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No Words / Phrases Examples  Vietnamese Your sentences
Meanings (học thuộc) meaning (học
1. GOOD MOOD  You're in a good Bạn đang trong Not wanting to
Tâm trạng tốt mood this morning! tâm trạng tốt dampen her good
sáng ngày hôm
mood, I quickly
changed the
2. THANKS TO  It's thanks to Nhờ có Sandy mà I'd like to say a
Nhờ có/ cám ơn Sandy that I heard tôi nghe được word of thanks
about the job. công việc này.
to our hosts.
3. GO TO (A LOT OF) If the police had Nếu cảnh sát đã She went to a lot
TROUBLE  gone to the cố gắng tìm kiếm of trouble to find
Cố gắng làm gì đó trouble of looking dữ liệu về anh ta
up his record, they thì họ sẽ không thả
the book for me.
would not have anh ta ra.
released him.
4. SHOUT AT TOP OF She shouted his Cô ấy hét thật to when they broke
ONE’S VOICE  name at the top of tên của anh ta. up jenny shouted
Hét thật to  her voice.
his name at top
of her voice to
hold him back
5. BURST INTO He burst into tears Anh ấy bật khóc I don't know why
TEARS  and said everyone và nói rằng mọi she burst into
Bật khóc was leaving him. người đều rời bỏ
anh ấy.
6. LOSE TEMPER  He lost his temper Anh ấy mất bình I have never seen
Mất bình tĩnh and shouted at me. tĩnh và hét vào him lose his
mặt tôi.
temper so he
loves her.
7. GIVE A HAND  Marcia has taught Marcia dạy con cô Ladies and
Giúp đỡ  her children to give ấy cần giúp đỡ khi gentlemen, let’s
a hand when it dọn dẹp sau bữa
comes to cleaning ăn.
give a hand to
up after meals. our special
guests tonight.
8. SCARED TO She was scared to Cô ấy sợ phát I was scared to
DEATH death of flying. khiếp việc bay.  death just seeing
Sợ phát khiếp them because
they bully me.
9. CONSCIENCE (N) You didn't do Bạn không làm gì I never knew a
Lương tâm  anything wrong - sai, bạn nên có more tender
you should have a một lương tâm
clear conscience.  trong sạch.
conscience on
every point of
10.(UN)CONSCIOUS He gradually Anh ấy dần nhận He was
(ADJ) became conscious ra mọi người đều completely
(bất) tỉnh táo/  nhận (of the fact) that mặc vest.
ra  everyone else was
conscious of her
wearing a suit. warm body next
to his.
11.ARBITRAGE (N) The importance of Tầm quan trọng The law is the
 Đầu cơ tích trữ  computers is that của máy tính là nó final arbiter of
arbitrage nhận ra những cơ
opportunities can hội đầu cơ tích
what is
be quickly spotted trữ và tận dụng considered
and capitalized điều đó để làm lợi. obscene.
12.MARCH (V) She marched into Cô ấy hùng dũng They marched
Hành quân/ Đi hùng my office and đi vào trong văn proudly onto the
dũng demanded to know phòng tôi và yêu
why I hadn't written cầu được biết tại
football field.
my report. sao tôi chưa viết
báo cáo. 
13.STROLL (V) We could stroll Chúng ta có thể đi He strolled over
Đi dạo  along the beach daọ dọc bờ biển to where Sue was
after dinner. sau bữa tối.
14.FUTILE (ADJ) It's completely Nó thật sự vô ích She made one
Vô ích  futile trying to khi cố gắng nói lý last futile effort
reason with him - với anh ấy, anh ta
he just won't listen. đơn giản là không
to unlock the
nghe. door.
15.ABSURD (ADJ) Do I look absurd in Tôi có trông lố Don't be absurd!
Lố bịch  this hat? bịch không khi đội Why would he
chiếc mũ này?
want to do a
thing like that?
16.HINDER (V) High winds have Gió to cản trở việc These laws will
Cản trở hindered dập lửa của lính hinder rather
firefighters in their cứu hoả. 
efforts to put out the
than help
blaze. progress.
17.DELAY (V) My plane was Máy bay của tôi bị Passengers
Chậm trễ  delayed by an trễ 1h. complain about
lack of
when travel
delays occur.
18.POSTPONE (V) They decided to Họ quyết định trì The game has
Trì hoãn postpone their hoãn kì nghỉ cho been postponed
holiday until next đến sang năm.
from Wednesday
night to Friday
19.CORPSE (N) The actor had to Diễn viên phải vào They saw the
Xác chết  play a corpse lying vai xác chết nằm corpse sprawled
in a morgue. trong nhà xác.
on the steps.
20.WRECK (N) Our greenhouse Ngôi nhà xanh của They are worried
Phá huỷ  was wrecked in chúng tôi bị phá about the oil still
last night's storm. huỷ vì trận bão
hôm qua.
in the wreck.
21.SELF-EMPLOYED Do you pay less tax Bạn có phải trả ít I decided to
(ADJ) if you're self- thuế hơn không become self-
Tự làm chủ employed? nếu tự làm chủ?
22.PHYSICIST (N) This aspect can be Vấn đề này có thể My parents will
Nhà vật lý  further explored by được nghiên cứu pround of me if i
fusion physicists. xa hơn bởi các
nhà vật lý tổng
become a
hợp.  physicist.
23.PROVINCIAL(ADJ)  The majority of Đa số những It was all very
Cấp tỉnh  young professionals chuyên gia trẻ làm dull and
in the capital have việc ở thủ đô
moved there from chuyển từ tỉnh tới.
provincial towns. longed for the
24.MIRAGE (N) Electoral victory is Chiến thắng tuyển His idea of love
ảo ảnh  just a distant cử chỉ là một ảo was a mirage.
mirage. ảnh xa vời.
25.IGNORANT (ADJ)  Many teenagers are Nhiều thanh thiếu At that time I
Thiếu hiểu biết surprisingly niên đang thiếu was young and
ignorant about hiểu biết một cách
current politics. đáng kinh ngạc về
ignorant, with
tình hình chính trị little experience
hiện tại.  of the world.

