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My Snow Girl by lord of the land of fire.

Chapter 1. A reason to stay.

Tsukune was standing in front of a weird scarecrow with a pumpkin
head. A simple wooden sign hanging from it read, ‘Youkai Academy.’
Off in the distance he could make out a large building that looked a lot
more like some sort of strange mansion as opposed to a high school.
“This really is some sort of bizarre monk school isn’t it?” He muttered
as he picked up his bags and headed down the road to what he
assumed would be his home for the next three years.

He’d only just arrived and he already had a bad feeling about things.
There was just so much that seemed peculiar. For one thing the bus
driver had seriously creeped him out, his eyes almost seemed to be

“Be careful,” the bus driver had warned him. “Youkai Academy can be
a veeery scary place!”

Why would a school bus driver of all people say that to him? Was that
some sort of joke he told all the new students? Then there was the
weather. Just before coming into the tunnel it had been sunny without
a cloud in the sky. Now it was completely overcast and even looked
like rain. He had seen weather change quickly before, but such a
radical and complete change from one side of a tunnel to the other? It
seemed down right unnatural. And speaking of unnatural…

He looked over to another series of tombstones and unburied human

skulls. Who in their right mind builds a High School by a whole bunch of cemeteries?
He thought. And why are there skulls just lying there? It’s like something out of some
cheesy horror movie!

It was as he was walking nervously along the road he heard something

from behind. “Get out of the way!” A girl’s voice shouted.

Panicked, he did exactly that. He leapt out of the road and just barely
avoided getting run over by a girl on her bike. She sped past and he
got no more than just a glance at her face. She didn’t stop or even call
back to apologize for nearly hitting him. He watched as she
disappeared down the road. He noted that she had really long pink
hair and a uniform similar to his.

Well that was lucky, he thought as he started walking again. I almost got hit,
that would have been a bad way to start things.

He was somewhat relieved to see a lot of other freshmen looking
around and seeming as confused as he was. The building itself was
just as bizarre as he’d first thought. It really did look like some sort of
weird gothic mansion as opposed to a normal high school. He
wondered if some eccentric rich guy had donated the building and
lands to the school. He joined a stream of fellow freshmen as they
were all herded towards the auditorium for the entrance ceremony. As
he was about to take his seat he tripped and stumble a bit. He
suddenly found himself landing in a girl’s lap.

He quickly jumped up to his feet. “Sorry! Sorry about that, I tripped.”

The surprised girl looked up at him. He noticed that she was very cute
with long purple hair and dark blue eyes. She wasn’t wearing the
school uniform; she had on a white shirt with dark sleeves, a short
skirt, and purple stripes leggings. He also noted that she had a lollipop
in her mouth. “Don’t worry about it,” she told him quietly.

He sat down next to her and put his things underneath the seat. “I’m
new here, so I’m kind of nervous.”

She looked over at him. “I think we’re all new. The entrance ceremony
is just for the freshmen. The older students don’t have to be here until

Tsukune nodded. “Well since we’re both new here maybe we can be
friends,” he held out his hand to her. “I’m Aono Tsukune.”

She stared at him and he thought he must have done something really
wrong. But she finally reached out and very lightly placed her hand in
his. He couldn’t help but notice it felt kind of cold. “I am Shirayuki
Mizore, and I would like to be friends too.”

Tsukune smiled, this wasn’t turning out so bad. He was about to say
something more when Mizore pulled her hand out and looked away
from him, seeming to ignore him. He hadn’t talked much to girls and
wasn’t sure what to make of that. He decided to just sit back in his
seat and listen to the ceremony.

It was nothing really special, though the fact the speaker was dressed
in a white robe was a little odd. The speech was about adulthood and
commitment and hopes for the future. When the speech was over
Mizore got up and left without so much as acknowledging him.

Heh, I guess she was just being polite.


Following the ceremony he had to find his homeroom. There would be

no actual classes today; this was just a chance to meet his homeroom
teacher and some of his classmates. Despite the unusual design of the
building he was able to find his home room without too much difficulty.
The classroom itself looked comfortingly familiar to him. There was a
blackboard with a teacher’s desk and the little wooden chair and desks
he’d been familiar with in middle school. Even if everything else
seemed strange this was normal at least.

“Hello Tsukune.”

He jumped a bit at the voice from behind him. Standing there calmly
looking at him and sucking her lollipop was Mizore.

“Please don’t sneak up on me like that, you scared me.”

She grinned slightly at his reaction. “Sorry, it’s just how I am. Since
we’re in the same class do you want to sit together?”

“Uh, sure!” She didn’t seem very exuberant, but he wasn’t going to
turn down a friendly gesture from such a cute girl. They sat down in a
pair of chair in the back of the class.

Once they were both seated. Tsukune looked over to her. “Why did
you leave the ceremony without saying anything?”

She looked at him in surprise. “Why would I say anything?”

He opened his mouth… but couldn’t come up with a reply.

Not long after that their home room teacher arrived. She was a young
blonde woman with glasses and a weird hair style; two tufts of hair
were sticking out almost like a pair of furry ears. She smiled at them
and called on them to quiet down. Tsukune’s very first impression was
that she seemed like a typical ditzy blonde, but nice enough.

Once the class had quieted down she introduced herself.

“Hello everyone and welcome to Youkai Academy! I am your home

room teacher Shizuka Nekonome. I think you all already know this,
but this is a school built for the sake of monsters to attend!”

And with that a boring, ‘welcome to the school’ speech became

something else. Tsukune sat up and actually began paying attention.
What did she just say? He glanced around the room to see everyone else
take it in stride. Is it me or is everyone in here nuts?

Noticing this Mizore looked at him. “Something wrong?” She asked him

He looked at her. “Did you just hear what she said?”

“Yes, so?”

He again did not know how to answer.

Meanwhile their teacher pressed on. “Now as you all know the earth
has already come under the control of the humans! In order for us
monsters to continue to survive, we have no choice but to continue to
peacefully coexist with the humans. At this academy, you will be
studying, ‘How to coexist with humans!”

Once more Tsukune glanced around the room to see the reaction of
the other students. Some of them were nodding; most were just
listening with varying degrees of attention. None of them were acting
as though their teacher had gone insane. They were acting as though
what she was saying was not unexpected.

“So for that reason,” she continued. “As a school rule you will all live
your lives at this academy in human form! Do you understand? It’s a
matter of being able to disguise yourself well as a human! This is the
foundation of coexistence. You are never to allow any of your fellow
students to know your, ‘true form’ understand?!”

“Hey teacher,” a student sitting in front of him called out. “Wouldn’t it

be better for us to eat up those puny humans? And in the case of
beautiful girls, better to molest them?”

Tsukune looked at the brawny blonde kid and tried to hide his sudden
fear. EAT humans?!

“Oh,” his teacher spoke. “Incidentally, here at Youkai academy, the

teachers and students are all monsters; there are no genuine humans
here! Since this academy is within a secret sacred world! To those
humans who come to know of our existence we will bring them death…
or something.”

Despite the sudden revelation he was surrounded by monsters and

would be killed if the truth about him was found out Tsukune somehow
managed to keep a calm demeanor. He didn’t really have much of a
choice. He couldn’t draw attention to himself or he might get eaten

“Excuse me,” a girl’s voice called from the class room door. “After the
entrance ceremony I kind of got lost in the school, sorry I’m late.”

Nekonome looked over to the girl and smiled. “Oh, that’s fine, just
take a seat.”

“O.k.,” a beautiful girl with long pink hair stepped into the room.
Immediately the boys, and even some of the girls, were star struck.
Most of them began to greet her with loud cries of enthusiasm and a
few even asked for dates.

Tsukune paid them no attention as he was too scared to think about

anything but how to survive.

Mizore noted his sedate reaction, but said nothing.


The moment the teacher released them from the room he took off. He
still had the school bus schedule. There would be a bus leaving in just
a couple hours. He would write a withdrawal letter and just go. There
was no way he was going to stay in a place full of monsters. As he
hurried back to the bus stop he never noticed a figure trailing behind


He was panting as he set his bags down. Checking his watch he saw
he’d made it in time. The bust should arrive in twenty minutes. He
would get out of this crazy place and back to his boring ordinary life.
The thought of going home and spending the next year trying to pass
a high school entrance exam didn’t thrill him. But it sure beat getting
eaten by some monster.

“So you’re going?”

“Ahhh!” He jumped in terror. When he calmed down he saw Mizore

standing there sucking her lollipop and just looking at him. “Mizore!
What are you doing here?”

She shrugged. “After homeroom I didn’t have anything better to do so

I followed you.”

He stared at her. “Do you usually stalk people?”

“Sometimes,” she admitted not feeling the least bit embarrassed.

“Why are you running away?”

“Because this place is too damn scary!” He told her. “I’m going to go
to a human school.”

“And that’s less scary?” She sounded surprised.

“At least humans don’t eat each other!”

She shrugged. “Maybe not, but from what I hear they do enough
horrible things to each other.”

Tsukune looked at her. She definitely seemed weird, but nothing she’d
done or said even hinted that she might be malevolent or mean him
any sort of harm. “Mizore, you’re… you’re a monster right?”

“Of course I am, just like you.”

“If… if I were a uh, human. Would you try to… to eat me?”

She stared at him for a second, and then began to laugh. “Geez, that
sounds like something a human would say. Of course not, only a few
of the more unsavory monsters would do something like that.”

He looked at her nervously. “What would you do if I was… human?”

She glanced at him and considered. “You are aren’t you? That’s why
you’re scared, you’re human and you got into this academy by mistake
didn’t you?”

He looked frightened and took a couple steps away from her. “No! I

She held up a hand. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you or tell on you.
There was a human village near where I grew up and I’ve known a few
humans, even cared for one. I don’t have anything against humans.”

“Really?” She nodded. “So you’re not afraid that I’m a spy or

She grinned. “Trust me; you’re nowhere near stealthy enough to be a

spy and you don’t seem very good at keeping secrets.” She paused.
“You know monsters aren’t as bad as the stories would have you
believe. Sure some of them are pretty cruel, but that’s true of humans
as well. If… if you wanted to stay you might like it here.”

He saw the girl was blushing a bit and seeming a bit nervous. Does she
like me? “Are you asking me to stay?”

“If you want,” she said. “You seem interesting Tsukune, and I’d like to
try and be friends with you. I also think you’re kind of cute.”

He felt his face begin to turn red as well. He’d gone through middle
school the most ordinary and mediocre of guys. No girl had ever paid
him any notice. Now this really cute, if weird, girl seemed to like him.
But can I actually have a monster for a girlfriend?

She looked at him shyly. “So what do you want to do?”


The bus pulled up to its stop it was right on schedule.

But there was no one waiting.

Chapter 2. Meeting the vampire.
Walking back from the bus stop with Mizore had been fun. They’d
talked a little bit about where they’d both come from. He had told her
about growing up in a big city in Japan with his parents and his cousin.
She had told him about growing up with her mom in a little mountain
village, that was its own secret and hidden world. They had definitely
come from different worlds, literally, but the more he talked to her the
more convinced Tsukune became that she was a really good sweet
girl, whatever her DNA.

But then when they finally got back to the academy she reminded him
that she was a little different from most girls. One second they were
walking side by side, the next she was gone. He looked around but she
had just disappeared without a trace, without even a goodbye. He
sighed; this was definitely going to be interesting. But even as he
headed off to explore a little and then find his dorm he was smiling.
Whatever else, his life was not likely to be average any more.


The dorms were located about a mile from the academy itself. If the
academy looked like a gothic mansion then the dorms looked like run
down concrete slums. Oddly enough though no one else was
complaining, most of the new residents were actually excited about
getting to live in a, ‘majestic’ building. He really wondered if somehow
monsters had a different form of vision. The inside was not so bad.
The first floor had a cafeteria and a small shop where he could get
snacks and a whole bunch of little necessities. There were even mail
order catalogues so that he could get things from the human world,
there was stationary and a post box so apparently he could send and
receive mail. Even better he found a row of old fashioned telephones.
He tried one and sure enough he was able to call home. He spoke to
his mom and dad and reassured them he’d arrived safely and that
everything was fine. His mom shrieked when he mentioned talking to a
cute girl. Somehow just getting to talk to mom and dad had brought a
little bit of normalcy into his crazed new world.

His room was on the third floor. There were a pair of elevators as well
as two stairwells. His room was basic, but good enough. There was a
futon on the floor with a pillow and blanket already provided. There
was a desk with a single chair and a small coffee table. It was just a
single room but a mini kitchen had been built in with a little electric
oven and stove top, microwave, sink, and mini fridge. There was a
large common bath at the end of the hall. The window looked out onto
a dreary courtyard with, of course, tombstones and skulls. He’d never
expected to grow used to the sight of skulls, but he had.

Yeah, this would definitely not be an average college experience.


The following morning he had very nearly started screaming when he

headed to the bathroom half awake and bumped into someone.

“Sorry,” the other boy had said.

Tsukune looked up to see the other boy had a neck about five feet
long with his head looking down at him. His immediate instinct had
been to start screaming his head off, but he managed to stifle it just in

The other boy never the less noticed the odd reaction and bent his
head down a little closer to speak to him. “What? Is something

Thinking quickly Tsukune tried to smile and play it off. “Ah, we’re not
supposed to show our true forms, not even to each other.”

The other boy suddenly looked embarrassed and his neck quickly
retracted until he seemed totally normal. “I forgot, please don’t tell on

Tsukune nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m he last person who would ever say


Breakfast in the cafeteria was… interesting. He quickly discovered

there were two lines and two menus available, ‘traditional’ and
‘organic.’ The lines to each were about the same, fortunately he had
spotted pancakes and scrambled eggs and jumped into the traditional
line and grabbed a tray. Only after getting his food and some milk had
he noticed the ‘food’ on the other side. All he needed to know was that
some of it was still moving, after that he deliberately tried to not look
too close.
With breakfast out of the way he headed out of the dorm and began
the mile long trek to the academy and his first full day of school. As he
headed out the boys and girls began to mix together on the road. He
kept a sharp eye out looking for Mizore. He knew he would see her in
homeroom, but he was kind of hoping they could walk there together.

“Wow! Look at her!”

“So hot, so hot!”

“I love you! Please go out with me!”

Tsukune looked around and saw the focus of all these comments. It
was that same pink haired girl that was in his class. As he watched she
was quickly surrounded by her many admirers. He didn’t bother to join
them as he was interested only in seeing Mizore again. One boy came
up to her and took a hold of her hand placing a piece of paper in it.
“Akashiya Moka,” he declared in a lilting musical voice. “You are the
most beautiful creature in this entire academy. Please accept this love
poem that was inspired by your beauty.”

The girl blushed a bit and looked somewhat embarrassed. “Oh, well
thank you, but…”

“Hey!” An angry voice called out. The crowd around Moka was quickly
parted as someone forced his way through knocking people aside.
Tsukune quickly recognized him as the brawny blonde kid in his class
who had been all in favor of, ‘eating humans.’ Without warning he
grabbed the other boy by the throat and lifted him into the air with a
single hand. “Are you hitting on my girl?!” He screamed at the boy and
began shaking him back and forth.

The other boy looked terrified and tried to stammer out an apology.
Meanwhile the girl, Moka, grabbed a hold of his arm. “Saizou! Please
let go of him! I never said I would be your girlfriend! Only that I would
think about it!”

The tall blonde, Saizou, stopped shaking him as he looked down at

her. “You’re the prettiest girl in the whole school. That means you
belong to me.” He looked back to the other boy. “You even talk to my
girl again and you’re dead understand?!”

“I understand!” The frail looking boy yelped.

Without any apparent effort Saizou tossed him aside and sent him
flying about fifteen feet. “That goes for all of you! I catch any of you
talking to my girl I’ll kill you!”

The boys that had surrounded Moka quickly scattered.

“Come on, let’s go.” Saizou grabbed her by the arm and began
dragging her down the road towards class.

“You’re hurting me!” Moka cried out.

“Shut up!” He gave her arm a twist that made her cry out and kept her

As the two of them passed Tsukune looked at the ground. He felt like a
total coward, but what could he do against such an animal? And it
wasn’t like he could afford to take a stand and draw attention to

“Pretty ugly scene, huh?”

He jumped a bit at the voice coming from right behind him. “Mizore,
please stop doing that!”

“Sorry,” she didn’t sound or look very apologetic. “I feel bad for the
poor girl. That guy has a really brutal reputation.”

Tsukune looked unhappy as well. “I don’t think she wants to be with

him. She probably needs to tell a teacher what’s going on.”

“That may or may not help,” she told him. “Violence is more accepted
in monster society than in human. Even if she tells someone he may
not get punished, or at most he might be suspended for a few days or
a week.”

“That’s horrible!” Tsukune said. “It shouldn’t be that way!”

“No it shouldn’t,” Mizore agreed. “But that’s the way it is.”

Tsukune looked down the road in the direction they had gone. “I wish
there was something I could do to help.” He waited but Mizore didn’t
say anything. “Don’t you…” Turning around she was gone from sight. I
hate it when she does that.


When he arrived at homeroom Mizore was already there. He sat down

in the seat beside her. Despite having had a lead on them Saizou and
Moka never showed up to class that day.


When Moka came to class the following day there were bruises on her
neck and both arms. Unlike the first day when she had been energetic
and smiling she was downcast and sat down at her seat without a
word. All the boys in class made it a point to not look at her, never
mind speak to her. When Saizou came in a few minutes later he
seemed to be in a fine mood. He sat down in the seat beside Moka’s
and deliberately pulled her chair over to his so that he could drape an
arm around her shoulders. Tsukune could see the way she seemed to
stiffen at his touch and he imagined he could hear her whimpering. But
she didn’t say a word, and though Nekonome-sensei frowned she did
not say anything either.

Over the next couple of weeks it became a regular sight, a bruised and
brooding Moka sitting beside her possessive and cheerful boyfriend.
Everyone could see what was right in front of their eyes, but no one
would do or say anything about it.

Including Tsukune.

During those first two weeks he tried very hard not to think about
Moka or her situation. He had enough worries of his own with having
to protect his human identity, worrying about his studies, and perhaps
most vexing of all trying to figure out what there was between him and
Mizore. For someone like Tsukune, who was totally inexperienced
dealing with girls, it was impossible for him to figure out what Mizore
thought of him. She would always talk to him when they were in class
together and she would always come and sit with him for lunch. During
these times she seemed open and friendly and he would get to really
enjoy her company. But then it seemed almost impossible for him to
see her outside of class. He had tried asking her to meet with him to
study or maybe have breakfast or dinner, but she would always make
one excuse or another. She even declined to walk with him either to or
from school each day. It was as though she wanted nothing to do with
him. He honestly didn’t know what to make of these mixed signals.

He sometimes wished Mizore were a little more like one of his other
classmates, Kurono Kurumu. Kurumu was pretty much the exact
opposite of Mizore. She was a gorgeous big breasted, blue haired
beauty who never had any trouble expressing herself. She had
surrounded herself with a small flock of fan boys who followed her
wherever she went and did whatever she told them to. She was lively
and fun and there was no denying Tsukune would have liked to see a
little more of that in Mizore. Of course, at least with Mizore he seemed
to be the only boy she had any sort of interest in. That counted for a
lot as Tsukune doubted he could win any competitions with other boys.
Still, it got kind of frustrating never knowing where he stood with her.


One day at the end of class he spotted Mizore and quickly got a hold of
her. “Mizore, could I have a talk with you?”

She seemed a bit surprised, but nodded. “Sure.”

He took her aside and they went into some of the woods right by the
academy so they could talk in private.

“I need to ask you something,” he told her. “Are you ashamed to be

seen with me?”

Her mouth opened so wide her lollipop threatened to fall out. “What?
Where did you get that idea?”

“Well, you never want to see me outside of class. You never want to
walk with me. You won’t even let me hold your hand. What am I
supposed to think?”

She looked embarrassed and broke eye contact with him. “It’s not that
I’m embarrassed, it’s just, well… I’m shy.”

“Well I know you’re a little shy but…”

“No,” she shook her head. “You don’t understand. There was only ever
one boy I really liked and he… he rejected me. Ever since I find it
really hard to be alone with a boy.” She looked down at the ground
and began to fidget. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I
don’t like you. I do like you; I wouldn’t keep talking to you or having
lunch with you if I didn’t. But I… I don’t think I’m ready to do more.
Please give me a little time. Don’t force me to do something I don’t
want to.”

He opened his mouth to try and argue when an image of Saizou

dragging Moka around popped into his mind. She wouldn’t see me like that
would she? Certainly wanting to hold her hand or walk to and from
school with her didn’t compare to the way Saizou behaved with Moka.
Don’t force me to do something I don’t want to. It might not be the same
degree, but might it be the same in principle. The idea that he might
be behaving like Saizou sickened him.

So instead of trying to argue with her he nodded. “I don’t want to do

anything that will make you uncomfortable Mizore-chan. If that’s how
you feel it’s fine with me, I’m happy just hanging out with you.”

He looked away and sighed, expecting her to disappear like always.

He was surprised when she suddenly stepped close to him and placed
a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, I knew you’d understand.”

When he looked up she was somehow gone.


Having his talk with Mizore had taken some time and so he’d found
himself alone on the road back to the dorms. He was surprised as
halfway back he heard crying and a girl’s voice call out. “Please stop!”

Tsukune hesitated, but took a deep breath and headed off the road
towards the sounds of distress.

He quickly spotted the trouble. Saizou had Moka pinned to a tree and
seemed to be trying to force her skirt down while she tried to struggle
against him.

“Please stop it!” Moka cried out.

“Shut up! You know you want it!” With casual ease he took one hand
and slapped her face. “Now don’t make me hurt you.”

Tsukune would never, not even later on, be able to understand exactly
why he did what he did then. He only knew that somehow the sight of
such mindless cruelty had enraged him. He didn’t stop to think, he just
acted. “Leave her alone!!” He screamed and then ran straight at

Saizou momentarily stopped in order to stare disbelieving at the tiny

boy who was charging him. Tsukune caught him with the full weight of
his body while Saizou was just a little off balance. The result was his
actually being knocked over and rolling down the side of a small hill.
The collision had felt like running full force into a brick wall and
Tsukune grimaced in pain. Never the less he kept his head and turned
to Moka. “Are you all right?”

Moka stared at him. “What did you do?” She said in a horrified

“I heard you crying, I had to help.”

Moka shook her head. “You shouldn’t have, he’ll kill you now.”

“She’s right about that,” a furious Saizou said as he got back on his
feet. “I’m going to fucking tear you apart.” And as Tsukune watched
Saizou’s body began to expand and grow. His jacket and shirt tore
apart as he grew to eight feet, his skin became grey and his muscles
rippled and swelled to grotesque form. He didn’t look even remotely
human anymore, he was a complete monster.

“No! Saizou please don’t! Leave him alone and I’ll do anything you
want me to!” Moka cried out.

“You stupid bitch!” Saizou growled as he began storming back up the

hillside. “You’ll do that any way!”

Moka turned to Tsukune. “Run! I’ll try and slow him down!”

Though terrified at the sight of the transformed Saizou Tsukune still

shook his head. “No, you run Moka; I can’t stand by and let a girl be
hurt. I’ve already done that too often, I won’t do it again.”

Moka stared at him. She couldn’t believe that someone would actually
be willing to risk his life for her.

“That’s why I like you Tsukune-kun,” a feminine voice called from the
woods. “You have a kind heart.”

Saizou was suddenly frozen in a block of ice. Mizore abruptly appeared

from behind a nearby tree. Her hands seemed to have been
transformed into massive ice claws and the ground at her feet seemed
to freeze over.

“Mizore-chan,” he stared at her. “Is this… is this your monster form?”

Looking embarrassed she nodded. “I’m a snow girl, I have the power
to create and manipulate ice and snow.” She looked away for a bit. “I
hope this doesn’t ruin your image of me.”

“Why would it?” He asked. “You’re beautiful.”

She looked back at him and her face blushed. “Tsukune-kun…”

Before she could say more the block of ice around Saizou shattered
and he roared in fury. “You think that’ll stop me?! Pathetic!”

All around her ten ice clones grew out of the ground to race down and
attack Saizou. Their attacks did nothing to him and he shattered each
one with a single blow.

Mizore began firing off ice needles from her hands. They struck their
target but had no effect. She looked calmly to Tsukune and Moka. “I’m
not strong enough to stop him. You two get out of here and I’ll hold
him for as long as I can.”

“No! I won’t leave you Mizore–chan!” Tsukune turned to Moka. “Moka

please go!”

She shook her head. “I won’t! You’re both risking your lives to protect

Desperate Tsukune reached out and tried to push her away. “I am

begging you to go!” His hand accidentally caught the rosary on her
chest. With a tiny, ‘clink’ it popped off its chain.

Moka gasped as she felt the power being unleashed from within.
“Thank you.”

The other three all froze and stared as Moka was transformed. They
could all sense the immense demonic power coming off of her. They
watched in fascination as her body seemed to mature, her hair
transformed from pink to pure silver, fangs grew, and her eyes
became red and slitted.

Mizore and Tsukune backed away, while halfway down the hill Saizou
seemed too afraid to even move. “What, what is this power?” He
asked nervously.

The moment her transformation was complete Moka glared down at

him with murderous rage. “YOU BASTARD!!” She seemed to fly down
the hill to him and sent a foot into his face with such force that he
went crashing all the way to the bottom with a small explosion. “HOW

It was obvious that one blow had been enough to defeat Saizou. But
Moka was nowhere near done with him. She leapt down onto his chest
and a loud, ‘crack’ sounded as his ribs broke. “You filthy animal! You
used me and violated me again and again as if I were your play thing!
One such as you should not even be able to look at me, let alone touch
me and have your disgusting way with me!” Kneeling over him she
began to smash her fists into his skull. “KNOW YOUR PLACE!!” She
screamed at him as his blood and brain matter began to splatter on to

A safe distance away Tsukune and Mizore just stood there and
watched the dreadful scene play out. They were too afraid to move or
even make a sound as Moka took her revenge against the man who
had wounded her. She did not stop until his head was nothing but
bloody pulp. Only then did Moka seem to regain control of herself. She
stood up, and began climbing the hill towards them.

Mizore jumped in front of him. “Tsukune, be very careful, don’t let her
touch you.”

“What? Why?”

“She’s a vampire, Tsukune,” Mizore said fearfully. “She drinks blood,

human blood especially. Vampires are among the most powerful of
monsters. You saw what she just did to Saizou. I wouldn’t have a
chance against her either.”

Tsukune was suddenly frightened all over again. “But… but Moka
wouldn’t attack us.”

“Tsukune, she is a very powerful and very angry creature right now
and I don’t know what she might do. Whatever happens stay behind me
and I’ll do what I can to protect you.”

As she approached they got a good look at her. Her face, hair, and
clothes were all spattered in blood. Her two hands were drenched in it.
She walked towards them calmly and with measured steps. The
murderous rage of only a moment ago nowhere to be seen. She came
to a stop about five feet in front of Mizore. Her eyes only glanced at
the snow girl; she was looking hard at Tsukune. Looking at her blood
red eyes Tsukune imagined he was a rabbit staring back at a hungry
“Are you scared of me?” Moka asked quietly.

“Yes, and can you blame us?” Mizore answered, her voice trembling
only a bit. Tsukune found he couldn’t even make a sound.

Moka’s eyes darted away from Tsukune to Mizore. “You have nothing
to fear from me, I am in your debt. Both of you have my gratitude,
should you ever need me you have only to ask.” Her eyes went back
to Tsukune. “You have something that belongs to me.”

He tried to ask her what but he couldn’t make a sound.

Moka grinned at him and moved with blinding speed. Before Mizore
could react Moka was standing at Tsukune’s side holding his right hand
in hers. Clutched in his fist was the rosary.

“This is mine.” She seemed to say teasingly and with a slight grin on
her lips. She easily pried open his fingers and took the rosary. Once
she had it she didn’t let go of his hand. She lifted it to her face and
took a long sniff of his wrist. “Your scent is delicious.”

“Let him go,” Mizore said angrily. Despite knowing she was no match
she brought her ice claws up threateningly. “Now.”

Moka smiled at her as she continued to hold Tsukune’s hand close to

her face. “There’s no need for such a tone. I’ve already told you, I
mean you no harm.”

“If that’s true then let him go.” Mizore demanded.

Moka’s tongue came out and she licked his wrist. “Might I have just a
little taste?”

“He hasn’t given you permission,” Mizore told her. “Or are you going to
just take what you want? Like Saizou did?”

The mention of that name ruined her playful mood. “I am nothing like
that animal.” Though she had a look of regret she released Tsukune’s
hand. “As I said before, I am in your debt. But I ask you to not
mention what you have seen here.”

“We won’t,” Mizore promised.

Moka looked at Tsukune again. “I will see you in class tomorrow.” With
that she leapt away and was gone.

After several minutes Tsukune felt strength return to his legs and he
was able to move again. The two of them got on the road and began
heading back.

Tsukune looked at Mizore. “How did you manage to find me like that?”

She looked back at him. “It was easy, I was stalking you.”

“You were stalking me? Why?”

She sighed. “I told you that I was shy, I never said I didn’t like being
close to you. But you know what? After tonight, I think I’m over most
of my shyness Tsukune-kun.” She reached out and gently took his
hand, slipping her fingers between his.

He smiled at her. “Really?”

She nodded. “From now on let’s walk to and from school together.”

“I’d really like that.”

So hand in hand they walked back.


From the shadows a pair of red eyes watched.

“Tsu-ku-ne,” a voice sang out softly.

Chapter 3. Swimming lessons.
Tsukune left the boy’s dorm and looked around. After walking Mizore
back to her dorm last night he’d been sort of hoping she would meet
this morning. But she was nowhere to be seen. Well she’d be there at
homeroom so he set off down the road feeling only a little
disappointed, this was par for the course after all.


“Eek!” Tusking jumped about. When he settled back down he saw

Mizore standing there just looking at him.

“You know, for a boy you scare pretty easily,” she commented.

Looking embarrassed he tried to play it off. “Heh, sorry about that. I

guess I’m still a little jumpy after everything I saw last night.”

“Well I can understand that.” She came to his side and gently slipped
her fingers between his. She seemed a little nervous to him. “By the
way remember, don’t tell anyone what we saw last night, o.k.?”

“Ah, is that all right? I mean we saw someone get killed, even if it was
in self defense. Shouldn’t we report it?”

“Only if you want to make Moka angry with you.”

His memory of Moka’s true form and the fright it had filled him with
decided him. “I won’t say anything.”

Mizore nodded, and together they headed off to class. She noticed that
Tsukune took walking together hand in hand much more for granted
than she did. She couldn’t help but feel kind of exposed walking with
him like this. As they walked she looked over at him. He was smiling
at her. She looked away and felt herself blush. This feels weird, but kind of


The two of them took their usual seats in the back of the class.

Shortly before the bell rang Moka entered. As usual conversation

suddenly died down as all the boys (except for Tsukune) deliberately
looked away from her. She didn’t act much different than she had the
day before. Tsukune noted that the usual bruises were all gone. Moka
went solemnly to her regular seat and sat down without looking at or
talking to anyone. But he thought that just before she sat down she
sent him a swift and fleeting glance. Mizore noticed it as well and
frowned a little.

The fact that Saizou was missing drew only slight comment. He’d
already been absent a few times. Despite the fact that Saizou was not
present no boy dared so much as look in Moka’s direction. For her part
Moka made no effort to talk to anyone.


After a week the rumors were flying. No one had seen Saizou and
everyone now assumed that something had happened to him,
something fatal most likely. He’d been a trouble maker and a bully and
was not missed. But people naturally wondered what could have
happened to him. People also wondered at the way Moka reacted to
her boyfriend’s mysterious disappearance. She never mentioned his
name and never seemed to worry he might eventually return. There
was talk that maybe the beautiful girl knew more than she was letting


“Can I join you?” A sedate voice asked.

Mizore and Tsukune both looked up from the table where they were
having lunch. The pretty pink haired girl was standing there with her
tray. She was looking at the two of them hopefully.

Mizore opened her mouth to answer but it was Tsukune who spoke
first. “Sure.”

“Thank you!” She quickly sat down in the chair across from Tsukune.
“Most of the other students don’t want me to sit with them.” She
sounded bitter.

“Why wouldn’t they want a pretty girl like you to sit with them?”
Tsukune asked.

Mizore glanced at him a bit worriedly.

“It’s all because of Saizou,” she said miserably. “I never liked him, and
I wound up really hating him. But when he was around no one would
talk to me because they were afraid of him. And now that he’s gone
they’re afraid of me because they think I might have had something to
do with it. It’s just not fair.”

But you did have something to do with it. Tsukune thought. He didn’t blame her
for what she’d done. So far as he was concerned it had been
completely justified. But… justified or not it had certainly been brutal.
“Moka, if you don’t mind my asking, why did you let him treat you the
way that he did? I mean you had the power to stop him at any time.”

No I didn’t,” she told him sadly. “You see most people fear vampires
and try to avoid us. I was very lonely because of that and so I wear
this special rosary that suppresses my vampire powers.” She gave the
rosary a couple tugs. “As you can see I can’t remove it myself, so
despite my power I was helpless until you freed my other self.”

“What do you mean other self?”

“Well, along with suppressing my power it suppresses certain aspects

of my nature as well. Basically I have two separate personalities to go
with my two separate forms.”

“So you have a split personality?” Tsukune asked nervously. The idea
of someone with that sort of power with an unstable mind was scary.

Moka noticed the reaction and reached out to place a comforting hand
over his. “That’s true, but please don’t be frightened. Even if my other
side can be a bit much, she is in your debt just as I am.”

“Most monsters don’t go to that much trouble just to seem human,”

Mizore commented. She deliberately took a hold of his free arm and
wrapped herself around it, sitting right up next to him. Tsukune looked
at her in surprise and began to feel very warm.

Seeing the not too subtle message Moka took her hand back and
looked down embarrassed. “I know that, but just an ordinary
transformation wouldn’t have suppressed my demonic aura. I wanted
to completely hide what I was because I thought it would let me finally
make some friends.” She laughed a little and there was no humor at
all in it. “But I’m starting to think I will never have a friend.”

“Don’t be silly! We’ll be your friends!” Tsukune declared.

Moka looked up at him, sudden hope in her eyes. “You will?”

“We will?” Mizore asked around her lollipop.

Tsukune nodded and turned to Mizore. “Even if Moka is kind of scary

when she transforms she seems like a good person. She didn’t deserve
what happened to her and she doesn’t deserve to be punished for it. I
want us all to be friends.”

Mizore frowned a bit, but finally nodded. “You really do have a kind
heart Tsukune.” She looked over at Moka. “Let’s be friends.”

Moka could hardly believe that she had finally found people willing to
accept her. The fact they had seen the other side of her only made it
that much more amazing. “Really? I’m so glad!” She smiled at
Tsukune. “Since we’re going to be friends do you think it would be all
right if…”

“You can’t drink his blood.” Mizore told her.

“What?” Tsukune suddenly looked nervous.


After school the three of them walked back to the dorms. Mizore
walked hand in hand with Tsukune while Moka trailed close by. As they
went Mizore kept a careful eye on Moka. After the two girls dropped off
Tsukune they both headed towards the girl’s dorm.

“You don’t really like me do you?” Moka asked quietly.

Mizore looked at her, calm as ever. “I don’t dislike you, but I do think
you’re dangerous.”

“I would never hurt you or Tsukune-kun.”

“What about your other personality? The scary one?”

Moka looked away. “I’m sure she would never hurt him either,
though…” Moka’s voice trailed off.

Mizore looked at her sharply. “Yes?”

“When I go without blood for too long,” Moka said quietly. “The craving
can get very strong. And… and he just smells so good.”

“Is that why you like him?” Mizore asked coolly.

“No!” Moka looked at her pleadingly. “I really want this friendship! The
two of you are the only people to ever help me. I really want to get to
know the both of you.”

Mizore nodded as they entered their dorm. “That’s fine, but you need
to understand something.” The look she gave Moka was cold and
without even a trace of sympathy. “If you ever hurt him I’ll make you
pay, is that clear?”

Even though she was a vampire Moka was all too aware of her
weakness given her current form. She understood the threat and
nodded swiftly.


The next morning Tsukune found not one but two beautiful girls
waiting on him. It seemed like a dream come true. Once again they
walked along with their classmates on the road. Mizore’s hand was
once more resting in his. She always felt a little cold, but her touch
was always gentle and she warmed quickly.

Moka was walking nearby as she had the day before observing the two
of them. “So I guess the two of you are a couple.” She stated what
seemed an obvious fact.

“Yes,” Tsukune said.

“No,” Mizore said in the same instant.

The two of them came to an abrupt halt and exchanged confused


“We’re not?” Tsukune asked.

“We are?” Mizore sounded just as surprised.

Moka looked at the two of them as they gawked at one another. “Uh,
so which is it?”

“I thought you said you wanted to be friends.” Mizore said.

“Well I did, but I sort of thought that…” he looked embarrassed and


“Well… I sort of thought that since we were walking together and
holding hands that it meant, well, you know.”

She shook her head slightly. “No I don’t, I am sorry Tsukune, but what
was it supposed to mean?”

Looking even more embarrassed he began to turn red and looked

down at the ground. “Well, uhm, normally only couples hold hands.”

Mizore paused as she took that in. “I see, I’m very sorry for the
misunderstanding Tsukune-kun. I didn’t realize that’s what it meant. I
just did it because you seemed to want me to.” She paused again and
a little color touched her cheeks. “Does that mean you want me to be
your girlfriend?”

He looked back up at her and nodded his head vigorously. “Yes, I want
you to be my girlfriend Mizore-chan.”

“Ah,” the color in her cheeks deepened. “I’m honored that you feel
that way. But I’m not really comfortable with being anyone’s girlfriend
right now. Can we just be friends instead?”

His shoulders slumped and his head drooped as his hopes seemed to
suddenly come crashing down around him. “Sure Mizore-chan, yeah,
we can be just friends.”

Seeing his obvious disappointment she spoke up. “Tsukune please

don’t take this the wrong way. I like you a lot, more than anyone else
here. I’m not saying I’ll never be your girlfriend, it’s just for right
now.” She smiled and tried to cheer him up. “Tsukune-kun, we’ve only
known each other for less than a month. That’s too soon don’t you
think? Let’s be good friends for now and just give it time. All right?”

Neither of them realized the huge misunderstanding that had just

occurred between them. That was because they each had a completely
different definition of what it meant to be a, ‘girlfriend’ or ‘boyfriend.’

For Tsukune having a girlfriend simply meant he had someone who

wanted to be with him more than any other boy. It meant he had
someone to share things with. And a willing partner for kissing (and
possibly more.) His somewhat ambiguous thoughts on what it meant
to be a couple went no further than that. Also, Mizore had used the
unfortunate words, ‘just friends.’ Though she had not realized it she
had spoken the phrase every high school girl used to inform someone
they had no interest in dating, ever. It was a phrase Tsukune was
painfully familiar with. So to Tsukune her words were a complete
rejection of even the possibility of her becoming his girlfriend.

Mizore on the other hand was a snow girl and a member of a race that
was slowly dying out and thus obsessed with procreation and having
children. For her accepting someone as her boyfriend was anything but
frivolous. To her it signified a serious commitment. It meant the
person was worthy not only of being her husband but the father of her
children. And as much as she liked Tsukune she did not feel
comfortable making that sort of commitment to him… yet. But the fact
that she had deliberately told him that she might still be his girlfriend
one day was a sign of just how highly she valued him. What she was
really telling him was that she thought he was good enough to
someday be her mate. So to her it was simply an adult decision to
take the time to be certain. She didn’t consider it a rejection at all, but
an encouragement.

With their status now settled Tsukune glumly began walking again.

“We can still hold hands if you want,” Mizore offered.

He gave her a pallid smile. “That’s o.k.”

Moka smiled at him cheerfully. “I’ll hold your hand if you like Tsukune-

He chuckled a little but shook his head.


In homeroom that day Nekonome-sensei announced that they would

all need to join at least one school activity club.

“There is no better way to understand human society than

participating in one of their sports or pastimes. After class today go
among the many clubs and find the one that suits you. And please
stop by and check out the newspaper club, which I happen to be the
faculty advisor to.”

Mizore looked over to him. “What club do you want to join?”

He shrugged listlessly. “I don’t know I don’t suppose it really matters.”

“You know if you want we can join the same club,” Mizore hinted.
He shook his head. His dream was gone, there was no point in trying
to pretend otherwise. “No, you should find a club that suits you. You
don’t need to try and hang out with me more than you already do.”

She looked at him in surprise and a little bit of hurt. She wanted to hang
out with him more. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”


After class he wandered alone through the crowded main hall. Stands
representing the vast myriad of available clubs. As with most else
about the academy some of the options were pretty creepy. He
wandered past the mummy club, the ghost photography club, the
taxidermist club (you don’t want to know what they had displayed in
front of their stall), and others of a similarly weird bent. He’d have
given up and just gone back to his room except participation in a club
was mandatory. When he’d just about given up hope of finding a club
he might actually enjoy he spotted a beautiful dark haired girl waving
him over. She was wearing an aqua colored bikini top and a matching

“Hello there, I’m swim club captain Ichinose Tamao,” she gave him a
warm inviting smile. “Why not join the swim club? I promise a
memorable time.”

It looked normal. Hell, with all the girls there dressed in swim suits it
looked downright inviting. This is great, he thought. I’m already a good
swimmer. Maybe this way I can meet a girl who actually wants to date me. What he
really wanted was to have Mizore with him. He would have liked to
have seen her in a swimsuit. But she only wanted to be, ‘just friends’ if
he wanted a girlfriend he would need to keep looking.

So he returned Tamao’s smile. “You know I think I’d like to go



For some reason the swim club was all female. Having beautiful girls in
skimpy outfits it was not surprising that they were able to recruit a
good many boys to join them. Going to the academy pool the girls
welcomed them and were happy to provide swimming trunks as well
as plenty of attention. The pool was soon filled with playful guys and
girls. Tsukune meanwhile found himself receiving the full attention of
the lovely Tamao.

“You know you have beautiful form Tsukune.”

“Thank you Tamao-sempai.”

“Where did you learn to swim?”

“Oh I got lessons when I was growing up, my parents thought it was
good exercise and I always liked it.”

“I’m so glad you enjoy the water Tsukune.” She playfully rubbed his
shoulders and pressed herself against his back. “Do you know you
have the most wonderful scent, just like a human’s.”

“Uh, really?” It wasn’t surprising given that was what he was.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Do you want to know a
secret? I’ve had my eye on you since the entrance ceremony. I was
hoping to find a way to lure you down to the pool, and here you are.”

“Well that’s really kind of you,” Tsukune told her.

“Oh, kindness has nothing to do it.” She giggled.

All of a sudden there was scream from the other end of the pool.
Tsukune turned and saw one of the other boys getting bitten by a girl.
As he watched the boy’s dark hair turned snow white and he seemed
to age instantly into an old man. The other boys who witnessed this
began to panic as the girls suddenly turned on them.

“A little early, but who can blame them?” Tamao teased.

Tsukune looked at her in panic. “Tamao-sempai, what’s going on?”

“They’re feeding on life force,” as she spoke she began to transform.

Her legs and lower body turned into a fishlike tail as her jaw grew and
became filled with razor sharp teeth. “Don’t think too badly of us, for
mermaids this is nature’s call. We are the doom of men.” Fully
transformed she began to swim around him in a wide circle. “You’re
special Tsukune! I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve had my eye on you
since the entrance ceremony. I won’t simply drain you of most of your
life force. I want to EAT you! You smell so wonderful I can’t wait to
taste your flesh!”

There was no way for him to escape. I’m really going to be eaten!
“Leave Tsukune alone!” A familiar voice shouted from the edge of the

“Mizore!” Tsukune called to her.

Tamao looked over at the girl unimpressed. “Stay out of this, you can’t
save him anyway. In water a mermaid is invincible!”

“How are you in ice?” Mizore reached down and touched the pool water
with her hand. Spreading out from that spot the water began turning
to solid ice. Tamao was caught underneath the water and frozen in
place. Tsukune was bobbing up and down and so was frozen up to his
waist. The entire pool was frozen trapping the mermaids and their
victims alike.

Mizore hurried over to him and cut him free. “I’m sorry for freezing
you Tsukune, it was the only way for me to stop her in time.”

“Th.. th… that’s a.. all ri… ri… right.” A shivering Tsukune stammered
out his thanks.


A few hours later Tsukune was in his room wrapped in a blanket and
having some hot chicken soup that Mizore had made for him.
Technically girls were not allowed past the first floor of his dorm, but
somehow when she’d shown up with her bowl of soup he hadn’t been
surprised. She was sitting next to him, clearly concerned about his
health. He smiled at her gratefully. Even if she didn’t want to be more
than just friends he was really lucky to have such an amazing girl in
his life.

“Thanks for saving me again, it’s getting to be a habit huh?”

She shrugged. “I don’t mind. You need to be more careful with who
you hang out with though. In this place people are rarely what they
seem to be.”

He sneezed. “Yeah, I’m starting to realize that.” He looked at her

knowingly. “Were you stalking me again?”

“Yes, like I’ve already told you Tsukune I like to be near you.”

He just nodded. Under different circumstances a girl stalking him all

the time would have freaked him out. The way things were though he
found the thought of her being nearby most of the time sort of
comforting. “Mizore-chan, if you still want, lets join the same club. I’d
definitely like to spend more time with you.”

She nodded and seemed pleased. “All right, but that means you’ll have
to join the newspaper club then. I’ve already signed up to be a

“Oh yeah? Why them?”

“Well, I sort of think I might have some natural talent as an

investigative reporter.”

He nodded, he could definitely see it. The way she could just appear
and disappear at will meant she could find out things other people
wanted to keep hidden. “You know that doesn’t sound too bad.” He
made his decision. “I’ll join too.”
Chapter 4. Newspaper club.
“Good morning Tsukune-kun!” Moka greeted him as he left his dorm.

“Morning Moka,” he took a quick look around. “I don’t see Mizore

anywhere I wonder if she’s stalking me right now.” It was odd the
things he had just come to accept. Like the fact that everyone around
him was a monster. Or that fact the girl he really liked was a stalker.
Or that the other girl he was on good terms with was a scary vampire
and killer.

“Hey Tsukune have you picked a club yet?”

“Yeah, Mizore-chan and I have both decided to join the newspaper


“Oh! Then I want to join it as well! You and Mizore are my only friends
here and I’d like…” she seemed to pause. The pause stretched out and
her eyes seemed to lose focus. She then stumbled a bit and pitched

“Hey! Moka-chan are you all right?” He caught her before she could hit
the ground. “Moka-chan? Moka-chan are you o.k.?”

“Take it easy Tsukune-kun,” since he was already preoccupied with

Moka he didn’t think twice about Mizore’s sudden appearance. “I think
she just fainted, let’s set her down and give her a minute.”

Tsukune carried her off the road and put her down in the shade of a
withered tree. They both stayed with her and after a few minutes she
finally opened her eyes.

“Wha… what happened?”

“You were talking to me and then all of a sudden you just fainted. Are
you all right?”

A bit wearily she nodded her head. “I’m very sorry if I worried you.”

“What just happened?” Tsukune asked.

“Ah, well, it’s my anemia.” She looked uncomfortable as she explained.

“You see I haven’t had any blood since I’ve come here, and I’m afraid
it has weakened me.”
“But… but you’re able to eat regular food right?” Tsukune said. “I
mean we’ve had lunch together so you can feed that way right?”

“That’s true,” she admitted tiredly. “But my body can’t draw as much
nutrition from regular food as you can. I’m a blood drinker by nature
and that’s what my body craves and needs.” She saw the alarm in his
face and looked away. “I’m sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s my

Don’t think too badly of us, for mermaids this is nature’s call. That was what
Tamao had said when the mermaids had begun their attack. She had
wanted to eat him. “Are you saying you’ll die if you don’t drink blood?”
To his relief she shook her head.

“I can get enough from the regular food to survive, I’ll just be weak
though and… well hungry.”

Tsukune didn’t like the thought of a hungry vampire. “Uhm, how much
blood do you normally drink? I uhm, mean do you kill…”

“No!” She immediately shook her head. “I might drink one cup’s worth
in a day, at most. Vampires don’t drink enough to kill during a normal
feeding. We take a great deal of energy from the blood we drink and
don’t need that much.”

He thought about it carefully. He looked the girl in the eye. “If I give
you permission to drink my blood will you promise to never drink more
than is safe and to never drink unless I give you permission first?”

“Tsukune what are you saying?” Mizore asked sharply. “She’s a

vampire; do you really want her drinking your blood?”

“She may be a vampire, but she’s also my friend. She’s suffering from
hunger and weakness. If I can help her then I will, that’s what it
means to be a friend.”

Hearing his kind words made Moka feel very warm. “Tsukune-kun,”
her voice was just above a whisper. “I give you my most solemn
promise, I will never drink more than is safe and I will never drink
unless you first give me your permission.”

He nodded to her. “I am going to put my trust in you Moka-chan, so

please don’t betray me.” He turned his neck to her. “Go ahead and
“Thank you Tsukune,” she was actually drooling as she sank her fangs
into him. The pain was more than he’d expected and let out a short
sharp cry. She didn’t mind, his hot delicious blood flowed into her
eager mouth and down her throat, filling her with fresh strength. She’d
never done this before, taken blood directly from someone. She’d
always drunk from transfusion packs, she suddenly wondered why.
That blood was cold, bland; it gave her nutrition but nothing else.
Tsukune’s blood was hot and filled with life; she had ever tasted
anything like this before. I could get used to this.

Mizore stood there watching like a hawk. It was clear that this was
hurting him, but he wasn’t trying to make her stop. It was just as
obvious that Moka was in ecstasy. Mizore clenched her fists. She didn’t
even notice her nails were cutting into the palms of her hand.

Finally Moka released him. She sat back with fresh color in her cheeks
and let out a happy sigh. “Oh thank you Tsukune! I swear your blood
is the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.” She smiled at him
eagerly. “I think I’m going to get addicted.”

Tsukune slapped a hand over the spot where she had bitten him. His
instinct was to start running around and crying about having his blood
sucked. But he’d given permission and didn’t want to look so weak in
front of the girls. “You’re welcome Moka-chan, I hope it helps.” As he
pulled his hand away he noted there was no open wound, just a bruise
that looked sort of like a hickey.

“Oh it did Tsukune-kun! I feel much better now.” She sprang to her
feet. “See? Thanks to you I feel wonderful!”

“How do you feel Tsukune-kun? Do you want to rest?” Mizore asked.

He shook his head. The truth was he did feel a little tired all of a
sudden, but he didn’t want to worry either girl or make Moka feel bad.
“No, I’m fine. Come on, we better get going or we’ll be late.”

As Tsukune headed back onto the road Mizore grabbed Moka by the
arm, holding her up and allowing the two of them a moment alone.

“Tsukune-kun has a very kind heart and is very trusting. I hope you
don’t plan to try and take advantage of that trust.” Mizore told her
quietly. “Because I won’t tolerate that.”

“Of course I won’t!” Moka answered. “Please believe me, Tsukune-kun

is a precious friend to me and I would never hurt him.”
“Make sure that you don’t, or I will hurt you.” Mizore let go of her arm
and hurried to catch up to him.


After class the three of them went down to newspaper room for their
first day with their new club. There the faculty advisor welcomed

“O.k. everyone, thank you for joining! Now lets all get down to running
a newspaper!” Nekonome-sensei told them enthusiastically.

Tsukune looked around at the empty classroom. Except for the three
of them all the seats were empty. “Uhm, excuse me Nekonome-sensei,
but are we it?”

“Don’t be silly!” she looked over to see the door to the classroom
opening. “Ah! Here is your other member and the editor of the

A fairly tall boy with flowing black hair and a headband walked in
holding a pair of bouquets. “Greeting,” he said with a winning smile. “I
am Morioka Ginei, but you can all just call me Gin.” He handed the
flowers to Mizore and Moka. He seemed to give Moka slightly more
attention. “I only wish the flower existed that could match your
beauty.” He told her.

Moka accepted the bouquet from him but seemed a bit uncomfortable.

“You can ask Gin any questions you might have; after all he is a
sophomore.” Nekonome-sensei turned to leave. “Well I have to get to
a faculty meeting, Gin I leave them in your capable hands.”

“You can count on me sensei.”


Gin quickly ran over the basics of what would be required of them.

“We publish weekly. The papers are printed on Monday and distributed
to all the students on Tuesday morning. That means we have a weekly
deadline of Monday at eight a.m., be warned, we may have to pull
some all nighters to get the paper done on time. Whatever happens
the paper has to be ready by the deadline. Now being a school paper
with a limited staff means that each of you will have a lot of
responsibilities. Content wise we’re pretty much wide open, you’re free
to write about almost anything, so long as what you write is factual
and at least some what newsworthy.” He broke off to have a quick cup
of coffee.

“Now I need each of you to provide me with at least three thousand

words of usable text. If you can do more that’s fine, but I need at least
three thousand from each of you every week. You can submit a single
article or if you prefer multiple shorter articles. If you can draw or take
photos that’s fine as well, I happen to be a photo journalist myself. As
editor you’ll submit everything to me and I’ll make all the final
decisions. Now since today is Wednesday we need to get busy.” He
gave them all a winning smile. “I suggest we split up into teams of two
and go out to start looking for some good stories!”

Both Mizore and Moka raised their hands and spoke in the same
instant. “I want to work with Tsukune.” They turned to stare down one

Gin laughed slightly. “My Tsukune, you’re a popular fellow with the
ladies aren’t you? I never would have guessed given your average


“Heh, just kidding. For now why don’t you work with Mizore while I
work with Moka?”

“That’s fine with me,” Mizore said with a smile.

Moka looked very disappointed.

Gin approached her with a happy grin. “Don’t worry lovely Moka; you
can trust me to guide you through this experience. Just put your faith
in me.” He tried to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, only to
have it suddenly slapped away.

