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“So, that IS her... Right?

” Kay asked, smirking over to the cross armed girl he called his
sister, as he glanced around the corner, peering into her bedroom. Ash couldn’t help but smirk a
little and gently punch his shoulder as she nodded, glancing down to his shirt covered gut.
“Would it really make any difference if she wasn’t?” Kay blushed a little at the question,
scratching his cherry hair a little, stopping himself from chuckling, as he shook his head in reply.
It was true, regardless of if he asked, regardless of the response, any girl, or even guy, that
entered into the house got to spend some time in a very special room: Kay’s gut.
“Who is she? She looks like a nerd… And pretty tasty too hehe.” Ash couldn’t help but let
out a low groan at the chirpy, flirty comment leaking from her older brother’s lips, just like the
drool that followed each word. She loved her, quite literally, voracious brother, but he really was
a huge dork… But she did supposed that just added to the reasons she loved him.
“Her name’s Cindy. She’s been helping me study for the past few days, but honestly?
Even with her help, I still somehow flunked the test last week, so I figured she would be better
padding on that big butt of yours.” Ash winked, Kay smirked back as he gently bumped his jean
covered rear into his smaller sister’s side.
“Ah, brain food, nice, nice… She isn’t hiding any sweater puppies under there or
anything, is she?” Kay craned his head in to get a better look at the red haired, pony tailed girl.
Cindy was exactly what you would think of when hearing the word geek: she had full moon
rounded glasses, a soft looking sweater which had sleeves that practically engulfed her dainty
soft hands, and on her dress covered thighs sat a text book of some kind.
“Nah, she usually spent a fair bit of our study time bitching about how guys weren’t
interested in her due to just that.” Ash rolled her eyes, realizing that’s probably why she didn’t do
as well on the test as she had hoped. Kay stood up tall, giving himself a nice stretch, his soft,
yet equally toned stomach staring right at Ash’s face.
“Right, well, guess I’ll have to show her that just ain’t true.” Kay let his arms and shirt fall
back down, as he proceeded to stroll his way into the now makeshift dining area that was his
sister’s room. The appetizer of a dork began to smile awkwardly as she saw the handsome
hunk of a boy enter in from nowhere.
“O-Oh gosh, h-hi there! H-Have you seen Ash anywhere? We were supposed to be
studying, and well, I’ll have to get home for dinner soon…” Cindy stammered, her glasses
fogging up as Kay planted his pear shaped button down onto the soft bed next to his delectably
dorky looking meal.
“Yeah, actually I saw her when I was heading to my room! She said she wanted to
introduce us, but always feels awkward about being the third wheel! Also, don’t worry about
dinner cutie.” Kay winked at the now practically burning girl, the book she had been reading
covering her lower face as she did her best not to look away from the suave grin on display.
“W-What do you mean?” Cindy asked, her manga filled brain overriding any sense of
worry as Kay leaned closer and closer, lust twinkling his eyes. As Kay leaned closer, Ash did
too, knowing exactly what was about to happen next, as she watched her brother’s hands gently
place themselves on Cindy’s weak looking shoulders.
“Ooo, is that strawberry I smell? I love strawberry!” Kay grinned, Cindy’s eyes already
glasses enlarged eyes going even wider, as the once sensual feeling fingers dug deep into her
shoulder, as Kay took in her horrified, frozen face.

“Dayum! she hit the spot!” Kay belched, dropping the pair of cute loafers he had taken
from Cindy’s feed to the ground, while also pulling out the now drenched stockings that had
caught on his teeth.
It had been as easy as swallowing a noodle, easier in fact. It was like Cindy had been a
deer in the headlights, frozen stiff, but easy to gulp down in several hardy swallows. Sadly, Ash
hadn’t been lying, she was flatter than wood, and while her taste was fairly sweet, Kay would
rather feel full than waste his time tasting a meal that just wasn’t there.
“...Ash, yo, where are you? Didn’t you want to get to play with your big bro’s belly?” Kay
called out, a slight tease to his voice, as a catty response carried its way up the stairs, before
the sound of foot steps backed it up.
“Fuck, you were quick… I JUST went to go get a soda, and… You got her in there
already?” Ash flashed her index to point at the bloated, sagging, well defined girl filled gut on
display. Kay flashed his pair of lady killers… Well, the aid to the lady killer itself, as Ash sat
down next to her brother.
“Uh… is she moving at all? You didn’t break her did you?” Ash raised her brow, clear
disappointment in her voice, as both Kay and herself poked at the dommed heap of flesh, the
loud gurgle of pleased boy belly responding to the prods.
“Hmmm, not sure. Here-” Kay, yanked the can of pop from Ash’s hand quickly, bringing it
to the lips that had doomed yet another cutie. After a couple guzzles, the softest motions from
within started back up.
“Holy shit, duuude, she’s whimpering haha…” Ash couldn’t resist putting her head onto
the pinkened pale mass that was currently digesting the silently sobbing bookworm. Kay finally
let himself laugh, the harsh boyish bellow quickly turning to a meaty, squelching belch.
“Well first, you always know break ups are the hardest with me. Second, NOW I think I
broke her.” Kay slapped his gut, taking another sip of the confirming soda. Nothing, not even
pained whimpers tried to escape through the claiming walls around the now true bit of meat.
“Hey, could you grab the Switch? I wanna game while my body works her off.” Kay
playfully puckered his lips, and kissed the air near his sister, Ash making the mistake of trying to
push him softly away, as the roaring rush of rancid air hit her face… As did the plain panties
Cindy had been wearing.

“Fuck, pause, pause, I gotta shit!” Kay grunted, shoving the snuggled up Ash from off the
now vastly smaller bit of sagging soggy satiated stomach she had been using as a pillow onto
the side of the bed.
“TMI dude, TMI.” Ash groaned, but even if Kay hadn’t vocally proclaimed his need to
dump not only a girl and also a fat log, the squeaky brass of butt stench hitting her now
coughing face would have done the job just as well.
“Wait, bro, no-” But Ash’s worry for her toilet’s sake was brushed off quickly, as the
sticker covered door slammed shut, and she was met the realization she would probably have
to sleep in one of the other rooms till they called a plumber.
“Jesus Cindy, were you on the track team?” Kay grunted, throwing down his pants before
slamming his cushy rear down onto the cool seat of the shitter. Not even wasting a second, Kay
could feel the warm bits of shit start to pull apart his puckered anus, before splashing down into
the cool water below.
“Christ Kay, could you at least light a candle or turn on the fan or something?!” Ash
choked, the release of deathly air leaking out from the bathroom door, filtering into the bedroom
proper. Kay ignored his sisters sickly plea, scrunching his cute toes as another round of round,
pear shaped poop plastered itself to the bottom of the bowl.
With one, wet, squeaky squeeze, Cindy was dropped off in her new home. Kay didn’t
immediately get up, basking in the joy of feeling his bowels now fully empty. His cock stood at
the fullest attention, saluting both his efforts, and the freshly fallen girl.
“Ahhh… hey, Ash, you don’t mind if I jerk off do you?” Ash didn’t even respond, just
groaning as she switched over to a single player game, knowing Kay would take his time with
the immature fulfilling of lusty need.
Standing up, Kay looked down at the brown blobs filling the porcelain below. Just like
Cindy’s, the pieces of fecal matter were etched with uncountable amounts of lines. Not a smooth
spot in sight, Kay unable to help himself from starting the stroke there and then after noticing
just how mousey and cute the crap was. The simple thought of Ash’s cute fit boyish girl butt was
what Kay came too, the thought of Cindy not even once crossing his mind, as after the string of
jizz hit the mountain of dung, he pressed the handle, and flushed her away.