1. Học thuộc Vocab Notes. Đặt câu với những từ mới đã học. 
2. Làm phiếu HW Q2L9
3. Hoàn thành phiếu trên lớp Q2L10
4. Dịch Reading (ON THE CATWALK) phiếu trên lớp Q2L9
5. Nộp vở lý thuyết.
 I. If a line is correct, put a tick (✓) next to the number. If there is an extra word in a
line, write it next to the number
1 ……✓……. I went to my first school dance last Saturday night and it was a disaster! If
2 …… only that I’d thought about what I was going to wear a bit more carefully.
that……. Although
3 ……being…. being my best friend Jenny had told me it wasn’t that kind of event, I’d
4 ……✓…. to look really grown-up and wear a dress and high-heeled shoes. When I
5 ……of…. there, I looked totally ridiculous and some people started laughing. Despite
6 ……✓……. this slight setback, I thought I’d hit the dance floor. If I could have survive
7 …… I could survive anything. But even though that went wrong! One of my
though…. heels
8 ……if…. snapped - even if though my shoes were brand new - and I had to carry
9 ……✓……. to the side of the room. It was very embarrassing! Still, despite the
10 ……was…. start was, Craig Fielding came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go out
with him next Saturday. Of course I said no, but he is cute! We’ll see what
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. 
How (11) …………many………. people could truly say they are not superstitious? A recent
survey shows that almost 90% of people believe in one sort of superstition (12) ………or……….
another and say that it influences their lives.
One of the questions people (13) ………were………. asked is whether they saw
themselves as lucky or unlucky. Their answers turned out to be the most interesting aspect of
this survey. Nearly two-thirds (14) ………of………. those taking part said they believed that
people were naturally lucky or unlucky.
Professor Morgan Howard, (15) …………who…………. analysed the results of the survey,
was fascinated by this finding, so he went a step further and asked these people (16) ………
what……. kind of superstitions they believed in. (17) ………To………. his surprise, he
discovered that almost all the people who regarded themselves (18) ………as………. lucky
believed in positive superstitions. They did things to promote their good luck, such as crossing
their fingers. (19) …………It……………. would appear that people make their own luck by their
attitude to life.
II. Match the items in the two columns
11. I like holidays in the a. while her husband is a taxi driver.
mountains, f b. consumer goods are selling well.
c. However, it is getting better now. 
11. Despite public protests, e
d. it’ll be better than staying at home.
12. In spite of high prices, b e. the Government decided to build a
road through the wood.
11. She works in a hospital, a f. whereas my wife loves the seaside.
11. The economic situation has been
quite difficult, c
11. Even though I don’t really like going
to football matches, d