“Don’t touch me!”

Gin backed up a step while Mizore and Tsukune both looked over in
surprise at her sudden and vehement reaction.

“Are you all right Moka-chan?”

Looking flushed and embarrassed she nodded. “I’m fine.” She stood up
and bowed to Gin. “Please for give me, but I don’t like being touched
by strange men.”

“No problem,” Gin said sympathetically. “Please believe me when I say

my intentions are completely honorable.” Gin made a mental note that
he would need to take things much more slowly with her than he’d
originally planned. He didn’t mind too much, she was an amazing
beauty and definitely worthy the extra effort.


“So where do you think we should start?’ Tsukune asked once they’d

“Actually Tsukune-kun I already have a story in mind. Girls have been

complaining about someone who goes around peeping in their
windows on nights of the full moon. Since tonight is a full moon I’m
going to find out who it is. I’d ask you along but you’re not very

“I understand,” he sounded disappointed. “But what am I supposed to


“Well, you’re surprisingly good at winning people over, I mean just

look at me and Moka. Why don’t you try and interview someone?”

He thought about it. “You know Mizore-chan; I think that’s a good

idea. I bet I could write up a pretty interesting piece, and I think I
know just who to interview too.”


Tsukune was waiting patiently in the girl’s dorm lobby. He’d sent up
his request to the room. Now all he could do was wait and see if it
would be granted. He was relieved to see a certain girl come skipping
out into the lobby area. He carefully approached her and gave her a
small bow.

“Thank you for honoring my request for an interview; I am Aono

Tsukune new member of the newspaper club.”

The blue haired girl laughed and began bouncing up and down
excitedly. “Yahoo! I am always happy to let more people know about
me. I am of course Kurono Kurumu, the most beautiful and popular
girl in school.”
Though she had a pretty high opinion of herself, she probably was the
most popular girl in school. So far as he was concerned Mizore had the
title of most beautiful. But in any case just about every boy in the
academy would want to know more about her. “So, why don’t we
begin the interview…”
Chapter 5. Interview with the succubus.
“Yahoo! I’m very pleased to meet you.” And as a way of greeting the
buxom girl gave him a hug that threatened to cave in his chest with
her massive breasts. Tsukune tried very hard not to react but couldn’t
keep from blushing. When Kurumu finally let him go she saw his
reaction and seemed very pleased.

“Uhm, ah, why, why don’t we start the interview?”

“If you want,” she peered at him closely with those startling lavender
eyes. “Are you really a reporter with the school paper?”

“Yes I am, why would I lie about such a thing?”

“Well so you could get the chance to talk to me of course,” she

giggled. “If you’re not really with the paper you can tell me, I won’t be
mad. It’s actually one of the more original lines I’ve heard.”

“Uhm I really am with the paper,” something about the girl was
making him feel sort of flustered and nervous.

“Well that’s fine too,” she expertly grabbed a hold of his right arm and
buried it within her soft chest. “Why don’t we go talk in the cafeteria?
I’d invite you up to my room but that ogre over there won’t let me.”

Behind the lobby’s front desk a three hundred pound woman with
thinning hair growled dangerously in their direction. Tsukune wanted
to mouth an apology (even though he hadn’t been the one to say
anything.) Kurumu was gleefully oblivious as she dragged Tsukune
into the cafeteria. It was past eight so the kitchen was closed and the
cafeteria mostly deserted. There were a few girls though who were
using the tables to study. When he and Kurumu entered some of them
looked in their direction. Their looks were cold and contemptuous and
they quickly looked away.

“Uhm, is it me, or dot eh girls here not like you very much?”

“Oh they’re just jealous,” she said dismissively. “Who cares what they
think anyway?”

He pulled out a chair for her and then sat across from her. As soon as
he sat down she leaned across the table to get a closer look at his
face. “You know Tsukune-kun, you’re kind of cute, in a dorky sort of
way, and you’ve got a heavenly scent, almost like a human’s. I can’t
believe I’ve never seen you before.”

“Uhm, actually we’re in the same homeroom.”

“We are? I’ve never noticed.” She smiled obliviously. “Yahoo, well
that’s great, you should come sit near me then.”

“I don’t think the other guys would appreciate that,” Tsukune said.
Actually I’m pretty sure they would beat the crap out of me. Every seat around
Kurumu’s was filled with one of her adoring admirers. Intruders were
not welcome. “Anyway I like sitting with Mizore.”

Kurumu suddenly seemed more interested. “That your girlfriend?”

Tsukune’s face began to blush. “No, she and I are just friends.”

“Just friends?” Kurumu looked sympathetic, she knew what that

phrase meant. “Aw, you poor thing.” She put a hand over his and
somehow this simple gesture caused his heartbeat to rise.

“Uhm, ah, there’s nothing wrong with just being friends with a girl.”

“Of course there’s not, or so I hear.”

“I’m also friends with Moka,” he threw in off handedly. As soon as he

mentioned that name though Kurumu’s expression changed, or at
least he thought it did. For just a second he thought he saw anger. If
he did it was gone in an instant.

“Oh really?” Kurumu said sweetly. “You must be a brave one Tsukune.
The last boy she liked disappeared without a trace. The rumors say
Moka did something to him.”

Those rumors are true Tsukune thought. “Moka is a sweet girl, and a friend,
she would never hurt me.” I hope.

“You’re really very trusting aren’t you?” Kurumu purred. “That’s so

cute.” She was leaning closer to him and starting to make him kind of

“Uhm, you know we’ve gotten kind of off topic. Why don’t we start the
interview?” He gently pulled his hand out of hers and opened his
notebook. “First question; what do you like best about Youkai
“The boys,” answered immediately.

“What do you like least?”

“The girls, they’re all so petty and jealous.”

“Favorite class?”

“Home ec! I love to bake!”

“Really, that’s interesting. Any other hobbies or favorite past times?”

“I like flying, shopping, and turning boys into my willing slaves.”

“I don’t think that last one really counts as a hobby.”

She thought about it for a bit and giggled. “You’re right; it’s kind of my

“Mission?” He asked curiously.

She nodded. “I am a succubus, my power is to seduce and control

men. I’ve come here to reduce the entire male population into willing
slaves. You see, my race is slowly dying out, so each succubus has a
single vital mission. We must weed through any number of guys to
find one special male worthy of being with and fathering her children.
We must each find a destined one.”

“So you’re looking for your one true love?” He sent her a warm and
sincere smile. “That’s really great.”

For some reason she didn’t understand when he smiled at her like that
her heart skipped a beat and her face heated up. What the? Why… why am
I feeling like this? She took a closer look at the boy sitting across from

“But what about all the other boys that are always with you?” Tsukune

“What about them?”

“Well, what will you do when you find your one true love?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean how are you going to get rid of them once you’ve found your,
‘destined one?’”

“Get rid of them? Are you kidding? I’ll keep a few to be my back up
lovers and I’ll find some use for the rest of them. Maybe I’ll have them
build me a house or something.”

He stared at her. “You would really do that? You’d have lovers and
other guys even if you fell in love with someone?”

“Well sure,” she said happily.

Tsukune shook his head. “I could never accept that.” He tried to

imaging Mizore surrounded by other guys. Even though he knew they
were only friends just the thought bothered him. “If I was in love with
a girl I wouldn’t let her be with any other guy but me.”

“What if she told you she wouldn’t be with you otherwise?”

“Then I would end things with her.” Even though he had never had a
girlfriend or a date or even a kiss, he sounded very certain.

“You’d give up on your true love just like that?” Kurumu said teasingly.

He gave her a sudden sharp look that made her sit back. “If she still
wanted other guys then it really wasn’t love.”

She felt her heart skip a beat again.

“Anyway… that’s what I think.” He looked back down at his notebook.

“So what do you look for in a guy?”

“He needs to be completely devoted to me and obey my every whim.”

He gawked at her.

“What?” He was making her feel a little self conscious.

“When you say you want to make these boys your slaves you really do
mean it don’t you?”

“Well what else are boys good for?”

“How about being friends?” Tsukune asked quietly. “Wouldn’t you

rather have someone who genuinely cared about you instead of
someone who just did as he was told?”
She looked at him, not really sure how to answer. She had never really
thought about it that way. She had always just sort of assumed that
boys were there to be used.

“Would you like to go flying with me?”


She reached out and took his hand again. “It’s the most amazing thing
in the world, soaring free high above the ground. It’s one of the things
I love to do. Have you ever tried it?”

He shook his head. He’d been on a train many times and even on a
couple boats, but he’d never flown before.

“Well what do you say I take you flying with me?”

He considered it. “Would it be safe?”

She smiled reassuringly. “Absolutely! I’ve been flying since I was


“Really? I didn’t think you could even get a pilot’s license at that age.”

She stared at him for just a second before she burst out laughing. “Oh
that’s funny! Yahoo! Oh Tsukune you have a great sense of humor,
pilot’s license!” She dissolved into laughter.

Not really seeing the joke he tried to laugh along with her.

“So what do you say? After the interview you want to go flying with

“Su… sure, but ah, is there really an airfield that close by?”

She clutched at her stomach and began howling with laughter again.
“Oh stop, stop…”

He stared at her and again pretended to laugh, still not seeing what
was so funny.


Mizore was standing behind a tree near the girls’ dorm. So far there
had been no sign of the peeper, but it was still early evening. She was
extremely patient by nature and would remain until at least midnight.
As she was standing there she thought she heard a very faint high
pitched scream. She looked all about trying to find where the sound
was coming from. Since it was so faint she couldn’t figure out the
direction. But no matter where she looked she could not find a source
for the noise. She finally decided she was hearing things and got back
to her stake out.

Had she thought to look directly above she would have noticed two
small figures in the night sky outlined by the blood red moon.


“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Seeing the ground so far below he clutched onto

her for dear life.

Kurumu laughed at his antics, not minding them in the least. “Yahoo!
You’re so funny Tsukune, pretending to be scared. You don’t need to
pretend just to give me a hug you know.” Her tail was wagging back
and forth as she was really enjoying herself. “Hey! Let’s see how fast
we can dive! With your extra weight it should be pretty fast!” She
contracted her leathery wings and they began to plummet head first
towards the ground.

As Tsukune began screaming again Kurumu laughed and decided this

was definitely the most fun she’d ever had with a guy.
Chapter 6. A few pictures.
“You don’t look so good,” Mizore spoke with concern in her voice.

Well it was true. Tsukune really didn’t look good. There were dark
circles beneath his eyes, his complexion was pasty and pale, and he
was slumped over his desk barley awake.

“I didn’t sleep last night,” he muttered numbly. “Every time I closed

my eyes I had a nightmare.” He kept seeing the ground rushing up to
meet him as a maniacal voice kept laughing and shouting, ‘yahoo,

“Poor Tsukune!” Moka said sympathetically. She was sitting in the

back row with him today. She was on one side and Mizore on the
other. “Maybe you should just go back to bed and forget class today.”

He lifted his head a bit and gave her a weary smile. “I’ll be fine, and I
don’t want to miss class or club.”

“Speaking of club, did you manage to get an interview yesterday?”

Mizore asked.

Smothering a yawn he nodded. “Yeah I sure did, though it was a scary


“Scary?” Mizore sounded surprised. “Just who did you interview?”

“Kurumu,” he answered tiredly.

“Kurumu? You mean the empty headed girl with all her weight in her
chest?” Mizore asked. Seeing his sleepy nod she continued. “Why
would you want to interview her?” She gave him a suspicious look.
“You weren’t just trying to stare at her breasts were you?”

Moka gasped. “Oh Tsukune, you didn’t did you?”

“No! Of course not.” Though exhausted he sat up to defend himself

from such baseless accusations. “I just thought that since she was so
popular she would make a good subject for an interview. That was all.”

“So all you did was interview her and nothing else right?” Mizore asked
looking at him closely.
“Well… something kind of happened after the interview.”

“What?” Mizore demanded.

And as luck would have it Kurumu picked that moment to stroll into
home room. As always happened her adoring fanboys all called out an
eager greeting to her. She acknowledged them as she always did but
rather than go over to her usual seat she headed straight to where
Tsukune was.

“Yahoo, I guess we really are in the same homeroom after all.” She
began to giggle and bounce around a bit. “Last night was really fun
Tsukune, we should do it again some time.”

The thought of going through that a second time made him shiver in
sheer dread.

Kurumu noted it and began to bounce up and down even more. He’s so
excited by the idea he’s shivering in anticipation!

Before Tsukune could get up the nerve to actually answer her Mizore
pointedly reached out and took his arm. “Tsukune-kun is going to be
very busy. I’m not sure how much free time he is going to have.”

“That’s right,” Moka declared as she took Tsukune’s other arm. “So
please leave Tsukune-kun alone.”

Mizore sent a not too friendly glance in Moka’s direction.

Kurumu meanwhile looked smugly at the two girls. “Tsukune-kun is

really lucky to have two such pretty girls to be just friends with him.”
As both girls were still holding his arms she suddenly stepped forward
to grab his face and shove it into her oversized chest. He struggled
helplessly as he was being slowly smothered. “Well I just wanted to
say hi, I’ll talk to you later Tsukune-kun.” As she walked back to her
seat the boys who made up her fan club looked at him with deep
seated hostility. Tsukune didn’t really notice as he was busy inhaling


“So what do you think?” A still weary Tsukune asked. He had somehow
managed to get through class and was now sitting in the newspaper
room waiting on their editor. “Since I couldn’t get any sleep last night I
stayed up and typed my article. Do you think it’s any good?”
Mizore finished reading it and looked over at him. She spoke in a voice
that was completely serious. “I think it’s great.”

“Really? You’re not just saying that to be nice are you?”

She shook her head. “I like your writing style Tsukune. You write from
the perspective of a weak person and I can relate to that.”

“But you’re not weak Mizore-chan,” Tsukune protested.

“I am in some ways,” she answered easily. “But what you wrote was
really entertaining. I especially like the part,” she looked back at his
article and found it. “’I am plummeting towards my death as a girl is
laughing and my life is flashing before my eyes, and all I can think
about is how I have never even kissed a girl.’” She looked from the
article back at him. “That’s very interesting.”

“Is that true Tsukune?” Moka asked. “Have you really never kissed a

With an embarrassed look he nodded. “Yeah, I’ve actually never even

had a date or a girlfriend either. You know maybe I should just edit
that whole part out.”

Mizore shook her head immediately. “No, I think it’s the best part of
the whole article. It really lets the reader sympathize with you.”

“I know I sympathize with you Tsukune-kun,” Moka smiled at him

shyly. “You know Tsukune-kun, if you like; we could go on a date.”

“Is this just an excuse for you to try and drink more of his blood?”
Mizore asked coolly.

Moka’s face darkened a bit. “No it’s not! I just thought that since
Tsukune’s never been on a date with a girl before I could show him
what its like.”

Great, I’m so pathetic she wants to take me out on a pity date. “That’s nice of you to
offer Moka-chan, but I don’t think that would be a good idea right

“Oh,” Moka sounded disappointed. “All right Tsukune-kun.”

Though Mizore didn’t show it she felt relieved at hearing his reply.

The door opened and Gin strolled in with his usual smile. In his hand
he held a single rose. “Good afternoon everyone, it’s good to see all of
you.” He approached Moka and handed her the rose. “May I just say
you are looking as lovely as ever dear Moka.”

Fidgeting slightly Moka took the rose from him. “Ah, thank you Gin-

“Please just call me Gin,” he told her as warmly as he could. “Well

since we’re a day closer to the deadline I want to know what sort of
progress you’ve made on your first article.”

Moka nodded and handed him a notebook. “Here, I’ve been working
on an article about self defense for women dealing with lecherous or
abusive men.”

Gin’s smile flattened out as he began reading some of what she’d

written down. “You seem to have come up with some pretty… violent
solutions here.”

Moka crossed her arms over her chest. “A woman is entitled to defend
herself in any way necessary, especially from men who just want to
use her.”

He handed the notebook back to her. “You know not all men are like
that sweet Moka.”

She glanced over at Tsukune and smiled. “I know.”

Gin looked at Tsukune and gave a very dry chuckle. “So what do you
have so far?”

“Here,” he handed over the article.

Gin took it from him and read it. When he was most of the way
through he glanced over at the author. “This isn’t too bad. I like your
subject matter, I’ve got to admit it was a pretty clever way to get
some alone time with the Academy’s number one beauty. And you
even got her to take you flying with her?” he gave Tsukune a very
wide and knowing smile. “Very nice move, you’re actually quite the
player, eh Tsukune?”

“It was nothing like that,” Tsukune protested. “I just asked to

interview her because I thought it would make for a popular piece. I
never had any intention of anything more happening.”
“Sure you didn’t,” Gin said humorously. “Still, the fact is it sounds like
you got this girl’s attention. So what are you going to do about it?”

“Do about it?”

Gin nodded. “Well yes, the lovely little Kurumu is interested in you. Do
you have any idea how many boys here would kill, literally, to be in
your situation? You need to take advantage of the situation.”

“Ah, I don’t think she’s exactly my type.” Tsukune admitted.

“What you don’t like petite beautiful girls with huge breasts?”

“Uhm well,” he tried to answer. The truth was he really did like
Kurumu’s body. It was her personality and how she treated guys he
had a problem with. He didn’t care for the idea of just being one of
her, ‘slaves.’

“Tsukune doesn’t need to settle for an empty headed little doll.” Mizore
said firmly. She reached out and took hold of one of his arms again. “I
am sure he can do much better.”

“That’s right!” Moka took his other arm. “Tsukune is special and any
girl who would want to be with him.”

“Really?” Though Gin continued to smile his voice strained a bit. “Well
isn’t that nice? Say Tsukune, I have a little job I need help with later.
Think you could give me a hand?”

“Sure, happy too.”

“Great,” Gin’s smile changed, it seemed to become just a bit


Mizore noted it and didn’t like the way Gin was looking at Tsukune.

“So how about you?” Gin finally turned his attention to her. “What
have you got to show me?”

“I haven’t written anything yet,” she said calmly. “I’m still

investigating my story.”

Gin frowned at her. “It’s fine that you’re trying to be an investigative

reporter, but I need to see results and soon. I need three thousand
words from you. I want to see some hard copy tomorrow or else you
need to switch your story to something different.” He never even
bothered to ask what exactly she was investigating.


“So what are we doing here again?” Tsukune asked. Following the end
of club Gin had led him to section of the back of the school without
giving him any reason why.

“Oh we’re going to be meeting some people,” Gin said innocently. He

pointed to one of the windows at the back of the school. “Hey Tsukune
why don’t you climb up there and have a quick look to see if they’ve

“Huh? You want me to peek in a window?”

“Don’t worry, it won’t bite.”Gin laughed.

The small window Gin had pointed to was about eight feet high.
Tsukune looked about and spotted some empty crates. He stacked
them on top of one another and began to climb.

“Moka is quite a beautiful woman, don’t you think?”

“I suppose,” the crates were wobbling and he was trying to keep his
balance. “But I think Mizore is much more beautiful.”

“Well I’m glad to hear you think that. All the same it’s pretty obvious
that she has her eye on you. That’s a problem.”

“What do you mean?” Bracing against the wall he steadied himself.

“I mean I’ve decided to make her my woman and I don’t plan on

anything getting in the way.”

Tsukune looked over at him and frowned. “I think Saizou said the
same thing. Moka-chan will decide who she wants to be with. If you
try and force her I don’t think she will appreciate it.”

Gin smiled smugly at him. “Take a look and tell me if our guests have
arrived yet.”

Tsukune faced the wall and got up on his toes to be able to look in the
window. What he saw was six or seven girls getting dressed. His face
turned red and he quickly looked away. “Sempai! This is…”

“The girls’ changing room,” Gin had his camera out and was snapping
away. “Peeping is a crime Tsukune-kun.” Gin said cheerfully.

“So is blackmailing someone,” a girl’s voice said coolly.

Gin turned around to see Mizore standing behind him with a small
camera of her own. “I thought you were up to something so I followed
the two of you. I have evidence of you trying to frame Tsukune. I
wonder what sensei would say if I showed this to her?”

“Hey! Give me that!” Gin tried to get to her but slid on the ice that was
suddenly coating the alley way. He tripped and fell sending the camera
flying out of his hands. It landed near Mizore who picked it up. “Hey
that’s mine!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to steal it,” she said calmly. “All I’m going
to do is erase a few pictures.” She pressed a couple buttons and the
pictures were deleted. “Now I promise not to tell anyone else about
this or show them my pictures so long as you don’t try anything with
Tsukune or me. Not only would you get in trouble with sensei but I
doubt Moka would want anything to do with a blackmailer.”

Tsukune came over to stand beside her. “I can’t believe you would do
something like that sempai. What a dirty trick!”

Gin got back up carefully and laughed at him. “Even if the girls all
seem to like you you’re a real idiot. Of course I’ll do anything I have
to, to make Moka mine.”

“You really are just like Saizou aren’t you?” Tsukune said angrily.

Gin looked back a little nervous. “Not so loud or the girls will hear.”

“Tsukune,” Mizore spoke gently. “Why don’t you leave this to me? You
should head back to your room and I’ll catch up to you in a bit.”

He looked at her in surprise. “Are you sure Mizore-chan?”

“I’m sure, and if you happen to run into Moka please don’t mention
any of this to her.”


“Please trust me Tsukune.”

He did not look happy, but he nodded and left.

“He really is an idiot isn’t he?” Gin said as soon as Tsukune was gone.

“What he is, is a sweet kind boy, something that you wouldn’t


“Well you’ve got me there.” He eyed her suspiciously. “So you sent
him away, why?”

“I just want to make sure we understand each other.” She said simply.
“If you want to chase after Moka feel free, but I doubt you’ll ever get
what you want.” She waved her camera about. “I am completely
willing to go to sensei and Moka and show them what you were up to.
But as long as you don’t cause trouble for Tsukune I won’t. Do we
have a deal?”

“You promise not to say a word to Moka?”

“I won’t say anything and neither will he… about this. Any other trouble
you get yourself in is another story.”

“Fine, you’ve got a deal.”

“Good,” she brought her camera up to her eye.

“What are you doing?” Gin asked anxiously.

“I’m about to get those results you were wanting to see tomorrow.”


“Eeeek!” She suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. “There’s a

boy peeping!”

“What are you doing?!”

The door behind him suddenly slammed open. “It’s true look!” A girl’s
voice cried out.

“Get him!” A different one screamed.

Gin tried to run for it but again slipped on the ice as a pack of furious
women closed in on him.

Mizore stayed just long enough to snap a few pictures before

Chapter 7. First edition.
“Yo, Tsukune,” Mizore opened up his third story window and popped
into his room. It did not even occur to her that some people might
consider what she was doing intrusive or borderline scary. She wanted
to see him and she was not about to let some silly rule about girls not
being allowed past the first floor get in the way. “You’ll never

She’d been about to tell him about the sweet justice she had inflicted
on that idiot Gin. She didn’t bother to continue because he was lying
sprawled out on his sleeping mat still fully dressed. Since he was
snoring it was pretty obvious that he was asleep. Seeing him lying
there peacefully asleep she couldn’t help but smile. As cute as she
thought he was normally he was even cuter now. “Well, I suppose this
can wait until tomorrow.”

Without really thinking about it she went over and removed his shoes.
She then took off his jacket and tie. With her monstrous strength she
easily, but gently, lifted him so she could put him down again and
cover him with a blanket. With that done she nodded to herself well
pleased. He should be able to sleep comfortably now.

Now she could go and start writing up the story to go with her
pictures. But instead she remained right where she was, kneeling in
the floor beside him. Her eyes were drawn to his face, especially to his

‘I have never kissed a girl.’ Tsukune had said.

I have never kissed a boy. Mizore thought.

There’d been a boy she’d cared for once, a human boy name Keitaro.
He’d lived in a little human village near her home. He’d had the
kindest eyes and when he’d smiled at her she’d gotten a warm feeling.
He’d said she was special and that he cared for her. So one day she’d
brought him to the sacred field where the white maidens grew. She’d
shown him her true form and asked him if he would promise to wait
for her. She’d hoped to hear him pledge himself to her.

But instead his eyes had looked at her with hatred and fear, and he’d
run from her crying out that she was a monster who only wanted to
devour him.
When she’d first realized that Tsukune was human she’d wondered if
he would also end up looking at her with hatred and fear. When she’d
been forced to reveal her true form in order to protect him she’d
feared he would hate her.

‘Why would it?’ Tsukune had said. ‘You’re beautiful.’

Hearing him say that had made her feel very warm. Looking at his
peaceful face she wondered what it would feel like to just lean down a
little and press her lips to his. The idea of not only getting her first kiss
but stealing Tsukune’s first made her heart begin to drum within her

Reaching out with one hand she tenderly caressed his cheek. He was
so warm. Looking at his sleeping face she found she really wanted to
kiss him. She longed to kiss him.

But not like this. She stood up and went to his window. When I kiss him I
want him to kiss me. She gave his sleeping form a last smile and left.


Nekonome-sensei was in the newspaper room following class as they

gathered for club.

“Ah, unfortunately I am afraid Gin will be in the infirmary for at least a

week. He received quite a beating following the, ah, incident.”

“What happened?” Moka asked.

“The girls beat him for peeping while they were changing,” Mizore told
her. “You can read all about it in my article.”

Moka frowned and looked very upset. “I hate perverts!”

Good luck winning her over now Gin, Mizore thought. Though I don’t think he ever
stood much of a chance.

Moka looked over at Tsukune. “You aren’t a pervert are you Tsukune?”

He shook his head vehemently. “No Moka-chan, I would never do

anything like that.”

Moka smiled shyly and looked relieved. “Good! I never thought you
Mizore frowned at the pink haired girl but did not say anything. With
Nekonome there to oversee things they made a lot of progress
towards getting the paper done on time.


“Do you think Moka is beautiful?” Mizore asked out of the blue as they
were walking back together.

“Huh? Where did this come from?”

“I know a lot of the boys think she is very beautiful.” Mizore said
simply. “If everything with Saizou hadn’t happened she probably would
have had a fan club like Kurumu’s.”

“Well Moka-chan is definitely very cute,” he admitted.

“And what about Kurumu?”

“Well she is definitely attractive too, no question.” Tsukune was

definitely feeling a little uncomfortable with the direction this talk was

“Which one do you find more beautiful?” Mizore wanted to know who
her main competition would be. She was hoping it was Moka. Moka
was shy and cautious, Mizore understood her and though she could
deal with her. Kurumu was almost a force of nature at times. Short of
threatening her or beating her to a pulp Mizore wasn’t sure how to
deal with the annoying succubus.

Tsukune looked at her and answered her question easily. “I think both
girls are pretty, but for me Mizore-chan is the most beautiful girl

She felt her face blush and a warm feeling spread through her chest.
That had definitely been the best answer.


Kuyou waited patiently in the Chairman’s office. He noted the clock on

the wall, the Chairman seemed to be running late today, he’d been
waiting a good fifteen minutes. As the leader of the Student Police
Committee he was not used to anyone keeping him waiting. Even the
faculty members were careful to treat him with the utmost courtesy.
He wondered if this might be a subtle message, reminding him of who
held the final authority at the academy.

The office door opened and in stepped the Chairman of the Board,
dressed in his usual white robes with glowing eyes that never seemed
to close. “Please pardon my tardiness Kuyou, I am afraid my tasks are
many and my attention is often required in more than one place.”

Kuyou offered him a slight bow. “Not at all Chairman-sama, I can

understand the call of duty. Now if I may ask, could you tell me why I
have been summoned?”

The Chairman sat down behind his desk while Kuyou remained
standing, he did not invite Kuyou to take a seat. “You may consider this
to be a simple precaution.”

“A precaution?” Kuyou asked warily. He had founded the Police

Committee to help maintain the order and peace of the Academy.
Doing so often demanded… zealous measures that not everyone
appreciated. The Chairman had never supported his activities, but had
left him more or less alone. Until now. “A precaution against what if I
may ask?”

“I would like to avoid a repeat of the unpleasantness that occurred last

year between your committee and the newspaper club.” The Chairman
informed him. “They do have a right to function after all and will be
releasing their first new edition shortly.”

“I had no idea that club was even still in existence.” Kuyou said.
Though he was angry within his face and voice gave away nothing of
what he was thinking. I thought that fool Gin had learned his lesson.

“They are indeed a functioning club again. I myself am quite curious to

see their progress. I am also happy to know that we have a school
newspaper. I intend to read every edition and keep a close eye on
their activity.” The Chairman looked him over with those glowing eyes
of his. “I would be most displeased were anything to again interrupt the
newspaper’s publishing.”

Nothing at all subtle about that. “I understand Chairman-sama,” though he

disliked it he gave the chairman another bow. “I can assure you that I
and my Committee members will steer well clear of them… so long as
they do not tread where they should not.” So long as they do not dare try and
judge me and mine again.

The Chairman’s smile was cold. “Wherever they tread I expect to be

informed of any quarrel or objection before you feel the need to take

You are interfering in things that should not concern you. Nevertheless he could
only nod. Whatever his feelings he recognized who the most powerful
monster was.


Despite the occasional staring matches the three members of the

Newspaper club were able to write, edit and complete their first edition
well before the deadline. Nekonome-sensei was not exactly thrilled by
the lead story, ‘Newspaper editor caught in the act!’ There was a four
picture spread of Gin pleading for mercy as he received a beating.
Nekonome didn’t care for it, but had to admit it was newsworthy and
would make a good cover to the premier issue of the school year.

That Tuesday morning before class the three of them gathered in front
of the main entrance and handed out the free papers. With two pretty
girls there to help they had no trouble at all distributing all the papers.
The three of them were all pleased by their success and by the fact
their hard work had paid off.


In the nearby woods two figures watched as the three of them

congratulated each other and headed towards homeroom.

They both wore black coats and uniforms distinct from what the other
students wore. A harsh looking dark haired woman turned to her
commander. “Are you really going to allow such trash to do as they
please?” Keito asked.

Kuyou frowned but gave her a curt nod. “The Chairman’s orders were
explicit; the Committee can do nothing about them… at least not
directly.” A fox like grin touched his lips.

“You have a plan?” Keito asked eagerly.

“Perhaps,” Kuyou said mysteriously. “After all this school is near

overflowing with violent and irrational beings. Who knows what could

Keito chuckled. She knew her commander well enough to understand

he was not the sort to just let things go. The slanderous lies the
newspaper had spread last year demanded swift and brutal retribution.
And if the Chairman made that impossible to accomplish directly, she
would be satisfied with getting it second hand.
Chapter 8. A sudden rain.
“Tsukune-kun!” came a girl's loud and enthusiastic cry.

Tsukune only just got his head up in time to see a girl with a bright
yellow sweater leaping onto him. Before he knew it his face was buried
in the incredibly soft flesh hidden beneath that sweater.

“Tsukune-kun I read your article about me! I loved how you described
me and let everyone know about my wonderful personality. And all
that whole part about being afraid I was going to kill you while we
were flying around was too funny! Tsukune-kun has such a great
sense of humor!” As Kurumu shouted happily she continued to eagerly
press his face into her chest.

By this point Tsukune was beginning to suffocate.

An embarrassed Moka was standing beside him not really sure what to
do. “Ah, Kurumu I think you’re smothering him.”

Fortunately for Tsukune an ice kunai came flying from the nearby
woods and caught Kurumu square in the middle of her forehead,
temporarily knocking her over. Tsukune started gasping for air.

Mizore came strolling up to him. “Are you all right Tsukune-kun?”

He nodded and smiled faintly. “Yes, thank Mizore-chan.”

“You're welcome,” Mizore glanced down at the succubus as she was

getting up again. “As for you, stop attacking Tsukune-kun with your
oversized mammary glands.”

Kurumu got up and glared at the snow girl angrily. “I wasn’t attacking
Tsukune, I was hugging him. But it figures a weirdo like you wouldn’t
be able to tell the difference.”

“Most people don’t almost kill someone they’re thanking.” Mizore

coolly pointed out.

“Hah! You’re just upset because you know he was enjoying it!”

“Yes,” Mizore replied. “I was just thinking how much he was enjoying
himself as he struggled for breath.”

Kurumu glared furiously at the purple haired girl who continued to look
back calmly. She finally shifted her attention to Tsukune. He had more
or less gotten his breath back. She sent him a dazzling smile.
“Tsukune-kun, why don’t we have lunch together today?”

“Will there be any room? Don’t you usually have lunch with a dozen
boys? Besides,” she wrapped herself onto one of his arms. “He has
lunch with me every day.”

“Well then why don’t we just ask him who he’d rather have lunch
with?” She looked deep into his eyes and began to use her charm
ability. “Tsukune-kun…”


“Ow!” Kurumu staggered back with another ice kunai in her forehead.

“No using your succubus powers,” Mizore said. “That’s cheating.”

Tsukune looked very alarmed. “Kurumu-chan! You weren’t trying to

turn me into a slave were you?”

Damn stupid snow girl! “No! Of course not!” She waved her hands about
and gave him a disarming smile.

“Liar,” Mizore said in her usual calm tone.

“What?” Kurumu said angrily.

“Ah,” Moka finally spoke up. “I think your boys are waiting on you.”

Kurumu turned around and sure enough a small crowd of boys was
standing there obediently waiting on her. She sighed; sometimes
being beautiful and popular could be such a pain. “Fine I’ll go for now,
bye Tsukune-kun. I will see you later.”


That afternoon as they headed to the newspaper room they were

surprised to see Nekonome-sensei waiting for them with a student
none of them had ever seen before. He was rather tall for a student,
being perhaps an inch taller than sensei. But at the same time he
seemed very thin, almost emaciated. One could see the outlines of his
bones and skull just beneath his skin. His skin itself jaundiced and
yellowish. The second Tsukune saw him he was reminded of very dim
memories of his grandfather who had wasted away of cancer and died
when he was five. Yet despite seeming sickly the boy greeted them all
with a vigorous smile.

“Everyone,” Nekonome announced. “This is Petyr, he has just asked to

join the newspaper club. He is a second year student so please treat
him well and show him the proper respect due a sempai.”

“I am very pleased to meet all of you,” Petyr gave them a deep and
respectful bow. “I do believe we will have an interesting time

“I hope that we will all be good friends,” Tsukune said.

“Yes,” Moka agreed. “Welcome to the newspaper club, let’s all do our

“Welcome,” Mizore eyed him carefully. There was something about him
that wasn’t quite right. “So Petyr-sempai, why’d you suddenly decide
to join us?”

When Petyr smiled at her it really did seem like she was facing a
grinning skull. “Well I’ve been a member of the fortune telling club,
and I just thought it might be fun to try doing something a little
different. I’d actually like to write a column with predictions in it.”

“That sounds really interesting,” Moka said. “So will it be an astrology

column giving people advice based on their sign?”

As he turned to look at Moka the smile remained in place but

something mocking seemed to touch his tiny dark eyes. “Oh, it’ll be
something like that. But I don’t use astrology or the stars. I have other
sources for my predictions.”

“What kind of sources?” Mizore asked curiously.

“Now that would be telling.” Petyr said sweetly.

All during that first session Petyr was polite and kind and got along
with his new club mates. He was friendly and eager to help in any way
he could. No one could have asked for more.

Yet, there was something about his smile that Mizore did not like.


Once they had wrapped up the session and they were getting ready to
leave Tsukune noticed that Petyr had a large black umbrella with him.

“Were you expecting it to rain?” Tsukune asked. The day had been
overcast as most of them were. But it hadn’t looked too bad. Rain was
actually a pretty rare occurrence at the academy, and they normally
got a warning the day before.

Petyr looked at him with his deaths head smile as he popped open his
umbrella. “Why yes, I do believe it will rain.” With that he went on his

Tsukune couldn’t help but find the guy kind of creepy. But if his time
at Youkai Academy had taught him anything it was not to judge people
based on appearance.

Tsukune, Mizore, and Moka all left together. As they were going Mizore
noted that the skies were getting darker. Before they’d made it
halfway back to the dorms the first drops began coming down. Almost
immediately that turned into a downpour. The three of them were
forced to hurry back through a torrent of rain.


From his office window the Chairman looked out and frowned. It
wasn’t scheduled to rain again for another week. Something was going


By the time the three of them made it back they were all drenched.
The girls escorted Tsukune to his dorm and then made a break for
their own. The only good thing that might be said was that it was at
least a warm rain, so Tsukune would likely not get sick.

“That was strange wasn’t it?” Moka asked once they were safely back
in the girls’ lobby. “I’ve never seen the weather here act like that.”

“I think it was strange that Petyr seemed to know it was coming when
no one else did.”

“Maybe he really is good art predictions,” Moka said.

“Maybe,” Mizore conceded. “Or maybe there’s more to him than meets
the eye.” I think I’ve found the subject of my next investigation.”

After a hot shower and change into his sleeping clothes Tsukune felt
much better. He’d been planning to set up his interview for next
week’s edition, but with the crazy weather he thought it would be all
right to put it off just one day. He had already picked out the person
he wanted to interview too. The top student at the academy, she was
considered a genius and have even been skipped a few grades. She
was an eleven years old freshman by the name of Yukari.
Chapter 9. The future.
“I do believe I will walk to class with Tsukune today.”


Tsukune left the dorm that morning and was a bit disappointed to find
neither girl waiting on him. He’d started getting used to having
someone to walk to class with. Moka had gotten into the habit of
meeting him outside his dorm every morning. Mizore didn’t always
meet him but would often pop up out of nowhere along the way. He
headed out and wondered if he would run into Mizore along the way.

But instead a looming presence approached him from behind.

“Good morning Tsukune,” Petyr’s cheerful voice greeted him.

Tsukune looked at the tall rail thin boy. Petyr’s smile had no warmth to
it; it reminded him of the skulls that lined the road. Even so Tsukune
forced himself to smile back; after all the boy had been friendly
enough yesterday and they would be working together. Trying to hide
a small shiver he greeted him. “Good morning Petyr-sempai.”

With a couple long strides Petyr came to Tsukune’s side and they
began walking together. “How is your story coming along?”

“Oh, I haven’t started it yet.” Tsukune admitted. “I’m going to try and
interview someone today and then I’ll write it up. Hopefully this one
won’t be as scary as my last interview.”

“Well that would depend on who you plan to interview,” Petyr said
helpfully. “Who do you plan to talk to?”

“A freshman girl named Yukari.”

“The witch?”

Tsukune frowned. “Is she? How would you know? I thought we weren’t
supposed to reveal our true selves to others.”

“Some people follow that rule better than others.”

Tsukune shrugged. “I don’t know if she’s a witch, I just know she’s

eleven and supposed to be really smart.”
Petyr nodded. “That’s who I was thinking of, Youkai academy’s one
and only witch.”

“Are witches dangerous?” Tsukune suddenly began to worry. In

literature witches had a mixed reputation. Having met a snow girl, a
vampire, a succubus, and a mermaid he’d come to realize he really
knew nothing about the various monsters.

“More dangerous than some not so dangerous as others.” Petyr’s eyes

seemed to glisten with amusement. “She is only eleven though, are
you actually worried?”

“Well I’ve had a mermaid want to eat me and a crazy succubus almost
mash me into the ground. My experiences meeting new people haven’t
been good lately.”

“Well I hope that doesn’t include me!” he feigned a hurt expression.

“Well of course not, you haven’t tried to kill me.”

“Not yet at least,” Petyr teased. “I wouldn’t worry too much Tsukune, I
am sure you will be fine. In fact,” Petyr began to chuckle. “I do believe
she will love you.”

Tsukune noted that the rest of the way to the Academy Petyr was in a
very light mood.


Moka came rushing into homeroom just as they were leaving for first
period class. Apparently her alarm clock had not gone off and she’d
woken up late.


“Excuse me.”

Saki turned around to see a girl with long purple hair and pupil less
blue eyes standing right behind her. Saki was a third year student who
wore her sun yellow hair in a single long pony tail all the way down her
back. Her face was a bit too harsh to be considered pretty and the way
she frowned didn’t help. “Yes?” She answered sharply. “Do you want

“I’m a reporter for the school newspaper and I was wondering if you
could tell me about someone who just joined us. His name is Petyr and
he said he used to be in the fortune telling club.”

Saki nodded curtly. “That’s right; Petyr and I were the only members,
it’s just me. At least for right now”

“For right now?” Mizore asked. “Do you expect him to come back?”

“Eventually, though…” she hesitated. “Though I didn’t see it in the



The bell rang and the few students still in the hallway hurried. “I have
to go,” Suki sped away.

“I’d really like to talk to you about Petyr,” Mizore called to her.

Saki looked at her and seemed to consider. “Come to room 312 after
class, and bring some gold with you.”

“Gold?” Mizore asked but Saki did not bother to respond.


Following class Mizore came to room 312. Entering it she found it

empty except for Saki who was seated at the teacher’s desk. In the
middle of the desk was an old looking cloth sack. Saki was eying her
from the teacher’s chair. She looked severe and somehow much older.

“Did you bring me some gold?”

Mizore nodded and removed a gold chain from around her neck. She
didn’t own much jewelry; it was a gift from her mother. “Will this do?”
She handed the chain over to Saki.

The blonde girl took it and held it close to her eye as she inspected it.
She then put a length of it in her mouth and gave it a taste.
Apparently satisfied she made it disappear. “Sit down and we’ll begin.”

“I’ll stand; I never expected to have to pay for an interview.”

“You’re not; you’re paying for a telling.” Saki handed her the sack.
“Reach in without looking and draw out nine runes.”

Mizore shook her head. “I didn’t come here to get my fortune read. I
came here…”

“I know why you are here Shirayuki Mizore,” Saki informed her. “You
want to ask about Petyr.”

Mizore frowned at her. “How do you know my name?”

“I know a great many things,” Saki almost grinned. “What matters is

that I won’t simply inform you about him, but if you ask a few
questions as I perform a telling for you I might answer them.” Her
shoulder shifted just a little. “Or I might not.”

“Is anyone actually dumb enough to come ask about their future?”

Saki looked at her in surprise. “Of course, what I say always comes

“And what about Petyr?”

“Take out nine runes and place them on the desk.” Without a word
Mizore did so. “You don’t believe people can know the future.”

“Just the opposite,” Mizore stated. “I do believe in it. The snow

priestess of my home village really can see into the future. My entire
race has come to rely on the power of her prophesies.”

“And you believe she’s the only one with such a gift?”

“I don’t believe that if you could really see the future you’d be a
student here doing readings in an empty classroom.”

Saki shook her head. “My powers are real, whether you want to
believe in them or not. I don’t claim to be able to know everything, but
I can only see glimpses of a person’s fate.” She nodded to the small
wooden tiles Mizore still held in her hand. “Now toss the runes and I’ll
tell you what I can see.”

“Tell me about Petyr instead.”

Saki sighed. “Petyr has the gift too, much stronger than mine.”

“He said it was going to rain yesterday and it did.”

Saki nodded. “I’m not surprised, like I said his power is much stronger
than mine. I have to rely on the runes, but he requires no tools to read
fate. In fact I sometimes think…”

Saki looked at her carefully. “I sometimes think he does more than

read futures.”

“What does that mean?” Mizore demanded.

“It’s nothing, nothing I know for certain.” She looked at Mizore’s hand.
“Are you going to toss those or not?”

“I only have one more question. Is Petyr dangerous?”

“We’re all dangerous, given the right circumstances.”

Frowning she let the tiles fall from her fingers onto the desk. They
were just tiny squares of polished would with a symbol carved into
either side. “This is how I know you can’t really tell the future. The
snow priestess gives us answers, you just have double talk.” Mizore
headed for the door.

Saki glanced at the nine runes and the order in which they had landed.
“You’re afraid you’re going to end up alone aren’t you?” Mizore
stopped just as she got to the door. She glanced back at the together
girls but said nothing. “But you’re wrong, you’ve already met him.”


“Your one true love of course.” Saki told her. “You’ve met him and you
know him.”

Mizore felt her heart begin to pound. “Who… who is it?” She already
knew who it had to be but still wanted to hear it confirmed.

Saki looked at the runes on the desk again. “I don’t see a name, but
would you like to know whether or not you end up together?”

Mizore waited but the girl said nothing more. “Well? Will we?”

Saki gave her a knowing smirk. “How would I know? If I actually had
the gift I wouldn’t be sitting in an empty classroom would I? Go ask
your snow priestess.” With a swipe of her hand she swept the runes
back into her sack.

Mizore’s first instinct was to demand Saki tell her, but then she
reminded herself that this girl was not the snow priestess and probably
didn’t know anything. I’ve met my one true love, sure. How many girls has she said
that to? She left the room without saying anything else. She kept
reminding herself that Saki’s reading had been nothing more than a
mean joke.

But for some reason her heart kept racing.


As Tsukune was wrapping up the interview he was relieved. This time

things had gone fine. No chance of suddenly being dropped from a
thousand feet in the air or of being eaten. Yukari was this incredibly
cute little girl with white stockings, a cape, and a pointy hat and wand.
She had been a little nervous at first but before too long she had
begun to relax. While they had talked she had let it slip that she
sometimes felt a little lonely. He had asked a few more questions and
slowly discovered that she was something of an outsider due to her
status as a ‘half breed.’ Being a witch she was a human with
supernatural abilities, she straddled both the human and monster
worlds. As such she was looked down upon by most, ‘pure’ monsters.
Being a human Tsukune could understand and sympathize with her
plight. By the end of the interview he had come to the decision to do
whatever he could for this poor little eleven year old.

“Yukari,” he reached over and took a hold of both her hands. “I

promise you that I am going to write a really great article to let
everyone at this school know what it’s like for you.”

The little girl felt the warmth of his hands and could see the fiery
passion in his eyes. “Re… really, you… you’d do that for me?” She
asked shyly. Desu! He’s so nice! He’s like a really handsome knight in shining

Tsukune nodded vehemently. “I absolutely will! It’s not fair that you’re
treated the way you are and I’ll do what I can to change that.” He
looked down at her with his chocolate colored eyes and Yukari felt
herself starting to melt. “Yukari I want us to be friends, if you feel
lonely or need someone to talk to please come and find me.”

No one other than her mother or father had ever said they wanted to
be with her. “Tsu… Tsukune-kun… I… I…” her voice was trembling.

“Yes Yukari-chan?” He asked kindly.

“I LOVE YOU!!” Yukari leapt on to his chest knocking him over.


Petyr stood in the middle of the cemetery under the velvet moon. As a
figure approached he did not bother to turn around.

“Good evening Kuyou, a nice night isn’t it?”

The commander of the Student Police Committee looked around

carefully before stepping out of the shadows. He held a burlap sack in
one hand. “Don’t speak my name, I’ve already told you I cannot be
connected to any of this.”

Petyr smiled at him. “You did tell me that, and it was even true. I do
believe no one will find out about our connection.” He noticed the sack.
“The rain convinced you?”

“It did, you really are what you claim. Hard to believe any of you are
still around.”

Petyr nodded. “Oh there are still a few of us hidden away, we know
how to hide. Others have never liked us.” He looked pointedly at
Kuyou. “Though they do not mind using us.”

Kuyou handed over the sack. “As we agreed ninety nine pieces of

Petyr took the sack from him. “Yes, as we agreed.”

“When will it be done?”

“Soon enough,” Petyr opened the sack. The gold sparkled beneath the
moon’s light. Looking up at Kuyou his dark eyes sparkled with
malevolent glee. “I do believe someone within the club will die a cruel
death tomorrow.”
Chapter 10. A cruel death.
Petyr was among the very first to leave the boys’ dorm. It was his
habit to leave early. He liked to take his time and get to the academy
while it was still quiet. He would find a quiet spot where he could
watch the other students as they came to class. As they walked past
him he would look at their auras and know what fate held in store for
them. Happiness, sorrow, struggle, success, long life, death; it was all
there for him to read. Most of the people he observed had auras that
were yellowish or green or brown. Just average monsters with average
futures. They would live a certain amount of time; have a certain
amount of happiness and a certain amount of sorrow. In other words
they were boring to him. Oh once in awhile he would say something
just to see a shift of color, a splash of red or maybe even black.
Sometimes he felt merciful and a little blue would appear. Every living
thing had an aura, even the bugs and the plants. He could look at any
of them and know what would become of them.

He knew everyone’s fate but his own. To his own eyes he had no aura.
He often wondered if that was a kindness. He imagined what he would
do if he saw black, even just a thin spark. It was possible to change
and alter the other colors, in other words it was possible to alter
someone’s fate. But when black appeared it couldn’t be gotten rid of, it
would grow until it consumed everything else. It could go slow or fast,
but there was never doubt of the outcome.

Once, just to see if he could, he’d tried to save someone after their
aura had begun to turn black. He’d failed. It had been another
reminder that his power, though great, was limited and not completely
within his own control.

“My ancestor really was a fool,” he muttered.

He’d learned to speak carefully and generally when he used his power.
When he tried to be too specific things had a way of turning out badly.
Broad commands were best; it allowed things to work in their own
way. It also allowed him to be surprised. That was one of the worst
drawbacks with his ability; it was rare for things to ever surprise him.
Except when he deliberately acted to force change. So as he stood
there and watched the students begin to arrive he felt a little tremor of
excitement. Who will it be? Who will it be? He watched keenly to see who
would be struck down.
Before too long he spotted Tsukune and Moka walking close together.
His aura was a bright sky blue with strands of pure white. Hard to believe
someone so meek is destined for great things, or would have been. The girls aura
also remained unchanged, it was red, a very dark red. That one is meant
to suffer and inflict suffering on others. Oddly enough when she was near
Tsukune her aura lightened and there were flashes of gold and orange.
As though her fate was trying to change itself due to his presence.
Well it was possible; he knew that better than anyone. Neither of them
had any black though. So, both of them are safe. He turned to look at a
nearby tree. Someone with an aura of dark blue with purple was hiding
there. There was no hint of black here either.

“Did you want to talk with me Mizore?” Having been called out she
stepped from behind the tree. “Is there something I can help you with
today?” Petyr asked.

“Are you dangerous?” She asked

“Dangerous? Me?” He held out his bone thin arms to her. “Do I look
dangerous?” The truth was that physically he was frail and very weak.
Most humans could have snapped him in half.

“Looks are often deceiving,” Mizore slowly approached him. “I talked

with Saki yesterday.”

He smiled at her. “And what did dear Saki have to say about me?”

“She told me that you really can see the future and she seemed to hint
that you might be able to manipulate events.”

He humbly shook his head. “She gives me too much credit, I can see
things but control them?” he laughed softly.

“I also asked some of your classmates about you.” From behind her
back she produced a pocket size notepad. “It seems that several
people who bullied you suffered tragic accidents. In fact a lot of bad
things seem to happen to people who trouble you.”

“You are new to this academy; you will discover that many bad things
happen here. There are always a number of deaths and
disappearances every school year. None of the incidents you refer to
me had anything to do with me.”

“Odd though that they all benefitted you.”

“The world is full of coincidences, and this place fuller than most.”

“What is the real reason you joined the newspaper club?”

He tilted his head a bit as he looked at her. “I did not have one reason
I had ninety nine, and every one of them was equally precious and
important.” He gave her a slight bow. “Now I need to get to class, I
look forward to seeing you in club later.”

“If anything happens to Tsukune-kun or Moka-chan I will make you

regret it.” Mizore warned him.

He smiled back at her. “What could a weak little fellow like me possibly

“If any accidents happen I promise you will regret it.”

He laughed slightly. “I do believe you’ll cause me no harm.” As he

walked away he ignored her words. Physical threats were meaningless
so long as he could speak. So then, it seems Gin is the one. Oh well, Kuyou will be


The school day was even more tedious and boring than usual. He
spent the entire day waiting for it to end so he could meet with his
club. He wondered when the news would come about poor Gin’s
demise and just what shape than demise might take. He knew from
experience that a, ‘cruel death’ could take many forms. The fact that it
would take place today eliminated contracting a disease, or some
other lingering death. An accident of some sort was most likely,
though a natural death such as by heart attack was also possible.

He went to the newspaper room half expecting to find tears and news
of Gin’s tragic end. Instead he found everything to be normal. Tsukune
and Moka greeted him with friendly words. Mizore stared at him
sullenly. As obviously nothing had yet happened he took a seat and
began working on his column.

“Is something wrong?” Mizore asked him quietly. “You keep glancing
at the door, are you expecting someone?”

Petyr grinned at her easily. “No, I confess I suppose I’m a little bored.”

“Working on a newspaper isn’t interesting all the time,” Tsukune said

sympathetically. “But we still need to work hard to make sure it’s
ready on time and as good as we can make it.”

“That’s right,” Moka agreed whole heartedly. “So let’s all do our best.”

“Of course,” Petyr said agreeably.

It was just then that the door burst open. “Tsukune-kun!” A girl’s voice
cried out. “There you are!” A little eleven year old girl rushed in and
glomped on to him. “Help! Save me!”

Tsukune caught her and was knocked over along with his chair and the
papers he’d been working on. “Yu… Yukari-chan what… what’s…”

“They’re going to eat me!” The little girl wailed.

Before Tsukune could ask who four academy students appeared at the
door. They were no longer in human form but had the appearance of
walking lizards with mouths full of razor sharp teeth. “You! Come here
you little witch!” One of them hissed as he and the others stormed into
the room.

Tsukune scrambled to his feet and pushed Yukari behind him. Mizore
and Moka also rose to their feet as did Petyr. “What’s going on here?”
Tsukune demanded.

“That little half breed humiliated me and my friends and now she is
going to pay!”

“That’s not true!” Yukari pleaded. “All I did was play a little prank! But
then they destroyed my wand and they say they’re going to eat me!”

Hearing that Tsukune turned to face the four lizard men with as much
courage as he could muster. What is it with everyone around here? Someone
always wants to eat someone. “Don’t you think it’s a little much to threaten
her like that even if she did play a prank on you? I’m sure Yukari-chan
is very sorry for what she did and will apologize for it.”

“Sssstay out of thisss,” head lizard warned as he and the others

approached menacingly.