“Yo, you Ash’s bro?” Kay paused, his face still being cooled by the soft kiss of the
refrigerator breeze, before he stood up to take a glance at where the voice had beckoned to him
“Oh! Hey, uh, yeah haha.” Kay grinned, his dorkiness overshadowing the fact that his
stomach had snuffed out a girl just the other afternoon. Standing there in the door way leading
out to the back yard was a tanned, sweating, pixie haired, surprisingly fit cutie who was hitting
Kay with a tingling sense of pleasure from just staring at her.
“Aye, nice to meet you!” Her voice, it was a pleasing mix of husk, but also soft
sweetness, the same characteristics apparent in her slender, almost elf like face. Kay chuckled
once more, sticking out his hand, before feeling it quickly be shook by the girls surprisingly, or
perhaps, not as surprisingly strong grip.
“I’m Jackie! Your sister actually invited me over, something about you being interested in
a work out buddy?” Jackie’s smile was earnest, but there was an odd teasing quality to it that
Kay couldn’t shake, not that he would be able to, as while he was still well built, his features had
softened considerably thanks to his practically all girl diet.
“Oh, haha, I guess something like that.” Kay replied, closing the fridge’s, his gut giving
him a questioning gurgle, wanting to make sure that yes, this girl was indeed going to replace
the food he had failed to get from the fridge.
Technically Kay wasn’t lying, as he did want to get back to the more slender frame he
was used to, and Jackie would make quite the nice energy boost needed to get his plush rear
into gear.
“So, what sort of thing you interested in?” Jackie beamed, excitement buzzing in her
words, as Kay rubbed his chin a little. He had to plan this carefully, as he did remember the last
time he had a fit bitch for dinner… Those punches had hurt a lot, the bruises not going away for
the entire weekend… at least he was able to have some fun with her while she melted away.
“Uhhh… Well, what would you recommend?” Kay asked, deciding to play along for a
moment as he gave a sheepish smile, Jackie sighing a bit as she laughed, mentally chewing out
Ash for not preparing her brother even a little for that afternoon.
“Hmmm, what sort of muscle do you want to build up? There’s a lot of different routines
we could start you on, ya know?” Jacki mentally ran off the different kinds, counting different
factors on her slender, yet nimble fingers, while Kay’s gut started to growl again.
“Oh damn, sounds like someone’s hungry! Well, actually, on that note, if you’re really
gonna be serious about this, you’ll have to start on some supplements. I think I have a case in
my car I could give ya, so if you want to follow me-” But Kay put his hand on Jackie’s shoulder,
his head tilted cutely to the side as he blushed.
“Ah, actually, you know what? I have my own diet I use for this sort of thing.” Kay
chirped, Jackie raising a brow, while trying to not let her smile falter. They two stood there
uncomfortably for a moment, before Jackie started to open her mouth to question, only for Kay
to give her the answer.
“Hehe, cute girls like you!” Kay grinned, drool running down his chin, as he pulled Jackie
closer to his face. He had her for a moment, then another moment, quickly trying to get the salty
flavored bit of well built meat down.
But Jackie wasn’t having any of it, her brain activating every defense mechanism it
could, as she simply struck Kay with her fist. Kay choked for a moment as he took a deep
breath in, letting the drool and spit covered Jackie have a chance to escape.
Or she would have if Kay was actually phased more than a small bit of grimace induced
shock. Despite how flabby he could sometimes get, Kay did actually do a lot to keep himself
from getting truly fat, and that included working out. The soft flab hid a health helping of well
built boy, once that softened the harsh jabbing blow Jackie had thrown his way.
“FUCK!” Was all Jackie was able to get out before harshly hitting the kitchen floor, her
head smashing into the hardwood ground with a soft thump. Naturally, much like Kay, she was
stronger than most of the other meals that would have easily gone down his gullet… But instead
she had gone down to the floor, a much harder place.
Her vision was hazy, her body shivering as she could feel the ringing course through her
head. She tried to move but felt the tight, firm grip of the chuckling pred grip her arms, as he
slowly dug his slipper covered foot into the back of her knee.
“You’re quite cute Jackie, but unfortunately, my sister wasn’t lying, I am actually looking
at getting back into shape… The thing is, is I need a nice bit of protein to energize me through it,
and you? You fit the bill, without costing me one.” Kay laughed at his own joke, snorting a little,
such an action contrasting with the hate filled snorts coming from the glaring, grounded Jackie.
“I-I’ll kill you, y-you bastard!” Jackie hissed, spit dripping and pooling down near her
cheek. The threat was one particularly lively girls often said, but the humor, even this far into
such habits, was never lost on Kay.
“You have it wrong cutie, that’s my gut’s job for you haha. You know… You’re actually
lucky…” Kay said, a bit more relaxed and sober as he traced his hands over his prey’s body,
admiring just how attractive the tan meat before him was. Jackie just spat a “fuck you” back,
trying to avert her gaze.
“See, that’s the thing… I tried having some fun once, and really? Fucking a crying girl is
only fun in your head… In reality, it kinda bums me out… Oh, but don’t think that’s gonna
change your fate and stop me from eating and shitting you out, nah, nah, you’re too tasty! I’d
just rather jerk off without much trouble after you’re a turd.” It was like a villain delivering a
speech, except, Kay couldn’t help but give off his signature cute giggle, before licking the
sweaty, teary cheek.
“Gosh you taste good.” Kay purred, his pred side fully taking over, as Jackie’s wide eyes
went even wider, before they, along with the rest of her quickly consumed body, were never
seen again… At least, not in the same way.

“Hey, did you… God damn it Kay, I thought I told you it’s gross when you jerk off on the
couch…” Ash sighed, looking at her naked brother lounging lazily on the couch, his gut bloated
up and out, filled with the obviously soft, but still mostly in tact form of Jackie.
“Not like you ever stop me.” Kay winked, sticking out his tongue as he slowly stroked his
sticky cock, his free hand rubbing over the indented and bent backwards chest of the girl he had
eaten. Ash rolled her eyes and walked over, her hands joining in groping her bro’s gut.
“How did she taste? Hopefully she satisfied those cravings you wouldn’t shut up about
last night.” Ash smirked, poking the once steel like abs, her finger sinking in a fair bit. All kay
could do was let out a low, foggy meat reeking belch, Ash withdrawing in disgust as she tried to
wave the cloud of snuffed out girl stench away from her face.
“Guess I’ll take that as a yes you sicko.” She laughed, Kay also snickering, before his bit
of boyish laughter turned to labored breaths, followed by the sticky squelching of a particularly
built up load spraying the underside of his gut, and splashing down onto the carpet below.
“God… Fuck, never mind, just… When you shit her out, could you PLEASE not use my
bathroom?” Kay panted, pretending to think for a moment, before lazily sitting up with a few
breaths, his gut sloshing loudly and graphically as more of Jackie was mulched around.
“No promises sis.” He winked, earning him a pillow thrown at him, the soft decorative
throw pillow hitting his gut square in the center, earning another billowy burp, followed by the
wet splutter of coughed up short shorts.

The two siblings spent the night watching TV, well, more so the TV was background
noise, as the two of them were more interested and occupied with watching the slowly shrinking,
and once more mostly skinny gut return to how it normally sat on Kay’s body.
“Fuck, it’s that time again.” Kay bit his lip, quickly standing up, as a brassy bit of gas
called from his naked tush, his cheeks clapping together as if congratulating him for digesting
another girl.
“God, you really are fucking gross.” Ash hissed, but she slowly shifted her body to hide
the fact that she was pressing her thighs together, enjoying the tingling sensation the raunchy
act from her bro, along with his handsome body provided her with.
“Woah, do you want me to use your shitter? Since those sound like fighting words.” Kay
winked, his cock starting to get hard once more at the reference to the fecal matter still festering
in Ash’s currently vacant room due to her moving into the room their mom had used.
“Fuck off dude, just, go take your dump.” Ash flipped Kay off as he shuffled his way to
the guest bathroom, his laughter echoing out back into the dark living room. The second he sat
down, it was as if even in death, Jackie was still trying to compete, as the now freshly shit made
girl started to squeeze from Kay’s crackling ass.
If she had had a wicked punch in life, even in death she still packed a wallop, Kay
gripping his stomach a little as the burning turd spilled from his reddened asshole. He pounded
his fist on his thigh a few times, before finally getting to sigh, hearing the final splash splatter
down below.
Much like she had been in life, Jackie was short, and surprisingly clean coming out,
despite how sweaty she had made Ash in the ensuing bathroom battle. Looking down, Kay
nodded in approval at the humorously accurate look the tanned girl had taken on in shit form.
Sitting in the bright white bowl was the powder brown block of crap, rippled with ab like
grooves over every stumpy log. Kay quickly thought to himself about blowing another load,
before nodding. She WAS his type after all, and he couldn’t afford to pass up giving her a nice
send off, as he squirted some lotion into his hand, and proceeded to jack off several times.
“So your brother is wanting to talk to the spirits of the dead? That’s cool I guess.” Shandy
sighed, taking a sip of her tea before resting the back of her cup, glass holding hands onto her
mammoth chest.
“Uh huh, he’s been getting super into the occult as of late, and I could only think of one
person also into that stuff!” Ash smiled sitting down with her own tea at the small dining room
guest table. Shandy simply nodded at the comment, not smiling, nor frowning, just registering it.
“Hey, Shandy, quick question, are you afraid of death? Odd I know, but like, I always
wonder since I see you wear all those skulls and stuff.” Ash chuckled anxiously, Shandy simply
reading it as her friend being uncomfortable from the question, completely missing that Ash
feared the tall, big breasted goth catching on to why she was actually asking.
“Hmmm, I suppose not. I shouldn’t fear something so beautiful.” Shandy replied, cooly,
taking a sip of her contrastingly warm tea. Ash let out a sigh, laughing a little as she took a drink
took, before she sat down her glass, and stood up, grabbing Shandy’s attention.
“I’m gonna go grab Kay, don’t want to keep him, or you waiting, since I imagine you have
quite the full evening planned.” Ash muttered the last part after ‘waiting’ as she sauntered
upstairs, Shandy pulling an ancient looking tomb from her night black bag to read.
“Hey dork, dinner is ready downstairs for ya.” Ash chirped into her brother’s room, before
she froze, scowling. There sat Kay, his hand furiously stroking up and down his shaft, as on his
several PC monitors looped various kinds of porn.
Kay didn’t initially hear his sis let him know another girl was not-so-readily awaiting his
consumption downstairs, headphones sweat stuck to his pink ears as he listened to the various
masculine and feminine moans call out from the vast spectrum of different sexuality based porn.
Smirking, Ash crept up behind the well built, shaggy haired boy, before puckered her
lips, and like a vampire, planted them on his soft, yet surprisingly firm neck. This was a mistake,
as the second Kay pulled down, revealing his flared cock head, he tensed, and the long, clear
shot flew straight up.
“Ugh! God damn it Kay!” Ash winced, the hot cum hitting her cheek as she lurched back,
Kay panting his well built, yet equally smooth chest up and down, smiling as he glanced back at
his furiously rubbing sister, giving her a wink.
“Dang, maybe if you were sucking my cock instead, that wouldn’t happen.” Kay puffed,
as he put his PC to sleep lazily, before getting up with a stretch. The second he turned around,
one of his baggy tees and a pair of sleeping sweat pants were thrown his way.
“You are so gross you perv! Get dressed, and just, ugh, go eat dinner already.” Ash hid
her red face as she crossed her arms in embarrassed, aroused frustration. Not even bothering
to wipe off his wet cock, Kay did as he was told, humming one of the tunes that had been
playing in the twink and hunk porn compilation he had been watching, as he shook his rear a
little at his sis as he yanked his pants up.

