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“Why are we all getting together again?” You ask your mother as the SUV pulls up along the gravel road
to the large cabin your family had rented for the week. At the oldest son of Melody St. Claire, a high
school biology teacher with an appetite, plenty of people would be surprised that you’d made it this far
in life. A college junior only days away from his 24 th birthday, you had survived quite a few dangerous
“It’s a vacation! We thought it would be fun to get everybody together for a while. We could go hiking,
rafting; there’s even horseback riding…”
Not much talk of video games. Neither you nor your brother had ever spent much time outdoors, nor
had your mother. Though they both seemed excited enough about it; maybe they had been suckered in
by too many television commercials.
“Don’t sulk. You’ll have a great time. You love seeing all of your cousins.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, Max, it will be fun. Plenty of time for games at night.” Your younger brother Rudy
chirps up, eagerly climbing out of the car to grab bags out of the back.
Looking at you in the rearview mirror as she presses the button to open the trunk, your mother frowns
and turns to face you. “I wasn’t planning to tell you this yet, but your aunt Hannah found a pleasant
restaurant down the road that’s supposed to have excellent man-food. I’ve been told the grilled salmon
is fantastic; they catch it fresh right around here.”
Perking up slightly, you can’t help but lean forward in your chair as your brother grunts with the weight
of too many bags somewhere behind you. “Are we going tonight?”
“We can. It is a vacation. We’ll probably be eating out a lot.” Your mother smiles at you, brushing her
shoulder length light brown hair away from the side of her face as she does. Of course, given the topic
that smile takes on certain predatory notes, it always amazed you that you and Rudy actually had the
same father. Of course, between their wives, daughters, and one random stranger, your father and most
uncles were long gone now. A couple of your aunts had remarried, but none of the biological fathers of
you or your cousins were still around at this point. All the more reason to be cheered by eating out more
often; you didn’t want your female relations getting ideas about you in the absence of other meals.
“Some help please!” your brother shouts from behind you, dropping a large bag onto the ground.
“Go help your brother,” your mother whispers, pinching your knee. “I’ll check on everyone else’s dinner


With every bite, you finally relaxed. It hadn’t actually taken too long; you thought to yourself. Vacation
had only begun about four hours ago.
Looking around the table at your family, you realized that even in the large dining room of the
restaurant, you were taking up a good deal of space. Several tables had needed to be combined, and the
echoing bustle of conversation and people eating… and, of course, people being eaten… filled the whole
of the front portion of the restaurant, much of it coming from your family.
Your aunts had claimed one corner of the expanded table, stomachs bulging with recent meals, laughing
as they poke and prodded the unfortunate stock boys in their guts. Aunt Sofie and Aunt Kari had their
husbands, Oliver and James, with them. Oliver still seemed a little green regarding his wife’s eating
habits, as any sane man would, but Kari was leaning against James’s side as he wrapped one arm around
her to idly rub her squirming stomach as it nosily digested her dinner. That wasn’t too surprising; the
way you’d heard the story, Kari had eaten her first husband at a party because he was being ‘prudish’ by
her vorish standards. She’d then met James at the same party, husband still screaming in her gut, and
James had ended up fucking her in the bathroom until her husband had been ground into a paste and
later spewed out the other end. James fished the wedding ring out of the pile, washed it off in the sink,
and put it on right then.
Aunt Hanna and Aunt Emma hadn’t remarried after their husbands had met their ends, same as your
own mother. While your father had disappeared down your mother’s gullet while she was pregnant with
Rudy, Aunt Emma’s husband Miles had been lost to Taryn’s digestive tract when he tried to punish her
as a child. And Aunt Hannah’s husband Eli had simply not come home one day; though you could guess
easily enough what must have happened.
Catching your eye as she noticed you glancing her way, Aunt Emma gave you a smile and asked, “Max,
how’s college going? Still managing alright without being able to sit near the window?” Aunt Emma
taught at the same high school as your mother, also the same which your brother and several cousins
were attending now, or had attended in the past. Aunt Emma used to let you open the window of her
ground floor classroom and sit beside it so that you could make a quick escape if needed.
Family connections were one reason you had survived so long.
Catching the exchange between you and her mother, Taryn glances up from her prey, and asked “You
used to jump out of the window when you were in study hall Max?” chuckling as she continued to swirl
the gooey yellow sauce her meal was slathered in across his face. “That sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t
it Leah?” Taryn said, turning to another cousin, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, goddess. Leah had been
captain of the cheerleading squad at your old high school before graduating just a few weeks back; she
was the next oldest after you.
Taryn and Leah were your more voracious cousins, and while you had spent plenty of time playing
together as children, the divide between men and woman had asserted itself around six or seven years
back and you’d grown steadily apart. It was hard to feel the same way about either of them after you’d
watched them eat so many of their peers. And even a few of yours. Both had ordered dinner off the
human menu, Leah’s meal already devoured and compressed in her astonishingly tight stomach, not
even visible to the outside world. Oddly, she also had another boy with her… Terry you thought his
name was… you wondered if he could hear Leah’s meal, still screaming as he was ground into a paste, or
if her stomach muffled even that. Lingering on him for a moment, you realize he’s cute, but quickly push
the thought from your head. You didn’t know what Leah’s plans for him were, but he was hers, and
eventually it would be him being ground into a paste in that awful stomach.
Beside Leah, Taryn was still teasing her prey. The poor boy was bound and gagged, stripped naked and
drenched in a gooey yellow sauce, with his eyes facing forward and into Taryn’s maw. He was one of the
few stock not yet eaten, and he shook on the table as he heard his fellows digesting mere feet away,
helpless to avoid the same fate.
“It sounds vaguely familiar, yes.” Leah answered Taryn with a sour expression, her gaze flickering to the
strawberry-blonde-haired boy that had caught your eye. “Looks like maybe you and Max have a thing or
two in common, Terrance.”
“Well, I don’t make a habit of jumping out of windows. I’d have gone through the door like a normal
person if you hadn’t been trying to eat me.”
“If I’d been trying to eat you, you’d have wound up in here,” Leah teased, lightly smacking her gut as it
continued to crush and churn her meal with barely a murmur of sound. “After all, Aunt Emma would
never have let you open the window if I hinted I wanted you.” Glancing at Terrance, you raised your
eyebrows at him, receiving only an awkward shrug in reply. If Leah wanted someone in her gut, she got
them. You’d never heard of her taking a pet before, and Terrance wasn’t collared; were they dating?
“Did you ever have to jump out of a window to get away from Carrie, Max?” Taryn asked you before
unhinging her jaw and letting her maw gape open as she lifted the plate her meal sat atop and eased
him onto her tongue. Bound and gagged as he was, all he could do was stare into that blackness behind
your cousin’s bright white teeth. Even muffled by the gag, his screams still sent a shiver down your
spine, and Terrance’s as well, apparently.
“I may have had to run away so as not to be eaten by my cousin once or twice.” You reply, half glancing,
half glaring, at Carrie as she caught the conversation happening to her right and briefly broke from her
own chat with her younger sister Miranda to wink across the table at you.
Carrie had only a small plate of pasta and shellfish, as did another of your cousins, Amanda. Their meals
were not too dissimilar to your salmon and rice. Carrie had eaten earlier, some guy she found at the gas
station, his corpse, or whatever was left of it, left only a modest bump on her midsection this far into its
digestion. Carrie resembled most of your family: pale skin, brown hair with a slight curl to it. Her green
eyes differentiated her somewhat, but not at all as much as Leah’s long and straight blonde hair and
bright blue eyes. Every time your family got together you watched Carrie eye that hair jealously
whenever she thought Leah wasn’t looking.
Amanda sat beside her, eating her pasta with a sullen air as she listened to the rest of her family, or at
least the female family members, enjoy heartier meals. Your relationship with Amanda was strange. She
was the only female family member born as a non-vore, making her like most females but an extreme
rarity in a vorish family, as the trait was usually inherited from the mother. While most non-vorish
females born outside of the stock programs wound up in the sewers even earlier than men, Amanda had
received some protection from her family; though Madelyn often teased her about following their
brother to her belly.
Aside from Leah, your family was the other offshoot in terms of appearance, with your mother and
brother also having naturally golden blonde hair like Leah’s and her mother Kari. Though your mother
had died hers a light brown for as long as you can remember. The differences were partially because of
your mother being a step-sister to your aunts Hannah, Emma, and Sofie, just like Kari was, rather than a
blood relative. While you better resembled your cousins than Rudy, in your family, you were the oddity.
Ben sat beside you, his wife and your cousin Madelyn on his other side, next to your aunts. Ben was
Madelyn’s third husband. She’d married Lucas when she was only in her second year of college, and had
eaten him 3 years later. Then she married Will, and had eaten him 5 years later, last summer, before
marrying Ben about 6 months ago. Madelyn was still eating her dinner, feet first so that he faced her
sister Amanda across the table, who was staring down at her plate refusing to acknowledge the mocking
scene in front of her, her boyfriend Wyatt’s hand on hers as they refused to look up at Madelyn. Ben
seemed even worse off, looking straight ahead with a thousand-yard stare, sweat beading on his
forehead as he listened to the muffled pleas of his wife’s gagged meal. You can’t help but think he won’t
last long.
Between Carrie and Bernard, was a girl you hadn’t met before. Alexa was apparently dating Bernard and
even protecting him from other predators. You didn’t trust those intentions for a moment, though you
could understand your cousin falling for her. She was gorgeous, and Bernard had always been careless.
With a bust like that… it was no wonder Bernard allowed himself to be pulled in.
Grinning at you as you look up from her chest, meeting her eyes, Alexa subtly blows you a kiss and you
blush as you realize you’ve been caught staring, making the exact same mistake. Still grinning, Alexa asks
“Hey baby, how’s the salmon?”
Stuttering a bit, you look down at your plate but are saved the embarrassment of answering when
Bernard speaks up “It really is delicious; you want a bite?” he asks, lifting his fork, your reaction
“I’ll take a taste~” Alexa answers, pushing aside the fork and pulling your cousin into a deep kiss, a laugh
bubbling up her throat as Bernard drops his fork in surprise, the clattering briefly rising above the
laughter from your aunts and a handful of your cousins and the muffled screams that echoed up from
Alexa’s own swollen stomach.
Beside Bernard is Harvey, silent and staring down at his plate, barely picking at his food. You hadn’t
heard before today, but his older brother Zeev hadn’t survived his graduation ceremony, instead ending
up in a bin somewhere outside the stadium.
It was a rough break; you remembered losing a few of your already few surviving friends at graduation.
You hadn’t shown up in person, instead opting to receive your degree by mail.
Still, that didn’t seem to explain why he was so morose…middle school graduation had been almost two
months ago. When you see him eyeing Miranda out of the corner of his eye, his hand shaking a bit as he
watches her joke with Freddy and Rudy, you realize why. Miranda turns 18 tomorrow, and with Zeev
Vores didn’t always eat family for certain birthdays, but it was common. Some special milestones
deserved to be commemorated as the usual reasoning, and what better way than to experience a once
in a lifetime meal? Family were often highly prized meals by vores. Somehow, they seemed to view all
the time spent together, and the shared experiences, as something akin to a savory flavor. Carrie had
eaten their father when she turned 18; likely Miranda would be given a similar meal.
With a pang, you realized that this might be Harvey’s last meal.
Rudy and Freddy seemed to be oblivious, idly joking with Miranda about some teacher from her school
she was telling stories about. But occasionally Miranda would glance at Harvey, sending his eyes darting
back down to his largely uneaten dinner, hands shaking faintly as he sat in silence.
Miranda was the only vore at the table who hadn’t chosen to start her vacation with a live meal. You
thought it was sweet earlier; Miranda was and always had been on the sweeter side. Her slender and
more modest figure was a testament to the fact that she ate far fewer men than her sister, or indeed
most of your female family members. She was shorter too, just over 5’, with a warm smile and a cute
round face. She had always been the easiest for you and your other male cousins to talk to. Even now,
she was the only female sitting at your end of the table, aside from Alexa, who was more in the middle
of the two sides.
The thought of her devouring her own brother as a ‘cake’ was enough to make you shudder, too. You
wondered if that was why she was only eating fish like you and Bernard; maybe Harvey wouldn’t last the


In the hours that follow, you’re sitting on a large semicircular couch back at the cabin, Miranda and
Carrie to your left, Freddy to your right, beside Alexa and Bernard. You all gravitated here to play Uno
after dinner and coming back to the cabin. Taryn and Leah were off in another corner of the room, Terry
sat on a chair across from the ottoman you all used as a table, Harvey beside him, opposite his sisters,
Rudy sitting with your aunt Kari and uncle James just to Harvey’s left, with Madelyn lying on a second
ottoman to Rudy’s left.
“You’re up Bernard”
“Hmmm, move Alexa, I can’t reach…”
Giggling, Alexa asked, “like this…?” as she wiggled her hips, sitting in Bernard’s lap, causing him to moan
as he leaned back into the couch. Giggling more as she leaned further into him, Alexa held his free hand
against her still churning stomach, urging him to rub as she continued to digest the unfortunate man
within. With a sigh, Bernard lays his cards face down on the couch beside him and rubs her belly with
both hands, leaving Freddy to pick up his hand and play for his older brother.
“Sure, sure, don’t mind me. I’ll play for both of you, plus myself.”
“Thank you, Freddy~” Alexa chirps, briefly breaking her kiss before going back to sucking Bernard’s face
off as your aunt Kari giggled. “I’m probably supposed to do something here since I’m chaperoning you
lot, but that expression of Bernie’s is just too cute~.”
Laughter bubbles up around the game, primarily from your female cousins, as Bernie blushes even
further. “Aww, he is cute, isn’t he? I hope he’s as good a husband as James!” Alexa teases as she breaks
the kiss, still sitting in Bernard’s lap and leaning her front against his side as she twists to face your aunt
and your uncle, who was even now leaning over his wife to knead her still quite active bulge as she laid
back on her elbows.
“Ok, then I guess I’m up…” you say, throwing down a matching card and looking to your left as Miranda
silently plays.
“Uh-oh Freddy! Better get those cards organized quick!” Carrie says, playing another reverse card.
“Seriously? That’s the fifth one in this match!”
“Well, I have excellent Karma…”
“That can’t be it.” Miranda speaks up, playing a reverse card. “Your turn again.”
“No, no, I insist you go.” Carrie teases, playing a sixth reverse card.
“How many are there even…?” Rudy asks, staring down at his own cards. “I’ve only drawn one.”
Laughing as Miranda rolls her eyes and plays again, you watch Carrie hold her cards closer to her chest,
thumb slipping one card out from behind the soft black fabric while everyone’s eyes shift to you. Staying
silent, you play again, letting the game continue to your right where Freddy sighed and played for
himself again, as well as Bernard and Alexa, as they continued their make-out session.
The game stalls when it gets back to Harvey, who sits quietly staring at his cards with a vacant
expression as play returns to him; until Madelyn whistles to get his attention. “Hurry Harvey, we never
know how much time you boys have left after all~”.
Face reddening as he looks up across at Madelyn, her own meal still thrashing and screaming within her
stomach, he leans forward and tosses a card onto the pile, never saying a word.
“Be nice to your cousins, Madelyn,” aunt Kari speaks up as the game continues. “You never know when
they’ll be gone, and you might miss them more than you think. I still miss Alex. He was a good kid, and it
was nice having his friends around the house…” your aunt leans forward to play her own card as she
talks, giving you a view down her dress that nearly leaves you drooling.
Aunt Kari was definitely a MILF, and often dressed to show off the fact. The black dress she wore had a
wide and plunging neckline, showing off her big, big tits and had a hemline that only went down to just
the upper end of her thighs; the white flowers in the dress’s design clustered around her chest to draw
the eye, and the long golden necklace she wore dangled downward to further draw attention.
As she leaned forward and rested her weight on her bulging gut, her meal thrashed and squealed, your
aunt’s stomach only gurgling in response. You looked up from her cleavage, past the black & silver
choker around her neck imagining sliding between her painted red lips, only to find her bright blue eyes
waiting for yours as she smiled and winked at you, arching her back a bit more than was necessary as
she leaned back up and against James’s side.
Blushing, you looked back down at your hand, hoping your staring hadn’t been so obvious to everyone.
Luckily, aunt Kari seemed to think it was cute, and wasn’t looking for dessert. It was no wonder she
missed Alex; the way she teased you and your male cousins, you’d be willing to bet aunt Kari was
responsible for the mysterious disappearance of quite a few of Alex’s own friends. The thought of her
fucking a bunch of her son’s friends before sending them down the toilet only made you blush harder.
You wondered how Terry had survived even this long living in the same house as aunt Kari and cousin
“You alright Maxie? Your face is redder than Harvey’s,” Madelyn chimes in as she plays a card.
“I’m fine,” you mumble, shuffling your cards around for no particular reason.
“Being surrounded by a bunch of predators isn’t making you too uncomfortable, is it? I know Manny
sometimes gets that face when I’m eating and churning up prey right in front of her…” Madelyn teases,
looking sideways at her now blushing sister as her meal continues to wail and thrash.
“I do not!” Amanda fumes, shuffling through her cards as Wyatt silently played, carefully avoiding
drawing attention from his girlfriend’s predatory sister.
“You should have seen your face when it was Martin churning. You were as red as a tomato, and I
honestly couldn’t tell if you were more scared, horny, or jealous.”
“I was upset that you were being so cruel to him! He was our brother. You could have at least been
quick with him!”
“Actually, I’m a melter, my stomach just doesn’t work that way. I wish I could digest men faster
sometimes…” Madelyn says, shaking her stomach up and down as her dinner howls in agony, “… but I’m
stuck just dumping them in there and waiting for them to bubble away into chyme. Not that I would
have been quick with Martin though, you’re supposed to digest family slow to absorb as much of them
as you can, so more of them stay with you. Most of the guys I’ve eaten have gone straight to my ass, but
I got a whole cup size from Martin in just one meal.”
“Sex is a pretty good way to get the acids flowing Maddie, even for melters” your aunt chimes in as she
wiggles against her husband, eyes finding yours again as she catches you watching her jiggling tits,
grinning at you before turning and gently biting her husband’s ear before turning back to the
conversation as James resumed rubbing her tum. “Where’s Ben?”
“He said he was tired and needed to turn in early as soon as we got back from the restaurant.”
“Sounds like you could do better, honestly. For what it’s worth, I wish I’d found James and fucked Adam
into paste the day after Leah was born instead of eight years later.”
“I can’t imagine keeping a boy that wouldn’t, or couldn’t, fuck me silly any time I wanted” Carrie offered
as Madelyn laid down her card. “I mean, most guys never even get laid before they’re boiled; getting
laid every night and not finding out firsthand what the inside of my stomach is like it a privilege. Who
cares if your dinner is still screaming? He should count himself lucky you won’t be hungry afterward.”
“Hear, hear!” James mumbles, hands hugging his wife from behind as he lightly slaps her tum,
indifferent to the cries of her meal at the impact. Giggling and poking her own tum where her meal’s
face and hands stretched the flesh beneath the point of impact from James’s slaps, aunt Kari said, “I
agree, being a good lay is pretty much the baseline for being a decent husband. And I will add that Jamie
leaves my gastro-intestinal tract purring like a kitten, and I absolutely could not be happier.”
“That sounds more like a tiger growling to me,” Miranda piped up as her aunt’s stomach let out a
particularly deep gurgle.
“My kitty is just getting hungry for its other meal…” Kari teased as she rubbed one hand along the inside
of James’s thigh, causing Miranda to blush nearly as much as you were.
“I have actually started looking at replacements, but keep that quiet, please. There’s not much good,
trained, stock left right now, and it will be nearly another 6 months before next year’s batch goes on
market,” Madelyn answers as Carrie plays. “I’m stuck dealing with Ben until then.”
“You could find a replacement the old-fashioned way instead of buying someone bred and raised for the
role. Plenty of decent guys out in the wild. You’ve even got some candidates here if you just want to play
for the night; Maxie’s old enough, and single.”
Your glasses fog up as soon as Kari mentions your name, and you hear Madelyn’s exaggerated gagging
sound even before you can speak.
“Eeewwwww, Maxie is my cousin, and kind of prudish himself anyway…”
“I am n-not a prude,” you stammer.
“Oh, you want to fuck your cousins, Maxie?” Miranda teases from just beside you, smiling cutely at you
as she joins in the teasing. “Carrie’s single.” Mira adds, mumbling “ow” as her sister slaps her arm and
glares in your direction.
“N-No! Of course not! I’m just saying I’m not a prude!” you exclaim, aggravated and embarrassed, as
your family laughs around you. Miranda’s hand on your knee as she scoots closer to you on the couch is
comforting in the face of your embarrassment; but much less so than it could have been given the other
ways you find yourself reacting to her, scooting closer.
“Well, Ben is a male, and your husband. Go do what you want with him. Use him. If he doesn’t like it,
what good is he anyway?”
“Maybe you’re right. He cleans the house, and that’s pretty much it.”
“Give any stock boy you want a broom and a mop and tell them they’re off the menu as long as the
house stays spotless. They cost almost nothing compared to what you paid for Ben anyway.”
As Carrie finishes speaking and plays a card, Miranda eagerly leans forward and shouts “REVERSE!”
And with a smirk, Carrie tosses another card onto the pile and pokes Miranda’s nose as she teases in a
squeaky voice, “reverse!”
“Seriously??? How do you have so many?”
“Good things come to good people~.”
With an exasperated sigh, Miranda plays again, and then you shuffle your cards, eyeing Carrie out of the
corner of your eye. Watching as Carrie holds her cards closer to her chest, and slowly slips one card out
from beneath her dress…
“Hey Carrie, were you hiding that card in your cleavage?” You ask, shifting everyone’s attention just as
Carrie is pulling the card out.
“What?!” Miranda blurts, whipping her head around, “Oh come on! Cheating at Uno?! Seriously?!”
“Hey, it was just a joke! I had to make the game funnier. And what are you doing looking down my dress,
Maxie? See something interesting?” Carrie taunts you, leaning forward with her arms down across her
chest, large round breasts pushed up by her elbows.
“Knock it off Carrie, you’re the one who cheated,” Miranda said, elbowing her older sister’s stomach,
now just a small potbelly.
“Well, you shouldn’t go elbowing me while I’m digesting someone!” Carrie teases, sticking her tongue
out at Miranda as she pushes her against your side.
“He smells digested to me. Maybe you ought to go get rid of him before he stinks up the room more.”
Miranda had a point; Carrie’s fart absolutely reeked of death. You were still trying to hold your breath.
Clutching her gut as it grumbled, Carrie muttered, “Fine, you seem to have knocked something loose
anyhow.” Rising from the couch, Carrie turns to you and bends down almost horizontally in front of you
so that she’s looking up into your eyes as you stare at her tits hanging downwards in her dress. “Good
game Maxie~” she says in a singsong voice, grinning at you as your face reddens. “Good to know you’re
a boobs guy, not an ass guy; you’ll make an excellent meal for someone~.”
Blushing furiously as Carrie sashayed off through the kitchen to the bathroom, you fumble with the
cards as you hear laughter from all around, mostly Kari and Madelyn, but even Amanda and Miranda
join in; the latter’s hand rubbing your knee again to take some of the bite out of the laughter. Your
blushing turns to shuddering at the sounds of Madelyn’s and Kari’s meals; their screams are mostly
muffled by the layers of flesh surrounding them, but when their throats open, you hear those agonized
wails far too clearly. No, you would never allow yourself to end up like that.
“Don’t mind them,” Miranda says, offering you her cards. “It was a good game, right? You had fun?”
“Yeah, even with your sister cheating. You want to play another round? Or something else, maybe?”
“Sure!” Miranda smiles at you, bright white teeth gleaming between her lips. It was still hard to imagine
sweet little Miranda devouring her own brother. She was vore. You’d seen her post images of her
relatively few meals on social media before. You’d also seen her digest someone in person a few times
at past family gatherings, usually around the holidays. But it was hard to imagine her being cruel as she
sat beside you, beaming, stomach flat without a trace of what was or had once been a living, breathing
human being.
You hear Leah chime in from across the room “How about the lying game?”


“That’s not going to be weird with family, is it…?”

