legs downwards, presenting my backside to

her. My underwear stretched tightly across and deep. Even though I couldn't see her face, I
knew she was watching, probably resisting the urge to grab me and bury her face in my
cheeks for another round. Hmmm … maybe…

I giggled dangerously inside, feeling bubbling in my gut. Oh well, rather out than in,
my mother always used to say. I pushed, and the gas left me, straight at El. That would
probably stop her from taking another lick of my insides. Or actually, maybe not… Hmmmm.

I giggled trying to maintain my posture. It was difficult but I managed.

I edged back shuffling a little more with my hands placed firmly on the ground, before
leaning backwards to eventually complete the move and sit on her lap.

“Now who’s showing off?” El smiled back at me. She grabbed hold, wrapping her
arms around my body, pulling me into her. “Although you really didn't need to toot like that,
you know what that does to me.” She said kissing my earlobe hungrily.

I squirmed at her tongue, “I know how you like to watch, and the fart was my nice
finishing touch - just for you.” I replied, looking down at her hand's, her tight embrace pulling
at my thin flat stomach.

Despite our earlier meal, it looked like I hadn't eaten in days. I didn't mind too much,
we both looked after ourselves and our diets. Still, I got a sudden pang of emptiness, wishing
for a moment I could be like the huge overstuffed monster we played out. As if to reinforce
the feeling, my belly suddenly gurgled, groaning its own acknowledgement of wanting to be
“How can you still be hungry?” El said, feeling the movement with her hands.

I sighed, looking a little crestfallen, “I don't know, you know I'm always starving.”

El sensed my mood shift, and pulled me closer to kiss my neck reassuringly.

“I wish we could do it for real.” I said softly, tilting my head to hers.

“Do what?”

“You know… “

“Oh, that… Oh, I know babe, we’ve been over this, I would do anything to make you
happy. We have fun with the roleplay, though don't we?”

“Oh we do, it's incredible, but it's just … oh I don't know, I always feel so empty
afterwards.” I sighed again, “Besides if it was possible, I'm sure you would change your tune
about wanting to be eaten.”

El fell silent for a moment, I felt her tense. Dam, I had probably upset her.
“Look, sorry I didn't mean to…” I started.

“It’s ok, really. I know how much you want this.” El replied slowly, lifting me, and
rotating, so she could face me.

“So…. I did something…” she continued quietly, looking at my eyes, then down at my
body, uncertainty wrapped across her features.

“You did what?” I asked, trying to reassure, but now worried if I had pushed her too
far with my crazy erotic fantasies. The tightness in my belly groaned again, rumbling
uncontrollably. God what was wrong with me!

El stared, her eyes now wide. It wasn't just her usual fascination with my gurgling
insides. She would often just lay there on me, her ear pressed tight against my belly, or my
backside, listing to my insides ‘speak’ to her, giggling and fantasising about what must be
happening as I digested and turned my morsels to gloop. No, This was different. She knew

“Ok, don't be mad with me, they said it would be perfectly safe.” She blurted.

“Safe, El … what are you talking about?”

“Our meal, I gave you something, I wasn't sure if it would work.”

I was starting to get worried, I trusted her, but now she was acting weird. My insides
felt strange, the emptiness was real, I wondered if she had given me laxatives or something.
“Ok El I'm not upset, just tell me.” I replied, trying to reassure her.
“Ok, it's an experimental drug, from what they told me, it has the basis of a latex
compound, vulcanised so that it can help flex and stretch.” she replied.

“What so… you’ve fed me this latex drug to help me stretch?, Why?” I was trying to
keep the edge from my voice, I wasn't upset, just confused as to why she would give me
something for our gymnastics routine, which I didn't think I needed. I could bend and stretch
perfectly well without any extra controversial supplements.

She met my gaze, her eyes bright. “I did it for you, so you could… finally try..”

“Wait… what?“ The confusion crossed my eyes.