“Dang, I didn’t know my sis was friends with a ghost!” Kay couldn’t help himself from
cracking a joke that covered more ground than just poking fun at how pale Shandy was. She
looked up from the confusing looking manuscript, giving him a bored blink.
“Oh, so you must be Kay, correct? Nice to meet you.” Shandy’s words were cold, but
sincere, Kay taking a seat across from the ghoulish hottie of a girl. The two of them couldn’t be
more different, their skins complexions the least of the contrasts, but that didn’t matter to Kay,
who gave the mounds of flesh Shandy was rocking a quick peaking glance.
“Hell yeah, and you’re Shandy right? Nice to meat you too!” Kay grinned, shooting an
akimbo blast of finger guns her way, much to her lack of amusement. Giving her trademark
uninterested sigh, Shandy simply began to start taking various oddities from her bag from which
her book had also come.
“Oh! What are these?” Kay asked, mouth and eyes wide as he looked at all the fancy
things one might see at a trend chasing outlet store. Shandy paused, the current item in her
hand looking like a sand full minute glass, as she stared at the clearly untrained boy.
“Well, your sister told me that you wanted to learn about the other side and occult, and
well, I figured I would bring my beginner’s tools.” Shandy weakly smiled, the thought of when
she first used them with another person teaching her bringing back a wave of nostalgia.
“Oooh hahaha, nah, nah, we don’t need all that junk!” Kay beamed, the words crashing
into Shandy who immediately frowned with hostility at the crass insult Kay had unintentionally
said, as he got up and walked over to the still sitting girl.
“Well, than what do you think we are going to communicate with the souls on the other
side?” Shandy had to hold back her bitter words as she looked up at the shit eating grin Kay
was giving her.
“Well, I was actually thinking that you could just listen to what my gut says…” Shandy
didn’t understand as she listened to the non-sense Kay spouted, and lifed his shirt. Without
warning, she felt her cool flesh be pressed into the soft, yet surprisingly muscular gut.
“I… Don’t… Understand…” Shandy hissed, as if she was a spirit already being farted out
Kay’s behind, the strong gripped boy laughing as he shoved her in a bit more, his cock starting
to harden and press into her well shaped chin.
“Ah, well, how about I give you a bit of a lesson. I eat tasty girls like you, plain and
simple. I could have made a joke about asking my pipes, but I figure you would have given me
some dumb, long, boring answer as if I was serious, and since I wanted a laugh, well…” Kay
gave the huffing girl’s face a small grind, before pulling her away, his hands slipped into her
long, dark locks.
“That’s not possible…” Shandy spat, Kay letting out a belly laugh at the response.
Shandy just stared at him in frustration, confusion, and anger, her pale face tinted ever so
slightly by the pink of rage.
“Wait, hold on, you can believe in spirits and such, but not me eating girls whole? Gosh
that’s silly.” Kay shook his head, before both his and Shandy’s attention were brought to the
sounds of foot steps making their way back into the dining area.
“Ash! Is this your idea of some joke? I thought we were friends…” Shandy’s rage
subsided as she saw Ash smirking at the scene, simply feeling a feeling of defeat and her
typical melancholy wash over her once more.
“Nah, not at all. Sorry, it was cool skipping class with you to go to that tacky shop with
you and all, but god, I can’t for the life of me listen to you go on about your coven meetings or
whatever the fuck you talked about.” Ash shook her head as she yawned, walking to the fridge
to grab a soda.
Before Shandy could reply once more, all she saw was the endless void that was the
same color of her hair, and the tightness she felt of any normal shirt and bra she tried to put on
her massive tits.

“Huh, I guess she was serious about not being afraid to die…” Ash said, a hint of
disappointment in her tone as she gave Kay’s still, sagging floor grounded gut a poke, sipping
on her soda.
“Haha, honestly, I’m fine with her not fighting. Those puppies were hard enough to
swallow as is!” Kay joked, the act of gulping down the massive goth mammaries a fairly simple
one, as he traced where her tits had bumped out his throat moments ago.
“Oh shut up, I know you liked getting to taste those ‘mommy milkers’, you always did
have a thing for big tits.” Ash said, thinking back to a very… Interesting family evening, as she
stared down at the slowly softening stomach.
“True, true… Alright, look, if you really want to enjoy some bitch’s struggling in there, we
could always order pizza… I could go for a beer.” Kay scratched his chin, while his other gently
patting the smoothing bulge he assumed was the slowly dying Shandy’s skull.
“Nah, I remember the last time you got drunk, you made me suck your dick while you
shat out… What, like, three delivery girls? I ain’t sniffing your shit air again.” Ash wagged her
finger as she took a deep sip of her cola, Kay going almost as red as the tin can that housed the
fizzy drink.
“Daaamn, you sure? That was like, the best dick sucking I ever had though.” Kay
chuckled, before he threw up his hands in defense as Ash hucked the empty can at him, his
giggling becoming worse, before ending in a meaty, raunchy, life ending belch that caused his
gut to tighten around the mound of meat in his belly.
“Fuck… Actually, nah, I’m pretty full from her to be honest… Wanna go watch a ghost
movie while I finish her off? I’m sure our guest would like it.” Kay burped again, Ash pausing for
a moment, before nodding and getting up.

Despite the horrified screams from the movie making up for the lack of such from
Shandy, Ash still fell asleep awkwardly on the couch. Kay on the other hand had tuned the
movie out as he enjoyed the sensation of the big tittied goth bitch become entombed in his
bowls, as he scrolled through his various porn sites.
“Well, guess it’s time to bury and see you off!” Kay noted, feeling his puckered butt hole
start to flex a little as the loaded log of turd wound itself down his body. Making his way to the
downstairs crapper, he paused, smiling with a much more fitting idea.
The cool night air was a pleasant sensation as it ran over Kay’s still drooping, sludge
filled stomach, Kay’s lips curling in pleasure as he stretched up to the night sky. Walking over to
where Ash had her little vegetable garden, Kay dropped the gray pants he wore, and squatted
on down.
In almost an instant, the sound of crisp crumbling loafs of poop planted themselves down
onto the equally brouwn dirt below. Kay sighed, his breath raising into the air, along with the
steam from his shit.
“Bye Shandy! I would say it was nice knowing ya, but honestly, I really didn’t… ya tasted
good though!” Kay gently rubbed his belly, the literal log of fecal fudge seemingly unending,
before a loud hissing cut signified the final end.
It was a clean cut, much to Kay’s satisfaction, as he stood up, a quick yank of his pants
shielding him from the evenings breeze. Turning around, there greeting him was a literal mound
of dung. The pile itself, and steam wafting up to Heaven put their owners thickness to shame.
“Damn, guess you were meaty in every sense of the word!” Kay blew a raspberry down
at the nearly arm lengthed log. Amazingly, despite being as puffy and fat as it was, it hadn’t hurt
in the slightest.
Pausing for a moment, Kay decided against ‘watering’ the plants, the thought a bit too
gross at that moment, as he made his way back inside to watch the movie. The once pleasantly
fall smelling night quickly started to stink with a much more macabre smell, that none of the
neighbors were able to place.