“I don’t think so, it’s not like truth or dare, nobody gets kissed or eaten or anything…” Leah answers, as
you look at her over the side of the couch. Her stomach is still flat and you no longer hear anything other
than the occasional gurgle. Taryn hadn’t bothered to compress her stomach, but her meal also seemed
to have passed beyond the point of being able to speak. Or move. Or breathe.
“How does it work?” Miranda asks, looking over the couch beside you. “I’ve only heard about it.”
“There’s a deck of cards with questions on them, and you go in turns drawing cards and answering the
questions until everyone has answered six. Each player reads the question out loud, and then answers,
and everyone else marks down whether they think they’re lying or telling the truth. And each player is
only allowed to lie three times, and you don’t have to use all three.”
“And if you get caught lying over three times, you get eaten…” Taryn interjects, giving you a hard stare
that you felt was entirely undeserved. Carrie was the only one caught cheating recently, after all, and
she wasn’t even in the room anymore.
“Well, usually…” Leah adds “… but let’s just stick to the rules; we don’t want to ruin anybody’s week,
right?” Leah gives a sharp look towards Taryn as she talks. Some quiet rebuke you don’t quite
understand, but you’re grateful one of your alpha pred cousins isn’t so gluttonous.
“How do you win…?” Miranda asks, looking between the three of you.
“At the end, you go around the circle again, and one person will listen while everyone else says whether
they thought that person was lying or telling the truth to each question. That person gets a point for
each question where the majority of players are wrong, and they don’t have to say which questions they
were lying about or telling the truth about. BUT, if anyone gets all six correct, that person has to tell
them they were right on all counts, and the other person gets three bonus points. Most points wins.”
“Ok, that sounds easy enough…” Miranda says, looking at you and back to the rest of your group.
“Sure,” you offer, “let’s give it a try.”
“That sounds like fun, but kitty needs her dinner, and I’m not up for long nights as much these days…”
Your aunt murmurs as she rises to her feet, walking backwards to the stairs as she pulls James along by
the hand. “I’ll see you all in the morning,~.”
“Wow, your mom is thirsty, Leah. Do you and Terry go at it like that?” Madelyn asks, as Aunt Kari fades
from sight and Taryn settles into Carrie’s vacated spot.
“You know, I can’t quite remember. Do we go at it like that, Terry?” Leah asks sweetly, as she settles
down beside him where Kari and James had been sitting, pulling open a box and setting a deck of cards
and a spinner down on the middle ottoman.
“N-no! I’m just a p-pet, that’s all!”
“Well, there you have it Maddie; no, we do not go at it like that.”
“Hmmm, so what are you keeping him around for? Because if men are useful for something besides sex,
I’d love to know. Ben needs to be good for something…”
“He’s just here to do whatever I don’t want to. Homework, laundry, plunging the toilet, et cetera. Are
you all ready to start?”
“What’s the spinner for?” you ask.
“Some cards are blank. You draw one and you spin to see who gets to ask you a question.”
Reddening a bit at that, you hesitate before responding “ok, I’m ready…” but at least you notice the rest
of the group aside from Maddie and Taryn seem nervous as well.
“I think we’re going to skip this one…” Wyatt speaks up, getting up and heading for the hallway past the
kitchen with Amanda.
“Coward!” Madelyn mock-shouts as they leave, answered only with silence and her younger sister
sticking her tongue out at her over her shoulder before she disappeared around the corner.
“Ok, I’ll go first…” Leah draws a card, reading it silently before looking up and reading it out loud to the
group. “Have you ever eaten someone’s brother and lied to them about it? / Have you ever lied to
someone to get them eaten instead of you?”
“Hmmm yeah, I ate Veronica’s brother a couple of years ago at her own birthday party and blamed it on
“Bitch.” Taryn made a quick mark on her card, and you looked around at the rest of your group writing,
Alexa grinning broadly as she checked a box on her card. Making eye contact with Alexa, you saw her
smile as she looked back at you. Smiling yourself, you marked that down as a lie. The best way to make
the lie seem true was to work it into something that was mostly true after all; someone probably ate
Veronica’s brother and blamed it on Taryn. Someone, you thought, noticing Alexa’s still too-wide grin.
“You’re up Harvey.”
“Ok…” skipping straight to reading it out loud, Harvey begins, “Have you ever been aroused at an
inappropriate time, or in an inappropriate place?” Blushing, Harvey stutters briefly before blurting, “YES;
at Uncle Leo’s funeral!”
“Hahaha! That’s too good not to be true!” Madelyn blurts, as Miranda blushes beside you. Harvey is
beat red. You’re almost worried a blood vessel will burst somewhere as he stares down at the card and
sets it on top of the discard pile. Even as you eagerly mark his answer as true, you sympathize with him.
You missed Uncle Leo, and the whole production of his funeral sickened you. He’d known for weeks his
wife was going to devour him and had spent the bulk of his own funeral screaming for mercy from inside
his wife’s churning stomach as 10 years of marriage came to a gruesome end. When Aunt Sofie finally
got up on the small stage to release her ex-husband into his casket, you expected to be horrified… but
her ass had a certain… gravity… to it, even in such a grisly scene. Almost literally, you thought.
The game continues that way for a while, Bernie and Freddy both giving short, clipped answers; while
Alexa launched into a whole monologue about the various times she’d “passed something unexpected”.
Your own question was a little too uncomfortable, ‘Has the sight of someone’s disposal ever turned you
on?’ and you lied and answered no, scrunching up your face as you tried not to think of the social media
posts you’d seen of your various crushes ‘dumping’ their boyfriends.
The second round goes by quickly, and you learn a few amusing tidbits about some of your cousins.
Apparently, Bernard had been sucked off in public once before, and you learned from Alexa he
apparently fucked best after being genuinely scared for his life, which hinted at a host of interesting
You lied again, opting not to reveal that you had once seriously considered asking your middle school
math teacher to eat you. You’d been young, and at the time you were so taken with her body that you
almost genuinely believed it would be worth it. Your third-round question had been ‘how many times
has a part of you been in a girl’s mouth?’ to which you had happily and honestly answered “Zero”; much
to your cousin's amusement.
“Alright Miranda, your go…” you say, turning to your left as you place the card into the discard heap;
blushing as you see even your usually demure little cousin in a fit of giggles at your proudly proclaimed
inexperience. You still thought of Miranda as a little girl sometimes, forgetting that she was only a few
hours away from being eighteen. Her second round question: ‘how old were you when you first had sex,
oral sex, and anal sex?’; was shocking if she’d been telling the truth. You’d always heard vores ‘learned
early’, but you’d never imagined Miranda… playing with her food… like that. And the giggling and
whistling from your other female cousins didn’t exactly lead you to doubt her word. You wondered what
that must have been like for them… finding yourself offered sex by some quiet, sweet, typically shy girl,
knowing she was going to eat you alive the moment you finished.
“Okaaaaayyyyyy” Miranda said, forcibly stopping herself from laughing as she drew a card. “Have you
ever had to unexpectedly relieve yourself when you weren’t ready?”
Blushing at the laughter now directed at her by your other female cousins, Miranda smiled and said
“Yes…I was walking home once a few hours after I’d eaten someone, and after soccer practice, and
when I was about halfway home I just had to go. I wound up climbing onto a wall between someone’s
backyard and the street, and just sitting on the top of the wall and pooping him out into their backyard.”
“Who’s house was it?” Leah asks.
Shrugging, Miranda just answers, “I never found out.”
“That doesn’t sound like goodie two-shoes, Miranda. Shouldn’t you have apologized and baked them a
cake or something? That sounds more Miranda-like.” Maddie teased, smirking at Miranda as she
“Believe whatever you want.”
Madelyn had a point; that story seemed pretty careless for Miranda. But then, what did you know?
You’d thought she was as ‘inexperienced’ as you were!
“My turn!”
Drawing a card and leaning back on the couch, hands resting on her soft belly full of man-mush as she
silently mouthed the words on the card, Taryn spoke in a louder voice “Have you ever been part of a
public display of vore? YES! I’ve been part of many public displays of vore; how am I supposed to fool
any of you with a prompt like that?” Taryn finishes, flicking her card haphazardly toward the ottoman.
“Aww, tough luck; maybe if you weren’t so showy…” Bernard taunted from your right.
“The whole point of cheerleading is to be a show…”
“Your turn Terry,” Leah said, nudging his knee with hers.
“Alright…” drawing the next card, you see Terry’s face darken, as he reads, “Have you ever been inside
someone’s stomach?”
“Wow, another obvious one; maybe we should shuffle some more,” Maddie complained.
“Uh… actually, I have, uhm…been eaten…before…”
“Seriously?” Taryn demands; “you look remarkably healthy,” she taunts, shaking her belly as she does. In
between the groans and gurgles of her digestive tract, you can still clearly hear the sloshing of her
meal’s soupy remains.
“Yeah, no offense Terry, but I don’t buy that you got out… I mean, I’ve seen no one manage, and I’ve
seen some pretty muscular guys get eaten.” Noting the way Bernie’s eyes flick between Taryn and Leah
as he speaks, you felt relief at being too much older than the bulk of your cousins to have avoided
attending high school with them. It amazed you Bernie was still alive, given how much proximity he
apparently had to three aggressive predators.
“Well, uh, I didn’t actually forc—”
“You don’t have to elaborate if you don’t want to,” Alexa interrupts him. “It’s up to us to guess whether
you’re lying.”
“You actually think he’s telling the truth?” Madelyn asks, brow arched; but Alexa only hums in response.
Cutting the argument short, Leah reached out and drew, quickly reading aloud, “How often do you play
with your food?”
“Not very often. Sometimes guys brave enough to ask me out get to play before they go down the
hatch, but usually food is just food…” Leah finishes, flicking the card towards the discard pile.
“How often do guys actually ask you out though…?” Miranda asks Leah, leaning forward on the couch.
“Maybe once every week or two? They have to be pretty brave or pretty dumb. It’s been a couple of
years since the last time I bothered with a real boyfriend…”
“What about Terry?” Taryn asks, spread out and lying on the couch now, head resting on her arms over
a pillow just to the other side of Miranda.
“Terry is not my boyfriend; he is my pet.” Leah answers, cutting Terry off before he can speak.
“But you only have sex once or twice a month?” Miranda asks, going back to her earlier question.
“Awww, are you not getting enough loving Mira?” Madelyn jokes, hands rubbing over her belly as her
meal flails about within. You suppressed a shudder as she squeezed her stomach a bit, the muffled
sounds of bones cracking setting your skin crawling. Not for the first time, you wondered if the more
aggressive stomachs of Taryn and Leah were actually worse.
Blushing furiously, Miranda blurted, “I was just curious!”, arms crossed as she sat back on the couch,
legs curled up beneath her as she hunched down, still blushing.
Laughing, Taryn looked up at her and softly said, “It’s alright Mira, I fuck a lot of guys too. Just eat them
afterwards and nobody knows but you.”
“But…guys actually ask you out…?” Miranda asks softly, her voice nearly a whisper even though she’s
right beside you.
“Dumb ones. I eat a lot of them as soon as they ask me. But I pick out guys I’m interested in and tell
them they can either take me on a date and maybe get lucky, or they can get in my belly right there and
then. Mira, you’re vore, you don’t have to wait for someone to offer. If you want them, just go get them
before someone else does.”
“I don’t know… maybe…” Miranda blushes again, “I mean, I’m a cup size or two smaller than any of you,
and I’m kind of too skinny… it just seems like, maybe, they don’t want to risk it for me?”
“Mira… I, uhm, I mean I’ve heard guys talk about you… and they think you’re pretty…” Harvey mumbles
awkwardly, the normally quiet boy fidgeting with his hands as his eyes flick between Miranda and the
floor. “It’s nothing to do with that, it’s just that they figure someone as pretty as you are must eat a
“I’m sure that’s all it is Mira” Leah chimes in, “It’s not often that anyone actually asks Taryn or me out
either, they know they’ll probably end up in our stomachs, so they all just keep their distance.”
“But someone has actually asked you out!” Miranda crosses her arms and huffs; “I can’t even get that
“Maybe you just need to try somewhere new, where people don’t already know your sister? Carrie’s
pretty intimidating sometimes, and if everyone knows you’re sisters that might make you seem more
intimidating than your normally would. You’re going to college in Colorado with us, right? There are a lot
more people there than there were in high school…” you finish, awkwardly trying to reassure your
“Yeah, maybe we can get an apartment or something together,” Leah offers. “Taryn won’t graduate
until next year, but we can probably find something by then.”
Smiling a bit more, Miranda asks, “Trying to make me seem less scary by comparison? I love you both,
but any guy with a brain will keep as much distance between themselves and your apartment as
“Well… maybe… you could live with me and my roommates?” you offer, turning to Mira. “We could
probably find a four person flat, and they’d be nervous about having a vore live with us… but… I mean,
as long as you promise not to eat them, we’re probably actually safer with you there than without. And
you’d seem a lot more approachable that way, I bet…” Awkwardly glancing down at your cards, you
mutter “you’re up Harvey…”
“You’d really let me live with you?” Miranda whispers to you, meeting your eyes, her face still a little red
as Harvey read his card.
“Well, we don’t have a stock… pantry… but you don’t vore all the time, right? As long as you’re ok eating
man-food when you haven’t caught someone else…”
“That’s fine… I usually only eat a guy every couple of days anyway, or sometimes even less often…”
“Yeah, and I should be able to convince Danny and Jared. I mean, it’s not that uncommon for college
vores to wipe out an entire group of guys living together because the guys lived just down the hall when
one of them got hungry or something. I figure, having a vore with us might… make us safer, from that
kind of thing…”
“Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe I’ll be able to get guys to trust me more easily if I’m already proven safe
to live with. At least maybe they’ll talk to me instead of just stuttering and running… thank you…”
Miranda finishes quietly, looking over at your card and marking the same answer you did to whether or
not Harvey was lying.
The game moves along more quietly for a few minutes; eventually passing to you, and you draw the
card and begin reading the question: “If you had a crush on a girl that had eaten and digested your
sibling, and your sibling went right to her chest, would you motor-boat her?”
Reddening and trying awkwardly not to look at Rudy as your female cousins, and especially Alexa, burst
into laughter around you as they awaited your answer.
You struggled not to give anything away with your facial expressions, even as you felt the temperature
of your face rise by several degrees. You couldn’t help but think of your current crush, a gorgeous
blond-haired girl named Elle that you shared a chemistry class with.
She had the perfect everything. Her body, her hair, her eyes… just… everything. You and your friend
Marc had both been entranced the moment you saw Elle. And if you ever had the chance to motorboat
that rack… not that you ever would. You saw a guy ask her out once, in the chemistry auditorium, not
long before your class was about to start. Elle had calmly disrobed him, methodically removing each
piece of clothing while her dark-haired sister, a fraternal twin you’d learned, held him with his arms
behind his back. The entire scene had drawn a crowd, the man begging and pleading as Elle silently and
calmly folded his clothing and set it to one side, before unhinging her jaws and just devouring the man.
He went down in only three gulps; her stomach swelling with his form and expanding out from her
loose-fitting shirt, the imprint of arms, legs, hands, and face all visible beneath the taut flesh of her belly
as it clenched around him. She’d sat only a few seats down from you, gut churning and sloshing as it
went to work on the wailing man within. By the time the four-hour class had ended, her stomach was
little more than a potbelly, the grown man having been digested as briskly and efficiently as he’d been
Despite having spent the entire four hours silently listening to the desperate begging and screaming of
her meal as he suffered a hellish demise in her tum, despite her calm indifference to his struggles, her
only reaction the occasional quiet belch or hand dropping to rub along the surface of her belly as it
churned, despite her sister’s callous jokes and taunts as she played with Elle’s belly… you couldn’t help
but admire the rest of Elle’s body.
The way her long, toned legs disappeared into her skirt, muscles visible under the smooth pale skin as
she shifted in her seat. The way her ass formed a discernable shape even through the skirt’s fabric, firm,
and curving outward from her hips. Her tits, DD cup at least, maybe EE, jutting out from her chest under
the strained cover of her already stretched shirt. Her soft pink lips, pale blue eyes, long, golden blonde
… You realized you were sitting there fantasizing for far too long. “Uhhmm n-no, no; that would be…
bad…” you finished lamely, mumbling under your breath as the rest of the group either burst into
laughter or awkwardly stared down at their sheet in silence. You feel Miranda’s right arm around your
back as she pats you softly on the shoulder, eyes bright with laughter as she covers her mouth with her
other hand.
Dropping her hand from your shoulder, Miranda reached forward to draw another card, sitting back
against the couch as she read. “Have you ever… posted nudes of yourself online…? Well… I mean, I guess
a few of my social media posts are pretty close…”
“Yes or no Mira; and remember you’re supposed to be trying to fool us,” Leah said, leaning forward and
staring intently at Miranda, a grin across her face, her posture mirroring the interest suddenly shown by
many in your group.
“Well… no; no, I have never posted any nudes. Just bikini photos.”
“And photos of you in just your robes. And photos of you in your ‘pajamas’” Harvey says, making the air
quotes around the word ‘pajamas,’ “aannddd even some photos of you ‘disposing’ of your prey.”
“Aaaannndddd, you seem to be way too aware of all this for being my brother Harvey.” Miranda shot
back, leaving Harvey blushing and quickly looking away as the women in the group tittered. “You go
“Alright, let’s see… ooh, a blank one!”
“It’s about time; go ahead and spin.” Alexa says, pushing the spinner toward Taryn.
With one hand on the ottoman to steady herself as she leaned forward and flicked the spinner with the
other, Taryn watched it land on… Madelyn. “Ok, Madelyn, ask away.”
“Ok… who, sitting here, is the person you most want to eat?”
Laughing, Taryn licked her lips, pink tongue sliding slowly across as her stomach sloshed below. Meeting
each of your eyes, you, Freddy, Bernie, Rudy, and Terry, she patted her gurgling stomach and said “… If I
could pick anyone… it would be my big brother Bernie…” smiling broadly as her stomach growled its
agreement, “… but since he seems to be taken… I guess I’ll have to settle for my little brother…” she
finishes, eyeing Freddy hungrily as she winks and blows the now paling boy a kiss.
“You… you won’t really…? Right… Taryn…?” He asks, shaking.
“Well, it’s only a couple of months until I turn eighteen. I guess you’ll find out then,” she says sweetly,
smiling at him as she settles back into the couch, rolling on her back and patting her soft belly, still
stretched with whatever was left of her dinner.
You don’t miss Bernie reaching around behind Alexa to place a hand on Freddy’s arm as Madelyn leans
forward to draw a card. But you also don’t miss the flat look Alexa gives him as he does. Bernie must
know as well as you do, and as well as Freddy himself does, that if Taryn decides he’s shit, then he is as
good as shit.
“Oh, I got another blank one. Who shuffled?”
“It happens sometimes…” Leah grumbled. “Just spin.”
“Fine.” Madelyn reached forward, her weight pressing down on her meal as she did, a wet and awful
crunch coming from her gut as it suddenly collapsed. “Oh, guess that was too much for him,” she joked,
as the screaming finally stopped. At least now you only had to listen to the quiet gurgles and sloshing
from most of the stomachs. Alexa’s meal was still shaking and sobbing, but the flesh of her stomach
muted that a great deal, and you’d heard only a few real screams from him so far.
“Ok… looks like you get to ask me a question now, Taryn…” Madelyn says as Taryn looks up eagerly,
head propped up on a pillow resting against Miranda’s side.
“When are you going to divorce Ben?” Taryn asks, poking Madelyn’s stomach with her foot. “Like Aunt
Kari said, he seems pretty useless as a husband. You should just get rid of him. We could make it a
The room goes quiet for a few moments as you all wait for Madelyn’s answer; your oldest cousin sat on
the couch cradling her belly filled with the now chunky soup of whoever she’d eaten. “Yeah, you’re
right. I’ll eat him tomorrow,” she said into the shocked silence.
“Good!” Taryn said. “I want to watch when you shit him out.”
“OOhh, we should look up some divorce games!” Alexa said, leaning back against Bernard. “I bet there
are some good ones.”
“Mira,” Leah asks quietly, “are you ok with that? It’s your birthday tomorrow…”
“Oh! Yeah, I don’t mind, we don’t need to rush my birthday party or anything…” Miranda says, looking
at you.
Looking between you two, Leah says, “Ok, but we shouldn’t wait too long. We want to celebrate while
we’re all together. How about a joint party? Your birthday is… Wednesday? Right Max?”
“Uhh, yeah, sure…” you say, surprised. Males in vorish families rarely had birthday parties. It was usually
just a store-bought cake and a ‘congratulations on not being shit yet!’ pat on the back. It surprised you
Leah actually remembered.
“That sounds good!” Miranda said, still seeming bashful about the whole thing.
“Great, and no backing out either, Madelyn. You’re committed now, or you’ve cheated,” Taryn said,
poking her foot further into Madelyn’s mushy belly.
“How do you know I don’t have any lies left?” Madelyn asked, looking at Taryn as she placed down her
“You have used vore to get ahead at work before. I know because you sent me a picture of the guy who
was supervisor before you with his head hanging out of your ass before the last of him got sucked in.”
“And,” Taryn continued, “you fucked three guys in one day when you fucked Lucas one last time before
eating him as your wedding cake while you married Will, and his best man didn’t show up because he
got grabbed by Aunt Kari for your bachelorette party, and Amber told me you were still fucking him in
the morning that day before finally eating him, and then after you were married, you would have fucked
“And finally; I know for a fact that you regret eating someone, because now you’re stuck with that loser,
Ben, instead of Will. So,” Taryn continued smugly to the silently fuming Madelyn, “this question and
both of the next ones each have to be true.”
Madelyn fumes silently, but doesn’t contradict Taryn. As the round passes to Terrance, Taryn continues
playing with Madelyn’s belly, pushing both feet into her soft paunch and further mushing the corpse of
her meal.
Terry revealed, if he was actually telling the truth, that he had at least once fucked someone while they
were digesting someone else that he knew; and answer that caused a torrent of wild speculation and
lewd suggestions about Leah playing with her food.
Leah’s insistent mantra of “He’s just my pet, not my boyfriend” was bluntly discarded as you pretty
much all reached the same conclusion.
“If he really is just your pet, he’s just food; why not eat him already? Show us we’re wrong,” Taryn
teased, sticking her tongue out at Terry when she finished.
“I’m not getting rid of a good pet just because of your teasing Taryn,” Leah said, pulling her 5 th card.
“Have you ever gotten into trouble for eating someone? Yeah, I got suspended for a three days once
because I ate too many substitute teachers and the principal couldn’t find another replacement…”
“That seems pretty believable… you’re both gluttons when there are male teachers around.” Bernie
responds as he marks his answer down on his sheet, briefly looking up at Leah and Taryn.
“Well, obviously that’s what they want,” Leah teased back; “what male goes into a career of being a
substitute teacher in a school full of undisciplined vorish teenagers without having a death wish?”
“God, some of them are so desperate to boil they even try assigning homework. And as much as they
shout and try to threaten, like I’m going to show up at detention because my shit told me to, they never
put up much of an actual fight,” Taryn weighs in, smirking across you at Bernie.
“Until you really start digesting them,” Alexa mumbles as she shifts in Bernie’s lap, encouraging him to
rub her belly as it quietly gurgles around her squirming meal. He’d been the quietest all night, but as
Alexa’s stomach gurgles more frequently, he seems to be getting more agitated in there.
Harvey finishes marking his card and reaches forward, face paling as he pulls his next question. “…
Where… do you see yourself, in five years…” he read, voice cracking.
You all watch, quietly, as his face reddens, and his voice wavers as he tries to answer “I...I… I’m sorry, I
need to go…” he mumbles, voice cracking as he hurriedly rises from the couch, unable to stop himself
from glancing fearfully in Miranda’s direction as he rushes out of the room.
“I better go check on him…” Bernard says, shifting out from under Alexa and trying unsuccessfully to
hide his boner as he shambled out of the room to a round of giggles, from all the vores but Miranda.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Miranda began before being cut off by Taryn “It’s not your fault. Boys are
food. They should just come to terms with it.”
“Taryn’s right Mira, you don’t need to apologize for anything,” Leah added.
Rudy drew next as Alexa huffed at the absence of her boyfriend. “Wanna rub my belly Freddy? Help
your future sister-in-law digest her dinner?” she whispered. “I’ll let you see their additions afterward…”
“No Poaching.” Taryn glared at Alexa as Freddy stuttered and looked around nervously, one of Alexa’s
arms around his shoulder.
“I won’t eat him. I’m just offering him a look at anything this guy adds to my figure.” Alexa patted her
tum, the man inside now thrashing more violently as her stomach gurgled more deeply. “I lost Bernie
just when my tummy was kicking into gear,” she continued. Large pink lips puffed up in a pouty
expression before sighing and drawing a card and laughing out loud.
“Would you ever eat your boyfriend’s / husband’s / significant other’s sibling?” Alexa read, arm around
Freddy’s shoulder, pulling him in close, held against her shifting stomach, his head against her tits as she
leaned her head down and kissed his forehead, tongue slipping out and sliding over his skin as she did.
“Well, in the right circumstances, I suppose I’d love to enjoy me some baby brother…” she teased.
“Taryn has first dibs obviously,” she continued, looking over Freddy’s flailing hands at your intently
staring cousin, “but if Taryn hasn’t gobbled up Freddy by the time me and Bernie get hitched… well, I’ve
always thought it’s only fair for the bride to get the best man for her dinner…”
“Ale—Stop!” Freddy blurts, pushing against Alexa as he tried to extricate himself from her and her
churning stomach. Alexa only giggled and teased, “Stop groping my tits Freddy! I’ll give you a proper
sendoff at the wedding, but you have to wait until then…” until Freddy finally managed to, or more
likely, was allowed to, lift Alexa’s arm off from around his shoulders. Getting up from the couch, Freddy
stormed out, leaving the room in a huff as Alexa and Taryn laughed behind him, Madelyn joining in as
she laid back on the couch.
Looking around, you saw that you, Terry, and your own younger brother Rudy, were the only males left
in the game. Miranda sat quietly beside you, her hand on yours on the couch as she quietly looked
around as well. When your eyes met Leah’s, she rolled hers and gave Alexa and Taryn each a pointed
look, asking, “did you really need to do that?”
“I was only teasing,” Alexa said as she rubbed and kneaded her own stomach, just to your right now.
“It’s scary for him, no guy actually wants to be digested,” Leah said. “And Taryn, you could try harder to
comfort your brother; instead of tormenting him all the time.”
“Why would I comfort him? I’m going to eat him. I know you passed on having one of our cousins for
your eighteenth birthday Leah, but special meals are traditional for big events like that, and Freddy will
be stewing in my belly all day.”
“Why did you pass on eating Max?” Madelyn asked Leah, brow furrowed as you sat there stunned, too
shocked to speak as Leah looked across at Madelyn, and then at you, expression reserved.
“The timing just wasn’t right; none of us were together, and it didn’t seem to make sense for everyone
to go out of their way just so I could eat Max. The guy we bought as stock was still plenty good on his
“Well, I’m getting one of my brothers for my birthday, that’s for sure…” Taryn said, looking away from
Leah and winking as she made eye contact with you. You felt a shiver go down your spine, still shaken at
the knowledge that you’d nearly wound up as a meal for Leah last year. You owed her big time.
You were still sitting there, staring across at Leah with a blank expression, dazed from your recent
revelation when she leaned forward and said, “It’s your turn Max. Unless you’re wishing things had gone
differently, I guess…”
“Huh-? Oh; no, umm… thank you, Leah…” you mumble as you draw a card and read: ‘have you ever
imagined being eaten by anyone else in the game / have you ever imagined eating anyone else in the
Bewildered at the odds of drawing this card here and now of all things, you read aloud: “Have you ever
imagined being eaten by anyone else in the game?” Still dazed, you sit there with the laughter washing
over you, even adding your own slight, dry chuckle to the chorus. “Well, yeah, I guess I have imagined
it… thank you again, Leah.”
“You’re welcome Maxie; at least you’ve gotten to stay solid a bit longer.”
“Much longer to go, hopefully,” you answer, ignoring the snickers and giggles from Taryn & Madelyn
respectively, discarding your card as everyone quickly marked down their answers.
Miranda went next, reading off her card, “Have you ever done anything sexual in an airplane?” biting
her lip slightly before answering, “No… at least, not yet…” to a burst of enthusiastic laughter.
“Planning on it though?” Madelyn asked, still laughing.
“Well, Carrie took a year off school to work as a flight attendant to make some money and travel, and
she said it was a lot of fun. She even got me empty seats a few times so I could join her.”
“But what does that have to do with sex?”
Blushing, Miranda looked back at Leah and said “Well, Carrie used to work those trans-Atlantic flights
between the east coast and Europe, where the passengers had their own little cubby like areas to sit and
sleep in… and Carrie… did a lot of ‘sexual’ things…”
Laughing, Madelyn asked, “looked like fun, huh?” and Miranda answered, still blushing, “She seemed to
enjoy herself… and it turns out I like airline food…” Miranda added to yet more laughter.
“And you didn’t ‘take part’ on any of those flights Carrie took you on?” Alexa asked, as Miranda began
blushing deeper. Wilting beneath the intensely interested stairs around the room, Miranda seemed to
shrink back into the couch a bit as she bit her tongue; to another burst of laughter as she declined to
answer the question.
“Well, let me know if you decide to apply. Maybe we can do it together,” Taryn said, still giggling as she
drew a card. “How many times have you used your body to boost your GPA?” Taryn read, to more
giggles from the surrounding group. You even joined in. Like all of your vorish cousins, Taryn was
gorgeous, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine even a grown man giving in to her seduction, even knowing
they’d likely be melted afterwards. after all, knowing your cousin, rejection would just make her acids
boil hotter; a fate you wouldn’t wish on anyone.
“I’ve never used my body to boost my GPA; I don’t need it.” Taryn says, sticking her tongue out at the
“I’ve seen you churn at least a dozen teachers…” Leah spoke up. “No shame in it; I’ve done it to at least3
teachers…” Alexa added.
“I haven’t! I’ve eaten teachers before, because it was fun. Or they looked tasty. Or I didn’t like the way
they talked to me. Not because I needed them to change my grade.”
Personally, you don’t believe a word of it, and mark that one down as a lie.
The game progresses, passing back around the group to more laughter and teasing, before coming
around to you again. Reaching forward to draw the card, you immediately read aloud, “Have you
fantasized about fucking anyone…” you felt your face redden as you read “… else in the game?”
Once more, the entire room seems to erupt into laughter at your expense, and you’re briefly bitter
beyond reason that the most embarrassing card your younger brother has drawn was ‘have you ever
been caught masturbating?’ which frustratingly roped you in as well.
“Remember Maxie, cheaters get churned~” Taryn says in a singsong voice, head in her hands as she
looks up at you from across Miranda’s lap. Her soft gut spilled out to either side of her midsection like a
water balloon she was resting on, mushed beneath her weight, and a very visible reminder that your
cousin was plenty able to make good on her threats.
You’ve already lied three times; you don’t know if your cousins can be sure of that, but… Listening to the
increasingly pained sounds coming from Alexa’s midsection just beside you, you know it’s better not to
risk it. Trying to keep your cool, you answer “Y-yes”; glasses fogging from your embarrassment as you
buckle under the laughter. At least you didn’t have to worry about staring at anyone in particular…
“Really, Max?!?” Madelyn bursts out laughing. “Maybe you should have eaten him after all Leah, who
knows how long he’s fantasized about getting inside you?”
“Well, if he really wants to, he can always volunteer the next time I’m hungry…”
Miranda, giggling hysterically, hugs you from the side, head on your shoulder, and you try unsuccessfully
not to blush any deeper as you feel her relatively modest bust press against your back.
As the game wins, the ultimate winner is revealed to be Leah, with 4 points from her own answers, and
9 from correctly catching all of Taryn’s and Terry’s lies, as well as your own. To your surprise, Taryn’s
answer about not needing to boost her grades was apparently true. And to your own continued
embarrassment, Miranda also catches all of your lies, smirking smugly at you as you’re forced to admit
that she and Leah got everything right.
Taryn ends up scoring the lowest, being both a terrible liar, and gullible, she didn’t get perfect guesses
for any of the other players.


By the time the game has ended, the night has faded into early morning and you drift apart from your
cousins as everyone wanders off to bed. You and Rudy are in the same room, down a hallway off the
It’s small and functional, typical of bedrooms set up for males. Two beds sit against opposite walls to the
left of the door, a wide closet set between them. The room has no windows, as is again typical of
bedrooms constructed with male residents in mind, but opposite the closet there is a full bathroom,
which is unfortunately shared with another bedroom on the opposite side.
Fortunately, the occupants of that bedroom are Harvey and Freddy, so at least you don’t have to share
with a vore.
Bernard is in a similar room just across the hallway, the design of his room and the corresponding
bathroom and paired bedroom identical to yours, save that they’re on the exterior wall and do actually
have windows. You were jealous, being the older of the two and being stuck sharing this room with
Rudy while Bernard & Alexa had their own room looking out towards the tree line, but realistically you
knew Alexa had that room and Bernard and Bernard just happened to be sleeping with her. Their
adjoining bedroom was occupied by Amanda and Wyatt, who, by the lack of light under the doorway,
had apparently already gone to sleep for the night.
Wandering in from the bathroom, still brushing his teeth, Rudy looked over at you putting on your
pajamas and asked, “do yoo tink tht Hrvy n Frehdy ill be OK?”, his voice garbled by the buzzing
“Well…” you begin, looking over Rudy’s shoulder to check that the door to their bedroom was closed.
“…no, not really. I know Miranda is sweet and all. She’s probably the nicest vore I’ve actually met.
Definitely my favorite. But she is still a vore, and… I don’t know. I don’t think Harvey is going to last the
Looking down, Rudy takes out the toothbrush and returns to the bathroom, spitting as you hear the
water run. Coming back after a moment, and sitting down on the bed across from you, he looks back
towards your cousins’ room and asks, “is there anything we can do?”
“I doubt it,” you gulp. “I don’t know if Bernie had any luck comforting him. It was nice of him to try, but
what do you say to someone who’s about to be eaten by his own sister? Harvey knows he’s already as
good as dead and gone. His mind’s only been half here all night. And Freddy… well, you know Taryn. If
even Mira wants to eat her brother, then Taryn sure won’t hesitate.”
“It’s not fair. Neither of them has to eat their brother. Why can’t they just pick someone else? The whole
‘family give you better gains’ idea is stupid, and even if it were true, they’re going to eat their own
brothers just to get bigger tits?”
“Look, Rudy, it sucks, but it’s the way things are. We can’t change it. We’re just lucky we don’t have a
sister. I think the best thing to do is not to think about it, just try to enjoy vacation and maybe try to help
Freddy and Harvey enjoy it too, while they still can.” You turn off the lamp sitting on your bedside table,
the room darkening to be lit only by Rudy’s lamp as you lift off your bed’s covers and slide in. “I’m sorry,
Rudy, but if we try to interfere, we’re only going to end up in the septic tank with them.”
You roll over onto your side, facing away from the light and breathing quietly as you thought about what
the next few days were likely to bring. Wondering if you’d be sitting next to Miranda again, idly playing
cards while Harvey shrieked from within her gut.
After a few moments’ pause and some shuffling, the remaining light winks out, and you drift to sleep,
wondering if Harvey and Freddy really will give their sisters greater gains.

The thin slash of light peeking in beneath the door is the only sign it’s daytime when you groggily open
your eyes. Turning over and climbing out of bed, you see Rudy has already left, and finding the
bathroom unoccupied, you take your morning shower before heading out towards the kitchen in search
of breakfast.
Your mother was there, washing up after the rest of the family had seemingly already eaten, the sun
bright in the sky and shining through the windows as you’d apparently slept in through much of the
morning already.
“There are some left over eggs and biscuits on the stove Max,” your uncle James offers from his seat at
the table off to the side of the kitchen where he sits typing away on his laptop. Uncle James was
apparently some sort of marketing savant, his commercials and ads bringing in revenues by the
wheelbarrow for his employers and keeping him far more safely employed than most males. But it kept
him busy; no matter how good he might be, his employers were wealthy vorish women, one, and all,
used to devouring any male that displeased them. They would not react well to being inconvenienced
because James 'was on vacation’.
“Rudy went hiking with Aunt Hannah and Aunt Kari and most of your cousins. Madelyn and Carrie and
Aunt Sofie are still here” your mother continues, as you pile cold eggs and biscuits onto a plate “and
Harvey and Freddy are off playing video games in the basement. Oh, and Oliver volunteered to spend
the day running errands. Probably doesn’t want to hang around the rest of us too much right now~”
your mother finished, chuckling.
“Why not?” you ask, confused, eating off your plate as you leaned against the countertop opposite the
“I thought Madelyn said you already knew? She’s divorcing Ben tonight. Carrie and I are getting
everything ready for her ‘dinner’ and there will be some games later in the afternoon once everyone
gets back from their hike.”
“Oh… yeah, Madelyn mentioned that last night… I forgot.” Taking a few more bites full of cold egg, you
gently broach the other topic you’re reminded of, “So… today is Mira’s birthday…”
Laughing, your mother chimed in, “yes it is, but she’s agreed to hold off celebrating until Wednesday. I
guess you get a 24th birthday party after all, you lucky boy.”
“So we actually are going to celebrate?” you ask, suddenly excited, and just as suddenly remembering
your more minor role in the celebration, “I mean, I know we’re celebrating Miranda’s birthday, but… I
get a cake too…? Or…?”
“We’ll see…” your mother says, smiling at you over her shoulder. “Some presents at least, and maybe a
surprise or two. We can get you something nice to eat. But remember that it’s a big day for your cousin.
I want you to be polite and to remember to put her needs above yours, alright? I raised you to be a
gentleman, so I hope you’ll behave as one.”
“Yeah, of cour—” is as far as you get before your cousin Carrie enters the kitchen, and cutting you off
when she sees you. You saw she was carrying several plastic containers stacked on top of each other,
which she set down on the kitchen counter near where you stood.
“Maxie! I hear today is a very lucky day for you, since Mira postponed her birthday. You must be happy.”
Carrie’s head tracks you as she’s setting down the plastic bins, an almost hostile glint in her eye as
though you somehow manipulated and took advantage of her little sister. Carrie was wearing stylishly
torn jeans and a bright blue and yellow top that covered her breasts and part of her upper arms, while
leaving her shoulders and midriff bare; and you tried not to stare down at her stomach as she nearly
stared you down from just a foot or so away.
“Here, there're lemons and limes and cilantro and some onions,” Carrie says, cutting you off again as she
gestures toward the bins. “Since you’re still around, how about you slice these up for the marinade? I
need to go help my mom with the cage.”
“Cage?” you ask, looking around at no one in particular as Carrie absconded the room.
“For Ben. Maddie’s already informed him of their pending divorce, so we thought it best to keep him
locked up until we’re ready for him. Plus, I think she’s having more fun this way, though we had to gag
him. Such a ruckus. I hope you go with a little more decorum when it’s your turn, Maxie.”
“If at all possible Mom, it will never be an issue,” you say, finishing the last of your eggs.
“A calm man exits with poise, a panicked man exits with noise. It happens to all men eventually Maxie, I
just hope you don’t make too much of a fuss.”
You’re saved the trouble of responding when your Aunt Sofie and Carrie come in, holding a massive
cage, maybe 3 feet on each end, your cousin-in-law Ben naked, gagged and bound; squirming in his tight
confines as even the vorish strength of your aunt and cousin seemed to strain at lifting the combined
weight onto the kitchen island. If your mother’s old saying was true, Madelyn would apparently put on
quite the symphony in the morning.
“Save some of that energy for your wife sugar,” your Aunt Sofie said, pinching Ben’s cheeks through the
cage bars. “You don’t want to go too quietly to the toilet. What fun is it being married if you can’t put on
a show at the end?”
“Hurry with those onions, Maxie,” Carrie says, arms crossed as she eyes you again. “We want to let Ben
soak as much as we can before dinner.”
Chuckling, Aunt Sofie joins in as well. “Maxie! Congratulations on making it to your 24 th birthday! It came
as something of a surprise, but I’m happy for you!” Aunt Sofie said, the curvaceous woman leaning in to
give you a hug as you stammered a reply, determined not to meet your cousin’s smirking gaze or to
show any sort of ‘physical reaction’ to your aunt’s proximity.
“Th—thank you, Aunt Sofie…”
“He’s not 24 yet,” Carrie interjects.
“Well, obviously, we can’t let anything happen to Maxie between now and tomorrow; he’ll make it to
24!” Sofie says, pulling you close as she kisses you on the cheek. “Don’t mind Carrie, Max. She just likes
to tease; and Miranda and I appreciate you very much.” You blush as your aunt kisses you, trying not to
think about the memory of her shitting out her own previous husband in front of you and the rest of the
family… or the number of times you’ve ‘appreciated’ that memory.
“Well, I’m going to go sit with Maddie; she’s husband shopping on her laptop and I told her I would help.
I certainly learned a few things after divorcing Leo about what I wanted in a husband, and I know a
couple of breeding farms with great training programs.” Bending down to eye level with Ben as he lies
on the cage floor, her bubble butt pushing against you as she does, Aunt Sofie whispers “Don’t be so sad
Ben, your time may be just about up, but you’ll give Madelyn some wonderful memories to look back on
over the next 24 hours.” And with a last little poke on the nose, your aunt leaves, jauntily bouncing off
to join Madelyn in her husband shopping.
As the morning progresses, you help your mother and Carrie create the marinade for Ben. Chopping
fruits and vegetables, measuring out sugar and other ingredients. Trying to ignore Ben’s weeping and
the casual mocking of your vorish relatives, and even the occasional jab from Uncle James as he
continued to work.
After about an hour, you’ve moved on from the marinade to preparing side dishes, mashed potatoes
and casseroles in proportions that could feed dozens of men. Your mother and Carrie have lifted the
cage and set it into a broad, inflatable circle, almost like a kiddie pool, but with a much more functional
and robust design. The Marinade rose up to about 2 feet, covering most of Ben’s form as he sat in the
liquid, sobbing as Carrie calmly ladled the juices up and poured them over his head.
“Why do we have all of this stuff, anyway? Was the cage already here?” you ask. This vacation home
was a rental, and obviously whoever owned it was vorish.
“No, we brought these,” your mother answered.
“But why?”
“For Miranda’s birthday,” she said, kneading a mound of dough beside you. “We weren’t sure what
might be needed, so your Aunt Sofie came prepared.”
Gulping, you nodded. You wondered if Harvey would be in that cage Wednesday, with you standing here
stirring potatoes while he wept, in a repeat of today.
When noon rolls around, Madelyn wanders into the kitchen, Aunt Sofie in tow. Wearing a long, thin,
flowing skirt that clung snugly to her hips, feet bare, and wearing a simple white top similar to Carrie’s
that emphasized the broad bulges of her breasts while leaving most of her torso exposed, you felt a
sudden disdain for Ben. Whether for allowing himself to be suckered into marriage with an obvious
maneater, or for screwing it up, you really didn’t know yourself.
But as Madelyn wordlessly picked up an apple and leaned down against the island, meeting Ben’s eyes
as she slowly took a large bite… chewed… and with a loud gulp, swallowed… you found yourself staring.
Watching the pulse in her throat as the apple traveled downward, following its invisible journey past her
breasts, to the smooth, supple, flesh of her stomach… tanned skin smooth and firm, the stomach
growling loudly at the meager meal as Madelyn took another bite.
Ben was shaking and weeping without restraint now, straining against his bonds, his voice muffled
beyond comprehension by the gag. As Madelyn ate, your eyes wandered back down to her growling
stomach, flat now, the man she’d been digesting last night, likely having long since vacated her body.
And at that thought, your eyes wandered further down, toward the ass that would be shitting out
whatever was left of Ben tomorrow morning, so thinly covered by the soft indigo fabric of her skirt…
You wondered if you’d be allowed, or even compelled, to watch. And how Madelyn’s ass might compare
to Aunt Sofie’s.
Finishing her apple, Madelyn looked down at Ben and spoke. “I’ve narrowed down my choices on a
replacement husband to 5. Aunt Sofie showed me a pretty great breeder; I’m not sure you’d have made
the cut actually, so even baseline should be an upgrade. Right now it’s a bit of a toss-up. Some of the
men are more mechanically capable, which is obviously a necessity given that our toilet isn’t equipped
for grinding up bones…” Madelyn paused as Ben wailed. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. You won’t be
getting the dignity of a toilet. And then, some of the men have better culinary skills… one of them is
lackluster in the housekeeping department, but has 8 inches and a double A rating in ‘lip service’.”
“I wouldn’t go for him,” Aunt Sofie interjected. “He’s subpar overall, and you can get 10 inches with
whatever texture you want much cheaper than buying an actual husband. I’d go for one of the more
skilled offerings.”
“Hmmm, maybe… that Rodrick guy was rated pretty highly overall. Not triple A, but he had an overall A
rating… and nobody has any triple A husbands left this time of year.”
“They’re way too pricey, anyway; and I bet with the right tools Rodrick can get you off as well as that
Calvin fellow.”
“Hmmm, what do you think of that, hubby?” Madelyn asks, showing Ben a photo on her phone. “He’s
already in better shape than you; I shouldn’t have let you get so lax after you left the farm. I bet he has
nice soft lips. They’d probably feel nice sucking on my tits once you fatten them up.”
With a satisfied smirk and a roll of her eyes at Ben’s wailing and desperate squirming, Madelyn opened
her jaws wide, tongue lolling forward as Ben suddenly went still with terror; and with a delicate motion,
dropped another whole apple into her mouth, tongue undulating as it rolled the apple back to her
throat, and you saw the bulge pulse again in her neck as she swallowed.
Locking her jaw back into position, Madelyn left with a wink and a lick of her lips at her soon to be
former husband, Aunt Sofie going with her as you continued to prepare for tonight’s dinner.