She lifted me, holding me like a feather, as she rose from the sofa, I naturally
wrapped my legs around her, drooping my arms across her shoulders. Trying to take in what
she had said, what she had done.

“You know the finale of our routine, the one which we won the last competition
together?” She said, unexpectedly. I shook my head, trying to get my mind engaged with her
changing topic.
The video played across my mind's eye; the end of our gymnastic dance, her lifting
me high above her head, me balancing on her shoulders, in a vertical handstand position.
Balanced, looking down at her upturned face, we locked eyes. It was like a mirror, split
above and below, we looked the same, moving our legs in sync. Before suddenly I drop,
catching her hips and legs to break my fall. It was a pretty impressive move, one which we
had practised over and over.

“Yeah, I remember, what’s that got to do with…whoa…” I replied as she lifts me

upwards, throwing me high into the air, reenacting the start of the sequence…”Wait, El, what
are you doing?” I say trying to centre my balance, not wishing to end up tumbling to the

She holds me, effortlessly, no shaking of limbs, and stares upward, her face inches
from mine. Those blue eyes glint with a strange excitement, I wonder what the hell she has
in mind, as I straighten my body upwards, pointing my toes to the air, my hands wrapping
her shoulder blades.


“If what I gave you, works, then you’re finally going to get your wish. And bizarrely,
I'm going to get mine.”

The blood rushing to my head, and the mix of alcohol continues to send strange
sensations through my body. Nothing seems to be making sense. El certainly didn't.

“Open your mouth….Wide”

“El, what's got into you. I think this has gone far enough, now, put me down before I
fall onto you and do us both an injury.” This wasn't part of the routine, and she had clearly
lost her marbles.

“Listen, just try.”

Ok, I think to myself, anything to try and satisfy her derangement. I swallow, sending
the sudden build of salvia back up into me, then let my jaw relax and opened my mouth

Something strange happened.

My chin stretched out far further than it should, gaping me wide open.
I snap my mouth shut suddenly, thinking I must have done myself an injury.
Fuck, what had just happened.
There was no pain.
I tentatively tried again.
This time slowly opening, wider, wider, wider still.
It didn't seem to stop.
I stared wide-eyed back down at El’s expression.
It spoke volumes, reaffirming what I didn't believe.
“Fuck….meeeee” She gasped at me swallowing, gazing at the dark wet tunnel of my
throat looming above her.
My mind suddenly locked onto what she had done.
What may have been possible.
My body instantly filled with hunger. It tingled with a sudden erotic desire.
Insatiable, ravenous hunger.

This cant be real. I’m dreaming

I lower my arms, slowly.

Controlling my movements down.

El’s upturned face begins to enter my mouth, I feel her breathing, her sudden gasp
inside my head echoing strangely. I feel her chin scrape across my tongue, her hair tickling
the back of my throat. I need to swallow, otherwise, I'm going to gag.

This is a dream, it must be.

I alter my grip, holding onto El’s side, just under her armpits. She continues to steady
me, even though she is now unable to see outside. “Keep going.” I hear her voice strangely
inside my head.

Down I fall, slowly moving, penetrating myself on her, as her head is drawn further
inside, engulfed by my neck. Her features bulged against the skin, somehow stretching over
her like a tight glove.
Any moment now, I'm going to wake up on the sofa, with a pillow stuffed in my

Finally, I swallow, feeling her slide into me, unable to fathom how this is even
possible, but casting any doubts to the back of my mind. God, it feels incredible, the
stretching of the huge ball of her head forcing itself deeper into my chest.

I'm lucid dreaming, I must be, fuck it, I decided to just go along with it.

I'm focusing on balancing as I move down across her body. My mouth opens wider,
to take her shoulders, I slurp around them as I hear her cry out, somewhere lost inside me. I
affirm my grip on her, as she brings her arms to her sides, gravity working to force me lower,
pulling her into me, as I descend vertically down over her ridged body gazing down her
sweat-soaked spine.