They were suddenly cut off by a wall of ice as both Mizore and Moka
moved to stand in front of Tsukune. Petyr in the meanwhile moved
inconspicuously to a corner of the room as far from the confrontation
as possible. He looked at all the auras in the room wondering if one or
more would suddenly turn black.

“You’re breaking the school rules,” Mizore said calmly. “Both by being
in your true form and by threatening to eat a fellow student.”

“Tsukune-kun,” Moka turned to him. “Please pull off my rosary!”


“Don’t get involved in thisss,” the leader looked to the other three who
began to spread out menacingly.

“Please Tsukune! Hurry,” Moka begged him.

Memories of his one and only encounter with Moka’s vampire self ran
through his mind and sent shivers down his spine. But the threat of a
sudden attack seemed more dangerous. Despite his own misgivings he
reached out and tugged on her rosary. It came off with a tiny snap. A
sudden and frightening sensation filled the room; it was a feeling of
overwhelming power. Except for Tsukune and Mizore everyone was
stunned and frightened as they saw Moka’s hair turn silver and her
eyes turned red and slitted. As she transformed into a vampire the
lizard men began to back away.

“Wha… what isss thisss?”

“I am a vampire,” Moka said once her transformation was complete.

“What sort of cowards would gang up to attack a child? Only weaklings
and cowards would do such a thing. Get out of here right now or I will
put you all in your place.”

“And if anything happens to Yukari we’ll inform the Chairman about all
this.” Mizore informed them. “I’m sure that would be enough to get all
of you expelled.”

“If you leave now things can end right here,” Tsukune said hopefully.
He really wanted to avoid getting in another fight.

The lizard men all looked at one another, they did not want to just
slink away and look weak. Ion the other hand they were not eager to
try and fight a vampire. Their decision was made when another powerful
monster entered the room. This one a massive wolf with a feral grin on
his lips.

“You heard the lady, get out now while you still can. Unless you want
to fight a vampire and a werewolf.” The lizard men suddenly decided
that discretion really was the better part of valor and quickly fled.

Tsukune and Mizore did not completely relax though as they were now
facing a huge furry beast.

“Uh, thanks, who are you?” Tsukune asked carefully.

The werewolf chuckled. “You don’t recognize your editor?”

“Gin!” Tsukune wasn’t sure if he was relieved or not.

Moka snorted. “It figures, you really are a wolf aren’t you?”

Towering over her he grinned down. “And you are a vampire! This is
great even your monster form is beautiful!” He tried to touch her only
to hand his furry hand painfully slapped away.

“I’ve told you before not to touch me,” she warned him. “That holds
even more true now that I know you are a pervert.”


As all this was going on Petyr was watching from the corner. The
moment the werewolf had named himself he’d gotten a sudden sick
feeling. Gin? That’s Gin? But it can’t be! There was no black in his aura
either. All the members of the newspaper club were standing in front
of him. But none of them were marked by the Shinigami, none of them
were about to die. “But… but I said the words, one of you has to…”

Though he’d spoke softly he’d drawn the werewolf’s attention. “Who is
that?” Gin asked.

“That’s Petyr,” Tsukune said. “He’s the newest member of our club.”

The newest member. NO! He opened his mouth to tell them he was quitting
immediately. But before he could speak he felt pain stab through his
chest. His whole body began to shake and pitched forward collapsing
to the floor.

All around him the others began screaming and shouted about getting
him help. But he knew it was pointless, even as the pain in his chest
mounted and his eyes began to fail he knew.

The newest member of the club, if he could have he’d have laughed.
Chapter 11. A story.
The rain was pouring down again. Somehow it seemed appropriate for
a funeral… assuming this could be called a funeral. Tsukune looked
about at the solemn scene. He, Mizore, Moka, Gin, Yukari, and one
other person had gathered to bear witness as Petyr was placed into
the earth. As they watched two men in ragged work clothes were
lowering the body into a grave. A tombstone bearing Petyr’s name had
been erected in one of the many small cemeteries that surrounded
Youkai Academy. There was no ceremony marking the occasion, no
priest or minister came to speak any words. The members of his club
had actually been surprised when he had wanted to attend Petyr’s
burial. He hadn’t understood until Mizore had gotten him alone and
spoken to him quietly.

“Monsters don’t see death the same way humans do,” Mizore told him
in a low whisper. “For us violence and death are just a part of life. We
may feel grief, but we don’t hold ceremonies, that’s a human habit.”

“But… but we have to at least attend his burial.” Tsukune had argued.

“Why?” Mizore had asked. “What difference would it make?”

“It’s the right thing to do; it’s a way of showing respect.”

She stared at him.


“I was just thinking that humans really are very strange.” She
shrugged. “But if you really want to go see this I guess I’ll go too.”

Of course as soon as Tsukune announced that he and Mizore would go

to witness Petyr’s burial Moka had offered to go as well, followed
instantly by Gin. Yukari had found out later and tearfully asked to go
as well.

There was no coffin, but the body was wrapped in bandages. The two
workers seemed annoyed as they placed the body in the hole and
busily began covering it with dirt. They didn’t usually have to perform
in front of an audience. They might also have been annoyed by the
rain, it wasn’t supposed to rain that day.

As Tsukune stood there a thought occurred to him. “Mizore-chan,” he

said softly. “All the tombstones and all the skulls, are they all real?”

Mizore looked at him in surprise. “Of course they’re real, why else
would they be here?”

He paled a bit at the thought of the hundreds of skulls and tombstones

he passed every day just on his way to class. “Uh, I guess I was kind
of hoping they were decorative.”

Mizore shook her head. “The academy has been around for a long time
and like I said violence and death are nothing out of the ordinary.”

All these graves are filled with academy students just like me. Tsukune thought.
They were all monsters with super strength and abilities. If so many of them couldn’t
survive what chance do I have?

“It’s so sad,” Yukari suddenly spoke up. “He just up and died like that,
there was no reason.”

Tsukune looked down at her and spoke gently. “Life is like that
sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason. Sometimes people simply die
for no reason. It was just Petyr’s time.”

Mizore heard what Tsukune said and remained silent. She had no proof
that Petyr’s death was anything more than an ordinary heart attack.
She didn’t know what sort of monster Petyr had been or what powers
he may have possessed, and now it was likely she never would. She
had her suspicions but would not speak them without any proof. In
any case he was gone so what would be the point?

As soon as the grave was mostly filled the two work men left. Unlike
the others they did not have umbrellas.

Gin sent Tsukune a hard look. Somehow or other the three girls had all
wound up huddling near the annoying twerp. How is he more popular than
me? It makes no sense! “So can we go now?”

“What are you asking me for?” Tsukune asked.

“Idiot,” Gin muttered and left.

“Let’s go Tsukune,” Moka gently took a hold of an arm. “Let’s get out
of this rain and get something to eat.”

“Yes Tsukune-kun! This is too sad,” Yukari had gotten hold of his other
arm and was starting to drag him away.

He looked over to where Mizore was still standing. “Mizore-chan?

Aren’t you coming too?”

“I’ll catch up,” she told him. When they were gone she approached the
other person who had come. She had stood a good distance from the
rest of them under a large black umbrella. She had not said a word to
any of them or even acknowledged their presence. Mizore approached
her under her own small umbrella. “Thank you for telling us it would
rain today.”

Saki glanced at her and nodded slightly. “You’re welcome; it seemed

the least I could do considering all of you were going to the trouble of
saying goodbye to him.” She paused before continuing. “That was the
boy’s idea wasn’t it? The one you were standing near.”

Mizore nodded. “It was, Tsukune has a very gentle heart.” Mizore
looked up at the grey sky. “I wonder how long it will rain.”

“Until after sunset.”

“You seem very sure of that,” Mizore said carefully. “Did the runes tell
you it was going to rain?”

“Does it matter?” Saki said coldly.

“I suppose not.”

Saki looked her over. “I know what you’re dying to ask so why don’t

“There’s nothing I want to ask you.”

“I see,” Saki looked at the fresh grave. “Well, since you don’t want an
answer, would you like a story?”

“What sort of story?”

“A tragedy,” Saki answered. “Do you know any of the old human tales?
The myths and fables of ancient days?”

“I know a few of them, I grew up near a human village and heard a

few of their stories growing up; little red riding hood, Goldilocks and
the three bears, stories like that.”
“Ever hear the story of Pandora’s box?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“Then let me tell it to you.” Saki said. “In ancient days the gods were
cruel and often sought amusement to the cost of others. So one day
the gods created a mortal woman and gave her all the gifts of both the
earth and of the heavens. She was wise, beautiful, strong, brave,
immortal, and blessed with eternal youth and perfect health. Having
thus given her every gift any human could want the gods gave into her
possession a small chest and a simple instruction, to never open it. It
was a game you see, the gods wanted to see if the human soul could
ever be satisfied. Well, Pandora was wise enough to set the chest
aside and do as she had been commanded. But along with all her other
gifts she had also been given a desire to know, curiosity you might
say. She resisted the urge for many years but eventually it was too
much and finally she opened the chest.”

“What was inside?” Mizore asked curious.

An amused look came into Saki’s eye. “Horrors, from out of the chest
came demons who represented pain, sorrow, disease, jealousy, greed,
and all the other agonies of human life. They escaped their prison and
spread to encompass the world and all humanity. Seeing what she had
done though Pandora used all her strength to shut the chest again
before the last and most terrible demon could escape. This last demon
would have allowed humans to see their own futures and thus deny
them hope. It cost her, her life but Pandora shut the chest and spared
the humans that, allowing them to at least have hope in their own

“That is a pretty tragic story,” Mizore admitted.

“Ah, but I’m not done yet.” Saki informed her. “You see there’s a
second part to the story that very few people know about it. You see
long ages later the chest fell into the possession of a powerful Djin.
One day the Djin was summoned by a very petty and very stupid
monster named Cassandor. Poor stupid Cassandor had stumbled upon
the Djin’s lamp home and accidentally summoned him. As per the
ancient laws and customs the Djin was required to grant Cassandor a
single wish. Cassandor was a gambler and like most gamblers he lost
far more often than he won. So the wish he spoke was to be able to
know and control the future. Whereupon the Djin handed him the
chest and told him that if he opened it both he and all his descendants
would see and effect the future.”

“What happened?” Mizore asked. “Did he get his wish?’

“Oh yes,” Saki said grimly. “He got his wish. He opened the chest and
the last demon entered his blood, cursing him and all his descendents.
He was able to see and affect the future, just not his own future. When
he tried to use the power too often terrible things would happen to him
including a very painful death. You see the more he used the power
the more bad things would occur to him. The same happened to all his
descendents, the Cassandori. And each one always dies some sort of
painful death no matter how little or much they use their power. They
are truly a cursed and sad race.”

“Is that what Petyr was a Cassandori?”

Saki looked at her and almost smiled. “It’s just a story,” Saki said.
“And so you know, humans aren’t the only ones with curiosity. Come
see me again when you’re ready to ask your question, and do
remember to bring some gold with you.”

Saki looked away from her and out into the rain. Mizore got the
uncomfortable feeling that she was being dismissed. She left to hurry
up and catch up to Tsukune and the others.


It was sometime later when she felt his presence coming from behind.

“The answer is no Kuyou.”

He came to a halt still well behind her. “What happened to Petyr was
not my doing.”

“I know that,” Saki informed him. “But the answer remains no.”

“I could make things very hard for you,” Kuyou said menacingly.

She slowly turned around to face him. “And you know what I could to
you.” She stared him down without an ounce of fear.

He held her gaze for a time, but finally he was the one to look away.
Without speaking he turned and left in the pouring rain.

“They never understand,” she said quietly to herself. “Some things are
not worth the cost.”
Chapter 12. Stupid pride.
Moka stepped up close to him. Her beautiful green eyes were eager
and he could feel her warm hands on his shoulders. “Can I Tsukune-
kun? Please?”

He sighed and braced himself. “Sure.”

“Arigato, Tsukune-kun!” With that she eagerly chomped into his neck.

Tsukune bit down to keep from shouting out in pain. Ow, ow, ow, why does
it always hurt so bad?! Despite the pain he remained silent, not wanting
Moka to feel bad about what she was doing.

After what seemed like an eternity she finally let go. Her face was
flushed and she seemed utterly content. “Thank you Tsukune! Your
blood really is just too delicious! I think I’m getting addicted.”

“Is that a good thing?” He mumbled as he rubbed his neck and began
heading to class.

Moka laughed and grabbed onto one of his arms. As they were walking
Tsukune noticed that he was getting a few jealous looks from some of
the other boys. Apparently enough time had passed since Saizou’s
disappearance that Moka was once again becoming popular. But what’s
with all the hostile looks? Tsukune wondered. It wasn’t like he was her
boyfriend or anything.

Moka put her head on his shoulder and sighed happily.


Kotsubo-sensei was at his normal spot on the athletic field watching

over the girls of third period gym class. As always happened his eyes
drifted to one girl in particular, a lithe and pale skinned beauty. Ah, but
you are lovely my Mizore-chan. There was just something about her. Her
calm detached demeanor, her quiet confidence and certainty. So very
different from the constant neediness and demands for attention that
were typical of girls her age. Mizore had her own sort of aloof charm
that he found hard to resist.

He brought a whistle to his lips and gave a loud sharp blast. “All right,
that’s enough for today, go on and hit the showers.”

The girls stopped and headed in with the normal loud chatter. He
stood there and watched as Mizore trotted past.

“Nice form today Mizore-chan.”

Mizore looked at her sensei and nodded politely. “Thank you Kotsubo-
sensei.” She really liked him, except for Tsukune he was probably the
nicest guy she had met at school. And if she hadn’t met Tsukune
maybe… She shook her head and laughed at herself. It was a silly

Kotsubo turned his head as she went past. He had thoughts of his
own, and didn’t think them silly.


“So what sort of column are you writing?” Tsukune asked the newest
member of the newspaper club.

Yukari smiled at him dreamily. “Desu, it’s an advice column with study
tips and suggestions on ways to improve your grades.” After being
saved by Tsukune and the others she had immediately decided to join
them. She was starting to really like Moka and Mizore, Gin was all
right, he mostly only paid attention to Moka. But of course the best
thing about the club was that she got to be near her true love.

“Well that’s great,” Tsukune said supportively. “I’ll be sure to read it

myself, with my grades I could use some help.”

“Oh? Well if you need help Tsukune-kun I’d be more than happy to
tutor you. I mean I am a prodigy after all.”

“I couldn’t ask you to do that,’ Tsukune told her.

“I wouldn’t mind!” Yukari informed him happily.

“Do you need tutoring Tsukune-kun?” Moka leaned in close to him.

“Ah, if you want I could help you.”


“Ow!” Moka suddenly fell over as a large pot materialized and fell on
her head.

“Hey! Don’t flirt with the love of my life!” Yukari said angrily… just
before she was knocked over by an ice kunai slamming into her fore
“Don’t be so possessive,” Mizore said without looking up from her
work. “It’s not like you’re his girlfriend.”

Yukari jumped back up to her feet with her wand in hand glaring at the
purple haired girl. “Well you’re not either!”

Moka stood up rubbing the top of her head. “That’s only because she
doesn’t want to be, Tsukune wanted to go out with her but she told
him she only wanted to be friends.”

“Is that true Tsukune?” Yukari asked.

“Well… yes,” he didn’t like being reminded of Mizore’s rejection. Or her

declaration that she only wanted to be, ‘just friends.’

“You poor thing!” Yukari leapt up and grabbed his face, planting it in
her chest. “I know how badly rejection hurts. Let me comfort you.” It
was not too different from the sort of thing Kurumu kept doing.
Though of course in Yukari’s case there was no danger of suffocation.

Mizore looked up from her work and seemed just a little annoyed. “I
never said I didn’t want to be Tsukune’s girlfriend. I said I wanted to
be friends for now and for us to get to know each other better.”

Yukari looked over Tsukune’s head and grinned. “So does that mean
you wouldn’t mind him dating someone else right now?”

Her immediate instinct was to shout no, but she hesitated. Tsukune
managed to shake loose of Yukari’s hold and was looking at her.
Seeing how intently he was looking at her she felt a sudden
nervousness fill her stomach. “It’s fine if he wants to go on a date with
someone,” she blurted out.

The second she said those words she wanted them back. She’d only
said them out of momentary panic. Seeing the look of disappointment
on Tsukune’s face made her instantly regret saying what she had.

For Tsukune her words were just confirmation of what he already knew
to be the case. She really didn’t see him as anything more than a
friend. If she had any interest in him beyond that she wouldn’t be o.k.
with him seeing other people.

“Desu! In that case why don’t we get together for a study date after
“Weeeeell… all right, I could use the help. Are you sure you’re all right
with it?”

“I don’t mind at all!” Yukari said and began to jump about excitedly.

“Ah, Tsukune-kun?” Moka spoke up looking a bit fearful.

“Yes Moka-chan?”

She blushed and hesitated, but finally got what she wanted to say out
in a rush. “Would you go on a picnic with me Saturday?”

“A picnic?” He said in surprise.

Moka nodded. “I’ll make us a really nice lunch and there’s this
wonderful spot near a pond that’s close by. I… I’ll even not ask for any
blood. So… so what do you think?”

The thought of Tsukune and Moka sharing a romantic lunch made

Mizore very nervous. She wanted to say something, to tell Tsukune
not to do it. But to go back on what she’d just said a minute ago would
make her look like an idiot. So of course her stupid pride kept her

This will be a real date. Tsukune realized anxiously. He supposed that the
one with Yukari might be considered one too, but she was eleven.
Moka on the other hand was a really beautiful fifteen year old girl.
(Even if she was also a scary killer vampire with a split personality.)
He glanced over at Mizore who was sending him an odd look. I guess I
need to really accept Mizore doesn’t want to date me. While her vampire side
scared him the current side was very sweet and kind. He did like her,
and at least she wanted to go out with him.

He looked at Moka and gave her a smile. “That would be great Moka-

While Moka celebrated and Gin fumed Mizore shut her eyes and
wondered how the hell she’d let this happen. Oh well, she thought. I
guess I’ll be stalking them come Saturday.
Chapter 13. First date.
As Tsukune wandered over to his window she saw he was putting on
his white button down short sleeve shirt. She liked the choice; since he
wasn’t wearing a tie it looked neat without seeming too formal. Since
he was wearing jeans he was obviously trying to keep things kind of
casual. When he took out his comb and started working on his hair she
smiled. Why do you bother Tsukune-kun? No matter how much or how little you work
on it your hair always looks the same. She let out a girlish sigh. Tsukune was
just soooo cute. She wished she was the one about to go have lunch
with him.

“Hey! What are you doing over there?” A shrill voice called out.

Mizore got up from the crouch she’d been in. She’d been in one of her
favorite, ‘observation posts’ in some shrubs out in front of the boys’
dorm. She looked over at the loud girl and frowned at her. “I’m just
keeping an eye on Tsukune-kun. What are you up to?” She looked at
the five boys who were trailing after the annoying and loud succubus.
“Taking your pets for a walk?”

The boys all looked embarrassed while Kurumu snorted and crossed
her arms beneath her ample chest. “If you must know some of my
boys are treating me to lunch.”

“It must be nice to have pets that can pay their own way. Are they
house broken too?”

Kurumu glared at her. “At least I don’t have a problem showing a boy
I care about him you stalker.”

“No, your problem is you usually end up almost suffocating him with
those abnormal mammary glands of yours.” Mizore shook her head a
bit. “Why do you have to keep doing that with Tsukune-kun anyway?”

“Yahoo, it’s because I like him! Isn’t that obvious?”

“If you like him so much why do you have all these other boys?”

Kurumu grinned. “They’re fun and I like the attention they give me.
You jealous?”

“Not even a little, I’d much rather have the sincere attention of one
special person than a bunch of mindless followers.”
“Well you had better start looking for a new special person then; I’m
going to make Tsukune-kun mine.”

“That’ll never happen,” Mizore said. “Tsukune–kun would never choose

a shallow girl like you. He deserves someone who really cares about
him and can be there for him.”

“Someone like you I suppose?” Kurumu grinned.

“That’s right, I care about him and I’m there for him when he needs

“Oh yeah? Then why are you always stalking him from the shadows?”

“That’s just my way,” Mizore said. “He knows I care and that I’m there
for him, even when he can’t see me.”

“Are you sure about that Mizore-chan?” Kurumu said sweetly.

“Tsukune is a sweetheart, and I like him a lot. But he’s still a man, and
men usually only see the things that are right in front of them. You
sure he knows how much you care?”

She was about to tell Kurumu that of course she was sure when
something occurred to her. Was part of the reason Tsukune had
agreed to go out with Moka because he wasn’t sure of her feelings for
him? That seemed impossible to her. She’d fought for him against
Saizou and saved him from a carnivorous mermaid. She’d protected
him and been at his side and told him she cared for him and considered
him a potential boyfriend. So how could he not know?

Yet she was suddenly recalling a questioning look he had sent her just
before agreeing to Moka’s request for a picnic. Had he been looking at
her for some sign that she didn’t want him to accept? She’d said it was
fine, but he had still looked at her. How can he not know how I feel about him?

“You don’t seem so sure anymore,” Kurumu said. “Any way, I have to
go to lunch.”

Mizore looked up at Tsukune’s room and could not see him. She then
glanced at her watch. “Yes, I have to go too.”


“Are you all right Tsukune-kun?” Moka asked. “Would you like me to
carry the basket?”
“No,” he managed to answer between puffs. “I’m fine.”

Moka smiled and took him for his word. Meanwhile he continued to
struggle to keep up with her brisk pace while carrying the huge basket
with both hands. His face was red and he was soaked in sweat but he
couldn’t bring himself to ask Moka to carry it for him.

I keep forgetting how much stronger monsters are compared to humans. Even cute little
Moka-chan is a lot stronger than I am. He had come out of the dorm and
found Moka waiting for him in a cute blue sundress holding the basket
in one hand. Of course he had offered to carry it for her and she had
gladly handed it over to him. She’d then proceeded to take him on a
three mile hike into the woods.

Mercifully as they climbed yet another hill Moka announced they had
arrived. To Tsukune’s relief there was a large pond with clear water
surrounded by thick green grass. Moka did not want to get anywhere
to close to the water so they spread a blanket on some grass a safe
distance away. With a relieved grunt Tsukune set the basket down and
then sat. Humming cheerfully Moka began emptying out the contents
of the basket. She had no idea what he liked so she had stayed up all
night making various dishes.

Tsukune’s eyebrows rose as he saw plate after plate of food coming

out of the huge basket. There were sandwiches with ham, beef, and
turkey. There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, potato salad, fresh
baked bread, salmon, curry with rice, rice balls, ramen, chicken soup,
and for dessert a peach cobbler and an apple pie. She had also
brought along a container with sweet tea and another with lemonade.

Tsukune stared hungrily at all the food that had been spread out
before him. It all looked and smelled delicious! “Wow Moka-chan! Is all
this just for the two of us?”

She looked a bit worried at hearing that. “I’m sorry, did I make too
much? I’ve never been on a picnic before so I didn’t know how much
food to bring. I also wanted to be sure I made something you liked.”

“It all looks great Moka-chan!” His mouth was already watering. “I
haven’t had a home cooked meal since I came here. Thank you for
going to so much trouble for me.”

“Oh it was no trouble Tsukune-kun!" She said happily. "After all the
times you’ve let me drink your blood I’m only too glad to cook for

With her approval he quickly dug in, the long hike had given him a
ravenous appetite. He tried to sample a little bit of everything. He was
very happy to discover that the food tasted just as good as it looked
and smelled.

As he had a slice of cobbler for dessert he looked at Moka truly

amazed. “You know Moka-chan I think you’re every bit as good a cook
as my mom, everything is delicious.”

Her face turned a dark red but she smiled. “Arigato, Tsukune-kun.”

“Where did you learn to cook so well?”

“When I was living in the human world it wasn’t safe for me to drink
blood, so I had to subsist on human food with just an occasional
transfusion pack to help. Since I was living alone I decided to learn
how to cook for myself.”

“Well this has been the best meal I’ve had since leaving home.”

After eating his fill Tsukune felt like he could barely move. He decided
to just lie down and relax as he digested his meal. Moka moved over
to him and carefully asked him if he would like to rest his head in her
lap. He hesitated a second but agreed, not wanting to offend her or
seem rude. So as he rested with his head in her lap she got to smile
down at him and play with his hair a bit.


From some nearby trees Mizore watched everything as the two of

them enjoyed their meal and then relaxed together. She was not
bothered by how well they were getting along. She was not bothered
by how much he enjoyed her cooking. She was not bothered by how
cozy they seemed to be getting. And she definitely, absolutely, without
a shadow of a doubt was not bothered by the fact that Moka was
smiling at him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Without thinking about it she created an ice kunai in her hand and
threw it at a nearby tree. It struck with a satisfying, ‘thunk.’ This was
one of her nervous habits whenever she felt threatened. I’m going to have
to take some home ec classes and learn how to cook. As she watched Tsukune
apparently said something funny as Moka began to laugh with him.
Without realizing it she threw another kunai and listened to the
satisfying, ‘thunk.’ She kept all her attention focused on the two of
them so never even noticed that the tree in front of her already had
about fifty ice kunai sticking out of it.


As Moka looked down at him his eyes were closed and he seemed
completely relaxed. It made her very happy just to see how
comfortable and safe he felt with her. He had seen her true self, and
even seen her kill. She realized that just about anyone else would
have avoided her like the plague after that. Not only had Tsukune not
done that, he had actually shown her real friendship. He was the first
person she had ever met to show her genuine kindness. He had even
agreed to allow her to feed on him despite the obvious pain. She
looked down at his peaceful face. Do you like me Tsukune? Could you ever see
me as your girl? Could you ever care for me that way? Me, a scary vampire.

She wanted to ask him how he really felt about her. But she didn’t
dare. She was too afraid of what he might say. She had never cared
for Saizou; every moment with him had been forced upon her. This
date was the first time in her whole life that she had gone out with
someone she really liked. The fact that he’d enjoyed himself was
enough for her.

At least for now.

Tsukune’s eyes opened lazily and looked up at her green ones. “You
wanting to head back?” She asked.

“Actually, would you mind if we stayed awhile longer?”

She smiled down at him. “We can stay as long as you like Tsukune-


Tsukune had a huge smile on his face as he headed towards his room.
His first real date with a girl had gone much better than he’d expected.
Inner Moka might still scare the hell out of him, but outer Moka was a
really great girl. Despite all his worries he had actually been relaxed
with her and forgotten that she was anything more than a girl. They
hadn’t made any plans for another date but he was already thinking
about it. What he would say, and what Moka might answer played
through his mind as he entered his room. He actually took a few steps
towards his desk before he realized someone was there waiting for

“Mizore-chan, hey, how are you?”

“Did you enjoy your date?” She asked blankly.

“Ah, it went pretty well,” he replied carefully. She was looking at him
with a blank expression and he had no idea of what she was feeling.

She took a step closer and leaned in as if examining him. “You seemed
to really enjoy yourself, especially when you were relaxing with your
head on top of her.”

He took a step back from her feeling a little nervous. “You were spying
on us.” Now that he thought about it he should have expected that.
But somehow in all his time spent worrying about Moka the thought
that Mizore might be there too had somehow never crossed his mind.

“Yes,” Mizore admitted. As usual she thought nothing of spying on

others. “So you really had a good time?”

“Yes I did, that’s not a problem is it? You did say you didn’t care if I
went on a date.”

She hesitated. “No, it’s not a problem.” Again she hesitated as she
tried to decide what exactly she wanted to say.

“Is something wrong Mizore-chan?”

“Tsukune you like me don’t you?” She spoke in a sudden rush.

He looked at her in surprise. “Of course I do! I like you a lot Mizore-

“And you know I like you too… don’t you?”

He slowly nodded. “You like me just as a friend.”

She frowned. “Why do you always use those words? Why are they so
important to you? Is there something wrong with me liking you as a
friend?” She was surprised to see a sad look in his eyes.

“No, there’s nothing wrong with us just being friends Mizore-chan.”

She came to a sudden decision. “I want to go on a date with you


“I want to go on a date with you,” she repeated. “Do… do you want to

go out on one with me?” She felt a sudden stab of fear as she
wondered if he would say no.

But instead he looked surprised and then smiled. “I’d like that a lot

Hearing his answer she felt very relieved. “All right, when will our date


She looked at him in surprise. “Isn’t the man supposed to be the one
to decide? Or am I wrong about that?”

“But you’re the one who… ah, never mind.” He’d only been on one
date in his life now so he wasn’t sure what the rules were when the girl
was the one who asked. Moka had asked and she had made all the
decisions, but Mizore obviously expected him to decide. “How about
we get together tomorrow night at six?”

She nodded. “Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow at six then.” She promptly
went to his window and jumped out.

It was only after she was gone that Tsukune suddenly realized he was
about to go on a real date with Mizore-chan… and he didn’t have any
idea what to do.
Chapter 14. Another first date.
Mrs. Aono was relaxing watching one of her favorite shows when the
phone rang. It was late and her husband had already gone to bed. As
she answered it she wondered who it might be.

“Hello?” She smiled as she heard that familiar voice. “Tsukune! It’s so
good to hear from you! Why are you calling so late?” She listened
carefully to her son’s hesitant explanation. “WHAT?! You went on a
date with a girl?! Really? You’re not making that up are you?” She
listened to her son’s irate and offended reply. “Sorry, sorry, of course
I’m not surprised a girl would like you. You’re a wonderful boy and any
girl would be lucky to have you. But why…” She heard her son explain
some more and another happy smile came to her face. “I see, so
you’re taking this girl out on another date tomorrow then.” Her son
then explained that wasn’t exactly the case.

“What?! A different girl?! Don’t tell me you’re dating two girls at once!”
She paused as he spoke quickly. “What do you mean it’s complicated?”
She listened. “They’re both friends?” She listened some more. “They
both asked you out and you like them both?” She sighed; this was not
a problem she’d expected Tsukune to have. “Well, I suppose it’s not
really wrong so long as both girls are all right with it. Just don’t make
any promises you’re not willing to keep. Now was there a reason you
were calling tonight?” She again listened as her son spoke.

“Hmmm, I see. You’re taking this girl out but there’s nowhere for you
to take her? I guess they really are strict about not allowing you to
leave campus during the semester. Doesn’t the school have any sort
social activities for something like this?” Her son explained the
situation. “I see, there are occasional movie nights, a couple formal
dances, and a cultural festival next semester, but nothing for
tomorrow. Well didn’t you mention there are woods right by the
campus? A picnic is always…” Tsukune broke in to explain why that
wouldn’t work. “Oh I see, you went on a picnic with the first girl. Yes, I
agree, it wouldn’t be right to do the same with this girl as well. Well
son I don’t really have a suggestion for you, all you can do is try and
find an activity she enjoys. What does this girl like?” As she listened a
worried expression crossed her face.

“She likes snow, ice, and following people? Tsukune just what sort of
girl is she?” Her questions caused him to suddenly remember
something very important. “All right dear, if you have to go then good
night. Good luck with your date, I love you.”

After hanging up she just stood there in a bit of a daze. “My son is
dating two girls.” She shook her head in wonder. “I suppose miracles
really do happen.”


Mizore walked out into the lobby of the girls’ dorm. Sure enough there
was Tsukune anxiously waiting on her. When she’d gotten the
message from the front desk she’d been surprised that he would want
to talk to her so late.

“Hello Tsukune-kun, is something going on?” She asked.

“Oh, I just needed to talk to you about our date tomorrow.”

“You’re not thinking of canceling are you?” Mizore asked worriedly.

“Oh no, no! Of course not! I’m really looking forward to it. But I just
needed to ask you a few things for tomorrow.” He whipped out his
trusty little notebook and a pen. “First off, do you mind if we just eat
together in the cafeteria?” The only food he knew how to make was
sandwiches and he didn’t think it would be good if he asked her to do
any cooking on their first date.

“That would be fine,” Mizore told him. She was relieved that Tsukune
wasn’t going to ask her to cook anything. Poisoning him on their first
date would be bad.

“Would you mind if I were to ask you to use your powers during date?”

She looked at him in surprise. Why would I have to use my powers on a date?
“Are you planning to take me somewhere dangerous?”

“Oh no nothing like that I promise! If you don’t want to…”

She shrugged. “I don’t mind, I’m just curious that’s all.”

He marked something in his notebook. “It’s a surprise. Now could you

tell me your shoe size?”

“My shoe size?”

“That’s right.”
She stared at him. “It’s a size four.”

Nodding he marked his notebook once more and then flipped it closed.
“Great that’s all I need; I’ll meet you out in front of the dorm at six.
Oh, and please don’t follow me tomorrow. I want everything to be a

“All right,” she said. He gave her a big smile and took off. She stood
there and watched him go. Boys are weird.


The next day he showed up right on time for their date. She noted that
he had on a long sleeve denim shirt, jeans, and work boots. Slung
over his shoulder was a sack. On first sight Mizore felt a little
disappointed, it seemed he had dressed up a bit more for Moka. She of
course asked him what was in the sack but all he would say was that it
was a surprise for later.

Dinner was all right; she enjoyed eating with just Tsukune, but kept
wondering just what he had in mind for their date.

After dinner he led her out into the woods about half a mile and came
to a stop in a small clearing.

“All right, this should do.” He said.

“Do for what?” Mizore asked. “Can you finally tell me what you have in

He smiled at her. “Well I figured that if you were willing to use your
powers we could do two things that I’m sure you’d enjoy. First if you
can put a bunch of snow on the ground we can have a snowball fight.”

Her jaw fell and her lollipop almost fell with it. “Tsukune you want to
have a snowball fight with me?”

“Sure! Growing up me and the other kids in the neighborhood used to

have them every winter and they were great fun. You must have had
them growing up too right?”

She nodded. “Of course, the children of my village had snowball fights
all the time.”

“And you enjoyed them right?”

“They had their moments,” she answered carefully. “Except when
there were serious injuries of course.”

Tsukune laughed thinking it was a joke. “Don’t worry, I promise I

won’t hurt you.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not worried about you hurting me


“So what do you say? Can you put maybe a foot or so of snow on the

She looked at him intently. “Tsukune-kun, are you sure you want to
have a snowball fight with me?”

“Sure it’ll be fun!”

“Fun,” she repeated dully. “All right. I… I’ll have to transform to make
that much snow quickly though.”

He nodded. “O.k.”

Feeling self conscious she transformed in front of him. Her hands and
forearms became huge ice claws while her long purple hair transmuted
to clear shining ice. All around them in the clearing snow began to
form and accumulate on the ground. As she created the snow she
couldn’t help but feel Tsukune’s eyes staring at her. She cast her face
down trying to avoid eye contact with him. He had seen her like this
before of course, but it still worried her what he might really think. He
was human after all and she was a monster.

“You look really beautiful right now,” Tsukune said quietly.

Her cheeks turned red as she looked up top see Tsukune smiling at
her. “You’re just saying that.”

“No,” he told her. “I like the way the ice shines against your pale skin.
I think it makes you look like an angel.”

His kind words and that gentle look in his eyes made her heart begin
to pound. “Th… thank you.” She was surprised at just how warm she
suddenly felt.


After only a few minutes the entire clearing was covered in a layer of
fresh snow a foot deep. Tsukune immediately got busy making
snowballs as Mizore watched. He soon had a small pile of them ready.
He looked over to see that was just standing there watching.

“Aren’t you going to make any?”

She shook her head slightly. “I don’t need to make them that way.
Tsukune are you sure you want to have a snowball fight?”

“Absolutely! This will be great!” He pointed to a spot on the other side

of the clearing. “Why don’t you go over there and we’ll start.”

She sighed. “All right, if this is what you want.” She went over to the
spot and patiently waited.

Tsukune got a snowball in hand and was ready to go. “Are you ready?”
He called out.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Then let’s start!” He drew his arm back to throw.

Before he could even start to bring it forward he was hit dead center in
the face with a snowball. It struck with enough force to actually knock
him over. Before he could get back up again he felt he impact of a
dozen more snowballs hit his chest, back, arms, and legs.

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam… they kept right on coming, each
one stinging as it hit him.


“I’m sorry about the bruises,” Mizore said.

“Heh, it’s fine,” Tsukune said weakly. Except for one big one right in
the middle of his forehead the rest of them couldn’t be seen. From the
way they hurt though he was sure he was going to be completely
covered in them for the next few days.

“Sorry about getting your clothes so wet.”

“No big deal,” he tried to laugh. He was actually drenched. He’d been
half buried in snow and it was a warm night.

Mizore looked over at him questioningly. “Why did you think this would
be fun? Do most guys want to battle on their first dates? You didn’t try
and pick a fight with Moka.”

Tsukune looked back in confusion. “Battle? Fight? Mizore-chan I thought

this would be a chance for the two of us to play in the snow.”

His explanation only left her even more confused. “If you’d wanted to
play in the snow why didn’t you just say so? There’s a reason it’s
called a snowball fight.”

“I didn’t think you would take it so seriously,” Tsukune said feeling a

bit defensive. “Weren’t you ever in snowball fights as a kid?”

“Of course,” she said. “How do you think the children in my village
learn to use their powers in battle? And so you know I was going easy
on you. If I’d taken in seriously you’d have wound up in the infirmary.”

He shut his eyes and let out a weary sigh. He really got the feeling
sometimes that they were speaking two different languages. “Come
on, hopefully the second part of the date will go a little better.” I doubt
it could go worse.


“What are we doing here?” Mizore asked. “I’d have thought you had
bad memories of this place.” The surprises had continued as Tsukune
had led them to the academy pool where they had both snuck in.

“It’s fine, just so long as the swim club isn’t here. Anyway, now I’ll
show you what I brought.” He turned over the sack and emptied it out.
Four black boots with metal blades spilled out.

“Ice skates?”

Tsukune nodded. “I figured you could freeze the pool and we could go

She smiled, that was actually not a bad idea. “Where did you find

“Well it turns out the academy used to have an ice hockey club. It
doesn’t exist anymore but all the equipment is still in storage. I was
able to borrow these; I even found a pair that are your size.”

She was tremendously relieved to learn that was the reason for his
wanting to know her shoe size. For awhile she’d been wondering if he
had some type of fetish. Actually, if she had known what he’d had in
mind she could have saved him the trouble. She could easily make ice
blades and attached them to their shoes. But since he had already
gotten them for her she gladly put on her skates and then froze the
pool. She leapt onto the frozen surface and glided across it with a
practiced ease and simple grace.

She smiled over to him. “This was a wonderful idea Tsukune, come
join me.”

“O.k.!” With his own skates laced up he stepped out onto the ice… and
promptly fell on his face.

“Tsukune!” She quickly skated to his side. “Are you all right? Did
something trip you?”

He tried to grin and shakily got back up. “I’m mine Mizore-chan, I
just… whoa!” He’d no sooner gotten up than he’d lost his balance and
fallen again, this time on his ass.

“Here, let me help you.” Mizore took one of his arms and gently helped
him up again. She even managed to keep him standing for about thirty
seconds. The entire time Tsukune’s knees were shaking and he was
swaying side to side trying to keep his balance. This time when he fell
he took Mizore with him. They wound up sitting on the ice next to one
another. Mizore looked at him. “You don’t know how to skate do you?”
It was obvious.

Crestfallen he nodded his head.

I really don’t understand at all. “Tsukune, if you didn’t know how to skate
why did you invite me to do this?”

He gave her a look that was completely miserable. His first date with
Moka had gone so smoothly! He’d wanted his first with Mizore to go
just as well. Instead it had been a complete disaster.

“I’m sorry Mizore–chan,” he said sadly. “When you asked me out

yesterday I was really excited and happy just to get the chance to be
with you. I didn’t know what we should do. I didn’t want to take you
on a picnic since I’d done that with Moka-chan and you deserved to
have us do something different. I wanted our first date to be really
special; just the same way you’re really special. I thought the snowball
fight would be fun, and I guess I figured skating couldn’t be that hard.
I really wanted you to have a great time tonight, and instead I wound
up ruining things. I’m sorry.” He put his head down.

Seeing him look sad she reached out and out her arms around him.
“This is why I like you so much Tsukune-kun, because you’re kind and
you care about making others happy.” She leaned in and softly kissed
his cheek. “You haven’t ruined anything Tsukune, tonight is special
and wonderful. Because you’re here with me, and because you tried to
make me happy. Nothing could ever be more special.”

He turned to her and their faces were only inches apart, his brown
eyes were gazing into her dark blue ones. She was close enough for
him to smell the sugar on her breath. “Mizore-chan,” he whispered.

“Tsukune,” she breathed.

They both drew together slowly. Time ground to a halt and the world
around them disappeared. When their lips touched it seemed like the
most natural thing there could be. Her lips were a little cool, but they
were very soft, and they warmed very quickly. For both of them this
was the first real kiss, and for both it was everything they had ever
thought it would be.

When the kiss finally ended Mizore opened her eyes. Her entire body
was on fire, she had never felt anything like this before. Tsukune was
holding her just as she was still holding him. He was looking at her
with his chocolate colored eyes. He was looking at her with such
tenderness that she was sure; sure that he was the one.

“Do that again,” she whispered.

And he did, he kissed her again. She felt the heat surging through her
body, his kiss was consuming her. She gladly let his warmth fill her

It really was the perfect first date.

Chapter 15. An adult solution.
“There, take it easy, nice and slow, just like we practiced,” Mizore said
calmly. She was really enjoying this, guiding him through this as his

“Is this o.k.?” Tsukune asked nervously. He was trying very hard to
give her what she wanted.

She smiled at him. “You’re doing wonderfully, for someone who has
never done this before you’re really doing great Tsukune-kun.”

He grinned back at her. Despite his nervousness it was wonderful to be

doing this with her. “I’m nowhere near as good at this as you are,
you’re amazing.”

Her cheeks darkened just a bit. “Well I do have a lot more experience
at this that you do.”

“How many times have you done this?” He asked.

“Oh I don’t know, it must be hundreds by now. The very first time was
a little scary of course, but after that it just came naturally.”

“I’m very glad that you’re the one helping me with this,” he said

Hearing that made her feel happy. Tsukune, you always give me a warm feeling
inside. “I’ll always be happy to help you in any way I can Tsukune-kun.
Now I think you’re ready to solo.”

“No I’m not!”

“Yes you are, trust me.” With that she let go of him and skated a few
yards away.

“Aaaah!” His knees wobbled and he struggled to stay up on his skates.

But after a few seconds he found he could remain upright. He began to
slowly skate over to where she was.

“Yeah! I knew you could do it!” She clapped her hands for him.
“Tsukune, you really are amazing!”

Now he was the one to blush. “Ah, it’s only thanks to you Mizore-
She reached out and took his hand. She recalled how that had been
such a big deal to him, and how she had been resistant to it at first.
Now it seemed like such a small and easy thing to do.

“Let’s skate together Tsukune–kun.”

Holding on to each other’s hands they began to skate slowly around

the frozen pool.


It was getting late by the time Tsukune finally walked her back to her
dorm. They were walking hand in hand as they approached the
entrance and stopped.

She turned to him shyly and smiled. “Thank you for a really wonderful
date Tsukune-kun.”

“I’m just glad you had a good time Mizore-chan, I really enjoyed it
too.” Especially the kissing!

The two of them stood there in an awkward silence. She seemed to be

waiting for something while he was unsure what he was supposed to
say or do. Finally she wound up looking down as she dug her foot up
and down nervously.

“Ah, Tsukune, aren’t you going to kiss me good night?”

He felt his heart begin to speed up. “Su… sure.” Though he was hardly
what anyone would call, ‘smooth’ he did know how to kiss now. And he
knew to be gentle. With one hand he carefully lifted her chin so they
were looking at each other face to face. He stopped for a moment as
he stared into her amazing blue eyes.

She could feel the soft caress of his hand as it against her cheek and
the warmth of his breath. The way he was looking into her eyes she
would feel the heat filling her heart and spreading out again. When his
lips finally pressed against hers it felt just as wonderful, just as
amazing as it had before.

When the kiss ended she felt all the strength just flow out of her. She
leaned against him and was happy to just let him be her support. His
arms were wrapped tight around her and as she pressed her face into
the crook of his neck she felt completely safe and secure. He made her
feel so warm, so very warm. Is this what love feels like? She wondered.
They stayed like that for awhile, just wrapped in each other’s warm
embrace. When he finally had to let go and she had to go back up to
her room she wasn’t sure but she thought she might have floated all
the way there.


The next morning Tsukune was moving on autopilot. He showered,

dress, ate, and got ready for class without giving it any conscious
thought. All that seemed to be running through his head were
thoughts about last night and his date with Mizore. Especially thoughts
about kissing her. All through middle school he had gotten zero
attention from the girls he’d known. He’s dreamt about having a
girlfriend and kissing her. As great as some of those dreams had been
the reality was even better. As he headed out of the dorm his mind
was still focused on the taste of Mizore’s lips.

“Tsukune!” A girl’s cheering voice cried out.

He looked up to see a beautiful coming over to him. “Oh, hey Moka-

chan, good morning.”

“Good morning!” She immediately leaned in and put her nose to this
throat. “You smell delicious today! Can I? Pleaaaase?”

“Heh, sure.” He braced himself for what was coming.

“Itadakimasu!” Chomp!

“Ow, ow, ow.”

She had her fill and let go of him. “Oh the flavor, the subtle taste and
sweetness! You really do have geade A blood Tsukune!”

“I’m glad you like it,” he tried to smile as he rubbed the bruise on his

“Sorry if I was a little rough,” Moka apologized. “I haven’t had any in

two days and I was craving it pretty badly.” She paused as she noticed
something. “Tsukune, why do you have a huge bruise in the middle of
your forehead? Did you fall down or something?”

He suddenly remembered the little, ‘gift’ he’d gotten from Mizore right
at the start of their snowball fight. Self consciously he put a hand over
his forehead. “Oh that? That’s nothing really.”
Moka leaned in close to look him over carefully. “You haven’t been in
any sort of trouble have you Tsukune? I tried to get in touch with you
yesterday to see if you wanted to have lunch with me but I couldn’t
reach you.”

“Oh, well, ah, I was just sort of busy with something.”


Looking at the concern on Moka’s face Tsukune found himself not

wanting to tell her just what he’d been up to yesterday. The date with
Mizore had been so amazing he had actually forgotten about his previous
one with Moka. The idea that he could possibly forget such a wonderful
afternoon with such a pretty and amazing girl would have seemed
ridiculous to him just two days ago. Even though his date with Mizore
had been wonderful he had also had a really great time with Moka. The
fact that Moka had gone through so much trouble just for him had
really touched him. He didn’t want to say or do anything that would
hurt her.

“Oh… nothing really important.”

“Well, if you say so. But if you ever get into any sort of trouble and
need my help please tell me all right?”

“Sure, Moka-chan.”

She wrapped herself around one of his arms and they began heading
to class.

“Ah Tsukune,” she looked at him a bit fearful. “There’s going to be a

movie night this Wednesday in the auditorium. They’re showing one of
my favorite scary movies. Would you like to go with me?” She saw him
hesitate. “Ah, I mean if… if you don’t want to that’s fine.” She sounded

“No, I… I would like that Moka-chan.”

“Great! Then it’s a date!”

“What’s a date?”

Tsukune lookoed up to see Mizore approaching him… and suddenly had

a very bad feeling.
“Tsukune-kun is taking me to a movie for our second date!” Moka
announced happily.

Mizore looked at him and Tsukune could swear the air suddenly cooled
at least thiry degrees. “Is that true Tsukune?”

“Ah yes it is,” he answered nervously.

She stood there and stared at him for a moment. “I see,” she turned
around and walked away. “I’ll see you both in class.”

Getting a very strong sense he needed to deal with this now he turned
to Moka. “Excuse me Moka, buit I need to talk to Mizore.”

“Ah, well, all right.”

“I’ll see you in class.” He took off after Mizore.

Moka watched him go and wondered just what was going on.


“Mizore-chan! Wait up!”

Mizore saw him and stopped to give him a chance to catch up to her.

“Mizore… Mizore-chan… what’s wrong?” Tsukune asked between


She looked down and spoke softly. “Why are you going out on another
date with Moka?”

“Well, she asked me to, and… and I thought it would be fun.”

“But… but what about last night? You kissed me. Doesn’t that mean
anything to you?” She looked up and he could see the hurt in her eyes.
“Didn’t you say that you wanted me to be your girlfriend?”

“I did,” Tsukune said.

“Don’t you still?” She said pleadingly.

“Of course I do Mizore-chan!” He grabbed her by her shoulders and

pulled her close to him. “You’re so amazing to me, and kissing you was
like visiting heaven. I would be the luckiest guy in the world to have
someone like you for a girlfriend! “It’s just…”
“Just what?” Mizore asked. “Tsukune, you kept complaining about me
liking you as just a friend. Well let me be clear about something. I like
you as a boyfriend now and I want to be your girlfriend.”

“I want that too, but…” he took a deep breath. “I think I feel the same
way about Moka-chan. I think I care about both of you in the same

She stared at him for a long moment. “I see,” she said quietly.

“Is something going on here?”

The two of them were startled to find that Moka had caught up to
them as they’d talked. Realizing the position they were in Tsukune let
go of his hold of Mizore and stepped back. “Moka-chan! Oh, Mizore and
I were just talking.”

“What about?” Moka asked suspicously. She was looking from

Tsukune’s face to Mizore’s. He seemed a bit guilty while she was
completely calm. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing really,” Tsukune said. “We were just…”

“We were talking about my feelings for him and his feelings for me and
for you.” Mizore cut him off and spoke in a relaxed voice. “You should
know,” she turned to face Moka. “That Tsukune and I had a date last
night and that we kissed. I’ve just confessed my feelings that I want to
date him as my boyfriend. But he says he wants to date the two of

“I never said that!” Tsukune objected.

“But that is what you want isn’t it?” Mizore asked calmly.

“Tsukune is this true?!” Moka demanded. “You went on a date with her
and kissed her?”

“Well… yes it’s true. She asked me out on a date the same way you
did and well… one thing led to another and we… we kissed. I’m sorry.”

A blast of arctic air had him clutching his jacket and shivering.

“Are you saying you’re sorry you kissed me?” Mizore asked him in a
tone that was much chillier than the air around him.

“N.. n… n… no, of… of… cour… course no… not.” He answered through
chattering teeth.

“So you’re glad that you kissed her?” Moka shouted.

Tsukune looked at each girl. They were both sending him hostile looks.
He began to step back while holding out his hands pleadingly. “I… I’m
sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt either of you, that’s the last thing I
wanted. I didn’t set out to date you both. But you both asked me and I
had a great time with both of you and... and I guess the truth is I do
really like each of you. I’m really, really sorry, I’ve never been on a
date before so I guess I didn’t handle this well. I just wanted to make
you both happy, I swear that’s all.”

The two girls glanced at one another. They both looked unhappy.

“I believe you Tsukune-kun,” Moka said. “I don’t think you’re like

Saizou or Gin, I believe you when you say you didn’t set out to date us
both or to hurt us.”

Mizore slowly nodded, and as she did so Tsukune noticed the air
temperature seeemd to rise. “I believe you too Tsukune, and I guess
it’s a little bit my fault since I said it was o.k. for you to go on a date
with Moka in the first place.”

“All right,” Tsukune said carefully. He looked at the two girls, they both
still looked very unhappy with the situation. But at least they seemed
to have calmed down and were no longer furious with him. “So, since I
don’t want to hurt either of you, how do we resolve the situation?”

“We should just solve it the way normal adults would.” Mizore said

Moka looked at her curiously. “How do we do that?”

“Simple,” Mizore suddenly transformed into her true form including her
massive ice claws. “I’m going to beat the crap out of you until you
agree to stop seeing him.”

“Eek!!” Moka began running for her life with Mizore in hot pursuit.
Tsukune chased after them pleading with Mizore to stop.
Chapter 16. Karma.
Kurumu was heading into class with eight boys trailing after her. As
usual they were all staring at her with blind devotion in their eyes and
telling her how much they loved her. She looked back over her
shoulder at them and gave them all a smile that she knew would set
their hearts a twitter. When she turned back around though she
couldn’t help but sigh. She loved the attention and all the looks and
smiles and words of devotion. When she’d first come to Youkai
Academy this was exactly what she’d had in mind. Having all the boys
become her devoted slaves and doing whatever she wanted them to.
It was a dream come true.

So why do I feel like something is missing? The fact was she was bored. It had
been just too easy to win them over; she hadn’t even had to use her
charm powers. A few cute looks, a coy smile or two, and her boobs
bouncing in front of some faces had been enough. None of the
members of her fan club had been any sort of challenge at all. And not
one of them really stood out. It was as though they were all copies of
the same mindless idiot. Not one of them had any originality or back
bone at all. Is one of these silly fan boys really going to end up being my destined
one? She let out another sigh, it was a depressing thought. As much
fun as being obeyed and doted over was the real reason she had
charmed all these boys was in the hopes of finding her, ‘destined one.’
The one and only male who she would genuinely love and give her
heart to. The one who would be her sole companion for life and who
would father her children. The idea that one of the weaklings following
her might be him was really depressing.

When she really stopped to think about it she found that what she
wanted in her destined one was a strong boy who would be her equal.
Someone who could actually be a challenge to her, and maybe even
put her in her place once in awhile. Someone she could actually have a
real conversation with as opposed to having him just staring at her
and nodding with every word. She wanted someone who could make
her laugh and surprise her. Someone who could always keep her
interested and who would care about her for reasons other than her
cute looks and amazing body.

And as she thought about her destined one the face that immediately
popped into her head was that of Tsukune. Ever since their interview
she had been teasing him whenever possible. She would come over to
say hello with one of her patented hugs. She would flirt a bit and give
him some of her cute looks… at least until Mizore or Moka would come
along to distract him. She frowned as she realized something. She had
actually decided to make him one of her slaves, yet somehow or other
he had managed to elude her. Now that I think about it he’s the only one who’s
been any sort of challenge to me. He wasn’t the most handsome guy, though
he was kind of cute in a nerdy sort of way. He wasn’t especially strong
or intelligent. Though he could make interesting points in a
conversation or in a written article. And he had a really terrific sense of
humor. (Pilot’s license! Hah!) He seemed a little clumsy and timid at
times, yet had drawn the attention of 2 ½ girls. (She was thing of
Yukari.) He was definitely different from anyone else she had ever
met. Maybe…

She suddenly shook her head. No way, Tsukune might be a little interesting but
he’s not really unique. What has he done to really deserve any special interest from me?