The rest of your family returns later in the afternoon, your Aunts Kari and Hannah dropping your cousins
off before running back out to grab some more ‘food’ for dinner.
After spending the afternoon in the kitchen listening to the muffled pleading of your soon to be former
cousin in law while you spent hour after hour helping your mother cook, you mostly just want to slink
off somewhere quiet and rest for a while, but Carrie had other plans.
Left to her own devices for the afternoon, Carrie had taken over the large common room in the ‘cabin’
and begun setting up party games, with Ben’s cage set up in the center of the dining room table
overlooking it all.
“Come on, come on, everyone get settled in while I go over the games…” Carrie ushered you all in,
opening the door to the basement and shouting down “HARVEY! FREDDY! COME UP HERE!”
You amble over and find a space on the couch by Leah and Terry, with Miranda in an adjacent armchair.
“MMFFGGGHHH HHLLLLL!!” You jolt, looking over in surprise and see Miranda smiling almost shyly at
you, hands lightly patting and rubbing her smooth stomach, which you only now realize is showing the
rigid, clenched, abdominal muscles of a vore working to compress her meal so that her gut doesn’t spill
out into her lap.
“Mira got peckish after our hike and couldn’t wait until dinner,” Leah whispers from your left side as she
leans over and bumps her shoulder against yours. “Don’t bring it up with Taryn or Alexa. They were
making a competition out of trying to talk him into going off behind the bushes with one of them when
Mira just snarfed him down. She should have had something more filling for dinner last night!” Leah
finishes, more loudly than the rest as she leaned over you toward Miranda.
“I thought I was going to have a big lunch today,” Miranda responds, eyes flicking back to you before
going back downward almost seemingly in embarrassment as she continues rubbing her belly, the man
inside screaming again. You suppressed another shudder; it sounded like Harvey was definitely not going
to make it home from this vacation. As much as you sometimes struggled to remember the vorish
natures of some of your family members, that howling coming from Mira’s gut was unlikely to fade from
your mind for the next few days.


“Ok everyone,” Carrie said, as Harvey and Freddy quietly slink into seats on one of the other couches;
“this first game is called ‘hump or dump’, everyone take an index card…” and Carrie draws out the word
as she hands cards and pens out “…and write on one side a quality you look for in partners, and on the
other side a quality that would get them ‘dumped’; assuming for purposes of the game that guys can
actually break up with girls,” Carrie tacks on with an eye-roll as she sees you raise your hand.
Shrugging, you write on one side: ‘Vegetarian’, and on the other: ‘photo album of past boyfriends’,
knowing you didn’t need to be specific as to what that album would undoubtedly contain pictures of.
Carrie kept such an album, though only online.
“Ok, now put the cards in the bag…” Carrie said, walking around the group with a plastic grocery bag
held open in her hands. “…And now, I’ll read a card, and whoever guesses who wrote it gets a point.”
“Ahem; ooh, ‘Is a fashionable dresser’, that’s a good one. And: ‘is a couch potato’. So, I forgot to have
you all write which side is good and which is bad, but I think this one’s pretty obvious.”
“Is it Leah?” Madelyn asks.
“Is it you, Leah?” Carrie turns toward your couch, eyebrow raised.
“Ok, one point to Madelyn; next up: ‘high fiber content’, sure, and… ‘high fiber content’?” Carrie reads,
looking around as all the girls except for Alexa laugh. Leah speaks up, “I’m guessing that’s Alexa, since
she’s just sitting there smiling?”
“Yeah, that was me,” Alexa says as her grin broadens even wider.
“You’re supposed to write something different on the other side.” Carrie flicks the card in Alexa’s
direction, missing by several feet.
“I like what I like.”
“Ok, next up: ‘athleticism’, vague, but alright, and: ‘so top-heavy she falls over when she runs’.” And
again the room bursts into laughter.
“Ok, so one of the guys, obviously,” Carrie says.
“Max?” Miranda guesses, looking at you.
“Bernie?” Taryn asks, giving a pointed look at Alexa’s tits.
“Not me, Alexa’s plenty athletic…”
“Wait, which was the good side, which was the bad side?” Carrie says flipping the card over to look for a
“Well, there’s only a few options left. Uncle Ollie would never write that, and neither would Harvey.
Uncle James?” Miranda asks.
“Nope, but I like where his head’s at.”
“Shoot, I forgot the rest of the rules. You only get to name someone once per round, and if there are
three wrong guesses, then the person who wrote it gets the point.”
“Whoop! One point for me!” Rudy says, reaching forward to take the card from Carrie.
“What? I get big boobs, and she can’t run after me when she’s hungry. Win-win.”
“Ok; ‘awkward and shy’, and ‘refuses tummy rubs’.”
Laughing, Taryn says, “obviously Maddie, though I didn’t know she liked them shy.”
“Actually, I love them shy, horny, and terrified, all at once, but that one wasn’t me.”
“Seriously?” Taryn asks, to a nod from Maddie, and you have to admit you’re surprised as well. Madelyn
had eaten her first husband, Lucas, because he’d refused to either fuck her or at least rub her belly
when she’d been digesting a formerly close friend of his. It was a legend within the family.
“Well, we’ve already drawn Alexa’s and Leah’s cards…”
“I GUESS MIRANDA!” Madelyn blurts, and Miranda bursts out laughing in her chair, hand covering her
“So that’s your type, huh little sister?” Carrie asks. “Skittish little belly rubbers? Maybe I should get you
some collars as a birthday present.”
“Maybe you should…” Mira teases back, blushing briefly before hiding her face behind her mug of tea.
“Carrie, what else do you have planned? This one is getting kind of boring,” Leah asks, leaning back
against the couch between you and Terry.
Looking around at the group and not seeing any argument, Carrie shrugs, and says, “Fine; how about
“Ooh, I’m eighteen now.” Miranda says, draining her tea in one swallow and holding out her cup with
both hands.
“Hold your horses…” Carrie says, sorting through another stack of cards from her cardboard box.
“Bernie, go get the tequila and some shot glasses.”
“Hold on,” you say; “Rudy, Harvey, Taryn, and Freddy still aren’t eighteen. Are you Alexa?”
“I’m playing and drinking,” Taryn said, eyeing you over the table.
“Oh, it’s fine. We’re not going anywhere!” Your Aunt Sofie said, helping Bernard with the glasses. “Here
you go Mira” she continues, opening one bottle and pouring it into Miranda’s cup, which she was still
holding out like some desperate little urchin.
“Yay!” Miranda says before taking several gulps, and abruptly coughing and sputter into her cup;
muttering “Oh; fuck you all,” as everyone bursts into laughter and giggles.
“Ok, who doesn’t know how to play ‘Never have I ever…’?” Carrie asks, looking around.
“I don’t know. Who doesn’t know how to play never have I ever?” Rudy replies, holding out his shot
glass to Bernard, who joined Aunt Sofie in topping everyone off.
“How is that a divorce game?” Taryn asks.
“Because Maddie’s tummy gets ~rough~ when she’s been drinking tequila.” Carrie says, gesturing to a
smugly grinning Madelyn who downs her first shot before Bernard pours her another, her stomach
growling loudly as she looks over and blows a kiss at Ben, who whimpers and whine once more.
“Who goes first?” Alexa asks, setting her shot glass on the table in front of her.
“Maddie goes first,” Madelyn says, downing her second shot and taking the bottle from Bernard.
“Okay…” Madelyn stops to think, before grinning wickedly at Miranda and saying, “Never have I ever…
had sex in an airplane.”
You watch, looking around the room as Carrie and Aunt Sofie both reach forward and down their first
shots, followed by Miranda after a moment’s hesitation, wilting under Carrie’s gaze and the silent threat
of being outed if she didn’t do it herself.
Quiet laughter bubbled up around the room at Miranda’s admission, Carrie elbowing Madelyn in the
side and whispering, “you really should try it sometime. I’m happy to play wingwoman for you.”
“Maybe after I take delivery of Rodrick; your turn.” Madelyn elbows Carrie back, who then purses her
lips and murmurs, “…never have I ever… crushed on a family member.”
At this, you quietly stared down at your drink for a moment, nervously looking around as Bernard and
Miranda reached forward to take their drinks, Bernard shrugging at you and Mira smiling. Leah reaches
forward to take her shot at almost the same time you do, and you quietly put your glass back down and
don’t look your giggling cousins Carrie and Madelyn in the eye as you let Leah refill your shot.
“Ok… I guess it’s my turn?” Miranda asks, holding her mug out as Carrie takes the bottle from Madelyn
and tops off her sister.
“Yes, and how much are you drinking?”
“Just a mouthful each time…”
“Have you ever had alcohol before, Mira?” Leah asks.
“Yes! I’m not a little kid. I’ve been going to parties and things for years. You’re only one year older than
“Ok, ok,” Leah replies, laughing. “I’m sorry for underestimating you.”
“Yeah? Well… never have I ever… left a date with blue balls.”
All the girls except Miranda and Alexa drink while you and your male relatives stare awkwardly at each
other, the game then moving on to you. Thinking about something your cousins have done that you
haven’t, you realize you’ll actually be able to get them drunk pretty easily. You have an entire list.
“Never have I ever had oral sex.”
“Is that a cry for help, Maxie?”
Turning to Taryn, you cross your arms and mime drinking a shot at her as she grins and takes up her
glass, as does everyone else aside from Rudy and Freddy. “Harvey?” Maddie asks, “Who’d you hook up
“Uhhh… Ailyn… one of Mira’s friends, at a party over winter break…”
“Nice,” Bernard says, lightly bumping his fist on Harvey’s shoulder as he sets down his glass and refills it.
“Hmmmm… Never have I ever…” your cousin Leah begins “…stayed up all night playing video games.”
Shrugging as you stare at her in confusion, Leah just says, “you boys need to catch up.”
You drink, as do Freddy, Harvey, Terry, Miranda, and to your surprise, Carrie.
“What? I liked CastleVania.”
As the game goes on, you all become increasingly buzzed, some of you crossing the line into moderate
drunkenness as the laughter and teasing goes on; some questions becoming increasingly lewd, and
some straying into ridiculously narrow niches. Miranda’s meal has become something truly nightmarish,
his howls reaching a frenzied pitch as digestion progressed and he was doused in more and more acid
and alcohol. Miranda now stood in front of Ben’s cage, her stomach uncompressed and resting on top of
the dining table, her meal visibly thrashing within as Madelyn pressed against Miranda’s back, hands
wrapped around Miranda to rub her belly as her head rested on Miranda’s shoulder staring down at her
caged husband.
For her part, Miranda is just a prop Madelyn can use in her tormenting, not that Miranda seems to have
any regrets about devouring her meal. You can’t bring yourself to listen, and you're thankful for the
alcohol numbing your mind.
“Alrighhhhttyyyyy” Carrie stops, interrupted by a hiccup, “ahem; thiss next games need partners, so
everybody get in pairs. Couples together, and we should probably do boys and girls to keep it fair, since
we’re more physsicallyy capable. I’ll pair with Harvey… and Mira can be with Max… and Taryn with
Freddy… and James with Aunt Sofie! Everyone fits!”
“What about me?” Rudy asks Carrie, raising his hand.
“Somebody eat Rudy.”
“OR, Rudy with me, since you also didn’t give me a partner,” Madelyn says, poking Carrie from behind as
she walks back over from her husband’s prison.
“You ssure? I’m kinda hungry…”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“Lotss. I’ve done it all, baby.”
Laughing with the rest of the group, Madelyn helped Carrie sit down on the couch, her head resting on
Madelyn’s shoulder beside her as Uncle James got up from beside Aunt Sofie to pick up where Carrie left
“Ok, so what Carrie was getting to, is that the next game is a mix of pin the tail on the donkey, and blind
man’s swag, with a slight vore theme.” He stops and picks up a roll of paper and something else held in
his other hand, and walks over to the other side of the room, the most distant wall being maybe 20 feet
away from the cluster of couches and chairs where your group sat. Unrolling the paper, he revealed the
image of a toilet bowl, seen from above, the image filling the sheet and being about 2 feet wide by 3
feet tall. Using some sticky tack from his other hand, he put it up on the wall at just below eye level.
“Ok, the idea here is that the girls need to get the boys into the toilet bowl” your uncle continued,
uttering the phrase with a steadiness you could hardly believe, “the boys will have little paper cutouts of
turds with sticky tack on the back, and will be blindfolded, and the girls will give them directions on
where to walk to get to the wall. Easy peasy, right? Taryn, the turd cutouts are in the box. Why don’t
you hand them out? You’ll probably have the most fun,” Uncle James finished as he took a few chairs
from the dining room and scattered them around the empty space between the rest of you and the
toilet bowl picture.
Taryn got up and walked over to the cardboard box and shuffled through it, laughing as she pulled out a
stack of construction paper cutouts, pictures of turds glued on top of them. “Who made these? This one
looks just like one of mine…”
“I got photos of everybody’s dumps off their ssocial media pagess…” Carrie mumbles softly, “sso your
partner can be realisstic.”
“Alright Freddy, I guess that makes you my hot, sloppy, mess,” Taryn says, handing one of the cutouts to
her younger brother “And this looks like you Leah” Taryn said handing another cutout to your cousin
beside you on the couch. You can see it as she holds it in her hand. The image showed a large heap of
long ropes of shit, splinters and fragments of bone visible throughout, but relatively little that could be
identified. Handing it to her partner, Terry took it apprehensively, which was entirely reasonable you
“There’s like a whole fucking skeleton in this one. Alexa?”
“It’s not the whole skeleton, I just have a harder time with the more solid bones,” the tall, busty girl
replied, taking the photo and handing it to Bernie, giggling as she did. “look, it’s the photo of Dan I took
to send Polly…”
“Ooh, there’s two guys in this pile…”
Giggling, Carrie leaned forward and said, “that’s Lucas and Gerry from Maddie’s first ‘divorce’.”
Laughing, Taryn handed the photo to Rudy, and then another to Harvey. Uncle James stopped and took
his as he came back from placing the chairs, and Taryn handed the last one to you before returning to
her seat. Glancing down at it, you see a dark brown mound of waste sitting between the roots of a tree,
a mix of soft mud and rounded coils, broken by half digested lengths of bone jutting out of the waste;
their jagged edges smoothed by Miranda’s digestive acids. The cracked but intact skull of her victim sits
at an angle on top of the pile, gaze turned downward and at an angle, the photo positioned so that it
nearly seemed to stare outward. At least Carrie hadn’t been so cruel as to pair Harvey with Miranda.
You felt bad enough he was taking part in what would be, for him, such a macabre game.
“Ok” Uncle James says, getting back out of his seat as Taryn sits down “here are the blindfolds…” he
takes them out of the box, and begins passing them to you and the other boys, before returning to his
seat and letting Aunt Sofie tie his on tight.
Uncle James goes first, standing up and allowing Taryn and Carrie to lift him up off his feet and spin
him around; you see that they’re even moving him in the air to set him down a few feet from where he
was. Arms outstretched, he wanders, feet gliding along the floor a few inches at a time as Aunt Sofie
calls directions. It takes a few minutes, and a few stumbles, but eventually James makes it across and at
Aunt Sofie’s cry of “THERE! Straight ahead; just under shoulder height! Expel! Expel!” Uncle James slaps
the cardboard cutout of Uncle Leo’s remains onto the paper, removing his blindfold to see that he’d
gotten it inside the bowl, just a few inches above and to the right of the center.
“Aaannnddd, that’s how it’s done!” Uncle James brags, grinning broadly and making his way back to the
Freddy and Taryn go next, Freddy falling to his knees immediately after being spun around wildly by his
cousins, and after having so much to drink. For a moment everyone flinches back, worried he’s about to
vomit, but he held it in and staggered back to his feet. Taryn’s frustrated shouting of “Left! Left! MY
LEFT!” sent Freddy straight into a chair, shouting back “I CAN’T SEE WHAT DIRECTION YOU’RE FACING!”
and eventually Freddy bumped up against the wall on the other side, and immediately slammed the
cutout of Taryn’s sloppy mess onto the wall roughly 3 feet to the right of the goal; to be met with cries
of: “ooh, all over the floor”, “clean up on aisle 3”, “that’s pretty accurate for drunk Taryn”, and “ugh, this
is a rental!”.
Leah guides Terry with far more efficiency, giving directions of “rotate to 2’o’clock” and “take three
steps forward, one more step” based on Terry’s viewpoint. It’s slower going, but after about 6 minutes
Terry plops the cardboard cutout neatly into the bowl, just off center, to a round of applause. You’re
mostly distracted by now as people have got into the game, and are leaning over the back of the couch
to watch Terry’s progress, and you have an excellent view of Leah’s firm ass through her very snug yoga
pants, just a foot or so away from you as she leaned over the left arm of your couch, propped up on her
elbows as she calmly rattled off instructions for Terry. You had some idea of how many men must have
died for that ass, but that didn’t stop you from trying to imagine what it would feel like to just reach
over and start running your hands over it.
Alexa and Taryn are rather distracting as well, Taryn also having opted for some very snug yoga pants
and having maintained a diet very similar to Leah’s, though the black color of her yoga pants isn’t as
flattering as Leah’s bright pink pants. Alexa wore jeans, as she usually did, but as was also typical, they
were tight fitting and it was hard to look away from the three of them for long enough to watch
Bernard’s progress as Alexa ‘guided’ him.
Fortunately, with all the excitement, none of your cousins actually caught you staring before you
snapped back to reality and realized how quickly you might become a contributor to those asses.
“You keep bumping into things babe, go around them.”
“You have to tell me when to move…”
“Go ahead… a little more… no, not that far…” Alexa mumbles as Bernard staggers over a chair, nearly
falling. “I thought you jock types were supposed to have good spatial awareness.”
“Alexa, I can’t see.”
“Well then, follow my instructions more closely~. Turn left, and go forward 5 steps… your steps are too
long!” Alexa whined, laughing as Bernard stumbled into another chair.
Eventually he makes it and slaps his cutout on the paper so he can hurriedly remove his mask. As he
steps away, there’s another out-pour of: “oh, not again!”, “at least they made it to the bathroom this
time”, “Oh Bernard! All over the rim!” and from Alexa, “Babe, you better not leave behind that much of
a mess if I dump you for real.” “Yeah? What if I do? You going to dump me a second time?” Bernard
mutters, slapping Alexa’s ass before sitting back on the couch beside her and pulling her down into his
Carrie goes next, with Harvey, but your most drunken cousin must be seeing double because she guides
Harvey into a chair twice; and Harvey ends up ripping off his blindfold in anger and frustration, leaving
the photo of Carrie’s dump lying on the floor.
“Ugh, he’ss being ssuch a baby,” Carrie whined as Harvey stalked off rather than returning to his seat on
the couch.
“Your brother is just having a rough week Carrie, go a little easier on him,” Aunt Sofie says from beside
your Uncle James, who sits flipping through the other cutouts in the box. “He’s anxious is all.”
“Well, he sshould get over it. Mayybee he sshould fuck that Ailyn chick sum.”
“Ailyn only blew him without eating him afterwards as part of a bet, she is a pred,” Miranda chimes in,
“not many of her boyfriends last long.”
“Not many of anyone’ss boyfriendss lasst long… whosse next?”
“Us next!” As Miranda comes up to you, you try to ignore the screaming and churning of her stomach,
but given that it’s practically resting in your lap while she bends down to tie on the blindfold, you can’t
help but shudder and sweat. Fortunately, Mira finishes quickly, squeezing your shoulder before backing
off to her own chair. That awful noise is still only a couple of feet away from you, but you're thankful for
any distance you can get.
You’re just getting used to being blindfolded as you’re suddenly hauled to your feet, firm hands under
either of your arms and lifting you up off the couch. As Carrie and Taryn lift you, you feel your arms &
elbows against their breasts, the soft flesh compressing under the brief contact. You thought about how
large they must be, how many men’s lives it took to get them both into the d-cup range, and you
imagined a nightmarish scene where your body was tilted upwards and sent plunging into either of their
guts while you were blindfolded and unable to see it coming. You nearly ripped the blindfold off in fear,
but the sudden spinning and giggling as your cousins tossed you about interrupted your thoughts.
Dizzy, you walk, one leg in front of the other as you stagger a bit, hip bumping against something solid.
You hear laughter and giggling, and Mira, still struggling to contain her own giggles, directs you. “Left
Max! Go Left!...Not that far left!” you hear over the sound of more laughter as you bump into the back
of the couch. Some voices are only inches away from you, so you have a decent idea of where you are
now at least, and you turn to the right of the couch and face the direction you believe the wall is in.
“Forward… and veer left a few feet. Whooo!” Mira shouts “Passed the first chair, now go right!”
“Why does it all have to be zig zags?” you complain as your knee collides with another chair.
“Because it’s like intestines!” Alexa shouts back at you, before Aunt Sofie adds, “It’s good practice for
you all! You don’t want to leave your pred constipated!”
It takes a few more minutes, and a few collisions, but eventually you walk face first into the wall at the
far end of the room. At least from having felt the paper on your forehead, you knew you were in the
right spot.
“Ok… arm up… a little to the left… up… up… stop! Right there!” Miranda shouts at you, and you press
the cutout against the paper, feeling it stick, and finally you remove the blindfold, seeing the skull of one
of Mira’s past meals staring out at you from the photograph, right in the middle of the toilet bowl. But
all you can think about is Mira’s past meal. The poor guy. Who even knew who he was, or what he’d
been doing that day? Was he just some other hiker that had the misfortune of bumping into your cousin
out in the middle of nowhere?
Turning around, you receive a round of applause from your assembled family; “Made it into the bowl!”,
and “Good job, Maxie! Nice and tidy!”, “BULLSEYE!” from Miranda, jumping out of her chair in
excitement as her current meal wailed shrilly in her stomach as she began a short victory dance, her gut
swinging back and forth with her hips and jostling the man from side to side as Mira’s acids sloshes and
splashed across his face.
With all the smiling and laughter, Miranda’s grin is infectious and you smile back at her, despite the grim
fiction of the game being that your baby cousin just plopped you down right smack in the middle of the
toilet bowl. Leah puts an arm around your shoulders and half hugs you as you sit back down on the
couch, everyone’s attention now shifting to Rudy as Madelyn blindfolds him, lifting him up off the couch
afterwards and spinning him about herself, like a dance partner.
Laughing with the rest of your cousins as you watch your brother turn about aimlessly and stumble over
his own feet, you listen as Madelyn begins her directions. “Right… Right… a little more… good… Now,
keep walking straight…” Madelyn whispers softly, following along a couple feet behind Rudy as she
guided him not towards the wall, but towards the dining room table. “That’s it…” she whispers as he
gets closer, and as his hips bump against the table, she steps right up behind him, pressed against his
back as she wraps her hands around him and takes his hand in hers, guiding the picture through the bars
of the cage.
“Right… there.” You see your brother shaking as Madelyn’s stomach rumbles loudly, ominously, still
pressed against his back. He removes his blindfold but is still held in place by Maddie’s body, seemingly
unnoticed by her, as her attention is entirely on the imprisoned man at this point.
“Did you ever see a photograph of my first husband? I don’t know if I ever showed you any. Well. I hope
you enjoy the preview. I think it’s just about time to have dinner. Rrrgggmmmmbbbblleee.”


Just as Ben begins to buck and thrash in his bindings, whimpered pleas muted by his gag, you hear the
rattle of the front door unlocking as your Aunt Kari eases it open, leading in an assortment of ‘food’ for
your family’s dinner.
“Just in time mom” Leah takes the lead from her, licking her lips at the sight of the various prey your
aunt had brought home “Maddie’s getting hungry.”
“Ooh! Maddie, have a seat at the head of the table, Leah and Carrie can pass out the stock. Your mother
has a surprise for you~.”
“Oh?” With a slow lick of her lips, Maddie reached through the cage and pinched Ben’s cheeks briefly,
winking and whispering “Maybe you’ll have some company~.”
“Up to you dear” Aunt Kari says, placing a hand on Madelyn’s shoulder before moving on to kiss James.
“Ah Maddie!” your Aunt Hannah exclaimed, following the train of stock through the door with two more
in tow on a separate lead…both looking more…physically fit than average, and wearing very little.
Although all of the stock wore essentially nothing more than a pair of boxers. “Your Aunt Kari and I
decided to pick you up a little gift to celebrate your divorce~.” Yanking the two nervous men forward by
their lead, your Aunt Hannah pushed them both forward to Madelyn, whose broad smile grew even
wider as she openly looked the pair up and down, reaching out to run her hand over the taller of the
“Oh, thank you mom, I’m sure Ben and I can find a way to put them to good use~.”
“You’re welcome; and just so you know, Aunt Kari and I have prepaid to rent them for the rest of the
week, but there is a surcharge for eating them.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
As Leah leads the terrified but obedient stock into the kitchen to be seasoned, your Aunt Hannah takes
Madelyn’s gifts up to her room, and Carrie conscripts Bernard and Terrance to help her set the table,
leaving you alone with Kari and James, and Miranda, with Alexa, Taryn and Madelyn nearby teasing Ben
about what kind of mess he’ll make when Maddie finishes with him.
“What’s all this?” Kari asked her husband, gesturing to the wall.
“Just a party game. Like pin the tail on the donkey, only it’s pin the turd in the toilet bowl; and you have
a partner that has to guide you.”
“Ooh! Let’s play while they finish setting up dinner, you and me vs Max and Mira!”
“We’ve already gone,” you answer, looking between Miranda and Kari.
“They won too. Mira plopped Max right on the bullseye,” James added, blindfolding his wife from
behind as your aunt held her arms out loosely, still grinning. “But they can switch so that Max is guiding
Mira this time.”
“Perfect!” your aunt says, smiling in roughly your direction as Mira sits next to you and shrugs. Whoever
she’d eaten seems to near his end. The sloshing of her stomach seems to drown out his screaming, or
he’s just gulping too much acid to get much sound out. With imprints of arms and feet still visible under
Mira’s skin, it’s clear that the thrashing, at least, has only increased in intensity.
“Mira, Max, come spin me!”
Rising from the couch, you move to the other side of your aunt and take one outstretched arm and push
it towards Miranda as she pushes your aunt’s arm in the other direction. Careful of where you place
your hands as you spin your aunt, you eventually finish, backing off with Mira as Kari slowly spins in
circles, trying to get her bearings.
Stepping closer, James gently turns his wife roughly in the wall's direction and places another photo
cutout in her hand. “Here, Carrie had one made for each of you. If I’m not mistaken, this is that mailman
you used to fuck when I was away at work.”
“Ah, Hudson was so much fun!”
“Keep forward another two or three steps, then turn to your left. You seemed to enjoy digesting him.”
“Well, of course. You seemed to enjoy it as well~.”
“Maybe. Six more steps forward, then right three.”
“Not jealous of a big ol’ turd I hope,” Kari teases, lightly edging around a chair.
“Four steps, then right five. Well, I suppose it all worked out alright in the end.” Watching as Kari moved
past the last chair and toward the wall, James waiting until her outstretched hand first brushed the
wood and blew a wet raspberry “BBBPPPPFFFTTTT” to signal Kari had reached her target.
Tearing off the blindfold after slamming the target onto the wall, your aunt shouted,
“AWWWWWWWWWWWW NOO, not in the tank!” sagging as she looked down in defeat, the rest of
you all laughing behind her.
“That’ll be a bitch to clean up for sure. Your turn Mira!”
Retrieving the blindfold from Aunt Kari, Uncle James tied it around Miranda’s head as she stood there
cradling her gut. “Here! It’s a photo of Max’s father!” Aunt Kari said, placing one of the remaining
cutouts in Mirada’s hand and giving you a wink.
Stepping closer, you can see the cutout; a large stack of your mother’s waste piled high in the garbage
bin, only a few fragmented bones visible sticking out of the pile at the top, the rest of your father’s
remains concealed by the sides of the bin. You didn’t have many memories of him. All you really knew
was that he had married your mother when they were in college, had worked in finance, and had once
upon a time played baseball in high school. After giving your mother two sons, she’d gobbled him up
during her second pregnancy and had never found another replacement. You didn’t think you’d ever
seen a photo before; your mother hardly ever talked about him.
“Come on, Max! Spin Mira!” Aunt Kari says, jostling your shoulder and jolting you back to reality as Mira
giggled behind her blindfold. Jarred from your reminiscence, you reach both hands out to Miranda’s side
as your aunt does and you twist Mira by the shoulders, turning her around, and around, and around.
Accidentally grabbing a bit of boob as Miranda spun toward you, you quickly withdraw your hand,
blushing furiously and switching to grab Mira by her sides and stomach to spin her rather than her
shoulders. Fortunately, Mira is laughing with Kari rather than seeming upset, and hopefully doesn’t even
realize it was you and your aunt. The last thing you want is to end up in your favorite cousin’s gut
because of a stupid mistake like that.
Her stomach is bucking wildly, garbled screaming a constant from her pained meal as yours and your
aunt’s hands press into Mira’s stomach. The added pressure breaking already weakened bones, leaving
you cringing with each crack as Mira and Kari continue to giggle.
Finally done, you back away, leaving Miranda wobbling on the spot as she tried to orient herself; the
bucking of her meal adding another layer of disorientation as she tried to figure out what direction she
was facing.
“Just a little to your right…” you begin, nervously trying to think of the best route for Mira to get around
the couch. “Just go forward a couple of steps… a little more… and now left…”
You slowly guide her around the couch, and then back to the chairs, as the rest of your family moves
back and forth behind you, setting down placemats and filled casserole dishes. “Ok, now forward…
forward… left… for—wait, lo—!” Is as far as you get before Miranda’s wobbling gut throws her off
balance, and her foot catches the leg of a chair, sending her falling forward onto the solid wood floor,
and you nearly heave at the sickening wet crunch as her meal collapses under the force of the impact.
“I—I’m sorry! Are you alright?” you anxiously rush over to your cousin, nervously helping her to her feet
as she removes the blindfold.
“I’m fine” Mira laughs, smiling at you. “He isn’t,” she jostles her now significantly quieter belly, “but that
was going to happen eventually anyway.”
“Uh… yeah, heh,” you chuckle, awkwardly patting her shoulder. “I guess you’re better at giving
directions than I am, huh…?”
“Ha, looks like! Though he wasn’t exactly helping. It’s his own fault he got squished like that, really.”
“Well, he might have been trying for that,” James interjects, coming over and taking the chair.
“Digestion has always seemed like it would be unpleasant.”
“Well, maybe a little.” Miranda winks at you as she answers James with a smirk.
“Come help us set the table if you’re finished in there!” you hear your mother shout from the kitchen,
and you quickly rush off to help, happy for an excuse to leave the uncomfortable situation.