I feel her head suddenly hit my stomach pushing through into the tight chamber. I'm
unable to see, my eyes locked towards her approaching protruding round bottom. I'm losing
some of my perfect form, my legs starting to break their position and cartwheel around. It's
getting so hard to hold and balance. El’s skin slick with my saliva pouring out of my gaping
maw, coating her torso as I continue to gulp and suck.

I finally reach her bottom, I'm still surprised she is able to stand. Her head pressed
deep into my gut, stretching my insides incredibly.

Impaled on her body, I'm stuck, unable to descend any further. I move my tongue,
exploring her inner labia folds, her soft blond hairs tickle and pressed against my wide-open
mouth. Penetrating, she tastes exotic as always, I continue to flick, feeling and hearing her
moans and twitches of pleasure.

I inhale, drawing her incredible aroma from deep between her arse cheeks, it sends
me wild, and I start to falter, unable to maintain my balance. My grip slipping, I let go, and
drop further down. The jolt pulling a large chunk of her soft arse cheeks into my mouth. Her
legs falter, threatening to slip. The intense pressure inside, incredible, bloating my body with
hers. My legs give way and I collapse, falling as graceful as I can, trying to bring my feet
together, as she leans, rotates and topples forward.

My feet hit the floor, and I strain as our combined bodies continue the tipping rotation,
her legs now the ones to be airborne. I pull upwards straightening my back holding onto her
thighs as she slides further down my gullet. I feel her shifting form extending out in front of
me, her counterweight threatening to pull me over, I recenter myself.
Effortlessly her smooth long legs slip down into my mouth, down my wet tunnel, her
flesh rubbing tantalising across my tongue, the journey now seemingly easier. Before I get a
chance to stop, I feel her delicate wiggling feet tip against the back of my throat and
disappear in a final gulping swallow.

Oh My God
What the fuck had just happened
This cannot be real
The sequence had lasted no more than a minute
Since El was sat next to me
Now she was inside me.

I look down at my bloated belly, her features pressed so tightly against my taut skin. I
could see everything, her arms, her face, her torso wrapped inside my soft extended pink
stomach walls.
“El!” I gasped out, the first word I was able to utter. A huge mix of emotions wracking
my body and soul. I fell back onto the sofa, unable to come to terms with everything.

She was inside me.

I had eaten her.

That thought sent exotic shivers down my spine.

I felt her shift, and then her voice bubbled inside me, vibrating and reverberating in
low frequencies. “Fuck, Oh My God, It worked!”

I pulled my arms across myself, feeling, stroking, cuddling her, careful not to press
too much. The stretching sensations were already driving me wild, combined with the
drizzling thoughts of having actually consumed someone. My fingers slipped unintentionally
“Are you ok?” I asked breathlessly, it was difficult to breathe, her weight was pressing
everything inside me so much, cramped and compressed.

I looked down at my body, it had changed, it was no longer the thin athletic strip. It
had bulked out, considerably, it was huge, or rather my stomach was. It fell either side of my
frame, almost as if she was lying across me. Although now covered in my stretchy pale pink

I looked amazing.

“So…tight….good job I’m not claustrophobic.” came a rather panting response. She
jolted and juggled inside almost as if...

“Wait, El, seriously… you’re not…”

“The.. fuck.. I.. am… yes… this has been my… oh… dream… just… as… oh….
much… as …mmmm…. yours.”

The frantic movements increased in intensity. I decided to join in, she was pressing
inside my groin anyway, a foot, a limb… I didn't know, all I knew was that it felt like nothing
else possible. No vibrator or dildo I had could match this incredible pulsing movement.
Pushing my fingers deep into me, was difficult, with El’s sloshing form rocking my
belly like a massive water bottle. I just focused on her, focused on the movements, how full
and gorged I felt.