“I am like, sooo glad that you wanted to join the student council, like, I knoooow you’re
going to have so much fun making our school a better place!” Vicky chuckled, her tightly hugged
sweater covered chest bouncing with each laugh that escaped her glossy, rosey lips.
“Oh it’s no problem, go State High, and all that.” Ash said back, trying to restrain the
annoyance from entering into any of her words. Vicky hadn’t once stopped talking about school
spirit, her family connections to the town, or any of the other annoying crap that spouted from
her expensive mouth for the entirety of the walk back.
Ash had taken her car to class, but figured, for both her and Kay’s sake, that she should
wear down the seemingly endlessly energetic girl even just a bit before he had his quite literally
rich meal.
“Are you like, suuure that we can use your place? Most often uh, like, parents of other
members of the Council Club get pretty upset whenever we host our meetings there.” Vicky
rolled her eyes, at the thought of all the times they had to switch locations.
“Oh yeah, it’s no problem at all. All you got to worry about is my brother.” Ash stopped,
turning with a smile and a hint of her tongue sticking out, as she winked. Vicky didn’t get it, the
blond, blue eyed beauty forcing a small smile as she tilted her head, before Ash laughed and
rolled her eyes.
“Here we are!” Ash proclaimed as they finally reached the pleasant looking suburban
house. Grabbing her keys for a moment, Ash stopped, putting them back in her bag, figuring
Kay had left the door open like usual for her, or anyone stupid enough to come inside.
“Oh, uh, actually, why is it just you and your brother?” Vicky finally asked, seeing just
how nice the house was, and while it wasn’t unheard of for parents to travel and leave the home
in the hands of their kids, this felt… Off to her.
“Huh? Oh, uh, actually, I’d rather not talk about it.” Ash got quiet, almost serious for a
moment. Vicky bit her tongue, nodding an apology, as Ash, when her back was turned to the
blond bimbo as she opened the door, smirked at the very reason.
“Heeey, Kay, I’ve got a guest, so behave yourself!” Ash shouted up the stairs, quickly
scanning around to make sure there was nothing that might through Vicky off and cause Kay to
lose his afternoon meal.
“Jeez, you don’t have to shout, I can hear you just fine.” Kay made his way down the
stairs, yawning a little as he covered his grinning mouth. Kay was dressed surprisingly
conservatively, at least, by his and even Ash’s standards.
He was wearing tight, form fitting torn jeans, a baggy cross-over shirt with a group of
anime girls dressed up like the band members from his favorite punk rock group, and a beanie
that covered his fuzzy bright hair.
“Hiii there! It’s uh, like totally nice to meet you.” Vicky smiled, lifting her well manicured
hands in a small wave, as Kay waved back, yawning a little as he reached the end of the stairs.
The next several seconds were an awkward pause of neither party knowing what to say, before
Ash finally cut in.
“Alright, I’ll show you around so you can see if you think it’s a good place to have the
council meetings. And you Kay, try to behave yourself please.” Ash gave kay a wink from behind
the smiling Vicky’s back, as kay held up both his hands in a ‘no promises’ type way.
As Vicky and Ash made their way into the living room, making uninteresting chit-chat,
Kay leaned over a little, checking out the perfect view of both girl’s asses on display. Ash was
wearing a nice, tight pair of jeans that showed off her cute perky bratty butt, her dark lacey pair
of panties slowly riding up her back a little, being slightly obscured by her gray hoodie.
Vicky on the other hand looked as if she were ready to be consumed as a holiday meal,
both her fat bottomed cheeks jiggling due to the form fitting yoga pants that clung to her peach
of a behind as if they were naturally a part of her.
Quickly averting his gaze in case either of the girls just so happened to look back to
where his smirking self stood, he turned and walked over into the kitchen, adjusting his stiff,
lengthy cock with a few gentle, shiver inducing pats.
“Hold on buddy, I’ll take care of you here in a bit.” As he spoke the chuckle laced words,
his gut slowly started to let out a low, complaining grumble of not getting enough attention itself.
Smiling softly, like that of a father, he let his free hand pat his soft boyish belly.
“You too, you know I’m good for it.” Kay winked to himself, before he opened the fridge,
and grabbed himself one of Ash’s chilled sodas, as he cracked it open, and took a sip. When he
started to hear the pair of foot steps start to approach the kitchen, he knew, like Vicky would
say: it’s like, totally game time.
“Alrighty bro, the prom queen and your big dance meal are all ready for you.” Ash
snickered quietly as she punched Kay’s shoulder, earning her a raised brow and a loud slurp
from his soda.
“I’ll take that, as I think this bitch is going to make you burpy enough big guy.” Ash
pinched her index and thumb around the top of the still cool can, and slipped it from her
brother’s usually strong grasp. Sticking his tongue out at her, Kay smiled and made his way to
where Vicky was sitting and texting away.
“So Ash joined the student council yeah? Never expected her to do that.” Kay spoke up,
earning a small surprised jolt from Vicky’s head, as she turned around with a PR smile to greet
Kay. He had said it just loud enough for Ash to hear, her hand tightening in annoyance around
the can of pop her brother had just been sipping on.
“Oh like, yeah she did! Honestly it’s always fun to have some fresh meat around!” Vicky
giggled, snorting a bit as she sat down her phone, earning an appreciative smirk from Kay, just
not for the reasons Vicky was thinking.
“Fresh meat huh? It’s funny you should say that, because I guess in a way, you too will
be fresh meat for a club.” Kay grinned, leaning himself over the couch to meet Vicky face to
face. Naturally, she didn’t get it, and it wasn’t even due to her perceived bimbo status most guys
labelled her with.
“Uh, like, what?-” But before Vicky could continue her question as to what the strange
boy even meant, she felt the forceful grip Kay hadn’t employed earlier on the theft of his soda to
the soft, silky, expensive haired girls head, and shoved her wide eyed, done up face forward.

“Ugh, fuck… she tastes fake…” Kay groaned, his back to the back of the couch, as he
hadn’t wanted to snake his way over out of worry of giving the struggling, thrashing bit of rich
meat a chance to slip out of his throat during swallow.
“That’s a bad joke bro.” Ash shook her head as she walked in, seeing her disheveled
brother and his gut sprawled out on the snow white carpeting. His shirt had been squished up
over his chest, the anime girl’s faces taking on humorous morphs, as his beanie rode up the
back of his head, and slide down the front of his face, humorously covering his eyes.
“Shut up, it’s not even a joke! She was so caked in make up and crap I couldn’t even
really get a good taste of the meat she is!” Kay whined, pulling off his beanie in frustration and
tossing at his sis, who flinched with a grin.
“Oh come on, I bet she wasn’t thaaaat bad.” Ash came over and popped a squat next to
her bloated bro, leaning over as she pressed her lips into his before he could protest more. For
a few moments, the two siblings simply sat there, exchanging a deep, surprisingly sensual kiss,
before Ash quickly pulled away.
“Ugh! Dude, don’t fucking burp when I’m making out with you! I already got enough
flavor by tasting your tongue!” Ash quickly took a swig from the cirtrusy drink, before wiping her
lips, Kay grinning as he gave his gut a small pat.
“Doesn’t taste as good as she should, huh? Anyway, mind asking her how she’s like the
club?” Kay poked what he assumed was Vicky’s face ass with his index, pressing in as far as he
could, earning a small, gurgling yelp.
“Hey, bitch, how does it feel literally being a part of the saying those stupid dorks who
smoke in the back of the school say?” Ash pressed her cheek against the bulged out facial
markings of the pained, contorted Vicky.
“I-I like… R-Really don’t want to… Die…” Vicky gargled, her words labored, her neck
bent at an awkward angle. Ash gave both the girl, and the upper belly layer a small smooch,
before she stood up.
“Hey, you didn’t eat her phone did you?” Ash asked, leaving Kay to childishly poke and
prod the well built bimbo in his belly, before he looked up. It took him a moment to remember,
but a grin finally stretched onto his face, like Vicky did his gut.
“Oh yeah! She sat it down on the couch! If you’re thinking like I’m thinking, I fucking love
you.” Kay belched, his gut squelching with a horrific feminine whine, as slowly began to buck his
hips up and down gently, humping the digesting mass of gal.
“Why do you ask though?” Kay asked, watching his sister move to the other side of the
couch, picking up the cell as she picked it up. Letting out an annoyed sigh, causing Kay to raise
his brow in confusion, Ash walked back to the Vicky filled gut.
“Hey, bitch, tell ya what. If you, uh like, give me your password to your phone, I’ll ask my
bro to let you out.” Ash filled her voice with a mocking, bubbly tone, as she pressed her cheek
against Kay’s big belly.
“No you’re not… You’re not going to let me out…” Vicky’s words were strained, but
sincere. She knew that, while this was seemingly impossible, there was no way that either was
going to let them out. She may have been an airhead, but Vicky wasn’t stupid.
“Yeah, she’s right! I’m not going to let her out Ash. I DO NOT want to taste how she
would be coming back up.” Kay crossed his arms over his gut, pressing down on the wincing,
crying girl Ash had just promised freedom too.
“Ugh, of course I’m not going to make you let her out dummy! I just want to get the
number so I can score you future meals, that more than likely taste a lot better! Remember,
she’s student council! I bet there’s a BUNCH of cute guys and girls in here!” Ash hissed, leaning
over right next to Kay’s ear, her hands shoved into the now once more wailing girl below.
“Oh shit, uh, actually, yeah, oh, I’m uh, sorta not feeling good… And I really kinda feel
sick, so if you give my sis the password, I’ll uh, go… Throw you up.” Kay tried to string the lie
together, but the thought of releasing a prey outside of when they were nothing more than turd
just did not come to him naturally.
“R-Really? O-Okay… Uh… It’s… One… Two… Three… Four…” Vicky sputtered, some
life brought back to her, before it cracked worse than any part of her as Ash burst out into
sadistic laughter, and even Kay couldn’t help but snicker at the answer as well.
“Wait, seriously? Holy shit, Kay, can you believe this? Who does that?... Kay?” Ash’s
toothy grin fell a little as she saw Kay nervously smiling, tilting his head away as he tried to
laugh off the question.
“Oh my god, Kaaay, bro, whyyy?” Ash let her shoulders fall, slumping herself over onto
Kay’s gut, another set of sickening squelches snuffing out Vicky as Ash got comfortable on her
brother’s gut, looking up at him with a teasing look of pity.
“First, thanks, you killed her, she was actually feeling good in there. Second, do I EVER
leave the house?” Kay belched in Ash’s face, the younger girl wincing as she blew away the
fresh scent of death and gluttony from her face.
“I guess you got me there, and besides, she wasn’t really all that fun. Ooo, look at these
cuties!” Ash held up the phone, showing both the cheer and basketball teams. Kay’s demeanor
changed into something more… Beast-like, as his eyes widened a little, his tongue ran across
his lips.
“Fuck… I want to eat them… All…” He growled, Ash freezing a little, the gut below her
gurgling in agreement, as for just a moment: she was hit with the realization that her brother
was in fact someone who ate, digested, and shat out once living people.
“Oh, crap, sorry about that sis.” Kay shook his head, wiping the drool away from his chin,
as he patted her pale head with a few gentle taps. Ash laughed, quickly settling back in, as she
snuggled her cheek onto the softening gut.
“No worries Kay. Hey, I’m gonna take a nap. When you need to shit her out, let me know,
okay? Love you bro.” Ash said, her words trailing off into dreamland, just like Vicky had
permanently many moments ago.
“Yeah, no problem, although, I might get horny and play a bit with you hehe… Love ya
too.” Kay purred, his sister’s practically perfect body there for any of his lust filled wishes to be
made reality. But, for a moment at least, he didn’t indulge, simply rubbing his sister’s cute little
head as if she were a dog, before he muffled a belch as to not wake her.