The table is set with the various dishes you helped prepare earlier in the day. Side dishes really.
Potatoes, casseroles, etc… the focus was of course on Ben, and the other stock that would feed your
vorish relatives.
With everyone gathered around their chairs, the stock each loosely tied to the chairs by their leads, kept
in place more by the intimidating gazes of Leah, Taryn, and Maddie as the table had been set… and
now… well, now it was too late for them to try anything.
“Do you want to say anything, Madelyn?” Your aunt Emma asks.
“Nope. Dig in!” and with that, and a round of shark-like smiles met with sudden muffled screams of
terror from the stock as almost simultaneously half a dozen men briefly stared into gaping maws before
those jaws leapt forward and around them, jamming their heads into the throats of their devourers.
Your cousin Carrie opts instead to devour her meal feet first, pushing him down into her chair before
kneeling and taking his feet in her mouth. You and your male cousins can only watch, as one by one,
seven men are consumed by your family.
Only three of the women present aren’t currently shoveling a living person into their gullets. Madelyn is
smiling down at Ben, still in his cage. You knew Ben was to be the last devoured. Madelyn wanted to
give him as much time as possible for regret. And her sister, Amanda, stood with her boyfriend Wyatt,
beside Alexa and Bernard, unable to vore. And Miranda stood beside you, her stomach soft and round,
yet still large, with the remains of her earlier meal.
Biting her lip, head tilted to one side as she regarded her meal, who stared back at her transfixed as he
met the gaze of his devourer with tears in his eyes, Miranda looked to Carrie on the ground beside her
and murmured “I’m not really hungry” sloshing her stomach gently as it gurgled.
Closing his eyes in relief, the man falls to his knees in front of Miranda, crying and mumbling behind his
gag as she awkwardly takes a step back, looking down at him in confusion.
“Saving him to play with later?” Carrie teases after the head of her own meal finally passes down her
“No,” Miranda huffs, “I’m just not hungry.”
“It’s ok Mira, we know you like to play with your food~” Taryn joins in the teasing, words strangely
garbled as she tries talking with her meals squirming calves still in her mouth.
“I’m not trying to keep him. I’m just not hungry!”
“Well, do you mind if I have him, then?” your mother asks, walking over with a belly already bloated
with her own struggling meal. “It’s been a while since I had two at once.”
“Of course not, go ahead Aunt Melody” Miranda says, backing away from her stock and sticking her
tongue out at Carrie and Taryn as the man screams in terror once more, briefly, as your mother
descends upon him.
Already on his knees, he curls into a ball, hands over his head; a tactical error, as your mother quickly
wraps her jaws around him. With nearly his entire body in her mouth, only his feet and one hand
sticking out from between her jaws, your mother swallows him in a single strained gulp, ‘compressing’
him as soon as he enters her throat, yet not enough to hide the bulge he makes completely as he travels
down her gullet and into her stomach.
With a wink in your direction as you stare slack jawed at the display of skill in compressing a meal still
entering her throat, your mother thanks Mira and returns to her seat, both men already wailing as their
digestion begins.
Mouthing ‘Wow’ at you, Mira returns to her chair, and turns back to Madelyn as your oldest cousin grins
and says “Alright, everyone, let’s take a seat!” And with that, you all pull out your chairs and sit down, as
Ben looks around in shock, the horrific sounds of digestion surrounding him.
Sitting uncomfortably at the table, spooning mashed potatoes onto your plate, you try not to dwell too
much on the similarities between you and the mushy white lump. At least your cousins seem to be
calorie conscious. Most of them pass on the potatoes. Clearly your strategy of being a lumpy white mass
yourself remains a valid defense.
Idle chatter passes back and forth across the table as you eat, Carrie discussing her marketing classes
with Taryn and Leah; while Aunt Kari and Uncle James are engrossed in a conversation about Bernie’s
and Alexa’s plans following Bernie’s graduation, since Alexa will have two more years of high school.
“So, what are you up to at college, Maxie?” Aunt Sofie asks, turning to face you.
“Oh, uhh, not much… just some coding and dynamic equations and more math.”
“Max has gotten nearly all A’s so far, a 3.89, brrrp, excuse me, a 3.89 GPA,” your mother chimes in,
belching as her newest victims continued to fight and thrash inside of her. Smirking wickedly at Ben, she
presses in on her stomach with both hands while also squeezing her abdominal muscles, and you can
hear the crunching sound of bones breaking as she grunts, “Silly boys. You should know fighting will only
make it worse.”
Chuckling at the display as her own meal continues to churn, Aunt Sofie smiles back at you. “A 3.89 is
pretty good, Maxie. And what about after college? Lots of work for computer guys, right?”
“Uhhh, yeah, I mean, uhh…” you try to ignore the continued torment being visited upon the unfortunate
stock around you “there are, uh… a lot of protections. Good insurance. Pretty good pay and I can work
remote. Maybe start my own business, and not even need to meet my clients face to face…”
“Sounds like you’ve got it all planned out!” Sofie laughs, clearly understanding your desire not to have
any sort of proximity to vorish clients. “Are you still thinking about education, Mira?”
“Oh! Well, we were just talking about that last night, actually. I might take a year or so to work as a flight
attendant like you and Carrie did. That was a lot of fun last summer,” Mira answered, cheeks reddening
only slightly. “And then either learning to teach, or maybe resource management; like coaching people
for specific jobs and roles.”
“Oh, there’s definitely a need for that. We can’t seem to keep our male employees solid for more than a
year. They barely get decent at managing their responsibilities and then Swssooosshh,” your aunt
mimics a flushing sound.
You're unnerved again by the disposal reference. And it’s not just Aunt Sofie, or your mother. Taryn’s
meal is screaming loud enough that you think you might have actually heard it echo, Leah and Taryn
keep pressing their guts against the table, as do many of your aunts, and there’s so much belching that
the entire room is taking on the acrid scent of a stomach at work.
Which you realize must be the point. The entire dinner is still just a production to torment Ben;
surrounding him with all these reminders of his near future. Madelyn doesn’t need to say a word. She
just sits there, slowly eating, her stomach rumbling ever louder at the paltry meal as her eyes remain
locked on her husband’s gaze.
When the ‘manfood’ has all been eaten, and the plates sit empty on the table, the atmosphere takes on
a different air. You and the other males sense the danger present, and your vorish relatives savor the
last few moments of anticipation.
Slowly rising from her chair, smoothing her skirt with one hand, Madelyn looks at Ben and says, “You’ve
been an utter disappointment as a husband. You’ll serve me better as a meal.” And with that, Madelyn
kneels down on one leg, hands resting on her knees, as she unhinges her jaws and lets her mouth hang
open in front of Ben.
Giggling, Carrie and Aunt Hannah open the cage while Leah and Miranda lean forward to grip the bars
and hold it steady. Ben squirms and struggles as he’s pulled out, but bound as he is, he can’t do much
but wriggle like a worm as your aunt and cousin lift him, and rotate him so that his legs dangle over
Madelyn’s maw.
“Don’t worry Maddie, the bindings are fully digestible. Chocolate flavored too.” Carrie whispers.
And without another word of ceremony or goodbye, Ben is lowered feet first into his wife’s gullet, inch
by inch. Taryn stands to one side, and Alexa the other, both recording the scene with their phones. Ben
bucks and howls futilely, staring wide-eyed at the bulge his feet make in Maddie’s throat; and Maddie
doesn’t move a muscle. You watch as she sits there, a grim, satisfied, cast to her eyes as she stares
toward her husband’s gaze, just letting him be fed to her.
Even Miranda and Harvey are staring at the scene with rapt attention, as Ben’s knees pass through
Maddie’s lips. And then his hips. His abdomen. His shoulders.
When only his head remains, Carrie rips away his gag, allowing him one desperate plea of
“PLLEEEAASSEEE NOOoooo” as Madelyn tilts her head back and gives a last swallow, her throat closing
and cutting off the last of Ben’s cry.
Grinning from ear to ear, Maddie smacks her lips and lets out a thundering “BBLLLLLEEEUUUCCCHHH”, a
few droplets of spittle shooting from her mouth as she belches; while your vorish relatives and Uncle
James clap from around the table.
“Bet he feels better in you now than he ever has before!”
“Ah, I love divorces.”
“There’s some more tequila left!” Taryn says, handing Maddie the bottle.
“Well, tonight will be a noisy night for whoever sleeps near Maddie.”
“Cheer up Ben! This is the last time you’ll ever have to suffer through listening to your wife churn some


The taunting continues as everyone gathers around Maddie’s bulging stomach, while Maddie herself
downs the rest of the bottle in one long swig. Staring dumbstruck for a minute, you’re jolted by Bernie
as he nudges your shoulder, a stack of plates in his other hand; and you quickly gather up discarded
dishes and make your escape to the kitchen on your cousin’s heels.
“Thanks for that.”
“No problem.” Bernie washes the dishes off and handing them to you. Finding a clean cloth in one of the
nearby drawers, you hurry to catch up on the drying before stacking the dishes off to one side.
Continuing in silence for a few minutes, you turn to your cousin and ask, “is it like that with Alexa?”
“Like what?” he glances at you as he hands you the next plate, before going back to washing.
“That… cruel…”
“…Sometimes. Sometimes no. Usually she’s just eating guys like any other food. It’s not personal. I’ve
only seen her eat someone she was really mad at twice.”
“But… it’s always that painful?”
“Yeah. Pretty much. Everyone’s different, I guess. Alexa doesn’t seem half as bad to die in as Taryn. Who
knows how Maddie compares?”
“How can you be ok with that? Sleeping next to a woman that might just decide to eat you some day,
put you through all that, for no fucking reason at all?”
“Maybe you missed that last part?” Bernie asks, voice turning harsh as he glances at you out of the
corner of his eye. “Alexa’s stomach isn’t half as brutal as Taryn’s. Some of us aren’t so lucky that we
don’t have to worry about being eaten by our own siblings just for fun, or for a good post. Some of us
need to take those risks, to have any chance of avoiding something worse.”
“…I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it like that.”
“Yeah, well, I get why you keep your distance from vores. I wish I could. Most of us don’t have that as a
real option, though.”
“…Well, at least Alexa seems to care about you…?”
“Your dad was married to your mom for five years. Uncle Leo was married to Aunt Sofie for ten. Didn’t
help either of them.” Turning off the water, Bernie stalks off, heading down the hall where your
bedrooms were located.
With a sigh, you follow him, turning to your own room where at least it will be quiet. From the sounds
drifting in from the dining room, it seems like the spectacle of Maddie’s divorce will take a good bit
longer to play out before your family runs out of jokes.


Lying back on your bed, playing with your old PSP, you look up at the sound of knocking and see Rudy
poking his head in. “Hey, come on, we’re going to have movie night.”
“What movie?” You hope it’s not more vore, you’ve had about as much as you can take for one day.
“One Worth Keeping”
You groan; another chick-flick; and one that would be unlikely to cheer you up. “I’ll pass.”
“Come on, it won’t be that bad. Taryn said that the male lead actually survives.”
“TARYN picked it? That can’t be good, Rudy.”
“Leah backed her up.” Stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, Rudy moved to sit on
the bed beside you. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’ve just had enough of guys getting eaten for today.”
“Well, the rest of the week probably won’t be so bad. No more divorces at least…”
“Tomorrow is Miranda’s birthday party.”
“And your 24th! Come on, you have to be happy about that. When was the last time you actually had a
birthday party?”
“18, when I graduated,” you admitted. “But that’s the point. Mira turns 18 tomorrow.”
“And they already had that cage they used for Ben with them. Rudy, Mira’s going to eat Harvey, and
we’re all going to go through another round of jokes about him ending up as shit. I just want to go to
sleep.” Your younger brother does look distraught as he pieces it all together, his face going from
concerned to crestfallen as he realizes there’s nothing either of you can do.
“Well, Harvey is watching the movie, too. I mean, we’re still family, right? We should try to do things
together, especially if we won’t be able to next year…”
“Why would Harvey be watching a movie with Mira and the rest of them? Tonight? I’m sure he knows.”
“I don’t know. Maybe he’s lonely. What else is he going to do? Try to run and get stuck in the cage to be
laughed at?”
“I don’t know… I mean, I’d be doing anything else.”
“You wouldn’t want to spend time with us?”
“I wouldn’t want to be eaten, Rudy! It’s not like I don’t like you all, but I wouldn’t sit around while Taryn
and Carrie make jokes about what kind of pile I’ll make.”
“Max, nobody is taunting Harvey. It’s just movie night, like last year or the year before that. Maybe Mira
won’t eat him, anyway! Leah didn’t eat you. Maybe she’ll change her mind. She cares about him as
much as we do.” You wouldn’t believe that of your other cousins. Although Leah had surprised you.
Maybe… maybe Mira would change her mind. Or already had. Harvey wasn’t in a cage. Maybe he’d be
“Alright…” you sigh, switching off the PSP and getting to your feet. You’d already changed into your
pajamas, but it was dark out and likely others had too.
Even as you had that thought, Rudy said, “great! I’ll meet you out there. I need to change.” And you left
as he began rummaging through his suitcase.
Heading back into the living room, you find your aunts had all retired for the evening, as had Maddie,
Amanda, and Wyatt. Too old for movie night, apparently. You wondered why that didn’t seem to apply
to you.
Looking for a place to sit, you see one couch is occupied by Bernie and Alexa lying down on one end,
Taryn on the other, her stomach already soft and loose and draped over their feet. Leah sat in one of the
armchairs with Terry squeezed in with her, and Freddy, Harvey, and Miranda occupied the other three.
With alarm you realized the only vacant space was the second couch, with Carrie setting there curled up
against one of the armrests.
Grinning at you, Carrie patted the spot beside her. “Come sit with me Maxie~, I won’t bite.” Even though
the past two or three hours had been time enough for alpha preds like Taryn and Leah to finish with
their meals, Carrie’s and Alexa’s stomachs were still quite active; and their occupants were plenty vocal
about the less than ideal conditions within.
“Thanks Carrie…” You sit down nervously, on the opposite end of the couch, and as you do, Carrie slides
smoothly across to sit beside you, stomach pressing you into the seat and the armrest as she rests her
weight on you, and arm quickly encircling your shoulders.
“Carrie! Wha-?!” you struggle, trying to get your arms between you and your cousin as she leans her
weight against you. Normally Carrie would only be half, or maybe two-thirds, of your weight, but with a
recent meal, she had you pinned to the couch easily.
“What? I’m just happy you joining us for movie night~” The awkward hug leaves you pressed tightly
against her stomach, one of her meal’s kicks digging painfully into your side as you both squirmed in
your respective embraces. Reluctant as you were to admit it, having Carrie pressed against you was…
nice… Certainly much nicer than what your other companion seemed to be experiencing; even know you
felt the vibrations of his cries through the flesh of Carrie’s stomach as it pressed against you, eagerly at
work breaking down the man within.
“Get off-fff,” you grunt, straining to break the hug as Carrie giggled and scooted back to her end of the
couch, arms around your chest and pulling you with her.
“I just want to make sure you stay with your family, Max! I heard Rudy practically had to drag you out
Rudy. You always knew your brother had a problem with over sharing. Frustrated, you kicked against the
couch’s armrest as Carrie pulled you back to her end, stretching you out along the couch in the process
as she pulled you by your torso. Maybe if you kicked yourself off the couch, she’d have to let go to avoid
being pulled off as well.
“Mira! Get his legs!” Carrie shouted, laughing as she wrestled you. Despite your earnest struggles, this
was all just play for Carrie. You doubted she was even straining herself.
Joining in Carrie’s laughter, her younger sister got up from her chair and took both of your legs in her
hands, gripping them and holding them still against the couch as she turned around and sat on you,
pinning you in place. Smiling at you, Miranda patted your knee and whispered, “you can relax, Max.
Carrie’s only playing. We just don’t want you running off.”
Arms wrapped under your own, Carrie hoists you into an upright position beside her, her legs curled
beneath her as she relaxes with her back against the couch and yours against her stomach. “Yeah Maxie,
just relax and spend some time with your cousins.” Leaving her left arm wrapped around your torso and
holding you against her, Carrie ruffled your hair with her right, giggling as she and Mira both ignored
your squirming and muttered curses.
Realizing it was hopeless, and none of your other family were coming to help you, you gave in and went
limp; groaning as your cousins continued to laugh at your expense.
“Finally ready to start the movie?” Taryn asked, impatient as she wriggled the remote in the air, staring
at you three expectantly.
“Well Maxie? All set? Need any popcorn?” Carrie taunted, poking you in the ribs.
“Popcorn would be go-mmppffh!” you’re interrupted by Carrie’s hand covering your mouth as she
looked to Taryn and answered, “All set!”
You briefly consider biting one of Carrie’s fingers as she held her hand over your mouth, but listening to
the pained shrieks and muffled pleas beneath you, you quickly abandoned the thought.
The movie didn’t seem like anything special to you. A young, attractive, vorish woman, played by the
actress Katie Softtum, had moved from upstate New York into the city for her career as a blogger for
some made up magazine.
Her work was apparently all about the importance of vore in relationships, and the need for both
partners to enjoy the act of a male being devoured, digested, and even disposed of. Typical propaganda
about how natural and even ‘romantic’ vore was. And in her entwined ‘research’ and her search for a
long-lasting relationship, subject after subject and boyfriend after boyfriend met grisly ends in the young
woman’s toilet, sometimes in graphic displays, sometimes comically, or sometimes with just simple
All until finally, she develops an affection for one of the pets slated to help her in her ‘research’ and
after sparing him several times in favor of devouring her current flavor of the week boyfriend, she
realizes she ‘loves’ him. The movie concludes with them standing on a balcony on New Year's Eve, arms
wrapped around each other as she removes the collar from around his neck, and he strokes the bulge in
her gut made by her most recent suitor.
All in all, just like every other chick flick.
Of course, you were distracted from really getting into the movie. Even with the vore in the movie being
such a focal point, it wasn’t the same as listening to a man be digested mere feet away from you, or
mere inches, as you spent the whole movie held against Carrie’s midsection. Beyond even that, you also
found yourself more… distracted… the more relaxed you became.
With Carrie snuggled on the end of the couch, her left arm reaching under yours and wrapping across
your chest, your head was left resting on the side of her bust. A fact Carrie either seemed not to notice
or not to mind, as she never moved; yet feeling that soft bulge on the back of your head like a pillow
was difficult for you to ignore. You’d heard the prospect of sex became more and more distracting the
longer you went without experiencing it, but this was getting ridiculous. Was this why so many
otherwise sane men who had survived so long were throwing themselves into ‘dating’ apps like
lemmings off a cliff?
Your thoughts became even more strained as Miranda relaxed, accepting that you weren’t going to go
anywhere, and scooted further up your legs before laying down on the couch with you. Her head rested
on your chest as she quietly snuggled with you and her older sister, even her stomach burbling with only
quiet, rhythmic gurgles.
“Are you cold?” Mira whispered, looking up at you as she worked her way further into the space
between you and Carrie and the couch. Like her sister, she wore pajama bottoms that were long and
soft and warm looking, but unlike Carrie, rather than a matching top, Miranda had on just a small white
tank top that left her midsection and arms exposed. Though all of your female cousins had exposed
midsections at the moment, you had assumed their meals would keep them warm, as Carrie’s stomach
was warm even to your touch. Maybe Miranda’s meal was just too far digested.
“No, but maybe we can get a blanket…” you mumbled before Carrie sshhh’d you, reaching behind her to
pull a blanket off of the side table behind her, handing it to you without looking away from the movie.
Taryn had started the sequel now, where the man for the first movie would sacrifice himself as a
wedding gift when his former wife married her new husband, a man better suited to being a father now
that she was ready for children.
Rolling your eyes at the scene, you draped the blanket over you and Miranda, and laid back into your
comfortable position between them. How did they even get men to volunteer for these movies? Sure,
they could promise that only stock would actually be eaten, that they would only make it look like it was
the actor being digested through movie magic, but would anyone be dumb enough to believe that?
There were digestion scenes where cameras were lowered into the actress’s stomach, where you could
see the actor being digested!
There was even a scene where the woman Katie played had eaten her soon to be groom’s brother, and
while they had dubbed lines from the same actor over the scene saying “my brother is so lucky to have
you, thank you for giving me a chance to make your marriage special!” you could see him screaming as
he was digested on the internal camera, and his lips were obviously forming the words ‘NO, YOU CAN’T
Knowing your vorish family members as well as you do, you’d be willing to bet good money that Katie
used that contract as toilet paper when she finished.
Losing interest in the movie, you let yourself relax, and begin gently rubbing Mira’s still bulging, if now
quiet, tum.


You couldn’t believe that tripe from the movie worked! You’d always ridiculed that romantic nonsense,
but as soon as you’d walked up to Elle, accepting your place as a man to be used however she saw fit,
she’d gripped you by the jaw and kissed you.
She’d been standing naked in her living room fucking her boyfriend while her sister watched when you
came in and offered yourself. But when the man complained about Elle kissing you, Elle’s dark-haired
sister just swallowed him whole, and you began fucking Elle as he was digested.
Lying there, on the couch, resting against the squishy mass of her sister’s stomach, you held her close
and took in the smell of her hair, like wood smoke and pine needles. Staring down into her bright blue
eyes, smiling at her as her own lips opened in a warm, satisfied grin, you lifted one hand from her flat
midsection to cup her breast, the too-large orb soft and warm to your touch, yet firm in your grip as you
“mmmm Max…”
Encouraged, you rubbed again, squeezing more firmly, your other hand moving to rest on her stomach,
gliding over the ridges in her abdomen.
Gently, still cupping her breast with your left hand, you extended two fingers of your right hand and
trailed that ridge downward…
You woke with a start, the only light in the room coming from a few glowing embers in the cabin’s
fireplace, Miranda’s pale green eyes wide and locked with yours as she clutched your right hand in an
almost bone crushing grip. Startled, you looked down at the hand wrapped around yours, both resting
on her stomach, just by her belly button, and with a jolt of terror you realize your left hand is wrapped
under hers, still resting atop the soft bulge or her breast, beneath her tank top.
Yelping, you withdraw both hands as rapidly as you can, holding them up between you and your almost
equally startled cousin, speechless for the moment as she continues to stare at you wide-eyed, pulling
back to sit on your lower thighs as you lean back into Carrie.
“Hmmm, wha…?” Carrie murmurs, startling you both, as you look at Miranda in your own wide-eyed
panic, more than a little fear shining in the corner of your eyes.
“So-Sorry!” Miranda whispers. “I… I have to go to the bathroom. I didn’t mean to wake you; go back to
“Hmmm” Carrie wiggles on the couch as Miranda quickly leaps to her feet, still staring at you as you
hurriedly follow her off of the couch.
“I-I’m so—” is as far as you get before Mira’s frantic hand gesture for silence halts you. Turning, Miranda
flees quickly up the stairs, toward where she and your vorish cousins have rooms. Looking about, you
see that most of your family had left, presumably hours ago. Bernie and Alexa were still on the couch,
asleep and under their own blanket, and the only other person present was Carrie, curled up and still
not lucid.
Blood pumping, you quickly flee back to your own room, closing the door behind you and trying to slip
quietly into your bed without waking Rudy.
Your heart was racing too fast for you to sleep. You couldn’t believe… Dimly, you heard a clinking sound
from somewhere above you. A muffled sort of clatter that didn’t seem to have any regularity to it.
Straining, you listened for the sound, hearing it again before it faded into silence, and then repeated
itself a few minutes later.
Eventually, you hear the rushing of water through the cabin’s plumbing, and realize you’ve been hearing
the clatter of bones against porcelain as Miranda finished with her meal.
Shivering, you draw the covers tighter around you, shrinking back on the bed until you’re pressed
against the wall. Eyeing the door fearfully, indistinct in the dark, unlit room, you hope you haven’t
received an omen. It seemed unlikely that you’d be getting any more sleep tonight.


Stirring back to consciousness, momentarily fearful at the realization that you had in fact fallen asleep,
you franticly scanned the room. Looking around, you saw you were alone, Rudy’s bed was even made,
though by the light seeping in under the door it was still early.
Quietly, still somewhat furtively, you showered and dressed. Harvey and Freddy were apparently still
asleep as well. Listening at the door, you heard nothing, and slowly eased it open to peek out into the
hallway. Still not seeing anyone, you edge out of your room and towards the kitchen, and the sound of
half whispered conversation.
“I think we should do something special. Or at least more special than Maddie just dumping him in a
“Like what, though? It’s already been around 10 hours. Ben may already be in the tank.”
“I dunno. I saw a dumpster at that gas station convenience store at the end of the road. We could go get
it and put it under the deck; it would be good for photos at least.”
Peeking into the kitchen, you see Taryn and Leah talking by the island, Taryn’s hands around a cup of
coffee while Leah plucked a piece of bacon off of Bernard’s plate as he stood there eating silently.
Meeting your eyes as he turned from glaring at Leah, he mumbled “morning” and gave a little wave
before he resumed eating. Seeing your head in the doorway, Taryn gestured from Leah to you, “See?
Now we have four, one for each corner.”
“Alright, I’m down for a walk.”
“Wha-?” you mumble, still confused from the prior night’s events.
“Taryn wants to go get a dumpster for Maddie to poop Ben into. Thinks it will be better than just a
“It will be! He was a terrible husband. He belongs in the trash. Besides, it will be fun. We can keep using
the dumpster all week!” Taryn grinned at Leah.
“Not every guy deserves to be in a dumpster,” Leah mumbles around her bacon, looking glancing
between you and Taryn. “Besides, that would smell awful.”
“We don’t have to use it for every guy we eat. I’m just saying it could be a fun prop to play with. Guys
spook so easily.”
“I’m, um, good to go for a walk I guess…” anything to put some distance between you and the cabin for
a little while.
“See? Maxie is totally fine with the dumpster,” Taryn chuckles, “And Bernie knows better than to argue
with both of us.”
“Alright, alright…” Finishing her bacon, Leah walked to the door and began putting on her shoes as Taryn
and Bernard finished their breakfast. Snagging her own bacon from her brother’s plate, Taryn waved it
in the air in front of him as he tried to snatch it back, before dangling it above her head and unhinging
her jaw, letting it fall down her gullet in one smooth motion.
“Hmmm tasty” Taryn licked her fingers, eyeing Bernard back as he glared at her.
“There’s plenty more bacon in the fridge…”
Sidling closer to Bernard, Taryn grinned and whispered, “Yeah, but it’s so much more fun knowing my
acids are frying my big brother’s bacon…”
“uh, hey…” you cautiously interrupt as Taryn takes another sip of coffee “…have either of you seen
Smirking at you, Taryn lowered her mug and said, “Oh, I left him upstairs in the bathroom.”
Feeling the ground fall out from beneath you, you catch yourself on the kitchen island as you try to
re-order your thoughts, hearing distantly “Rudy is fine!” from Leah as she looks at you from the bench
near the kitchen door. “Taryn is just fucking with you. She clogged the toilet and Rudy got stuck
unclogging it.”
“Uh, TARYN did not clog the toilet. MIRANDA clogged the toilet, and then left the mess for me to deal
with, and frankly, I had to go.”
“Hmph,” Bernard grunts. “So now Rudy has to dig through all your shit to find the bones Mira left?”
“Hey, better digging through my shit than being my shit,” Taryn whispered back sweetly; “right Maxie?”
“uhhh… ye… yeah…” you answer, still somewhat shaken after the already stressful night. “Why Rudy?”
“He was already close by~. He has prior experience too, actually.”
“Are you guys ready yet?” Leah interrupts, impatiently gesturing at each of you. “We need to be back
soonish you know. Maddie likes to sleep in, but still…”
“I’ll get my shoes…” you say, edging past Leah as Taryn and Bernard continued to bicker. You had to
admire Bernard’s bravery. With a sister like Taryn, you’d have been too terrified to talk back, ever.
The walk down the street was uneventful and calming after yesterday. Bernard walked ahead, taking off
at a brisk clip. You remembered he usually made a point of going running in the morning, partly to stay
in shape for football, and partly just because it seemed like an excellent skill for a man to have. Privately,
you completely agreed, and it was a source of some shame and self-loathing that, despite it being such
an obvious survival skill, you’ve never been disciplined enough to develop your own speed or stamina.
You idle behind Leah and Taryn, your two cousins chatting between themselves as they walk a few feet
ahead of you, unbothered as Bernard went off further and further ahead. Both of your cousins also
spent a decent amount of time in the gym, but were apparently content to relax on vacation, unlike
Bernard. Of course, it wasn’t a matter of survival for Taryn or Leah.
Staring downward as you dwelled on your sad lack of athleticism, it took a few minutes for you to realize
Taryn and Leah had come to a stop in front of you, and were grinning over their shoulders as they
watched you walking along.
“Enjoying the scenery?” Taryn asked, smirking.
“You’ve been staring the last half mile,” Taryn giggles as she lightly slaps her ass, the quiet smack still
seeming loud along the mostly empty road. Registering your surprise and confusion as fear, Leah lays a
hand on Taryn’s shoulder and says, “don’t worry Max, lots of guys stare. We’re not going to eat you.”
“I would have figured you for a boobs guy like Rudy though,” Taryn giggles. “We all saw you drooling
over Carrie.”
“I-I wasn’t drooling over Carrie’s tits! I just caught her cheating, that’s all.”
“Caught her cheating by watching her tits.”
“By watching her hands!”
“By watching her soft, slender fingers brush the supple flesh of her breast…” Taryn whispers breathily,
wrapping her arms around your shoulders in a hug as she did. By the time she finished, her mouth was
only inches from your ear and you could feel her breath on your skin. As close as you were held pressed
against her, you couldn’t help but too also how large her breasts were as they squished against and
around your arm—DAMNIT!. You can’t help but blush as you realize you’re drooling over your cousin’s
Taryn and Leah both burst into laughter at your blushing, easily reading the truth of your thoughts in
your sudden stillness as Taryn pressed against you.
“So you are a boobs guy!” Taryn chuckled, finally letting you go as you squirmed about in an attempt to
pull away from her. “Or you just have a thing for cousins? I was sure you were staring at our asses.”
“Aw, leave Max alone, Taryn. Any guy would think about your boobs if you press them against his chest
like that.”
“He was staring at our asses way before I did anything~,”
“I was not staring at your asses!” You fumed, though it was hard to make a heartfelt protest when you
had been staring at their asses last night. What did they expect? They kept wearing yoga pants so tight
they were like a second layer of skin.
“It’s fine Max. Guys stare all the time. Apparently, even Bernie has a bit of a thing for my posts.”
“Emmhmmm. I have a really great ass. Top-shelf.”
“But, I mean… you’re ok with it?”
“I think it’s cute!” Taryn giggles “Guys get so hung up on being eaten and digested, but then they get a
good look at what all the guys we’ve eaten before have added to our curves and those survival instincts
go right out the window. I’ve even caught Bernie staring at my posts before, and I’m his sister.”
“I don’t—I mean, I don’t stalk your online accounts or anything—I was just… distracted… and…”
“Shhh, don’t worry about it.” Leah wraps an arm around your back, pulling you forward as she resumes
walking, keeping you with her as Taryn continues laughing and walks along your left side, sandwiching
you in between your cousins.
"So, what was on your list of things to do this vacation?” Leah asks, changing the subject.
“Yeah. Taryn and I wanted to go hiking; rafting and horseback riding are also on the list. We’ve done the
hiking part already, but then Maddie’s divorce kind of took over, so I don’t know what the current plans
“I don’t know. I’m not really an outdoorsy person. This whole vacation seemed kind of iffy to me.”
“Come on! There must be something!” Taryn takes your left arm and walks beside you, asking, “Ok, not
outdoorsy specific. Name three things you want to do before you die.”
“One: not get eaten, Two: not get digested, Three: not get ‘dumped’” you say, making the obligatory air
quotes that nobody really needed.
“There must be something, Max; here,” Leah said, raising a hand and ticking off fingers “One: go on a
walking holiday in Japan, Two: learn to ski, Three: get married.”
“That’s great Leah, but honestly, I’m just trying to keep my head down and not get eaten.”
“Max, that’s not going to work.” Taryn looks at you, holding your eyes in one of the few times you’ve
seen her serious in a non-angry way. “Guys get eaten. If you don’t get eaten at school, you’ll be eaten at
a party. Or by some stranger while you’re out shopping. A college professor, or a girl walking past you on
the sidewalk who thought you looked tasty. Or you end up getting eaten by your boss, or a co-worker,
or some intern hoping to get your job.”
“Taryn’s really not wrong, Max. I get not wanting to get eaten, but at best you can just delay the
inevitable. Come on, what are some things you want to do before you gurgle? It is your birthday today.
Maybe we can do something you want.”
“Well, I guess I have always wanted to get laid and not be eaten afterwards.”
“Oh! Oh, Holy fuck!” Taryn bursts out laughing. “One minute he’s swearing up and down he isn’t staring
at our asses, and now he’s soliciting us!”
Blushing once more, you shout, “I DIDN’T MEAN YOU TWO!” trying again to pull away and once again
being held firmly in place by the superior grip of your cousins.
Also laughing, Leah squeezes your arm and gasps “Max!” in between bouts of laughter “Max!” tugging
on your arm to hold you in place. “Really! It’s fine! We’re just…” more laughing “…it’s so funny…” Leah
giggles, finally getting herself under control while Taryn wipes tears from her eyes.
“Sure, sure, mock your cousin on his birthday. Don’t give me a break or anything. It’s totally fine.
Besides, we’re also celebrating Mira’s birthday. I’m assuming we’ll do whatever she wants.”
“You know, Mira is usually the sweetest out of all of us. I bet she would be up for doing something you
want” Leah offers.
Taryn says, grinning almost wider than any non-vore can. “Almost anything.”
“Hey, maybe that too!” Leah chuckles, looking wickedly at Taryn “After all, Rudy’s still in once piece, not
every guy gets eaten afterwards.”
“What? My little brother got laid before I did?”
“Is that surprising, Max? You hardly ever leave your room.”
Grinning, Leah asked, “Is that all it takes, Taryn? Rudy happened to be just be around at the right time?”
Blushing, Taryn answered, “I’m just saying if Max wants to get laid, it’s going to take a second person!
It’s not like they’re going to just show up without him going out and talking to people!”
You’re more distracted by Taryn’s blushing than anything she’s saying. You’ve never seen Taryn blush
before. “Hang on… Taryn… did you... and Rudy…?”
Laughing as Taryn went redder still, Leah chimed in, “did you miss that Max? Rudy was unclogging
Taryn’s toilet this morning because he was already up there with her.”
Stopping in your tracks, you look Taryn up and down again, unsure if you should be more opposed to
this news. On the one hand, Taryn was Rudy’s cousin… but on the other… well, Taryn was pretty hot.
And few guys had a chance to ever hook up with someone at all, let alone someone who would not eat
them afterwards. But still. Ew?
“Careful Max,” Taryn growled, “I can’t eat Leah, but I’ll melt you and Rudy like butter.”
“I—Sorry, I didn’t—Never mind!” you finish, hands held before you as you sheepishly bow your head
and resume walking, Leah’s arm around your back and pulling you forward once more as she giggled at
you both.
You didn’t want to ruin whatever was going on with Rudy, or worse, to land him in Taryn’s stomach. Out
of your whole vorish family, Taryn’s digestive tract was by far the most frightening. More than anything
else you were feeling concern for Rudy now…
Besides… after last night, who were you to judge?
Still silently fuming, hopefully more at Leah than you, Taryn walked along beside you with her arms
crossed the rest of the way.
“Oh, don’t be like that Taryn! You were joking about it pretty openly earlier. Besides, I bet Max is just
jealous,” Leah says, turning the teasing back to you.
Blushing, you realized Leah was at least half right, and grinning as you blush, Taryn loops an arm over
your shoulder and moves close in to you once more “Aww, ok Max, I forgive you. And who knows,
maybe you’ll still get lucky!”
“Har har…” you mutter “…but thank you for not eating him, Taryn. With all the teasing about you eating
Freddy or Bernie, I was really worried you had that you had eaten Rudy when you joked about it this
morning. I’m glad you guys wouldn’t actually eat family,” you add, remembering that Leah had
apparently passed up on an offer for you to be her meal.
“Oh, I really am going to eat Freddy or Bernie.” Taryn says, shocking you as she added, “I wouldn’t do it
now, but turning eighteen is a big deal, you know? I get that Leah passed on you, and that’s fine and all,
but if I don’t eat them, somebody else still will, and I figure it may as well be me.”
Oblivious to your shock, Taryn calmly continues “I’d rather have Bernie, but Alexa has dibs, so I guess it’ll
be Freddy getting sloshed. At least, you’d better hope so,” Taryn giggles, poking you on the nose “you
and Rudy don’t have a sister, so if Freddy gets sloshed by someone else, the two of you are next on the
As much as you didn’t want to see Freddy digested, you couldn’t think of a worse end for you or your
brother than taking his place. You supposed you shouldn’t be so surprised. Taryn was the only one of
your cousins that had eaten her own father, after all.
When you do finally catch up with Bernard, you find him leaning against the wall near the dumpster
waiting for you to arrive.
“You guys get lost or something? That was a long time, even for walking.”
“You know I can outrun you Bernie, we were just keeping Maxie company because we’re such loving
cousins.” Taryn replies, giving you a peck on the cheek and laughing at Bernie’s incredulous look.
“Whatever. How are we doing this?”
“We’ll each take a corner. Taryn and I should go on diagonals because we’re strongest.” Leah walks over
to Bernie, taking the corner on the front right as Bernie shrugged and took the back right corner.
“Ok, you take the front left, Maxie,” Taryn said, pulling you by the hand and then taking the back left
corner herself. Slowly, you each lifted the dumpster. You’d never have been able to lift a corner on your
own. Taryn and Leah were basically holding the dumpster aloft between them; you and Bernard were
doing nothing more than holding it steady so that it didn’t lean too much to one side.
“And now we have to carry it all the way back,” Bernard muttered.
“Aww, is my big brother too tired? I could help you get into the dumpster, you know, then we’d just
carry you back with us…”
“Not even your stomach is that fast, Taryn.”
“Careful Bernie, that almost sounded like a bet~,”
“Let’s just get moving… We’re not even going to need this anymore by the time we get back.”
The walk back was less eventful, with you and Bernie straining to keep the dumpster balanced and to
keep pace with your cousins. Even Leah and Taryn seemed to struggle a bit as you got farther up the
road. Vores could carry a lot of weight, sure, but rarely did they have to carry as much mass as a halfway
full dumpster.
When you arrive back at the cabin, Leah and Taryn guide you both in setting the dumpster down just
below the railing on the rear deck. There’s a drop of about 8 feet from the top of the railing to the
ground below it, so the higher end of the dumpster comes to rest just below.
“Hungh,” Leah grunts, setting down her corner once the angles were right. “Someone wants to go get
Maddie? Or at least make sure she hasn’t already dumped Ben?”
“I’ll be right back!” Taryn says, bouncing off, eager to fetch her cousin as you and Bernard slump against
the sides of the cabin near the entrance to the basement.
“You both seem pretty tired. I kind of expected that from you, Max, but Bernie? Shouldn’t you be more
in shape than this?”
“Dumpsters are heavy Leah. Even if they’re only half full.”
“Yeah, but you’re strong, right?”
“Shouldn’t this be easy, then?”
“Leah… most guys can’t lift nearly as much as a vore can. You know I’d never be able to actually lift that
on my own, right?”
“Really?” Leah asked, seeming genuinely surprised. “Well, do you need to go inside and get a drink or lie
down or something? You’re both panting like you’re about to die.”
“Might… not… be… a… bad… idea…” you murmur, silently reaching a hand out to Leah for help. You get
an eye-roll, but Leah helps you to your feet, and then Bernard, pushing you both semi-playfully up the
“Maddie hasn’t dumped Ben yet! Don’t go far!” Taryn blurts, walking past you all as you enter the
kitchen, before hurrying down into the basement. Presumably she’s rounding everyone else up as well.
“So… are divorces like funerals…?” you ask Leah, wondering what to expect.
“Not really; there’s a lot less ceremony involved. The divorce is pretty much already over. This is just a
last bit of fun.”
“Right…” Fun. You appreciated your cousins, despite having had misgivings about coming on this
vacation. But you’d never be able to fully connect with them.
“What’s going on?” Your mother asked, wandering in from the other room. Behind her, you saw Carrie
coming down the stairs with Aunt Hannah and Aunt Emma; and Miranda poking her head shyly down
from above before quietly slinking along behind them.
“Taryn talked us into going and taking the dumpster from the gas station and bringing it here for
Maddie’s divorce.” You answer, sunk into the couch and feeling not the least bit interested in getting up
to watch your cousin take a shit.
Your mother, however, bursts into laughter, along with many of your aunts, and Carrie and Leah as well.
“Aw, I wish I knew! I would have waited.” Carrie pouts, stroking her now flat stomach; last night’s meal
apparently long dead and disposed of.
“We can keep it here for the rest of the week! Everyone can have a go!”
Well, at least Taryn is still loving this idea. Looking at Miranda as she stands behind the rest of the group,
watching you, you wonder if you’ll be her contribution to the divorce festivities. Shuddering, you force
your gaze away and stare silently at the floor instead, praying your sweetest cousin is also the most