“Eek! Leave me alone!” Moka suddenly ran past at top speed.

“Get back here and take your beating!” A transformed Mizore came
after obviously intent on catching Moka.

“Stop!” A huffing Tsukune managed to yell. “Please don’t fight over

me! Mizore please stop!”

Kurumu came to a halt as she watched the three of them run past
without even noticing her. No way! Mizore and Moka are actually fighting over
him now? A sudden smile filled her face. Tsukune-kun, you just became a lot
more interesting to me!


In the corridor outside their homeroom Mizore, Tsukune, and Moka

were all standing there as other students walked past pointing at them
and laughing. They each had a bucket of water sitting precariously on
their heads. Meanwhile their homeroom teacher was pacing back and
forth in front of them obviously upset.

“I am very disappointed in all of you,” Nekonome sensei said as her

tail swished back and forth angrily.

“But sensei,” Moka pleaded. “Tsukune-kun and I didn’t do anything.

Mizore was the one causing all the trouble.”

“I wouldn’t have done anything if you would have just agreed not to
date Tsukune.” Mizore said calmly.
“No way!” Moka said. “I really like Tsukune-kun a lot and he likes me!
If anyone should stop seeing him it should be you. He went out with
me first!”

“I met him first and he told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend.”

Mizore replied.

“And you rejected him!”

“I never rejected him,” the temperature in the hallway suddenly

dropped noticeably. “I just wanted us to take a little time to get to
know each other. Now I know how much I want him so you should
bow out.”

“No way! I’d be a much better girlfriend for him! I can cook for him
and help him study.”

“So what?” Mizore answered. “I can watch over him wherever he goes
and make sure he’s always all right.”

“That’s not a good thing you stalker!” Moka said angrily.

“It’s better than you drinking his blood every day! You’re probably
going to end up making him anemic or something.”

All around them students were stopping to enjoy this unexpected

entertainment. Nekonome turned to them and waved them off. “Get to
your classes all of you.” She then turned back to her troubled
students. “I think I understand what’s going on here. Obviously this
situation is all your fault Tsukune.”

“My fault? But… but I’ve been trying to make sure no one got hurt.”

“As long as both girls like you someone is bound to be hurt,”

Nekonome said. “I think there’s only one obvious solution to this

She’s going to force me to choose. Tsukune thought.

She’s going to tell Tsukune he should be with me. Moka thought.

She’s going to let me keep beating up Moka until she agrees to stop seeing Tsukune.
Mizore thought.

“The only fair thing to do is have Tsukune not date either of you!”
Nekonome said.
“What?!” All three of them said at once.

“But Nekonome sensei how would that be fair?” Tsukune asked.

“That’s cruel! You’d make me give up being with him!” Moka reached
out and took hold of one of his hands.

“You can’t make me stop being with my boyfriend!” Mizore reached out
and grabbed his other hand.

Having both girls suddenly grab him caused the bucket on his head to
slip and douse him with water.

“Oops, sorry Tsukune.” Moka said.

“Yes, sorry about that.” Mizore said.

“You see Tsukune, that is karma.” Nekonome said triumphantly. “Now

you really must stop dating both girls at once.”

“But how is that fair?” Tsukune asked. “I really care about both of
them and I can’t be with either?”

“That’s right; it’s only fair that everyone’s feelings should be hurt
equally.” Nekonome said.

She really is a ditzy blonde isn’t she? Mizore thought. “Tsukune, just pick me.
We both know I’m the one you really want.”

“No Tsukune, please choose me and I promise I will try very hard to
make you happy.” Moka said.

Tsukune looked between the two pretty girls who were both looking
back at him adoringly. He took a deep breath. “Well I…”

“Tsukune!” A girl’s voice cried out.

He looked up just in time to see a yellow sweater fill his vision. His
mouth and face were suddenly forcibly pressed into a very soft mass.

“Yahoo!” Kurumu cried out as she pressed Tsukune into her chest.
“Tsukune, I’ve decided to confess my feelings for you! Please go out
with me!”

“What?!” Moka shouted.

“What?!” Mizore said angrily.

Kurumu was suddenly drenched by two buckets of water and then

frozen solid into a block of ice.

Before long all three girls were arguing about just who Tsukune should
date as he just stood there helplessly surrounded.

Nekonome sighed as she needed to get back in her classroom to start

teaching first period. “Karma,” she said with a sad shake of her blonde
Chapter 17. What scares moka.
“Eek!” Moka cried out and buried her face into Tsukune’s chest.

He was surprised to see she was actually trembling. She was a

vampire with some very scary abilities, yet she seemed too terrified to
even face it. Whereas Tsukune saw nothing to be scared of. He put his
arms protectively around her. “Moka-chan, there’s nothing to be
scared of.”

Just as he said these words they heard the high pierced scream of a
young girl. Moka began trembling even more. “I can’t face it Tsukune!
It’s too horrible!”

A boy sitting in the row ion front of them turned around to glare at
her. “Will you be quiet? You’re ruining the movie!”

Tsukune gave the boy an embarrassed look and he turned back

around. Other students in the auditorium were also looking at Moka.
Leaning close he whispered to her. “Do you want to just go Moka-

But as she did whenever he mentioned that possibility she shook her
head a bit while keeping her face near his chest. “No, this is one of my
favorite movies; it’s just a little scary sometimes.”

Tsukune shook his had in wonder. He honestly could not understand

how a real live vampire who lived in a place surrounded by other
monsters could find a horror movie scary. And it certainly was an
interesting horror movie.

Vampire Hunter 7: Von Helsing’s Revenge! Was definitely not like any
horror movie he’d seen before. In some ways it was a typical teen
slasher fic. It started out with six young good looking friends going to
a remote vacation spot far from civilization. Then, sure enough, a killer
promptly begins slaughtering them one by one. What made this a little
different from Hollywood horror flick Tsukune was used to were the
details. To begin with the six innocent kids were vampires. The
vacation spot was a creaky run down castle built over a desolate
ravine (the vampires all thought it was a beautiful scenic spot.) And
the killer? He was an insane body builder who spoke with an
exaggerated accent and went around weighed down with stakes,
crosses, vials of holy water, as well as a few swords. Von Helsing was
supposedly human yet throughout the picture he was shown to be
stronger and faster than his vampire foes and seemed invulnerable to
being stabbed, burned, or thrown down heights. If you ignored the
details it actually was not a bad horror film as the effects were pretty

“Is it safe for me to look?” Moka asked him.

Up on the screen Von Helsing was just about to drive a stake into a girl
vampire’s heart. “Eh, you may want to wait another minute.”

As the fresh set of scream she began shaking all over again.

As Tsukune tried to comfort her he wondered about how he’d gotten

into this situation.


Two days earlier

The three girls were all glaring at one another. Tsukune was standing
in the middle of them, feeling like a tuna surrounded by three sharks.

“Tsukune, you have to decide who it is you want to date.” Mizore said.
“It is me right? You did say you wanted me for a girlfriend right?”

“Well yes…”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Kurumu said. “Why would he want you and your
little cherries when he can have me and these huge watermelons?”
She jumped about and let her breasts jiggle back and forth in front of
his face. “You want me and my magnificent body right Tsukune?”

“Well you are very pretty Kurumu-chan, but…”

“Tsukune,” Moka called pleadingly. “I think you’re wonderful. Please go

out with me and I promise I will do everything I can to make you

“Moka-chan that’s really sweet, I…”

Before he could complete his sentence he was cut off by a furious new

“How?” Gin howled as he grabbed Tsukune by the collar and began

shaking him back and forth. “How the hell are you more popular than
me?! It makes no sense!”
“Hey! Leave Tsukune-kun alone!” Mizore said angrily. Kurumu and
Moka both backed her up.

“Fine,” he let go of Tsukune. “Just what the hell is going on here?”

“We’re trying to find out who Tsukune wants to date.” Mizore


“Oh yeah?” Gin said with a grin. If Tsukune had to choose the odds
were two out of three that he would not choose Moka. In which case
Gin would be in perfect position to swoop in ion the distraught beauty
and play the sympathetic friend card. “That sounds like a good idea.
So who is it Tsukune? I mean it’s not like any of them would be willing
to share.”

“I would,” Kurumu said. “I’m not afraid of a little competition. I know

Tsukune will end up choosing me. After all what man could resist?”

“Why are you even after Tsukune to begin with?” Mizore demanded.
“Aren’t half the boys in class enough for you?”

“I think Tsukune-kun is special, and definitely worth fighting for.” She

grinned at the other two girls. “Why don’t we all just date him and let
him decided who it is he really wants?”

“No,” Mizore grabbed a hold of his arm. “I don’t know about you but
I’m the possessive type. I definitely won’t share!”

“Gee Tsukune,” Kurumu said pleasantly. “Do you really want such a
possessive person as your girlfriend?”

Watching Kurumu and Mizore argue back and forth gave Moka the
feeling of being left out. Tsukune was the one and only boy she felt
comfortable with. She trusted him. She didn’t want to lose any chance
of being with him. She was afraid that if Tsukune did choose he would
pick Mizore, who he had a stronger connection with or he would pick
Kurumu who was sexier and more aggressive. But either way she
would lose him.

“I’m willing to share too,” she said. She didn’t really like the idea, but
it was much better than losing all hope of dating him.

Kurumu heard that and smiled triumphantly at Mizore. “Well there,

Moka’s not afraid of competition.”
Mizore frowned at Tsukune. “Tsukune, please tell me what you want.
Do you want to date just me or do you want to date everyone?”

He was really put in the spot with all three girls as well as Gin looking
at him. “Well, I… ah, that is…” The truth was he thought his feelings
for Mizore were the strongest. But he thought he also really liked
Moka-chan. He even sort of liked Kurumu in a way, but didn’t think he
could handle so much male competition for her. He really wasn’t used
to having girls interested in him and suddenly getting so much female
attention was not something he knew how to handle. “I… I guess I
don’t really know what I want.” He admitted in a small voice.

Mizore looked at Tsukune and just did not know what to think. When
they had first started spending time together he had wanted to hold
her hand and for her to be his girlfriend. She’d been the one to hold
back until they’d known each other better. Then just last night he had
kissed her and looked into her eyes with such warmth and devotion
that she’d been left with no doubts at all. He was the one she wanted.
And she had thought he had wanted her just as badly. Where had these
doubts come from? He didn’t know what he wanted? He’d seemed to
have known just last night.

She gave him an unhappy look and Tsukune shivered a bit as the air
around him grew chilly. “If you really don’t know what you want
Tsukune I guess I’ll have to share you for right now. But I should warn
you, I really am the possessive type. Sooner or later you’ll have to
decide who you want.”


So with that he’d wound up taking Moka out to movie night and
somehow was dating three girls. All without ever really setting out to.

At the end of the movie there was a last surviving vampire facing the
apparently immortal Von Helsing atop one of the castle towers. As the
vampire hunter closed in on her she fumbled with an old flintlock pistol
that she had discovered while searching for a way out. At the last
possible instant she pulled the trigger and fired the pistol. The,
‘human’ killing machine that survived falling several stories, being lit
up like a torch, and a sword through his neck cried out at being shot
and promptly fell off the tower and plummeted to his apparent demise
down in the ravine. (Tsukune suspected that like most serial killers he
would be back for the next sequel.) Apparently the only way to kill a
vampire hunter was with led fired from a human weapon.
With the movie over he took Moka back to her dorm.

“Thank you for taking me out tonight Tsukune-kun, I had a wonderful


He smiled at her. “Me too.”

She seemed to hesitate for a bit, as though waiting for something.

“Ah, well, good night then.”

“Good night.” Moka said shyly and headed into the dorm.

“I think she wanted you to kiss her.” A voice said from behind.

“Yah!” He jumped up and turned around to see Mizore standing there

looking at him calmly. “Mizore-chan please stop doing that!”

“Sorry,” she said without sounding the least bit sorry.

“Did you follow us during our entire date?”

“Yes,” she answered. “It was sort of embarrassing the way Moka kept
screaming through the whole thing. Though it was probably still better
than your date with Kurumu.”

He shuddered at the memory. “That’s true.”



Tsukune sat rigid as a board as he and Kurumu were having dinner

together at the cafeteria.

“Yahoo! Tsukune it’s so wonderful to finally be on a date with you! I

know you’ll have a great time with me.” She smiled mischievously and
reached out to take his hand and press it against her chest. “Maybe
after we eat we can go for a walk somewhere and have some time all

As she spoke those words with his hand unwillingly planted on her
chest growls arose from all directions. Tsukune looked about nervously
as at least fifteen boys were glaring at him. He was completely
surrounded by members of her fan club and they were not happy to
see him getting so much private attention from their queen.
“Ah, Kurumu-chan, why are there so many other boys looking so

“Oh don’t mind them Tsukune-kun,” Kurumu said blithely. “They’re

just jealous because they know I care a lot more about you then I do
about any of them.”

At those words another series of growls rose. A boy sitting behind

Kurumu where she couldn’t see slashed a finger across his throat.

“Kurumu-chan are you trying to get me killed?” Tsukune asked.

She laughed as though he were joking. “Don’t worry Tsukune-kun I

told them not to bother you. You’re completely safe.”

At the end of their date Tsukune was surprised to come across a dozen
of those of same boys hiding in the bushes outside his dorm. He only
noticed them because they were all frozen in blocks of ice.


“By the way I never thanked you for saving me from her fan boys the
other night.”

Mizore shrugged. “No problem Tsukune-kun, I’m always happy to

protect you. It’s just a good thing Kurumu seems to like having
weakling in her following.”

Tsukune eyed her not sure what she thought about how things were
going. She’d barely said a word to him in class since she’d agreed to
share him with the other girls. This was the first time they’d spoken
since then. Moka and Kurumu had been quick to make or confirm
dates with him, while she had simply gone off to her next class. “So,
are you upset with me for dating the other girls?” She eyed him
speculatively, but since he wasn’t suddenly freezing he thought she
probably wasn’t angry.

“Not really,” she said. “Though I’m not sure if I really understand you.”
She saw the confused look on his face and decided just to get to what
she’d been planning to ask. “Listen Tsukune,” she dropped her voice a
bit to make sure no one over heard. “The semester will be ending in a
couple weeks and you’re not allowed to go back to the human world
until graduation. Have you thought about what you’ll be doing over
winter break?”
The thought of winter break stuck here at the academy made his sigh.
“I’ll just stay here I guess. I mean since I can’t go home what else can
I do?”

She licked her lips a little nervously. “Well, if you want, you can stay
with me and my mom for winter break.”

He looked at her in surprise. “Really? Would that be all right?”

She nodded immediately. “Of course, it’s just me and my mom and we
live in a big house. I’ve written to her and you are more than welcome
to stay with us.”

“But… but what about me being a human? What if your mother or

someone else finds out?”

“I doubt anyone would, snow people treat their guests well as a rule
and we mostly prefer to live in human form even amongst ourselves
so you won’t really stand out. Even if some people find out my home
isn’t the academy. My people are pretty used to dealing with humans
and a few have been allowed into our world. Even if they realize you’re
a human you won’t be harmed or killed.” She neglected to mention the
little detail of what would happen if her people realized he was a

He looked at Mizore gratefully. Since he couldn’t go home the idea of

spending the holidays with Mizore and her mom sounded really great.
“Well in that case Mizore-chan I’d love to spend the break with you in
your home.”

She smiled and blushed, very happy at his response. “Good, because I
would love to have you all to myself for awhile.” Maybe I’ll finally be able to
figure out just what I really mean to you.

The two of them smiled at one another, both happy at the idea of
spending the upcoming break together.
Chapter 18. A journey.
It was after class on the last day of the fall semsester. Grades from
the semester exams had been posted a few days ago. (Yukari had
been tops in her class with Moka landing just outside the top twenty,
Mizore being in the top third, Tsukune being pretty much right in the
middle, and Kurumu managing to land in the bottom two percent.)
Nothing was really being taught on the last day and both students and
teachers were in the holiday mood. Tomorrow morning the various
buses would be leaving to bring people to their various homes for the
winter break. Most of the clubs were either not meeting on this last
day or else were having parties. The fortune telling club was an
exception. It’s sole member was sitting alone in room 312 when there
was a knock on the classroom door.

“Come in Mizore,” Saki called out. The door opened and a girl with
long purple hair and a lollipop in her mouth came in.

Mizore looked at the blonde student with slight concern. “I suppose I

should have expected that.”

Saki smirked at her. “You know at the funeral I would have told you
what you wanted to know at no cost. You should have taken me up on
it, now I will need some more gold for another telling.”

“Will this do?” Mizore removed a gold chain from around her neck and
handed it over. Her tiny supply of jewelry was fast vanishing, but she
didn’t care. The information she was after was much more precious to

Saki accepted the gold chain, and unlike last time did not bother to put
it through any sort of inspection. She made it quickly disappear. Saki
smiled at the girl. “So I guess you don’t have any more doubts about
my ability.”

Mizore just shrugged. “I’m willing to admit you might know


Chuckling Saki handed her the small sack. “As before, draw out nine
runes and toss them on the desk.”

Mizore reached into the bag and did just that. Back in her home world
she had been brought up to believe absolutely in the power of the
snow priestess to foretell coming events. To the snow people the
priestess had been a savior. They had only come together and created
their secret world due to her power. She was considered the hope of
her race’s very survival. While Mizore did not have anything
approaching the reverence she held for the priestess for Saki, she still
held her in high regard now. For Mizore anyone who had the gift had
to be respected.

Saki looked at the runes on the desk. Mizore thought she saw a look of
surprise, but if it was there it was quickly smothered. Saki looked up
from the desk to Mizore’s face. “The last time I told you that you had
already met your true and love and that you knew him. What you’re
really dying to hear right now is a name.”

Mizore slowly nodded. “That’s true,” she said with her heart in her

“Gin,” Saki announced.

“Whaaa,” Mizore felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach. Her
jaw dropped open and her lollipop fell to the floor. “Gi… Gin is my true

Saki tilted her head a bit and grinned. “I never said that. I said you
wanted to hear a name so I spoke one, I didn’t say it had anything to
do with your true love.”

Mizore’s mouth snapped shut and the temperature in the room

plummeted. “That wasn’t funny.”

“Yes it was,” Saki looked directly at her. “You already know your true
love is Tsukune, you don’t need me to tell you that.” She watched the
girl let out a relieved sigh. “However…” The other girl immediately
tensed. “Whether or not you end up with him is another matter.”

Mizore looked at the girl sharply. Saki was right of course, Mizore had
been certain it was Tsukune from the moment he kissed her. But with
his doubts and with the competition from the other girls she was
indeed nervous if he would choose her in the end. “Will I? Will I be
with him?”

Saki again glanced at the runes. “I see a very important crossroads, a

journey the two of you will share. There are two possibilities. If you
should not go on this journey together your future is unclear. He will
definitely still be a part of your life for as long as you both live, but the
nature of that relationship is blurred. Whether you will be husband and
wife, lovers, or merely friends is uncertain.”

Saki’s words scared her. She immediately imagined Tsukune happily

married to either Moka or Kurumu while she was relegated to the role
of good friend. The thought of Tsukune being happy with some other
girl made her heart ache. Perhaps it was selfish, but even if another
girl could make him happy she didn’t want him to be with anyone but
her. “And if we go on the journey, what then?” She asked quietly.

“If the two of you go on this journey together then he will become
your husband.” Saki said.

Mizore was caught off guard that she would come right out and be so
clear. “If he comes with me he’ll be mine?” She asked wanting to be
absolutely sure. “We’ll definitely get married?”

Saki nodded firmly. “Yes, there is no doubt at all about that. If you go
on this journey together he will become your husband.” She saw
Mizore’s face blossom into a huge smile. A smile that disappeared
following a single word. “However…”

“What?” Mizore asked nervously.

“If he goes on this journey with you he will return greatly changed.”

“Changed? Changed how?”

“That I can’t tell you,” Saki answered. “But it will be a very important
change and a permanent one.”

“But is it a good change or a bad one? Meeting my mother and seeing

my home might really change him.” A wonderful thought struck her.
“Maybe when he sees all that he will fall in love with me and decide he
wants to marry me!”

Saki frowned at her. “You’re interpreting my words to mean what you

want them to mean. Be careful, that’s how people always end up
getting in trouble when they receive a prophesy. I won’t deny that
what you’re suggesting could be true, but then again it might not be.”

“But if we share this journey he will end up marrying me?”


Mizore clasped her hands together and felt pure bliss run through her.
All her fears about her future with Tsukune were now a thing of the
past. He was her one true love and they would be together. “Thank
you Saki-san, thank you very much.” Knowing what she really needed
to she turned to go and get ready for their trip tomorrow.

“Do you plan on telling him about this?” Saki asked.

Mizore stopped and looked back at her. “No, Tsukune can be a little
skittish sometimes. If I told him about this then he might suddenly
decide not to go on the trip with me.”

Saki frowned. “True, but shouldn’t that be his choice?”

Mizore looked nervous. “You’re not going to tell him are you?” To
Mizore’s relief the other girl shook her head.

“I never reveal the results of a telling to anyone but the client. You
have paid for the telling and the results belong to you alone. However,
what I will do is make a special one time only offer. If Tsukune comes
to me for a telling I’ll perform it for him free of charge. It’ll be my way
of thanking him for what he did for Petyr. If he tosses the runes I
might just learn more about what will happen if he goes on the trip.”

“But what if what you tell him scares him and he decides not to come
with me?”

“It’s a possibility,” Saki admitted.

Mizore could just imagine it. Saki making some bizarre statement
about an important and permanent change coming from the trip.
Tsukune suddenly becoming nervous, as he often did, and deciding not
to go with her.

“No,” Mizore said firmly. “I am not going to mention any of this to him
and I ask you to do the same.”

“That’s pretty selfish of you isn’t it?”

“I love him!” She snapped. She hadn’t meant to say that. She hadn’t
said it to anyone yet, not even to Tsukune or to her mother. But finally
saying those words out loud made them seem more real to her. “I love
him and I know that if I am with him I can make him happy. If he
marries me then he will definitely be happy. I’ll do whatever I have to,
to protect that future happiness.”
“Even if that means manipulating him and denying him the chance to
make his own decision?”

“If it means the two of us ending up happy together then yes, I’ll do
anything to make that happen. Thank you for what you’ve told me, I’ll
come see you again after we return. Goodbye.” This time as she left
Saki made no effort to call her back.


The next morning Mizore and Tsukune were part of a large crowd
waiting for the bus to take them to their destination. Tsukune had a
single large piece of luggage while Mizore carried nothing. She was
going home and had plenty of clothes and other items waiting for her

Tsukune looked over to her and smiled. “Thank you again for letting
me come with you Mizore-chan. I’m really looking forward to this!”

She smiled back and wrapped her self around the arm that was not
holding his luggage. “So am I Tsukune-kun! We’ll go skiing,
snowboarding, skating, and this time I promise we’ll play in the snow
like you wanted to. I guarantee you’ll have a wonderful time. And
unlike me my mom is a great cook, just tell her what sort of food you
like and she’ll make it for you.”

“Are you sure your mom is o.k. with me staying with you? I mean…
what if she doesn’t like me?”

Mizore looked up at him and into his warm eyes. “Believe me Tsukune-
kun that’s not possible. My mother will see just how wonderful you are
and be very happy to have you over.”

“Well I sure hope so.”

“Tsukune,” she said slowly. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

“What is it Mizore-chan?” He noticed her tone seemed to have gotten a

bit more serious.

“I know that some of the things I do bother you, and that they may
seem wrong on the surface. But I want you to know the reasons why I
do them.” She said. “When I stalk you it’s a sign of my devotion, I
want you to be safe even when you are away from me. You… you are
very precious to me Tsukune. Being with you makes me happier than I
have ever been in my whole life and all I want is to make you just as
happy. The warmth that we share together is more precious to me
than anything in this world. And to protect this happiness, this warmth
we share, I can be as ruthless as I have to be.” She shut her eyes and
placed her head on his shoulder. She leaned against him and felt the
warmth of his body next to hers. “Even if I do something that makes
you upset with me Tsukune-kun, please know that my intentions are
good. I only want both of us to be happy.”

He looked at her and saw she was a little scared. He carefully put his
head so he was resting his cheek against hers. “I know that Mizore-
chan, and even though your stalking bothers me sometimes if it
weren’t for that I’d have gotten killed four of five different times by
now. I know you care about me even though I’m completely unworthy
of it. I think you’re wonderful Mizore-chan and even if I complain
sometimes I am truly grateful that you are willing to watch out for

She knew he was only thinking about the way she stalked him, but his
words soothed her conscience. As the crowd around them stirred she
opened her eyes and saw the bus approaching. “Let’s go on our
journey Tsukune-kun.”


From the academy roof top Saki watched as Mizore and Tsukuine
stepped onto their bus. It seemed they were going on their journey

Good luck to you Aono Tsukune. I truly hope you can learn to bear the
Chapter 19. The gentle mother.
When the bus they were on left the academy it was packed. They
travelled to three different worlds and at each a handful of students

“The next stop will be the world of the snow people.” The bus driver

Mizore turned to Tsukune and looked well pleased. They had been
sitting together holding hands and talking quietly the entire time. It
had gotten so cozy that she almost regretted almost being home.
“You’ll really like my home Tsukune it’s amazing.”

“You’re sure that it’ll be all right me coming with you?” Now that he
was actually on the bus about to arrive Tsukune was feeling anxious.
He was starting to really appreciate that he was going to be the only
human in a place filled with snow people. In a way it was the exact
same situation he was in at the academy. But he’d had four months to
figure out Youkai Academy and get settled in. He understood the
academy and had made a small group of friends and acquaintances.
Despite talking with Mizore he still knew nothing about her home and
how things worked there. And unlike at school he would only have one
person he could depend on. He completely trusted Mizore of course.
But it was still kind of scary.

Mizore saw he was nervous and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“Don’t worry Tsukune-kun, everything will be fine.”

They entered a tunnel and were bathed in weird glowing lights. Since
this was their fourth destination Tsukune was used to the sight. It was
when they exited the tunnel and the only color he could see was white
that he got worried. The bus plowed through five foot deep snow as
the winds outside howled.

The bus halted and the door opened. The bus driver actually managed
to sound cheerful as he spoke. “All out for this stop, please take care
exiting the bus.” Most of the doorway was buried in snow.


“Is this really the right spot?” Tsukune had to shout to be heard over
the piercing wind. He hadn’t brought any winter clothes with him to
school and so only had on his school jacket.
“Don’t worry,” Mizore assured him. “The village is less than a mile
from here and it’s under a protective barrier. As soon as we reach it
the weather will die down and it will be a little warmer.”

“I’m… I’m really sorry about being such a burden to you.” He had been
brought up to believe that it was a man’s duty to protect a woman.
Even after four months of being surrounded by women who were all
stronger and more powerful than he was he still had trouble appearing
weak in front of females.

“It’s fine Tsukune,” she promised. “It’s fastest and easiest this way.”
She had immediately created a set of ice skis for herself and told
Tsukune to climb on her back. Though he found it humiliating the fact
they were in the middle of a blizzard convinced him.

Fortunately it turned out that Mizore was dead on and they really were
only about a mile from her village. After just a short time skiing they
crossed an invisible barrier and the winds died away. Though it was
still freezing the temperature was also milder than it had been.

“We’re here,” though she could have taken him right to her front door
on her skis she’d gotten to know him pretty well and just knew he
would rather not have people see her carrying him. She thought it kind
of silly, but she was sure that was what he’d prefer.

Tsukune quickly climbed off her back and was glad that no one had
seen. Once he got on his feet though he got his very first glimpse of
the village of the snow people. “Wow! Mizore this is incredible!”

She looked over at him and smiled, really pleased. “I’m glad you like
it, I wanted to show you this view. It was my original plan actually.”

The buildings were all made of ice. In the sunlight they shined like
diamonds. Above them, amidst clear blue sky, were curtains of
amazing indigo, blue, pink, and orange.

She saw him staring at the sky with an open mouth. “Because of the
barrier there is always an aurora.”

He looked over at her with childlike glee. “And this is where you grew
up? It’s just amazing!”

She blushed a little at his praise. “I am very glad you think so

Tsukune-kun. To me it’s just home. I’m sure if I were to visit where
you are from I would be just as amazed.”
He shook his head. “There’s nothing special about where I’m from
Mizore-chan. I just come from a large city in Japan, there’s nothing
unique about it.”

“I’ve never been to Japan Tsukune-kun.” The two of them began

walking into the village outskirts. “I’ve never been anywhere except
here and the academy. I have seen a human’s mountain village from a
distance. But a city?” She looked at him curiously. “How many people
live in your city Tsukune-kun?”

“A little over a million.” He said easily.

“A million people?” She shook her head. “I can’t even imagine it. My
village has fewer than ten thousand. To me Tsukune seeing your city
would be every bit as amazing.” She paused. “I… I really hope I get to
see it some day. I would love to visit your home one day and meet
your parents.”

As they were walking he reached over and took her hand. “You’ve
invited me into your home Mizore-chan, I think it only right that you
get to see mine and meet my mom and dad. But it’ll have to wait until
after we graduate.”

The ease with which he was inviting her to meet his parents filled her
heart with joy. She felt so happy. “I’ll gladly wait until then Tsukune-


As they walked through the streets of her village people waved and
greeted Mizore by name again and again. She explained that her
village was a very tight knit community where everyone knew
everyone. The people also gave him curious but friendly welcomes as
well. He was starting to feel a little safer, like Mizore the people here
seemed very kind.

The two of them finally arrived at a two story house where a woman in
a formal kimono was waiting.

As they approached Mizore whispered to him. “That’s my mother

Tsurara, I’ve written to her all about you and she’s very anxious to
meet you. Oh, and I may have slightly… exaggerated our relationship.”

“What do you mean?”

The woman was wearing a blue and white kimono that depicted falling
snow. Her hair was silver and it was up. She had the same dark blue
pupil less eyes as her daughter and like Mizore she had perfect pale
skin. On first sight she looked like a beautiful and cultured woman.
“Welcome home daughter,” she said before turning her full focus to
him. “And this must be your boyfriend Tsukune.” She gave him a
smooth and graceful bow. “I am Tsurara; Mizore’s mother, welcome to
our home Aono Tsukune.”

Boyfriend? He had really wanted to be, and still did really. But with
things the way they were he certainly couldn’t call himself that. Still…
though it caught him off guard he didn’t really mind being called that.
He quickly returned Tsurara’s bow with one of his own. “Thank you so
much for permitting me to stay in your home Tsurara-san, really it is
very kind of you.”

Tsurara closed her eyes and gave him a gentile smile. “There is no
need to be so formal with me Tsukune, please just refer to me as
Tsurara. After all, I expect you to be my son some day soon.”

Son?! All right now that scared him a little.

Mizore noted the signs of panic and spoke up. “I don’t think there is
any need to talk about that just yet.”

“Well, it’s never too soon, but since you won’t be seventeen for two
more years I suppose we can hold off for now.” She took Tsukune’s
suitcase from him and turned towards the door. “Come inside children,
I’ve made a wonderful lunch for all of us.”


Despite the fact the building was constructed of ice Tsukune was
relieved to find the inside looked like any modern home might. The
walls were covered in wood paneling and there was carpet on the
floor. There were electric lights and running water and the home was
beautifully furnished. The inside was warm and comfortable enough for
Tsukune to remove his jacket.

“We snow people are used to being cold, for us that is normal.” Mizore
explained. “But we actually enjoy warmth. It is a sort of luxury.” As
she spoke they sat down at the table. She reached out and held his
hand as they spoke quietly to one another.

From the kitchen Tsurara noted how the two of them were interacting
and smiled.

Lunch was served and Tsukune found it absolutely delicious. He

complimented Tsurara more than once on her cooking. Something
Mizore definitely noticed. As they relaxed and ate Tsurara tried to learn
a little more about the boy who had clearly won her daughter’s heart.

“So Tsukune,” Tsurara mentioned casually. “Just what sort of monster

are you? Mizore never mentioned in any of her letters.”

“Mo… monster?” Tsukune said nervously. “Well, I’m a, uh…”

“He’s not allowed to tell mother,” Mizore said calmly. “It’s a school

“But you’re not at school now dear.” Tsurara smiled at him. “If you’re
worried because you’re a half breed or from one of the weaker races
there’s no need. All that matters to me is that you love my daughter
and can giver her plenty of babies.”

“Ba… babies?” Tsukune suddenly turned almost as pale as Mizore or


“That’s right,” Tsurara continued not noticing his sudden discomfort.

“In this beautiful land we are also concerned with a declining birth
rate. So every young girl is expected to have as many children as
possible. Naturally, I’m expecting you to help with that. I want you to
give Mizore lots of healthy children.”

“Is… isn’t it a little early to be talking about that?”

Tsurara’s expression became suddenly serious and her lips took on a

slight frown. “What do you mean? As her boyfriend you do want to
have children with her, don’t you?” On those last two words the air in
front of him transformed into a mass of long spiky blades. All of them
ending about an inch from his throat.

“Ah, that… that is ah…”

Mizore sighed and reached out with her ice claws snapping the blades
off at their base and carefully removing them from the proximity of
Tsukune’s throat. “Mother don’t you think you’re being a little pushy
with our guest? Besides it’s poor manners to threaten someone.”

“Oh please forgive me Tsukune,” Tsurara gave him a seated bow. “It
was not intentional. I just have a nervous habit of making ice weapons
whenever I feel upset about something.”

He gave her a shaky grin. “No… not a problem.” He said.

“I’m so glad you are so forgiving Tsukune,” she said in relief. “I know
I’ll enjoy having you around the house as my son. Now tell me, have
the two of you picked a date for the wedding yet?”


“You do want to marry my daughter don’t you?”

He suddenly found sharpened blades surrounding his throat again.

“Ah, well you see… ah…”

Mizore sighed and transformed her hands back into claws again.


Following the rather… eventful lunch Tsukune was left in the living
room to relax / recover. While Mizore and her mom took care of the
dishes in the kitchen.

As they washed and dried Tsurara beamed at her daughter. “He’s

exactly as you described dear. A little fearful sometimes, but very kind
and caring. I think he’s a wonderful person.”

“I’m very glad to hear that mother, but you really need to stop placing
his life in danger. You’ve just met him and you’ve already done it four

“Now Mizore-chan you know that’s just a habit of mine.” Tsurara

chided. “I would never think of hurting him. Well not unless he actually
deserved it.”

“Even then, please don’t do anything to him. I don’t want my Tsukune

to be hurt in any way.”

Tsurara gave her daughter a knowing smile. “You really are in love
with him aren’t you?”

She looked down and refused to answer. “Mother, while I’m here could
you help me with something?”
“What dear?”

“Do you think you could teach me how to cook?”

Tsurara covered her mouth as she began to laugh. “I don’t believe it,
after all those years of you refusing to learn! You really have fallen for
him completely haven’t you?”

Mizore glared at her but that only made Tsurara laugh even more.


Following lunch the two of them headed out and Mizore gave Tsukune
a tour of the village and even introduced him to a few people.
Everyone he met treated him very well and Tsukune began to think he
might actually survive the next three weeks.

They returned home in time for dinner. To his relief they managed to
get through a whole meal without his life being put in danger. When
she wasn’t creating bladed weapons Tsukune found he actually really
liked Tsurara. She was certainly a lot more formal than his own
mother, but it was obvious she was very kind and caring. Her ideas
about marriage and having babies were a bit over the top, but he
chalked that up to an eccentric nature. Mizore could be a little weird
sometimes too. Fortunately she wasn’t obsessed with children and

Following dinner Tsurara took his upstairs to his room. He was amazed
at how big it was. It was much larger than his room back home, to say
nothing about his dorm room. There was a king sized bed and a vast
window with a view of the local neighborhood. The room even came
with its own private bath.

“My daughter and I will be busy for the next few hours Tsukune. Why
don’t you take a nice hot bath and turn in early. I’m sure you and
Mizore will be busy tomorrow.”

Tsukune smiled. She really was a very kind and gentle mother, except
with the ice blades thing. He gave her a bow. “Thank you Tsurara, I
think I’ll do just that. And again, I really do thank you for your

She smiled and covered her mouth as she giggled slightly. “My, my,
but you are the polite one Tsukune. Believe me it is my pleasure to
have you here. Good night Tsukune.”
“Good night.”


He soaked in the tub and let the excitement and weariness of the long
day melt away. He put on his pajamas and got underneath the thick
covers of the wonderfully soft bed. He was soon fast asleep.


Sometime late that night he came slowly awake as he noticed a weight

on his chest. He opened his eyes and let them focus in the dark.

Mizore was sleeping in the bed and had her head on his chest.

“Mizore!” He snapped his mouth shut after letting out the startled cry.
Tsurara almost killed me just for not having a wedding date in mind.
What will she do to me if she finds me like this? He had a sudden
mental image of being tossed out into a blizzard naked.

Mizore opened her eyes and gave him a startled look. “What’s wrong
Tsukune? Did you have a bad dream or something?”

“What’s wrong?” He said disbelieving. “Mizore-chan what would

happen if your mother found us like this?”

He didn’t need to wonder for very long. The door to the room opened
and the lights came on. There in the door way in a robe was a worried
looking Tsurara. She was looking right at them. Tsukune said some
silent prayers as he prepared for death.

“Tsukune, I heard you shout, are you all right?” Tsurara asked.

His mind was frozen as he couldn’t think of any way to explain his
current predicament.

“It’s all right mother,” Mizore said through a yawn. “Tsukune just had
a nightmare, nothing to worry about.”

“Oh, all right,” Tsurara said in relief. “Good night you two.” She quietly
turned off the light and shut the door.

Tsukune remained rigid staring at Mizore.

“What? Aren’t you going back to sleep?”

“Mizore–chan,” he spoke in a low whisper. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? This is my room. Where else would I sleep?”

His jaw dropped. “Wait a minute, you mean I’m sleeping in your bed?”

“Well you were,” she rested her head back on his chest.

“But this is the room your mother told me I’d be using.”

“Right,” she said.

Tsukune stared at her.


“We’re sharing a room? And a… a … bed?”

“That’s right,” Mizore said. “Where else would my boyfriend stay but
with me in my room?” She asked reasonably.

“Bu… but your mother,” he tried to protest.

“What about my mother?”

“She’s o.k. with this?”

Mizore lifted her head off his chest to look at him. “Well obviously. She
told you to stay here and she saw us together just a minute ago.”

He stared at her. “Mizore we can’t share the same bed!”

She frowned at him. “Why not?”

“Because… because… well we can’t.”


“Because it would be wrong!”

She just stared at him. “Fine then, you go and tell my mother that you
don’t want to share a bed with me. Of course she’ll take that as a huge
insult and be very upset. I’ll try and save you but I’m note sure I’ll be
able to.”

He suddenly imagined about a hundred ice blades at his throat. “Are

you sure it’s all right?” In his entire life he had never once imagined a
pretty girl’s mother wanting a boy to spend the night in her bed.

“I’m sure,” she said. She rested her head again and closed her eyes.
“Please go back to sleep Tsukune-kun.”

Just what sort of family is this? Still… now that he was no longer
panicked he found that Mizore was very warm against him. Warm and
very, very soft it actually felt kind of nice to have her sleeping next to
him. He decided to lie back and try to go to sleep. After all if both she
and her mom were o.k. with this then it wasn’t really a problem.

He stayed awake for a while but finally began to get used to the feel of
Mizore lying beside him. Just as his eyes were getting heavy though
she whispered to him.


“Huh? What?”

“There… there’s a spe… special place I want to show you. A mea…

meadow, filled with flowers. Early tomorrow, before breakfast, would
you go there with me?”

He smiled. She didn’t think anything of having her mother see her in
bed with a strange boy. But she sounded scared to death asking him
to go look at a field of flowers. She’s wonderful, but definitely a little
weird. He put his arms around her and gave her a slight hug. “Sure, it
sounds fun.”

With that the two of them drifted off back to sleep.

Chapter 20. Amid the snow whites.
“Tsukune,” a girl’s voice whispered ion his ear.

“Mmmmm?” he slowly opened his eyes, it was still dark. He saw

Mizore’s face looking down at his. “Mizore? What time is it?”

“It’s just after five in the morning,” she told him. “I’ve already
showered and dressed. You need to get ready if we’re going to leave
and make it back before breakfast is ready.”

It’s five in the morning? He thought with an inward groan. Aren’t people
supposed to sleep in on their holidays? “Mizore-chan do we really have to go
right now? Couldn’t we do this later?”

He saw a fearful look enter her eyes. “Please Tsukune-kun,” she said
in a small voice. “This is very important to me. Please come with me.”

That look in her eyes tugged at his heart. He really had no idea why
going to look at some flowers was so important to her, but obviously it
was. Smothering a yawn he nodded and pulled the warm bed sheets
aside. “All right Mizore–chan, if it’s that important to you we’ll go.” It
was only then that he noticed that Mizore was not in her usual outfit.
Rather than the long sleeve shirt and short skirt he was used to she
was dressed in a lovely pale lavender kimono. “Wow Mizore-chan, that
kimono looks really good on you.”

She immediately blushed and looked away. “Tha… thank you Tsukune-
kun, I’m glad that you like it.”

“But why are you getting so dressed up just to go pick flowers?”

“The place I’m taking you is a very special place and… and that I’m
going with you makes this extra special to me. I just wanted to wear
something to mark the occasion.” She looked back up at him, her face
still red. “Please hurry and get ready Tsukune, we really need to go
soon if we’re going to get there right at sunrise.”

Tsukune smiled and nodded and went into the bath room to get
showered and ready.

All alone Mizore could feel her heart thundering inside her chest. She
was excited and scared and a little guilty. Tsukune will definitely be my
husband, Saki said it was certain and I believe her. That means it’s all right to do this
since he’s the one I’ll be with. Though she tried to justify it to herself the
simple fact was she loved him and was ready to do anything to be with
him. Even with the prophesy a part of her was frightened of losing him
to one of the other girls. If it meant securing her place within his heart
she was ready to do anything, even deceive him. It’s not wrong if it means
he’ll be happy in the long run, and I know I can make him happy.


In the early morning darkness the two of them left the house and fled
hand in hand. Mizore had provided him with a winter jacket, snow
shoes, and gloves so he was able to move through the snow and cold
much better than he had before.


From her bedroom window Tsurara watched the two of them go. The
way her daughter was dressed told her all she needed to know about
where they were going and why. With a gentle smile she went
downstairs to begin making breakfast.


It seemed like a long trek through the snowy darkness but she seemed
to know exactly where she was going. With her hand holding tightly to
his she led him out of the village and into a seeming wilderness. She
brought him to a rocky path that led up the side of a small mountain.
He struggled a little as he climbed but she was patient and happy to
help him as he needed it. Their path led them to a rise and just as
they topped it the sun was just beginning to rise.

“Wow,” Tsukune said in a breathless whisper. Just below them was a

meadow filled with white flowers. All of them blooming and waving in
the slight wind.

Still holding his hand she led him down the side of the rise and into the
middle of the meadow. “These flowers are called, ‘Shirayuki’ like me.
They are snow whites.” She bent down and slowly began to pick some.
“These are very special flowers; among my people it’s believed that
they have the power to bind two people together.” She stood holding a
number of the flowers in her hands. “When I was a little girl I became
friends with a human boy from a village not far from here. He was
sweet and very kind and I came to have feelings for him,” she
Tsukune stood there silently listening. Why is she telling me all this?

“I brought him here, to this sacred place and I confessed to him that I
was a snow girl. I asked him to make a promise with me to meet again
when I turned seventeen to pick flowers together.”

Tsukune felt a sudden jealousy flare up inside him. She has someone else
she cares for? “So that means now you and him are…”

She looked away from him. “When he heard I was a snow girl he ran
away from me and that was that,” she said sadly. “He seemed to think
I was going to eat him or something.” She looked out over the field of
flowers. “He was the first boy I ever cared about and he ran away
from me screaming. Ever since then someplace in my heart I’ve
always had the feeling that I’d end up all alone in the end.”

He could hear the ache in her voice and it made him ache too. He
came up from behind and slowly wrapped his arms around her.
“Mizore,” he said gently. “Please… don’t say stuff like that. That boy
just didn’t understand. Sometimes you are a little weird and there are
things about you that are hard to understand. But I know the good
things about you Mizore-chan. I know that you are kind and a strong
and gentle and that you care about others. If that boy had known
those things about you then he would never have run away. I’m… I’m
glad that he did. I… I would hate to think there was another boy that
you cared for.”

His arms around her, holding her and pulling her against him. She shut
her eyes and enjoyed this simple feeling of being held by the one you
loved. Tsukune, I don’t want this feeling to ever end! “Will you understand my
feelings?” She asked softly. She slowly turned around so they were
face to face, his arms still around her. “I’m scared Tsukune.”

“Why are you scared Mizore-chan?” He held her just a little tighter. “I
won’t let anything hurt you.”

“I’m scared that you’ll reject my feelings. Tsukune… you are the only
one I want to be bound to, you are the only one I want to always be
with.” She swallowed and brought the flowers up before him. “I love
you, please accept my feelings.”

She loves me! He thought, feeling both excited and afraid. And just as he
was trying to understand his own feelings he took a deep breath
tasted the sweet fragrance of the snow whites. He felt an odd warmth
fill his chest and his mind seemed to become a little numb. He did not
lose control of himself. Rather his normal fears and inhibitions were
stripped away. His doubts and nervousness just vanished like a
morning mist. He looked into her gentle eyes and felt sure.

“Mizore-chan,” he said tenderly. “I love you too.” He kissed her. His

kiss was filled with passion and with absolute certainty about his own

YES! Her soul cried out. This was what she’d wanted, what she’d
dreamed about. He knew her feelings and he shared them! He loved
her! It was all she needed or wanted. Tsukune loved her. She would
never ask for anything more. She let the flowers slip from her fingers
as she wrapped her own arms around him and eagerly returned his

When their long wet kiss ended she reached down and undid her
kimono, letting it slip to the ground. She was wearing nothing else.
“Tsukune-kun,” she said eagerly as she pulled off his gloves and
placed his hands on her breasts. “Be my lover.”

Tsukune could feel the blood rushing through his veins. Despite all of
Kurumu’s silly antics this was the first time he had ever seen a naked
girl. It was the first time the skin of his hands had ever touched the
skin of a girl’s breasts. At first Mizore’s skin was cold, but warmed
right up beneath his touch. She was not as large as Kurumu, but her
breasts were perfect and felt absolutely amazing. “Mizore-chan… I… I…”
his brain failed him. He knew he should say something, he knew this
had to be wrong, but in that instant he really couldn’t think of a single
objection. The scent of the flowers seemed thick in the air and his
blood was hot and his whole body was quivering. “I… I… I want you!”

Without another word he pressed his mouth to hers and pushed her
down in the meadow. His hands fumbled with the zipper to his jacket
until she was able to help him get it off. She helped him remove all his
clothing and was soon gasping with pleasure as she felt his mouth and
his hands roaming all over her body.

“Oh Tsukune!” she cried joyously.

“Mi… Mizore-chan!” He gasped as he felt amazing pleasure.

Amid the snow whites the two of them made love.

When they got back to the village it was almost noon, time for lunch,
not breakfast. Neither of them seemed to even notice. His jacket was
unzipped and he’d forgotten his gloves. Her kimono was stained on the
back and wet. It looked disheveled. As they walked slowly through the
streets they were arm in arm and she had her head resting on his

The women of the village, even the little girls, seemed to understand
instantly. As they passed women of every age began to smile or to
giggle quietly. Groups of girls began to whisper excitedly to one

Again neither of them even noticed.


When they finally returned Tsurara greeted them as though nothing at

all were out of the usual. She did not ask them where they had been
or why they had left as early as they did. Lunch was ready and the
three of them sat down to eat. She smiled as she noted that the two of
them had quite an appetite. She would definitely get Mizore alone later
and find out the details, but for now she was happy simply to know
that her daughter was happy and that her feelings were returned.

Tsurara smiled contentedly as she sipped her tea at the end of the
meal. Now she could start planning the wedding.
Chapter 21. What kind of family is this?
After dinner Mizore had again disappeared into the kitchen with her
mom leaving Tsukune all alone. It had been an exhausting, but oh so
pleasant, day. After returning from the meadow neither of them had
felt any interest in going out again. He couldn’t recall the specifics of
the afternoon, they seemed to have spent hours alone together just
kissing and cuddling. The last several hours were all just a happy blur.
He stood up and stretched. Mizore had told him she would be busy
with her mom for a few hours. Without Mizore around he was suddenly
feeling kind of beat. He decided to just do what he had last night. He
headed upstairs to take a hot bath and then go to bed.


After a long soak he had put on his pajamas and slipped beneath the
covers. As he was lying in the warm bed he began replaying the
events of that morning. We had sex! Mizore and I had sex! I saw her naked and
I… He thought of all the things the two of them had done together.
They had both been virgins and totally inexperienced. But they had
quickly figured it out. They had followed their instincts and just done
what had felt good. He was recalling some of his own actions and felt
his face blush. He had been somewhat… aggressive, wanting to touch
her, lick her, enter her in every way he could. And Mizore had been
willing, no, not just willing. The truth was she’d been as eager, maybe
even more eager than he had. He’d always believed that it was the girl
who decided how far things would go. The boy tried to take things as
far as he could and the girl was the one who said no and set the limits.
Mizore hadn’t said no to anything.

I told her I loved her. That was almost as scary as having had sex with her.
It wasn’t that it had been a lie. It wasn’t even that he was upset that
she knew his real feelings. He did love her, she was weird and
troubling and a little scary at times. But in her own way she was gentle
and protective. Whenever he was with her he felt something that he
felt with no one else. Every second he got to spend with her made him
feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I really do love her, he thought. And
since she’d been the first to confess her feelings saying anything else
would have been a huge mistake.

So what worried him wasn’t that he’d said the words so much as the
ease with which he’d said them. It was the first time in his life he’d said
those words to a girl who wasn’t a family member. Saying them was
crossing a huge line; it was a monumental step that once taken could
never be taken back. Normally he would have been absolutely
terrified. He might have still said the words, he thought, he hoped he
would have, but it would have been immensely hard for him. But he
had answered her easily, and even been bold enough to give her that
probing kiss. And then when she’d taken her kimono off he had only
hesitated a moment before pushing her down and having his way with
her. He never could have imagined acting that way when Kurumu
putting his hand on her sweatered chest was enough to cause him to
go into a total panic. But all the normal worries and inhibitions had
been gone.

Why did I act that way? Was it just the moment? I’ve never been so brave with a girl.
Once, back in middle school, one of his friends had brought in a bottle
of sake from home. He and the other boys had all taken one drink.
That one tiny cup had been enough to leave him feeling hot and dizzy
and not quite in control of his own body. He wasn’t truly drunk but he
was not in full control of himself. For some reason when he thought
about the meadow that memory came to mind, as did the sticky sweet
scent of the flowers. It doesn’t matter, he thought. I’ve told Mizore my feelings
and I made love to her. I must take responsibility! I must be a man and do what’s right!
They loved each other and they would be a couple from now on. He
would do everything he could to make her happy. It occurred to him
that when they returned to the academy he would have to tell both
Moka and Kurumu that they could only be friends. The thought of
saying that to Moka was especially troubling.

He shut his eyes and pulled the blankets up, over his head. He didn’t
want to think about any of that any more. He just wanted to fall


He suddenly came awake with the sensation of something on his neck.

For just a moment his sleepy mind imagined Moka had come and was
having a drink.

As his eyes focused he realized it wasn’t Moka. Mizore was lying on top
of him beneath the covers. Her tongue was licking the side of his
throat. He also noticed that his pajama tops had been unbuttoned. Her
weight was pressing down on him, and he could feel her smooth skin
rubbing slowly against his.

“Mi… Mizore-chan what are you doing?” He said in a harsh whisper. He

pulled the covers up just enough to confirm it. She wasn’t wearing
anything. “And wh… ehre’s your ni… uh, nightshirt?” He found it hard
to concentrate enough to speak; she kept right on licking him.

She finally stopped and answered. “Since we’re lovers now a nightshirt
would get in the way.” She began delivering a series of playful kisses
on his throat and then down his chest as she moved her head beneath
the blankets towards the lower body.

“Mi…Mizore-chan we… we can… can’t do thi… this.” Wow! This feels so


“Why… not?” She answered between kisses on his flat stomach.

“Wha… what if… if your mo… mother finds out?”

He could feel the vibration of her laughter against his stomach. “She
already knows Tsukune-kun.”


He could feel Mizore suddenly stop and lift her head beneath the
blankets. “Tsukune you need to be quiet or you’ll wake her.”

“Oh, right, sorry,” his mind was in confusion but the need for quiet
was obvious. “How did she find out?”

“I think she knew as soon as she saw us come back,” Mizore

explained. “Our clothes were a mess and women can often just tell.
When we were in the kitchen she told me she knew and I saw no
reason to deny it.”

“I see,” he answered weakly. “Is she angry? Does she want me to


“Why would she want you to leave?” Mizore asked curiously. “She’s
happy that the two of us have consummated our love. Mostly she just
wanted to know the details.”

“Details?” He said nervously. She wouldn’t.

“That’s right; she wanted me to tell her exactly what we did together.”

“What did you say?”

He could feel her shrug. “I told her everything I could recall, we did do
a lot of different things.”

Tsukune could feel his stomach turn to led and his heart stop beating.
She told her mother everything?!

“I also asked her for advice on the best ways to please you, she says
it’s a part of a woman’s duties to keep her man satisfied. She also said
that like with food, every man’s appetites will be a little different.
Please be sure to tell me what you like best so that I know.”