“Uh… Uh?! Oh! Shit, hey… Hey, Ash, wake up!” Kay groaned, giving the surprisingly
adorable sleeping accomplice a small shake, her eyes fluttering open, as did her mouth with a
little yawn.
“Hey bro, what’s up? Gotta take a drop her off at the pool?” Ash grinned sleepily, poking
the now vastly shrunken belly a few times, earning a morning breath reeking belch she instantly
regretted provoking.
“Well, yeah, that, buuut, more so… This.” Kay fumbled to pick up the phone that had
jingled him awake, Ash squinting her eyes to avoid the bright beam of light, only for them to
open wide, against much of her will.
“Dayum! That’s a shit load of messages!” Ash was right, flooding the phone screen were
plenty of different texts and emails, and a sickening amount of emojis. Entering in the password,
Ash looked through the messages menu, not yet alerting any of Vicky’s friends to their message
being read by anyone other than the deceased and digested girl.
“Alright, well, I’m gonna try and make some excuses as to why Vicky didn’t answer these
earlier… That ISN’T you eating and disposing of her!” Kay quickly interjected as Kay raised both
his lip and brow, both siblings giggling at their knowledge of each other.
“Sounds good. I’m gonna poo out our little princess here, because she’s feeling quite
peppy.” Kay groaned a little as he slowly slid up the back of the couch into a stand, his bloated
belly full of girl meat softly sagging down. It was rare that he kept this much heft, but part of the
eye rubbing boy figured he knew why.
“Say, I don’t think I ever really ate any fake bitch before… I really hope those ain’t fake
tits or something in here…” Kay grimaced, sticking out his tongue in disgust, as Ash stopped her
cover up of the crime, and looked up at him with a “are you serious” reading face.
“Oh boo-hoo you big baby, you don’t complain about any of that crappy fast food we eat
being fake. Besides, I know she’s actually real because she wouldn’t shut up about complaining
about how one of the other girls was setting a bad example for the female population of the
school by getting her tits done.
“She could have been lying ya know.” Kay bit his lip a little, raising his left foot slightly, as
a noxious blast of brown tinted air blew right out his bum. Ash gagged, seeing the air where the
ripe ass rip was warming up, as she quickly laid down, and rolled a few feet away from the
contaminated zone.
“Holy FUCK that smells bad… I just think you’re not really taking too well to her
perfume… Or whatever the fuck she wore.” Ash pinched her nose and relocked the phone,
setting it down.
“Oh! Good news! I think it was just a bit of a gas bubble! Still need to take a shit, buuut,
look!” Kay happily pointed down at his belly, the previously bloated orb having shrunk a small
“Awe, that’s great bro… Now fucking, go to the bathroom, clear your system out, and
light a god damn candle you fucking fart head!” Ash pointed to the bathroom, the fumes causing
her own stomach to feel uncomfortable and ill.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry… You know, it’s funny. You don’t like my gas, but you always joke
about eating my ass…” Kay grinned, remembering all the times Ash had teasingly said: “You
know, if you didn’t fart as much, I might have to treat you to a good ol’ ass licking…”.
“Haha, fuck you.” Ash’s face was red, as she quickly sat up, with her back facing the now
rock hard boy wearing a shit eating grin. Not wanting to possibly screw up his luck by forcing the
act, Kay simply blew a kiss his sister’s way, instead of a raunchy poot, and walked his way to
the toilet.

“Ahhh, well Vicky… That was your name right? Sorry, much like my turds do, they leave
my system really-” But before Kay could finish his joke, he clenched his teeth a little, lifting his
leg, as the foul private proclamation of poop echoed around out from under his booty.
“Quickly… Anyway, ah, I do think it’s time you were expelled. You kinda failed your taste
test, and uh, definitely going to have to put in some extra time in gym for sure.” Kay chuckled,
pinching the soft, thin layer of pudge that now clung to his belly, as he gave it a little shake.
His gut grumbled, as if the playful insult had hurt the now very deceased Vicky in a way
even her spirit could feel. Not that Kay cared, as all he felt was the sludge starting to course
through his lower bowels to the flexing, winking exit.
At the very least, Vicky was punctual, and surprisingly uniform… Well, as much as a
piece of human fecal matter could be. She was the perfect, shining example of crap, rounded, a
bit buffy, but surprisingly comfortable to pass.
The crackling that signaled the official permanent expulsion was like that of the end of
day school bus, hissing as it left the station. In this case, it was the light brown loaf of butt-fudge
slipping straight down.
There was no curls, no awkward cuts to the loaf, no, it was almost exactly like Vicky’s
hair… If it had been shitty, and not perfect. Even the various etched lines throughout the soft
muck was surprisingly graceful, like from a fancy, expensive calligraphy pen.
Kay couldn’t honestly believe it: no strain, no real feelings outside of pure pleasure,
release, and the endless flow of the shit spending some temporary time in the poo ‘pool’ below.
The thunk against the bottom was as soft as the leaving load, barely audible to the reclining
boy’s ears, as Kay just sat there.
It had been a while since Kay had just been able to really relax and literally let loose.
Sure, Vicky had tasted kinda shitty, and made him feel not amazing, but damn her graduating
from ditzy girl to what Kay thought all girls should eventually be was a pleasing transformation.
As Kay’s fingers scrolled down his twink and slut filled Twitter feed, his ass fed the the
toilet a nice bit of warm soft-serve, as his other hand ran up and down his solid member. This
was the life, now if only she had tasted better, and he had some other girls to gulp after his
dump, he would think he was in heaven.
As was, Kay was pleased, feeling Vicky finally start to thin out, before finally, cleanly
slipping from his cheeks, his anus closing shut, before a nice, pungent toot rang out. Sighing to
himself, Kay decided on a pic of a younger guy being rimmed by a handsome fatherly
gentleman, finally cumming as he imagined them both struggling inside his stomach.
“Fuck… I feel bad about making Ash clean this up… Naaah, she loves me.” Kay’s
cheeks were flushed, his eyes drowsy as he looked weakly around the pulpy cock puke
splattered around the bathroom, before weakly looking down between his spread legs.
“Damn, no way in hell I’m gonna be able to flush you… I can’t believe I didn’t even feel
half of that…” Kay’s eyes went a bit wide, as he quickly stood up. The bowl was full. Such a
comment wouldn’t be an understatement, the toilet was quite literally packed to the bottom brim
with shit.
Checking his cheeks to make sure they weren’t secretly stained, Kay gave his manhood
a few more strokes, the loose strands of spunk dripping down contrastingly onto the brownie like
butt muck, before he pulled up his pants, and left, a nice spring in his step.