In the flurry of activity that followed the advent of the dumpster, somehow your family had produced
three video cameras, two tripods, and a banner that read “Fuck You, Ben.”
Madelyn had done her hair and makeup like she was going to be in a professional photo shoot, though
she was wearing nothing but a light pink robe that wrapped snugly about her waist; just below the
modest bump of her late husband’s remains.
Your various relatives had been tasked with certain responsibilities; Uncle James manned a video
camera and tripod down by the dumpster to record Ben’s inglorious departure. Bernie had the
unenviable task of sweeping up anything that didn’t make it into the dumpster, along with Rudy, who
was growing an unwanted reputation as the family shit cleaner upper.
Aunt Sofie had the other tripod up on the deck to record Maddie as she disposed of her ex. And Taryn
had eagerly claimed the third camera and was just focusing it on whatever or whoever caught her eye in
that particular three second interval.
You and Mira had been spared any responsibilities, and as the ‘birthday boy and girl’ respectively, you’d
been given ‘prime seats’ in the form of folding chairs placed down on the grass about 10 feet back from
the edge of the dumpster.
Sitting awkwardly beside your cousin, you’d been unable to stop yourself from sighing in relief when she
sat in the chair beside you rather than devouring you outright. Still. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at
her, nor did she seem to be looking at you as you glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.
“Alright everyone! Ready?” Aunt Emma shouted from up on the deck, to a chorus of ‘yeah’ from your
female relatives, and some awkward murmurs from yourself and the other men. You noticed that Mira
was silent beside you, seemingly staring at nothing in particular as she watched Madelyn.
“ONE!” Madelyn pulled the lower half of her robe aside with one hand, holding it bunched in front of
her, exposing her firm ass and long toned legs to you and the rest of your family watching from below.
“TWO” You watched as she grinned and perched herself atop the railing over the dumpster. One hand
reaching back to grip her firm ass and spread it wide enough for you to see the tiny wrinkle of her
pucker from your seat down below.
“THREE!” And without a pause, Ben sputtered back into the world, long logs of dark brown shit falling
through the air and into the dumpster below, where they landed with muted sounds of impact on
whatever trash had been in the dumpster. Thick, dense logs; the sound of their impact was louder than
you had expected. Staring, you could see your cousin’s ass stretching wider around the logs as they
became thicker, and packed with whatever remnants of Ben’s bones survived digestion. You watched as
log after log fell, and then as the waste became looser and the sounds of its impact replaced with wet
splats as most of the vores laughed and cheered.
Taking the moment while the rest of your family was focused on Maddie, you looked at Miranda and
whispered, “Mira… I—I’m really sorry… I hope you know I never meant t—”
“Shh. It’s fine. I’m not mad. I just wasn’t expecting it…”
“It—It was really an accid—”
“Shh. It’s fine. Seriously, don’t worry about it.”
Gulping, you nod, though Mira isn’t looking at you. “I hope I didn’t ruin your birthday.”
“No; of course not…” Finally glancing at you, Mira laid her hand on yours, before going back to watching
Madelyn dispose of Ben.
Eventually the bowel movement ends, a few sputtering bursts of wet shit splattering the dumpster
below as Maddie concludes her divorce and her third marriage. You never saw anything resembling a
skull come out of Maddie’s pucker, or any significant stoppages. Apparently, her stomach had been
Miranda turns to look at you as you whisper.
“…what now?”
“I don’t know.” Smiling at you, Miranda takes your hand in hers and pulls you to your feet; “let’s go
Pulling you along by the hand, Miranda skips up the stairs to the deck where all of your aunts are doting
on Madelyn, shouts and laughter filling the air.
“Well done Maddie! You sure know how to churn them!”
“That was wonderful, and we have some great footage too! I’m sure your next husband will better
understand his role after seeing this!”
“Maddie!! You should have seen your face when you started shitting him out! Your toes were even
curling!” Taryn laughs, waving her camera about, still recording.
“The best he’s ever felt sliding in or out of you, I bet!”
“We should see if we can fill the dumpster by the end of the week!”
“Ha, that doesn’t even sound like a challenge.”
“Hey Maddie!” Mira chirps, still pulling you along with her. “Congratulations on your divorce!”
“Thank you! And happy birthday to you both!” Madelyn grins at you, shuffling in her robe as her ass still
hangs out over the dumpster. “Hey Maxie, do you want to do me a favor and help me wipe?”
“Come on Maddie, it’s his birthday; he doesn’t want to wipe your ass.” Miranda speaks up as Maddie
tilts her hips to one side, showing off her muddy pucker.
“Well, he’s the only boy here who didn’t vanish as soon as the show was over. Aside from Uncle James,
who I don’t want touching my bum. Sorry Mira, you kind of walked him right into it.” Turning to you and
proffering her bum again, Maddie grinned and waited as you stuttered.
“It’s his birthday Maddie, you can wipe your own bum,” Mira responds, cutting you off.
“Fine. I was just offering him a chance to get close to my ass. Taryn tells me Max has been all bottled up
lately, so I thought it might help~” Maddie grins, taunting you. Apparently, Taryn had already started
gossiping about your earlier conversation, and you feel your face reddening as you make eye contact
with Mira, looking at you expectantly.
“I… um… I’m good… thanks.”
“Fine, hand me one of Ben’s old shirts though?” Maddie asked, gesturing to a suitcase on a nearby table.
Opening the suitcase, you look in and see an assortment of neatly folded clothing, several moderately
nice dress shirts sitting on top. Figuring that all of Ben’s clothing would be used up as toilet paper by the
end of the week, you shrug and take one of the nicer shirts, a sort of creamy off-white in color, and had
it to your cousin, who, still grinning, takes it and wipes right in front of you and everyone.
“Ooh, silk! Mmm, that feels nice…”
You feel Mira taking your arm again, but you can’t help but stare at Maddie’s ass, perched sideways on
the rail right in front of you. Ben was such an idiot… maybe you were too. You’d had the perfect chance
…fuck, I really need to stop thinking like this.
It doesn’t take long for Madelyn to finish, dropping the now brown stained shirt daintily over the rail
and into the dumpster below as your vorish relative clap and cheer around you. Stepping down from her
perch, grinning broadly, Madelyn gives a half bow and straightens her robe.
“Let’s take some photos!” Taryn said, taking out her phone with one hand and standing beside Madelyn,
who smiled as Taryn lifted the phone to take a selfie with her older and newly single cousin. “Ooh, we
should get one with Ben in the background too! Come lean against the rail Maddie.”
“Alright,” Maddie answers, arching her back over the rail with Taryn, taking another selfie the phone
aimed down to capture the contents of the dumpster behind and below them. “Max! You too!”
“What? Why me?”
“Come on Max, if you won’t wipe my bum you can at least be a good sport for the photos~. You come
get in too, Mira!”
“Hmmm, ok…” Mira shrugs, pulling you forward with her as Taryn hops down from the rail.
“Here, you sit here Maxie…” Taryn mumbles, sitting you next to Madelyn on the rail with just a few
inches between you “And you sit here Mira and hug Maxie from behind…”
“Like this?” Mira asks, hopping up beside you on the rail and wrapping both arms around your chest
from behind, head resting on your shoulder. As she does, you’re reminded again of last night, and you
fight to keep a straight face as you feel your Mira’s modest bust pressed into your back.
“Yep! Just like that!” Taryn grins, winking at you, “And I’ll be on Maddie’s other side…”
And as Taryn climbs onto the rail and lifts her phone high overhead, she continues “…and lean…” as you
carefully lean backward, gripping the rail with both hands, having no desire to fall off the rail into your
cousin’s pile. “Everyone face the middle, Maxie, Mira, you both look sideways towards Maddie, and up
at the camera…”
As you turn, you get your first good look into the dumpster below. Sitting atop a layer of garbage bags
and random trash, your cousin’s bowel movement sprawled across the middle of the dumpster, slimy
lumps and coils of shit, dotted with broken bones, still steaming in the cool morning air. It was a potent
reminder to you of what each of your female cousins, save Amanda, was capable of. Capable and eager,
you think, seeing Madelyn’s beaming smile as she posed in front of her ex’s remains.
Your own smile is forced, but Taryn doesn’t comment, snapping several photos in quick succession
before saying “and funny faces!” as you all scrunched up your faces for another round of photos. “Sad
faces!...angry faces!...embarrassed faces!...vore faces!” and at this you just look toward Taryn in
confusion, turning your head from the camera just as Madelyn’s unhinged jaw stretches wide and fills
your vision in its descent toward you.
Screaming in sudden terror, you raise your arms before you in a futile attempt to fend off your cousin as
you feel saliva coating the side of your face.
You hear the clck clck of Taryn’s phone as she snaps another series of photos whilst Maddie’s jaws do
not envelop your head and send you downward toward a digestive demise. Concurrent with the
realization that your cousin is not about to eat you, comes the realization that your hands are no longer
gripping the rail, and in that moment you feel your center of gravity slowly but inevitably shift… Oh fuck.
Fortunately, a hand reaches out to grip your shirt, pulling you forward and off the rail as your Aunt
Hannah chuckles, “Careful Maxie, you don’t want to end up in the dumpster on your birthday, surely…”
“Th—thank you, Aunt Hannah,” you mumble, sliding off the rail as you stumble toward your aunt,
before falling to your knees beneath Miranda’s weight; your younger cousin having been pulled along
with you, arms around your chest, and now legs around your torso too, as she unexpectedly felt herself
falling forward and clung to you on instinct.
“S—Sorry!” Mira says, getting off you and standing, reaching out a hand to help you up.
“Ah; it’s fine, no problem…” you mumble, looking back to where Maddie and Taryn are laughing
uproariously, either at your or at Taryn’s photo, you can’t tell. Probably at you either way.
“Thanks, you two.”
“Aww, sorry if I scared you, Maxie, I was just listening to Taryn…” Maddie said, giggling behind her hand.
“THAT WAS SO GOOD THOUGH! Maxie! Come see!” Taryn says, hopping off the rail and gripping your
arm to pull you in close.
You can see on the screen you and Maddie and Mira and Taryn all smiling and looking at the camera.
Taryn hugging Maddie from behind and facing the middle on one side, Mira hugging you and facing the
middle on the other, with the heap of Ben visible in the background between you and Maddie. The
camera goes from photo to photo, showing different silly faces, and then suddenly showing Madelyn’s
jaws gaping wide in your direction, the blur of your arms swinging in front of your face as you screamed
in terror, what was left of Ben still framed neatly in the background between Maddie’s open maw and
your screaming face. It was sure to be a family favorite. Looking at it now, you also see Taryn leaning
over Maddie’s shoulder, licking her lips at you, and even Mira, whom you hadn’t even noticed at the
time for fear of Maddie’s open maw, was licking upward along your chin, the source of the saliva you
Looking at Mira in surprise, your cousin grins and smacks her lips, winking at you. “Can you send me a
copy of those, Taryn?” she asks, still grinning at you. “That’s probably the best photo of Maxie ever.”
“And here I was, thinking that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t be the butt of every joke on my own
“Oh, that’s right!” Taryn said, looking back to you, “I forgot in all the excitement. What are we actually
doing today?”
“I mean, I guess we can do whatever you guys want to do. I don’t really have any plans.”
“Oh, come on Maxie! There must be something!” Aunt Kari laughs, squeezing your shoulder on her way
to hug Maddie.
“No, I’m just really not much of an outdoorsy person…”
“What about you, Mira?” Leah asks, pulling Terry along. You had seen little of Terry; he had a tendency
to stay out of sight, almost hiding.
“Hmmm…? Oh, I dunno, maybe rafting? Is that something you’d want to do, Max?”
“Uhh… Actually, I can’t swim…”
“Me neither…” Terry speaks up, raising his hand. That might be the first time you’d heard him speak to
someone other than Leah.
“What?! Really…?” Mira looked between you both, hand still on your arm. “I learned when I was like,
“It wasn’t safe.”
“Oh, come on! Nobody is going to let you drown.”
“You never ate any of the other kids, Mira?” Bernie asks, coming up with Alexa. “Taryn must have
cleared out like half the class when she was learning…”
“Oh…well… I guess if you include that…”
“Ha, ‘if you include that’” Bernie teased, making air quotes with his hands as Alexa laughed behind him.
“Don’t be embarrassed girl, I’ve never left the pool with an empty stomach, even when I was four.”
“No wonder you’re so bouncy,” Miranda joked
Alexa simply grinned and stuck her tongue out, bouncing her tits up and down with both hands.
“Alright Max,” Miranda said, rolling her eyes at Alexa, “I gave an idea and you shot it down. You suggest
something now.”
Sighing because you really didn’t know what to do, you just shrugged and said, “Fine… how about… laser
tag…” expecting a round of put downs from your cousins. All the outdoorsy people.
“Oh, that could be fun!” Mira grinned. “And we don’t need all day for it either,” she added, looking at
her watch.
“I’m down for it,” Bernie added; “It might be nice to spend some time in an arcade without risking
getting eaten.” Alexa shrugged and wrapped her arms around Bernie, kissing him loudly on his cheek.
“Sure, I’ll keep you safe, baby.”
“Alright, let’s do it then!” Taryn said, still looking down at the video camera and re-watching Ben’s
disposal with a smirk plastered across her face. “Maybe Terry will finally start talking.”
“You guys actually want to play laser tag?” you ask, feeling a growing sense of excitement.
“Suuurrreee, why not?” Taryn says, grinning at you.


Light seemed to hang in the hazy air, casting a dim red glow over the otherwise featureless black walls
that formed a mazelike network of ramps and declines around you. The odd angles and soft, foamy
fabric that coated every surface played games with your sense of sound; shouts and cries echoing
strangely as they bounced off the high ceilings and faded into the walls.
You’d been holding the left flank with Terry and Leah; each revealed to be surprisingly capable warriors.
But an endless tide would wear down even the greatest of mountains.
Now you were left alone. Abandoned. Hunted. You’d had other allies, men you’d met only just before
the battle began, yet brothers all the same. There was no telling what
No. No, it can’t be. “GGgggguuuuoooorrrrrrggggggllllleeeeee”.
It wasn’t allowed! It violated every code of conduct!
Enraged, calmed by the cold fury suffusing every muscle of your body, you spun around the corner with
your weapon sliding through a downward arc right towards the unholy gullet o—“MAXIE!” Taryn
shouted, laughing, “Where have you be— BBRUUUUrrrpp” Taryn cut off, laughing uproariously.
Standing there, dumbfounded, you stared at your cousin.
Taryn sat spread legged on the ground, bulbous gut large and already smoothing, laying between her
legs. She still wore her vest, though it was pushed up around her shoulders by her large gut, and her
issued weapon lay nowhere in sight. Alexa sat beside her, joining her in this depravity. Her own gut was
ever larger. It must contain three enemy soldiers! …At least… hopefully enemy soldiers…
You could hear them screaming still, as they were digested. The poor—“MAX! This was a great idea! I
haven’t seen so many boys anywhere else this whole vacation; are arcades at home like this? Is this
where you all go to hide?” Taryn interrupts your thoughts, still laughing.
“OOoh, we should all get together back home and just turn the arcade into, like, a buffet or
something…? Alexa adds, rubbing a hand over Taryn’s gut where some kid’s face was straining out from
beneath your cousin’s flesh. I wonder how long it will be until Taryn’s making her own dumpster dump.
“Seriously? Did you guys even try to play laser tag the right way?”
“Well yeah! But then my jacket kept buzzing and this little shit kept shouting at me to get out of the
way” Taryn grimaces, smacking her gut below Alexa’s hand, where the kid’s face was still straining.
“Wait,” you ask, “he isn’t even on the other team?!?”
“Sorry Maxie, it’s hard to tell what colors they’re wearing when it’s so dark. We just ate whoever
seemed to be shouting at us…” Alexa interrupted, giving you a pointed look.
“Hey, I am pretty sure we got more of the other team than our own, though! Here, come see…” Taryn
gestures, patting the ground between her and Alexa. “Taryn, what if there are other players still out
“They’re apparently smart enough to avoid us” grinning, Taryn patted the ground again, eyeing you as
you wavered. “Fine…” you sit, leaning against the wall beside her.
Ugh, right in my face. Wow, that is way worse than any carcass I’ve ever smelt.
Waving a hand in front of your face, you look away, until Taryn giggles and grabs your hand to hold
against her stomach. “Better give me a belly rub if you want me back in the game~”.
“Not even you can digest them that fast, Taryn.”
“Oh, really?” your cousin asks, her stomach grumbling as her prey’s wailing suddenly increases sharply in
volume, matched by the sudden chorus of gurgles and sloshing liquid echoing from within Taryn’s gut.
Eyes wide, you can’t help but look on in horror as her belly jostles franticly about, tight muscles visible as
they flex beneath her skin.
Laughing lightly to your other side, Alexa leans over and says, “Hey, at least you didn’t make a bet. I’ve
seen a few guys end up inside Taryn’s tummy because they didn’t think it could slosh somebody that
Mumbling, still feeling a sense of shock as you watched Taryn’s gut go to work, you asked Alexa, “Can
you do that too…?”
“Ha, no, my stomach is going to be working on these three all day. Taryn’s digestive tract is just really
quick.” Alexa reaches over you, squeezing you between her gut and Taryn’s as she pats Taryn’s tummy;
both girls grinning as they turned to you and laughed at your queasy expression.
“Come on, we need to—”
A sudden chorus of roaring startled you, sending you leaping to your feet, or it would have if you hadn’t
been squished between two bellies and cross-legged on the floor. As it was, you just sort of lurched
forward and impacted with Alexa, your heads colliding and sending you falling back on your ass while
your vision briefly went white.
It was over before you could try again, your suit vibrating and red lights blinking to inform you that
you’d been shot. Glancing to either side, you saw that Taryn and Alexa were out as well, looking more
amused than anything else.
With a grimace, you look upward, prepared to meet your conquerors as six figures slowly stalked
forward through the smoky haze. “All right, you got us…” you mumble, sighing as you dropped your
‘rifle’ and looked around at the faces of the opposing team.
Leah and Bernie stood grinning down at the three of you, Mira standing a few feet off with a pair of
randos, looking happy and smug, while Rudy, your own brother, snickered and waved at you from
behind them.
“I think you guys were the last three left,” Leah says, looking to Bernie beside her. “Yeah, we got Maddie
and Harvey already, and Aunt Sofie…” he says, ticking off fingers. “There were a few other guys assigned
to your team, though, and I only remember getting two of them. Aunt Kari went off chasing the rest, but
I don’t know where they are now.”
“We got Aunt Kari,” Alexa says, looking up at Bernie. “You’re definitely not getting laid tonight, by the
“That hardly seems fair. But still worth it, finally getting the better of you and Taryn at something felt
pretty good. There were some guys on your team Kari was after, and three other guys that went with
her. I guess we’ve found them now too?”
“BBBRRRRUUUUUUUUPPPPP” Taryn belches, grinning up at her brother as she pats her sloshing
stomach, Alexa giggling and rubbing her own hefty belly beside you both as Bernard rolls his eyes.
“Well, we win then.” Leah smiles, offering a hand out to you to help you to your feet as you squeeze
past Taryn and Alexa. “Oh, you two…” Leah says, looking at the pair of randos standing by Mira, “you're
safe from me now, but you better get going before Taryn and Alexa manage to stand up.”
“I’m pretty full…” Alexa grumbles, not moving from the floor as her own meals continue to struggle
within her. Taryn’s stomach, though, is quieting as it finally subdues its occupants, and both men dash
back into the maze towards where the exit should be as your cousin lurches to her feet.
With six other players in their stomach, Alexa and Taryn are barred from any additional matches, leaving
you down a total of 8 players. Deciding another round of laser tag isn’t worth it, you opt to just spend a
few hours in the arcade playing with your cousins.
You have a good time. You and Rudy get into a racing matchup with Freddy and Bernie, the four of you
each in your element and being able to actually relax in the public setting knowing that your own vorish
relatives will keep you from being poached by any hungry locals. Some of them even get into it, Leah
and Alexa both joining in the second round of races while Taryn and Aunt Kari watch over you all.
You watch Mira at the air hockey table for a while, chatting with a few guys you don’t know. Neither of
the two randos from the laser tag game opted to hang around. Probably several of the bodies melting in
Taryn and Alexa had been friends of theirs, you reflected sadly. You’d have put as much distance
between yourself and this place as you could have as well.
The guys at the air hockey table don’t seem to be as appreciative of the danger they’re in. As Mira chats
with them more and more, they start to let their guard down, and begin flirting with your attractive
cousin. It isn’t long until you see one of them, a tallish guy with a short stubble-like beard and long
slightly curled hair, seems to take the lead on the flirting; Mira not seeming to mind as she grins and
laughs at his jokes.
“Alright, hey, if you’re so confident you can beat me, how about a bet?” you hear him ask, reaching
behind Mira’s back to place one hand on her hip as she looks down at the hand and then back up into
his face, grinning. “What kind of bet?”
“If I can beat you in air hockey, you follow me into the men’s room, and I get to slide in any hole I want.
And if you win, I’ll follow you into the woman’s room and show you what my mouth is good for besides
just talk.”
You can’t help but cringe, though Mira laughs and leans in closer, whispering “Ok, but if I win…” she
pauses, one hand reaching down to brush lightly over his crotch “…I get to have you slide in and out of
any hole I want.”
“Deal!” the man says, grinning widely.
It turned out that any concern you might have felt for your younger cousin was unwarranted. In only
about 5 minutes Mira has secured a 3-0 lead, and several more of your family have joined you in
spectating the game. Despite her opponent being galvanized from his own embarrassment, and the
encouragement of his friends, he only manages 3 goals over the next fifteen minutes before Mira puts
the final nail in his figurative coffin. His literal one too, if there were any chance he’d rate that level of
special treatment. Personally, you doubted Miranda would even remember him in a couple of days.
“Well, hey, I know when I’m beat!” the man says, his cheerful tone sounding forced even to your ears as
he approaches Miranda with wide open arms. “Who’d have ever thought a pretty girl like you would
spend time playing a dorky game like air hockey?”
You cringe, shifting your stance a bit as his arms wrap around Mira, then drop to her hips, and a bit too
far past that. Not that Mira needs your help.
“I’ve never seen someone so excited to lose a bet~.”
“I’m looking forward to my consolation prize,” he grins, pulling Mira closer so that her nose is almost
touching his chin. “Maybe we don’t get to do everything I was hoping for, but anything with you is
bound to be good.”
“Oh, I’m glad you feel that way. I have plans~” Mira teased, and you had to clamp down on a groan as
the oblivious idiot went on cupping and squeezing your cousin’s ass. The increasing giggles from the rest
of your family started to unnerve his friends, but he seemed to still be blind to the danger he was in.
“Yeah? Going to surprise me?”
“I guess so~” you faintly hear Mira mumble, just before she bursts out laughing. “Come on… I’m ready
for my prize…”
You heard his muffled shouting coming from the women’s restroom just a few minutes later. Mira
apparently hadn’t wasted any time playing with her food. Shortly after the screaming began, it took on
an even more muffled quality, sending the man’s friends scurrying for the door just before Mira
emerged with a man-sized bulge in her midsection.
Fortunately for you, she then spent much of the remaining afternoon sitting at a table drinking cola as
she chatted with Taryn and Alexa, and you didn’t have to overhear too much of any of their meals as the
girls’s digestive processes took their toll.


Riding back, you opted to stick with Leah and Terry, Rudy tagging along with you and equally happy not
to be squished in between a bunch of churning stomachs in the back of your aunt’s SUV. And bit by bit,
you were finally getting to know Terry, drawing him out of his shell now that you were away from your
more predatory family members. Less Leah. Though bewilderingly, Terry didn’t seem afraid of Leah.
From what he’s told you, he’d spent several years looking over his shoulder, utterly terrified that he’s
see Leah’s gaping jaws just behind him.
Instead of ending up in her stomach, he wound up in a collar and leash. The way your cousin told it,
she’d thought he was cute, and surprisingly brave for such a skinny male. He’s thrown a slushy in her
face four years ago when she’d tried to eat him, and she’d been startled into letting him go. She’d
chased after him, intent on dragging out his digestion, but he’d gotten away. So Leah had made it her
mission to hunt, devour, and digest every friend and acquaintance he had… which sounded like it should
have given Terry plenty of reason to fear your cousin.
Apparently it had, but at some point Leah had grown fond of Terry and had just enjoyed chasing him and
teasing him too much to stop.
It was a side of your cousin you hadn’t seen before. You were so used to Leah being an alpha pred that
you mostly just thought of her as a digestive tract with legs. Learning that she’d spared you without you
even knowing it, and seeing how protective she was of Terry, you couldn’t think of Leah as just a
man-eater anymore. Of course, she was still capable of incredible cruelty. She had made it a point to eat
Terry’s friends. And he’d probably seen more people he knew shat out of her ass than anyone else ever
“So, you guys are dating?” your brother asks as you finally pull up near the cabin.
“We’re not dating. Terry is my pet, and I’m keeping him around because he’s very smart, and smart
enough to make himself very useful to me.”
“But you said he was cute… and you sleep in the same bed…”
“He is cute, and that helps him be useful… and he sleeps on the floor, actually.”
“Really? But there’s only one blanket in—” Rudy cuts off as you punch him in the ribs. “Leah, are you
going to be ok for dinner? You haven’t eaten much today, and we didn’t stop to get any stock…” As
much as you were growing to trust your cousin, the more you got to know her, you didn’t want Rudy to
keep pushing. That alpha pred image you had of Leah was deliberate, and you didn’t want to find out
whether it was more important to her than either of you were.
“Aunt Hannah was going to pick up some dinner; they’re probably getting ready inside,” Leah answered,
pointedly ignoring Rudy as she got out of her car, waiting for the rest of you.
“Oh… I guess I should have expected that. Do you know if there’s food for us?”
“Of course there is,” Leah said, closing the door behind you. “We wouldn’t forget to feed you all.”
“That’s right! We have to keep you plump,” Taryn taunted, climbing out of Aunt Kari’s SUV and walking
over to poke you in your gut. Taryn’s stomach had already shrunk to merely pregnant with twins;
sloshing and burbling like some kind of machine as whatever was left of the three men she’d eaten
earlier continued to dissolve.
“Obviously, how could I ever have doubted that,” you snorted, poking Taryn in the gut in response. “If
you eat less than four times your weight for even one day, you’d probably melt yourself from the inside
“I might. My acids are pretty potent.”
“Come on.” Leah says, hooking her arm through yours as she pulled Terry along by his lead. “Let’s see if
there’s cake.”
“MIRA!? You already ate?!” You hear Aunt Sofie exclaim from the dining room as you enter the cabin
with Leah and Terry, Taryn and Rudy following close behind.
“Well, yeah…”
“What about your birthday meal?! We had everything all planned out, Mira!”
“I’m sorry Mom, this guy was just all over me at the arcade…” you listen from the other room, lurking
near the door as Taryn and Rudy walk off to see the rest of your family.
“Well, I suppose we can still go ahead with it, it sounds like you’ve digested most of him at least…”
“What?! No! Just wait until tomorrow. I don’t want him sloshing around in some chunky boy slop; he’s
supposed to be a special meal.” In the corner of your eye, you see Leah come to a stop beside you, hand
on your shoulder and eyeing you sternly. You raise a finger to your lips as you sheepishly look back at
her. Leah isn’t taking her eyes off you, but even though she’s frowning, at least she hasn’t pulled you
away or announced your presence.
“You’re putting it off another day? Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“Yes, Mom… I’m looking forward to it, really…” Mira sighs, rubbing the now smooth bulge of her
stomach “…I just want it to be something special for him too…”
“Mira, food is food. I know he’s family…” and you watch as Aunt Sofie puts a hand on Mira’s shoulder
and pokes her churning gut “but he’s still food. And he’ll come out the other end no different than this
“I know, mom, I know. Let’s just let him have one more night, ok?”
“Fine, fine, we can wait until tomorrow.”
Frowning yourself, you can’t help but wonder if Harvey would be better off if they just got it over with.
Maybe if he didn’t know he was headed for his sister’s gut, he could enjoy an extra few days of vacation,
but judging by his solemness, he was well aware he wasn’t going to make it home. How could he have
any happiness with that hanging over his head?
“MAX! I didn’t see you there!” Aunt Sofie exclaims, coming into the dining room from the kitchen and
almost a tray of asparagus into the air in her surprise. “Did you… hear….?”
“I—I think everyone already knows about Harvey… even Harvey…”
“Max? What are—”
“It’s fine Aunt Sofie” Leah interrupts. “I’m sure Max can keep it a secret. Even if Harvey might know
Mira’s getting a special meal tomorrow, we won’t talk about it any more tonight.” Leah looks you right
in the eye with her face close enough to come close to touching yours, and squeezes your shoulder so
tightly you’re worried she’ll forget her strength and break something as you blurt, “R-right! I won’t say a
word, I promise…”
“Oh! Well, thank you, Max…”
“Sure… I just… I’m with Mira, I want him to have time to enjoy himself while he can too” you answer,
glancing at your younger cousin over her mother’s shoulder, and seeing an extremely anxious and
red-faced Mira staring back at you with wide eyes. I guess she’s worried I’ll think less of her. I guess I am
actually kind of disappointed, but at least… she is trying to be nice… You’d always love Mira. Even if she
ate her own brother as a birthday ‘cake’.
“Oh, Max…” Aunt Sofie says, placing a hand on your head and ruffling your hair. “That’s… very sweet.
You and Mira really are a pair. Well, you go get ready for dinner then, we’re almost ready. No extra work
to do now that we’re putting Mira’s special meal off until tomorrow…”
“Ah, yeah, thank you Aunt Sofie…” you murmur shyly, backing away and heading through the kitchen
past a still very red-faced Mira who refuses to make eye contact with you as you make your way to your
bedroom to wash up before dinner.