Tsukune’s jaw dropped and he couldn’t make a sound. What kind of family
is this?!

Since he didn’t say anything more she decided to get back to what
she’d been doing. She pulled down his pajama bottoms and exposed
the little soldier who’s been hiding. He stood tall at rigid attention.

“Wha… what are you doing?”

He pretends to complain a lot, but it’s obvious he wants this. The body never lied
and his body had responded to her teasing and was ready for more.
“I’m going to make you happy.” She took him carefully into her hands
and promptly began to lick. As soon as she began she felt his body
begin to shake. “Do… you… like… this?” She asked between her slow

The only answer she got was a long moan. She took that for a yes and
decided to move on to the next thing her mother had suggested. She
took him completely into her mouth and began to slowly suck. She
was rewarded by another moan. That made her very happy, she was
going to learn exactly how to please him best. She was going to give
him such incredible pleasure that he would never even think of looking
at Moka or Kurumu.

Of course I’m going to show him what I like best too. Mother did say it was part of a
man’s responsibility to take care of his woman’s needs.


They slept in late that morning. It was almost ten by the time the two
of them finally got dressed and made it down. (Despite initial protests
Mizore had finally convinced him to share a shower with her.) Tsurara
had already eaten her breakfast but warmed up theirs and then
decided to sit with them and have some tea as the two of them ate.
She made light conversation with the two of them as they ate. “So
what are the two of you going to do today?”

“I’m going to teach Tsukune how to ski.” Mizore said.

Tsurara frowned slightly. “Are you planning to go on the north slope?”

She nodded. “That’s where the best trails are.”

“You may want to hold off on that,” Tsurara said. “There have been
reports of Yeti in the area.”

“So?” Mizore asked unconcerned. “There are always reports of Yeti; I’ve
still never seen one.”

“Ah, what are Yeti?” Tsukune asked.

“They’re savage monsters who share this world with us,” Tsurara
answered. “Unlike us though they are just uncivilized animals. They
are immune to cold attacks and physically very strong, they are very
dangerous creatures and should be avoided at all costs.”

“They aren’t really that dangerous,” Mizore said. “We have rangers
who patrol the village borders and keep them a safe distance away.”

“Occasionally some of them manage to sneak in despite the patrols.”

Tsurara pointed out.

“Ah, maybe we should play it safe.” Tsukune said. “With the way
things have been at the academy I’d rather not go looking for trouble.”

“All right Tsukune-kun,” Mizore said. “Since you’re just learning we can
start off on the south slope for now. But there really isn’t any danger,
there are always sightings but the only people who ever actually deal
with Yeti are the rangers.”

With that settled they spoke about other light topics as the two of
them finished with breakfast. As they were all sipping their tea Tsurara
turned to Tsukune to ask him a question. “So Tsukune, did you enjoy
having sex with my daughter last night? From all the noise you were
making I assume that you did.”

He was suddenly spitting up his tea and coughing. Meanwhile both

women looked over at him concerned, wondering what was wrong.

When he could breathe again he stared at the two of them and their
matching calm expressions.

O.k. seriously, what kind of family is this?

Chapter 22. Please forgive me.
Tsukune slowly came awake as sunlight filled the room. Mizore was
lying comfortably on his chest, still peacefully asleep. He looked at his
beautiful girlfriend and smiled. He ran a single hand carefully though
her long purple hair. He thought he was actually starting to get used
to this, to making love to her every night and waking up to her
beautiful face every morning. The past two weeks had been rather
amazing. And they had included a number of, ‘interesting’ moments.


He’d been just about to get into the hot bath when the bathroom door
opened. Mizore strolled in sucking her usual lollipop, naked as a jay

“Mizore-chan!” He screamed and immediately covered up his privates.

“What are you doing?”

She stopped and looked at him in surprise. “I was wanting to take a

bath.” She answered calmly.

“But I’m about to take one.” He said. He was trying to scrunch up and
somehow hide in plain sight.

She lifted a single eyebrow and sent him a curious look. “I know that, I
thought we could share,” she walked over to him. “I’ll scrub your
back,” she carefully pulled his hands apart. Revealing he was feeling
rather excited. “I’ll wash some other parts for you too if you want.”

His entire face was as red as a tomato. “But… but… your mother…”

She stared at him. “You want my mother to join us?”

He thought he was going to die. “Ack! No! Of course not!”

“Good,” she said with relief. “Because that would be weird.” She took
out her lollipop and kissed him, cutting off further protests.

Before he knew it the two of them were in the massive tub and he was
enjoying the best bath of his entire life.


He was going through the dresser drawers where he had put his
clothes. At the moment he had on nothing but a towel.

Mizore came out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel, but not
wearing one. “Something wrong Tsukune?”

He turned to answer and needed a moment to regather his thoughts.

Even after sharing a bath with her just seeing Mizore naked was
enough to completely scramble his brains. When he finally could he
answered her. “I can’t find my pajamas.”

“Oh I threw them away,” she told him matter of factly.

“You threw away my favorite pajamas?” He sounded upset.

She simply nodded and continued to dry her hair. “That’s right; you
don’t need them anymore. I’m tired of having to unbutton them every
night and I like to fall asleep feeling your warm skin next to mine.
Since we’re lovers now I intend to share a bed with you from now on
so you don’t need pajamas anymore.”

“But… but what about when we go back to the academy?”

“What about it?”

“I live in a boys’ dorm where girls aren’t allowed past the ground

“So? That’s never stopped me before.”

Tsukune opened his mouth to protest. Wait a second! I get to have sex with her
every night?! He immediately shut his mouth and didn’t say another
word. Pajamas seemed like a very small sacrifice.


The two of them were sitting down to a nice breakfast with Tsurara.

“How do you, like your meal Tsukune?” Tsurara asked pleasantly.

“It’s great,” he answered. The way he emptied his plate gave proof to
his words.

“I’m very glad you are enjoying it,” she said. “Mizore was the one who
cooked it for you.”

He looked over at the girl, suddenly understanding why she had gotten
up before he had. “You made this Mizore-chan? It’s really, really

She smiled and her cheeks darkened just a little. “Thank you Tsukune-
kun, I’m glad you like it.”

“I had no idea you were such a great cook.”

“I… I wasn’t, but mother has been teaching me how to cook a proper
meal.” Mizore admitted.

“Oh, so that’s why you’ve been spending all that time in the kitchen
with your mother.” Tsukune said.

Mizore nodded. “I plan to keep learning and eventually I’ll learn how to
make all your favorite meals.”

Tsurara smiled sweetly at him. “You see the effort my daughter is

willing to make in order for you to be happy? She’ll make you a
wonderful wife some day.”

“I… I’m sure she will.” Tsukune answered nervously.

“So then, shall we discuss a wedding date?” Tsurara asked smoothly.

“The sooner we have the date the sooner we can start making all the

“Ah, isn’t… isn’t it sti… still a little early to be talking about that?”
Tsukune answered as carefully as he could. He knew this was a very
touchy subject and he really didn’t want his life put in danger.

Sure enough, at his answer Tsurara’s smile turned into a slight frown.
“Too early? But you’ve declared your love to her in the sacred place
and you’ve confirmed that love again and again, pledging your bodies
to each other. You are not just using my daughter for sex are you? You
do intend to take responsibility and make her your wife, don’t you?”

The air in front of him solidified into half a dozen jagged blades, all
ending dangerously close to his throat. “Ah, I… I…”

“Mother, you’re doing it again.” Mizore snapped of the blades with her
ice claws and removed them. “I’ve already told you we have two years
to decide and I don’t mind waiting. Tsukune will decide when he is
ready, until then I am happy just to be with him.”
“But daughter…”

“Mother it’s fine, please don’t try and pressure Tsukune anymore. I
know his love for me, when the time comes we’ll decide. We have two

Tsurara looked slightly unhappy, but nodded.

Mizore no longer had any doubts. Saki had given her prophesy.
Tsukune had declared his love to her and they had consummated their
new relationship among the snow whites. Every time he looked at her,
every time he touched her she felt the love he held for her. He had
come here and declared his love for her; a great and permanent
change, just as Saki had foretold. He would definitely be her husband
one day, she had no doubts. The only reason he hadn’t made it official
yet was his usual nervous nature. He was just skittish. If he got scared
by the simple act of bathing together it only made sense that
something as serious as marriage would worry him. But that was all
right, she could accept that from him. Like with everything else she
would bring him around eventually.


“Yes Tsukune?”

“Ah, you mentioned that we have two years to get married.” He looked
at her a little fearful. “Why so soon? We’ll both only be seventeen by
then, and still really young. We won’t even have graduated the
academy, never mind university. What’s the rush?”

Mizore looked at him in complete surprise. University? He wanted to

wait until they graduated university? She would be twenty two, much
too old for marriage.

Tsurara saw the reaction and nodded to herself. “I see,” she said
quietly. “I think my daughter has taken a few things for granted that
she should have explained.” She focused her attention on him.
“Tsukune, from your point of view it may seem that two years is
rushing. But from ours that is as much time as we can give. You see it
is a matter of biology.”

“Biology?” He said confused. What does biology have to do with any of this?

Tsurara nodded. “Do you remember that when you first arrived I
mentioned there was a declining birthrate? The truth is the snow
people are slowly dying out. Every girl is therefore obligated to have
as many children as she can.I do not know your race Tsukune, but I
suspect the females of it are able to bear children into their thirties or
forties or even later. In such a circumstance I can understand wanting
to be patient. But I’m afraid a snow girl’s biology is very different.
Snow girls only become fertile around their seventeenth birthday and
are able to bear children only until their early twenties. For that reason
a special law was passed.”

“What sort of law?” Tsukune asked.

“Every snow girl must be married by the time she comes of age,”
Mizore answered quietly. “If I can find a mate who can give me
children by my seventeenth birthday I am free to marry him. If not
someone will be found for me.”

“Someone will be found for you?” He echoed dully. “What, do you

mean some random guy? Someone you don’t even love? You’d be
forced to marry him?”

“That’s right,” Mizore answered calmly.

“That’s horrible! What sort of people would do that to someone?”

“Please don’t think badly of us Tsukune,” Tsurara said. “Our entire

race is in danger of extinction. To preserve the snow people we must
make whatever sacrifices are necessary. For us the survival of our race
must come before all else, even personal happiness. That was my own
case. Mizore’s father was chosen for me. He was a good man and I
grew to care for him before he died, but I did not choose him.”

Tsurara reached out and took a hold of his hand. Her flesh was cold
but it warmed quickly. “If I seem a bit obsessive on the subject of
marriage please understand that it is only because I can see just how
much my daughter loves you and how happy you make her. She must
be married by the time she is seventeen and I want her marriage to be
to someone who I know will be good to her and make her happy.”

“So you see Tsukune,” she said tranquilly. “If you want to marry me it
has to be within the next two years, or not at all.”


After explaining the situation they had left it at that.

He continued to look at her beautiful face while running his hand
through her hair. If I want to marry her it has to be within the next two years. And
once they married they would need to start having children
immediately. Both Mizore and Tsurara had made that point crystal
clear. If he wanted to be with Mizore he would have to marry her
within two years and be ready to become a father.

The idea scared the hell out of him. He loved Mizore. He was sure of
that, and he’d slowly come to realize that he wanted to spend his life
with her. She made him very happy and he couldn’t imagine spending
his life with anyone else. But marriage, it was such a huge step. He
thought they would have time to really get used to each other and to
be absolutely certain they were ready. Now instead he was being faced
with making this huge commitment by the time he was seventeen… or
else lose her forever. It was a hell of a lot for a fifteen year old to deal
with. Especially considering that just four and a half months ago he
had been a totally normal kid whose biggest worry had been fitting
into his new school. Was he ready for this?

As the thoughts tumbled through his head Mizore’s gorgeous blue eyes
slowly opened. She gave him that shy smile that he loved. “Good
morning.” She leaned over and gave him a light kiss.

“Good morning,” he said and moved his hand to softly stroke her
cheek. He decided to forget his worries for the time being. “So what’s
on the agenda for today?”

“I think you’re ready to go on the north slope and take on the trails

He frowned a bit. She had taught him how to ski well enough so as not
to embarrass himself. But… “Are you sure? The north slope looks
awfully big. And what about that thing with the Yeti?”

“You’re ready for the trails there,” she said confidently. “And there
haven’t been any more Yeti sightings for the past two weeks.”

“Well all right, I trust you.” He laughed a little. “I’ll try not to
embarrass you up there.”


They had a wonderful day of skiing. They took the lift to the top and
hit the various trails. Mizore created skis and poles out of ice for
herself. Tsukune used equipment straight from the human world that
was kept on hand just for visitors. She knew the north slope like the
back of her hand having skied here since being a little girl. She took
him on all the trails and as she’d expected he managed very well.
Tsukune always had doubts about himself and his abilities, but she had
noted that whenever he set his mind to something he usually did very

As the sun was setting they were near the bottom of the slope at the
end of a trail near some woods.

Mizore looked at the setting sun. “I guess we should head back now,
mother will have dinner ready for us.”

Tsukune lifted his goggles and gave her an immense smile. “This has
been a great day Mizore-chan, thanks for teaching me to ski and
bringing me out here.”

“Tsukune it was…” She was cut off by a furious roar from the nearby

“Graaar!” An eight foot tall hulking beast with black eyes and matted
white fur came stomping out of the woods and straight at them.

“What is that?!” He’d seen his share of scary monsters before, but
nothing like this mindless beast.

“Yeti!” Mizore let out a frightened shout of her own. As a little girl her
mother had scared her with stories about blood thirsty Yeti. “Tsukune
get out of here!” She fully transformed and fired off a series of ice
daggers from her claws. They shattered against the creature’s hairy
chest with no effect except to make him angrier.

“I’m not leaving you!” he stood at her side ready to protect her no
matter what.

As the creature got closer she tried to freeze him in a block of ice but
the yeti broke through immediately. Just like the stories said, they
were immune to ice powers. She desperately fired off more ice kunai
but it didn’t even slow it down.

“Mizore run!” With that Tsukune skied straight at the monster.

“Tsukune NO!!” She could do nothing but watch.

With nothing but a swipe of his thick arm the Yeti lashed out and
struck the brave boy, sending him flying into a large tree. He struck
with a sickening, ‘crack’ and fell to the snow motionless.

“TSUKUNE!!” She ran straight at the monster determined to kill him

and then get to Tsukune. She struck him with her claws but could not
slice through his thick hide or hurt him. The Yeti delivered a punch
that sent her flying into a snow pile.

She let out a cry of pain and struggled back to her feet. The Yeti was
coming at her again.

Then suddenly there was an explosion and the Yeti was knocked to the
ground. Skiing out of the woods was a man in an all white uniform
with a rifle in his hands, a ranger. He brought the rifle up to his
shoulder and squeezed the trigger. More explosions surrounded the
Yeti. Though apparently not wounded the creature got up and swiftly

With the immediate threat gone the ranger got over to her. “Are you
all right?”

“I’m fine, but Tsukune needs help!” She hurried over to him. To her
sickening horror there was blood coming out of his mouth and nose
and he was twisted on the ground in an unnatural shape. Though she
cried his name he refused to wake up.

“Stand aside,” the ranger quickly knelt over him and checked his
vitals. He cast a quick look at Mizore as he carefully lifted Tsukune up
in his arms. “It’s very bad, he needs immediate medical treatment or
he won’t survive. He isn’t a snow boy, what race is he?”

“Race? What does that matter?”

“It matters a lot,” the ranger snapped at her. “Depending on what race
he is the physicians will have different ways to treat him. Knowing his
race might mean the difference between life and death. If you know
tell me.”

Mizore looked at his pale and bloodied face. Tsukune, please forgive me. “He
is… human.”

The ranger sent her a sharp look. “I see, well let’s get him to the
hospital and save his life. The rest will work itself out.”
Chapter 23. The law.
Tsukune was lying peacefully in a hospital bed. His breathing was a bit
labored but it was regular. Bandages were wrapped around the top of
his head where his skull had been cracked. Beneath his hospital gown
were more bandages where four ribs had been broken and one of his
lungs ruptured. He had come perilously close to drowning in his own
blood. But after six hours of surgery his life was no longer in danger
and he was expected to make a full recovery. Along with all the other
damage his right thigh bone had snapped. He had a cast and would
need to use a crutch for at least a month.

Mizore was sitting silently by his bed side and holding one of his
hands. It was warm.

This is all my fault, she thought miserably. Please forgive me Tsukune.

The door to the room opened quietly and Tsurara stepped inside.
Witnessing the scene before her she was struck by a terrible sense of
déjà vu. Thirteen years ago she had been the one sitting helplessly by
a loved one’s side. Unable to do anything but comfort her poor
husband as he slowly slipped away.

This is not the same, she reminded herself. Tsukune is not going to die. Though
there is still tragedy here. “We should go home Mizore,” her mother said
gently. “The doctor says he will sleep for the rest of the night. There is
nothing more you can do for him right now. Let’s go home and we can
come back early in the morning.”

“I am not leaving until he wakes up,” Mizore said quietly.

There was a long silence.

“I see,” Tsurara said. There was another chair in the room. She placed
it beside her daughter’s and sat down.

“You don’t need to stay too mother,” Mizore told her.

“Nonsense,” Tsurara said pleasantly. “He is going to be my son one

day. Where else should a mother be except with her son and
daughter? Especially when they are both hurt.”

“I wasn’t really hurt in the attack,” Mizore said.

“Not physically, but I know that right now you are in terrible pain.
Please don’t bother to deny it.” Her daughter looked at her, her misery
plain to see.

“This… this is all my fault,” the tears began to flow again. “He was hurt
because of me.”

“No,” Tsurara put her arms around Mizore and tried to comfort her.
“You are not to blame. There were no recent sightings; no reason to
think the north slope might be dangerous. There was no way you could
have known.”

“I… I never should have brought him here. I knew he was human and
I knew the law… but I didn’t care. I was sure no one would find out
and so I brought him. I… I was selfish. I just wanted to be with him, to
have him to myself for awhile. I… I never even told him about the law
or what might happen.”

Tsurara frowned. “That you should have done daughter, Tsukune

should have known the risk before making his choice.”

“I know,” Mizore whispered. “It’s just that I… I never thought anyone

would find out.”

Tsurara continued to hold her daughter even as she shook her head.
“Even if no one had found out this time, if he is to be your husband he
would have to learn the truth eventually. What do you think his
reaction would be to learning about the law after he’d already come

“I… I… I never thought about that.” She shut her eyes. “All I thought
about was how happy he would be here.”

Tsurara suppressed a sigh. It seemed her daughter was not as mature

as she’d hoped. Perhaps she had been too obsessed on winning
Tsukune’s heart to really consider the possibilities. She really should
have told him right from the start. But as it was now was not the time
for condemnation. Mizore was already suffering for her actions. She
needed comfort right now, not harsh words. She really should have trusted
me with the truth. But I won’t bring that up now.

“I am sure everything will be all right,” she assured. “Though I think it

best if you explain to him the situation once he awakes, otherwise the
doctor will.”

Mizore slowly nodded. “Once I tell him he’s going to hate me.”
“No he won’t,” Tsurara said quickly. “He will be upset and may become
angry with you, but I am sure he will not hate you. I have seen the
way he looks at you daughter, he truly loves you. Even if he blames
you for awhile I am sure that in time he will forgive.”

“He is going to hate me,” Mizore said again. She spoke with solemn

Tsurara tried to comfort her, but nothing she said would alter her
daughter’s belief. Eventually the two of them drifted off to sleep.


Tsukune slowly opened his eyes. He had a throbbing headache and

each breath, no matter how shallow, hurt. What had happened? Oh
yeah, I got hit by a Yeti. As he fully awakened he noticed he was in a narrow
bed and that there was an IV sticking into his left arm. He then saw
that Mizore and Tsurara were sitting next to him asleep. Mizore’s hand
was resting in his. That was enough to make him smile despite the
pain. Thank you Kami, as long as she’s o.k. everything is fine. He gave her hand a
little squeeze and watched as her eyes came open.

“Good morning Mizore-chan,”

“Tsukune! You’re awake!”

Before he could answer he tasted her sweet lips on his. Her kisses
actually caused him a little bit of pain, but he didn’t mind.


Tsurara woke as well and told him how happy she was that he was
going to make a full recovery. She had then stood up and announced
she was going to find a doctor. Tsukune noted that she had given her
daughter some kind of look before leaving. Mizore seemed pretty

“Are you in any pain Tsukune-kun?”

He gave her a reassuring smile. “No, no pain at all. I feel great.”

She smiled sadly and ran a hand through his hair affectionately.
“You’re not a very good liar Tsukune-kun,” she told him. “When the
doctor gets here we’ll ask her for something to help.” She hesitated
and looked down. “Tsukune… there’s something I need to tell you.”
“If you’re going to say you’re sorry for what happened then please
don’t. What happened wasn’t your fault.”

“You’re very kind Tsukune.” Even though it was my fault. “But there’s
something else that we need to talk about.”


She took a deep breath to steady herself. “You were very seriously
hurt Tsukune and needed surgery. To help with the surgery I… I had
to tell them you were human.”

She saw his panic as he instantly say up with a painful wince. “You
mean they all know I’m a human?”

She nodded once. “Yes, but remember this is not the academy. You
are not going to be killed.”

“Oh, thank kami,” he said with relief.

“But… but you won’t be allowed to leave.”

He stared at her, sure he must have misheard. “What did you say?”

He is going to hate me. “There is a law regarding any humans who see our
village.” She explained slowly. “Once they see it they are not allowed
to leave again. You will be very well treated and given a place in the
community. But you can never leave this world. This will be your home
from now on.” The young boy she’d taken to the meadow never saw
the village and so had been allowed to go.

Tsukune was just staring at her in disbelief. With just a few sentences
she had just told him he’d lost everything. “But… but what about the
academy? What about my home? What about my family? Are you telling
me I can never see any of them again?”

“I’m sorry Tsukune,” she whispered. “I am so sorry.”

“Mizore-chan did you know about this when you invited me?”

“Yes,” she confessed.

“Then why didn’t you tell me?” He demanded. His sudden anger scared
her. “How could you have brought me here and not told me?”

I was selfish, she thought. I was foolish. And after I heard Saki’s prophesy I was
desperate too. “Tsukune, I never ever thought anyone would find out. I
swear to you, I never meant for this to happen.”

He gave her a hard look. “Mizore you still should have…”

He was cut off by a knock at the door. It opened and a young woman
entered, not waiting for an invitation. “Pardon me, but might I have a
word with the patient?” She was a beautiful woman in her twenties.
She was dressed in a cloak of shimmering frost colors and on her head
was headpiece of intricately cut crystal. Her hair was a pale lavender
and her eyes a blue so light as to almost seem clear.

Seeing her Mizore gasped and stumbled a couple steps back.

Tsukune was surprised both by Mizore’s reaction and the woman’s odd
dress. “Are you a doctor?”

The woman glanced and him and smiled softly. “No,” she told him. “I
am the Snow Priestess who rules this land, and I have come here to
talk with you Aono Tsukune.”
Chapter 24. The snow priestess.
“You’re the ruler here?” Tsukune gasped.

The strange woman nodded politely. “Yes that’s right. In fact this
village and this hidden world were created mostly due to my
prophesies. It falls upon me to protect my people.”

As the snow priestess spoke the door opened once again and Tsurara
entered silently.

Tsukune looked at the strange woman and spoke with great care. “I
suppose you already know that I am a human.”

“Yes, and that is why I am here now.” She said kindly. “Have you been
told of our law regarding humans who come here?”

“I’ve been told I won’t ever be allowed to go home.”

She nodded and looked concerned. “Just so, I have come here to
assure you that you have nothing to fear from us Aono Tsukune. We
are not a cruel people and we will not treat you as a prisoner. You will
have the freedom to go wherever you like within the boundaries of this
hidden world and do whatever you like within the limits of the law. It is
my sincere hope that in time you will come to see this place as home.”

“Snow Priestess,” Mizore stepped forward and bowed her head

submissively. “Please I beg you, let Tsukune go. He never knew about
our law, I brought him here without ever telling him. Tsukune is
innocent, if someone needs to be punished it should be me. Please
punish me and spare Tsukune.”

The snow priestess looked at Mizore a moment and then glanced back
to Tsukune. “You really must be a fine young man to have earned such
devotion from a snow girl.” The priestess reached out and gently lifted
her head back up. “Child, I am sorry, but the law exists for a reason
and I dare not ignore it. Just as with the law requiring girls to wed by
the time they are seventeen this law too was made to safeguard our
village and our race.”

“But Tsukune is no threat!” Mizore said passionately. “I am sure he

would never reveal our existence to the human world!”

“That’s true,” Tsukune said. “I would never do anything that would risk
Mizore or her people.”

The woman turned to focus on him again. “That may be true Aono
Tsukune, but the risk is simply too great. You are after all a member of
the most savage and powerful race in existence. Were your people to
learn of us we would be doomed.”

“Savage? Powerful?” Tsukune looked and sounded confused. “But I’m

only human.”

“Exactly,” she said.

Tsukune shook his head wearily. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. In
the short time that I’ve been at the academy I’ve seen orcs, vampires,
snow girls, mermaids, succubi, witches, lizard men, and werewolves.
All of them were a lot more powerful than any human, and some of
them at least seemed pretty vicious. How can you say humans are the
most savage and powerful?”

She looked at him questioningly. “Tell me Aono Tsukune, how many

humans are there?”


“Please, humor me.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know exactly, somewhere above six billion I


“Six billion,” she repeated. “There are less than ten thousand snow
people in total, and among monsters we are among the more
numerous races still in existence. Counting all the monsters of all the
various races and all the half breeds and all the boundary races like
witches, there are at most a million left. Which means that humans
have come to outnumber all monsters by six thousand to one.” She
halted and let the number sink in.

“It was not always that way, long ago in ages unrecorded all the races
lived on and shared the earth. Some were more aggressive and more
numerous than others, but there was enough room for all of them to
exist. And now? Now the earth belongs exclusively to humanity. We of
the other races can only survive by hiding ourselves, either among
humans, or in ‘worlds’ hidden away from human sight by magic.” She
waved her hands about. “We call this place a secret world, but all it
really is, is a section of remote mountains where we try and hide and
live in peace.” Her eyes narrowed and she looked at him very
seriously. “Tell me, how do you suppose things came to be this way?”

“Uh, I… I don’t really know. I’ve never thought about it.” Her gaze
made him feel very uncomfortable.

“It is because though humans may be weak individually as a race you

are possessed of two traits which made you invincible and allowed you
to make the earth yours exclusively. First, humans possess an
inherent belief that they, and they alone, are masters of all they
survey. Everything that your eyes fall upon must be yours to do with
as you please. No other race was ever so driven to discover new lands,
to expand borders, and to conquer. Even the most savage tribe of orcs
or trolls would become satisfied at some point. If their bellies were full
and their enemies driven off they would stop. No matter how vicious or
warlike they felt no need to conquer for the sake of acquiring new lands,
not if they were satisfied with what they had. But when humans had
everything they could want, they would always feel the need to acquire
more. No matter how much land, no matter how much wealth the
human heart always wanted more, was always certain it should have
more. The human race has always believed it was entitled to

She smiled and Tsukune felt chilled deep inside. “And then there is
your second great strength, your ability to hate anyone or anything
different from you.” She shook her head sadly. “Among any other race
its individual members will always recognize each other and feel a
certain bond. Even when they are fighting one against the other there
is always a sense of community, a sense of similarity. Alone among all
the races, humans prefer to focus on differences. Humans divide
themselves into various herds and then hate one another for whatever
petty difference there may be. How you worship, how you dress, how
you speak, the color of your skin, or the color of your eyes; anything
at all is enough to make humans split apart into groups. And once
someone or something is different you give your own heart free reign to

“That’s not true! We’re not like that!”

She just shook her head. “Really? Then why have there always been
wars? Why have there always been different tribes and different
nations of humans? How many times have humans slaughtered their
fellow humans for land or for religion or for some other meaningless
cause? When you think of yourself Aono Tsukune, do you think of
yourself as a human or as someone who is Japanese? When you look
at your fellow humans with different skin colors and in different dress
who speak with strange accents and have odd customs do you feel a
common bond with them or do you feel they are different from you?”

She stopped and he realized she actually wanted an answer. “People

from other countries are different. But that doesn’t mean I don’t
respect their differences or that I hate them just for being different.”

“No, as an individual you may be tolerant. But it is humanity as a

whole that I must fear. One by one your ancestors drove out all the
other races. On every continent the humans forced others to either
hide or become extinct. Regardless of whether or not they posed a
threat, even the most benevolent elves and sprites were seen as
different and so became hated and hounded. This happened time and
time again over thousands of years until we have the world we have
today. Tell me Aono Tsukune, what would happen if by some bizarre
accident or twist of fate you were to somehow reveal our existence?”

“I wouldn’t be believed,” Tsukune answered truthfully. “People just

don’t believe in monsters anymore.”

“But if somehow they did? If they were convinced of our realty, who
would humanity react?”

“I don’t know,” he answered quietly.

“I do,” the snow priestess replied. “Humanity would do what it has

done a thousand times before. And that is why the law exists and why
I cannot ignore it. I am sorry Aono Tsukune; I believe you may well
mean us no harm. But I simply cannot take the chance.”

“But… but I don’t have anything to do with any of that.” He said

desperately. “I am very sorry if my ancestors did all those terrible
things. But I have never hated anyone just for being different.” His
eyes drifted to where Mizore was watching him. “I’ve come to really
care for people who are nothing like me.” He turned back to the snow
priestess. “Please I’m begging you, all I want is to be able to be with
my family and friends again, that’s all. I’ll do anything! Isn’t there some

She opened her mouth to answer. All at once though her body began
to shake and white mist began to flow out of her mouth and nose. The
priestess collapsed and Mizore and Tsurara had to catch her to keep
her from hitting the floor. All the while the mist was pouring out of

“Mizore go and find a doctor!” Tsurara carefully sat her down in one of
the chairs. The priestess continued to shake.

“That won’t be necessary,” a hollow and creaking voice spoke. The mist in
the room took a weird shape. There was a large blob for a body, an
oversized head with slanted eyes that were glowing a sickly yellow. A
fanged mouth ran all the way across the face and moved with the
words spoken. Out of the body came five wispy arms, all of them of
different length and thickness. A, ‘tail’ of mist kept this apparition
connected to the priestess’s open mouth. “She is my vessel; I won’t let her die
just yet.”

“What are you?” Mizore gasped.

“I am the Great Jack Frost. I am the demon who has given the Snow Priestess her perfect
health and beauty, not to mention the ability to see the future. Her prophesies are my

"Jack Frost?” Mizore whispered. That was a name the snow people
never spoke out loud. To them he was a creature of great power and
even greater malevolence. A sort of pale version of the human’s devil.
The thought that such a creature was responsible for the Snow
Priestess’s abilities was frightening.

But even more frightening was the interest he seemed to have in

Tsukune. The mist being drifted over to hang in the air just in front of
a nervous Tsukune. Tsukune was naturally worried, but to him this
was just one more strange occurrence. Unlike with Mizore and Tsurara
the name Jack Frost had no special meaning to him.

“You, just now you said you would do anything for the chance to be able to leave here.
Did you mean it?”

“Tsukune! Don’t answer him!” Mizore shouted. “You don’t know

anything about him. He is a very powerful being and very evil too.
Don’t bargain with him!”

“She’s right,” the sickly yellow eyes smiled down on him. The caricature
mouth twisted up and the corners slid past the eyes. “I am evil and I am
powerful. And I am the only one who can arrange for you to go home again. I alone can
free you from this silly law of theirs. Otherwise you can stay here forever. Now do you
want my help?”
“Tsukune don’t agree!” Mizore pleaded. “We’ll find some other way I

Tsukune licked his lips. Seeing Mizore’s fear made him hesitate. But
after everything eh Snow Priestess had said it was obvious she would
not ever let him go. And he could not put Mizore in possible danger by
involving her in some escape plan. This was the only way.

“Yes,” Tsukune said. “Please help me.”

“Done!” The mist demon laughed and sent one of his arms into
Tsukune’s mouth and nose. “Sorry for the pain… well, not really.” He laughed
some more as Tsukune’s body began to shake violently.

“Tsukune!” Mizore screamed.

It felt like ice water was filling his lungs. He couldn’t breathe, he was
downing in arctic cold. He could feel his whole body begin to convulse
with pain and with cold, such intense bitter cold. He tried to call
Mizore’s name but couldn’t, his lips and mouth were frozen in place.

As darkness began to fill his vision and he mercifully lost

consciousness he heard on last thing.

“Welcome to the family.”

Chapter 25. Angry confrontations.
The day before the new semester a school bus exited a mountainside
tunnel. Despite the many stops the bus was running on schedule and
approached the unmarked stop at the proper time. The snow was still
deep on the ground and the temperature hung in the single digits, but
at least this time there was no snowstorm. With such good visibility
the bus driver was able to easily make out the two students waiting.
He pulled up to them and opened the door.

“Watch your step as you enter the bus.”

Mizore was in her usual dress with her short skirt and long sleeve
black and white shirt. She seemed unaffected by the cold and absently
nodded her head. In one hand she had a piece of luggage. With her
free hand she reached over to help her companion step on to the bus.
“Come on Tsukune,” she said quietly.

Tsukune was wearing the heavy fur jacket that she had given him. The
hood was up and hid his face from view. There were gloves on his
hands and winter boots on his feet; he was well protected from the
elements. Despite this Tsukune was hugging himself and shaking
visibly. “So cold,” he said. “I am so cold.”

“Please Tsukune,” taking him by one elbow she led him up the steps
and onto the bus. “We’ll be back at the academy soon. Won’t that be
good?” She tried to sound cheerful but her words came out hollow and

The doors shut cutting off the heated bus from the freezing
temperatures that surrounded it. Even so Tsukune continued to shiver
and rub his arms. He set his face down avoiding eye contact with any
of the other students. He shuffled down the aisle to one of the seats at
the very back. He sat down and curled up into a ball. Even as the bus
began to turn back towards the tunnel he continued to shiver.

Mizore put the bag under the seat and sat down next to him. She
pressed herself against him, trying to warm him inside his coat. “Once
we’re back at the academy things will get much better, I know it.”

He did not respond to her and just kept hugging himself and shaking.
She decided not to try and say anything more. She placed her head on
a trembling shoulder and squeezed him as tight as she could. It
seemed all she could do right now was let him know that she was here
for him.


When the bus exited the last tunnel there was a general buzz of
excitement from most of the students. The bus headed towards a large
parking area not too far from the academy. Pulling to a stop the
students on board began to slowly and noisily file out. Tsukune and
Mizore were the last to go.

Mizore reached down to get his luggage but Tsukune grabbed it first.
“I’ll take it from here,” Tsukune said wearily. He lifted it easily with
one hand. “I’ll see you later Mizore-chan.” Though he was still shaking
a little he seemed better than he had before.

“Can I bring you something to eat?” She asked as she followed him off
the bus. “How about some nice hot soup? Or I can make you some hot
tea or…”

“Thanks, but I’m not hungry.” He said and began to walk away from

“Tsukune, if there’s anything I can do for you just tell me!” She called
to him pleadingly.

He waved a hand to her but did not turn around. “I’m fine. See you in
class tomorrow.”

She was left standing there with no choice but to watch him go.


Moka was waiting patiently outside the boys’ dorm. The past three
weeks had been terribly boring. Since originally leaving home and
putting on the rosario she’d had no contact with her family. (Except for
brief and torturous visits from her little sister.) So she had spent a
very lonely winter break here at the academy, with none of her new
friends to play with. Spending holidays alone had been the norm and
she’d grown used to it. But having finally made friends made the
sudden return to solitude much harder to bear. That was why she was
pacing outside the dorm. She wanted to see all of her friends again,
but most especially she wanted to see Tsukune. She was also really
hoping he would let her have a drink, with no blood for three months
her anemia was making her a bit drowsy and light headed.
As she waited a number of boys came over to her to make small talk
and tell her how pretty she was. All the backlash from Saizou’s
disappearance seemed to have passed. She spoke to them and was
polite, but she didn’t take any of their declarations seriously. These
were the same boys who had looked the other way when Saizou had
abused her and who had ignored her when she was under suspicion.
She was also sure they would suddenly start avoiding her again if they
ever saw her in her true form. For her the friendship of such weak
minded people was not worth having. She treasured only those who
had seen the worst from her and still stick by her.

She was talking with three such boys when she caught an odd scent
drifting past. It was Tsukune’s… sort of. Is that his scent? She shut her
eyes and inhaled deeply. Yes… wait no, well… was it? It was definitely
Tsukune’s scent… mostly, but there seemed to be something mixed
into it. A sharp crisp odor was mixed in with the sweet delicious scent
that was Tsukune. The new smell reminded her immediately of Mizore.
She thought at first they were together and she was picking up both
their scents. But after her second attempt she realized that couldn’t
be, Mizore was definitely not present.

“Please excuse me, I have to go.” The three boys tried to protest but
she walked past them to try and find Tsukune.

She followed the scent to its source. What she found was someone
dressed in a thick fur coat that was complete unnecessary given the
fall like conditions that were always present here. She thought the
person in that coat had to be sweltering. The hood was even up and
the person was just trudging along holding a single piece of luggage.

Is that Tsukune? She took one more taster of the air. I think it is. “Tsukune!”
She called out and hurried up to him.

The person came to an abrupt halt and looked up at her. The face
remained hidden with the large hood. “Oh, hello Moka-chan.”

His greeting was not as eager as she would have liked, but at least she
had found him. She came to a stop in front of him and flashed him a
huge smile trying to look as cute as she could. She put her hands
behind her back and took on a, ‘little girl’ pose. “Tsukune-kun! It’s so
good to see you again! How did you enjoy your winter break? Where
did you go?” Despite tasting his blood so many times she did not know
what race he was or where he was from.
Tsukune looked at her from the shadows of his hood and hesitated to
answer. “I… I went to Mizore’s home to spend the holidays wither her
and her mom.”

“Oh, Mizore… I see.” She felt immediate jealousy as she realized that
Mizore had gotten to spend three whole weeks with him. “And did the
two of you have a… good time together?” She tried not to think about
all the things that could have happened over the last three weeks.

Tsukune again hesitated. “It started off good.” He didn’t say anything

Mizore looked at him very curious. What does he mean by that? Did the two of
them end up having a fight? And what happened to his scent? She tried to peer
more closely but Tsukune deliberately looked away. “Tsukune-kun, is
everything all right?”

“Sure, never better,” he began walking past her. “Listen Moka-chan

I’m a little tired right now. I’ll see you in class tomorrow, o.k.?”

“Ah Tsukune, please wait!” She reached out and grabbed his elbow.
She was surprised at the strength in his arm as she caught him.
“Tsukune, can I ask you something first? Please?”

He stopped again but did not turn around, he really was eager to get
back to his room. “What is it Moka-chan?”

His tone was polite but a bit strained. Isn’t he happy to see me at all?
“Tsukune I’m… I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but… do you think I
could have just a little bit of blood? It’s been three weeks and, well…”

“You’re starting to feel really weak and hungry, aren’t you?” Now he
did turn around to look at her. “I’m sorry Moka-chan; I’ve been so
busy dealing with my own problems I haven’t even thought about your
situation. That’s pretty selfish of me.”

“Oh no, no! Not at all!” She waved her hands. “If you’re having
problems I don’t want to bother you.” She turned to quickly leave,
feeling embarrassed that she was being a burden to him. This time he
grabbed her elbow and stopped her from leaving. She was again
surprised at the strength he seemed to have now. From the ease with
which he stopped her she thought he might be a lot stronger than she
was, at least in this form.

“You’re not bothering me Moka-chan.” He paused and she thought she

could hear him lick his lips. “I guess there’s no point putting this off,”
he said beneath his breath.

“What was that?”

He reached up to grab the edge of his hood. “You can drink my blood
Moka-chan, but… there have been some changes. I just thought I
should warn you.”

“What do you mean by changed Tsukune-kun?”

She heard him sigh. “I guess it’ll be easier just to show you.” He pulled
his hood down.

She gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. It wasn’t that
Tsukune had become suddenly ugly. Far from it, in her opinion the
change had only made him appear more exotic and beautiful. She
gasped because he looked so different. His skin was much more pale
than it had been looking like fresh alabaster. His hair was in the same
style it had always been in, but rather than black it was now silver
with a tinge of lavender. But the eyes were the most startling
difference. Instead of the chocolate they had always been they were
now an amazingly pale and clear blue. And there were no pupils within
those beautiful new eyes.

“Tsukune… what… what happened to you?”

He gave her a weary smile. “I became a snow boy.”


Saki was pouring two cups of tea when there was an angry pounding
at her door.

“Come in Mizore, it’s not locked.”

The door opened and Mizore stepped inside. She slammed the door
and stared angrily at the other girl. The temperature in the dorm room
began to drop and frost appeared on the windows.

“Would you like some tea?” Saki nodded to the other cup as she
sipped from her own. She seemed unaffected by the sudden chill.

“You lied to me,” Mizore was in absolutely no mood to beat around the
Saki looked at her from behind the tea cup. “I never lie, and please
don’t ever accuse me of that again. I’ll take it as a personal offense.”
She set her cup down. “And just how was it that you think I lied?”

“You said if Tsukune and I took a journey together he would marry


“I did,” Saki nodded calmly.

“That was a lie! I thought… I thought things might work out but… he
can barely stand to be around me now! He HATES me!” Mizore
sounded on the verge of hysterics.

Saki lifted a thin eyebrow and took another sip of her tea. “I’m sorry
to hear that.”

Mizore clenched her fists and the temperature in the apartment

dropped even faster. “You’re sorry? Is that all you have to say?! Didn’t
you tell me that if Tsukune went with me he would definitely become
my husband?”

Saki glanced at her tea cup and set it down. She liked her tea hot and
the top of the cup had already frozen over. “I did say that, but I don’t
recall ever mentioning when he would marry you. The two of you will be
husband and wife some day, that much is certain.”

“I don’t believe you anymore,” Mizore said miserably. “He’ll never

forgive me for what happened. He’ll never want to be with me now.”

Saki stared at her without any sympathy. “You can believe that if you
want, but it won’t change anything.”

Mizore gave the older girl a hard look. “Why didn’t you warn me what
would happen?”

“Pffft, here it comes. Things didn’t turn out the way you wanted and so
you’re trying to blame me. How original.” She stood up and walked
over to the angry and upset snow girl. “The very first time you came
to see me I warned you that I couldn’t see everything. And at the last
reading I warned you against trying to draw your own preferred
meanings from my words. When you tossed the runes I saw two things
clear as day and I told you about them. I said that if Tsukune went
with you he would return greatly and permanently changed. I also said
that if you went on your journey together he would marry you one
day. From your reaction it seems pretty obvious the first prediction
came true. The second one will as well, whether you choose to believe
it or not.”

“But from the things you said,” Mizore argued. “I never thought things
could turn out this way! If I’d know this would happen I never would
have brought him with me!”

“Things didn’t work out the way you expected only because you
interpreted my words to have only one possible meaning.” Saki shook
her head wearily. “I never said the change would be a positive one or
painless. Great and permanent I said, nothing more. Please don’t
blame me just because you made a bunch of false assumptions.”

Mizore stared at her. “Will… will he still really marry me someday?”

“Yes,” Saki answered without hesitation. “But that doesn’t necessarily

mean that he really isn’t angry with you at the present time.” The
blonde softened her face a bit. “Even if things are hard for you now,
you and Tsukune are still bound together.”

Mizore slowly nodded. That was something at least. No matter how

bad things were now maybe she could still have hope for the future.
“I’m sorry for bothering you,” she said quietly. “I’ll go now.”

Saki actually smiled. “That’s all right come by any time, we can have
some tea.”


Mizore left Saki’s dorm and was heading back to her own. She was
thinking about everything that happened over the last three weeks and
about what Saki had said. There was so much for her to think about
and her mind was in such turmoil that she failed to notice the angry
presence in front of her. She only noticed when a kick slammed into
her face and sent her flying into the side of a building.

“Ow!” She looked up to see a furious looking vampire glaring down at

her with red eyes and with an impressive amount of killer intent.

“I mean to have a talk with you,” Moka said.

Mizore got the feeling that saying no was not an option.

Chapter 26. The reason why.
She was surprised to feel hot tears suddenly running down her cheek.
“Oh my poor Tsukune!” She cried. “What happened? How did this
happen to you?”

For the first time in days Tsukune had a genuine smile as he looked at
her. “Thank you for caring for me Moka-chan, but please don’t shed
any tears for me.” He reached out and gently wiped her tears away.

Moka couldn’t help notice that his touch was cold. Why did this happen to
such a sweet and gentle boy? “Tsukune how did this happen? It was because
of Mizore wasn’t it?”

“I’m sorry Moka, but I don’t wasn’t to discuss it. Anyway, you can go
ahead and have some of my blood.” He opened up his jacket some to
expose his throat.

She meant to say no, but as soon as she saw his throat she felt her
hunger. Even if his scent was different now she still wanted to taste
him and drink deep. “Is… is it all right? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” he said. And as he occasionally did he pressed the back of

her head. His own little way of inviting her to bite him.

She thought about declining but honestly didn’t want to. She accepted
his invitation and bit down. To her surprise and disappointment, his
blood wasn’t hot, it was actually cool. It reminded her of blood from a
transfusion pack. Whenever she’d drunk from him she’d delighted in
that heat, it was a reminder of life and vitality. Now instead it was like
drinking from a cold plastic bag. The taste had also changed. It was
still good, but it no longer had that unique and enticing flavor any
more. It was just good.

Despite her disappointment she still drank deep and satisfied her
hunger. When she was done she let go and looked at him. His whole
body has changed; he’s not the same person anymore.

“What’s wrong Moka-chan? Does it not taste good to you anymore?”

Her face looked so sad.

“No… it was good, thank you Tsukune for letting me drink.” She
reached out and took his hands into her own. They felt cold against
her own warm flesh.
“But it tastes different, right? And probably not as good as it used to.”
He guessed.

“It tastes fine,” she assured him. “Does it not hurt anymore? Usually
when I bite you, you’d cry or whimper a lot.”

He grinned a bit at her description. “And I always thought I hid it

pretty well. It doesn’t seem to hurt anymore. Maybe the change has
given me a much higher pain threshold. That’s one good thing I

“Tsukune,” she brought his hands together inside of hers. “Please tell
me what happened to you. And tell me if there’s anything I can do for

“No one can do anything for me Moka-chan, and like I said I really
don’t want to talk about it.”

“You're protecting her aren’t you?” Moka asked. “She did this to you
for her own selfish reasons and now you’re trying to protect her.” She
shook her head. “I can see that you’re still very kind Tsukune-kun and
I’m glad that your heart has remained the same. But people need to
answer for the things that they do.”

Tsukune shook his head. “Mizore doesn’t need to answer for anything.”

“Yes she does,” she have his hands a sudden jerk and he heard a tiny,
‘clink’ as he yanked off the Rosario without even realizing it.

He stepped back as Moka was surrounded by a flood of demonic aura.

Her body changed from the cute little pink haired girl he was familiar
with to the fearsome silver haired vampire that he had once seen kill.
She turned her red eyes to him and he took a nervous step back.

In an instant she was right in front of him. Her eyes only a few inches
from his. “You don’t need to be afraid of me,” the vampire spoke
tenderly. He could feel as she took the rosario from him with one hand
as she gently caressed his cheek with the other. “You never need to be
afraid of me Tsukune, I will never hurt you. I will always protect you,
even from those you don’t want to see as enemies.”

“What do you mean?” He had a very bad feeling about where this was

“You have been hurt, and the one responsible must answer for that.”
Moka said. “If you are too gentle to seek justice then I will do so for

With that she leapt away and seemed to vanish in a blur.

“Moka wait!” He shouted but she was already gone.


It didn’t take her long to find Moka. The snow girl was glumly headed
back to her apartment. Moka planted herself directly in the girl’s path
and sent a frightening amount of killer intent her way. But rather than
stop and look up terrified Mizore pretended not to feel the pressure
and continued on as though about to walk by.

Moka let out a growl. Fine then, I’ll take a more direct approach. She slammed
a kick full force into the girl’s face and sent her flying into a brick wall.

“Ow!” Mizore struggled to sit up among a pile of bricks.

Moka came over to stand over the girl. “I mean to have a talk with

Mizore looked up at her. “What about?” She said calmly as she put a
new lollipop in her mouth.

Moka reached down and grabbed her by her shirt collar and yanked
her up to her feet, bringing her face in close. “Do not play games with
me,” the vampire said menacingly. “I am not the gentle Moka and I
will not go easy on you if you try and mock me. I want to know what
you did to Tsukune and why.”

“All I did was bring him home with me for winter break,” Mizore
answered blithely. “The reason why was so I could confess my feelings
to him and try to make him mine.” A fist slammed into her stomach so
hard she gasped and spat out her lolli.

“And what part of that included turning him into a snow boy against
his will?” Moka demanded harshly. With one arm she tossed Mizore
and sent her flying about fifty yards. She struck the ground with a loud
thud and skidded painfully for another ten yards or so.

Moka began walking towards her without any sense of urgency. “Do
you remember telling the other Moka that if I ever hurt Tsukune you
would make me pay?”
Mizore painfully stood clutching her ribs and spitting out a small
stream of blood. “I remember.”

“Did you think the same didn’t apply to you?” With lightning speed she
delivered another kick, this one into her chest. Mizore let out a grunt
of pain as she was sent flying again. This time she crashed into a tree.

“Did you think I would forgive you for changing him?” She slammed a
fist into the girl’s face. “Tsukune has forgiven you; he doesn’t want to
punish you. But I am not that forgiving!” She slammed another fist
into Mizore’s face and smashed her nose sending a torrent of blood
gushing out.

“You’re wrong,” Mizore choked out. “Tsukune… Tsukune hasn’t for…

forgiven me. He hates me; he can hardly stand to look at me.”

“That’s still better than you deserve!” Moka pinned Mizore to the
ground and straddled her. She then delivered a couple punches to her
face. “Why did you change him? Why? Why? Why?” Each, ‘why’ was
followed up by another punch. Blood was pouring freely out of Mizore’s
mouth as well as her nose now and large bruises were forming all
about her face. The furious vampire grabbed the girl by her long hair
and turned her face forcing her to look directly up at her. “Answer my
damn question, why did you change him?”

“I… didn’t… change… but it’s… still… my fault.” Mizore gasped out as
blood continued to dribble down her chin.

Moka glared at the now helpless girl. “You haven’t transformed or even
tried to defend yourself. You had better transform right now.”

“Don’t… need to… whatever… you do… I… deserve.”

“What if I kill you?” Moka whispered harshly. “Is that what you

“You… won’t… kill… me,” Mizore answered.

Moka let out another low growl and tightened her grip on Mizore’s hair.
“What the hell makes you so sure of that?”

With her bloodied teeth and bloodied mouth Mizore smiled. “I…
haven’t… married… him… yet.”

“Bitch!” Moka slammed the girl’s head to the ground with all her might,
knocking her out immediately. She then lifted a fist to begin the real
beating. Before she could deliver it though she found herself encased
in a block of ice. The attack caught her off guard, but it only took a
few seconds to smash through it.

But in just that brief moment Mizore had been snatched away from
her. Looking around she saw Tsukune standing there with the
unconscious girl in his arms. She noted that his hands had become ice
claws while his hair was now also made of ice. “That’s enough Moka,”
he told her. “Whatever happened Mizore doesn’t deserve this. What
happened to me was at least as much my fault as it was hers. But
whatever she did she doesn’t deserve to be beaten like this.”

Moka rose easily to her feet and brushed off some speck of ice and
snow from her school uniform. “You are wrong Tsukune, I don’t know
the details of what happened but it’s obvious that whatever it was
would not have happened if she hadn’t brought you to her home. That
being the case she is most definitely to blame for occurred. What I did
just now was the very least she deserved.”

“Will you stop now?” Tsukune asked. “Because if you mean to attack
her again I’ll have to fight you.”

Moka looked at him and frowned. “You would fight me to protect the
girl who has harmed you?”

“I would fight to protect someone who has saved my life more than
once.” He corrected. “Am I going to have to fight you Moka?”

Moka smirked and shook her head. “I told you Tsukune, I will never
hurt you, even if you insist of playing the fool. If you want her spared
from getting her just punishment so be it. But your heart really is too
tender.” Moka turned to go. “Be careful, some day you may regret
being so kind.”


Mizore opened her eyes and found herself in a small bed in the
academy infirmary. A nurse came by and explained that a male
classmate had dropped her off without a word and then gone. Mizore
nodded and listened as the nurse explained she had suffered no major
injuries and that the bruises and swelling would disappear within a
week’s time. The nurse offered to give her a note excusing her from
the first few days of class but Mizore politely declined. Despite protests
from the nurse Mizore got up and left to go back to her dorm room.

She knew who the male student had to be. She would have liked it if
she had opened her eyes to find him sitting at her side, but that was
probably too much to hope for now. He saved me from Moka and he at
least made sure I had medical treatment. Maybe there is hope for us yet.

Despite the pain from her chest and face Mizore returned to her room
feeling better than she had all day.


In the hidden world of the snow people the Snow Priestess sat all
alone in the highest room of the Needle spire. She would often come
here to meditate for days on end alone and without food to try and
gain a vision of the future. What flashed before her eyes were two
distinct futures. In one her beloved world was awash in blood, the
bodies of her people littered the streets with the few remaining
survivors made slaved to a powerful and wicked organization. In the
other she saw a handful of brave monsters fighting their enemies and
somehow halting them. The faces of the heroes were indistinct except
for one.

Tsukune, the boy that had been transformed, he was at the heart of
the fight.

“Is this why?” She asked.