It was real.
No longer playing role play re-enacting vore, with fake prosthetics, there was
someone actually inside me.

Someone I had eaten, whole.


It didn't take long.

The years of uncontrollable yearning to have this feeling had finally come to life.
The desire to have something hot, writhing, stretching, living and breathing inside
me, maybe to finally become part of me.

Oh God

My raging orgasm burst towards me like a shaking earthquake. This was going to be
huge, I knew it, my mind was in freefall, the white noise deafening, I scrunched my eyes
closed, trying to stop the tide.
It crashed. Devastating me.
El’s bucking movements matched my own.
I couldn't stop.
On and on we shook, both bodies in sexual unison
My insides clenching and gripping this huge mass of flesh
It hurt
But oh my god, did it feel incredible.
Sensations everywhere
I half panted, half screamed as the crescendo overtook me.
I collapsed.
Everything went dark.
Consciousness left me.
I drifted.
A burble
Something was pressing against me, holding me down
I couldn't move
“Get off, El” I murmured still half asleep my mind trying to wake from an incredible
“El, Seriously… get… ooo….” I gasped, my eyes flicking open and seeing the mass
of bloated flesh.
My flesh
She wasn't lying on me, she was lying in me.
Fuck, reality came crashing into me, it wasn't a dream

I went cold, then hot. My senses leapt around spinning dizzily. Fuck, what had we

“El!” I shouted, wondering what to do next.

I felt a flicker of movement, deep inside me. A limb or arm sliding, rippling across my
taut skin. I watched in fascination as my belly moved, the bulge protruding, shifting and
sinking back down.

“Babe….” came a faint muffled rumble from somewhere below.

“Oh El, thank fuck you’re ok.” I gasped, the panic starting to subside somewhat.

“Yeah… I’m good… I think…I can hear your body gurgling, and your heart is so loud
in here, it’s incredible.“

I sat there a moment, trying to calm my thoughts, my stomach sloshed as she

moved, I was pinned to the sofa, not yet able to try and lift both me and her upright. A loud
gurgle suddenly erupted from my guts, and a dark thought suddenly struck me, how was I
going to get her out?

“Whoa, it's so loud, hot and gloopy in here.”

“El, Did they say how long this drug, lasts?” I could feel my skin becoming taught,
less elastic, compressing, trying to pull in on itself, and worryingly on El.

“Erm… I didn't ask… Gezz babe, I'm struggling to… Ummffppp… move… its tickling
my skin.”

I went cold again.


“Oh god.. Umpfff…the walls… soo.. tight… ” her voice came through panting with a
desperate edge.

I tried to pull myself up, gasping, struggling, arms straining, it was like I was pinned to
the sofa, the soft lead weight inside me restricting any motion. Fuck, I couldn't move, I
collapsed back down, sinking heavily into the sofa material.

“Hold on.” I said trying to reassure both of us, as another violent gurgle erupted from
my belly, shaking its contents.

“I'm…not…going..any…where” her voice painting, low, almost inaudible.

“Oh my god, El!” I scream out, my body cramping around her huge form.

“Well, I think… we both know… what happens next… “ comes your voice of reason
from deep inside me.

“But you cant… this can't be happening.” It was, my body had its own ideas, already
my stomach was trying to churn, this impossible meal. Digest my friend into slurry and fat. I
don't know what was worse, knowing it was going to happen, the inevitability of it, and there
was nothing I could do, or the fact that I was being slightly turned on by the thought.

“... it's ok… really… I wanted this… remember… plus … I get to … be… you.”

I patted my stomach, patted El, feeling her settle into me, soon to be part of me. I
wondered how much of her would be left on my hips, my ass, my belly. Would she really
change my appearance, our bodies combined? I guess I would find out soon enough.

“I love you El, you are amazing,” I said sighing and settling, the euphoria and fatigue
of digestion making me sleepy again.

I drifted off, both of us sleeping amidst our deep thoughts, desires, and dreams.

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