For the second time that week, you actually had a nice dinner. Of course, it wasn’t as rare as it used to
be. Back when you lived with your mother, you’d often been left eating whatever frozen meals were in
the freezer, or getting drive-through hamburgers if you were lucky. Not that your mother didn’t care for
you or Rudy, but even after 24 years she sometimes forgot you couldn’t just ‘find’ a meal. Moving out on
your own had been a big improvement in that regard.
But now, sat at the head of the table beside Mira, clearly someone had taken the time to put some real
thought into the meal, there was smoked salmon and brisket, sweet potatoes, multiple casseroles and
various sauces. You didn’t even know any of your family members knew how to cook, that your mother
and Aunt Sofie had done all of this almost brought a tear to your eye. Though James probably did most
of the work.
Mira seemed to be enjoying herself too; though the man-food was obviously for you and the handful of
other men present. Nonetheless, she smiled and chatted energetically in between bites.
“Yeah, I haven’t even played air hockey in the past few years,” Mira said, giggling as she recounted her
dinner’s unfortunate bet to her older sister. “Bet he regrets trying to take advantage of me now~”.
You steel yourself, but flinch regardless as Mira punctuates her taunt with a poke at her belly and the
man’s sobs briefly give way to a scream.
“Something the matter, Maxie?” Carrie asks, grinning at you while Mira glances at you apologetically. “It
seems like you ought to be more used to this kind of thing by now.”
“I was just startled, that’s all…” you pause, always awkward in conversation with Carrie. Well, at least
she’s already eaten to you think, eyeing her now still and round belly as it lay resting over her legs. “How
is your… lunch…?”
“Mid-afternoon snack…” Carrie waggles her hand in mime of a so-so response. “He’s mostly a goopy
slurry at this point, like a gas station slushy with hard chunks of bone and gooey bits of undigested meat
floating around in it.”
“Ew.” Mira interjects, sticking her tongue out with a scrunched-up face.
“That’s great Carrie… very detailed…”
“So, wait,” Alexa asks from beside Rudy, “that guy was the owner of the gas station?”
“I dunno. He was in charge of it or something, I guess. He was mad we took the dumpster.”
“Just gulping some stranger before you even learn his name? Classy Carrie”
“What? Like Mira or Alexa, know the names of their meals?”
“Drew, Mickey, and… tasty?” Alexa laughs, tracing her fingers over the outline of one of her victims as
he strained outward against her flesh. Even after a few hours, her meals were alive and intact enough to
plead and struggle. Unlike Mira’s, who was little more than a writhing lump of meat at this point,
screaming wordlessly between sobs.
“Well, fine, if it’s so important, how about you go ahead and ask him Max?” Carrie mocks, hefting her
stomach with both hands as whatever is left of the man inside sloshes audibly about.
“Doesn’t seem like he’s up for answering.”
“Maybe he’s just tired? He’s probably going to be pooped after spending a whole afternoon being
digested” Mira joked, waggling her eyebrows at each of you in turn.
Cringing, you return to your salmon. Alexa and Rudy look away and strike up a conversation with
Bernard and Aunt Hannah. Even Carrie rolls her eyes and spears a bit of brisket with her fork, chewing as
she looked away and watched Leah and Taryn start to eat their stockboys.
“Oh, come on! That was good!”
You looked down, ate your dinner.
“It was!” Mira continued to protest.
You stare down at the table in silence. Wow, they can really pack them away quick. Both of your alpha
pred cousins already leaned back in their chairs, satisfied expressions across their faces as their dinner
settled into their stomachs. Shit…just two more men, nothing but shit. You really were lucky to have
made it this far you knew. Even with Carrie’s taunting, she’d never actually made a move to eat you.
Compared to the fates of the countless men your cousins had devoured, your life was peachy. I hope
Taryn at least finished digesting the guys from laser tag before she at this one… It had only been a few
hours. Fuck, that poor guy…


“I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble”
You watched, halfheartedly mouthing the words, as Miranda and Alexa sang and danced in front of the
television as they watched for the screen for the lyrics. Most of the rest of you were sat on the couches
and chairs around the living room watching and/or singing along.
“Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
All the right junk in all the right places
I see them magazines workin' that photoshop
We know that shit ain't real
Come on now, make it stop
If you got beauty beauty just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size
She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night”
You felt your skin redden slightly as you watched Alexa’s booty jiggle from her slapping and shaking, but
for all the emphasis her dance put on her ass, your eyes were constantly drawn away to her full
stomach. Every shake and swing of her hips sent her stomach rolling to one side, and it jostled about her
mid-section with a mind of its own as her still living meals flailed and thrashed to try and right
themselves in their erratically shifting and increasingly painful environment.
“She’s pretty good huh? I mean, she’s basically built for this song, how many people have an ass that
much wider than their shoulders?”
You turn to your left and glance at Carrie, her blue eyes meeting yours as she grinned at your deepening
blush. “I was, um, thinking more about her stomach. It’s so big with all the guys she ate earlier, and she’s
so slow digesting them that they’re still alive in there. It’s just bouncing around like it’s possessed or
“Heh, yeah, it is pretty fun to watch. It doesn’t even sound like it’s stimulating her digestion all that
much; her food is still scared screaming instead of hurt screaming. Not like Mira, all that shaking around
must have turned her stomach into a blender or something. She’s almost caught up to me, and I ate this
guy like two hours earlier than she ate her meal.” Carrie finishes, patting the small potbelly poking out
over the lip of her jeans.
Looking at Mira, you realized Carrie was right. Not long ago you had been sitting by Mira at dinner and
trying to block out her meal’s wailing, now you could see her stomach was just a compact bulge. A few
bumps and ridges indicated as yet undigested bone, but her meal was clearly more mush than man at
this point. Mira would be back to her normal trim self in no time; something Alexa seemed to realize as
well as she started sliding into Mira’s space and swinging her hips wide to bump into Mira with her
booty and belly.
“I'm bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No, I'm just playing
I know those boys may call you fat
But I'm here to tell you
Stuff every inch of you with tasty boys from the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size
She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night.”
Mira might not have Alexa’s big bouncing belly, but she didn’t seem to be enjoying the dancing any less
because of it. In fact, she seemed to be into it, and without the belly to distract her movements, drew
the eye right to her…
“Ahem” you coughed, suddenly looking downward. Carrie already thought you would make a better
meal than a cousin, it seemed, no need to give her an excuse. “So, do you and Mira sing or dance much
at home?”
“Well, not really at home,” Carrie leans back beside you, watching as Mira and Alexa continue their
battle of the hips. “I go clubbing sometimes; Mira hasn’t really been old enough for that, but there’s
some singing and dancing at parties. She’s probably a better dancer than a singer.
“Yeah, no argument there.”
“Ooh, lucky she can’t hear you.”
“You said it first!”
“I’m her sister. It’s expected of me” Carrie laughs and sticks her tongue out at you as you look up to the
ceiling in silent supplication. Not that your prayers would ever be answered. Men were supposedly little
more than mud in the grand scheme of things.
“She really does like you, you know.” Carrie said into the silence as Mira and Alexa reached their finale.
“So you should be extra nice to her. No giving her the cold shoulder just because boys are a major part
of her diet.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” you mutter, surprised by the unexpected comment.
“Uh-huh. We were a lot closer when we were younger. Not just you and me either. You used to be
closer to all of us. You never forgave me for eating Sebastin.”
“He was my best friend!” You still felt sick at the memory. It was true, you and Carrie had been close
back in the day, being the only cousins of your age group. You’d been fine with her voring people back
then; it was never anybody you knew, and you’d even rub her belly while she digested them because
she said it felt good. You had been doing just that as she digested Sebastin, unknowing it was your friend
howling in her stomach. Right up until a particularly gruesome crunch left him screaming so loud you
were able to recognize his voice, even muffled by layers Carrie’s flesh.
“He was a horny teenager who got caught peeping on his best friend’s cousin. And it’s been, like, 10
years. I wasn’t going to tell you because I knew you’d just get mad, but honestly, I thought you’d get
over it after a few days.”
“Hey, how’d I do?” Mira saves you the trouble of responding to Carrie as she bounds over to you both,
sitting on the couch to your other side, legs tucked underneath herself as she worked herself into the
space before you and Carrie could move to make room.
“Awesome! Maxie was just thinking about what song he wants to sing~” Carrie grinned evilly at you.
“OH! You’re actually going to sing, Max?! Here, let’s look at the catalogue while Taryn and Leah go.”
“Uhh, that’s ok, I don’t—”
“Ooohh, come on Max!” Mira moaned, staring up at you with puppy dog eyes as she held the book of
songs and lyrics in her lap.
“Oh…fine…” you mumble, blushing furiously at the thought of singing and then from Mira suddenly
kissing your cheek.
Sitting on the couch, staring downward, you feel the waves up despair washing over you almost like a
physical force. Dimly, you hear Taryn singing with Alexa as Carrie and Mira talk to you about your song.
“I have a heart, I swear I do
But just not baby when it comes to you
I get so hungry when you say you love me
(Hush!) if you know what's good for you
I think you're hot, I think you're cool
You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school
And now that I'm famous, you'll be up my anus
Now I'm gonna eat you, fool
I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch”
Eyes scanning blankly over the book in your lap as Mira and Carrie chatter at you, you feel suddenly
dizzy, utterly exhausted by everything going on.
“Max? Earth to Max? MAX” Mira elbows you in the ribs, jarring you back to the present.
“Sorry, wha?”
“What about this one?” Mira asks, sidling closer to you so that her head is beside yours, and points
downward to the page. “In Your Belly, by Pear”
Nervously eyeing the page, and knowing your too intently focused on the feeling of both Mira and Carrie
pressed against your sides as they read over your shoulder, you looked down and read the lyrics:
Is it a choice?
Will I believe it when I hear my own voice, when I say it to someone that I am theirs?
Will I feel hot in your belly?
Will it make me feel dizzy?
Will I know that it won’t hurt me? I shouldn’t care if it hurts me
I should trust my own feelings
Is it a trap?
Will I know that when I leave I can’t go back?
Will I long for a life I once had?
Will I remain a memory buried deep down inside you?
Will my memory disappear completely even before I do?
Will I feel hot in your belly?
Will it make me feel dizzy?
Will you feel me as a part of you, waking up in your bed every morning?
Will you hear my voice whispering in your head clearly every morning?
Will you remember me?
“I…I don’t know Mira.”
“Well, how about Carnivore?” Carrie asks, smirking as she turned the page and you skimmed the page,
briefly reading:
Who are you to change this world?
Silly boy
No one needs to hear your words
Let it go
Carnivore, carnivore
Won't you come digest me?
Take away everything I am
Bring it to an end
Make me fall, make me bleed
Go ahead and change me
Take away everything I am
Everything I am
Never enough
Who I am is not good enough
Never enough
Who I am
“Ok, how about something that isn’t about me being eaten and digested?” you mutter, irritated.
“Sorry Max, I just thought it was a sweet song…I didn’t mean to go all dark like Carrie” Mira murmured,
glaring across at her older sister as she half hugged you. You caught Carrie’s eyeroll as she reached for
her glass of wine and removed her hand from the book.
“It’s fine I just—” you shift in your seat, holding the book covering your lap as Mira shifts closer to you,
listening intently. Staring at her, you briefly space out again, listening as Taryn and Alexa continue:
“Whenever you tell me I'm pretty
That's when the hunger really hits me
Your little heart goes pitter-patter
I want you tied up, on a platter
Use your finger to stir my tea
And for dessert I'll suck your teeth
Be too sweet and you'll be a gonner
Yeah, down in my belly, like a sauna
I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch
Then when I'm thirsty, I fuck them first
Carnivore, animal, I am a Cannibal
I eat boys up, you better run
I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal) (I'll eat you up)
“All the vore stuff just really isn’t my thing.” You finish, shuddering as you imagine what the boys inside
of Alexa and Taryn must be suffering through right now.
“That’s ok, we can find something else!” Mira suggests, smiling at you and reaching down to the book.
Fortunately, you’re spared this karaoke horror as you hear your mother calling your name from the


“MAX! Come here! I need some help sorting through whatever this all is!” Your mother called from the
kitchen; at a loss with what to do with normal leftovers, apparently.
“I’ll be right back,” you say to Miranda, handing her the book and quickly rising from the couch now that
Alexa and Taryn were wrapping up. I better leave while I still can.
“Alright… see you soon…”
Heading into the kitchen where your mother was staring into the refrigerator, you walked up to her to
peek over her shoulder when she whispered in a low voice, “I have a surprise for you~”
“Shhh, it’s in your room. Go look!”
Eyeing her, you quietly slip around into the hall behind the kitchen towards the room you shared with
Walking down the hallway, you slowly open the door, trying to be quiet. Stumbling into the room, and
nearly tripping over something at about thigh height, you wave your hands over the wall to look for a
light switch, finally finding it and flicking it on.
Standing before you, on the floor beside the bed, was a large iron cage, the same one that had held Ben
before he met his end in Madelyn’s stomach. Roughly 3 feet on each end, a pillow, a blanket, and a
water bottle sitting just inside, through the cage’s open door; and just in front of your feet, an unopened
package of toilet paper and a plunger sit on the floor.
Stunned, you stare for a second, at a complete loss for words, and then your hear the door quietly close
behind you as Carrie suddenly lifts you off your feet and carries you into the cage, forcing you down
almost into a ball to fit within the too small frame.
“HELP! CARRIE STOP!” You scream, struggling with all your might to absolutely no effect at all. With a
grunt, Carrie forces you in, and tears off your clothing before slamming the cage door shut, locking it in
place as you try to force it open.
“That is actually steel, Maxie; you won’t be able to bend it open.”
“Why?!?! Why are you doing this?”
“For your farewell feast! You’re going to make an excellent meal for Miranda, and we can’t have you
running off!”
“What?!? But what about Harvey?! He’s your brother!”
Giggling, Carrie kneels down to eye level with you. “Miranda couldn’t bring herself to eat her only
remaining brother. So your mom offered you instead. Freddy is earmarked for Taryn, so you’re the only
spare. Well, you and Rudy. Guess Mom has a favorite, huh?”
“Wha-? N-No…”
“Yup!” Carrie laughs, “Oh, and now I really do need to use the bathroom, excuse me…” She says, patting
her small bulge as she eyes you. Stopping by the package of toilet paper beside the wall, Carrie opens it
and pulls out a couple of rolls “These are supposed to be for Miranda, but it’s not like she’ll need the
entire package for you, right?” Carrie teases, waving the toilet paper at your face. Heading to the other
door in the room, you see her flick on the light, illuminating the white linoleum floors and painted walls,
a simple male’s toilet sitting opposite the door. Smiling at you as she closes the door “Try not to dwell
too much on this. I’m sure my sister will be more respectful with you…”
Wrapping your fingers around the bars, you try to shake them, only to find them sturdy and unmoving.
Shouting, you scream “HELP! SOMEBODY! PLEASE!” but the only reply you hear is more giggling from
Carrie coming through the gap between the door and the simple wood floors, followed by a brassy
FFFRRRRBBBBBHHHTTTT as Carrie began to dispose of her earlier meal.
“Oh, that is disgusting!” Carries mumbles as you hear her shit splashing into the toilet and slapping
against the smooth porcelain bowl; the occasional clattering of bone as more solid remnants are
expelled by your cousin. “I guess I shouldn’t expect anything else from gas station food, but I hope you
make a more graceful exit when it’s your turn Maxie…”
Sobbing now, you fall back against the bars, still shouting “HELP! PL-PLEASE!...” only to be answered by
another trumpeting fart.
When your mother opens the door, you lunge forward and reach a hand through the bars “MOM!
“MAXIE! Enough! You’re going to upset Miranda if you keep carrying on like this! Honestly, you should
know better. Now I want you to stop carrying on like this and get some sleep, you’re going to have a
long day tomorrow.”
“Mom, you can’t be serious! I’m not going to just let Miranda eat me!”
“You’re not going to have much of a choice, Maxie; now behave yourself. If you do convince Miranda
not to eat you, we’re letting Taryn have you instead.”
And you can’t help but shudder at that thought; quietly bawling in your cage as your mother closes the
door and leaves you alone but for the sound and stench of Carrie finishing with her meal in the adjacent
After a few more minutes, you fall silent, just staring at the cage bars as you listen to the sink run a few
feet away. When the bathroom door opens, Carrie walks out, arms crossed. “Well, that plunger is
probably a bit optimistic, there’s more shit than toilet in there…” and looking past Carrie’s legs you can
indeed see the toilet on the wall opposite the door, waste piled high and a pair of unrecognizable bones
jutting out from the pile. “I’m afraid that just isn’t going to flush; actually, I’m kind of impressed with
myself for having kept it all in the bowl. Well. I’ll leave you to get some sleep, Maxie; see you in the
And with that, Carrie bends down and reaches a hand through the bars of the cage to ruffle your hair. As
you try to pull back and bat her hand away, she grips the back of your head and pulls you close, quickly
kissing your forehead before letting you go. “I know you’re not going to be happy about this, Max. But
remember what I said: Mira likes you, so don’t be mean to her. She’s been trying to be nice to you all
week. Besides,” Carrie grins at you, “you should never behave like an asshole towards the girl whose
asshole you’ll be spreading. There are painful digestions, and then there are very, very, painful
digestions.” And with that, Carrie turns and saunters out of the room, flicking off the light but leaving on
the lights in the bathroom, and grinning over her shoulder at you as she leaves you alone with the sight
of her last meal and the reminders of your grim future.


A few hours pass; you don’t know how long, there’s no clock in the room. Just an unused bed, your
abandoned suitcase, and the mostly full package of toilet paper. Rudy never came in. He must be
sleeping somewhere else tonight…while you…
The only source of light is the bathroom, and you’re curled in a ball under the plain blanket left in the
cage, facing away from that grisly mess. The shadow of the cage is large against the wall, and despite the
blanket, you find yourself unable to stop shivering.
You feel a spike of terror when the door opens; surely it can’t be morning already? The dim light of the
flashlight isn’t enough to make our Miranda’s face, but you see here there, standing in the doorway, and
you back up against the opposite wall of the cage, shaking as she closes and locks the door.
“Mir-Miranda, pl-please…” you whimper.
“Shhh,” she quietly urges you, moving closer to you. “Uh, what is that…? Ugh!” You hear her mutter
under her breath as she comes closer and is able to see the mess left by her older sister in the
In the light of the open doorway, you can see Miranda more clearly. She’s dressed in her pajamas now, a
simple pair of pink and grey flannel pants and an old t-shirt showing Ms. Pacman chomping on tinier Mr.
Pacman’s over the shirt’s front. It doesn’t quite fit her anymore, and stops at her ribcage, exposing her
flat stomach studded with a small butterfly piercing. You wonder if she appreciates the irony; you
certainly won’t be any more attractive emerging from the cocoon of her stomach.
Her stomach is flat and toned now. Apparently, she’d disposed of Malcolm; no doubt in a similar scene
to the one Carrie left you. In the light, you can see her slightly messy hair hanging loosely just past her
shoulders; the light brown color seeming to almost be edging into the blonde spectrum where the light
reflected off of it.
“Mir-Miranda…” you whisper as she walks to the bathroom and shuts off the light, switching on the
vent, and closing the door behind her.
“I’m sorry about that…” she whispers, sitting on the floor beside your cage. You see concern on her face,
her green eyes, much darker than her sisters, looking into yours and then flickering downward in what
almost seems to be apprehension. “Are you ok?”
“Mi-Mira…” you say calling her by the nickname, the name you’ve called her since you were children,
“pl-please…I don’t want to be eaten…”
“Maxie… I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to eat Harvey… and it’s already been decided. Taryn told me
she gets to have you if I don’t eat you myself… and honestly, I… if you’re going to be eaten anyway, I do
want you myself.”
Her stomach growls as she finishes, and you instinctively flinch away from the ominous sound,
scrambling to the far side of your cage, though it only put about a foot and a half between you and your
cousin. You press yourself against the bars as Mira reaches a hand in, whispering “Maxie…” as she tries
to comfort you.
“Don’t ‘Maxie’ me, you just said you wanted to eat me!” you respond vehemently. And suddenly
realizing you were naked and had dropped your blanket in your haste, yip and quickly wrap the blanket
around yourself.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before Max.” Mira says, looking you in the eye, concern and apprehension
briefly lightened by a spark of amusement. Of course, Mira was vore; you shouldn’t be surprised. Vores
had a tendency to take what they wanted from their meals before devouring them. You just hadn’t
imagined Mira…
“Why are you here?”
“I wanted to check on you. You mom said they would lock you in your room tonight until they were
ready for tomorrow…but I only found out from Leah a little while ago that they had you in this cage. I’m
sorry, I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to make sure you were having fun over the
past few days…”
“Before you eat me?”
“Yes! Before I eat you! Seriously Max, your mom was going to just put you in the cage at home and drive
you all the way up here in the trunk, I was trying to make sure you enjoyed your last day before… well,
before I digest you…” Leaning against the cage with both hands wrapped around the bars as she looks at
you, you can see your cousin is distraught. Not as much as you, but still… for a vore, this is a surprising
level of concern for someone who is, for all intents and purposes, just food at this point. “I’m sorry Max,
but Leah was able to get the key for your lock, see?” she pulls a chain around her neck and lifts a key
from underneath her shirt. “But I can’t let you run off, so I have to tie you to me. You have to promise to
behave, ok?”
Shivering, you nod, meeting Mira’s eyes as you mumble “o-ok…”
Nodding back at you, Miranda withdraws her hand and scoots on her knees to the front of the cage,
carefully turning the key and removing the padlock trapping you inside. Opening the door and offering
you her hand, Miranda beckons you out of your cage and helps pull you to your feet.
“Th-thank you…”
“You’re welcome,” Miranda answers as she watches you wrap the blanket tightly around yourself, still
shivering and not from the cold. “Here…” she says, walking to the closet and looking through some
additional packages with the flashlight. You see garbage bags. Scented candles. A bone cleaning and
polishing kit for making souvenirs. And digestible strawberry flavored ropes, which Miranda picks up and
begins opening.
Holding out her hand to you expectantly, Mira waits for you to offer your wrist, and then deftly ties it to
her own. Apparently, some skills learned from being a girl scout did remain useful later in life.
“We can sleep on the bed, so at least you’re not scrunched up in that cage all night…”
“You’re going to sleep with me?”
“I kind of have to,” she says, holding up her wrist and dragging yours upward along with it. “I promise, I
don’t want to hurt you.”
Looking down at Mira as she hugs you, you nod and let her walk you over to the bed. It’s only a twin
size, one edge against the wall, but it is a bed, and as you lower yourself onto it, you feel the springs
creak and push back to support you. Scooting onto the bed beside you, and lying down between you
and the wall, Mira wraps one arm around you and snuggles against your side.
You shiver as you feel Mira’s arm wrap around your chest, more from fear than from the cold. With Mira
pressed tightly against you, the heat from her body warms your own, and in minutes, you begin to feel
comfortable. Or you would if not for the larger context.
“Are you doing ok…?”
“I’m sorry…” Mira presses herself closer, chin on your shoulder as she asks, “is there anything I can do to
You’re silent for a moment as you bite down on your initial response. Nothing you could say was likely to
keep you alive. At best, you’d get a stay of execution for a couple more months, and then Taryn…
…No. No, that wasn’t better. You may have talked and joked with Taryn this morning, and you did like
her, but being eaten by Taryn was maybe the worst way to go that you knew of. Friendly though she
could be sometimes, her digestive tract was always brutal.
“Can you… I don’t know. Can you make it not hurt?”
“Well… I am going to be taking something to slow down the digestive process. That should mean that
tomorrow won’t be too bad.” Mira holds you close and rests her head beside yours before continuing,
“but it will get worse, eventually. I can’t make digestion painless… but,” she continues, rubbing your
shoulder as you shiver, “I can give you some anesthetic. That could help some. You won’t feel it as
much, at least…”
“O-ok. Thank you…”
You sit awkwardly in silence, too afraid to sleep as Mira continues to stroke your shoulder. Sometime
tomorrow, you would die, eaten and digested by your own cousin. You would…
“Am—Am I going to end up in the dumpster?”
“No! No Max, I would never do that…”
“Th-thank you….”
Sitting in silence once more, head facing the side so as not to look at Mira, you lie and wait for morning.
Nearly half an hour passes, and you feel no closer to sleep. Mira still lies beside you, gently stroking one
hand over your shoulder as you each listen to the other’s breathing.
“When I got the key from Leah, she said you’d been talking with her and Taryn in the morning…”
“She said you’ve never been laid. And that if you could wish for anything, you wanted to fuck a girl and
not get eaten by her afterwards…?”
“Mira… where are you going with this?” you asked, turning back to face her as she propped herself on
one arm.
“I… Well, I am going to eat you…” you nod nervously, waiting for her to continue “…but… until then… I
mean, you aren’t sleeping anyway…”
Outwardly silent, you may be, but internally your mind was going haywire. Mira was family, and… and
she was going to eat you tomorrow. You would die. And you would die a virgin, which you did not
…But, she was still family. And hot. Very hot. And you had been thinking about her all week. And… and
even though you wanted to feel bad about it, your hand reached upward to rest on her abdomen.
Calmly stroking her bare skin with your thumb as you held her, you stopped and slid your hand upwards,
beneath the loose child-sized Ms. Pac Man t-shirt where your hand found her breast. Soft and
uncovered, you began to rub at the underside of her breast with your thumb, and Mira reached down
with her free hand to take your hand and press it firmly against her tit, squeezing the soft flesh as it
compressed in your grip.
Before you speak, Mira is kissing you, her tongue licking at your lips, and then over your own tongue as
you open your mouth and kiss her back. In moments, you’re beneath her, the flannel of her pajama
bottoms soft and warm against your hardening cock as she straddles you, grinning down at you as she
feels your boner poking against her thigh.
“Have you ever thought about me this way?”
“Last night?”
“No, that was… I was dreaming I was with someone…”
“Ah,” Mira whispers back, removing her shirt and letting her breasts hang free. “She probably has bigger
boobs than me, huh?” she asks you, wriggling her chest back and forth cutely as she brushes her hair
back from her face.
“Your boobs are perfect.” You reach forward and touch them, taking one in each hand, groping,
squeezing, rubbing, all the while Mira grins and giggles down at you.
“I’m glad you like them. I’m hoping you’ll make them bigger.” She holds your hands against her chest
and shifts her hips, grinding against your cock and laughing quietly as you moan. “I guess I should let you
fuck me now, huh?”
Shuddering as though Mira’s touch had sent a jolt of electricity down your spine, you lower your hands
to her hips and begin to slowly push down on her pajama bottoms. Staring at her waist, and back up at
her, you hold your hands in place as she wiggles and slips her hips free, rolling onto her back on top of
you and lifting her legs high up into the air.
Hands free, you reach up to Mira, wrapping your arms around her torso to hold her against you, left
hand on her breast and right on her abdomen as she bent her legs and lifted her pajamas up and around
her knees, pulling them off and leaving herself as naked as you.
Looking over her shoulder at you as she flings her pajama bottoms to the floor somewhere, she twists
her upper half and kisses you. You return the kiss once more, arms still wrapped around her back to her
front, running over her skin, your left still playing with her breast as the right drops to her pussy. Timidly
slipping your middle finger into her folds, you crook your finger and stroke her insides as she titters and
places a hand on top of yours, guiding you higher until she breaks the kiss with a gasp.
With a soft moan, Mira pushes a second of your fingers, encouraging it to join the first as you continue
to stroke her, emboldened by her apparent focus. As she begins to grind her hips against your hand, she
reaches down and behind her, grasping your hardened cock and lifting it to the cleft of her cheeks,
leaving you moaning in turn as you feel her firm though soft skin gliding back and forth over your rod.
Determined not to think about vore, or tomorrow, or anything else, you continue fingering Miranda,
leaning forward to press your head against hers, desperate in that moment to just be with her
everywhere and everyway. When she pushes your hand away and writhes in your grasp to face you, you
slacken your grip and roll out from under her as she pulls you into another kiss.
“Fuck me,” Mira commands, looking you in the eye as she breaks the kiss. Needing no further
encouragement, you position yourself between her legs and lift your rod to her lips. Feeling a sudden
sense of doubt, you look to her, afraid; met with her eager smile as she wraps her legs around your back
and nudges you forward.
With a careful nudge, you slide yourself into her, pushing in a couple of inches before pulling out, one
hand on the mattress for balance and the other wrapped around her leg as you repeat the exercise,
slipping in and out until you begin to find a rhythm. Guided by the tightening of Mira’s legs around you,
you push deeper in and moan at the sensation of warm skin all around your cock, Mira’s soft walls
gripping and squeezing you as you moved backward and forward; her own quiet moans matching yours
as she lifts one hand to rest on yours while the other teased her clit.
You don’t know how long you last. You lose track of time, and everything around you but for Mira. In the
moment when you’re both about to cum, you pull out, stroking your cock as you watch Mira finish, one
hand between her legs and the other on her breast as she brings herself to orgasm.
Gasping for breath as she does, she grins at you, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking your rod,
before sliding onto the floor, on her knees as she takes you in her mouth. You’re so close that you barely
last a moment as you feel the warmth of her mouth around you and her soft tongue gliding up along the
base of your shaft. With a grunt, you empty yourself into her, listening as Mira purrs around your
softening rod, savoring your taste as she rests her head on your thigh and continues to gently suck your
“I… I guess...” you mumble in between breaths “…it was too much to hope for that I would taste bad.”
“Mmmmm…” Mira hums, still swishing your cock and cum about in her mouth as she rested against you.
Finishing after a few more moments, she swallows, and you feel a brief shiver of fear run up your back
as her throat pulls you forward by your cock before she opens her mouth and lets you go with a pleased
grin across her face. “Sorry Max… you’re delicious.”
“Wonderful. Well, at least you’re getting something out of this too.”
“Hey, don’t be down on yourself. That was really good.” Mira climbs back onto the bed beside you and
kisses the side of your face. You can’t help but lean into it, wrapping your arms around her once more,
feeling the curve of her hips, the toned muscle of her thighs, dropping your head to suck on her tit as
she laughed and wrapped her arms around your head. “You want to keep going?”
“Can we?”
“It’s up to you.” She grinned again, fingers dancing along your now soft cock as she began to stroke it to
bring it to attention once more.
You manage to cum twice more, aided by Mira’s devoted attention. You get another blowjob; she lets
you titfuck her, she even lets you have anal. By the end of it all, you’re exhausted, almost too tired to
move, and pleased to see Mira looking worn out as well. Lying back in the bed beside her, arms and
bodies entangled as your exhaustion overcomes your fear of tomorrow, you realize that if you are going
to lose your life to be a meal for someone, at least you couldn’t think of anyone better than Mira.
You wake up to the faint flowery smell of Mira’s hair wafting up from just below your nose as Mira’s
head rests on your shoulder. Groggily, you take stock. Mira lay mostly on top of you, her legs between
yours, left arm under your back and right draped over your left shoulder. Your own right arm is trapped
beneath her torso, but your left is free and you take the opportunity to softly run your fingers down
Mira’s shoulder and before gently wrapping around her breast.
Modest by vorish standards, maybe, but still a handful. How much bigger would they be once she
finished with you? D Cup? DD? Mira might be sweet, but she was hardly a vegetarian. She ate plenty of
men. It was probably a conceit to think you, a single meal, would make any noticeable difference… but
they did say family added the most. As far as you could tell, that was most of the reason women were so
avid about devouring their male family members… You couldn’t help but hope you were at least dying
for some reason.
“Hmm” you heard Mira groan, stirring awake at your touch.
“Mmm” slowly, you felt her arms close around you as she inched closer to your face, planting a brief
peck on your cheek before wiggling against you and resting her head beside yours. As Mira wiggles you
take the chance to free your right arm, pulling out from under her and reaching down to her ass,
squeezing her flesh with each of her hands as she chuckled and nuzzled her face against the side of your
head, kissing you along your neck.
Feeling the firm contour of her ass, you wonder if maybe you’ll end up there instead. Mira already has a
fine as though; maybe not as big as Leah’s, but definitely toned…
You moan a bit yourself as Mira’s lips close on yours, her tongue gliding across your lip until your own
comes out to meet it. When you hear her croon in pleasure, you don’t know if it’s your continued
attentions, or if she’s just enjoying your flavor, and you’re somewhat surprised to realize you don’t
actually care.
“Hngh, do I taste that good?”
“A bit morning breathy actually… but keep playing…”
“Happy too,” you answer, squeezing her curves once more as her right hand leaves your shoulder and
slides between her legs. You lay there in silence for a bit, listening to Mira’s moans shift in pitch and
frequency, and she brings herself closer to the edge.
“Do you think I’ll make your boobs bigger?”
“Hmm…? You better. I need to stop being the flattest girl at the party.”
“Are you really? They seem plenty big to me…” you squeeze, feeling the flesh spill out between your
fingers as if to emphasize the point.
“For a vore my age, they’re kind of tiny. Besides, who doesn’t want an excuse to buy more bikinis?”
“Hmm… wish I could see… I thought maybe I’d go to your ass instead…”
“Well, try for both!” Mira laughed, returning now slick fingers to your neck as she kissed you again.
Moaning in her kiss, you let yourself relax in her grip. You were hers now. At some point during the
night, you’d accepted that. You lifted your hand to her shoulders, pulling her close before she shifted
and pushed your hands away, down to her hips. Feeling her reposition her legs, straddling either side of
yours now, you closed your eyes and let the warmth wash over you as she took your rod in her hand and
lowered herself onto you.
Grip firm on her hips, you thrust, repeatedly impaling Mira as she lifted herself with hands braced on
your shoulders. “Hmmm, this… is probably the last time we’ll fuck…”
“I… I feel like I could spend the rest of my life inside you…”
“Well, most of it!” Mira laughs, matching her pace to yours. “Even an early dinner is probably a ways
away, though.”
“Will it hurt?”
“Hopefully not too much…”
“Just need me to hurt a little, huh?”
“Well… I have to make you squirm a bit… that’s half the fun…” she teases, suddenly clenching around
you and twisting her hips as you gasp for breath and blow your load. You try to catch your breath as you
let your arms flop down to either side, Mira rolling onto the right as she dismounts you, still laughing.
“What… what am I supposed to do the rest of today…? Just sit in the cage? Until you eat me?”
“You can’t stay…?”
“Max, we’re not exactly supposed to be doing this…” Mira looks at you, face reddening, though probably
still less so than your own now that you’re reminded of what exactly you’ve done. “Actually, I should
probably sneak back to my room now. People will wake up soon.”
“Wi—Will you come back to talk some more? Before… you know…”
Mira stops, half risen to her feet as she looks back to you and squeezes your shoulder. “Of course, Max. I
do love you, you know. We all do… It’s just…”
“Yeah… yeah… boys are food…”
“Here! Take your cellphone,” Mira hands it to you after fishing it out of the pocket of your jeans from
where Carrie had tossed them into the corner. “You can chat with me… or Rudy… friends… whoever. No
reason for you to just sit here staring at the wall…”
“Thanks… uh, the battery is almost dead… I didn’t think to charge it after… well…” you blush again, Mira
grinning somewhat impishly at you before easily lifting the steel cage that must weigh a hundred pounds
and placing it on the bed beside your nightstand. “Well, here, now you can have it plugged in at least…
and you can throw some pillows in…”
“Uh, yeah…” you answer, staring into the cage. Three feet by three feet by three feet. Bare still. A couple
of pillows and a blanket. Your entire future. Until you found somewhere even more cramped to spend
the last of your life.