Her own mouth jerked and laughed as a scratchy voice answered. “Of
course, after all do you think I’d let anyone else play with my toys?”
Chapter 27. A new responsibility.
He was cold. He was always cold. Some times were better than others.
Sometimes it just felt like he was outside on a crisp late autumn day
without a jacket. Then there were times he felt like he was naked in
the middle of an arctic blizzard. Heaters didn’t help; putting on layers
of clothes didn’t help. The only time he felt even a little warmth was
when someone touched him. When Moka had touched him yesterday,
when she’d held his hands, he’d felt the chill begin to fade away. When
he had touched Mizore as he carried her… he’d felt warm.

He opened his eyes as the alarm clock rang out. He reached over and
turned it off. He then looked about his room.

“Great,” he muttered. “Just great.” The window was completely frosted

over, while the rest of his room was coated with a thin dusting of
snow. He must have had some bad dreams and let his emotions get a
little out of control.


A Week Ago

“You must be calm Tsukune,” Tsurara told him patiently. “Your powers
will respond to your own emotions. If you feel very strongly about
something they will have a tendency to run wild. You must learn to
remain calm and keep your powers in check.”

“I… I’ll t… tr… try,” He answered through chattering teeth. Though

they were inside there was about six inches of snow covering the floor
and all the furniture, with more still forming in the air and falling
around them. Tsukune knew he was the one doing it, but he had no
idea how.

He looked at Tsurara miserably. He was shivering despite having four

sweaters on beneath his fur coat. “I’m so… so… sorry f… for cau…
caus… causing so mu… much trou… trouble.”

“No Tsukune,” Tsurara shook her head violently. “It is my daughter

and I who must apologize to you. Neither of us ever wanted to cause
you any harm and yet you have been hurt. Mizore and I are only too
eager to do anything we can to help.”

“Th… thank you,” he said. “Wi… will I al… always be co… cold?”
“No,” Tsurara replied. “Just as with your powers the cold you feel is a
response to your own emotions. When you are in pain or feel great
sadness or loneliness you will also feel great cold. When your emotions
improve the cold you feel will also be much less.”

“Bu… but I… I’ll always fe… feel cold?”

In answer Tsurara reached out and gently placed her hands to the side
of his face. “How does this feel?”

“Be… better,” he said. As she touched him the freezing seemed to at

least die down a little.

“This is the only way we snow people have of feeling warmth,” she told
him sadly. “Our bodies respond to physical contact. You can only feel
warmth through the touch of another.” She released her hold and took
a step back. “If you like I could ask Mizore to…”

“No.” He looked down at the snow covered floor. “I ca… can’t s… see
her now.”

“I see,” Tsurara replied unhappily. “Tsukune, even though she showed

poor judgment you have to know just how deeply sorry she is for what
happened. She never meant for any of this to happen. If you would
just permit her to help you this would go much more easily.”

“No, I… I’m so… sorry, bu… but no.”

“Very well,” Tsurara replied. “As you wish Tsukune.”


He left the boys’ dorm dressed in his school uniform. He had finally
been convinced that wearing extra clothes really didn’t help. Some of
the other boys had noticed his change in appearance and commented
on it. Most of them just assumed he’s always been a snow boy and
that his human disguise had just, ‘slipped’ a little. A few even
mentioned that they liked the new look. None of them really thought it
a big deal.

Walking outside he saw a small know of boys gathered. Out of this

gathering a pretty pink haired vampire came bounding out to greet

“Good morning Tsukune!” Moka said cheerfully, just as if none of the

events from yesterday had ever happened. She grabbed a hold of his
arm and was smiling up at him happily.

“Good morning Moka-chan,” he smiled back, just a little. He was

willing to try and forget the ugliness from yesterday if she was.

“Let’s hurry and get to class, we don’t want to be late on the very first
day.” She began dragging him down the road as several boys moaned
and hissed in disappointment.

Same old Moka, he thought happily. He was suddenly very glad to be

back at the academy. With everything that had so radically and
violently changed it was good to have a few, ‘normal’ things back in
his life. That thought made him suddenly want to laugh. When did
walking to class with a beautiful vampire on my arm become normal?


They had almost made it to class when the inevitable happened.

“Tsukune!” A girl’s voice cried out. Almost instantly his vision was
blocked out by a huge yellow sweater and he was being suffocated.
“Yahoo! Did you miss being away from me for so long Tsukune–kun? I
missed you!”

Despite his new found strength Tsukune was powerless against

Kurumu’s patented, ‘hug of pleasant death’ and was slowly slipping
into unconsciousness.

“Kurumu! Let go of Tsukune-kun!” Moka demanded.

Kurumu simply smiled at the angry girl as she continued to smother

him. “What’s the matter Moka? Jealous because your tiny little C cups
can’t measure up to my double E’s?”

“Desu! You dumb milk cow, who would enjoy having so much flabby
skin pressed against them?” Yukari yelled and waved her wand.

“Ow!” Kurume cried as a huge brass pot smacked the top of her head.
She released her death grip and hit the floor.

Tsukune gasped as he was able to breathe again. He nodded gratefully

to the little witch. “Thanks, Yukari-chan.”

“No problem!” She said happily. “After all,” she suddenly ran up to him
and leapt, taking Kurumu’s place pressing her chest against his face.
“You much prefer shapely firm breasts right Tsukune?”

The eleven year olds’ chest was as flat as a board. What breasts? “Ah,
Yukari haven’t we talked about this?” He said politely. He really liked
the little girl, but not in the way she wanted. And some of the things
she said and did made him feel a little dirty. “I think it would be best if
you saw me more as an older brother than, ah, anything else.”

She looked at him pouting. “But I don’t want you to think of me that
way. I want you to think of me as a woman.”

“Hah! How could Tsukune ever see a little kid like you as a woman?”
Kurumu got up rubbing the bump on top of her head.

“He does so see me as a woman! Don’t you Tsukune?”

“Well, ah…”

Kurumu grabbed a hold of Yukari and pulled her off. “Like he would
ever choose you over a beauty like me.” She then turned to smile at
him. “By the way Tsukune-kun, I really like your new look. Very sexy!”

“I liked the way you looked before,” Yukari said pouting. “You should
change back.”

“Stupid kid! What would you know about what looks sexy?” Kurumu

She and Yukari soon fell into a heated argument. Neither of them had
known he was human, and unlike Moka they had not picked up the
change in his scent. So both of them, like the rest of his classmates
and teachers, just assumed he had altered his human disguise a bit.
As the two girls argued Moka took the opportunity to grab Tsukune’s
hand and slip away.


When they arrived in the classroom they were both surprised to see
Mizore already sitting in her usual seat. Except when she came with
Tsukune she was normally the last one to arrive. Today though she
had made it in early. Her appearance was another reason they were
surprised to see her. Her face was covered in bandages. Even with the
bandages on they could see the bruises. She was asked what had
happened to her by several students, but she ignored them.
The moment he and Moka had entered the room her eyes had locked
onto him. They stayed there for just a second or two. She then just
casually looked away. Moka gave Mizore a hard look and then went
over to her seat, deliberately not looking at the snow girl. Tsukune
went over to his seat, which was right next to Mizore’s.

“Good morning Mizore,” he said politely.

“Good morning,” she answered neutrally. She did not look in his

Tsukune sat there silently. He was feeling really uncomfortable and

didn’t know just how to deal with her.

Fortunately Kurumu soon burst in through the door followed by some

of her adoring fan boys. As usual she sucked in attention the way a
sponge sucked up water. Not long after Nekonome-sensei came in and
homeroom began.

After her initial greeting and welcoming everyone back she brought
something up. “As today is the first day of the new semester we will
need to select a class manager. Someone who will help coordinate our
class’s efforts towards important events like our cultural festival. It’s a
very important position that includes a great many responsibilities.
Would anyone like to suggest a candidate?”

Tsukune wasn’t bothering to pay much attention. He didn’t care who

wound up being class manager.

Kurumu jumped to her feet. “I think Tsukune would make a great class

“Huh?” Tsukune said, caught off guard.

“I agree,” Moka said. “Tsukune is very serious and hard working and
would be an excellent choice.”

He stared at Moka. She smiled back proudly. What? She thinks I want to be
class manager?

Mizore slowly stood up. “I also think Tsukune is the best choice.” She
sat back down again without ever looking in his direction.

Nekonome-sensei looked pleased; her tail was wagging back and forth.
“My Tsukune you certainly seem to have a lot of support. Are there
any other candidates?” No one spoke. “Then let’s see a show of hands,
who wants Tsukune for class manager?” Every hand but his shot up.
“Congratulations Tsukune! Looks like you won by a landslide, please
do a good job for the class.”

“Huh?” a bewildered Tsukune blinked. What just happened here? “Sensei I

don’t want…”

The bell signaling the end of home room sounded and the students all
got up to head to first period.

“Wait! I don’t want to be class manager; I don’t have time for it.” His
protests were drowned out by idle chatter and the shuffling of feet.

“Congratulations Tsukune! Let’s have a party after class to celebrate!”

Moka said happily.



“Mizore-chan, what happened to you?”

“Nothing Kotsubo-sensei,” Mizore answered placidly. “I can still

participate in P.E.”

The older man shook his head. “No,” he said firmly. “You are excused,
just sit and watch for the rest of the period.”

“That’s really not necessary,” Mizore argued.

“Nonsense,” Kotsubo said kindly and put a gentle hand on her

shoulder. “I am not letting my very best student work out in this

Mizore responded with a small genuine smile. It had been so hard not
going to Tsukune and pleading with him again. Every time she saw
him she had to fight down the urge to throw herself at him and beg for
him to talk to her again. The few polite words he’d given her only
made it harder. Only a few weeks ago they’d been lovers and she’d
confessed her feelings to him. It had been paradise. Now he struggled
to just say good morning to her. He treated her like she was just some

It has to be this way for now, she thought. When I tried forcing myself on him back
home it only drove him further away. I need to wait until he’s ready to accept me again.
She had always been patient by nature, but now she found it hard
beyond belief. So she was truly grateful for any sign of genuine
friendship. “Thank you sensei, that is very kind of you.”

“Not at all,” Kotsubo assured her. “I am here for you should you ever
need a sympathetic ear.”

She nodded gratefully. “Thank you sensei, I may take you up on that
one day.” She walked off to find somewhere to sit for the coming

As she went past he leered at her lovely backside and licked his lips.
“Please do.”
Chapter 28. A gold chain.
When Gin walked into the newspaper club’s room he was surprised to
see Moka, Yukari, and Tsukune standing together talking and drinking
soda out of plastic cups. On his desk were bottles of soda some bags
of chips. There was also a cd player blaring music.

“Did I miss something?” Gin called out.

“Oh. We’re having a little party to celebrate Tsukune getting elected

class manager,” Moka told him.

Gin grinned at the lower classman. “Congratulations,” he said smugly.

Poor guy has no idea what a burden being class manager actually is. “I hope you
won’t let your new duties get in the way of reporting for the paper.”

Tsukune sighed. “I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

Gin noted the radical new look. As he took a whiff of the air in the
room he noted something else too. Gin’s expression changed from a
smug one to one with actual concern. “Tsukune, what happened to
you? Your scent is completely…”

“Gin-sempai, could have a word with you in the hall way?” Moka
grabbed his arm and began pushing him towards the door.

“But what about…”

Moka looked up at him and her eyes suddenly seemed three times as
large as they had been. “Pleeeeeeeease, pwetty please, with shuga on
it?” She spoke in a cutesy little girl voice that made her inner self

“Well all wite, uh, I mean all right,” he tamely let himself be led
outside the room.

“What was that about?” Yukari asked.

“I’m sure it was nothing,” Tsukune muttered.

“Well whatever,” she smiled and jumped about a little. “I’m just
excited to get a little time alone with you. Oh, and speaking of time
alone, is it true that you spent the winter break with Mizore?”

“Word gets around fast it seems,” Tsukune said. “Yeah that’s true, I
got to stay with her and her mom in the hidden world of the snow

“Did anything happen while you were there?” Yukari asked worriedly.

He wanted to laugh. Oh not much. We only became lovers, got attacked by a Yeti, I
nearly died, and then I got changed by a demon into a snow boy. Other than that it was
pretty normal. But there was no point in worrying the little girl about
something she could do nothing about. “We just had some fun, Mizore
taught me to ski and snow board. We also went skating a lot and
played in the snow, oh and she showed me this amazing meadow that
was covered in flowers called, ‘snow whites.’” That was where Mizore
had confessed her love for him and where they had become lovers.
But that part was getting edited out.

“Snow whites?” Yukari asked with a frown. “Are you sure the flowers
were called snow whites?”

“Yes, they were called, ‘Shirayuki,’” he told her. “Mizore made a point
of telling me that since it’s also her last name.”

Yukari looked at him with concern. “Tsukune-kun, did anything

unusual happen when you were there?”

Does losing your virginity to a beautiful snow girl in a field of flowers count? “No, not

“Oh well that’s a relief,” Yukari said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well snow whites aren’t regular flowers, they posses special

supernatural properties that…”

“Yahoo!” The door burst open and Kurumu bounced in holding a plate
full of cookies. “Tsukune-kun, I made this super special cookies just
for you in home ec. Why don’t you try one and… ow!”

The plate in her hands shattered sending cookie pieces flying

everywhere. Kurumu also fell over with an ice kunai lodged in the
middle of her forehead.

“No giving Tsukune cookies with love potion in them,” Mizore popped
up from underneath a desk.
Yukari glared at the girl who had just appeared. “That’s funny
considering what you tried to do.”

“What are you talking about Yukari?” Moka asked as she returned to
the room. She was followed by Gin. Gin had a ridiculously big grin on
his face.

Yukari pointed an accusing finger at Mizore. “Tsukune told me you

brought him to a place filled with snow whites. You were trying to do
the exact same thing Kurumu was!”

Mizore looked calmly at the upset witch. “That’s true I suppose,”

Mizore admitted calmly. “Though there’s one important difference
between what I was doing and what Kurumu was trying to do just

“What’s that?” Yukari snapped.

“Kurumu just wants to make Tsukune one of her slaves,” Mizore

stated. “I love him.”

Tsukune was looking between Mizore and Yukari. “What are you two
talking about?”

“The snow whites,” Yukari explained. “They contain magical properties

that cause people to fall in love. They’re an important component to
most love potions. Mizore was obviously trying to use them to make
you fall in love with her.” The little sent Mizore a triumphant look. “But
it didn’t work though did it? Tsukune didn’t fall for it.”

“Is that why you did what you did Mizore?” Moka demanded angrily.
“You tried to make him fall in love with you and when that didn’t work
you moved on to plan B?”

“Plan B?” A dazed Kurumu asked as she stood back up.

With Yukari’s accusation the memory of that night came flooding back
to him. The sticky sweet smell of the flowers and his sudden loss of
fear and inhibition, it all suddenly made sickening sense. He turned a
betrayed face to Mizore. “Is that what happened Mizore? Did you make
me fall in love with you? Was everything I felt because of the flowers?”

Kurumu blinked and turned to Moka? “O.k. what did I miss?”

“Be quiet,” Moka said. ‘Did you make me fall in love with you? Was everything I
felt because of the flowers?’ What exactly happened between him and

“No Tsukune,” Mizore said, the hurt in her voice plain to hear. “How
could you even ask that?”

“How?!” Tsukune sounded unbelieving. “How could I not? After

everything that happened how could I not wonder? Or are you going to
try and tell me that you had no idea what you were doing when you
brought me there?”

“No, I knew what I was doing.” Mizore told him sadly. “That meadow is
a sacred place to us. It is sacred because those flowers represent love
and devotion. I brought you there because I wanted to tell you my
honest feelings and I wanted to find out yours.”

“My honest feelings? How could you know what they were when you
were drugging me? You were forcing me to feel that way.”

“No I wasn’t!” Mizore said angrily and the temperature in the room
suddenly dropped to below freezing. Tsukune and Mizore failed to
notice while everyone else was suddenly shivering. “I would never try
and make you feel something that wasn’t there! All I want is for you to
love me! For you to honestly love me. For that I would be ruthless and
do almost anything, but it would mean nothing if the love wasn’t real!”

“Then what about the flowers?” Tsukune demanded.

“Maybe with other ingredients they can make a love potion that makes
someone feel a love that isn’t there. But by themselves they don’t do
that. The only thing they can do is reveal the feelings that are already
there. Everything you felt, everything we felt, was real!”

“How can I know that?” Tsukune asked her.

The doubt in his voice and in his eyes was a like a knife stabbing into
her. “IDIOT!” There was a sudden blinding blast of wind and snow.

When it cleared Mizore was gone.


After that the party quickly broke up. All the girls had a ton of
questions as to what exactly had happened between the two of them.
But Tsukune was in no mood to answer and soon left.
Meanwhile Gin was excitedly smiling at Moka. “So when’s our date

Moka sighed resignedly. The things I do to protect Tsukune’s privacy. “Why

don’t we just do it tomorrow and get it over with, but I already told
you, no touching or I swear I’ll neuter you.”


Tsukune trudged back to his dorm feeling very depressed and very
cold. He’d been struggling to accept that Mizore had kept a secret from
him that had ultimately led to his becoming a snow boy. He was sure
she hadn’t done it malevolently. But he was struggling with the
question of whether or not she had done it deliberately. He really
wanted to believe her when she said she had just not thought about it.

But what if she had? Could he find it in himself to forgive her?

And now he was faced with the fact that maybe he had never loved her.
Maybe all those feelings he’d thought he had were all just eh result of
the flowers. Did she really just manipulate me through all of it?

“You didn’t come after me,” a voice called to him from the shadows. “I
thought for sure you would chase after me.”

He stopped and looked over into the darkness just beyond the road. “I
didn’t think there would be much point.”

There was silence as he simply stood there patiently and waited.

“Do you really doubt the love you felt for me? Or the love I feel for

“I… I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “After everything that’s

happened and everything I’ve heard I don’t know what I believe

“You’re such an idiot Tsukune,” her voice wasn’t angry anymore it just
sounded tired. She finally stepped out of the shadows and approached
him. She took out a gold chain and held it out to him. “Here take this.”

“What’s this for?” As she handed it to him their hands momentarily

touched. They both felt a sudden warmth, and they both pretended
not to.
“Go to room 312 after class sometime. That’s where the fortune telling
club meets, though there’s only one member. Her name is Saki. She’s
a blonde upperclassman who wears her hair in a really long pony tail,
you won’t mistake her. She said she would give you a telling for free
once, but I don’t know if it was a limited time offer. Go and talk to

Frowning he tried to hand the chain back to her. “I don’t believe in

fortune tellers.”

She didn’t let him return it. She began to slowly walk away. “You

He was left standing alone.

In the end he shoved the chain into a pocket and headed home. He
didn’t know what Mizore was trying to prove but he wasn’t going to
bother meeting with some amateur fortune teller. After all, what would
that prove?
Chapter 29. All through the night.
Tsukune looked over at the empty seat next to him. It had been a
week since the confrontation over the snow whites. Since then she had
stopped coming to class or to club. No one had seen her. Tsukune
turned away and tried to focus on whatever it was Nekonome-sensei
was talking about. It wasn’t like he was worried about her. Mizore
sometimes came off as being a bit shy and helpless, but the truth was
she was very strong and capable. No doubt she was staying away just
because she was upset that her manipulation of him had been

He slumped down in his seat and put his head on his desk. Had all of it
been one big lie? His feelings, what he’d said, what they’d shared, had
any of it been genuine? Or had she just set out to control him the
same way Kurumu did with all her boy toys. Mizore was the first girl
he’d met here, the first girl to ever shown an interest in him, she was
the reason he’d decided to stay. She’d saved his life more than once
and helped him in so many ways. She was the one he felt the
strongest connection with and the one he’d had the strongest feelings

When she’d confessed her feelings he’d felt such total joy, telling her
he loved her too had seemed the most natural thing in the world. That
short time when they’d been lovers life had seemed absolutely perfect.
He’d had absolutely no doubts as to how strong their bond was, had
no doubts about the love they felt for one another. Now he had to
wonder if it had all just been an illusion.

He reached into his pocket and took out the gold chain that Mizore had
given him. For some odd reason he kept bringing it with him to class.
What on earth was she trying to prove having him go see a fortune
teller? Why would he believe anything some junior con artist had to
say? His mom absolutely loved the psychics that were always on TV.
with their outrageous predictions and flamboyant dress and
mannerisms. His mom would sit there glued to the set hanging on
every word. Tsukune would watch sometimes, but only because he
found the whole performance rather comedic. He didn’t believe
anything the so called, ‘master’ fortune tellers on TV. said, why would
he listen to someone who was an amateur? What was the point?

The bell rang and shuffled to his feet and stuffed the chain back in his
pocket. He sent the empty seat a last look and got going.
He wasn’t worried about Mizore.


From the nearby woods she was watching as he ate lunch with Moka
and Yukari. They all seemed to be in a fine mood and enjoying their
meal. It seemed she wasn’t being missed at all.

Especially not by Tsukune.

She’d been waiting for him. She’d been waiting for him to come and
find her. She wanted him to come knocking on her door calling her
name, his voice sick with worry for her. She wanted him to be thinking
about her. She wanted him to be unable to eat or smile because she
was on his mind.

She just wanted him to care even just a little. All he’d had to do was
leave a message for her at the desk asking her to come back to class.
If he’d just done that she’d have come back the very next day. All she
needed was for him to show some sign that she still mattered to him
and that he wanted to at least see her. But he’d done nothing at all,
and it looked as though he was perfectly happy to not have her in his

How could he not understand that he meant everything to her? She was
his, mind, body and soul. If he’d asked her to throw herself from a cliff
she’d have done so without a second’s hesitation. How could he not
know how she loved him? She’d shown him her true feelings. Not just
with words but with her body too. She’d felt his love when he touched
her and when he entered into her, she was sure he’d felt her love as

How can he not still love me? She thought wretchedly. Where did all his feelings
go? How can he not know how I love him? She’d made so many mistakes, but
her intentions had always been good. Everything she’d done she’d
done so that they could be happy together. So how had things wound
up like this?

She finally looked away, unable to bare the happy faces a moment
longer. She walked away into the woods miserable and alone.


The bell rang signaling the end of the last period. Tsukune ran into
Moka in the hall as students hurried either to get back to their dorms
or to their club rooms.

“Tsukune, let’s get to club,” Moka frowned a bit. “Gin’s body cast is
supposed to come off today so he may be there.”

“Moka just what happened on your date with him?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

“I’m sorry Moka, but I’m going to be late. There’s something I have to
do first.”


At the sound of the timid knock on the door Saki smiled. Well this should
be interesting. “Please come in.”

The door slowly opened and Tsukune stick his head in. He was looking
around frowning. “Excuse me; I’m looking for the fortune telling club.”

Saki leaned back behind the teacher’s desk and nodded. “You’ve found
it, all of it. Please do come in Aono Tsukune.”

He did step inside and close the door. He looked at her with suspicious
frown. “I suppose Mizore told you my name.”

She shook her head slightly. “Actually I learned the names of all the
club members when Petyr decided to join you.”

He looked at her with sudden recognition. “That’s right! You were at

his funeral. You were standing apart from the rest of us but I
recognize you now.”

“That’s right, I was Petyr’s friend and I wanted to try and say farewell
to him. You did him a great kindness. Most monsters only attend the
burial of kin, the funeral was most unusual.”

“It just seemed the right thing to do,” he said quietly.

She nodded and looked him over carefully. “My name is Saki, and I
take it Mizore invited you here for a free telling.”

“She told me that I should come see you. She said she wasn’t sure if I
would have to pay and gave me this.” He displayed the gold chain.

She waved that away. “Out of respect for what you tried to do for
Petyr, for this one time only, I will give you a telling at no charge.”

“I think I should go ahead and warn you that I don’t believe in fortune

“Really? Then why are you here?”

“I’m not really sure,” he admitted. “Mizore asked me to come, and I

guess… I don’t know.”

“So you really don’t believe anyone can tell the future?”


She tilted her head a bit. “But did you not meet the Snow Priestess?
Her powers are said to be beyond question.”

The thought of the Snow Priestess and what was inside her made him
shiver a little at the unpleasant memory. “I met her,” he said quickly.
“But she didn’t make any prophesies.”

“Pity, I do wonder if your attitude would have been different if she


“Are you really a fortune teller?” Tsukune asked suspiciously. “I mean

you don’t look like one.”

“Really?” She sounded amused. “And what is a fortune teller supposed

to look like? If there is some sort of uniform I have never heard of

“Usually they where shiny capes over expensive suits or dresses and
they always have a turban or some kind of fancy headdress.”

Saki smiled at him. She was just in her everyday school uniform. “Well
I suppose if you really want I could get a cape and a turban if that will
set your mind at ease. Though I honestly don’t know how they would
help me with telling the future.”

“They wouldn’t set me at ease I was just saying… uh never mind,” he

turned to go. “I’m sorry for wasting your time. I don’t know what I’m
doing here.”

“You’re here because Mizore asked you to come and see me.” She
called out. “And since you are here right now why not go ahead and
just have a telling, especially since it’s free.” He stopped and frowned
aback at her.

“There’s no point, I don’t believe in it.”

“Ah,” she said soothingly. “But I am sure there are many things you
did not believe in before coming to this place. What’s just one more?”
She beckoned him with a wave of her hand. “Come on, all it will cost
you is just a few minutes of your time. After all, you don’t have to
believe anything I tell you.”

“Fine,” he said and finally approached the desk. “So what do you do
read my palm? Look into a crystal ball? Use tarot cards?”

She pointed to a leather sack that was sitting on the desk. “Reach in
and pull out nine runes then toss them on the desk.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes, that is all you will have to do”

“Fine, let’s just get this over with.” He took the bag and reached in to
get his runes.


Kotsubo was busy putting away the volleyballs that had been used in
the last gym period of the day. As usual he was the last one there.

So he was surprised to hear footsteps cross the gym floor. When he

looked up a grin split his face and his heart suddenly began to pump a
lot harder as he felt excitement course through his body. “Mizore-
chan, what are you doing here? I’ve missed you since you haven’t
been to P.E. class this week.” She was dressed in a long sleeve white
and black shirt and purple striped stockings. She didn’t look as good as
she did in T shirt and gym shorts but she still looked very nice.

“Kotsubo-sensei, I hope I’m not bothering you but… you said I could
come and talk to you any time. I… I really need someone to talk to
and all the people I thought were my friends don’t seem to care about
me. Would I be bothering you if I wanted to talk?”

“Not at all Mizore-chan,” he told her kindly. “I always have time for my
best student. Let’s go to my office where we can talk in private.”

He led the way and she gladly fell in behind him. She was relieved that
at least someone would listen to her.


Tsukune grabbed the tiles and just flipped them onto the desk, eager
to get this over with.

Saki looked them over and looked at him with surprise. “You threw ten
out instead of nine.”

He blinked at looked at the desk counting them up. Sure enough he’d
thrown ten. He reached down to scoop them up. “Sorry I’ll…”

“Stop!” Saki grabbed his wrist with such force he thought she was
going to crush it. He tried to yank it free but even with his new
strength she held him. “Don’t touch them! You’ve tossed them now let
me see what they say.”

She finally released her grip and Tsukune stepped back as he rubbed
his poor bruised wrist. “Fine,” he muttered. “You sure are taking this

She ignored him. Taking this seriously? He had no idea! She’d been
reading the runes for a very long time. Of course he wasn’t the first to
ever throw out the wrong number. But nine was the sacred number.
When someone threw out too few or too many she saw nothing. There
was nothing there to read. But now! She saw dozens of future events
for him some great some small. Usually she was allowed to glimpse
one or two events, perhaps as many as four. She’d never seen
anything like this. It was as though his thread of fate was crossing and
rubbing against hundreds of others, with each of those effecting
hundreds more. His choices, his decisions, would affect thousands
maybe millions of others. “I’ve never seen a fate like yours.”

“Sure,” he rolled his eyes. “I’ll bet I’m the only one you’ve ever said
that too.”

Among the dozens of events she saw in front of her there was a very
critical one that required immediate attention. “You have to go to the
school gym, now.”

“Huh? Why would I have to go to the gym?”

“It’s for Mizore’s sake. If you do not go she will suffer for it and you
will always regret it.”
“What are you talking about?”

“Mizore needs you!” Saki snapped. “In the gym, now! If you care
about her go right now, and come see me again so I can tell you

Tsukune didn’t believe her, not really, but her sudden intensity was
kind of scary. He turned and ran out of the classroom.

With him gone she looked back at the runes still sitting on her desk.
I’m going to need a pen and paper.


“I see,” Kotsubo said gruffly. “So this boy Tsukune has taken you
affection and thrown it away over a misunderstanding. That really is

She had told him a very edited version of what had happened. It felt
good to have someone actually show her some sympathy and see
things from her side. Though he was being a bit harsh on Tsukune. “I
wouldn’t say that, I mean I did hurt him. I can understand how he
might have his doubts.”

“Mizore-chan,” he said comfortingly. “You really are too forgiving for

your own good.” He knelt down to put his face on her level and put
both hands on her shoulders. “Obviously this boy is not worthy of you.
You should forget him.”

“Forget Tsukune?” Just the idea shocked her. She could never forget
him. She could sooner forget her own name.

“That’s right,” Kotsubo said with a smile. He took one hand and placed
it gently upon her cheek. “What you need is to be with someone who
really cares about you Mizore-chan. Someone who can appreciate what
a wonderful young woman you are. Someone worthy of you.”

“But I don’t want anyone else,” she said.

“That’s only because he’s the first you’ve ever been with. You just
need more experience. Once you felt the touch of a real man I promise
you’ll forget about this little boy.”

“But I love him.”

“That can change,” he whispered and brought his lips near hers.

She suddenly realized just how close he was to her. “Sensei what…”

His hand slipped from her check to the back of her head. He pushed
her face forward and her mouth onto his. He slipped his eager tongue
into her open mouth. His other hand dropped from her shoulder to her
breast and fervently squeezed.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” She shoved him back with all of her
strength. He tried to grab her and wound up tearing her shirt revealing
the bra underneath. She scrambled to her feet and got to the door.

“Mizore-chan, please, let me treat you the way a man should.” He was
looking at her with pure undisguised desire.

It made her sick. She suddenly recalled some of the stories that Moka
had told about Saizou. She realized exactly what was about to happen.
“Sensei please this isn’t what I want!” She grabbed for the door but a
pair of monstrously strong tentacles grabbed her and pulled her to the
transformed Kotsubo. The kraken had an octopus head with flat fishy
eyes, slimy purple skin, and eight tentacles. Soon all eight wrapped
around and began to squeeze her tight.

“Please Mizore-chan, I love you, let me make love to you.” His slimy
body began to rub against hers.

She transformed, but with her arms pinned to her side could not use
her full power. Though she struggled she could not get out of his grip.
“Someone please help me!!” She screamed.

Kotsubo slapped a still human hand over her mouth. “Don’t scream
Mizore-chan, there’s no one around to hear you anyway.”

The door to his office suddenly exploded into shards and splinters. A
fully transformed Tsukune ran in screaming. “Let go of Mizore!”

Kotsubo reacted quickly. Keeping hold of Mizore with his two still
human arms and four tentacles He attacked Tsukune with the other
four. Tsukune tried to tear them apart with his claws but Kotsubo was
a far more experienced fighter. Two tentacles expertly wrapped around
his claws while the remaining two slapped around his neck and began
to squeeze. “You shouldn’t have come here,” Kotsubo growled. “Now I
have to kill both of you.”
Completely helpless Mizore was forced to watch as Tsukune was being
strangled. Tsukune!

Tsukune could no longer breathe, and try as he might he couldn’t

move his claws. No damn it! I can’t just die like this I have to save Mizore! I have to
stop him. In his fear and panic he called on all the power inside him. And
to his surprise he suddenly felt heat flowing into him.

Kotsubo was about to kill the boy. He would then have what fun he
could with Mizore-chan before he would have to kill her too. He would
have to take the bodies deep into the ocean where they would never
be found. The boy was about done when the four tentacles holding him
suddenly hurt. They felt as though they were stabbed buy hundreds of

“Aaaah! What are you doing?!” To his horror he felt his tentacles go
numb and watched as they wrinkled up and blackened right before his
eyes. He felt the deadening cold run up his tentacles and into his
chest. He let go of Mizore to try and attack him but it was too late. His
whole body felt cold and numb. The warmth and strength just leeched
out of him and he collapsed helpless to the floor.


The moment she was free she ran over to him to make sure he was
safe. “Tsukune! Tsukune are you all right?”

His throat hurt like hell but he nodded. “I’m fine Mizore-chan. Are you
o.k.?” She quickly nodded and she grabbed a hold of him with her ice
claws. “Did he…”

“He didn’t do anything, you saved me Tsukune.”

They were both fully transformed and holding each other tight with
their claws. Seeing she was safe Tsukune kissed her passionately, too
relieved to feel anything else. She returned his kiss with the same
fervor. When she had really truly needed him he had save her. A small
part of her mind wondered just how he had saved her. What he had
done to Kotsubo… she had never seen anything like that among her
people. But that didn’t matter now. All that mattered was that he was
here kissing her.


“Leave tonight and don’t ever come back,” Tsukune told the conscious
Kotsubo. “If I ever see you again or if you cause Mizore any trouble I’ll
kill you.” Tsukune spoke without an ounce of warmth.

Kotsubo didn’t doubt the threat; he meekly nodded and scuttled away
while he still could.


He had walked her back to his dorm. He had given her his jacket to
cover her torn shirt. They hadn’t said much all the way there. With the
adrenaline rush over he wasn’t sure what to say or do. He reverted to
the worried boy he usually was. Mizore didn’t try to press the issue.
She simply walked back with him holding his arm and resting her head
on his shoulder. When they got back to her dorm she gave him a quick
kiss on the cheek and promised to return his jacket.

He made it back to his own dorm feeling a bit shaken at what he had
nearly done and what had nearly happened. Saki knew, she actually knew.
Only now did he recall that she had said she’d seen other things and
that he should come see her again. He made it back to his room
wondering if he really wanted to know any more.

“Hello Tsukune-kun, I’ve returned your jacket.”

Standing there in the middle of his room was Mizore. The jacket he
had given her was folded neatly on his desk. Along with all her clothes.
She was standing there naked with a lollipop in her mouth.

“Mizore-chan! Wha… what are you doing?”

Laughing she came over to the helpless boy and wrapped herself
against him. “Isn’t it obvious Tsukune-kun? I’ve come to keep you
warm all through the night.” She began to remove his tie and
unbutton his shirt.

“Bu… but I… I still don’t know how… how I fe… feel.”

With his shirt undone she pressed against his chest. At the contact of
their skin they both felt a delicious warmth flood into them banishing
any trace of cold. “You silly boy,” she said teasingly as she took the
lolli out of her mouth. “Did you see any flowers when you were kissing

“Well no, but…”

She pulled his mouth down to hers and began to tease his tongue with
her own. In very short order he forgot about trying to complain and
they were on top of his futon doing all the things they had done back
in her room.

They made each other happy and kept each other warm all through
the night.
Chapter 30. My girlfriend.

So warm.

When he’d been a grade schooler his parents would take him and his
cousin Kyouko to a nearby park during the summer. He would play
with Kyouko, eat, and then usually take a nap under the shade of a
tree. He would delight in just relaxing and falling asleep in the warm

As he got just a little older and became a middle schooler he began

avoiding those picnics with his family. He preferred going to the arcade
or hanging out with friends or going to the local pool where he could
see girls in swim suits. He thought just sleeping out in the summer sun
a silly and childish way to spend your free time.

I was such an idiot, he thought. I didn’t appreciate how wonderful something as

simple as falling asleep while feeling warm really was. He laughed silently. Of
course having a beautiful girl with you is an added bonus. He was carefully
running a hand through her long purple hair as he just watched over
her. She was lying on top of him, her head resting peacefully on his
chest. He just loved looking at her when she was asleep like this. She
looked so cute and innocent, with that peaceful grin on her lips. This
was when she looked the most angelic.

He loved her.

After everything that had happened he’d had his doubts. He’d told her
he loved her in the meadow when she confessed to him. At that time
and for the next two weeks his feelings had seemed absolutely clear.
Even if she wasn’t human, even if she was a bit strange at times, and
even if her mom and all the talk of marriage freaked him out some, he
loved her.

And then he’d been transformed and his whole world had shattered.
He found out about the law and then about the snow whites. He’d
been left questioning everything he’d thought or felt.

But last night, when Mizore had almost been…. It had all become clear.
He would have died to save her. She meant the world to him and he
couldn’t bear for her to be hurt.
As he watched her eyes slowly opened. She stared at him for a
moment as he kept running his hand through her hair.

“Morning,” she said gently.

“Good morning Mizore-chan.”

She stared at him again. “So… am I your girlfriend again?”

Smiling he placed a light kiss on her lips. “Yes,” he whispered to her.

“You’re my girlfriend Mizore-chan.”

Another kiss followed, and then another, she closed her eyes and let
the last trace of worry fade away.


“He’s late,” Moka said unhappily. “I wonder if anything is wrong.”

“Maybe he’s been kidnapped and needs us to rescue him!” Yukari said.

Moka looked over at her a bit worriedly. “I’m sure that’s not the case,
I was thinking he might be sick.”

“Maybe,” Yukari said. “Or maybe he was attacked in the middle of the
night and dragged off. We’ll need to go and rescue him and when we
do he’ll be so grateful he’ll say, ‘Yukari I love you! Let me…’”

“What about me?”

“Huh? What about you?”

“Well,” Moka said. “If I helped save him too wouldn’t he say he loved
me too?”

“Of course not!” Yukari crossed her arms over her chest and began to
pout. “I would definitely do most of the rescuing so he’d fall in love
with me!”

“Ah,” Moka began to shyly press her index fingers together. “But don’t
you think I would have to be the one to do most of the fighting to save

The two of them fell into a heated argument about just who would
have to save Tsukune. They were arguing so loudly they failed to
notice when he finally came out of the dorm.
“What are you two fighting about?” He asked as he approached them.

“Nothing!” They both said in unison. Their matching innocent smiles

made him look at them suspiciously.

“Anyway, I’m sorry I’m running late. You two didn’t have to wait up for

“It’s no problem Tsukune!” Mika grabbed onto one of his arms.

“I don’t mind at all, Desu!” Yukari grabbed onto the other.



Both released their holds and went down with ice kunai in their

Mizore appeared and put her arms around him possessively. “You two,
stop grabbing hold of my boyfriend.”

“Boy… boyfriend?” Moka asked incredulously.

“Since when is Tsukune your boyfriend?” Yukari popped up angrily

gripping her wand.

“Since last night,” Mizore said calmly. “Tsukune-kun rescued me and

then we spent the night making love.”

“WHAT?!!” Both girls shouted.

Tsukune shut his eyes and tried not to groan. He loved Mizore-chan.
That didn’t mean he didn’t wish she would be just a little more…
discreet sometimes. “Let me explain…”


In homeroom Moka sat with her head lying dejectedly on her desk.
Tsukune and Mizore were casting, ‘lovey-dovey’ looks at one another.
Even if Tsukune had not told her it would be obvious they were
together. It’s not fair! Why didn’t Tsukune ever look at me that way? Last night
Tsukune had come to Mizore’s rescue (the details had been left out)
and realized his real feelings for her. The fact she had tricked him and
hurt him was forgiven. Mizore was his girlfriend. And she… she was
relegated to the role of, ‘just friend.’
That wasn’t the worst thing in the world. When she’d first come here
she’d dreamed of making one real friend. She had that now, Tsukune
was a precious and dear friend and she also considered Yukari, Mizore,
and even Kurumu to be friends of varying degrees. The jury was still
out on Gin, especially after the, ‘incident’ on the date. But even though
she treasured what she had with Tsukune she’d started to want much
more. If a strong friendship was possible, why not an equally strong
love? That night when he’d helped her against Saizou she’d started to
fall for him. He was the first person to ever try to help her and had
risked his life just for her. What girl wouldn’t fall for a guy like that?

But her hopes for the future had been suddenly crushed. He had
chosen Mizore, the girl who had betrayed him. She’d lied to him,
manipulated him, and caused him to be changed somehow into a snow
boy. But rather than hate her for all that he’d not only forgiven her
he’d fought for her and made her his girlfriend. I just don’t understand it;
she doesn’t deserve him at all.

The bell rang. Moka didn’t move. Instead she watched as Tsukune and
Mizore jumped to their feet. The two of them held hands and quickly
left the room. Together.

With a heavy heart Moka finally got up to go.


As they were walking through the hall together hand in hand Mizore
turned to him.

“You know I was wondering about something. Saki was the one who
told you I was in trouble, right?”

Tsukune cautiously nodded. “Yeah, she did.”

“So I guess you believe in fortune tellers now.”

“Yeah,” he said slowly. “I guess I do.”

She noticed his hesitation. “Something wrong?”

“No, course not.”

“You should see her again sometime; she might have something more
to tell you.”
“No, I don’t think I will.” He hadn’t mentioned the other prophesies or
that Saki had specifically asked him to see her again.

“Really? But why not? Don’t you want to know what the future holds?”

“I don’t think it’s good to know too much about the road ahead.” He
told her. “I like to think I make my own decisions and that my future
can be anything I want it to be. The idea I don’t really have a choice…
it kind of scares me.”

She looked at him. She had never really thought about it from that
point of view. She had grown up in a society based around the power
of the snow priestess. She just accepted that some things were bound
to happen. She actually saw it as a source of comfort, no matter what
some things were always certain. Like the fact Tsukune and I will marry one
day. “Well, I don’t suppose it matters. If you prefer not to know that’s
fine.” Tsukune had odd notions about things, but she could accept
them. And besides, since they were together now the most difficult
problems were now behind them.


Following class Tsukune didn’t go to the club room. He was going to do

an interview for the next paper. Being elected class manager had
actually worked out well. He had to attend a meeting with the School
Committee and its president. Afterwards he would get to interview the

He just hoped that he and Kaneshiro Hokuto would get along well.
Chapter 31. Break the sky.
She was on top of him. He was inside of her. Up, down, up, down,
faster, faster, faster. He let out a groan that excited her and made her
ride him even harder. She squeezed her legs hard against his thighs
trying to get better hold as she bounced up and down. Her own body
was throbbing with heat and with pleasure. She was getting near her
own climax and slammed down onto him harder and faster wanting to
bring it on.

All at once he cried out and she could feel him exploding inside her.
The feeling of his release sent her over the edge and she cried out too.
It was just too beautiful, too perfect, like their bodies were in perfect
synch, like their bodies were made for each other. She wondered if
that had anything to do with his change. The sex before had been
wonderful, but now it was just plain mind blowing, she’d never thought
she could feel so good.

Feeling wonderfully spent she lay down on top of him making sure not
to release him. She liked having him inside her as long as possible.
Her mouth kissed his greedily. She felt his hands pulling her tight so
that her chest was pressing against his. He seemed to like just the feel
of her body.

“Never,” she whispered into his ear.

“Huh?” His hands were stroking her back.

She put her face right above so that her eyes were looking right into
his. “Never do this with any other girl,” she said to him desperately. “I
want to be the only one to make you feel like this. My body, my mind,
my soul are all yours. You can have me anytime, anywhere, and in any
way you want. I’ll never ever say no to you Tsukune-kun, so you don’t
need anyone else.”

He smiled at her and gently stroked her cheek. “You’re the one I love
Mizore-chan; I would never want anyone else.”

“Promise me,” she begged. “Promise me you’ll never do this with

anyone but me.”

“I promise Mizore-chan, and I’ll seal it with a kiss.”

They kissed and she shut her eyes. If only this feeling could last


The next morning Moka was waiting outside the boys’ dorm. A small
crowd of admirers had gathered. She gave them that same distant
politeness she usually dispensed. The second Tsukune exited the
building she pushed past them to hurry up to him. She ignored their
groans of disappointment as Tsukune was the only thing she could

But before she could reach him a pale apparition seemed to

materialize and grab hold of him while glaring at her. “Mine,” Mizore

Moka was forced to come up short and halt herself. “Ah, good morning
Tsukune-kun, Mizore-chan.”

Looking a little embarrassed Tsukune rubbed the back of his head.

“Morning Moka-chan.”

“Morning,” Mizore said. She was still holding on tight. “You still can’t
have him.”

“Yes, I know, but…” Moka began to fidget a bit and pressed her index
fingers together. “Tsukune-kun can I still drink your blood? Please?”

“Sure,” Tsukune told her. When Mizore suddenly looked up at him he

looked right back. “You don’t mind do you Mizore-chan? Moka-chan
needs blood and I want to keep helping her.”

Mizore frowned. Actually she did mind. She didn’t want any girl
touching him in any way. But Tsukune was right, Moka was a vampire
and she did need blood or she would grow weak. And he had promised
to let her feed on him when she needed. “I guess it’s all right,”
reluctantly she let go and took a step back.

“Thank you,” Moka said and stepped forward quickly. She took his face
gently into her hands. “And thank you Tsukune–kun.” She bit down
and drank. Even if the taste was not wondrous any more, it was still
very good, and it made her very happy to share at least this much
with him.

Mizore stood there a few feet away, a helpless observer. She saw the
way Moka’s cheeks filled with color as she drank. The way her hands
gripped his shoulders and how her body pressed against his. She saw
the little tremble in her legs, and heard the contented little sigh when
she let go of him.

“Aaaaah,” Moka sighed happily. “Thank you so much Tsukune-kun.”

“You’re welcome Moka-chan.” Tsukune smiled at her, glad he could

help a friend.

“Was it good for you?” Mizore asked the other girl. She grabbed
Tsukune’s arm and led him away from the vampire and towards class
as fast as she could.

It wasn’t sex, and Tsukune didn’t enjoy it, the pleasure of the act ran
in only one direction. But it still bothered her to see Moka taking
pleasure from Tsukune’s body like that.


Outside their home room an annoyed blonde haired student was

waiting impatiently. The second Saki spotted the two of them she
pounced. She got into Tsukune’s face and jabbed a finger in his chest.
“Hey you, why haven’t you come to see me?”

“Ah, hello Saki, as thanks for telling me about Mizore-chan needing my

help. You’re a life saver.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome,” she turned to Mizore for a second.

“Glad you’re all right by the way.” She shifted her attention back to
him. “Let’s go.”

“But homeroom is about to begin, I’ll be late.”

“Forget class,” Saki ordered. “This is much more important. Don’t you
want to know what your future holds?”

“Not really,” Tsukune said. “I prefer to think I can make my future

whatever I want it to be.”

She sent him a disbelieving look, and then turned it on Mizore. “What
the hell is it with you two? You know how many thousands have
begged me to tell them their futures? And the two of you both walk
away from information that could be priceless. Though at least you,”
she glanced at Mizore. “Came to your senses. Listen to me Aono
Tsukune, people come to me, I’m not in the habit of seeking anyone
out. You should take the fact that I am here now as a sign of how
serious some of the things I have to say are.”

There is no way she’s seen thousands of people. Tsukune thought. “Look, I really
appreciate what you told me about Mizore-chan, I really do. And I
really believe you can see the future now. But it’s because I believe
you that I don’t want to know. I need to be able to make my own
choices with my life; I need to feel like I have some control. I can’t
stand to think everything has already been decided and nothing I do
makes a difference.”

“I see, well, I respect that. Most people would be pleading to know,

they would be only too happy to just sit back and accept things. It
takes a really strong person to want to take control of their own fate.


“Ow!” Tsukune rubbed the top of his head where the short girl had hit

“Get over it!” Saki shouted at him drawing the attention of the few
students still in the hallway. “Whether you like it or not certain events
are going to occur, that’s destiny. But how you react to those events is
not set, that’s free will.” Though sometimes fate has a way of loading the dice.
“Now you can either know what’s coming and prepare accordingly, or
you can choose to be ignorant.”

At that moment the school bell rang.

“I’m sorry I have to get to homeroom.” Tsukune stepped past her and
Mizore followed close behind.

“Have you met Hokuto yet?”

Tsukune stopped just in front of the door to his homeroom. “The

Student Committee President? I actually interviewed him yesterday,

“What do you think of him?”

“I really respect him, he wants to change this school for the better and
try to bring peace to this place. I wish more people had his courage
and determination.”
“I see.” She shrugged and began to walk away.

He knew she was setting him up, knew it. But he couldn’t resist. “Why
do you ask?”

She stopped and turned around to look at him. “It has to do with your
fate, do you want to know?”

He paused. This was the problem with human curiosity, and the reason
so many cats got killed, now that he had been teased he really wanted
to know. “Yes I want to know.”

She grinned triumphantly. “Are you sure?”


“Really, really sure?”


“Really, positively, absolutely sure?”

“O.k. forget it,” he said annoyed and turned back to the door.

Having made her point she spoke quickly. “You have to become close
friends with him.”

“Close friends?” He said with surprise. “I wouldn’t mind, but why?”

“Because if you don’t the sky will break.”

“What do you mean the sky will break?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea, but that’s what will happen, and
whatever it is will be very, very bad.” She began to walk away. “That’s
one part of your future Aono Tsukune, do what you want with it.”

He watched her go feeling more annoyed than anything else. The sky
will break? What the hell does that mean? “Come on we’re already late.”

They entered the class and were promptly scolded by Nekonome-



“How can I help you Chairman-sama?” Kuyou asked. The last time
he’d been summoned to the Chairman’s office it had been to receive
instructions to leave the Newspaper club alone. He hoped that this visit
would be more constructive.

“I have a mission for you and the Student Police Committee.”

That immediately peeked Kuyou’s interest. The Chairman had never

once asked for his Committee’s help. Usually he was busy setting
prohibitions against them. If the Chairman came to see them as
useful, then perhaps he would be willing to allow him more of a free
hand in guarding the peace of the academy. Kuyou bowed low to him.
“My people and I are at your service of course Chairman-sama.”

The Chairman did not seem too pleased by that response. “I had
hoped I could get help from a different source, but things have
changed. I now believe that you and your group are the best
alternative. I am tasking you with investigating and dealing with the
group called Anti-thesis. I want them eliminated as a threat to this

“Anti-thesis?” Kuyou curled his lip in contempt. “They’re nothing but a

third rate gang of delinquent half breeds. Such pathetic monsters are
no threat at all.”

“Their organization might prove more extensive and more dangerous

than you suspect.”

“However large this so called organization my Police Committee will

crush them, if you give me a free hand to deal with them as I see fit.”
Kuyou had an eager grin on his lips, he was a fox after all and by
nature excited by the idea of hunting down prey and killing them.

The Chairman continued to frown. He knew all too well what Kuyou
meant by a, ‘free hand.’ Arrests, torture, and executions, the sort of
barbarity the academy had been established to do away with. It can’t be
helped; I must use the tools I have available to me. He’d been toying with the
idea of using Aono Tsukune to help him deal with Anti-thesis. His hope
had been that the school’s one current human would be able to reach
the person he suspected was the leader of the enemy organization.
He’d planned on approaching Tsukune and offering him help in
exchange for his aid. He’d hoped that Tsukune’s humanity might lead
his opponent to change his path before it was too late. But things had
fundamentally changed now that he was no longer human but just
another monster. Now Kuyou seemed the best, if bloodier, alternative.
“You are free to do as you please with the members of Anti-thesis,”
the Chairman finally said. “Do not think you have leave to launch a
reign of terror over the general student body. But the actual members
have chosen to become enemies of this institution and so have
forfeited my protection. Do as you will with them.”

“In that case,” Kuyou bowed low once more. “I promise you their total
Chapter 32. School assembly.
“So you are one of the scum the Chairman fears so?” Kuyou leered. A
small flame danced around the fingertips of his right hand. He pressed
it into the man’s already scarred chest and listened to the cracking
sound of skin burning. Kuyou gave the poor half breed credit for at
least trying to be brave, but he couldn’t keep from grunting at the
intense pain. “You may as well tell me what I want to know half breed.

“Never,” Midou spat out defiantly. He knew he was a dead man the
second he’d been arrested and brought down here, the basement cells
beneath the Student Police headquarters. People who disappeared into
these cells never came out again. Knowing he was doomed Midou was
determined to give them nothing. “You elitist bastard,” he growled.
“It’s because of monsters like you that we have to destroy the old
order and get the place we deserve.”

“The place you deserve?” Kuyou asked mockingly. “What you half
breeds deserve is to be obedient and serve your betters. You wretches
actually imagine you can defeat us? The real monsters?” He shook his
head with disgust. “You are nothing but an entire race of worthless
scum, only half a step above humans. You should be glad we allow you
to exist at all.”

“Elitist bastard who the hell are you to decide that?! Who is to say
your life is any more valuable than mine just because you’re a pure
breed and I’m not?”

“Fool,” he placed two fingers on Midou’s shoulder, on a spot still free of

burn scars. “I can say it because I am the one with the power.” And to
make his point he created a flame and smelled the delicious scent of
burning meat.


After several more hours of interrogation Kuyou left the cell and went
upstairs to his office. He was not surprised to see the only one there
was his second in command Keito. The dark haired woman saw the
look of frustration on her commander’s face.

“Did it not go well?” She asked.

“The stupid fool keeps refusing to give me the names of anyone else.
He also keeps insisting that he doesn‘t know who his superiors are.”
“Maybe he doesn’t,” Keito offered. “They seem to like to pretend they
really are a secret organization rather than just a gang. Maybe they
imagined that was how it was done.”

Kuyou scowled. “No, the fool knows, he’s just being more stubborn
than I imagined possible. And unfortunately I just don’t have the time
to waste.”

“We’re still going ahead with it?” Keito sounded surprised.

“Of course, the campus and the other members of this pathetic gang
need to be taught a very sharp lesson. Once they truly understand
what we are prepared to do to hunt them down I’m sure the scum will
give up and either run away or go into hiding.”

“But couldn’t we delay things until we have the information?”

“Absolutely not,” Kuyou said sharply. “I never go back on my word, to

do so would be a sign of weakness. I said tomorrow morning and it will
be tomorrow morning regardless.” Though if I’d suspected the fool would be
this difficult I would have scheduled a later date. Well regardless, the date is set.