“It’s so nice that I’ll finally get to meet your family today!” Porter said, his voice filled with
genuine joy as his smooth hand gave Ash’s a small grip. Ash smiled back, laughing a bit the
word ‘meet’ being quite a bit different in her own mind, not that she let on.
“Yeah, I think you’ll both like each other.” Ash gave Porter a small bump, the petite, soft
boy blushing as he nodded, smiling harder as the breeze ran through his fluffy hair. While it was
obvious that he had masculine traits to the right places, especially the healthy package held
tightly in his skinny jeans, at first glance, it would look as if Ash weren’t the only female.
His smooth, lightly tanned skin, his contrastingly fuzzy, short, and well kept blond hair,
his baggy hoodie, and his slim stature, not to mention his voice, it was no wonder many guys on
campus approached him in hopes of either scoring a date, or an easy screw… Only to get a
cute, boyish giggle back.
Ash had actually thought the same thing, initially trying to bring him home under the
thought that he was nothing more than a bit of girl meat for Kay to eat. But she was quickly
smitten by his genuinely sweet and innocent charms, not to mention the surprisingly large
member tucked away…
So they started dating, Ash going over to Porter’s campus dorm room each Friday,
where they often played games, watched anime, and naturally: fucked. Although, while Ash
genuinely liked the sweet, caring, and bed talented boy, she had to admit: he just wasn’t Kay.
Sure he did pay for the pizza they ordered, and opened doors, and was a soft spoken
sweetheart, but, anytime their bodies pressed together, she had to keep her mouth from uttering
the word of the only man she truly had any solid feelings.
Naturally, she had tried to push the taboo feelings of lust down, as the shivering, shy boy
pushed his length into her, but, she just couldn’t lie to herself. Ash needed to see Kay ruin the
poor boy, not only in his gut, but in every way imaginable.
She remembered one evening in particular, early on, the night Kay had eaten their dad.
But he didn’t just swallow him and get it over, no, Kay needed control. His own fit, sweaty body
and soft belly pressing into their defeated father’s form, his tongue licking alongside the mature,
handsome man’s face-
“Oh, Ash dear… Are you okay?... You look a little flushed, is everything alright?” Porter
had stopped, looking at the blushing and zoned out Ash’s face, her mouth open as she breathed
low, heavy breaths.
She blinked a few times, her breath returning to her shakily, as she looked over, and
gave a laugh, nodding to make sure Porter knew she was okay. In reality, all she was trying to
do was keep the worried boy’s eyes away from her darkly stained crotch, a thankful prayer for
the smell of fresh cut grass masking the scent of lust leaking from her cunt.
“I’m all good, sorry for worrying you babe.” Ash chuckled, gently poking Porter with her
elbow, as he let out a soft, playful ‘oof’, before bringing her into a hug. For a second, Ash felt…
The smallest bit of regret, but it was quickly washed away, like Porter’s existence was by
stomach acids, as she thought to all that would soon happen.
“Wow, this is a really nice place!” Porter said, looking around the house. Ash kinda forgot
he had been living in a college room for the last while, which caused her to let out a small,
snorty laugh.
“Oh, sorry, that wasn’t meant to be rude babe. I just think it’s cute how excited you were.”
Ash apologized, stretching her hands behind her back, as she gently duck walked around the
living room.
“Nah nah, I didn’t think you were, no worries. It’s just, I’m glad you have such a nice
place, and that you and your brother get along so well.” Porter blushed, smiling as he gave off a
soft, feminine laugh, his frilly hair bouncing a little.
“Haha, yeah, we really do get alone well.” Ash raised her shoulder, turning her head as if
she was talking about a crush, as she gently massaged her shoulder. Speaking of the devil, it
was as if Kay had heard his name be called up for supper… Which made the fact that he was
hungry, and just about to meet said meat all the more ironic.
“Yo! Hey, you must be Ash’s… Er, boyfriend, right?” Kay asked, genuine aroused
surprise in his voice as he raised his brow, cocking his head to fully get a good glimpse of just
how cute the supposed boy meat was.
“H-Hey! Yep! That’s me! I’m porter, and you must be?...” Porter extended his soft, feeble
hand up to shake Kay’s. Porter’s eyes went wide however, his cheeks and ears as red as the
evening’s romantic sunset, as he felt Kay take his hand roughly, before planting his kiss on the
dorsal side, as if Porter were the woman of the evening.
“Nice to meet you cutie, Ash said you were cute, but, wow, didn’t expect this!” Kay
grinned, aiming and firing a finger gun at the heavy breathing twink of a boy, who just simply
nodded, before cowering his head a little.
“Woah, woah, calm it down, you don’t want to kill him do you?” Ash asked as she walked
up from behind, giving Kay an unseen wink, which caused Kay to let out a husky chuckle. It was
apparent Porter was slowly growing short of breath, as Kay let out an apologetic wave of his
“Sorry, you’re just really adorable. I hope you don’t mind me being flirty… Right?” Kay
clacked his teeth a little, his height fully dawning over the short feminine student, as he looked
up into the hungering abyss that was Kay’s sparkling eyes.
“Okaaaay, you clearly weren’t listening Kay. How about you two gay dorks go hang out in
my room and talk a bit, I’ll get you both drinks.” Both boys blinked, and turned to the woman
they both loved, and nodded.
“You’re gonna have to tell me all about yourself hot stuff, can’t let my sis know all the fun
facts.” Kay purred into the completely shut down boys ears, as the aggressive, hungry boy
slipped his groping hand onto Porter’s bum, as the two made their way up the stairs.

“So, how has it been dating my sister? She’s pretty hot huh?” Kay chuckled, punching
Porter’s shoulder, who naturally raised his shoulders, unsure how to respond to such an… Odd
question coming from his girlfriend’s older brother.
“Uh… Yeah, she is, but… Should you really be saying that about her? Ya know…” Porter
said, weakly, Kay’s grin never once wavering as he gently licked his lips, before taking a breath,
calming himself down a bit to answer the question.
“Awe lighten up bro. Ya know, it’s really cute how awkward you’re acting. God she’s
lucky.” Kay sighed, Porter noticing that Kay wasn’t even trying to hide the erection currently
tenting out his pants.
“J-Jeez…” Was all Porter could mumble, his eyes locked onto the hinted at massive
member barely contained by the older boys jeans. It took Porter a moment to realize why he felt
like he was being watched, before he finally snapped out of his long train of thought, his eyes
locking with Kay’s boyish, lusty gaze.
“Hey, wanna fuck?” Porter nearly choked, the softly asked, husky question playing on
repeat in his head as Kay grabbed the feminine twink’s inner thigh. Porter could barely breath,
his pale face burning bright red, a lump catching in his throat as if he were a predator like Kay
savoring his prey there for a moment.
“Weeell cutie? Wanna? You’ve got a bangin’ ass!” Key gave another squeeze to the soft
boy flesh, Porter letting out a quiet whimper as the partially unwanted touching, among
everything else, prompted him to get just as hard as Kay looked.

“U-U-Uh… I-Is… Er, w-would that be… Ya know… O-Okay with… Y-You’re… Sister?”
Porter wheezed under his breath, his breath strained, his back hunched over, labored by every
minute movement and action he tried to perform, all his energy going into simply not blacking
“Sure! Why wouldn’t it be?” Kay gave a gentle smile as he patted Porter’s thigh one final
time, before standing himself up. Holding up his index finger, Porter just nodded at the request
for a minute, as Kay moved to the space in front of Porter.
“So, tell me, how tight is my sis? I see you’re packing some nice heat down there
yourself.” Kay cooed, giving his soft hips a small spin, as if he were spinning a hoola-hoop
around his body, Porter’s fingers softly dug into his knees as he just nodded weakly.
“Hot! I bet you’re tight too, ain’t ya? Unless, you’ve practiced with butt stuff before?” Kay
ran his hands down his body, from his nipples down to his own rear, giving his girl and boy
fattened ass a smack, winking at the shriviled up boy before him, who hadn’t replied just yet.

“Awe, no need to be shy, here, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll strip first, okay?” Kay stuck
his tongue out, closing his left eye gently, before he swiftly pulled off his shirt. Porter jumped as
the soft fabric hit his face, the smell of body odor and sharp, but oddly pleasant deodorant hit his
Porter just sat there for a moment, breathing in the masculine smell, not even meaning
to, his mind simply intoxicated by the husky, dominant smell of man. Finally after a moment, he
pulled the shirt from his face, despite his brains protests.
“Hehe, ya like how I smell? Ash says I smell really good… Well, except for when I take a
shit, but I’m sure she likes that too.” Porter squinted, a bit grossed out by the comment, but any
displeasure from the fecal talk quickly flushed away like the referenced turds, as he sat there
staring at Kay’s body.
“Wow…” Was all Porter could mutter, his hands tightly holding and crumpling the shirt,
as he visually ‘tasted’ Kay’s body, as Kay doing to his soon to be meal as well. Kay laughed a
little, patting his stomach.
“Yep, a real… Well, can’t say lady killer fully, but person killer, huh?” Kay winked, Porter
just assuming it was a reference to Kay’s bisexuality, and not the fact that, well Kay was soon
going to snuff him out in that very same chamber the cute twinky feminine boy was admiring.
“Gosh, uh, sorry, it’s…” Porter turned his head away a little, sweat running down his
brow as he covered his crotch with Kay’s discarded t-shirt. Kay’s gut gave off a low rumble, but
the predatory hunk of a dork ignored it, focused now on his pants.
“Say, what sorta music you like, huh?” Kay raised his brow, grabbing his phone as he
hooked it to speaker’s Blue-Tooth. Porter didn’t reply just yet, somehow more crimson than
when he had been touched and perved on, and maybe even more than his temporary future
“U-U-Uh… I… I like… Video game music…” Porter whispered, quickly covering his face with the
shirt in his hand. Kay stopped, replaying the jumbled quiet reply in his head, before he nodded,
and opened up YouTube.
“What games? I mostly play porn games, so I ain’t too on the up and up… And I don’t
think me dancing to Mario music or something like that would uh, you know, be all that hot…”
Kay laughed boyishly, Porter shoving his face deeper into the musky, but drug-like shirt.
“Jeez, if you like how I smell so much, just come sniff me dork.” Kay teased, earning a
horny, pathetic whimper from the subby bitch. He was going to enjoy playing with him, excited to
taste that body in more than just a sexual manner.
“Anywho, hmmm, I like shakin’ my ass to music… This is kinda hard… Almost as hard
as we both are it seems.” Kay laughed, flexing his stiffened rod a bit, as Porter failed to mask his
own surprisingly girthy member with Kay’s now completely stained and impaled t-shirt.
“Damn Porter, with each passing second, I totally see why my sis likes you. If your ass
wasn’t so fat, I might have had you ride me instead.” Porter mused, clicking through his list of
pirated music, before going onto YouTube and plainly searching up: ‘Hot strip music’.
“Bingo.” Kay said, giving the mouse another click, as thanks to the power of ad blockers,
the song loaded up instantly. Porter’s ears tickled at the low bassy thuds, and Kay rolled his
eyes at the cheesy intro to the ironically named song he had picked, hooking his fingers into his
With each hit of the beat of Hall & Oat’s ‘Man Eater’, Kay gave his well fed and fattened
bubble but a shake left, then right, then back, pulling down his pants as more instruments joined
the sax filled tune.
Porter was left wide eyed, red faced, and practically bloody nosed, as Kay slowly slid
back to the bed, bending himself over enough so that his now completely freed rear end was on
complete display.
Porter’s breath slowly got as wet as his cock was, as drool and pre dripped free in equal
measure. He was needy, but he still felt… A bit awkward with what was going on, and how
quickly it was.
But he wasn’t allowed a second more to ponder the sexy, sensual act of Kay’s booting
bouncing strip, as Kay, with surprising flexibility for a boy as well built but equally soft as himself,
lifted his left, throwing his discarded pants into the pile with the best of them, as he arched his
back to look Porter in his beautiful eyes.
Before Porter could say much of anything, Kay stuck his tongue from his puckered lips,
and planted a wet, literally tasting kiss onto his completely enraptured prey’s lips. He held it for
only a moment, the soreness coming from the position his body was in quickly kicking in, as he
pulled away, leaned forward, popped his booty out, and slammed his fat tush down.
“O-O-OH F-FUCK!” Porter whined, his breath being completely stolen away, as the only
thing preventing Kay from completely hot dogging his cock, was the now stained and drenched
tee that was now like a collapsed tent.
“Awe no fun! I wanted to feel you slip all the way in!” Kay giggled at his double entendre,
before lifting his body weight, as he yanked and threw the soaked t-shirt over to the other side of
the room with a wet crumple.
“I-I-I thought you said you w-wouldn’t let me ride you…” Porter couldn’t think straight,
giving Kay the perfect chance to strike and deliver a real blow to his already horny ruined brain,
as he gently tightened his cheeks.
“I thought you said you liked video games heh, you can call this my stun move.” Kay
bounced twice, feeling the sticky clear wipe over his cheeks in healthy supply, before he flexed
his glutes, and yanked up.
Porter bit his lip and gave off a more girlish moan than any time Kay had listened to Ash
masturbate, as the dominant boy stood up, and turned himself around, his towering cock
pointing at the shivering, bliss filled boy like a knife.
Without warning, Kay gave the boy’s smooth chest a hard push, shoving the naked boy
sprawling onto the bed, stunned and surprised at the odd harshness to the once sensual boys
“O-Ow! K-Kay that kinda hurt…” Porter whimpered, blushing, hating that he, deep down,
actually did partially enjoy the manhandling. Kay didn’t say a word, as he climbed onto the bed.
Drool was dripping down his face like a beast eyeing a fresh piece of meat, ripe for the taking.
“J-Jeez… You’re really into being top huh?” Porter teased, but he froze as he locked
eyes with the hungering, craving eyes that had glossed over Kay’s once playful gaze. For the
first time, Porter felt a surprising amount of fear slash through his needy naked self… If only he
had listened to it, instead of just assuming Kay liked playing rough.