Looking at Mira, now finished dressing while you stared at the cage, you see her shift awkwardly on her
feet. Watching you. “Oh!… Right…” you mumble, abashed as you realize she was waiting for you to get
back in your box.

Steeling yourself (har-har), you crawl into the cage and shuffle about, wrapping yourself in the blanket
as Mira closes the door behind you, replacing the padlock.

“Sorry Maxie…”

“It’s… it’s fine…” you shivered, despite the blanket. “Heh… if you left me free to wander, I probably
would still try to run…”
“Well… I’ll um… see you later” your cousin replied, grinning strangely as she reached in to hug you
through the bars before quietly departing, and leaving you alone in the dark; the early morning light
creeping in from the crack below the door your only company aside from your own thoughts. At least
you had your cellphone now… yay…

The entertainment value of your cellphone diminished fast. Knowing you would be nothing more than
your cousin’s jiggle, wiggle, and waste by this time tomorrow forced you to admit that not much of
anything you might see online really mattered at this point. No news on reformation tech coming out in
the next 12 hours. Or even proposed laws against not eating cousins or any other male.

You don’t know how long it’s been since Mira left, but you’re starting to have some regrets. You can’t
move around enough to stretch your legs in your cage. Also, you can’t leave your cage. And you haven’t
gone to the bathroom since last night. You should have taken the chance to… Well. No. Carrie had
wrecked your bathroom.

Swallowing your pride… and no small amount of resentment… you text your mother:

Hi mom… could someone let me out of the cage? I need to use the bathroom.

I’m out with Rudy right now. He isn’t taking the news well. You seem pretty chipper actually; you doing

Yeah. Got used to the idea, I guess.

Wow, that’s pretty unexpected, but I’m glad to hear it. This really is important for Miranda.

Yes mom. Bathroom…?

I won’t be back for a while. Try Maddie. Most of your other cousins went horseback riding.

Gulping, you nervously look up Maddie’s phone in your contacts. You’re almost surprised to find it. You
rarely have much reason to talk to her, at least not since you were younger, and you hung out with her
and Carrie on these trips.


Hey? Carrie let you keep your phone, Maxie?

Uhm, I was able to get to it…

Oh? Good for you. Much better than Ben. Hope you’re not planning on begging, though. This is
important for Mira.

It is my birthday too, you know.

Happy Birthday to you! You’ll be a big poo! You’ll make a thick dookie, and your bones will melt too!

Har-har. Speaking of, I need to use the bathroom.

Fine, if you’re going to be that good a sport about it, I can hardly say no.

You wait for a couple of minutes before the door creaks open, your oldest cousin’s head poking through,
bright white teeth shining in a broad grin as the light from the hallway illuminated you in all your
inglorious captivity. Blinking away your disorientation at the sudden bright light shining in your eyes, you
see your cousin is dressed in a simple lilac sundress that split in the middle, exposing Madelyn’s flat
stomach with a long flowing skirt stretching out beneath it, brown hair frizzy and framing her face as she
opened the door fully and stepped in to your room.

Suddenly remembering that you were naked, you yelped and covered yourself more fully with the
blanket, blood rushing to your face as Maddie burst out laughing.

“Not excited to see me after all, Maxie? I thought you were presenting yourself.”

“Maddie, can you please just unlock the cage and hand me my clothes?” you mumble, refusing to look
your cousin in the face as she continued laughing.

“Are you even a little excited?” Maddie asked, moving closer and leering at you, trying to get an angle
on you as you blushed further red and scrunched up the blanket over your privates. “MADDIE! Come on!
I’m already going to be churned into shit on my birthday. You can at least stop mocking me all the time.”

“Alright, alright, here’s the key,” she answers, lifting a chain from around her neck and removing the
lock from your cage. You look away as she turns and bends down to pick up your clothing, briefly
catching your eye as she turns back to see if you’re staring and wiggles her hips a bit.

“Pants please.”

“Something to hide?”

“With you around, apparently I need to—”

“Ha! You admit it! Carrie said you had the hots for your cousins.” Maddie teases you, shaking her hips

“You know what I meant! Just give me my pants!” you mutter, reaching out to snatch your trousers from
Maddie’s hand as she waved them in front of your cage. “…Can you look away?”

Madelyn simply rolled her eyes and turned around at your request, leaning against the wall as you
clumsily climbed out of your cage and began to dress in yesterday’s clothes. You didn’t see your suitcase
or Rudy’s anywhere; someone must have taken them when they brought the cage in.

“All done?”


“Ok” Maddie said, turning around to face you again, “go ahead and take care of business.” Sighing, you
shambled forward, heading for the door out into the hallway, when Maddie’s arm shot out and quickly
grabbed hold of your shoulder; “Where do you think you’re going?”

“The bathroom?” you answer as Maddie stares you in the eye, and then slowly turns you to face your
bathroom door, pointing over your shoulder. “Ugh, no, Carrie wrecked that one…”

“Oh?” Maddie takes you by the hand, pulling you toward the door as she opens it and flicks on the light.
Once more you see the heap of shit that Carrie left behind, the broken and partially digested bones of
her victim jutting outward. “Aw, never found his way back to his dumpster, huh? Who’s going to clean
that up, I wonder?”

“Not me. I’m already getting eaten. No reason for me to give in to cleaning up after the rest of you

“Fine, I’ll make Rudy or Harvey do it. So…” Maddie starts, turning away from the mess and looking back
to you “…do you want to use the bathroom across the hall… or… the dumpster?” She finishes, grinning.

“Uhm, just the bathroom…” you mumble, backing toward the door. Maddie chuckling and following
along as she still holds you by the hand.

Crossing the hall and hearing muffled voices drifting down the hallway from the kitchen, you open the
door to Bernard’s and Alexa’s room and timidly look around before entering. It seems like most of your
family has left the cabin for now, though as you enter, you notice that either Bernie and/or Alexa is kind
of slob. Clothes are scattered in two separate piles on the floor, suitcases are left out on the floor, along
with various personal objects, brushes, a Gameboy, lube… and… maybe best to stop snooping you think
to yourself as Maddie lets go of your hand and walks over mumbling “ooh, Strawberry flavored.”

Leaving Maddie to go through their things, you head for the bathroom and close the door behind you.
You’re surprised to find a normal toilet, given that Alexa shared this bathroom. And even more surprised
to find it in good condition. But all things considered, you decide not to spend too long questioning it,
and just move on with the task at hand.


Washing up and exiting the bathroom, your business concluded, you find Madelyn continuing to snoop
on the various sex-related items left on the nightstand, or in the nightstand, or in either’s suitcase,
occasionally taking pictures with her phone.

“Isn’t that going a little too far?”

“Shut up poo-boy.”

“Fine, fine.” Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes and lean on the wall as you wait for your cousin to wrap
it up, idly wondering what you’ll do for the rest of the day. Phone or no, you’d rather not spend it sitting
in a cage.

“How long will everyone be gone?”

“They should be back around Three… I don’t know if the guys are coming back until later or not.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” you ask, confused. You were getting kind of lonely.

“They’re scared. Don’t know what to say. Or do. Easier for them to just avoid you.” Maddie is facing you
now, hand reaching up to your shoulder as it wraps around you in a sort of half hug, pulling you down a
bit closer to her level. “They might avoid you and the rest of us for a while. But Mira and Carrie and
Taryn and Leah should be back. I’m assuming ‘Manda and Alexa will stay with the guys.”


“Ready to get back in your cage?”

“Maddie… isn’t there something else I could do? I promise I won’t run off. I just don’t want to spend all
day in a cramped cage waiting for Mira to get hungry.”
“Aunt Sofie and Aunt Hannah and me are the only ones here. You’d have to stay with us. In the kitchen.
Getting the rest of the food ready for tonight… though you did a pretty good job helping with Ben. I
guess you’re welcome to join us?”

“Ugh… fine…”

“Really?” your cousin asks, surprised.

“Yeah. It’s better than being scrunched up in a box.”

“Alright; come along then.” Maddie takes you by the hand and walks you into the kitchen, as you
wonder why you’re so calm about all of this. Of course, it doesn’t seem like there’s much you could do
to avoid your fate. Maybe you’re more resigned than calm. It hardly seems to matter.

“Hey Mom, Aunt Sofie, Max decided he would rather help out in the kitchen than spend all day in the

“’Morning…” you nod, unable to keep the gloom from your voice.

“Oh! That’s so sweet Maxie!” your aunt Hannah says, grinning at you as she sets down the onion she
was chopping and hugs you instead.

“Aw, Max, thank you. This all really means a lot to Mira. She’s been asking us about you for months.”
Aunt Sofie said, patting your shoulder as you broke off your hug with your Aunt Hannah, mumbling
“Yeah, of course…just figure I’d rather spend the day somewhere where I can move around a bit.”

“Of course, Max, and you’re welcome to join us. We’re just cutting up some onions for now, we’ll need
to charr them next.”

“Just no running off!” aunt Hannah teases. “I’ve still got my running clothes on, I’ll chase you down!” she
adds, gesturing to her sweatpants and sneakers. You suppress a shudder at the mental image. Aunt
Hannah was a police detective, but had started out as a cop, and had probably chased after plenty of
men. Even though she wore baggy clothing now, plain sweats and sneakers with her long brown hair
tied back in a ponytail, you knew she was far more athletic than you. And vore. You imagined her chases
had only ever ended one way.

“I won’t, I won’t…” you say, waving off your aunt and trying to grin reassuringly, though you don’t think
it comes out quite right. Aunt Sofie gives you a soft smile of her own and hands you some peppers and a
chopping board. “Don’t worry Max, Hannah is just teasing. We know you love Mira as much as we do.”

“Yeah, of course.” You take the chopping board and peppers, setting them down on the kitchen island
between both of your aunts and slowly beginning to work as aunt Hannah clasped your shoulder and
pecked you on the cheek before returning to her onions just to your right, aunt Sofie joining her on your

“So…onions and peppers?”

“For the salsa” aunt Sofie says before gesturing at Madelyn. “Maddie is going to start on the tomatoes,
we’ll and then we’ll work on the beans afterward. Mira’s always been a big fan of southwest flavors, so
we’re going to have fajitas and some side dishes. Of course, there’s no tortilla big enough for you Max,
but we can cover you in some mole, Mira will love that.”

“Ewww, Mira’s going to digest Max with a bunch of Mexican food? I guess there’s no dignity for you,
Maxie, even in death.” Maddie says, laughing as she starts filling a large steel pot with tomatoes, teasing
you over her shoulder.
“That’s not true! Maxie, you’re doing wonderful, and showing much more dignity and maturity than
most men do when they find out they’re about to be eaten.” Aunt Hannah says, frowning at her
daughter Maddie, still laughing at the counter behind Sofie. “When Martin found out his sister was
going to eat him, I actually had to use my handcuffs to restrain him. He hollered more than some of the
criminals I’ve had. You’d think we were going to torture him or something instead of throwing a party
for his sister.”
“Yeah, he didn’t let up once I started digesting him, either. He made me so gassy I thought ‘Manda was
going to puke.”
“That girl… anyway Max, Martin lived his whole life with a vorish older sister, so it was always obvious
how that would end. He had his whole life to get used to the idea, and he wasn’t showing half as much
composure as you, and you only found out you were going down the gullet last night.”
“I’m not saying Max is doing a bad job. I’m just saying whoever I eat tonight is going to come out in an
absolute mudslide in the morning. Every time I eat Mexican…”
“Doesn’t matter where they come from, any guy I eat with beans and salsa…” aunt Sofie jokes, getting
groans from both her sister and niece. Even you can’t help but roll your eyes at that one.
“Shit is just shit. It doesn’t matter.” Aunt Hannah says, following with “Whatever Mira does with Max
once he’s in her belly, the waste she leaves behind is just trash. The important part is whatever Max
leaves behind as part of Mira.”
“That’s right,” aunt Sofie chimes in, “and Mira is really hoping you add to her breasts Max, so try to think
busty thoughts.”
Cringing, you ask, “but Mira’s eaten so many people already, I can’t actually make that much of a
difference, can I? It just seems like the whole thing isn’t really worthwhile…”
“Of course you can! Everybody knows that family are more compatible! Look at these,” aunt Sofie says,
hefting her tits as your face reddens to resemble the tomatoes. “They weren’t half this big before I ate
our father.”
“And Martin went straight to Maddie’s ass,” aunt Hannah adds.
“That’s true, he added like four inches to my hips, and I didn’t even take the special pills and things that
Mira has to help her absorb more of you,” Maddie says, swinging her booty idly back and forth as she
stirs her pot.
“Are you ok Max? You look a little queasy,” aunt Sofie asks you, concern in her voice. “Don’t worry, Mira
won’t take anything that will make digestion more painful, she was very insistent on that.”
“It’s… thanks, it’s not that, I just… feel strange about thinking about my remains. Or thinking of my
remains being trash.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that Max. I’m just saying that the shit isn’t really you, it’s just shit. Think of your
remains as being whatever jiggle you add to Mira; some of you will always be with her whatever
happens to the rest of you.”
“Right, right… Thanks…”


You’re sitting on the couch beside Leah, some television show about vampires living in New Orleans
playing in the background, when your phone buzzes several times. Taryn and Carrie are sitting on the
opposite couch, chatting with Leah, while you’ve mostly been in your own head after several hours of
preparing food for your own ‘farewell feast’.
Out of some sense of respect or concern for you, none of your cousins have eaten today, or at least have
not eaten anything other than ‘manfood’. It’s a rare quiet moment so far in this vacation, and while
some part of you remains steadfastly bitter toward your female relatives for being so casual about your
death, more of that bitterness has begun to attach to your male cousins.
They did nothing. They didn’t try to help; they didn’t try to comfort; they had barely spoken a word to
you at all since you found out you were Mira’s dinner, and aside from a few terse greetings and head
nods, you’d barely even seen them.
When Mira had come home from their horse riding trip to find you in the kitchen helping prepare for
your own demise, she had been beaming. Rushing in, she’d hugged you so tightly, head on your
shoulder and thanking you before pulling you off to the side and rushing to tell you all about the horses.
Taryn and Leah had been similarly pleased to see you, although not quite as enthusiastically as Mira,
they’d nonetheless hugged you and sat with you as you all chatted. Even Carrie seemed to be in a
friendly state.
Meanwhile, your male relatives were nowhere to be seen. Off hiding somewhere far away from the
cabin. Bernie, who’d been warm to you thus far, wasn’t around. Harvey, who should be the one
dissolving in his sister’s gut tonight, wouldn’t look you in the eye. And even Rudy, your own brother, was
gone off somewhere else, not even answering your texts.
It had been hours now. Mira had scampered off, blushing after a growl from her stomach as she sat
beside you on the couch had left you shaking. She’d hugged you and kissed you on the forehead before
excusing herself to get ready for later, leaving you with Leah to look after you.
Maybe Rudy had finally texted you back… It was getting late. You probably didn’t have much time left.
Unlocking your phone, you saw that the text was instead from Miranda.
Finishing up a quick workout before dinner
Below is an image of Mira in pink yoga pants and a white tank top posing in front of a mirror as she
holds up her phone. Once more you’re reminded of how hot Mira is, and seeing how her boobs stretch
out her tank top, you once again question the need for her to eat you instead of some stock male.

Working up an appetite?
You bet I am! I can hardly wait, you should hear my belly rumbling.
Mira attaches another photo, this time a closeup of her stomach. You can see the faint sheen of sweat
on her skin from her workout, and the firm lines of her abdominal muscles. What starts off sexy begins
to stir a sense of terror in you. You can only imagine how tightly those muscles could clamp down on
you. Mira may not be as predatory as others, but she’d still devoured and digested countless men.
Surely those muscles could crush you like an empty soda can…
Thank you for being so accepting of this.
It really means a lot to me.
Taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself, you text back: I guess I’m glad it’s going to be you eating
me. The thought of being Taryn’s birthday dinner is terrifying, and apparently I just barely dodged Leah.

Lol! Well, I’m glad I get to be the one to churn you

You’re going to taste soooooo good.
And then I get to carry you around with me forever!
Mira… Will it hurt when you digest me? Those muscles look pretty intimidating,
Well, it will hurt… But we’re going to give you an anesthetic. And I’ll take some other pills to make my
stomach less aggressive. Try not to worry too much, ok? I’ll take good care of you.
Ok…. Well, I guess I couldn’t be in better hands.
Or in a better digestive tract!
I need to go take a shower and get ready for dinner, no worrying, ok?
Do I get shower pics?
You wait for a while, and are just about to give up when Mira texts you a single photo of her sitting on
the bathroom counter, a towel held low over her chest to show off her cleavage, and a long toned leg
stretching out from beneath the towel. You almost don’t even notice that she’s blowing you a kiss in the
photo, after being so distracted by the rest of her and your memories from last night.
In fact, it isn’t until Leah’s face is inches from your own, and she turns to see what you’re looking at, that
you realize she’s been calling your name.


“Awww, is Mira sending you photos of your future self?” Leah asks, chuckling.
“Hmmmm? Mira didn’t eat anybody today. Are they old poo pics?” Taryn asks, perking up at the
implication of vore.
“Titties, not poo,” Leah says to Taryn before smirking back at you and punching you lightly on the arm.
“Glad to see your birthday hasn’t been a total disappointment.”
You blush and hurriedly put away your phone as you look back and forth between Leah and your other
cousins, all three leering at you. “Sorry, were you calling my name?”
“Yeah. Come on,” Leah says, standing up and offering you her hand, “It’s time to get you ready for
“Don’t be sad, Max, it’ll be fine.” Taryn says, getting up off the couch and hugging you, followed to your
surprise by Carrie. “Mira will be gentle. You’re kind of lucking out getting her as your pred if we’re being
honest. You’ll see.”
“Ye—yeah, um, thank you…” you mumble back, hugging each of them and letting yourself be walked
back toward the kitchen by Leah. Twenty-four years. It wasn’t a bad run really. And you got to… well,
you weren’t going to die a virgin at least. You really couldn’t hate Mira. Any other girl that was going to
eat you, but not Mira…
It took nearly an hour, but you were finally ‘ready’. Leah and Maddie had helped you strip while aunt
Sofie and aunt Hannah set the table. You would be the only human meal present, though you heard that
there were stock set aside for the rest of your female family members in the basement; they just
wouldn’t be eaten until you were already in Mira’s stomach, digesting.
Blushing furiously, you’d gotten down to your boxers in front of your cousins, and then at their
insistence removed those as well. You couldn’t help but shake in terror as they had you climb up onto a
large silver platter 8 feet in length, and lie facedown. At least they had let you find a position you were
comfortable in, with your arms crossed and your hands beneath your chin. They hadn’t bound you.
Once you were settled, Leah began rubbing something thick and goopy into your skin. “This is a muscle
relaxant, to keep you from getting too tense or uncomfortable while you lie down like that. Don’t want
you spilling food all over.”
“It should help you relax too,” Maddie says, rubbing your right shoulder before suddenly jabbing you
with a needle.
“Ow, what the fuck, Maddie?”
“Shhh. It’s just a mild sedative. To help you stay relaxed and still, since you’re just going to be lying on
the table instead of in a cage.”
Maddie heaped rice around you on the platter, particularly between your legs so that your cock wasn’t
visible. Pork and steak, beans, salsa, cheese, all kinds of toppings were piled in heaps around the platter,
tortillas stacked in each corner.
Leah ladled Mole all over you, from the top of your neck all down to your toes. The thick sauce coated
you everywhere but your face, clinging to your skin and masking your features. At the end, with a grin,
Maddie pulled your jaw down and set an apple right between your teeth, kissing the top of your head
before taking a step back and giggling at you stretched out over the platter.
When they finally finished, Taryn and Carrie came in, and together the four of them lifted the
eight-by-three platter with you on top of it, and carried you into the dining room.


Your family is already sitting down, though your mother is standing on the opposite wall recording you
as you’re carried in. Your eyes are fixed on Mira.
Standing behind the chair at the head of the table, wearing a short champaign colored cocktail dress
that stops at her upper thigh, and reaches up to wrap around her neck with two thin strands of silk, Mira
looks gorgeous. Your mouth would be hanging open even if Maddie hadn’t jammed an apple inside of it.
Smiling as she meets your eyes across the table, Mira slowly licks her lips, and you’re grateful for the rice
between your legs as you watch her soft pink tongue run over smooth white teeth. Until a deep rumble
from her abdomen, exposed by a thin slit in the dress, sends a tremble through you and most of your
male relatives, while the women all break into a fit of giggles.
You’re sat down carefully on the table, taking up most of the available space in the center, with your
head resting no more than half a foot from the empty plate sitting in front of Mira. Still grinning at you,
and never breaking eye contact, Mira waits for Harvey to stand and pull her chair out for her, pushing it
in again as she begins to sit down.
“You look delicious.” She says running a finger down the side of your face, and then inserting it into her
mouth, covered in Mole.
With a sudden commotion, everyone begins to eat, and you feel a sudden trill of terror at the prospect
of being cut into like a Thanksgiving turkey. But the sedatives keep you from moving, and nobody
touches you, you just listen to the clatter and clamor of your family eating dinner all around you, passing
plates and chatting about their days and their plans for tomorrow.
Your eyes don’t leave Mira. You watch as she fixes a plate of mundane food, as she turns and talks to
family, and as she eats. Her eyes always come back to yours, staring into you as she chews and swallows.
You can already hear her stomach gurgle as she begins to digest her appetizer. Acids potent enough to
break down an entire human being, larger than her own body, in just a handful of hours… surely pork
and steak won’t last long in such an environment. You half wondered why she even bothered, but with
the apple jammed in your mouth, you were unable to speak.
You supposed that was the point. You weren’t Max anymore; you weren’t family. You were dinner.
As Mira finishes eating, she rests with her chin in her hand and just stares at you, smiling as you stare
back. After a few minutes of her watching you and cupping your face with her other hand, you hear her
mother ask “Mira, are you ready for your main course?”
You can’t see aunt Sofie from your perspective, but you feel somebody poking your thigh with a fork.
Your earlier visions come back to you for a moment, sending a shiver down your spine until Mira ruffles
your hair and shushes you.
“Yes…but I think I’d better eat him feet first. It will be easier for him to get settled that way.” Mira says,
getting up from her chair and walking to the other side of the table. As she does, you see that her dress
leaves her back mostly bare; aside from two straps that cross near her shoulder blades, the dress just
comes down to a V-shape at the small of her back, just above where Mira’s hips flare out to the sides.
With all the attention on you, you’re grateful Maddie was so thorough with the rice, though your heart
nearly stops when Mira reaches your feet and calls out “Roll over Max~”.
At first you just remain still, not wanting to reveal yourself, but Mira insists, beginning to lightly tickle
your feet as she repeats herself “come on Maxie, roll over~”. Blushing and shaking, you comply, relieved
this time to see that most of your male family are looking down at the floor, expected to stay but not
wanting to engage.
“Good boy~” Mira purrs, meeting your eye and crooking a finger at you. Taking the hint, you scoot closer
to her, knees up in a fetal position as you sit before Miranda, breathing heavily with anticipation. Still
smiling, Mira lowers herself down onto her knees, carefully taking your ankles in her hand and bringing
them to the edge of the table. You begin to breathe more rapidly as you feel her touch, and then hear
the quiet click of her jaw coming unhinged, just before the warmth of her mouth begins to envelop your
Staring up at the ceiling, you try to calm yourself as you feel Mira’s tongue licking at the soles of your
feet, and her mouth moving upwards along your shin as you begin your long descent down her throat.
It’s probably just as well you can’t speak with the apple in your mouth, it’s all you can do to maintain
your composure even without having a last minute opportunity to beg. You feel hands clamping down
on your own, holding them in place, almost the moment you have that thought, and see Carrie and
Alexa standing to either side of you, watching you as everyone else watches Mira.
Working her way up to your thighs, Mira unfolds your legs and pulls you closer to the edge of the table
as you feel your feet press against something wet and stiff, and then pass through into a warm, airy
space. Hot goopy liquid sloshes about, covering your feet, and you feel a sudden burning sensation that
starts slow but rapidly builds.
You start to squirm and moan and struggle as Mira clamps down tightly on your legs, Alexa and Carrie on
your hands. You’re starting to try biting through the apple, ready to beg, any thoughts of a dignified end
vanishing from your mind, as you hear aunt Hannah blurt, “Ooh! We forgot the antacids! Here Mira, let
me try to work these in…” she says, slipping a couple of tablets into Mira’s mouth between your legs as
Mira awkwardly tries to swallow them without getting you any further into her stomach.
“I’m sorry Maxie, you looked so good on that platter I guess we just lost track…” aunt Hannah says,
rubbing the back of your neck with one hand as the tablets sink into Mira’s stomach, and you feel the
burning sensation become less intense. After a moment you calm down, still shuddering from the pain
and fear, as Mira resumes swallowing.
Your legs follow your feet and begin to bend, almost like you’re starting to kneel in her belly. When Mira
reaches your hips, you feel her tongue probe along the inside of your thighs, finding your cock as Mira
looks up at you. Meeting your eyes as she begins to lick, you stifle a moan and feel your cock come to
attention as Mira continues. Whether an act of some perverse affection, or just an apology for
forgetting the antacids, Mira seems determined not to allow you to progress until you’ve cum. Your face
is burning worse than your feet now, as you can’t stop yourself from moaning lewdly at Mira’s
attentions. Surely everyone knows what’s happening, but you only hear snickers and giggles from all
around you, and looking around you see hardly any males present, just Oliver and Wyatt, and Uncle Ben
grinning and giving you a thumbs up as Mira began to work more enthusiastically. The rest must have
left, rather than watch you be devoured.
You hold off for a few minutes, but can’t continue with Mira’s tongue gliding along your shaft like that,
and you cum across her tongue and straight back into her throat as everyone but Wyatt and Oliver clap
and cheer. You’re panting when, looking back down from the ceiling and into Mira’s eyes, you see them
sparkle; and with a sudden gulp, you’re pulled entirely off the table, held aloft in Mira’s jaws as you sink
up to your torso. Two more gulps bring you in to your shoulders, your hands still free and held by Carrie
and Alexa as you gaze into Miranda’s face from barely a foot away.
You can feel and see your lower half bulging out her stomach. Mira’s belly spills out of the slit in her
dress now, just below you, the outline of your legs visible in her stomach as they shift to one side. You
can feel the warm and sticky flesh of her stomach pressing tightly against your feel and legs. Whatever
gooey slop her earlier food has been reduced to still sloshes about, coating your feet, legs, thighs, and
even your cock. It may not still have the same caustic burn that you first felt, but it was hot, and thick,
and uncomfortable.
Madelyn enters your vision, bending down behind Mira and removing the apple from your mouth,
whispering “Swallow these” before placing two pills in your mouth. Pressing a bottle of water between
your lips before you can question it, you let Maddie pour and swallow as she stops, shivering and
looking around at all the women around you, smiling and watching.
Unable to find any words as you look down at Mira, who waits patiently before finishing her meal, you
just nod your head shakily. And with that final gesture you disappear from sight as an enormous gulp
sends you plummeting downwards, sliding through the dark, wet, slimy confines of your cousin’s gullet
until you reach the dark, wet, slimy, slightly less confined space of her stomach.
Sinking into your cousin’s slimy stomach, you flail about the dark space as you try to right yourself.
Vaguely, you feel hands pressing against your head, your back, your feet, and even your bum, through
your cousin’s flesh. Each touch presses the slimy walls of the stomach against you, but after a few
moments, you find a comfortable position and manage to sit upright. Some of the hands pressing
against you even seemed to be helping; though feeling the hot sludge that was left of Mira’s earlier meal
wash over you, you’re far from comforted.
“Max, can you hear me?” Mira asks, as you feel hands press against your head and shoulders.
“Uhhh, Yes…?”
“Max?” The hands press more firmly against you, and you shout “YES!”.
“Oh; good… ummm, so now that I’ve eaten you, everyone wanted to give you some gifts. You’re family,
so we’re trying to make this as pleasant as possible. I’ve already taken some antacids to help calm down
my stomach, and the muscle relaxant on your should also help calm down my stomach walls so they
don’t crush you…”
Despite the heat, and the dark, and the acrid stench all around you, you can’t help but laugh at how
considerate everyone seems to be for your comfort as you’re digested alive. You’re laughing so hard
that you slip back into the slop and have to struggle to right yourself so that you miss what Mira said
You’re taken by surprise as you hear a squelching sound above, and something hard and heavy lands on
your knee. “Ow!” you mumble to yourself, feeling around for it in the dark, and finding something long
and cylindrical with a soft spot on one side…
Did Mira swallow a fleshlight?
“And the lube and carton are also biodegradable, so they shouldn’t cause me any stomach problems
either.” Mira says, her voice echoing up above you before you hear another squelching sound and
something boxy falls into the stomach with you, resembling a milk carton made out of some sort of
papery/cardboardy material.
“And this is a gift from all of us. I have one too, so we can use it to talk to each other! Here’s I’ll turn the
light on so that you can see…”
This time you hear more of a coughing sound as Mira swallows whatever it is; she seems to be struggling
more with this one. After a minute or so a light begins to grow above your head, and you can see the
pinkish tint of Mira’s flesh, like someone shining a flashlight through it. Which is almost exactly what it
is, it turns out, as a tablet pushes through the sphincter and falls into your waiting hands, a flashlight on
the front in back illuminating your rather gross confines, as you see Mira and the rest of your family on
the screen waving at you.
“Hey Maxie!~” you hear many of them shout, voices tinny from the tablets speakers, and muffled from
Mira’s flesh as you hear them all around you as well.
“Happy Birthday Max, you did say you wanted a tablet, right?” Your mother grins, leaning over Mira’s
shoulder and staring at you through the screen. “We got a special cover for it that’s digestion resistant,
and it’s soft enough that it shouldn’t cause Mira any discomfort on the way out.”
You do feel the spongey/rubbery material around the tablet, with the exposed screen and lights and
camera covered by a thin sort of film that fully encapsulated the tablet anywhere not covered by the
rest of the case.
“You…you can see me…?” you ask, looking into the camera.
“Yep! We’ll keep you company Maxie,” Taryn says, rubbing your shoulder through the walls of Mira’s
belly. “You even have internet access! Be careful with the camera when you’re using your other
presents though,” Taryn adds, laughing along with most of the other women. Mira’s grin as she pinches
your bum through her own stomach is absolutely wicked. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all?