Keito said nothing else, she knew better than to try and argue with the
commander once his mind was set. She would have liked those names
in order to go out and drag in more of these weaklings to face their
deserved punishment. But if Kuyou thought it was unnecessary it
probably was.

In any case tomorrow would certainly be fun.


Tsukune was heading to class with Mizore on his arm and Moka and
Yukari walking on either side of him.

“But why can’t I?” Yukari whined.

“You’re eleven years old,” Tsukune said feeling a bit dirty. He always
did when she brought up this subject. “It’s illegal.”

“Desu, I promise I won’t tell, and I don’t mind sharing.”

Mizore looked at the little witch with a soulless stare. “No sharing, he
belongs to me.”

Yukari began to shiver as the air temperature around her dropped


“You know Yukari instead of us having that sort of relationship why

don’t you become more like a little sister to me?”

“A little sister?”

“That’s right,” Tsukune said hopefully. “I don’t really have any

brothers or sisters, though I have a cousin named Kyouko who is just
like an older sister to me. Why don’t you become like a little sister and
I’ll be like a big brother for you?”

“You’ll be my big brother?” Yukari asked. She’d been an only child.

Except for Mama and Papa she didn’t have any other family. The idea
of having Tsukune be like an older brother to her was actually an
attractive idea. Not only would it allow her to have a, ‘relationship’
with him but it would give her an excuse to stay near him until her
body matured. “All right!” She suddenly decided. “I’ll be just like a
sister to you!”

“Good,” Tsukune said with relief.

“By the way, Tsukune?” Yukari looked up at him with big innocent

“Yes Yukari-chan?”

“What do you think about incest?”


No one was really surprised when Mizore transformed and smashed

the little witch over the head with an ice claw. Tsukune began rubbing
his arms, he was feeling dirty again.

“So what do you think this morning assembly is all about?” Moka
asked, desperate to change the subject.

“Hmmm, probably something pointless,” Mizore said around her lolli.

“Probably,” Tsukune agreed. Near the end of the last class yesterday
there’s been an announcement over the P.A. system that there would
be a morning assembly outside the school during homeroom.
Attendance was mandatory for all students. “Well at least it gets us
out of homeroom.”

When they arrived at the school nearly everyone seemed to be there

just standing around wondering what was going on. Right in front of
the main entrance was a massive wooden stake perhaps eight feet tall.
Piled up at the base were hundreds of blocks of wood.

The second Yukari saw that she froze. “No! It can’t be!”

Her friends all looked at her. Surprised by the suddenness and the
intensity of her fear. “What is it Yukari-chan?” Tsukune asked.

“Don’t you know what that is?!” The little witch shouted. “It’s a stake
for burning someone alive! It’s just like what the humans used to use
on witches!”

“Wait, wait,” Tsukune put his hands on her shoulders to try and calm
her down. “I’m sure you’re wrong, people used to do that a long time
ago, but no one would do that now.”

“Stupid Tsukune! You don’t know anything!”

As he was trying to reassure her they all heard a drum begin to slowly
beat. All eyes turned up the path to where a wooden cart was being
pulled by two students toward the school. Standing in the cart was a
silver haired boy with a scar on his face. He was wearing a school
uniform that was bloodied and torn. His wrists were bound with iron

“Oh, no, no, no…” Yukari whimpered.

“What’s going on here?” Tsukune demanded.

“It’s just as Yukari said,” Mizore answered calmly. “We’ve been

assembled to witness a public execution.”

“An execution?” Tsukune gasped. “Of a student? But what did he do?
What law did he break? When he was tried?”

“Tried?” Mizore lifted one of her eyebrows. “There are no trials in this
place Tsukune-kun. Justice is whatever the ones who have the power
say it is.” She pointed to a tall figure who was out ahead of the
procession. The crowd scrambled to get out of his way and open a
path through for him. “That is Kuyou, head of the Student Police
Committee, if he says you are guilty then you are.”
He stared at her not believing it. Of course after everything that had
happened to him and everything he had seen he understood that
sometimes things were settled between people without resorting to the
law. Saizou and Kotsubo had been just two examples where justice
had been meted out quickly and harshly. But he considered those
situations to have been forced. Both men had been ready to kill and
there had been no time to try and find the proper authorities.

But this was completely different. This was the police force ignoring
even the concept of law. Someone just decides you’re guilty and you are? It
sounded like how third world countries operated, or how things had
been back in the dark ages when Feudal Lords held the power of life
and death and were answerable to no one. This wasn’t how it was
supposed to be in civilized times.

“We have to stop this,” Tsukune said. He tried to move but Mizore
refused to let him go.

“Tsukune, don’t even think about it!” Mizore grabbed on to him arm
even tighter. “If you interfere with them they’ll make you disappear

“She’s right Tsukune,” Moka grabbed his other arm. For once Mizore
had no objection. “You mustn’t.”

Yukari grabbed him from the front and buried her head into his chest.
“Please don’t do anything Tsukune-kun! I couldn’t bear to see you

He looked at the three girls. “How can you say we do nothing while an
innocent man is burned alive?”

“Because there’s nothing you can do.” Out of the crowd Gin had
seemed to magically materialize right in front of him. “Listen to them
Tsukune, I’ve dealt with these people before. They’re all very powerful
and completely ruthless. You don’t want to draw their attention.
Nothing good will come of that.”

He looked at the people he called friends and girlfriend. “What if it

were me up there?”

“If it were you Tsukune I would gladly put my life on the line, but only
for you. I won’t do it for a stranger.”

To his vast disappointment the others all nodded with her sentiment.
“So we’re really going to just stand here and watch?” Tsukune

“That’s all we can do,” Gin nodded.

There was a sudden stir in the crowd and they all turned their eyes to
the procession. One single man had come to stand in front of Kuyou
blocking his path.


“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Kuyou demanded.

“As School Committee President I demand to know what crimes this

man has committed to deserve being executed by fire.” Hokuto said
loudly and clearly.

“He is a criminal and a part of a gang called Anti-thesis. The Chairman

has ordered this gang be eliminated and that’s what I am going to do.”
Kuyou looked around and raised his voice. “Pay close attention, all of
you! This is what I mean to do to anyone I find who is a member of
this gang.”

“And what evidence do you have of this? What witnesses?” Hokuto


“He confessed to his crimes,” Kuyou said smugly.

Hokuto glanced at the man and his swollen and beaten face, his torn
and bloodied uniform. “I’m sure he did, after you’d tortured him. I
demand you hand this man over to the School Committee and allow us
to perform an unbiased trial based on evidence.”

All through the crowd there were loud shouts of approval and
applause, Tsukune’s among them.

Kuyou glared furiously at the weakling upstart. He’d arranged all this
to deliver a powerful message. Now thanks to this idiot the wrong
message was being heard. “You forget just who you are!” Kuyou
grabbed him by his jacket and easily lifted him up off the ground with
a single hand. “I don’t answer to you! I answer only to the Chairman
and he approves of my methods!” With contemptuous ease he threw
the weakling out of the way. “I don’t give a damn if you’re School
Committee President or not, stay out of my way or you’ll regret it!”
He glared out into the crowd. As usual many people dropped their eyes
to avoid looking back at him, but a disturbing number refused. It was
obvious that Hokuto and his ridiculous antics had won over the crowd.
No matter what he did now the demonstration would lack the effect
he’d hoped for.

“Get him up here so we can begin,” Kuyou shouted angrily, his good
mood ruined.

Even watching Midou die screaming did not improve his feelings.


Everyone stayed to watch until the fires were out. No one was willing
to draw Kuyou’s attention by leaving before that. Only when the
disturbing event was finally over and the fires put out were the
students allowed to proceed to class. By now it was almost noon.

Hokuto had remained in the very front rank of the crowd and watched
without once looking away or blinking. When it was done and the
Police Committee had withdrawn he was surrounded by admirers
congratulating him on his courageous stand.

Tsukune waited until the group had thinned to approach him. “That
was very brave of you,” he said. “I only wish I had as much courage.”

“People are brave in their own ways Tsukune. For instance I’ve read
your articles, you take some brave stands and I admire them.” Hokuto
told him with an easy smile.

“Hokuto-san, I want to help you in any way I can!” He held out his
hand to him. Saki’s prophesy now made complete sense. He needed to
help Hokuto fight the Police Committee. This was one of those pure
crusades where the good guys and the bad were clear. He would help
Hokuto and his supporters in any way he could.

Hokuto took the offered hand and shook it without hesitation. “I’d be
happy to have you aboard. Together lets work hard to change this
academy forever.”

Chapter 33. Fight fire with fire.

Following an abbreviated school day Hokuto proceeded alone to a
meeting of the School Committee. He was not really surprised when he
saw a figure waiting up ahead for him.

Kiria was leaning against a tree reading a small book. He was not even
looking in Hokuto’s direction as he began to speak. “I really enjoyed
your performance this morning, there’s nothing like a really good
drama being acted out live.”

Smiling Hokuto pushed his glasses up and approached his good friend
and second in command. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Kiria flipped a page and remained focused on his book. “I do wonder

what the point was. I mean you did know there was no way to save
Midou without an all out attack.”

“Midou was always expendable, though I am grateful he didn’t tell

Kuyou what he knew.”

“Then what was the point?”

“You take the victories you can get,” Hokuto said simply. “By acting as
I did I seem to be a champion of individual rights and can win support
from the majority of the students. Just as importantly I point out
Kuyou and his bunch as the bloody thirsty fascists that they are.”

“Well that’s nice, but still, so what?”

“Don’t underestimate the value of good publicity, I’ve already drawn

the support of some students who might be useful, one in particular.”
He thought of the school reporter Tsukune. Not only would it be useful
to have someone on the school newspaper supporting him he’d felt an
odd… something, when they’d shaken hands. Something told him
Tsukune might be very useful in the near future. “And it’ll help me to
have public opinion on my side.”

“Wonderful as that is I think you should know what happened today

has a lot of our people panicked. Mako says a lot of them are making
noises about running and hiding. They don’t mind talking about
revolution and changing the order of things, but they seem to be
scared of fighting Kuyou and his bunch.”

“I didn’t spend all this time and effort creating and building up Anti-
thesis just to have it fall apart at the first sign of trouble. I just need to
take decisive action and remind everyone that there’s nothing to fear
from any full breed.”
Kiria finally looked up from his reading, his odd oblong pupils focused
on Hokuto. “Well that sounds interesting, what did you have in mind.”

“There’s an old human saying that I think applies perfectly. ‘Fight fire
with fire.’” Hokuto said with an amused grin. “Here’s what we’ll do…”


“ARE YOU INSANE?!!” Gin screamed. He took the draft he’d just read
and ripped it apart.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Tsukune jumped up and went
nose to nose with the taller boy.

“I’m saving your life you damn fool!” Gin shouted. “What the hell are
you thinking writing something so offensive about Kuyou and the
Police Committee? You called them murderers!”

“That’s exactly what they are!” Tsukune shot back angrily.

“You think I don’t know that? I know what they are better than you
ever will boy! Pray you never get to know those bastards as well as I do.”

“Well then if you know what they are you should support me!”

“No thanks! If you’ve got a death wish go jump off a cliff or

something, don’t drag the newspaper club in with you.” Gin let put an
annoyed growl. “You saw with your own eyes just what they do to
people who get in their way.”

“Which is why we need to do something to oppose them.” Tsukune

said hotly. “What Hokuto did this morning inspired me, he stood right
out in public and spoke the truth about what was going on and he
refused to be intimidated.”

“That idiot happens to be School Committee President. That position

might protect him, though I wouldn’t bet more than a hundred yen (one
U.S. dollar) on it. You on the other hand are nothing special. If you
piss off Kuyou you’ll have a barbecue of your own, that or you’ll just

“Am a class representative and a member of the press.”

“BIG SHIT! Do you think Kuyou will give damn about that? He’ll
probably come after the whole newspaper club as well.” He looked at
the other members Mizore, Moka, and Yukari. “Do you want them to
suffer for your actions?”

Frowning Tsukune did look at the girls. He hadn’t thought about

putting them in danger as well.

“Don’t try and play the hero now Gin,” Mizore said calmly. “The truth is
you’re scared for yourself.” She stood up and took a hold of Tsukune’s
arm. “If Tsukune wants to do this I support him.”

“So do I,” Moka said. “Tsukune is right; someone needs to stand up

against Kuyou and his cruelty. Shouldn’t it be the newspaper club?”

“Desu,” Yukari said. “I never want to see another burning. I’ll do

whatever I can to stop it no matter what.”

Gin looked horrified. “Do you see what you’re doing?!”

“All I’m doing is taking a stand against evil,” Tsukune said. “All I’m
doing is writing the truth.”

“You’re instigating! Your leading them down a path that will probably
get you all killed!”

“I’m not trying to get anyone to follow me,” Tsukune said fiercely. “But
they’re my friends and if they want to help me I’ll gladly accept that.”

“If you are scared then you should just quit the club now,” Mizore said
easily. “I’m sure the newspaper isn’t worth risking your life for.”

“You don’t know a damn thing about what I’d risk for this club!” He
yelled furiously. “Don’t you dare think I’m a coward just because I’m
trying to protect all of you!” He glared at every one of them, even at
Moka. “Tell me something; are you all ready to die for this? Just to
make a point? Just for the sake of the truth?”

“I am,” Tsukune said with complete conviction.

The girls all nodded their assent.

“Idiots,” Gin muttered. “Fine then, I guess I’m an idiot too. I’ll stay on
and help you.”

Tsukune was surprised by the decision. He’d honestly expected Gin to

run for it as soon as things got rough. But he was glad that he was
staying. Despite their difference Gin was a part of the group now and
he wanted all of them to remain together. “Great, now help me tape
up my draft again so I can keep working on it for this week’s edition.”

Sighing he helped Tsukune and the girls piece it back together. I’m
going to regret this.


Kuyou was sitting in his office early the next morning. That was his
habit; he liked getting an early start on the day. Maintaining the peace
of the academy was a difficult task and he took it very seriously. This
particular morning he was going over a dozen files of suspected Anti-
thesis members. The school rule that maintained secrecy over each
student’s true nature had always been a thorn in his side. Not knowing
a suspect’s abilities could make thing difficult. He’d once tried to arrest
someone who was a will o the wisp, the boy had simply faded away
right in front of him and escaped untouched.

Kuyou believed not only in peace but in the natural order of things.
The strong should rule, the weak should serve, and everyone should
know their place. That was impossible in a situation where people were
kept artificially, ‘equal.’ His lip curled in contempt at the very thought.
Equality was an illusion that was found nowhere in nature. Did a fox
treat a rabbit as an equal? Hardly! Everywhere in nature order was
maintained from the top down. Only here at Youkai Academy the foxes
and the rabbits all looked and sounded alike.

It could be very frustrating if you happened to be a fox.

The door to his office burst open. Keito was standing there; it was the
first time he could recall ever seeing her look afraid. “Kuyou! There’s
an emergency!”


As with the morning before a crowd of students had gathered. This

time though rather than the front of the school they had assembled by
a large tree that was by the road between the school and the dorms.
The students were all standing there staring. None of them willing to
talk much above a whisper.

“All of you get the hell out of here and get to class!” Kuyou screamed
at the top of his lungs. He Keito and two other members were fast
approaching. Most of the students ducked their heads down and
quickly got moving, giving the Police Committee a wide berth.
At the bottom of the tree were four teachers, all of them looking grim.
“Classes will probably have to be canceled.” One of them said.

Kuyou heard him but didn’t care. He was looking up about twenty feet
off the ground. There, nailed into the tree’s side was Habichi, still
dressed in his police uniform. He seemed to be looking down at all of

“Why have you left him up there like that?” Kuyou demanded. He was
one of mine! He was loyal! He was a good member of my pack! Kuyou had his share
of failings and was not known for his tender feelings. But it could at
least be said of him that he was loyal and took care of those who
served him well.

“We thought it would be best if we waited for the crowd to disperse,”

the same teacher answered.

Kuyou wanted to scream at the man, for his answer, and his
complacent attitude. But he didn’t dare, the administration was off
limits. “Then bring him down now,” he said tightly.

“I’ll do it,” Keito said. She transformed into her spider form and quickly
climbed up the tree.

As Kuyou watched he shook with impotent rage. I’ll kill them all for this. To
hell with just driving them out! I’ll kill every last one of them!
Chapter 34. Turn up the heat.
Keito paced the reception room restlessly as she waited. She was
every bit as angry as her captain was. Those miserable little traitors! We fight
to protect this academy and they dare call us murderers?! The fact that Gin had
survived from the newspaper club’s previous incarnation should have
guaranteed that club’s loyalty. But no, the bastard had mistaken her
captain’s mercy as a sign of weakness. The club had actually dared to
print an edition that was nothing but undisguised attacks on the Police
Committee. They even dared to question their right to pass judgment
on fellow students. As though they were equals!! They were the elite of
the elite, that gave them the right to mete out justice to their lesser.
She and the remaining members of the committee had all wanted to
immediately round up all the club members and make examples of
them to the school.

Amazingly Kuyou had been the one to stop them. He had insisted that
he would need to get the Chairman’s permission for that first. The
Chairman had deliberately told him not to harm the newspaper club or
any students who were not members of Anti-thesis. Despite the
provocation he felt he could not act without first obtaining the
Chairman’s blessing.

The door to the Chairman’s office opened and Kuyou stepped out. He
did not look happy.

“What did he say?” Keito asked immediately. “Can we take care of

them now?” She especially wanted to sink her fangs into the one called
Tsukune. His article had been the one to call them all murderers, it
had been particularly unforgiving. To her surprise and great
disappointment Kuyou shook his head.

“We are not to touch the newspaper club members. The Chairman
insists they not be harmed.”

“Does he really expect us to swallow these insults while we risk our

lives for him and for this academy?”

“I brought that point up to him,” Kuyou stated. “Things are about to

come to a head and we cannot have these fools trying to whip up
feeling against us. The Chairman agreed with me, he was able to see
that much at least. These rabble rousing papers will only cause
“He sees the problem but he won’t let us act,” Keito said bitterly.

“Actually,” Kuyou said with just a little satisfaction. “I was able to get
the Chairman to agree to a concession. A small one to be sure, but it
is something.”

“What did he agree to?”


“What are you doing?!” Tsukune shouted angrily. He’d been on his way
to second period when he’d heard what the Police Committee were up
to. He and the other members had come to their room to find their
computer, printer, and files all being wheeled out.

Kuyou was standing there looking smug. “The newspaper club is

hereby disbanded; all your equipment is being returned to the school.
Count yourselves lucky that’s all that I do to you after you printed your
disgusting lies.”

“What we printed was nothing but the truth,” Tsukune said.

“You can’t do this,” Gin said angrily. “You have no right to close down
a school club.”

“It’s the Chairman who has decided to close you down. I’ve just been
tasked with making sure it gets done.” He held out a piece of paper.
Gin snatched it out of his hand and began reading it.

“I don’t believe it,” Gin said.

“What’s it say?” Tsukune asked.

“It’s an order from the Chairman,” Gin said miserably. “He really is
disbanding the club.”

Tsukune took the paper from Gin and read it himself. “So much for
freedom of the press.”

“You should know the only reason you are still unharmed is because of
the Chairman’s order. Were it up to me I would burn the lot of you.
Now I suggest you keep your heads down and remain silent from here
on out. Otherwise, ‘accidents’ may happen.”

With the equipment removed they could only watch as the door to the
newspaper room was locked and then covered with yellow tape.
With his work done Kuyou and his people departed.

With them safely gone Gin let out a breath. “Well so much for our one
shining moment. Though this ended better than I expected it to.”

“What are you talking about?” Tsukune demanded. “We can’t just give

“Don’t you get it yet?” An annoyed and exasperated Gin snapped. “The
Chairman is on Kuyou’s side! There is nothing we can do now. It’s over.
Quit while you’re alive.” Gin began walking away.

“So that’s it? You’re just going to give up?”

“That’s right,” Gin said. “I’ve had enough fighting for a lost cause.” He
turned around a corner and was gone.

Tsukune felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It’s all right Tsukune-
kun; you can’t expect anything more from him.”

“Desu, what are we going to do now?” Yukari said sadly. Working with
Tsukune and the others had been the highlight of her time here, the
only time she felt really accepted and comfortable.”

“What can we do?” Moka asked. “If the Chairman really is against us
then there’s not much choice is there?”

“I’m not giving up yet, there’s someone I need to talk to.” Tsukune
said and started off.

“Where are you going Tsukune-kun?” Mizore called.

“I’m going to see the only person left who I can trust to try and help.”


“I’m terribly sorry to hear about what happened,” Hokuto told him. “I
wish I could say I was surprised. At least you did manage to get one
issue out circulated to the school. That counts as a definite victory.” He
and Tsukune were in his dorm room talking.

“It’s not enough though,” Tsukune said. “There has to be more I can
do to help stop Kuyou and his police force. I can’t just sit back and
watch them take more innocent lives.”

Hokuto smiled and nodded. “You really are sincere aren’t you? I have
to tell you Tsukune I truly admire your passion and commitment. Most
of the students try to keep their heads down and just survive. It takes
a special kind of person to deliberately put themselves in danger for
the good of others.”

“Well that’s what you did when you stood up to Kuyou. You’re a real
inspiration to me Hokuto-sempai. You’re the sort of person I’d like to

“Thank you Tsukune, that’s a very great compliment and I know you
mean it. I want to bring a real peace to this school, not the false peace
that has to be imposed by terror that Kuyou wants.” His eyes looked at
Tsukune with a terrible sadness. “But I’m afraid such a thing may
demand great sacrifice.”

“I’d be willing to make any sacrifice if it means helping the students of

this school enjoy a real peace.”

“Any sacrifice?” Hokuto asked carefully. “I have to tell you Tsukune I

see the situation with Anti-thesis spiraling out of control. I’m afraid
extreme measures may be required to restore the situation.”

“What sort of measures?”

Hokuto hesitated. Not yet. The situation is still not extreme enough. Hokuto
shook his head. “What I have in mind is a measure of last resort only.
If things should come to that point let us talk again. In the meantime
don’t feel too bad about the club’s disbanding. I’m sure you and your
friends will find some way to do some more good.”

Tsukune left Hokuto with no new course set, but feeling much better
knowing a good man like Hokuto was also doing what he could to bring
peace back to the academy.


Half an hour after Tsukune left Kiria arrived.

“Change of plans,” Hokuto announced. “Let’s turn up the heat.”


The next morning Tsukune met the girls outside his dorm. Mizore
hooked onto his arm while Moka and Yukari walked to either side of
him. It was a sunny morning and the weather was warm as it usually
was. Despite the events of the previous day they were all in a good
mood as they headed to class.

That was when they heard the screams coming from up ahead. All at
once students began running past them away from the academy and
heading back towards the dorms. There was a wild panic in their eyes
as some of them had transformed unknowingly.

“They’re killing people!” One girl screamed as she ran past.

“Who?” Tsukune shouted.

The girl continued to run past without bothering to answer. The

answer came from up ahead as about twenty half breed monsters
appeared running up the road towards them. As they watched one of
them transformed an arm into a gigantic sickle and neatly took the
head off a boy who’d been trying to run away from him.

Tsukune didn’t even realize he’d transformed. He was about to attack

them when Moka grabbed his arm.

“Don’t try and stop me Moka!”

“I won’t,” she said. “But please take off my rosario so I can help.”

Tsukune nodded and quickly snatched off the rosario, allowing the
demonic aura to flow in and engulf her. Mizore had already
transformed as well and Yukari had her wand out and ready. They had
been ready to oppose one group of killers; they were now ready to
oppose the other.

With that the opening battle of a war began.

Chapter 35. A difference in power.
With her Rosario pulled off demonic aura flooded into Moka, so
powerful it was visible to the naked eye. The attacking monsters all
came to a momentary halt. Seeing the red aura swirling about Moka
and watching her transform into a true vampire they all shared a
sickening dread.

Tsukune, Mizore, and Yukari had seen this before and were unaffected
by it. Tsukune especially, he had a single minded purpose; he was
going to stop these monsters and protect the innocent students. He
raced straight at the one who had killed a helpless boy a moment
before with his arms that were now blades. The boy shifted his focus
away from Moka and back to him, but much too late. With all his
strength Tsukune balled up one of his ice claws into a massive fist and
slammed it into his opponent’s belly.

“Haaaaargh!” His enemy cried out as he was lifted off his feet and sent
flying thirty feet through the air. Slamming into a tree he collapsed,
unconscious and out of the fight.

Strong! Mizore thought, very impressed. She knew that she had
nowhere near that kind of physical strength. So far as she knew none
of the snow people did. Two enemies came at her. She froze them
both in blocks of ice. One remained frozen and helpless. The other was
strong enough to break the ice encasing him.

“Annoying,” Mizore muttered as she sent eight or nine ice kunai into
his head, legs, and arms, dropping him with a painful howl.

“Desu!” Yukari cried as she materialized metal pots and dropped them
on the heads of several opponents.

Unfortunately for the little witch this only angered a couple of her
victims who came at her ready to tear her apart.

“Help!” Yukari shouted. She closed her eyes.

There was a grey blur and some pained grunts.

“I don’t care if the club has been disbanded,” a male voice spoke with
annoyance. “NO ONE messes with my club members.”

Yukari opened her eyes to see a werewolf in school uniform and

headband standing in front of her. At his feet were the two who had
been coming after her.

Gin turned to look at her and gave her a wolfish grin. “Try to stay out
of trouble o.k.? I may not always be around to save you.”

“You saved my life,” Yukari whispered. She felt her heart suddenly
begin to pound. “I LOVE YOU!!” She leapt and glomped on to him.


Seeing Yukari safe Vampire Moka waded into battle. Three enemies
were coming at her. One was a particularly nasty looking brute. He
was about six feet and his leathery skin was covered with thorny

“You think we’re afraid of you just because you’re a vampire?” He

screamed at her. “We’re not!” He swung at her, trying to rip her apart
with his thorns.

“That only proves that you are fools as well as cowards.” She side
stepped to the right, avoiding his weak attack with contemptuous
ease. “You attack innocent students who have never done you any
harm. You and yours are nothing but a pack of spineless weaklings!
Know your place!” She delivered a perfect spinning kick into his chin,
slamming his mouth shut and knocking him out. The two others fared
no better as she beat them down without trouble.


Tsukune had never been a fighter. He had never been one to look for
trouble and had been the sort to be more likely to be on the receiving
end of any bullying. He had never learned how to fight, not even on
the schoolyard playground. So as he smashed his fist into another face
he was surprised at just how easily and naturally this seemed to come
to him. He wasn’t even scared about being caught up in a life and
death fight. He was actually excited and wanting to keep going. It was
almost as though some part of him had always known how to do this
and had abruptly awoken. Is this me or something that was put in me? He didn’t
get a chance to think about it as he was faced by a monster with what
looked like dozens of spiked whips coming out of his shoulders where
his arms should be.

With a thought he froze him into a block of ice. So easy, he thought. His
ice powers were becoming natural to him. He could pretty much do
everything Mizore had shown him without difficulty. And it no longer
seemed strange. It was though his ice powers were just a part of him
like his breathing or walking. His thoughts were again interrupted as
the ice shattered around his enemy. Before Tsukune could dodge the
whips extended about and wrapped around him, tying him tight and
binding his ice claws.

“I’m going to kill you,” his enemy said and Tsukune felt the whips

He felt fear. With the fear he felt an odd power filling him, followed
immediately by heat.

“Aaaargh! What the fuck?!!” Tsukune’s opponent felt a murderous pain

coming from his whips. He then watched with horror as they turned
black and began to whither. They were numb and he couldn’t make
them let go now. He felt a bone chilling cold flow up them and into his
chest. His strength left him as the numbing cold filled him. The world
turned black as he hit the ground.

Tsukune felt the pleasant warmth and watched as his enemy dropped.
He understood what was happening. No! I don’t want to kill him! I have to
make it stop! Mizore hadn’t told him about this particular power. He’d
used it against Kotsubo; he didn’t remember how he’d made it stop.
He concentrated on making the heart stop flowing into him and
shrugged off the now limp whips. With his fear gone and his thoughts
focused on stopping he felt the power inside him fade away.


Sitting on a nearby tree limb, a book in his lap, Kiria watched the
battle with interest. His underlings had been slaughtering the weakling
students like lambs. That had changed when they’d run into Tsukune
and his group. It was clear from watching things play out that both
Tsukune and Moka were S-rank monsters. As soon as he’d realized
what Moka was he’d expected to see her crushing everyone she faced.
Vampires were among the absolute most powerful of beings. Tsukune
was the surprise though. He was obviously a snow boy, but snow
people weren’t supposed to be S-ranked. They were strong, but not
that strong. Certainly his girlfriend the snow girl wasn’t showing any
indication of being an uber monster. So why was Tsukune so
disproportionately powerful?

“I love a good mystery,” Kiria said to himself. “Oh well time to wrap
this up.” Of the twenty Anti-thesis members who’d been sent out half
were already down, either unconscious or frozen in ice. “I think we’ve
done enough to make our point.” He put two fingers to his mouth and
let out a long shrill whistle.

Hearing the whistle the remaining members of the group gladly fled
into the woods.


With the fight over Moka approached Tsukune. She was still in her
vampire form but he had changed back. “I need to have a word with
you,” Moka told him. “Alone.”

His first instinct was to beg off, but he had the feeling that Moka was
not going to be refused so he nodded and they headed into the woods
as Mizore and the others gathered the prisoners together.

Once they’d gone far enough to feel alone she stopped and looked at
him. “I hadn’t realized it before,” she said directly. “But when you
were changed in Mizore’s village you weren’t just turned into a snow
boy were you?”

“What do you mean?” He sounded confused.

“Haven’t you noticed the difference in power between you and

Mizore?” She asked patiently. “In many races the males tend to be
stronger than the females, but since Mizore was born a snow girl and
you only recently acquired your powers that shouldn’t be the case.
Even if you were somewhat gifted there is no way the gap between
you should be as wide as it is.”

“Moka I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Tsukune, how exactly were you transformed? The normal method of

changing someone is by injecting a great deal of blood into the person.
This is very dangerous as the results cannot be totally controlled.
Sometimes the blood fails to transform a person or does so in an
unexpected manner; it is also possible to kill someone doing this. That
was a part of the reason I was so furious with Mizore when I learned of
your transformation. I assumed she transformed you with her blood
against your will, not only violating you but putting your life at risk.
But having just seen the two of you in combat I now realize I was
mistaken. You couldn’t have gotten that much power from her.
Tsukune, how did you become a snow boy?”
He looked down nervously. “I’d really rather not say.”

“And why not?” She asked coolly.

“Because I don’t know you and the others would react and I can’t risk
losing your friendship.” He told her honestly.

She looked at him for a long moment. He was surprised when she
reached out to him and gently touched his cheek. “You never need to
fear that Tsukune,” she told him softly. “To both me and my other self
you are a precious friend. I would never abandon you because of
something that was done to you.” She let out a sigh. “If you wish to
keep this matter a secret I will respect that. I have secrets of my own
so I will extend you the same privilege. But should you ever desire to
talk about it I, or my other self, will be ready to listen.”

“Thank you Moka,” he said relieved.

Moka slowly took her hand away. “You truly love her don’t you?”


“Mizore,” she clarified. “I had thought you’d been tricked. But you
honestly love her don’t you?”

“Yes, I really love her. I never knew what love was, but now I love her
with all of my heart.”

Moka slowly nodded. “I see, in that case,” she moved faster than he
could see and put her face next to his. He was expecting a bite on his
neck. But instead he felt her lips touch his cheek. It was a chaste kiss
and a light one, but he thought he could feel her tremble as she kissed
him. “I congratulate you and wish both of you well,” she whispered. “I
will always be a friend to you Tsukune.” Then she was hurrying back to
the road.

“Moka-chan,” he whispered.


Hidden in the shadows Mizore watched nervously as Moka kissed

Tsukune’s cheek and whispered something in his ear.


When Tsukune made it back to the road the ten prisoners were
gathered in a group being watched over by Gin, Yukari, and Mizore. A
pink haired Moka was lying in the nearby grass peacefully dozing.
Tsukune was a bit surprised to see Yukari standing so close to Gin and
looking up at him with adoring eyes. Had he missed something?

About ten minutes later Kuyou and his people arrived. Tsukune was
impressed by Kuyou’s transformed body. He was tall with pale skin
with black markings tattooed into it. Four fiery tails swung about him.
Coming upon the scene he did not look happy. He glared at Tsukune
and the others almost as angrily as he did the defeated prisoners.

“You were very lucky to survive,” Kuyou finally said. “There are about
fifteen bodies scattered from here to the school grounds.”

“Luck had nothing to do with it,” Tsukune said. “We were strong and
we stopped them.”

“You were amazing Tsukune-kun,” Mizore said as she wrapped herself

around him possessively. “You are the best.”

“Don’t let this little victory or your girlfriend’s opinion go to your

head,” Kuyou growled. He really was disgusted with how things had
turned out. He’d had a golden opportunity to slaughter these scum
only to have it stolen from him by Gin and his rabble. Even if they had
done him a service he wasn’t about to thank them for it. “From here
on out the Police Committee will deal with these people.” Kuyou looked
at the unconscious and frozen enemies before him. “I need one
prisoner, kill the rest.” He announced.

“What?!” Tsukune screamed and transformed. “You can’t do that! Even

after what they’ve done you can’t just kill them in cold blood!”

“I can and I will!” Kuyou said hotly. “Only police Committee members
are allowed to transform, stand down or I’ll arrest you.” The six
remaining members of the Police Committee formed a line behind their

Gin, Mizore, and Yukari formed up around Tsukune. Pink haired Moka
was sleeping peacefully through the sudden standoff.

“That’s enough of that!” A voice called out. From down the road the
Chairman appeared in his white robes along with the black dressed
members of his personal bodyguard.

Kuyou turned to the Chairman. “This one is trying to defy my


Tsukune turned to the Chairman. “He wants to murder helpless

prisoners in cold blood!”

The Chairman frowned at Kuyou. “You are to protect the student body,
not threaten them. Given the circumstances I am suspending the
school rule about transforming. The students have a right to try and
defend themselves.” He then faced Tsukune and frowned at him.
“These people have openly attacked this school and its students. As
such they are no longer deserving of many mercy from me or my
chosen agents. If Kuyou wished to kill them he may do so.”

“You can’t mean that!” Tsukune said. “You can’t be o.k. with doing
something like this.”

“We do not live in an ideal world Aono Tsukune,” the Chairman said
sadly but firmly. “Sometimes the solutions to problems must also be
less than ideal. Now I think it would be best if you were to return to
the dorms, my guards will see you safely there.”

The black coated men formed a circle around Tsukune and his friends.
They did not draw out their swords but seemed ready to do so.

‘”We need to go Tsukune,” Gin said quietly. “There’s nothing more you
can do now.”

Tsukune wanted to argue but he saw Mizore and Yukari both nodding.

“Fine,” he muttered. His hopes in the Chairman and in the academy

badly shattered.


“The school will be closed for the coming week,” Hokuto said as he
sipped his tea. Tsukune had come to see him after returning to the
dorm. “We’ll have to try and keep the students safe. It looks like the
Police Committee and Anti-thesis are going to wage their own private
little war.”

“With all the students here to play the part of innocent civilians,”
Tsukune said angrily. “If that’s what he wants why doesn’t he at least
send the student body out of harm’s way?”

“Two reasons,” Hokuto said calmly. “One he doesn’t know who all the
members of Anti-thesis are. Were he to send the students away many
of the members would be among them. Second, and more important,
he’s afraid that if he sends the students out now most of them won’t
return when the fighting is finally over. He doesn’t want to risk seeing
his precious academy close down due to lack of students.”

“So the academy means more to him than the lives of his students?”
Tsukune asked.

Hokuto took another sip of his tea. “Isn’t that obvious?”

“We have to do something!”

Hokuto nodded. “I agree, since we can’t rely on the Chairman or the

Police Committee to protect us I’m going to ask for volunteers from
among the stronger monsters. We’ll form groups and patrol the dorms
to try and protect everyone. We can only pray the dorms themselves
don’t become a battleground.”

“That’s not good enough! We have to do more!”

Perfect Hokuto thought. “Well,” he hesitated. “There might be one other

option, but it’s rather dangerous and would involve breaking school

Tsukune leaned forward in his seat. “I don’t care about school rules
when the Chairman is having people murdered. Tell me what I can do
to keep everyone safe.”

“Very well,” Hokuto said. “If you’re truly committed there is a magical
artifact that might save the situation. It’s called the Lilith Mirror.”
Chapter 36. Beware of dog.
Kiria was leaning against the wall, a book in hand. “So just what are
you up to?” he asked a bit curiously. “Attacking the school, challenging
Kuyou, and recruiting Tsukune, none of that was part of the original

Hokuto was calmly sipping tea as he looked over some files.

Organizing the students into forming patrols was taking almost as
much time as running Anti-thesis. “One has to remain flexible to take
advantage of unexpected opportunities. When Kuyou and his fascists
attacked us that required we change our plans.”

“But what are you doing with Tsukune?”

“I’m sending him to recover the Lilith Mirror for me.”

Kiria looked from his book in surprise. “You went to all the trouble of
recruiting him just to send him on a suicide mission?”

“It would be suicide for anyone else in our organization except you and
me, but according to your report he would seem to be S-rank. He may
well succeed, and if he recruits the vampire to help him the chances
improve that much more.”

“The original plan didn’t involve the Lilith Mirror,” Kiria pointed out.

“Well, I thought it would be too dangerous to recover. It wasn’t worth

risking our lives. But Tsukune and his group aren’t part of Anti-thesis.
If they get killed,” he shrugged. “It’s no real loss.”

Kiria smiled at his friend. “And here I thought you were actually
starting to like him.”

“I do like him,” Hokuto said. “If he survives I’d like to recruit him
permanently to my side. But I won’t let personal feelings influence my
decisions. Success is all that really matters.”

Kiria chuckled silently. Hokuto could be a real cold hearted bastard at

times, but then that was something he liked about him.


“I love you! Let’s share a bed!” Yukari cried out loudly.

“Don’t say things like that!” Gin shouted as he ran around desperately
trying to shake off the little witch. “I told you before I’m not into little

She looked up at him with big glistening eyes. “But I’ll let you do

“Yah! Don’t say that!!” He tried to pulled her off but couldn’t. A young
witch in love had the strength of a hundred.

From Tsukune’s room he, Mizore, and Moka were watching the antics
down below.

“If he does anything with that little girl,” Moka said darkly. “I swear I’ll
kill him.”

Tsukune looked at the pink haired girl in surprise. That sounded like
something her inner self would say. Well I suppose the things she went through
with Saizou are still with her. “I don’t think anything is going to happen.
Honestly it looks like Gin is totally uninterested.”

“He’s just a regular pervert,” Mizore said. “He’s not a lollicon.”

“Anyway,” Tsukune tried to change the subject. “I’m going to go out

tonight. Are you both sure you want to help me? It’s not just against
the rules it’s going to be dangerous too.”

“If you’re going to be in danger then I will definitely come with you to
protect you,” Mizore said.

Moka nodded fiercely. “If you need my help then I’ll do whatever you

Mizore glanced at the other girl keeping her face carefully blank.
Whatever he asks? The image of her kissing him in the forest played in her
mind. What had she whispered to him? Some sort of invitation to
make her his lover? No! Tsukune would never do anything like that! She was
sure of that. But she had yet to ask him what had been said between

Not realizing Mizore was troubled Tsukune nodded. “We’ll leave the
dorm at midnight, just the three of us. I don’t want to put Yukari in
danger and I’m not sure what Gin would say.”

That night the three of them snuck out of the dorms and headed into
the woods. None of them realized that they did not leave unnoticed. A
hidden figure followed them.

Tsukune was the one leading them. He had an old map that Hokuto
had given him as a guide. Following it they eventually arrived at old
ruined stone shed at the base of a hill. Entering the shed they cleared
away some old rubble from the floor and soon discovered a heavy iron
trap door hidden there.

“It’s just like Hokuto said,” Tsukune announced.

“You know I’ve been wondering,” Mizore said. “Just how did he know
about this?”

“What do you mean?” Moka asked.

“Well, why would the School Committee President know where the
Chairman’s secret stash of treasures were hidden?” Mizore asked.

“He probably started researching it when he realized the danger the

students were in.” Tsukune said.

Mizore frowned. “That seems to easy an answer. Tsukune, how much

do we really know about Hokuto anyway?”

“I know he’s the only one willing to stand up to Kuyou and his bunch.
He’s the only one who really cares about the students here. Even the
Chairman seems to only see them as a means to an end. I know he’s
someone I want to help,” Tsukune answered.

Mizore slowly nodded but continued to frown. “All that seems to be

true Tsukune, but haven’t I warned you before that in this place
people are rarely what they seem.”

Tsukune gave her an unhappy look and was about to argue with her
when they all heard a loud blood curdling shriek.

“Tsuuuuukune!!” Out of the darkness a winged figure with a bright

yellow sweater dived through the open roof and tackled Tsukune. He
found himself being smothered as his head was pressed into the
breasts beneath that yellow sweater. “Oh Tsukune my darling!! I’ve
been so worried about you since I heard you were involved in the fight

“Get off my boyfriend,” Mizore grabbed the bothersome succubus by

the tail and yanked her off.

“Yow!” Kurumu howled. “Easy on the tail!”

“Kurumu what are you doing here?” Moka asked.

The succubus began rubbing her bruised tail. “I was just having one of
my nightly flights when I spotted the three of you and decided to tag
along.” She grinned at them. “So is this place your little, ‘love hotel?’
Are you having a threesome? Can I join in and make it a foursome?”


Kurumu found herself on the ground following a swift punch from one
of Mizore’s ice claws.

“Amazing,” Mizore muttered. “You’re even more of a pervert that Gin.”

“O.k., that’s enough.” Tsukune got to his feet at last able to breathe
again. “I’m sorry Kurumu but it’s nothing romantic at all. We’re here to
do something really dangerous. It would be best if you were to just

“Wait! You’re doing something dangerous?” Kurumu asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Mizore told her. “It doesn’t involve you.”

“It does if it involves Tsukune, after all,” she suddenly had a wide
smile. “He’s my destined one.”

“Destined one?” Moka asked.

“That’s right,” Kurumu announced. “Each succubus must choose a

single mate worthy of fathering her children in order to guarantee the
survival of the race. When I heard Tsukune had been in danger I
finally realized he’s the one for me!”

Mizore growled and turned dangerously towards the aqua haired girl.
“Tsukune is my boyfriend and is going to marry me one day!”

Kurumu continued to smile. “Oh that’s all right; I don’t care if I’m the
wife or the mistress as long as I get to have his children.”
Mizore stood there and stared at the girl for a moment.

Then she calmly lifted her ice claws. “All right, I am going to kill you


Somehow Tsukune and Moka were able to prevent Mizore from killing
Kurumu. Kurumu had refused to leave so in the end the four of them
had descended the stairs beneath the trap door together. They slowly
walked down the two hundred or so steps that made up the spiraling
staircase. When they got to the bottom they were at the entrance to a
cave. There were no signs of any treasure so there was nothing to do
but walk deeper into the cave.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Mizore muttered.

“Ah, Tsukune,” Moka said nervously. “Maybe now would be a good

time to take off the rosario?”

“Yeah, good thinking Moka-chan.” He pulled off the rosario with a

slight clink and Moka was transformed into her frightening vampire

Moka then took a deep breath of the stagnant air. “There’s a scent up
ahead, a very powerful one.”

“Tsukune,” Mizore asked. “Just what did Hokuto say was protecting
this mirror?”

“All he said was that it was well protected.”

The girls looked at one another nervously. But since Tsukune was
pushing on they did as well.

Before long the cave suddenly expanded into a huge cavern, one so
massive they could not spot the ceiling or the far wall. At the spot
where the cave opened up were several yellow metal signs driven into
the ground and cave walls. They were all standard, ‘Beware of Dog’

“You don’t think he’s protecting this place with just regular dogs, do
you?” Tsukune asked.

“No,” Moka said firmly. “The scent has a powerful youkai mixed into

“Why don’t we wait,” Kurumu offered. “I’ll go get some doggy treats.”

With a sigh Tsukune stepped out past the signs and into the wide


“Uhm, is it just me or are there a lot of bones and skulls lying around?”
Kurumu noted.

“No doubt these were people trying to steal some of the Chairman’s
treasures,” Moka said. “Clearly they were killed and their bodies left
here to rot.”

“Some of the bones look like they’ve been chewed on,” Mizore noted.

“You two aren’t helping!” Kurumu said.

“There!” Tsukune said excitedly and broke into a run. “This must be
the treasure!”

Right out into the middle of the cavern were stacks and stacks of
various items. There were piles of gold coins and jewels scattered all
about. There were heaps of ancient scrolls and leather clad books, all
of them covered in runes that none of them could read. There were
several large chests, all open and unlocked filled with even more gold
and treasure. There were also swords, axes, suits of armor, rods,
staffs and all sorts of other things lying all around.

Tsukune looked about ad found what he was looking for half buried
under some gold coins. It was a round leather case in a circular shape.
He opened it just enough to confirm there really was a mirror inside
and closed the case again. Hokuto had warned him not to look directly
into the mirror. As he tucked the mirror beneath an arm something
else caught his eye. A ring, made half of gold and half of silver. He
wasn’t sure why but there was something about it that interested him.
Well I’m stealing one thing; does it matter if I take two? Not trying to justify it too
hard he scooped up the ring and a few gold coins and shoved them in
a pocket.

He was not the only one helping themselves.

“Yahoo!” Kurumu shouted happily and began loading up in jewelry.

Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones entered her

Mizore saw a number of gold chains and rings and helped herself. She
might need a favor from Saki in the future after all. Along with the
chains and rings a small gold lamp was also taken.

Moka had no interest in gold or gems but she did take a look at the
swords and other weapons. For some reason she could not explain her
eyes were drawn to a barbed whip that was lying curled up by a suit of
armor. She took the whip and expertly let it fly with a loud satisfying,
‘crack!’ She could feel the power of it within her hand. This was no
ordinary weapon. With a nod of her head she tucked it away.

They were just about done when a loud roar echoed through the
cavern. The four of them froze and looked up. From a far end of the
cavern six glowing red eyes glared at them.

“I think we should leave now,” Mizore said.

“Everybody run!” Tsukune shouted.

He, Mizore, and Moka ran for the distant cave entrance while Kurumu
spread her wings and took off into the air. As they struggled to get
away they felt the ground shake as the massive three headed dog
growled and began to give chase.

“Cerberus,” Moka said, not sounding panicked.

“Isn’t he supposed to be a legend?” Tsukune panted.

“Vampires and most monsters are supposed to be legend too.” Moka


Running as fast as they could it was quickly obvious there was no

chance of reaching the cave entrance before the huge monstrous dog
would catch them up.

With a pivot step Moka reversed her direction, heading away from the
cave entrance and towards the huge monster.

“Moka!” Tsukune shouted.

“Keep running,” she shouted back. “There’s no reason for all of us to

die here.”

As she approached the huge beast it skidded to a halt. The central

head opened its mouth and spat out a stream of fire. Leaping into the
air she just avoided the flames. “Even if you are a creature out of
legend, know your place!” Coming down she delivered a ferocious kick
right to the forehead of the middle head. That head whimpered a bit at
the strike but was not truly hurt. The other two continued to bark

Not good, she thought. She had delivered a powerful kick with no real
effect. Following the kick she landed on the ground behind Cerberus,
forcing the great dog to completely turn around. At least I have all of his
attention; the others should be able to escape.

Rather than try to burn her the individual heads snapped at her trying
to bite her in two. It was only thanks to her great speed and athletic
skill that she was able to dodge and keep away from those huge fangs.

As she was dodging a bite the head on the right opened up its jaws to
spit fire. Before it could though the entire head was frozen in a block
of ice.

Looking over she saw to her dismay both Tsukune and Mizore charging
the back of the creature. “What are you idiots doing?” Moka shouted at
them. “I told you to get out of here!”

“Like we would really ever abandon you,” Tsukune called back.

Kurumu flew down and raked the monster’s back with her nails as
Mizore was firing off ice kunai.

The head on the right shattered the ice encasing it and howled in fury.
The individual attacks seemed to have no effect but to enrage it. The
huge dog turned about to now face Tsukune and Mizore. The middle
and left lead opened their mouths and two huge gouts of fire streamed

Before the flames could reach them a wall of ice appeared to shield the
two of them. The fires reduced it to water almost instantly but more
and more ice materialized to hold the flames at bay. When the flames
finally came to a halt Cerberus leapt forward with all three heads
snapping hungrily.

All around Tsukune twenty ice clones suddenly appeared and as one
they charged. Not able to tell the real from the false the jaws came
down and began biting the various Tsukunes and shattering them.

Meanwhile the genuine article was able to get close enough to leap
onto and grab one of the huge paws.

“Tsukune what are you doing?!” Mizore screamed when she realized it
was him and not a clone. “Get away from him!”

“I know what I’m doing!” He yelled back to her.

Mizore, Moka, and Kurumu all charged in desperate to draw off the
great monster’s attention before he noticed the insane boy.

But to their surprise the three heads suddenly began to howl in what
sounded like pain. They watched as the beast began to stumble as the
leg Tsukune was on refused to move, as though it were numb. After
another moment Cerberus gave out another howl and then fell over
onto its side. The eyes closed as the monster was still alive, but
apparently unable to move.

The girls all stood there in awe as Tsukune leapt off and ran towards

“Yahoo! Tsukune how did you do that?! You were totally amazing!”

“Yes how did you do that?” Mizore asked.

As he approached them he was no longer in snow boy form. He

appeared human and seemed to be flushed and coated in sweat. “I
just…” he stumbled and collapsed.

“Tsukune!” Mizore was the first to reach him. She put a hand on his
forehead. “He’s burning up!” She turned to Kurumu. “Get him to the
infirmary as fast as you can!”

“I’ll get him there as fast as I can!” She took his limp form into her
arms and flew off without another word.
Chapter 37. The day.
Hokuto heard the knock at his dorm room door and got up to answer
it. These days he was very busy getting all sorts of visitors from Kiria
to Tsukune to regular students who came by just hoping to get some
positive support from their heroic President. Ever since his little public
confrontation with Kuyou and his enforcers he’d become a real hero in
the eyes of many of the students, especially the weaker ones. He’d
been a bit surprised at how much he’d enjoyed having others respect
him for his courage. It was very different from being respected for his
power. A part of him, a very small part, wished it was genuine. That
he really was the person he pretended to be and actually meant the
things he spouted. When Tsukune and others talked about trying to
create a real pace here at Youkai and even in the greater world he felt
just a little bit of envy. He envied them their naiveté, the fact they
could really believe that such a thing was possible.

He knew better. He knew that there was no peace either here or in the
real world. When Kuyou stood there and arrogantly proclaimed that he
had the right to do as he pleased just because he was strong Hokuto
understood he was just speaking the truth. He hated the arrogant
bastard and hoped to kill him before things ended. That didn’t mean
he didn’t respect his honesty. The strong abused the weak. That was
just how it was. And it was every bit as true among humans as among
monsters. The only difference was that humans were better liars than
monsters would ever dream of being. They played at being civilized
and pretended that justice mattered. But when they were behind
closed doors there was no civilization, there was no justice, there was
just the strong doing as they pleased to the weak.

He opened the door with a confident smile on his face. “Hello.”

Standing in the door way was a girl with long purple hair wearing a
white shirt with dark sleeves and striped purple leggings. “Here, this is
for you.” Without ceremony the girl handed him a circular leather case.
“I hope it’s worth the trouble.”

A surprised but pleased Hokuto took the case from her. He recognized
the markings and knew what it had to be. “Wonderful, Tsukune is to
be congratulated. With this item the way to achieve real peace is now
in my hands.”

The girl stood there staring at him and sucking her lollipop, not really
reacting to him. “Aren’t you curious why I’m here and not Tsukune?”

“Well, though we haven’t met you are Mizore, his girlfriend, aren’t
you? I assumed Tsukune sent you to deliver this because he is busy
with something else.”

“I came because Tsukune in lying in a bed in the infirmary right now

burning up.”

“Oh, I am very sorry to hear that. I hope he’ll be all right. But if not
you should know his sacrifice was not in vein. This mirror will help
change everything.”

Mizore stood there eying him for another moment. “I was right,” she
said calmly. “If you can stand there and talk about Tsukune as a,
‘sacrifice’ you’re not really a friend to him.” The girl turned around and
walked away.

Well she’d a strange one, he thought. More perceptive than her boyfriend certainly.
He shut the door and opened the case pulling out the Lilith mirror.

“Master?” A sweet girlish voice called. Out of the mirror appeared the
image of a tiny girl with four thin wings jutting out of her back. “I am
Lilith of the mirror. How can I serve you?”

Hokuto smiled. “You are going to help me turn this school into a war

The little sprite laughed. “Sounds like fun!”


With Tsukune lying safely in a bed in the school infirmary Moka had
decided it was safe to return to her usual form. She placed the Rosario
on the end of its chain and waited to be sealed.

But nothing happened.

She looked at the whip that was hooked on to her belt. It has to be she
thought, nothing else is different. Somehow or other this weapon had the
ability to negate the rosario’s effects. The silver haired vampire
grinned. This meant she could safely, ‘stay out’ for much longer than

Hmmm, maybe I’ll go shopping tomorrow.


Tsukune slowly became aware of being surrounded by mist. It was like

being trapped inside a thick fog. “Where am I?”

From within the mist two sickly yellow eyes appeared. “Hello again little
boy.” As he watched the fog parted into a comically wide mouth. He
saw several arms of thickened mist snaking around him. He could feel
their icy touch as they grabbed hold of him.

“Hey! Let go of me!”

The mouth jerked and he could hear laughter. “No need to be afraid, do you
really think I’d go through all this trouble just to kill you? You’re a very precious
possession to me, my very favorite toy.”