Ash had been watching for the longest time, surprised her brother and boyfriend hadn’t
caught on to the bored looking girl gently rubbing her clit, but the second Kay had shoved Porter
onto the bed, she knew she was in for the show of a life time.
Completely engulfed by Kay’s shadow, Porter held open his mouth, catching all the
spittle and drool raining down from the menacing face looming over his skinny, frail form.
Shifting his hands, Kay roughly dug his fingers into the doughy rump of the shivering meal,
lining the tight, boyish butt hole to his cock.
“OH! OH GOD!” Porter called out, his eyes bugging as Kay gave a violent thrust, shoving
his unlubed cock right in between the squishy cheeks. Porter’s fingers clenched around the bed
sheets, his knuckles turning as white as they were, his teeth gritting together, as stars filled his
Ash was almost as wide eyed as her soon-to-be ex boyfriend, her hands completely
dipped into her pants and panties, as she hand fucked herself to the raw display of literal rawing
going on. The smell of sex wafting from both siblings and their guest filled the room, the air
becoming musky, the surface of most things being clung to by a vile fog.
“O-Oh my god, oh my god… Kay… I-I think I love both you and your sis-” But before the
cute twink of a lover could proclaim his love and need for the siblings, he found his world going
dark, wet, and disgustingly similar to how the kiss had tasted.
Kay’s hip thrusts were practically a blur, his balls literally bruising the ass flesh they
struck with each lightning fast smack. Porter was like an aphrodisiac, Kay’s cock getting even
hotter with the screaming boy’s head trapped in his lapping, tasting maw.
Ash couldn’t control herself, as she fell to her knees, grimacing in equal parts pain and
pleasure as she slipped in another two fingers, her free hand twisting her tits dark red, as finally,
after several more seconds of uninterrupted sex… Both brother and sister came at the same
Cum sprayed from both Porter’s still stiff cock, and out from his now Kay cream filled
innards, his body shivering and going limp form exhaustion, and Ash simply called out one
word: “Kay”, as she collapsed to her side, shivering.
Ignoring his quivering sister on the floor, Kay replaced the moans, pants, and wet
sounds of flesh hitting flesh with the muffled screams of confusion and slurping as he began to
swallow up the defeated Porter.
The wet pop echoed around the room, as Kay pulled his manhood from his meal’s anus,
the act of doing so taking several seconds as he removed the pole of utter masculinity from the
weaker, feminine male.
Ash’s vision was hazy, blurry, but still good enough to watch the bulges and lumps of her
cute boyfriend travel down Porter’s throat. Weakly, Ash couldn’t help but keep touching her
burning womanhood, gently circling her bean as the sound of slurped up slender legs and
popped in toes caused her to orgasm once more, before she blacked out.

Ash wasn’t sure how long she had been out. For all her groggy mind could tell, it could
have been a minute, or it could have been hours. It wouldn’t have made much difference, as she
winced, blinking herself away, as the combination of warm and cool drool and… With a simple
sniff, Ash confirmed it was her brother’s cum also dripping onto her face.
“Oh, hey Kay-” Ash paused, looking up with a tired smile, before she stopped. While it
was kind of hard to fully see Kay’s still wriggling stomach, Ash could see that he still had hunger
in his eyes. But, after another moment of looking deep into her brother’s dark eyes, she could
tell that it wasn’t the kind that threatened her life
“Jeez, you scared me you big dork! If you want me to fuck you, all you got to do is ask!”
Ash laughed, taking in a big sigh, as a low rumbling belch from above turned into a sinister
snicker that was all too familiar.
“Sorry, being the big scary pred kinda turned me on… Almost as much as seeing you
think I was going to eat you.” Kay smirked, Ash noting that his cock was harder than it was even
as he fucked Porter silly.
“Well, don’t get any funny ideas mister! If you ever ate me, I’d make sure your shit felt
like the ass fucking of a life time!” Ash got weakly to her feet, giving the boy shaped bulge in
Kay’s gut a sharp, wet poke. The cry was weaker than before, but still shiver inducing shrill, as
when Ash pulled her finger back, there was still a noticeable indent in the fleshy mass.
“Oh damn, that sounds kinda hot… But you know I would never eat you. I love ya too
much.” Kay belched down into his now grimacing sister’s face, Ash waving away the rancid
scent of still digesting boy.
“P-Please… H-Help… Me…” Porter’s words were extremely weak, raspy, barely audible,
but Ash and Kay looked down, then, after looking at each other, let out a mean, mocking laugh.
Porter wasn’t laughing… He wasn’t doing much at all, as Kay’s tummy gave off a low, content
“You know, hey, that was mean of us. I’m really sorry Porter, I’ll help you out babe.” Ash
sighed, shaking her head, Kay raising a brow at his sister’s words. Upon hearing this, Porter
gave his fleshy prison a little shake.
“Y-You will?!” He asked, fighting off the pain tensing up every nerve in his body. Before
she replied, she motioned for Kay to go over and lay down on the bed. Deep inside the
crammed, painful hell that was Kay’s gut, Porter felt… The smallest bit of hope.
That was, until he felt the entirety of his world shift and shake, the acids that had pooled
at his feet ran over his body, earning a horrid, pain filled scream as it began to settle where his
face and knees were, his back and ass pressing Kay’s gut out.
“Yeah! I’m gonna help make sure you are easy to poop out when Kay needs to.” Ash
couldn’t help but laugh, Kay fully getting what Ash had down, as a stream of raunchy burp laced
belches rushed from his mouth.
“Fuck Ash, that’s mean!” Kay couldn’t stop himself from laughing, wiping away a tear
from his eye, as his sis climbed up onto the bed to hug his belly, giving the well defined mounds
that were clearly her boyfriend’s ass a kiss.
“Says the one currently digesting my boyfriend. I can’t really be meaner than you, ya
know?” Kay raised his brow, and stuck out his tongue, Ash doing the same, as she gently began
to climb on the cute boy filled belly of her cute bro.
“What are you doing anyway?” Kay questioned, feeling Ash’s cunt rub against his belly,
smearing her juices over every inch she dragged her reddened lips across. Rolling her eyes,
she gave herself a small bounce, earning a foul ‘urp’ from Kay’s upper lips, a brassy ring from
his bum, and a wet, soft crunch of death from the stomach below.
“Oopsie, guess this really is our break up huh?” Ash laid her upper half down across
Kay’s chest, slowly peeling her top off so her perky tits could brush against his flesh. Kay’s face
burned, not nearly as bad as the currently melting Porter’s who was now far from the cutie he
had once been, but still.
“You know bro? I love you a lot…” Ash blushed, puckering her lips, as she kissed the
dork of a hunk on the lips. She couldn’t help but be hit with nostalgia at the first time she had
kissed Porter, as his flavor hit her taste buds, and she smiled.
“Duh I know it! And I love you too.” Yawning, Kay raised his hands and gripped onto his
sister’s ass, earning a little squeak of surprised pleasure, before he passed out, Ash following
soon after.