Mira spent most of the rest of the night socializing, which meant a lot of belly rubs and questions about
what it was like being digested. Apparently, it wasn’t very common for your cousins to chat with their
food once they swallowed it, so they all wanted to know what it was like. The sheer unpleasantness of it
all, despite your cousin keeping her stomach in check, did little to dampen their enthusiasm for Mira
churning you into a slurry of your current self.
For your part, the rocking of the stomach, the slippery and uneven footing, and the hot gooey bile
sloshing about in Mira’s belly with you all added up to a very disgusting bath. You quickly became
drenched in stomach slop and focused mostly on just keeping it out of your face. With mixed success.
“So, how long will it actually take you to digest me?” you ask Mira, holding the tablet up on your knees
and looking at your cousin. You could feel her own tablet propped up on her stomach. It was right by the
back of her head. “I don’t know. I’ve never done a slow digestion like this before.” Mira said, rubbing her
gut near your knees, as Taryn leaned into the frame and held up two fingers.
“Two days?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Taryn said, sitting on the couch as Mira made room for her so she could look at the camera too.
“How do you not know this stuff? I learned in the class that your mom teaches.”
“Why would mom teach me about how a girl’s digestive tract works?” you mutter, wiping more goop off
of the tablet.
“Well, it’s supposed to be a mandatory lesson, guess being the teacher’s son pays off.”
“For a little while, maybe. I’m still heading for the toilet.” You dread asking the next question, but you
can’t help yourself “if it takes two days to digest me, how long will I be alive for it…?”
“Oh, sorry, it takes three to three and a half days to digest you with these suppressants. You’ll be alive
for about two days. I figured you wouldn’t care what happened after you go splat. It’s mostly just
bbllfffppttt.” Taryn said, blowing a raspberry before continuing. “I was in your mom’s demonstration, I
got to eat one of Bernie’s teammates, some meathead named Austin who did better at filling my
stomach than he ever did at anything else.”
“Taryn’s still sore that Austin asked Jenna out instead of her.” You hear Leah call from somewhere in the
“He would have been lucky to be a fuck and flush. Even with the suppressants, he was still being
digested. And we didn’t give him any anesthetic. He was howling the whole time, especially on the
second day when my acids finally got to the real work. Here, I have some photos,” Taryn said as she
shared some images to your tablet. “The whole things was recorded, so I got to keep some of my
favorite stills. There were a couple other girls in the demonstration to, Dani and Vicki, here are some of
their photos.”
You see a large jock-type sitting in a dark fleshy pink sack, very much like your own surroundings, aside
from the translucent liquid he shared it with. Taryn’s stomach must have been empty when she ate him,
and for a moment you’re envious, but then you flip to the next image and see Austin after having been
partially digested by your cousin. His skin was gone, and exposed muscle was visible across his body,
where Taryn’s acids hadn’t already eaten down to the bone. You could see the flesh along Austin’s lower
left arm had sloughed off the bone and fallen into the growing slurry in the pit of Taryn’s stomach. His
legs were a bloody ruin, and even his face had been burned away, his jaw looking to be barely hanging
on along the left side of his face where most of his cheek was just gone.
The other images, presumably of Dani’s and Vicki’s meals, weren’t as horrible as the first, but were
repulsive nonetheless. You couldn’t help but whimper and squirm in your tight confines, which only
grew tighter as you stimulated Mira’s stomach.
“Shhhh, hey, it’s ok Maxie” Mira said, trying to soothe you as she feels and sees your discomfort. “You’ll
be ok, my stomach isn’t nearly as bad as Taryn’s is. Just relax…”
“Sorry” you heard Taryn apologize to Mira.
“It’s ok, you’re ok…” Mira continued to whisper as you tried to forcibly calm yourself. Mira was right, her
stomach wasn’t nearly as bad as Taryn’s. Of course, those other two guys didn’t seem to be in good
shape on day 2 either, but not as bad as Austin….
“Hey, did you try your other gifts yet?” You hear Taryn’s voice ask through the tablet, seeing her leer at
you up close in the camera, a broad grin on her face.
Laughing, Mira joined in, “Well maybe you should Max! That might help you calm down. That’s what
they’re for.”
“He’s probably too shy to masturbate with us watching.” Taryn whispered to Mira, winking at you in the
camera. “Oh, well I can turn the camera off…” Mira said, looking at you.
“Not funny!”
“I wasn’t joking,” Mira answered, looking around before she turned to Taryn. “Hey, I’m going to go
shower and turn in for the night. We need to work out a way for Maxie to sleep while I’m lying down,
“Uh-huh” Taryn teases, “hope you both enjoy your birthday presents!” you hear her call as Mira stands
up and Taryn falls out of view, followed by a smacking sound and a brief yelp from Miranda before she
grins and heads up the stairs, the tablet held to her chest and giving you a far more pleasant view than
Taryn’s photographs.
“How are you doing in there?” Miranda asked after walking upstairs, hand rubbing over your head
through her belly. Every time she moved you sloshed about in your prison, Mira’s whole belly swayed
side to side, walking up the stairs.
“It’s kind of crowded in here, you ate a lot at dinner.”
“You were making me hungry,” Mira said, laughing. “Has my stomach emptied at all? It’s been a few
“It’s drained, maybe a little… It was at chest height at first, now it’s only around my waist.”
“Hmm, I may have to sleep sitting up so you don’t drown. Can’t have that, now can we?”
“I guess not…I’m not sure being digested is actually better than drowning.” Even though you have a light
now, the inside of Mira’s stomach is a dark place. Fleshy ribbed walls surround you, faint reddish light
shone through the walls, Mira’s heartbeat echoed dully, and it stank of rot and decay. It wasn’t hard to
imagine the surrounding bile a deeper red color, with bones bobbing in the slurry.
“Well, try not to drown anyway, ok? I’m enjoying your company,” Miranda replies as she lifts the tablet
to her face so that you can see her again. “Sooo, now that we’re alone… are you going to try out your
new toys?”
“With you listening?” you stutter.
“Well, I can’t really leave you alone,” Mira answers, laughing. “Here… how about I give you some
motivation…” Propping the tablet up on her dresser, Mira crosses the room out of view and you feel
something broad and flat press against your knees and the front of her stomach. Shifting about to keep
yourself upright, you see Mira move back into view on the tablet, carrying a large standing mirror in her
“So, if all that stomach slop is about waist level, are you able to lube up your cock?” Mira asked, body
facing the tablet’s camera as she admired her backside in the mirror. “You probably want to get off as
much as you can, while you can.” Mira said to you, casually unhooking the straps around her back to
allow the front of her dress to slip.
You stare, leering as Miranda catches the dress and holds the soft silk against her skin, just barely
covering her breasts as she turns in place in front of the mirror. Knowing you’ll never leave her stomach
alive, you find it much less of a struggle to put aside your embarrassment than you had expected. Still
staring at the tablet as Mira turned in front of the mirror and admired herself in the dress, you opened
the lube and began messily spreading it over your rod. Mira’s laugh as she feels you fumble about only
gets you harder.
“Don’t spill it all, or at least let me know if you need more I guess.” Mira says as she rubs her hand along
her stomach, pressing inward along your right thigh. “So… are you ready?” Mira asks, turning to the
tablet and strutting closer, bending down to loom over the camera, and giving you an eyeful as the hand
clutching the dress to her chest shifts downward, showing ever more smooth skin bulging downward.
You can only moan in response, already jacking yourself off with the fleshlight as you remember last
Mira must hear you, though her reply doesn’t register to your own ears. But you see the dress fall,
exposing her breasts as the firm mounds hang from her chest, just over the bulge your head makes in
her midsection. With a grin, Mira begins a short twirling dance, jostling you from side to side with the
shifting of her hips as she eased the rest of the dress down over her thighs.
While the motion was a struggle for you, you avoided slipping further into the slop, and to keep hold of
the fleshlight as you jerked yourself off. It became something of a game; you trying to cum before Mira
got dunked you in the slop, and Mira dancing and tossing you about in her belly just to see how long you
could last. When you finally do cum, you cry out, prompting a burst of giggles from Mira, not that you
care in your moment of bliss. You feel hands running over you again, and to your shock, you pull your
dick out to find it already hard again. “Ready for round two?” Mira whispered, barely heard through the
tablet, “One of those pills we gave you was something a little more fun than an anesthetic. I hope you
didn’t actually spill all the lube.”


Groaning, muscles tensing, your legs strain against the walls of Mira’s stomach as you cum for a 6 th time,
feeling so utterly exhausted you can barely stay upright in the sloshing and shaking of your prison. Of
course, this was nothing compared to earlier. At least now your being jostled about was a consequence
of your own making; earlier Miranda had joined in your masturbation herself after you got off, and her
gliding back and forth and up and down on her own toys had tossed you about like clothes in a washing
machine. You were thoroughly drenched. Mostly in half digested pork and rice, plus about a quart of
lube and however much of Mira’s diluted acids had been secreted into this chamber before she took the
Just as you finish cumming and start to get your bearings, the stomach shakes again and you slip back
into the slop as Mira laughs overhead. “Are you finally finished in there?” Poke “some of us need to get
to sleep.”
Floundering about, you fish for the tablet, finding it by the light it casts in the otherwise dark stomach.
Smearing off as much of the stomach bile as you can from the screen, you see Mira’s smiling face
grinning at you through the camera. Even now, the sight of Mira’s tits resting just below her chin start to
get you hard again. It must have shown in your face, because Mira burst into laughter once more and
patted your head through her flesh. “Has any more of my other food drained out of the stomach? Are
you going to be ok if you fall asleep?” Mira asked, looking around you rather than at you, though you
doubted she could see much.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” you answer, looking around at the level of bile which was now reduced to only a few
inches deep. “You go ahead and sleep, I… I’m not sure I can. Being digested, even though it doesn’t
hurt… I—It’s a lot to take in.”
“You’re doing great. Best meal I’ve ever had.” Mira beams, rubbing her tum near your head again before
rolling onto her side and flipping you almost upside down. “Whoops! Sorry! I wasn’t thinking, are you
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine!” You were soaked already. You wondered if Mira even knew how many times
she’d dunked you earlier. Maybe she’d been too ‘distracted’ to notice.
“Sorry” Mira repeated, still grinning at you on the screen, now lying on her side. “I don’t usually move
around too much in my sleep, so you should be ok for the night.” Smiling back, despite your
circumstances, you assure her, “I’m fine, I’ll try to sleep in a bit, I just…”
“Need to use up the last of your lube before it drains into my intestines?”
“Get comfortable! I need to get comfortable!”
“You don’t need to be shy about it!” Mira teases you. “After all, we’ve done the past 24 hours.” Mira
pauses, yawning, and you feel her shift about as she pulls a blanket up over her. You suppress a sigh as
Mira’s breasts vanish beneath the quilt, and mutter “I should have been recording some of this.”
“Hmmm? Oh,” Mira chuckles, “Check the photos stored on the tablet. I left you some material for your
spank bank.” Curious, you go to search through the tablet’s files and are rewarded with a whole gallery
of photographs of Mira posing in her bathroom. You recognize the first image as the one she sent you
earlier tonight, and followed by that are nearly two dozen more of her on the counter, on the tub, in the
shower… “Thank you.” You choke out,
“Good night~” Mira whispers sultrily, shifting a bit before you see her hand enter the screen’s view as
she reaches for her own tablet. “I’m going to turn this off for tonight, ok? I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah, I’ll, uh, I’ll… good night.” You awkwardly reply, waving briefly before the screen goes black.
You’re not sure when exactly Mira falls asleep, you’re a little… distracted… yourself. But after some
time, and another orgasm or two, you collapse into the soft spongy flesh of Miranda’s stomach,
darkness taking your vision.
The jostling of Miranda’s stomach as she swings out of bed in the morning is enough to wake you, not
quite in time to avoid being jolted against the wall of your prison. You yelp and hiss in pain before
righting yourself, flailing about for the tablet and your only light source as you feel Miranda move about.
Fumbling with the tablet, you switch it on and activate the light to take stock of your surroundings.
You’re still in Mira’s stomach, so unfortunately, not just a bad dream. It’s still hot. And cramped. And the
air is still stale, and humid, and acrid.
The stomach seems to have emptied of Mira’s other food over the course of the night, leaving you
sitting in just an inch or so of a clearish mix of mucus and diluted digestive fluids.
So, all in all, not much has changed. You are worse off, however. Looking down at yourself, you see that
your skin ranges from pinkish-red to an almost crimson as your cousin’s acids have picked away at your
flesh, exposing the layers beneath and leaving your whole body feeling raw. Even as you look down, you
can see skin peeling away, like sun-poisoning after a bad burn. Feeling somewhat panicked, you bang
your hand against the side of the stomach, hoping to get Mira’s attention.
A bit more movement jostles you about, but you do see your cousin’s face appear on the tablet, concern
apparent in her expression as she asks, “Hey Max, is something the matter?”
“M—my skin is starting to peel off, and it’s hurting anywhere I touch!” You stammer, alarmed as the
natural motions of the stomach press you against the walls and toss you about, causing sensations of
pain wherever your skin comes into contact with Miranda, or even yourself.
“Oh! Yeah, I can see it, even on your face. How’s your little friend holding up?”
A moment ago, you thought you were about as panicked as you could be. Upon hearing those words,
you panic leapt to whole new heights, though fortunately you needed only a second or two to confirm
that ‘your little friend’ was indeed still present and attached. And even somewhat less sore, as though
maybe being covered in lube had protected it somewhat. “Mira! I’m serious! This isn’t funny!”
“Well—I-, Max, what do you want me to do about it? I mean, you’re being digested. This is normal, or
actually a lot better than normal. Most guys I eat would be nothing but shit by now.” Mira says, clearly
of the opinion that nothing is wrong with your skin falling off. Of course, she’s right. This was the plan
from the beginning.
“I—I’m sorry. Can’t you… make it stop hurting? Or something?”
“Well, sure, I can give you some more of those pills from last night. They should help…” Mira’s voice
trails off as she puts down the tablet and shuffles around for something on the desk. “Here, try to catch
these when I swallow.” She tells you, before opening her mouth and taking a pair of familiar pairs. “And
this next one is another antacid. For me. So don’t do anything with it, just let it sit somewhere.”
You follow Mira’s instructions, swallowing the first two drool soaked pills, but not the third. That one
you do pick up, and gingerly place on the floor of the stomach just below your balls. Better safe than
sorry. “Thank you,” you say as Mira’s face comes back into view.
“No problem. I need to get dressed, so try to relax, I’ll check back in on you after, ok?” And without
waiting for a reply, Mira sets down the tablet and disappears from view, though you can feel her walking
as your entire world sways with each step. You try not to think too much about what it might portend
when you feel Mira sit down, and the stomach contracts tightly around you as Mira quietly grunts
somewhere above your head. You endure several such contractions, but it lasts only for a few minutes
before you feel her rise again; followed shortly by a slight increase in temperature and the muffled
sound of running water as Mira showers.


Feeling Mira move about again, and silence from the shower, you guess she must have finished. You're
about to try speaking again when you’re abruptly tossed head over heels when Miranda bends down,
and just as abruptly she stands back up, flipping you about again. “Co-could you give me some warning
next time?!” you shout, pressing your hands against the stomach walls.
“MMmm? Oh, sorry Max,” Mira answers, her hand pressing back against your own “I’m not used to
thinking too much about my meals once I swallow them. We’re going tubing today. I thought that might
be easy on you, just me sitting in a raft and floating down the river. It’ll be just one to a raft too, so we’ll
have a bit of privacy… as long as you aren’t too noisy~” Mira teased, pinching your bum through her
“OW!” you jolt at her touch, and with alarm realize she scraped off enough of your remaining flesh to
leave you bleeding where she’d pinched you.
“Sorry! I’ll try to be more careful, I promise.” Mira said, softly stroking you once more. Your skin wasn’t
feeling as raw as before, thanks to the anesthetic, but you still saw more skin being peeled away. Each
layer was remarkably thin, but still… “Do you need anything? Maybe a refill…? Oh, and what do you
think of my bikini?” Mira asked, picking up the tablet and turning it to face the mirror.
Mira looked stunning. It was just a plain white bikini. You honestly couldn’t see anything special about it,
but maybe that was the point. Nothing distracted from Mira, she just looked… perfect. Even with you
hanging out in her gut, bulging out her midsection like she was 9-months pregnant with octuplets, she
just looked so vibrant. Watching as she slightly adjusted her top to sit more comfortably over her
breasts, you looked at the tablet held there, near her shoulder, and with the camera facing the mirror,
you could see yourself in the reflection.
You looked awful. Your face was red. Skin peeling off, same as everywhere else. Even your hair looked
like it had begun falling out in patches.
You shuddered, closing your eyes and breathing to calm yourself, until you heard Mira speaking again
“Oh, mom gave me a bracelet as a gift too! See?” She brings her wrist into view, just below her chin,
showing you a simple gold bracelet to match the necklace around her throat. “Look, it has your name
engraved on it” Mira said, taking it off and showing you the inside of the band which read ‘Maxwell St.
Claire – 2017’. “Do you like it?”
“Oh…” you answer, surprised. It wasn’t a tombstone, but as remembrances for males went, it was far
more than most ever received. “Yeah—It’s… thank you…”
“Of course!” Mira said, smiling at you. “I’m going to put the tablet down for a bit, ok? I want to go see
how everyone else is doing. We’ll catch up later once we’re out on the river. Oh! And don’t worry, I have
another carton of lube. Maybe it will keep some of the digestive juices off~?” Mira grinned, winking
impishly at you before switching off the camera.
The next hour or so is a circus for you. After Mira swallows another carton of lube, she goes out to meet
the rest of the family, happily moving about with an ease that seems utterly at odds with her massive
belly, and tossing you every which way in the process. It doesn’t help that absolutely every woman in
the cabin seems to want to touch her belly and ‘congratulate’ you both. Having the stomach walls
pressed into your raw skin would be bad enough, but being congratulated on your future as your
younger cousin’s bowel movement is humiliating. Even your mother was ‘so proud’ of you, “Doing ok in
there Maxie? You’re going to look great on Mira’s curves, you’re already giving her quite the belly. And
such a gentleman! Mira says you haven’t been kicking or screaming at all! I’m very proud of you Maxie,
be a good boy like this all the way to the end, ok?”
By the time Mira is sitting down in the car, you’re thoroughly overwhelmed by all the contact and
commotion. At least the car ride should be quiet. Or, at least you had thought that, until Taryn and
Carrie sat to either side of Mira and poked and prodded you the entire time. Mira’s tablet wasn’t turned
on, so they couldn’t hear you, but you could mostly make out their voices through Mira’s flesh, making
jokes about your predicament. You figured you were better off without the tablet on. It didn’t help
when Mira joined in, joking that she would “fill the dumpster to ‘Max’ capacity!”. You hoped at least she
would be kind enough not to post it all over social media.


The bobbing of the raft on the river was far smoother than the hip to hip swaying of Mira walking down
to the water in the first place. It was actually kind of nice, though your skin was itching and becoming
increasingly irritable. You wished you could talk to Mira, but she’d left her tablet in the car and it wasn’t
the easiest way to have a conversation, having to shout every question and answer through the flesh of
your cousin’s stomach.
For her part, Mira seems content to relax and float down the river, occasionally squeezing your shoulder
in between rubbing and patting her belly as it continued so slowly digesting you.
“MIRA! MIRA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?” you shout, rubbing softly at the top of her stomach to try and get
her attention. “Is something wrong, Max? The digestion suppressants should still be working… Hmmm,
I’m sorry Max, I can’t really help it if they’re not. You are going to be digested sooner or later. I’m being
as gentle as I can be…”
You squirm in Mira’s stomach as she rubbed her hands over your form. Your digestion was progressing
at an alarming rate. Your skin continued to peel and blood had seeped out across your body… legs, arms,
chest… There was no telling how much longer you had before it got terrible. It didn’t sound like Mira
would be much more help. The anesthetics were helping… and the other pill was still… affecting you.
Figuring you were beyond embarrassment and wouldn’t have much of a chance later, you reached for
the lubricant, remembering the sight of your devourer in her simple white bikini. Gritting your teeth in
discomfort at the pain as you wriggled into a better position while the walls ground against you.
Fumbling for the fleshlight, you finally get a grip on the slick tube, pulling it up from beneath you… and
groaning as you get a look at the degraded tube. It had fared even worse than you.
The heat and the dark were weighing on you more than you could handle. Especially with the closeness
of the stomach walls…they seemed to squeeze you more tightly than they used to. Desperate for some
form of distraction, you began rutting against the walls, sliding over the slick flesh.
“OH!” You hear Mira laugh, her stomach shaking all around you as you try to get off. “Were you asking
for help?” Mira giggled, reaching down to grab her stomach where your rod bulged out from beneath
her flesh, and gently stroking you. “Hmmm, I haven’t done this before. Does it feel nice?” Mira asks,
picking up the pace a bit as her hand gripped you as best she could. “Most of the time, the guys I eat
aren’t so friendly. Although, I guess to be fair, most of the time my tummy isn’t so friendly either. I’m
glad you’re still doing alright. Taryn was saying it’s probably going to get worse for you tonight.”
Mira continued rubbing your shaft as you humped her stomach from the inside. You didn’t want to think
about the future, you just ached for some sort of release, but Mira wasn’t taking the hint. “The digestive
suppressants can only keep my stomach from producing acid for so long, I guess. The acid saturation is
supposed to escalate, but at an accelerating rate as time goes on. Your mom said I’m probably going to
be pooping you out tomorrow morning.” You’re arching your back like a gymnast now, o much so that
you worry your skin might split in its weakened and frail state, but all you can think about is leaning into
Mira’s touch. It’s then, when you begin thrusting so hard that Mira bursts into laughter again, that the
stomach clenches around you and you blow your load into the folds of the surrounding walls.
“Attaboy!” Mira laughed, rubbing her belly near your hair, or whatever was left of it, as you sank back
into the fleshy walls. “I’m glad to see you aren’t losing your enthusiasm! We’ve probably got another
half hour before we reach the bumpy part of the river, if you can get it up again…”
The mention of bumps ahead has you nervous, but your mind is hazy, and right now there’s only one
thing you give a damn about. Fortunately, the lube hasn’t quite all spilled out of the carton.
Two hours later, you’re curled in a ball, the stomach pressing in on all sides. Your ever-loving cousin had
gotten you off not once more, but twice, before reaching the rocky part of the river. Then your
experience became markedly worse.
The calm bobbing of the river shifted into a rough jostling as the currents became quicker and less
predictable; sweet as Mira might be, she was still vore, and in her excitement she spared little thought
for protecting her cousin-turned-meal as he was battered by the walls of her stomach. And then, of
course, off balance from her oversized tum, Mira had flipped over in her raft and you’d gotten a rough
pounding from multiple impacts of rock against her stomach.
Normally, you might have gotten a few bruises, nothing serious. Mira seemed to be having a thrill,
laughing and shrieking in bursts of joy as one of your other cousins tried to help her into their raft before
being overbalanced and falling into the river themselves. Unfortunately, 16 or so hours of digestion had
left you somewhat fragile, and being squished into an awkward ball in Mira’s gut had left you more
vulnerable still.
Now your arm was broken, bone protruding from the skin between your wrist and elbow. Your shoulder
was dislocated as well, and you weren’t sure what happened to your leg, but it was bent at an angle you
suspected it should never be bent at, just below the knee. Your whole left side was a wreck, and now
Mira seemed too distracted with her fun to pay you any mind.
Your writhing only seems to further stimulate the stomach around you, as it squeezes you more tightly,
and the level of digestive juices seems to be rising in the chamber. Even as you hear Mira laughing and
chatting with her ‘rescuer’, whom you think may actually be Alexa, you can feel a faint burning sensation
beginning around your legs.
“MIRA! MIRA! CAN Y—” your shouting is cut off as Mira spins and you get another tumble. The blinding
white light in your eyes leaves you stunned as your mind reals. The pain leaves you dazed, and when you
come back to your senses, you feel a rippling, burning sensation along your back as the stomach walls
press against you. It takes a few moments more, but as your mind regains its focus, you realize the
sensation is the touch of someone’s hand stroking you through the walls of the stomach, and you
distantly hear the whisper of “…fine… just a few more hours Maxie, and it will be over… just rest… nice
and easy…”


Hours must have passed, though you fade in and out of lucidity as they do. You were vaguely aware of
hands pressing in on you, gently, yet even a soft touch felt abrasive in your present state. You supposed
you could forgive that, though; they were trying to comfort you. Mira and Alexa. Taryn and Leah. You
think you even heard Carrie offer a little hint of compassion. You’re pretty sure she also crushed half of
your ribs when she hugged her baby sister. With a giggle.
It was surprising to you that you were still alive. You couldn’t feel your feet anymore. Or your hands.
Everything from your knees to your arms burned, and you suspected your… fleshier… extremities were
long gone. Surely it wouldn’t be much longer…
“Can you hear me, Max?” Mira’s voice crackles through the speakers of the tablet; half submerged in
whatever slurry of acid and yourself half fills the stomach. “You haven’t been talking much… but I can
still feel you squirming around. Are you doing alright? …?” Mira pauses to listen for any response from
you, but your throat feels too raw to speak. You scramble about, as much as you can, twisting to face
the tablet where you see Mira’s face looking searchingly in the camera, and then her hand reaching to
cover her mouth as her eyes widen at your appearance.
“Oh, Max… I’m sorry. I should have crushed you hours ago. I totally let myself get distracted…” Miranda
said, looking you in the eyes as you shambled into a more stable position. You still didn’t seem to be
able to speak, and had trouble feeling what parts of you were even broken or whole at this point.
“I wanted to show you something…” Mira said, smiling shyly at you as she lifted her tablet and the
camera panned out to show her sitting on her bed in the same white bikini from earlier this morning.
“You’ve been digesting for almost a whole day now, and what my tummy has melted down has already
started to drain into my intestines to be absorbed...” Mira continues, setting the tablet down on the
adjacent dresser where it focuses on her. With a grin Mira adjusts her top, drawing your eye to… and as
you stared, you realized her bust had grown since you last saw them.
“They’ve already gone up a whole cup size! And you’re no more than half digested! Just imagine how big
they’ll be tomorrow, I’m going to need new bras, dresses, bikinis!” Mira gushed, beaming at you and
winking “well, maybe I’ll keep my current bikinis. For a little while anyway~. I start college in the fall
after all.” Even as Mira teased, she took her hands and squeezed her breasts together before grinning at
you and pulling her top down under her breasts as she shook her torso. “I won’t be able to cover them
with my hands anymore.”
“Oh, but I suppose there’s no way for me to press pause on your digestion so that we can talk… You
must be hurting, even with the anesthetics. Do you want me to end it?”
You nod weakly, staring your cousin in the eye as she smiled softly at you, stroking the lump you made
in her gut, her newly enlarged breasts sitting just above the outline of your skull reminding you of the
time Maddie had “Mickey Mouse’d” you when you were in high school.
“All right. Sit still, I don’t want to damage your skull.” Mira said as she scooted off of the bed and strode
closer to the dresser, leaning in as she retrieved the tablet. With a sense of resignation, you allowed
yourself to slide about in her gut as she moved, no longer feeling the will to resist something so trivial in
your last moments.
Waiting for the inevitable, you ease back into a slump with your eye on the tablet as it lay propped
against your thigh. “I’d ask if you have any last words, but you don’t seem able to talk anymore.” Mira
says as she sits down on the yoga mat laid out against one wall. With her feet flat against the wall itself,
and you held against her thighs, Mira sets down the tablet and says to you, “Thank you for being such a
good meal, Max. I love you.”
Then, with a deep breath, Mira flexes her abdominal muscles and you feel the force of her stomach
contracting, bearing down on you from all directions, like an immense weight. The image of Mira in her
yoga pants and tank top from the photo she sent last night pops into your mind, abs firm beneath her
skin and covered with a thin sheen of sweat. A sense of dread takes root in your mind as you imagine
being crushed in such a tight stomach, but with her arms wrapping under her knees, Mira pushes and
pulls herself forward with all her strength, and you never finish the thought.


The rupturing of your body as your bones are broken and rend your flesh from within is an audible series
of cracking and snapping, concluded with a disgusting squelching sound as your insides become
indistinguishable from your outsides. Mira presses on, wanting to be certain to put you out of your
misery. The squelching doesn’t phase her; you’re hardly the first boy to burst within her stomach, and
you certainly won’t be the last. Mira feels the bulge of your skull pressed against the base of her breasts
as her belly squishes across her thighs, and the knowledge that her keepsake remains intact is
satisfaction enough for her.
“There you go, Max, it’s all over now.” Mira murmurs to whatever may be left of her cousin as she rolls
onto her side and stands. Looking down at her improved bust with a devilish grin, Mira squeezes her tits
again as she admires herself in the mirror, laughing at the feel of her own chest spilling out between her
fingers. “Right where you’re supposed to be. You always were my favorite cousin.”
Stripping out of her bikini, Mira changes into her pajamas before descending to the main floor of the
cabin to check on her cousins. Seeing a group at play around the dining room table, she walked closer,
grinning at Taryn as she smiled in greeting. “How’s Maxie doing?” Taryn asked, setting her cards
facedown on the table before her as the group’s attention shifted from the game to your arrival.
“He’s gone now. Just meat and bone.” Mira says, shaking her stomach and allowing the sloshing of your
remains to illustrate her point. “I think he’s already boosted me a whole cup size, though. Best cousin
ever~.” Mira added, coming to a stop behind Havey’s chair and wrapping her arms over his shoulders as
her chest hung down to spill over his head, and her stomach burbled and squelched as it was pressed
against the back of his chair.
“Knock it off, Mira! I’m trying to play.”
“It’s just a hug Harvey” Mira said, pouting at the tone of the baby brother she’d refused to eat, opting
for her older cousin instead.
“I don’t need to hear you melting Max. Just take him somewhere else while you finish him.”
“I already finished him; this is just slush.”
“Whatever, just… go somewhere else, ok?”
“Jeeze Harvey, chill out,” Carrie spoke up before Mira could answer. “That’s supposed to be you in
there, you know. You should thank Mira. And just because she’s too sweet to eat you doesn’t mean I
won’t give you an acid bath if you’re going to behave like a little shit.”
“No kidding” Rudy mumbles, dead eying Harvey from across the table. “You should be grateful to Max,
“Whatever.” Harvey throws down his cards, pushing past Mira as he rose from his chair and left the
table, leaving her to take his seat. “What’s his problem?” she asked, looking around as she passed
Harvey’s hand down toward Carrie, who appeared to be dealing.
“Whining because he Rudy and Freddy are mad at him for not telling anyone Max was going to be your
cake instead of him.” Taryn answered, rolling her eyes as she passed her cards and Bernie’s over to
Carrie as well.
“We’re not mad at him, we just…” Freddy starts before Rudy cuts him off. “I am mad at him. My brother
got eaten instead of Harvey, and he just let us think it was him heading for the dumpster all week.”
“Well, it’s annoying, so you should both probably just let it go,” Taryn said, lifting her shirt and holding it
beneath her chin as she patted her flat and shapely stomach with both hands. “Only a little over six
weeks until one of you two takes the plunge. I might just keep you both guessing right up to the
moment I swallow.”
Freddy and Rudy both sit up and go white as a sheet at that, before Bernard rises angrily from his chair
and puts a hand on Freddy’s shoulder, saying “Come on, it’s getting late.” And walking his frightened
younger sibling out of the dining room.
“Are you staying Rudy, or are you off to pout too?” Leah asked, taking the cards from Carrie and dealing.
“I guess I am done for tonight.” Rudy replies, rising from his chair and walking out of the room.
Sighing, Miranda murmurs, “do they hate me now?”
“They’re just being shitty. They can’t help it Mira, it’s how they’re programmed.” Carrie begins before
Terry interjects, “They’re just scared. They don’t hate you. Just… give them some time.” The strawberry
blonde haired boy passes you a hand of cards, continuing the rare show of liveliness, at least from what
most at the table had seen of him. “You’re the nicest vore I’ve ever seen, after Leah. They’ll come
“Leah’s nice?” Carrie asked, shifting the subject.
“Of course I am. He’s still alive, right? Left of the dealer goes first, Taryn.”
As the night wears on, what broken bits remain of you continues to dissolve in Mira’s belly. No longer
needing to take suppressants to ease your suffering, her stomach can return to full-swing, thick globs of
the same gooey acids that had so badly burned your feet splatter into the stomach and over your
remains to rapidly dissolve the already softened meat. By the time Mira breaks off from her cousins and
heads to bed, little more than a simmering soup and a scattering of bones remains in her gut; and after a
restive night’s sleep, as her subconscious mind relives your recent time together, even that will be gone.

~Goodbye Max~

“Don’t forget to arch your back, sweetie!” Aunt Sofie hollers, taking photographs of Mira as she posed in
another bathing suit on the deck outside the cabin. The sea-green fabric does little to conceal her
breasts considering your contributions. Now large enough to press against each other even when
unrestrained, Mira’s breasts were several sizes too large for her old clothing, a fact even Rudy and
Harvey seemed to appreciate in covert glances as Mira turned and flaunted her enhanced assets.
“Are we almost done…? Max is getting a little impatient…” Miranda replies as she twists and bends,
smiling as her mother and sister snap photo after photo of her.
“That boy. I swear, he couldn’t get a move on before nine to save his life, but now that he’s tits and shits
he’s rearing to go first thing in the morning” Max’s mother said, shaking her head as she smiled at Mira.
“Glad to see you’ve whipped him into shape dear.”
“A couple very nice shapes,” Carrie quipped, her sister blushing in response.
“Are we ready?” Mira asked, shifting her weight from left to right and back and waiting for any sort of
objection. Sensing that none was forthcoming, Mira lowered her swimsuit bottom and, with her legs
crossed in front of her, sat on the rail and reached back to spread her cheeks.
The first of your remains spew out in a burst of moist, loosely packed waste, falling to the dumpster
below with a wet splat over the remains of those that went before you. Rope after rope of the same
loose shit spills out, coating the heap below in a thin layer of fresh manure before the first of your bones
begin to re-emerge, caked with yet more of your remains.
Much the same as Ben’s farewell, cameras and video recorders capture your disposal from all angles as
most of your male relatives shuffle awkwardly nearby and the vores cheer Mira on. Unlike Ben, you get
a few cheers too, for having melted so nicely, and coming out so quietly and smooth.
“A calm man exits with poise, a panicked man exits with noise!” Your mother joked, “I guess Maxie
managed to keep himself together after all!”
Laughing at your mother’s joke, Aunt Kari teased, “Well, after a fashion, maybe. From what I can see, he
seems pretty scattered about.”
It takes roughly twenty minutes for you to vacate your cousin’s bowels, and when your skull emerges
about fifteen minutes in, Uncle James climbs up on a stepladder with long rubber gloves on to retrieve
it; careful to avoid the still falling deluge of Miranda’s poo. “You got a pretty nice keepsake, Mira,
jawbone’s fused to the skull so it won’t go anywhere. Only missing two teeth too. You should clean it up
and keep it around.”
“Thank you! I saw the bone cleaning kit someone got me for my birthday. I’ll tidy Max up and take him
home with me. He deserves to see what he added after all,” Mira giggled before letting loose a few last
sputtering bursts onto the pile below.
“Sooo, Mira, I have Max’s birth certificate and high school diploma~,” your mother offers in a singsong
voice as Mira reaches for the toilet paper. “Oh, I don’t know if I want to shit over his whole life, Aunt
Melody. He was such a good cousin.”
“Aw, you’re such a sweet little angel, Mira. I’ll hang on to them then, though I may be tempted to use
them myself.”
“Ha, well, I suppose it shouldn’t matter much to him at this point. Tit-fat doesn’t pay taxes.” Mira
finished wiping, tossing the toilet paper onto the pile and looking for Uncle James. “Hey, Uncle James,
can you wrap that in a towel or something and bring it here?” Mira called.
“Sure, sure,” Uncle James answered as he did just that, striding up to Mira as she took her cellphone
from Carrie and the skull from Uncle James and leaned back with her phone raise above her. Turning
your skull to stare up at the camera and angling the phone to show the dumpster brimming with nearly
a week’s worth of shit in the gap between Mira’s beaming face and your own macabre grin, Mira
snapped several pictures before hopping off the rail and choosing her favorite to post.
Just finished celebrating my 18th Birthday!!! Had a shared party with my cousin Max; look who made it to
24! (and not a day longer LOL)
He gave me the best presents out of anyone, though, and not just the skull; let’s just say I think I know
what his favorite part of my body was— ( . )( . )

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