III. Use the words in the list to complete the gaps. You will need to use some
words/phrases more than once. 
despite / in spite howeve whereas althoug but even though
of r h


(17) ……… despite ……… the fact that Kelly had lots of homework to do, she agreed
to go shopping with her friend Justine. Justine loved to buy wild clubbing clothes, (18)
………… whereas ……… Kelly was more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. (19) ………
despite / in spite of ……… the rain, they set off on Saturday morning for the town
center. Justine, as always, had far more cash than Kelly. (20) …… however ………,
Kelly had an eye for a bargain. Lunch time found them happy and hungry at the local
burger bar. (21) ……… although …………  they’d spent nearly all their money, there
were still a few shops that Justine wanted to visit (22) ……… but ……… she’d
promised to be frugal), and (23) …even though…..  having aching feet, they managed
a couple more hours’ shopping.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 

24. I’d rather ………go…… (go) fishing this afternoon.
24. I’d rather you ………did not wear……… (not / wear) my red dress to the dance
24. I’d rather you ………had said……… (say) that you didn’t want to come!
24. I’d rather ………go……… (go) by plane but I couldn’t afford the air fare.
24. We prefer ………watching……… (watch) films to ………watching………
(watch) political programs.
24. I prefer ………to cook……… (cook) dinner rather than ……… (eat) in that
24. We’d prefer ………to call……… (call) our child David, rather than …….call…….
(call) him Stephen.
24. We would rather ………recycle……… (recycle) our rubbish than ………
use………… (use) non-recyclable goods.
24. He had better …does not tell… (not / tell) her or I’ll be furious!
24. After a lot of thought, we’ve decided that we would prefer ……to get
marreid………… (get / married) in Portugal rather than in England.
24. You’d better ………do not wake……… (not / wake) her up because she hasn’t
slept for two days.
24. I would prefer ……to pay…… (pay) in cash rather than by credit card.

I. Use the clue to complete the words. 
~ A guitar, a piano or a flute, for example: IN__ __ __ __ M __ __ __
36. Not to exclude: INC___ ___ ___ ___( include )
II. Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below.
Use each one only once. 
in somebody’s on top of in search of
on the safe side in charge of in trouble with

53. Mr. Johnson is …… in charge of ……. the company’s marketing department.

53. People who systematically cheat the tax system will one day be …… in trouble
with ……. the Tax Department.
53. The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to be ………
on the safe side ……….  
53. The children wandered around the neighbourhood ……… in search of ……….
their lost dog.
53. Nobody would want to be ……… in somebody’s shoes ………., not with all
those debts he has to pay off.
53. After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally ……… on top of
……. the situation.

III. Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions.
59. Congratulations Rodney! I’m so happy ……for…… you and your wife.
59. I would be more than happy to provide you ……with…… our company’s
59. We supply all major companies ……with…… our products.
59. She takes great pride ………in…… her work. That’s why she’s the best in her
59. The government will provide housing ………for……… the homeless.
59. You shouldn’t be proud ………of…… yourself. What you did was wrong!
59. The government supplied food and medicine ……to…… the victims of the
59. The journalist was praised ……… for……… his report ……on……… the starving
children of Africa.
IV. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Wild animals have (67) ………recently………. made an RECENT 
appearance in the back gardens of American suburbs. They have
caused havoc and have (68) ……threatened……. domestic pets. THREAT 
Mountain lions that wander into suburbs are now quite (69) ………
willing……. to attack humans, which is worrying, while bears and WILL 
wolves have (70) ……apparently……. discovered rubbish bins. If you APPARENT 
find the (71) ……contents………. of your bin scattered all over the CONTAIN 
garden one morning, there is a distinct (72) ………possibility…. that a
bear has been feasting there during the night. POSSIBLE 
Nobody should be particularly surprised by this development,
which was predicted by experts years ago, and it’s not (73) ………
unexpected……. under the circumstances. One cause is the massive
expansion of (74) ……housing……. into areas that were wild and EXPECT 
uninhabited not long ago. In addition, over the past few decades a HOUSE 
large number of (75) ……restrictions……. have been placed on
hunting certain animals, allowing their populations to grow. It looks as RESTRICT 
if humans will simply have to get used to their new neighbours.

Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each gap. 
Nobody ever really (76) ……………. my Uncle Peter to make much money. When
he left school, he didn’t have any plans for a career, and he got a job in a second-hand
record shop. Peter’s mother couldn’t (77) ……………. over it. Her other children had
both (78) ……………. to get places at university, and she was quite (79) …………….
that a young person needed a good education to get on in life. To (80) …………….
things worse, this was the time when vinyl records were being phased out. It looked as
though my uncle would soon be looking for (81) ……………. somewhere else.
Then, all of a (82) ……………. Peter’s luck changed. He announced he was going
to start collecting records and set (83) ……………. a mail order business selling rare
records. Nobody really (84) ……………. him seriously at first. Who would be interested
in a technology that’s out of date? Vinyl records have since become collectors’ items,
and my uncle is now a very rich man.

76 A. awaited  B. waited  C. expected  D. predicted 

77 A. come  B. take  C. get  D. pass 
78 A. achieved  B. succeeded  C. accomplished  D. managed 
79 A. B. persuaded  C. determined  D. convicted 
. convinced 
80 A. get  B. make  C. bring D. drive
81 A. work  B. job  C. career D. profession 
82 A. once  B. moment  C. sudden  D. minute 
83 A. up  B. out  C. off  D. in 
84 A. took  B. believed  C. thought  D. gave 
với Sunny Magenta
(26) …………………………………… .. thực tế là tôi cố gắng lạc quan nhất có thể trong cột

này, tôi phải nói rằng Milan đã làm tôi thất vọng. Giá như chúng tôi (27)

……………………………………. có thể quay trở lại thời kỳ huy hoàng của thời trang khi váy

ngắn và màu hồng là màu đen mới. Màu hồng vẫn còn trong năm nay, đủ thú vị. (28)

……………………………………., Nó chỉ được sử dụng trong các phụ kiện như khóa, thắt

lưng, nẹp và chuỗi hạt. Màu nâu - màu phải có của mùa - chưa bao giờ là màu yêu thích của tôi,

(29) ……………………………………. Tôi phải nói rằng bộ quần áo đi biển bằng giấy nâu

hoàn toàn bằng giấy của Belinda Steven khá ấn tượng. Tất nhiên, điều đó ở (30)

………………………………… hoàn toàn không thực tế. Nó thực sự là (31)

……………………………………. thời gian mà haute couture bước vào thế giới thực chỉ là một

chút xíu. Tôi biết nó được cho là nghệ thuật hơn quần áo, nhưng giả sử bạn thực sự (32)

……………………………………. sai lầm khi mua một chiếc mũ bóng chày làm bằng sáp nến

của Diego Fernandez. Đó là một lần đi bộ dưới ánh nắng mặt trời và năm nghìn euro đang nhỏ

xuống mặt bạn! Bây giờ, tôi không nói rằng tôi ước gì tôi (33)

……………………………………. ở lại London buồn tẻ và xám xịt - những bữa tiệc sau buổi

biểu diễn vẫn cực kỳ hoành tráng, như mọi khi. Nhưng tôi hy vọng rằng mùa giải tới tôi (34)
……………………………………. có thể báo cáo rằng thế giới thời trang đã nắm bắt được

chính nó một lần nữa, và sau đó - (35) ……………………………………. mặc dù không ai

trong chúng ta có thể đủ tiền mua bất kỳ món đồ nào mà tôi mô tả trong cột này - ít nhất chúng ta

sẽ có điều gì đó để mơ ước một lần nữa.

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