Kay blinked several times, before his neutral face broke into a small, pleasant smile.
Laying there on him, was the cutest, most innocent sight… Well, those words would apply to his
snoozing sister, as long as no one knew anything about her.
Ash laid there, her body still ever so slightly lifted up by Kay’s temporarily portly belly, her
legs were splayed out both sides, her chin rested against his chest, as a small waterfall of drool
ran down her chin, and unseen down her cunt.
For once, it wasn’t the sharp sensation of shit demanding to be let out, but instead the
stiff, pleasurable feeling of morning wood causing both his mind, and cock to twitch to life. The
need to take a dump was there, no doubt, but for the moment, Kay couldn’t help but admire just
how cute his sister looked… He thought other things, but instead of engulfing her head like any
other person he slept with, he simply smooched her forehead, prompting a sleepy smile.
“Woah, you didn’t eat me, not sure if I should be pleased or offended.” Ash yawned,
adjusting herself so she was now sitting on the surprisingly strong stomach of her grinning
“Hey now, don’t tempt me… Nah, honestly, I was however thinking of slipping you down
onto my cock…” Kay smiled a wince to her, as she looked down behind her with a bite of her lip.
The two siblings sat there for a moment, deciding if they should indulge in their taboo desires,
before Kay finally spoke up.
“Nah, nah, don’t worry, I can deal with that later. As much as I wanna fuck that cute butt
of yours, all that pressure you’ve put onto me makes poopy Porter really need to come out...”
Kay grunted, the familiar feeling of crap prepared to be plopped out filling him with a tired sense
of pleasure.
“Awe, is it time to dump him already?” Ash pouted, giving her butt and body a small
bounce, which earned her both reactions she had wanted to hear. The first was a strained groan
from her brother, the second was the nasty sensation of ripped ass, the covers gently laying at
the end of the bed fluttered and laid themselves over the edge of the foot board.
“Jesus Ash! Do you WANT me to shit the bed?!” Kay forced a laugh, as he started to sit
himself up. While comment and loud bit of displaced, smelly air were humorous, it was in fact
the slipping and falling motion Ash was excited to achieve.
“O-OH! You brat!” Kay bit his teeth, feeling the tip of his cock press against, and slowly
enter into the squealing sister’s back door. Kay bent his head back, as he felt Ash sink her nails
and teeth gently into his body as if she was a blooming predator.
“H-Hehe, fuck… I forgot how big you are… Like, just seeing it isn’t quite believing…
Besides bro, isn’t post-break up sex the best?” Ash panted, slowly moving her cock filled rear up
and down, as she felt every inch of boy she called her brother tense.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right, but, I haven’t fucking… DUMPED him yet!” Kay bit his lip for a
completely different reason than Ash did, the sound of grumbling gut put a pause to the pairs
erotic acts for the moment.
“Oooh fine! You’re no fun, you know that? Go dump my shitty boyfriend.” Ash turned her
red face up to the air, peeling herself off from the sweaty body she was just riding with a loud
pop, as Kay fell back, taking in several breaths.
“Wait… Actually, hold on…” Kay paused, half way from the bed, to the toilet, before he
turned back, spotting Ash staring at him with the biggest set of doe eyes he had ever seen.
Raising his brow, he slowly tapped his foot, the shit slowly starting to finally get to him.
“Uh, yeah? You gonna say something? I really need to let him out… Later than he
wanted, but still.” Kay waited for an answer, while Ash averted her eyes, her lips puckering
slightly, as she tapped her fingers together.
“Weeeell… As gross as this probably sounds, and DON’T get used to it, but… Since he
is MY ex, I uh… I kinda want to see you shit him out.” Ash quickly, and girlishly threw the covers
over herself, her cheeks burning, as Kay let out a chuckle, before being hit with a groan.
“I mean, if you wanna watch me take a crap, you’re free to.” Kay turned around,
proceeding his walk to the bathroom, as Ash came out of the covers once more, a look of
playful frustration shot at the fat jiggling cheeks of her bro as he walked away from her.
“W-Wait up! Don’t start without me!” Ash mockingly yelled, hopping a little as she caught
her footing, the drowsiness leaving her body as she skipped her way to the soon to be ruined
restroom, her own bits giving small slaps just like her brother had.
“Ahhh, you know, it’s been a while since I’ve got to enjoy a boy turd… So I really got to
thank you sis.” Kay opened his eyes and tilted his gaze down, his back relaxed against the cool
lid to the crapper, as the loud hissing of anus crackling open gave way to a raunchy introduction.
“Heh, for such a quiet boy, he’s being really loud so far.” Kay cracked a joke, while he
scratched his ass crack, Ash letting out a small snort-like giggle, the pervy girl planting her own
rear down onto the cool floor with a small squeak.
“So, how is he feeling huh? I gotta say, it feels good to dump him, and I’m not even the
one taking the shit!” Ash sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her chest… A sweet,
kind hearted weight, that now was nothing more than a heavy, stinky turd.
“Feeling damn good, honestly, I bet it would have felt pretty close to this if he fucked my
ass.” Kay grunted, a water rippling rancid rip blew into the water, as the first chunk of brown,
mucky boy splooshed into the water with a splash.
“Damn! Didn’t think Porter was on the swim team! What was that, a ten pointer?” Ash
laughed, slapping her thigh, before purring as the vibrations from her hand tickled her warm, wet
cunt. Kay smirked at the cute remark, his cock having grown hard the second he had woken up,
had simply gotten harder with each passing moment the bowel movement went its course.
“Ugh, that was an awful joke.” Kay grinned, clenching his teeth a bit as another rippling
toot that was far harsher than any that had come before it, another rope of shit smashing into
the now completely stained side of the bowle, as it curled and coiled like a snake.
“There we go, I was a bit worried he would just be chunks…” Kay admitted, causing Ash
to raise a brow, and scooch closer, the stench getting thicker, as did the spooling stool. Kay
noticed, and it took every ounce of restraint not to push his own sister’s face onto his cock, as
he let out a shivering breath.
“Okay, I don’t get it. Usually whenever I take a dump, I like whenever I can, you know,
just get it over and done with…” Ash blushed, really not wanting to talk about her own bathroom
experiences, despite the clear arousal she was getting from watching her brother do it, all while
shitting out a person who had once been alive at that.
“Oh, huh, well, sometimes that’s okay, like, I do enjoy variation to how it all goes…
Hmmm, okay, so, sometimes, I actually don’t mind when it’s messy, or chunks, but like,
sometimes, I really just want to feel a nice, long log of a load leave my rump…” Ash was a bit
taken aback by just how much Kay was into this. Like, she knew he was, but the thought and
detail… She barely even registered her fingers creeping up into her dripping womanhood as she
listened to her brother detail his fecal fetish.
“Jeez, you think about this a lot?” Ash smirked, sticking out her tongue as she winked at
the boy with a sly raise of her brow. Kay didn’t immediately respond, Ash taking notice of that
fact that he had relaxed a bit, and the sound of fizzing freshly spewed poop filled her ears.
“Wait… Hold on, have… Have you thought about what I would be shit wise?!” Ash’s face
flushed as she raised her body up a bit, Kay unable to hold back a snorting laugh, which
immediately morphed into a splash laced groan as a particularly large bit of inedible fudge made
its mark in the toilet.
“Duuuuh, and honestly, I know exactly what sorta dump you’d make… Although, I’m just
gonna keep it to my imagination…” The final bit was more so a reminder to not just simply
devour his sis there and then, and add her to the already nearly full crapper, but Ash couldn’t
help but find his refusal to eat her cute.
“Awe, thanks bro, that’s very sweet. You almost done? Not to say I’m not enjoying seeing
you shit… But, I kinda want you to fuck me still…” Ash trailed off, her eyes completely avoiding
Kay’s sexually hungry charged gaze, as he licked his lips a bit, clearing the drool that had built
The spilling collapse was the final mark to the solid statue of shit that now filled the round
thrown better than cakes did their pans. Kay let out a small breath, along with a far higher
frequency fart, before standing up.
“Usually break ups are messy, but I think I handled it pretty well… Mind checking?” Kay
bit his lip, turning so his ass was facing the practically bloodied nose girl he called his sibling, as
he spread apart his vastly well plumped up cheeks.
“Y-You’re clean… A-Although… This toilet is going to be horrid to clean…” Ash stared at
the final remains of Porter, the small cut tip of the turds end sort of… Oddly cute. She quickly
shoot her head, and closed the lid, doing her best to keep the vile and intoxicating shit scent
quarantined as best as she could.
“Eh, we’ll call a cute plumber or something… Although, she’ll probably cause problems
for the next one.” Kay joked, giving his cock a few unneeded warm up pumps, before he
paused, looking down at his sister.
“You coming or what?” He smiled, offering her his hand like the ‘gentleman’ he was. Ash
took it, her limp, light body easily getting pulled to her weak knees by her brother. As the pair
walked back to the bed, Ash’s hand slowly crept to Kay’s bare ass, and Kay did the same to
“Love you bro.” Ash said, weakly, knowing she was in for quite the lengthy day, in more
ways than one. Kay chuckled, pinching the shorter girl’s ass firmly, aggressively, knowing she
was his.
“Love ya too.”

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