“I’m not anyone’s toy!” Tsukune shouted and struggled to somehow

get free.

The arms had give to them but they didn’t let go. “Do you really think that?
Silly boy, your mine to play with now. But don’t worry you’ll have some fun along the
way, and I’ll let you do what you love most.”

“What I love most? What’s that?”

“Playing hero of course,” there was more sickening mocking laughter. “For
someone who was a weak human I must admit it comes to you naturally. You put yourself
in danger to protect others without a second’s hesitation. It’s actually quite funny.”

“It’s not funny,” he said angrily.

“Oh but it is,” the voice assured. “But that’s all right, I gave you some of my
essence so that you could play hero and survive… at least for awhile. But you still don’t
understand what you can do. I’ve given you a tiny fraction of my essence, that is where
the source of your power comes from. You can do things no ordinary snow person could.
Your ability to drain the heat from any living being? That’s just a fraction of what you
can do. You have mastery not only of snow and ice but of mist, wind, and cold itself. With
these abilities you should be invincible, so don’t get yourself killed doing stupid things.
Even your ability to absorb heat has limits.”

“It wasn’t stupid,” Tsukune said. “It was the only way for me to stop

“No it wasn’t,” Tsukune felt himself being yanked forward. “You’ll figure out
what you can do eventually, but only if you don’t die of fever. So I guess I’ll have to heal

As Tsukune watched helplessly he was dragged towards the mouth

filled with jagged teeth. “What… what are you…”

“Sorry about the… oh never mind.” The mouth suddenly chomped down,
tearing into him.

He began to scream and scream.


In the real world Tsukune grunted in his sleep and seemed to stir. The
girls were worried. But before long they noticed his temperature
dropping, it seemed the worst was over.


When Mizore made it back to Tsukune’s room she found Kurumu

asleep in a second bed. Gin was asleep in a chair with Yukari curled up
his lap with a smile on her lips. The only person still awake was Moka.
She was seated in a chair at Tsukune’s bedside. She was holding his

Tsukune seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Mizore went to him and put

her hand on his forehead. “He seems cooler,” she said with relief.

The silver haired Moka nodded. “His fever has broken; it seems he will
be fine.”

Mizore pulled up another chair and sat down taking his other hand.
“That’s good.”

Both girls sat there quietly for a time.



“I was in the woods after our fight with Anti-thesis. I saw you with

Moka looked at the other girl easily meeting her calm gaze. “I see.”

“You whispered something to him and kissed him on the cheek.”

“I did,” Moka confirmed.

The two matched cold gazes for awhile.

“What did you say to him?”

“I congratulated the two of you and promised him I would always be

his friend.”

“Really?” Mizore said hopefully. “That’s all?”

“That is all,” the proud vampire told her. “I was finally convinced that
his love for you is genuine. I want Tsukune to be happy, and so I will
not interfere. I will be his friend and nothing more.”

“Thank you,” Mizore said with relief.

Moka smiled wryly. “Just don’t screw it up.”


The following morning he met with Kiria on his way to the theater. He
had the Lilith mirror neatly tucked under one arm. He’d had the
information sent out to all the dorms that he was holding an
emergency meeting in the theater and he wanted all students to

“Mako and all members are in position,” Kiria told him quietly.

“Tell them to make it spectacular,” Hokuto said in a cheerful voice.

“The whole point is to draw in Kuyou and his police force so they can’t

“You do realize that in a straight up fight we probably lose,” Kiria

reminded him. “Especially if you and I aren’t involved.”

“That’s fine,” he said. “Anti-thesis was never anything but a means to

an end. Tell Mako to escape if she can, the rest don’t matter.”

“So today’s the day huh?”

Hokuto laughed, he felt better than he had in years. “Yes, today’s the
day we change the world forever. Today’s the day we break the sky.”
Chapter 38. How to break a mirror.
As dawn was breaking Mako led the entire remaining members of Anti-
thesis out of the woods and onto the school grounds. The fifty rogue
monsters with her included everyone except for Hokuto and Kiria. “All
right,” she shouted. “You know what we’re here for! Cut loose and
have some fun!”

A loud cheer answered her.

“I’ve always wanted to do this!” One of them transformed his arm into
a massive claw and began smashing in some windows.

Another turned his head into a dragon’s. He opened his jaws wide and
began spitting fire into the building.

Others began hammering away at the walls tearing out huge chunks
and causing the floors above to begin to collapse.

They were all happily tearing apart the school they all hated. The place
where they had been made to feel inferior to the pure breeds. Mako
watched them without bothering to actually join in. She knew what
was coming and thought they had the right to have a little fun now.
After all, most of them weren’t likely to survive the day. While the
others played school yard vandal she kept a careful eye out.

It took a bit longer than she’d expected but she finally saw Kuyou and
his Police Committee arrive. There were only seven on them. From the
very start they had relied on their elite status and power to maintain
order. None of them appeared human of course; they were all in their
true form. Kuyou was leading them standing tall with four fiery tails.
Whatever else happened now the school was a lost cause. An entire
corner of it had already collapsed awhile the rest of it was going up in
flames. If nothing else they had at least managed to destroy Youkai

She put two fingers in her mouth and gave a loud shrill whistle that
got everyone’s attention. When her people spotted Kuyou and his
police they let loose a blood curdling howl and charged.

Kuyou said only two words. “No prisoners.” He unleashed a stream of

fire that caught three of her people. They went down screaming as
they burned to ash and bone. The rest of the police ran forward to
meet the charge head on and the battle was on. There would be no
mercy from either side. Everyone understood this was a fight to the

As the killing began she calmly walked away. Her work was done. So
long as Kuyou and his bunch were kept busy it didn’t matter what the
end result was. And she had no intention of needlessly sacrificing
herself like all these stupid pawns.


The theater was just about packed with nervous looking students. He
was up on the stage and every eye was on him. He knew that they
trusted him. Knew that they believed in him and thought he would try
and keep them safe. He actually found that touching. They were all a
bunch of dumb useless sheep being lead to slaughter. But he still
appreciated their faith in him.

“I have an important announcement to make,” Hokuto yelled out as he

pulled the Lilith mirror from its case. “As of today a new age has
begun! An age where humans and monster will share the world as

From the seats came an excited buzz as the students just what he had
in mind.

“That’s right! From this day forward all humanity will know why they
fear the dark. They will know monsters are more than just stories on a
page. They will know fear and terror as the old ways are restored and
humans and monsters become enemies again, just as it was always
supposed to be.”

Now the buzz from his audience took on a much more fearful tone.

Poor dumb sheep. He lifted the mirror in front of him. “Reveal the
darkness within every one of them! Let them fully embrace their
monster selves!”

From out of the mirror Lilith fluttered about. “Happy to master! All of
you! Become the animals you really are!”

From out of the mirror came a light. Each person the light struck
immediately transformed into their monster form. But these were not
the regular versions of themselves. These were the students’ primal
selves. The power of the mirror had revealed them as pure monsters,
without any intelligence or morality or taint of civilization to get in the
way of their bestial instincts. As they transformed they began to attack
each other, with the weaker monsters quickly being ripped apart… and


With the morning Tsukune slowly opened his eyes. He saw Mizore and
Moka sitting to either side of him holding his hands. At the edge of the
bed was Kurumu and Gin with Yukari hanging on to him.

“How do you feel Tsukune?” Mizore asked.

“Tired,” he told them. “I had the worst nightmare.” He paused for a

moment. “The mirror, has Hokuto gotten the mirror yet?”

Mizore frowned and nodded. “He has, I gave it to him myself. But
Tsukune, I don’t think you should trust him. There’s something about
him that I don’t like.”

Tsukune smiled at her reassuringly. “I don’t know what would make

you think that Mizore-chan, but I trust Hokuto completely. He is
definitely one of the good guys. I’m proud to call him a friend.”

“Tsukune,” Mizore said seriously. “I don’t think he’s your friend.

Remember what I told you about people not always being what they
appear to be.”

“I know, but I’m sure you’re wrong about him. Hokuto is definitely a
friend and a good man.”

As they talked Moka looked at the window. “Does anyone else hear


In her dorm room Saki enjoyed a last cup of tea as the sounds of
fighting neared. “Such a shame, I was enjoying my time here too. Oh
well,” she set her cup down. “Nothing lasts forever.” As she stood she
dropped her disguise. She was revealed to be a breathtaking maiden
with silver eyes and flowing golden hair wearing a sun yellow dress. In
her hands were a pair of sheers. Slicing the space in front of her there
was a slash of light like a tear in the world around her. The tear
widened to reveal another place. Before stepping through she looked
around at her room one last time. “It really was fun; I really must see
Mizore and Tsukune again.” She stepped through the tear to the other
side. As soon as she was gone the tear closed up and vanished.


The Chairman appeared on the roof of the infirmary. Down below a

horde of monsters were tearing towards the building. He could see the
dorms and the theater were already on fire. Scattered below were
pieces of some of his students. Here and there some monsters were
chewing on some of them. The entire student body had somehow
reverted to their pure monster forms, reverting back to little more
than animals acting on instinct. How had it come to this? Anti-thesis
had been a thorn in his side and a problem, but he’d never imagined
things couple ever spiral this completely out of control. He’d hoped to
have others deal with the problem, but now he had no choice but to
handle it himself.

From atop the infirmary he began working a series of complex hand

signs and speaking the words to an ancient spell that would restore all
of them to their former selves. To affect so many at once would
require most of his power. For this short time he had no choice but to
focus completely on his restoration spell, leaving him vulnerable.

This of course was the exact moment Hokuto had been planning for
from the moment he’d created Anti-thesis. Removing the holy lock
around his wrist he released his power and struck. Turning his right
arm into a spear he drove it into the chairman’s back and out his


From the window of Tsukune’s room they saw the horde of monsters
barge into the infirmary. Almost immediately they began to hear
screams from the staff and other patients.

“Come on!” Tsukune shouted. “I don’t know what’s going on but we

have to help the people who are here!” Tsukune headed for the stairs
with the others following him.

When they got to the ground floor it was a hellish scene. Three lizard
men were ripping apart the corpse of what had been a nurse.
Throughout the reception area there was blood splattered everywhere
as bodies were being ripped open. It was already too late for many but
there were a couple nurses and four patients in a corner trying to hold
off the snapping beasts.
“Get away from them!” Tsukune shouted.

Instantly all the monsters were frozen in a solid wall of ice. With a
thought Tsukune set up an ice wall cutting off the rest of the floor from
the section near the stairs.

Vampire Moka ran to the confused nurses and patients and got them
moving to the stairs. “Hurry! That will not hold them long!”

Sure enough the ice wall began to crack as the monsters hurled
themselves at it. The patients and nurses made it to the stairwell. As
soon as they were all on the other side of it Moka reached down and
crushed the metal handle, locking the door in place. “That won’t hold
them long either,” Moka said with a grim certainty.

“What the hell is going on? “ Tsukune asked. “They were eating each
other! It’s like everyone’s gone not just crazy but feral!”

“I don’t know what’s happening,” Moka said as she began climbing the
stairs. “I only know we’re going to have to fight for our lives if we
don’t want to be eaten.”

“Where are we going?’ Mizore asked.

“The roof,” Moka replied. “That’ll be the best place to make our stand.”


They came through the roof exit just in time to see the transformed
Hokuto snap the Rosario of judgment from around the Chairman’s

Looking up at them Hokuto smiled. “Tsukune! What wonderful timing!”

Tsukune stared at Hokuto and at the still form of the Chairman who
was lying there in a growing pool of blood. “Hokuto, what happened?
Did you attack the Chairman? Did he do something to change the

“You mean turning them into blood thirsty monsters?” Hokuto asked.
“No, he was actually trying to reverse the process. I was the one who
did that.”

“Yo… you?” Tsukune whispered.

“Well to be fair Tsukune I couldn’t have done it without your help, or

the help of your friends.” At his transformed waist there was a familiar
looking leather case. Hokuto patted it with a long spindly hand. “It
wouldn’t have been possible without the Lilith mirror.”

“Is that why you wanted the mirror?” Moka demanded. “To turn the
students into savages?”

“Well yes, but even that was nothing but a means to an end. I had to
make the situation here at school so desperate that the Chairman
would have no choice but to become involved directly. That was the
only way to make him vulnerable so I could acquire this.” He held out
the rosario in his spidery thin fingers. “With the Chairman’s rosario of
judgment I can lower the barrier that keeps this place separated from
the human world. Then all the monsters in this place will go out into
the human population and have a feast.”

“You fool!” Moka shouted at him. “What do you think that will
accomplish?! With their numbers and modern weapons there’s no way
monsters can hope to conquer humanity. All you’ll do is start a war
between human and monster that will cause nothing but pointless
slaughter on both sides!”

“That’s exactly what I want!” Hokuto laughed. “I’ve suffered at the

hands of both monsters and humans. This will be my ultimate revenge
against both! Humanity may win in the end but they’ll likely lose
millions in this war and human society will never be the same again.
As for the monsters, with any luck most of them will be extinct by the
end of it!”

As he continued to laugh the door behind them burst open and

monsters began to pour out onto the roof. “Well I see you’ll be busy
fighting for your lives so I’ll go now.” With the Rosario clutched in one
hand he spoke the words to a spell. Runes appeared on the roof and
began to glow. He began to be sucked down into the teleportation
sigil. “Oh and thanks again Tsukune, I really could not have done it
without you. If you live through this look me up and I’ll have a position
waiting for you.”

Tsukune stood there staring at the person he had trusted as he was

disappearing before his eyes. “YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!”

He launched himself at Hokuto, grabbing ah old of him as they both

vanished along with the runes.
“Tsukune!” Mizore shouted.

“Mizore!” Moka shouted as she slammed a kick into a wereboar’s snout

and sent him flying. Even as she did sop more and more monsters
kept pouring out. “We can’t do anything for Tsukune right now! We
have to trust in his strength! Concentrate on fighting the enemies who
are right here!”

Mizore had no choice as she froze a harpy in place. Please be all right


“What do you think you’re doing?” Hokuto asked nicely. He then

grabbed Tsukune by the chest and lifted him into the air with ease.
“Why are you fighting me? I don’t want to have to hurt you Tsukune;
I’m actually really fond of you.”

“I… I won’t let you start a pointless war! I thought you wanted peace!
I thought you wanted to change the academy!”

“I do want to change the academy,” Hokuto said courteously. “This

place will never be the same after today. And I do mean to bring
peace to this place. It will be very peaceful with everyone dead.” He
looked closely as Tsukune struggled. “Are you angry because I used
you? Is that it? Don’t take it personally I use everyone, it’s only
normal. The strong are supposed to use the weak.”

“I’m going to stop you no matter what.” Fully transformed he began to

draw heat out of Hokuto’s body.

Hokuto felt the numbing pain in his hand. “Interesting,” he said. He

pulled his arm back and hurled Tsukune into the far wall with all his
might. Tsukune shouted in pain as she smashed into the wall and then
bounced to the ground.

Hokuto looked at his hand and tried making a fist, it remained numb
and unresponsive. “Interesting trick, you really are an S-rank monster
I see.” He calmly walked over to a console and with his other hand
slipped the rosario into a slot designed for it. The console began to
hum and come to life. “There now, in just a few minutes the barrier
will be down, the sky will break, and the world of humans will never be
the same.”

“No,” despite the pain Tsukune forced himself back to his feet. “I won’t
let you.”

Hokuto looked at him and looked back at his wounded hand. He came
to a decision and shook his head sadly as he reached for the leather
case. “It’s too bad, I really would have liked it if you’d come to work
for me. But I’m afraid you’re a little too dangerous for me to take any
chances.” He opened the case and brought out the mirror. “You won’t
be able to think or use any kind of advanced abilities once I reduce
you to your primal form. Of course I’ll have to kill you. I’m sorry
Tsukune, we could have been friends.”

“No we couldn’t,” Tsukune said. “Friends don’t use each other.”

“If you say so, it doesn’t really matter now.” Lilith flew out on the
mirror to rest on his shoulder. “Make him an animal like all the rest.”

“Sure thing master!”

Light poured from the mirror and covered him. Tsukune stopped and
shook for a moment as he transformed. Hokuto didn’t notice much of a
change from his snow boy form into his primal one. The only real
difference was that his eyes had a yellowish glow to them. Hokuto
expected to hear Tsukune howl or snarl and attack him. He was taken
off guard when he began to laugh.

“You know for someone who thinks he’s so smart you sure did something pretty damn

Hokuto gawked at him. “You can talk?”


“But that’s not possible; the mirror should have reduced you to your
most primal form. You shouldn’t even be able to think, never mind

A scratchy laugh exited Tsukune’s mouth. “Too bad for you though that I’m
not a monster, I’m a demon, or at least an essence of a demon. We are created sentient,
so even my most basic form would be intelligent and self aware.” Tsukune gave him
a sickly grin. “And unfortunately for you I don’t like others playing with my toys.” As
Hokuto watched Tsukune’s body dissolved into mist and began to flow
towards him. “Now be a good little boy and just die.”

Hokuto opened his mouth to say something. But before he could make
a sound the mist rushed into his mouth and he began to choke. Not
only could he not breathe he could feel cold filling his chest. He
collapsed, powerless to fight the mist that was already inside of him.

Lilith flew to the console watching in horror as the mist entered her
master’s body and then exited once her was reduce to an ice cold
corpse. The mist seemed to fill the entire room. She saw some of it
solidify into a deformed arm that removed the rosario from the
console. Immediately all the lights blinked off and the machinery
powered down.

“And now what should I do with you?” A voice teased from inside the mist.

“I… I’d be ha… happy to serve you… master.”

She heard the voice laugh and thought that a good sign. “Thanks, but
you’re not worth the trouble.”

Before she could say anything in her defense she was snuffed out like
a candle. Her little body was frozen solid. She fell to the floor where
she shattered.

With her death the mirror shattered as well breaking the spell it had
cast and returning all the remaining students back to normal.
Chapter 39. Hello Mother, this is Mizore.
Tsukune slowly woke up on the floor of some room with a lot of
machinery. He noticed a Rosario lying there right near his hand. That
sparked a memory. This wasn’t Moka’s Rosario but the Chairman’s.
Hokuto had taken it from him on the infirmary roof. Hokuto! That’s right I
followed him! He’d been fighting him when he’d been hit with that
blinding light from the Lilith mirror. That was the last thing he
remembered. As he stood up he heard a crunching sound. Looking at
his feet he saw he was stepping on shards of glass. The mirror was
lying shattered at his feet. Looking around the room he spotted
something else.

Hokuto’s frozen corpse.

He wandered over to take a good look. It was Hokuto all right; his face
was set in a mask of terror. His entire body rigid and coated in frost.
The condition of the body made it obvious what must have happened.
The mirror turned me into a mindless animal and I must have killed him while I was like
that. He was relieved that at least he didn’t seem to have eaten him. He
remembered that Hokuto had been planning to use the machinery
here to lower the barrier. Since the Rosario was out of its slot and the
machines were all off he hoped that meant he’d managed to stop him
in time. Picking up the rosario he began looking for an exit.


When he made it out he found just about all the building to be charred
ruins. About the only buildings left standing seemed to be the
infirmary and the gym. The realization that everything he’d had in his
room was now gone didn’t seem that important. He needed to finds
Mizore and his friends.

He was very relieved to see that the students had reverted back to
normal. Like him they had no memory of anything that had happened
after being struck by the mirror’s light. He thought that was a major
blessing as none of them would remember eating their fellow students.
With the school and dorms gone most of the surviving students were
just milling about aimlessly. He headed for the infirmary hoping to find
everyone alive and well.

As he was nearing the main entrance he was tackled to the ground.

“Tsukune! You’re all right!” Mizore cried out. Before he could respond
she spat out her lolli and put her tongue in his mouth.


Not only had his friends survived but the Chairman had as well.
Despite having Hokuto’s arm go all the way through his chest he was
lying in an infirmary bed. He seemed weakened but it didn’t look like
he was going to die. Tsukune returned the Rosario of judgment to him.

“Thank you for returning this to me, and for stopping Hokuto before he
could lower the barrier.” The Chairman glanced knowingly at Tsukune,
Mizore, Kurumu, and silver haired Moka. “As a sign of my thanks all of
you can keep the items you took from my treasure vault. Consider
them payment for services rendered.”

Everyone except Mizore had the good grace to at least look


“What’s going to happen now?” Tsukune asked. “I mean the school,

the dorms, everything is gone.”

The Chairman seemed to heave a weary sigh. “I’m afraid there is no

choice but to close the academy until everything can be rebuilt. There
will be busses here within a few hours to take everyone home. I only
hope that after everything that has happened most of them will choose
to return when the school is repaired.”

“What?” Kurumu shouted. “We’re leaving?! No! Just when I realized

who my destined one is.” She grabbed hold of him and planted his
face deep into the bosomy goodness of her yellow sweater. “I don’t
want to leave you Tsukune!”


Kurumu hit the floor with a large bump on her head.

“You’re getting to be annoying,” Mizore said as she transformed her

ice claw back into a normal looking arm. “I’ve already told you he’s my
boyfriend.” She took a hold of his arm. “The only one staying at his
side will be me.”

“You will?” Tsukune looked at her.

“I won’t?” Mizore looked at him.

“Don’t you want to go home?” Tsukune asked.

“Sure, but only if I get to go with you. I want to be with you Tsukune,
wherever that might be. And don’t you remember? You said you’d
bring me to your home and introduce me to your parents.”

That was true, he had. But… “You know, now that I think about it I’m
not sure if I should go home,” he said sadly. “Would it be all right if I
went to stay with you and your mom Mizore-chan?”

“Well of course that would be all right,” Mizore told him. “But don’t you
want to see your home and your parents Tsukune?”

“Yeah but, how do I explain the way I look now?”

“What do you mean?” Mizore asked. “I think the way you look now is
sexy, not that you weren’t good looking before.”

“Mizore-chan,” he said patiently. “My hair is silver, my eyes are blue,

and I don’t have pupils. How would I explain this to my mom and

“Maybe they won’t notice.”

“You’re an idiot,” Moka growled.

“Desu! Tsukune what you need is a magical item that will disguise
you!” Yukari offered.

“Wait there are things that can do that?”

“Sure! The most common such item is a ring of disguise; it will allow
you to take on any appearance you desire.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have one would you?” Tsukune asked


Yukari grinned embarrassed. “No, sorry Tsukune, I might be able to

locate one for you eventually though.”

“Well that’s something, maybe I can stay with Mizore and her mom
until you find one for me. I’d appreciate any help you can give me.”

“Sure,” she said happily. “Though it will cost you.”

“How much?” Tsukune asked. “I don’t really have a lot of money.”

“Not money,” she looked up at him with big glittering eyes. “I want
you to make me a woman.”


“Ouchie,” the little witch said from the floor.

“I thought you were in love with Gin,” Mizore said.

“I am, but you never forget your first love.” Yukari managed to get to
her feet.

“What does this ring of disguise look like?” Moka asked. “My mother
knows something of magical items. Perhaps I could get her help
locating one.”

“Well it looks like a regular ring except it’s made half in gold and half
in silver.”

Tsukune reached into a pocket and pulled out the ring he’d taken when
they’d gone to get the Lilith mirror. “You mean like this?”

Yukari looked at the ring and jumped about. “That’s it! How did you
get one?!”

“It was with the rest of the treasure, just sitting there. I don’t know
what made me take it.”

“As with my taking the whip some instinct must have known this would
be important to you.” Moka said.

Tsukune slipped the ring onto a finger on his right hand. His hair and
eyes changed, even his skin became darker. “How do I look?”

“Like you did when you first came here,” Mizore told him.


“Yes,” Mizore nodded. “You look like a scared helpless virgin again.”


Tsukune’s mom was sitting on the couch watching one of her favorite
shows when the door bell rang. “I wonder who that could be?” She got
up to answer it. “Yes?” She opened the door. She did a double take
when she saw who it was. There on her door step was her son wearing
his green school uniform. And hanging on his arm was a very cute girl
with long purple hair and a lollipop in her mouth.

“Kaasan,” Tsukune said. “It’s so good to see you again and to be


“Tsukune! What are you doing here? I thought you said you couldn’t
come home until you graduated.” She gaped at the girl who was
standing there calmly looking at her. I guess he really was telling the truth
when he said he was dating two girls. “And who is this girl?”

“Ah, mother this is Mizore-chan, she’s my girlfriend. We’re here

because there was a big fire and the school and the dorms all burned
down. The school’s been closed for repairs. If it would be all right could
Mizore stay with us for awhile?”

“The school burned down? It’s been closed?” She said in shock. “And…
and you want this girl to stay with us? In our house?” She was looking
at the beautiful girl at noting how close she was standing to her son. I
wonder if they have kissed yet? “Tsukune you know we have a small house
where would she sleep?”

“We have a guest room mother, I’m sure she wouldn’t be any trouble
and I really want you all to get to know each other.”

“Well…” His mother considered.

“Guest room?” Mizore looked at him. “I thought I’d be sleeping in your

bed, the way you slept in mine when you stayed in my home.”

“What?!” His mother cried out. “Tsukune you’ve shared a bed with this

“Kaasan please calm down it’s not what you think! Nothing happened,

“That’s true,” Mizore confirmed. “We didn’t do anything strange. We

just had lots and lots of sex.”

Both Tsukune and his mother were looking at her horrified.

“You really should be very proud of your son Mrs. Aono. The first time
we did it was in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers. He was really
awkward; he needed me to help him get his thing into me. He’s rather
big for his size, but I guess you would know that. But since then he’s
really learned how to handle a woman’s body. I mean I guess it stands
to reason since we’ve been having a lot of sex, I mean a lot;
sometimes he just can’t keep his hands off me. Of course sometimes I
get kind of horny myself and I end up spending all night riding him like
a pony or making him use that talented tongue of his. I guess it’s like
anything else, the more you practice something the better you get.
But you should be really proud of your son; he always does his best to
leave me satisfied. And so you know I make it a point to please him
however he likes. As his girlfriend and future wife I feel it’s my
responsibility to keep him sexually satisfied.”



Mizore blinked. “Tsukune why did your mother pass out?”


After laying his mother on the couch and putting a cold compress on
her forehead he’d taken Mizore to his room so they could have a talk.

“So this is your room! I really like it.” She went over to his bed and sat
down, bouncing up and down a bit. “I like your bed too.” She looked at
him to see he was staring at her and frowning. “Something wrong?”

“Mizore,” he said trying to hold on to his patience. “Do you remember

the little talk we had about discretion before we came over here?”

She lifted an eyebrow. “You were serious about that?”

“Of course I was!” He yelled at her his patience fraying. “Mizore you
can’t tell my mom about us having sex!”

“Why not?” She asked curiously.

“Because no mother wants to hear her fifteen year old son is having

“But wouldn’t she be relieved to know her son is a considerate lover?

And that he has a girlfriend who wants to make him happy?” She lifted
a leg and began rolling down one of her striped purple stockings.

“No! They don’t want to know that! That’s the last thing they want to
“Really?” She began removing her other stocking. “What do they want
to hear then?”

“Nothing at all! They want to think their sons are virgins until they
marry or even longer. They… they… uh, what are you doing?”

“Undressing,” she said as she pulled her shirt up and off. As usual she
didn’t bother with a bra.

Watching her take her clothes off he felt his body begin to stir and his
heart begin to beat. “Are… are you wanting to take a shower?”

“No,” she said as she slipped off her skirt and panties in one go,
leaving herself completely naked. “With everything that’s been going
on we haven’t had sex fort the last two days and with all the stress of
having you sick with fever and then disappearing I really, really need
some loving.” She took out her lolli, a sign she was ready for some
serious action. “Aren’t you going to take your clothes off?”

He was gaping at her; even after all the times he’s seen her naked he
still couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. That smooth pale skin,
those legs, those perfect breasts, those lips, her entire body seemed
made for making him feel good. “Mizore we… we…. can’t do this,” he
said weakly.

She stood there looking at him blankly for a second. “All right,” she
reached down began putting her shirt back on.

“Wait! You mean we’re not going to?” he sounded horrible

disappointed, like a child finding copal in his stocking.

She froze with her shirt still in her hands. “Didn’t you just say you
didn’t want to?”

“But I always say that!” he whined. “You never stopped before.”

She gave him a knowing smile and let her shirt fall back to the floor.
“That’s because I know you don’t want me to stop. You’re so weird
Tsukune, pretending you don’t want it when I know you do.” She came
over to him and pushed him down to the floor as her mouth licked and
sucked his, a wonderful, heat beginning to flow into both of them.


Tsukune’s mother had recovered from her fainting spell and decided to
go into the kitchen and make some tea for all of them. Maybe the girl was
joking, she thought hopefully. Young people today have such strange senses of
humor. Yes she had to be joking. What kind of girls would tell a boy’s mother something
like that and mean it? Tsukune would never be with that kind of girl. Yes of course it had
to have been a joke and I took it seriously! Felling a little better about things
she brought the tray with tea to her son’s room. As was her habit she
went in without bothering to knock. “Tsukune, I made tea for you and
your girlfr…”

The poor woman froze, unable to move. There not five feet in front of
her was her only child lying naked and sweaty on the floor. Straddling
her baby was an equally naked and sweat covered girl. Tsukune was
looking at her in absolute horror.

Mizore turned her head and nodded politely. “Thank you Mrs. Aono.
Could you set it on his desk please? We should be dome in about
another ten minutes.”




“Tsukune she fainted again. Does your mother have low blood
Chapter 40. Fairy tale.
When Mrs. Aono recovered from her second fainting spell she came to
once again lying on the couch.

“How are you feeling Mrs. Aono?”

She looked up to see the strange girl sitting on the floor beside her.
She had a lollipop in her mouth and, much more importantly, her
clothes back on. “I’m fine,” she slowly sat up. Looking around she
didn’t see her son anywhere. “Where is Tsukune?”

“He went to the grocery store to pick up some cookies. If you like I’ve
made us some more tea. I’m afraid the tea you made spilled and the
cups and saucers broke.”

“That’s fine dear, it doesn’t really matter.” Looking more closely at the
girl she noticed something. “Is there something wrong with your

Tsukune had warned her about this and told her what to say. “It’s a
very rare medical condition.”

“Oh… I see.” Asking about it would seem a bit rude. Instead they sat
there in an uncomfortable silence. Mrs. Aono having no idea what to
say to her.

“Could I ask you something?” Mizore finally spoke.

“What dear?” She asked nervously, afraid she was about to describe
her sexual experiences with her son again.

“Could you please teach me how to make Tsukune’s favorite foods? He

is always talking about how much he misses your cooking. I’d like to
be able to make all the foods he likes best.”

“Ah, well I suppose I could show you how to make some of them.” She
again looked closely at the oddly serene girl. “You really love my son
don’t you?”

“Yes,” Mizore answered easily. “I love him with all of my heart.”

“Well I am very glad to hear that dear, but well, ah, you know love
takes on all sorts of forms. It isn’t only expressed in, ah, physical

“You mean there are ways to show someone you love them besides
having sex with them?”

Mrs. Aono turned a deep shade of red and began to fidget

uncomfortable. “Ah, yes, I, ah, yes that’s what I ah, mean.”

“I know that,” Mizore said. “That’s why I want to cook for him.”

“Ah, well that’s sweet.”

“Though having lots and lots of sex is a really good way too. My
mother always told me that a woman needs to keep her man happy in

“Your mother told you that?”

Mizore nodded. “She also told me that if a man loves you he’ll want to
please you as well.”

Mrs. Aono blush got darker. “Ah…”

“Is it like that with you and your husband?”


Mizore looked at her questioningly. “You love Tsukune’s father don’t


“Well of course I do! We’ve been together for eighteen years, I love
him very much.”

“And he loves you?”

“Yes, certainly.”

“So do the two of you have lots and lots of sex?”

“That is not something you should ask someone!”

“Why not?”

“Because things like that are supposed to be private!”

“They are?”
“Well of course! Sex is supposed to be the most private thing between
a man and a woman!”

“Humans are weird,” Mizore muttered.

“What was that?”


Mrs. Aono took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. Her world
had been so neat and orderly just an hour ago. “Tell me dear, what
are your intentions towards my son?”

“I want to marry him and have him babies.”

“Marriage and children are very serious adult matters. How old are

“I am fifteen; Tsukune and I are both first years at Youkai academy.”

At the moment Mrs. Aono wished her husband had never found the
entrance form to that place. Compared to having her son involved with
a nymphomaniac having him home studying for High School entrance
exams seemed like a dream. “My dear, both you and Tsukune are only
fifteen. That is so young! I didn’t get married until I was twenty two.”

“How awful!” Mizore looked at her with sympathy. “I never thought

you were an old maid.”

“Old maid? I was twenty two!”

She nodded. “No wonder you only had one child. I certainly don’t
intend to wait so long to marry Tsukune and start having a family. I
plan to marry Tsukune before my seventeenth birthday.”

“What?” She gasped. “You won’t even have finished with High School
by then!”


Her jaw dropped and she was gaping at the girl. “Don’t you want to go
to university? Get a good job? Have a career?”

Mizore blinked at her. “Not really,” she said. “All I really want is to
always be with Tsukune and have a family with him.”
She actually wants to be a high school drop out and have a bunch of children. I knew my
husband should have talked to him a about sex! Sex education! That’s what Tsukune

“By the way, Mrs. Aono?”


“Since I’ll be marrying Tsukune before too long would it be all right if I
started to call you mother?”


“She fainted again; she really should see a doctor.”


Karsumi checked his appearance in the mirror. He was approaching

middle age but had rigorously kept himself in good shape. The custom
made grey business suit fit him perfectly and told the world he was a
man of substance someone important. His face was still hard, he had
never been a good looking, the lines of his face had always been too
sharp and severe. But he didn’t mind, his face was made for scowl and
glares. A face people feared, and for good reason. He was a hard and
uncompromising man. He had built his company up from nothing until
it was one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential multi-
nationals. Doing so had not been easy. He had ruined the lives of
many competitors, thrown people off their property, paid off politicians
and judges, and even made people disappear when necessary. He
never lost any sleep over any of it. He was a firm believer in survival
of the fittest. The world belonged to the strong. What happened to
those too weak to fend for themselves didn’t matter.

Satisfied that his appearance was intimidating enough he took his

briefcase and headed down the stair towards the front door of his
mansion. He was meeting with his board today. He expected things to
go as he wanted. It always did since he held the majority of stock in
Karsumi Industries. When he got the ground floor he looked about and
frowned. His butler was supposed to meet him with the morning
business papers. He would fire the incompetent idiot. There were
plenty of people eager to work for him.

“Good morning Karsumi-sama,” a cheerful voice called.

Startled he turned to see a young man and woman standing there. He

noted they both had the same school uniform on. The boy was wearing
sun glasses that hid his eyes.

“Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my home?” He

“My apologies Karsumi-sama,” the boy replied. “My name is Kiria and
this is am lovely associate Mako.” The dark haired girl gave him a nod.
“We are friends and classmates of your only son Hokuto.”

“Oh, now I understand! Did my worthless son send you here to beg for
a hand out or to plead that I let him come back? I want nothing to do
with that weakling! He can starve for all I care.”

“What a lovely father you are,” Mako said. “I can see why he ran

“Don’t talk about things you know nothing about,” he snapped. “I tried
to make my son strong but he was always a coward and a disgrace.”

“No,” Kiria said. “He had a weak body but Hokuto had a strong will and
sharp mind. In his own way he was stronger than anyone else I’ve
ever met.”

“Strong will? Hokuto? He ran away from here because he was too
weak to deal with the realities of life.”

“Actually he told me about this life here,” Kiria said politely. “He told
me about the mental and physical abuse you put him through.
Starving him, locking him in a closet, burning him with cigarettes, who
wouldn’t run away from all that?”

“I was only trying to make him stronger!”

“Well, it worked in the end I suppose. He was strong enough to escape

you and with my help he was strong enough to almost change the

“Hokuto change the world?” Karsumi sneered. “Not in a million years.

You go back to that worthless son of mine and tell him that whatever
he wants from me he’ll never get. He’s dead to me now.”

“Actually, he’s dead to everyone now,” Kiria told him. “I am afraid your
son is gone Karsumi-sama.”
“Is he? Well that’s probably for the best. He was never going to
amount to anything.”

“Couldn’t you at least pretend to care?” Mako said to him, contempt

filling her voice. “He was your son after all.”

“He stopped being my son the moment he ran away and defied me.
Now if you came here just to tell me that you can go now.”

“Actually we have one more piece of business,” Kiria informed him.

“It’s about your company.”

“What about it?”

“Well Hokuto always intended to take it over from you some day.”

Karsumi laughed nastily. “Is that so? As if I’d have ever handed it over
to him.”

“Nevertheless, it was his wish, and so I’ve decided to carry out his
desire. I intend to take over the company.”

Karsumi stared at him for a moment. “Are you serious?”


He doubled over and began to laugh. “And… and how do you… think to
do that?” he asked between laughs.

“By force,” Kiria said. “That is what you believe in right? Survival of
the fittest and all that?”

Karsumi looked at him, still amused. “And you think you can muscle me
boy? What are you going to do, go to the police with stories about
child abuse? Try it; you’ll end up in jail or the bottom of a river. Now
get out, who let you in here anyway?”

“No one let us in here; we killed all your guards and let ourselves in.”

Something about the way the boy had said that drained away his good
humor. He hadn’t taken them seriously. How could he when they were
a pair of children in school uniform. But it now occurred to him that he
hadn’t seen any of his servants this morning. And just how had they
gotten into his home past all his guards? “I think you should go now.”

Kiria smiled. “Is that fear I hear in your voice? Is it just now dawning
on you that you’re the weakling here?”

He slowly began to back away. “I am a very powerful man and I have

powerful friends. If anything happens to me or if I suddenly disappear
you’ll be made to suffer.”

“You know, I don’t think you have a friend in the world, or that anyone
would care if you did just disappear. Most people who know you would
probably celebrate. But I never said anything about making you
disappear or killing you… yet. You’re much more useful as a puppet.”
He turned to Mako. “Do it.”

“Happy to.” Four fingers of her left hand suddenly extended and shot
out. They stabbed into his belly and Karsumi howled as he doubled
over. “My blood acts as a powerful drug,” she explained. “You’ll be my
helpless pawn.”

Kiria nodded. “Let’s get going, we don’t want to be late to the



“Is this some kind of joke?!” The company’s CFO was on his feet

“Sit down Ryota,” Karsumi barked. “I’m completely serious. As of

today I am retiring and handing over ownership and control of my
company to Mr. Kiria here.”

From a chair in the back of the room a high school student, still in
school uniform, looked up from his book just long enough to wave at
the Board members.

“Have you gone insane? You can’t just hand over a multibillion dollar
company over to some child!”

“I can and I have,” Karsumi said. “If any of you refuse to accept that
you can resign right now!”

Ryota and the others looked at him aghast and helpless. He was
serious. Ryota sat back down.

“Now then I’ll hand the meeting over to Kiria.”

“Thank you Karsumi-sama,” he placed a book mark and shut the book
with a snap. He looked up at all the older Japanese gentlemen in their
neat suits. “There’s no need to look so scared. Your jobs are all safe as
long as you do as I say and cause no trouble. I have no interest in the
day to day operations. All of you can keep doing your jobs. I will be
setting up a special department though with some of my own people
to take care of certain extraordinary projects. Don’t worry though; I’ll
keep the budget below a hundred million, just a fraction of the overall
operating income.”

They all looked at each other, obviously dubious but unwilling to

challenge him so long as their own positions were safe.

“And one more thing, I really hate the name Karsumi Industries, it’s
just so boring. From now on our company name will be Fairy Tale.”

“Fairy Tale?” Ryota muttered. “You can’t be serious.”

“You’re fired, clear out of your office by the end of the day.” He
pointed to a couple security guards and they man handled him out of
the meeting room.

“Anyone else have a problem with our new company name?”

No one said a word.

“Good, then we are Fairy Tale; now let’s get busy changing the world.”
Chapter 41. So let me explain…
It had been five days since Tsukune had brought Mizore to his home
town. I had been an interesting five days.


Five Days Ago

Tsukune was sitting on his bed as his father stood there and his
mother paced nervously back and forth.

“Mom, dad, I can appreciate your concerns but I really don’t think sex
education would help any.”

“No!” His mother yelled fearfully. “You definitely need sex education!
Tsukune do you understand the risks you are taking with that girl?!”

“Your mother is right son,” father spoke up. “Have you considered the
possibility of disease or of getting her pregnant?”

“Ah, actually, when we started we were both virgins. And since we

haven’t been with anyone else…” He was having a hard time looking
his parents in the eye.

“Wait a minute!” His mom cried. “Are you saying that girl has only
ever been with you?”

“That’s right.”

“Then how can she be so… so…”

“Open minded?” Tsukune offered.

“I was going to say shameless,” his mother replied.

“That’s just the way she was brought up,” Tsukune said. “In her family
sex isn’t considered anything to be embarrassed about.”

That was something Tsukune had, had to get used to. Among the
snow people sex and reproduction were their very reasons for being.
To them sex was never a bad thing. They saw nothing shameful or
wrong in it no matter the circumstances.

“Obviously,” his mother muttered.

“Well if you were both virgins and haven’t had any other partners I
guess that means a disease is unlikely,” his father said calmly. “But
there’s still the matter of getting her pregnant. Do the two of you use

Tsukune could feel himself dying a little bit. “Well… actually… no.”

“WHAT?!” His mother shouted freaking out. “Tsukune what are you
thinking? What if you get that girl pregnant? You’re still just a baby
yourself! Do you think you’re ready to be a father?”

That was a real interesting question, one he hadn’t answered in his

own mind yet. “Actually there’s no need to worry about that.”

“And why not?” His mother demanded.

“Well ah, you see, Mizore’s, ah never had a… period.” He felt himself
dying some more. “In her family the women usually don’t become
fertile until about 17.”

Both his mother and father blinked at that news.

“Let me see if I have this correct,” his father spoke in a deliberate

tone. “You went off to that school and wound up dating a
nymphomaniac who had never been with anyone else and who is not
able to have children yet?”

With an embarrassed grin he nodded. “I suppose you could put it that


“Wish I’d known about this place when I was going to high school,” his
dad muttered.

“Jiro!” Mrs. Aono shouted.

“I’m kidding I’m kidding,” Mr. Aono waved his hands. Mostly.

“Tsukune, both your father and I think it would be best for you to
leave this school and go somewhere else. Since the school burned
down it would be the perfect opportunity to go to some place a little
more normal.”

“But mom I’ve made a lot of special friends there, I don’t want to
leave. Besides it would be really difficult for Mizore to transfer to my
new school.”
Both his parents looked at one another. “Ah son,” his father said in a
friendly tone. “Do you really think this girl is the one you want to
spend your whole life with? Maybe a new school with a new start
would be just the thing you need.”

“No,” Tsukune said with a firmness and determination his parents had
never heard from him before. “I really do love Mizore-chan. She is the
one I want to be with. I know she can come off as a bit much when
you first meet her, but trust me, once you get to know her you’ll see
she’d actually a really sweet and gentle girl.” He suddenly looked at
the two of them questioningly. “By the way, where is she right now?”

“Ah,” his mother said. “Actually I asked your cousin Kyouko to come
over and talk to her for me. She and Mizore are in the living room
right now.”

“Kyouko is talking with Mizore?” Tsukune suddenly got a very bad



Mizore was sitting on the living room couch with a lolli in her mouth
looking calmly at the dark haired girl who was pacing energetically
back and forth in front of her.

“So, you want to be Tsuki’s girlfriend huh?” Kyouko demanded.

“I am his girlfriend,” Mizore replied calmly.

The girl came to an abrupt halt and glared at Mizore with her arms
crossed over her chest. “And what makes you think the two of you
belong together?” She demanded.

“The fact that we love each other.”

“Is that all?”

“Well we also make each other very happy,” Mizore offered. “Especially
when we’re having lots and lots of sex.”

Kyouko blushed a deep red. “Right there! That’s the problem! You
think just having sex makes you compatible with my cousin?”

Mizore blinked at her. “Well of course, it does show we’re compatible.

His big thing fits perfectly into my…”
“Augh! Don’t say it!” She slapped her hands over her ears. “Real
relationships are supposed to be based on trust and love not just on
sex! Hasn’t anyone ever told you that if you really care about a boy
you shouldn’t just give it up to him?”


“Of course,” Kyouko declared. “Boys never respect a girl who will give
them sex whenever they want!”

But Tsukune respects me,” Mizore objected.

“Are you sure?” Kyouko asked. “Or is he with you because he’s able to
get the milk without having to buy the cow?”

“I don’t have any milk,” Mizore said, confusion in her eyes. “I don’t
think my body will start making it until I get pregnant.” She looked
closely at the girl. “You seem to know a lot about relationships.”

Kyouko smiled. “Well yeah, it’s not really that hard.”

“So how many boys have you had sex with?”

“What?! None! What kind of girl do you think I am?”

“But if you’ve never had sex with anyone how can you know whether
or not they’ll respect you?” Mizore asked reasonably.

“Well, I, ah…”

“I think sex brings people closer together,” Mizore said. “I know I

never feel closer to Tsukune than when he’d inside me pumping away
as hard as he can and I can feel myself starting to…”

“Stop!!” Kyouko shouted. “Don’t say any more! I don’t want to hear
the details about you and Tsuki.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s gross! I don’t want to think of little Tsuki having sex!”

“But it makes him really happy. Don’t you want him, to be happy?”

“Not like that!”

Mizore looked at her. “All I want is to make Tsukune happy. Isn’t that
what a girlfriend is supposed to do?”

“Well sure, but…”

“Then why is our having lots and lots of sex a problem?” She asked.
“It makes me happy, it makes him happy, and it brings us closer

Kyouko gaped at her, not sure how to respond.


In the end Tsukune’s parents reluctantly agreed to allow her to stay in

the guest room.

She agreed to this without complaint. Since she knew it would be easy
for her to sneak out the window to Tsukune’s room each night.

During the next five days Tsukune began showing her around the city.
They went shopping at the mall, took in a movie, went to a karaoke
bar, where Tsukune was shocked to discover that Mizore had a really
good singing voice, though her song selection worried him. (Smack my
bitch up, Me so horny, Too sexy, were just some of her selections.) Of
course when he explained to her that the room they were using was
private she decided it would be a good opportunity to introduce him to
sex in a semi public place.

He’d brought her to an arcade and a water park; he had to explain to

her that she couldn’t give into her urge to create an ice park in its
place. And today they had gone to the baseball stadium to watch an
afternoon game. He’d of course had to explain to her how the game

He’d found it rather difficult to explain the concept of balls and strikes.

“I don’t get it,” she said. “Didn’t he just throw a ball? Why is that a

Running the bases.

“Why did he just stop?”

“Because if he didn’t he would have been thrown out.”

She looked at him questioningly. “Why would they throw him out? Did
he do something wrong?”
When he tried to explain the infield fly rule he decided to just give up.

“All right, just cheer when I cheer and boo when I boo.”

She looked at him and shrugged. “O.k.”

It was during times like these that Tsukune was really reminded that
they came from two very different worlds. Though it was frustrating at
times it was also kind of fun showing Mizore around the city.
Everything was new for her and exciting. Even something as simple as
taking their picture together in a photo booth filled her with joy.
Taking her to a baseball game was a lot like taking a child to his first
game. In a way it made him see everything in a new and more
interesting light.

Though his beloved Swallows were crushed by the Giants 9 to 2 he still

had a great time thanks to Mizore being there with him.

After the game they took the train back to him home. When they
entered they were a bit surprised to not find his mom or dad in the
living room waiting for them.

“Mom? Dad?”

“Tsukune!” he heard his mother’s voice call from the kitchen. “Get out
of here! There’s crazy woman!”

“What?” Tsukune and Mizore rushed to the kitchen.

There they found his parents seated at the table with cups of tea in
front of them as well as a mass of ice blades resting near their throats.
They were both shaking and seemed terrified. Meanwhile a third
person was sitting there as well sipping her tea and not behaving as
though anything were out of the usual.

Seeing them the woman looked up at them and smiled. “Mizore,

Tsukune, it’s so good to see you again children.”

“Hello mother,” Mizore said.

“Tsurara! What are you doing here?”

She smiled at him pleasantly. “Well since school is closed and the two
of you are staying with your parents I just thought this would be the
perfect opportunity to meet my future in laws and discuss plans for the
wedding.” She frowned. “I was disappointed to hear your parents don’t
seem to really approve of the two of you marrying.” As she said that
the ice dagger seemed to grow and sharpen even more. His mother
began to whimper.

He turned to Mizore with a sigh. “Mizore-chan, would you mind?”

“Sure,” she transformed and snapped off the ice blades with her claws.
“Mother you really need to stop making weapons when you get upset.
It’s really not very polite.”

“Sorry dear,” Tsurara said. “It’s just a nervous habit.”

“Tsukune! What is going on?!” His mother cried out.

Wearily he sat down at the table. This is really going to take a lot of explaining.
“I guess I’d better start from the beginning. Mom, dad, Youkai
academy isn’t exactly your typical school…”
Chapter 42. The most frightening moments.
“Wait,” his mother interrupted. “So you saying that Youkai academy
really is an academy for Youkai?”

Tsukune nodded. “That’s right, it’s a school dedicated to teaching

monsters how to coexist with humans. Everyone who was there was a
monster except me.”

“So they were all like Mizore and Tsurara?” His father asked.

“No,” Mizore replied calmly. “My mother and I are snow people. There
are hundreds of different types of monsters. Just among our circle
there’s a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, and a succubus, though the
succubus is pretty annoying.”

“You mean vampires and werewolves are real?”

“As real as snow people,” Tsurara said.

His parents shared a nervous glance.

“Monsters aren’t all bad,” Tsukune said quickly. “They’re just like
people, some are good and some aren’t but you have to judge
everyone individually.”

Mizore nodded. “And only a very few of them have tried to eat your

Mrs. Aono turned pale. “What?”

“Nothing!” Tsukune said and patted Mizore’s hand. “That’s just

Mizore’s wacky sense of humor.”

Mizore looked over at him but said nothing.

“Well if you were the only human there how did they treat you
Tsukune dear?” His mom asked.

“Well I didn’t tell everyone I was human.”

“Why not?”

“Ah, it’s sort of complicated,” Tsukune hedged.

“Wasn’t it because there was a school rule that any humans discovered
at the academy would be killed?” Tsurara said helpfully.

“Killed?” Both his parents shouted.

Tsukune shut his eyes. “Thanks Tsurara.”

“You’re welcome Tsukune, I am happy to help.”

“So this place that teaches monsters how to live peacefully with
humans would kill you just for being human?” Mrs. Aono said.

“Yeah, you know mom that never really made much sense to me.”

“Me neither,” Mizore said.

“Well I can understand it,” Tsurara said. “After all humans are the
most dangerous and warlike race. No offense.”

“You think we’re dangerous?” Mrs. Aono said shocked. “You are the one
who threatened us!”

“I was invited into your home. I did not come here with any intention
of violence. What I wound up doing wasn’t deliberate it was just a
nervous habit, and I have apologized for it.”

“It’s true mom,” Tsukune said. “She really just does that when she
gets upset. But she didn’t actually hurt you.”

“Still,” his mother said. “How can you say humans are dangerous
compared to monsters?”

“Of all the monster races none of us ever invented slavery, the
Inquisition, heresy trials, biological weapons, concentration camps, or
nuclear weapons. All of those were creations of man. Can you really
tell me you are not dangerous or warlike?”

Mrs. Aono gaped at her while Mr. Aono looked oddly thoughtful.

“I think the important point is that we shouldn’t judge by race but by

the individual,” Mizore said. She leaned over and rested her head on
Tsukune’s shoulder. “It doesn’t matter to me what race Tsukune is. All
that matters is that he is kind and sweet and I love him.”

“And I love Mizore,” Tsukune said and put an arm around her.
His mother looked weary. “Well whatever your feelings you are not
going back to that school.”


“No argument, Tsukune you are not going back to a school where they
would kill you just for being human.”

“That is no longer an issue,” Tsurara said.

“What do you mean? Has the rule been changed? Is the place safe for
humans now?”

“No, but the rule no longer applies to Tsukune,” Tsurara said. “You

“Mother,” Mizore said. “I think that is something that Tsukune may

want to keep private.”

“Tsukune what is this about? If there’s a reason why you’d be safe

there please tell me what it is.”

Tsukune looked at both his parents. It’s probably best to get it all out in the
open now. He’d seen firsthand how much harm secrets could do. “I can
show you, but before I do please try not to be upset. It’s going to be
shocking, but try and remember that I’m your son, and in the ways
that matter I haven’t changed.”

“Tsukune you are scaring me,” his mother said. “Please tell me what is
going on.”

“I think I need to show you, but please don’t get too upset by this. I
promise it is not as big a deal as it might seem.” He slipped the ring of
disguise from his finger. His parents watched as he transformed. His
skin paled, his hair turned to silver, and his eyes became blue and
pupilless. “I’m not human any more mom and dad, I’m a snow boy.”

When his mom fainted he was anything but surprised. His dad fainting
caught him a little off guard.


When both his parents came to Tsukune had already made his
decision. They found him once again looking like his old self, and with
a small bag packed with some clothes from his old room.
“I think it would be best if I were to stay with Mizore and Tsurara for
the rest of the break until Youkai is open again.”

“Son, you don’t have to go,” his mother pleaded.

“Mom, I’ve changed, not totally, but a lot. And I realize now that I’ve
had all this time to deal with everything that’s changed while I’ve hit
both of you with everything all at once. I realize now that expecting
you to just accept everything that’s happened isn’t really fair of me.
You need time to come to grips.”

“Will we ever see you again?” His mother asked fearfully.

“Well of course you will,” Tsukune promised. “I’ll come back once I
graduate, or hopefully sooner.” He took a deep breath. “No matter
what else has changed I am still your son and I still love you both.” He
hugged his parents goodbye and went out the door with Mizore.

“I promise you he will be safe while he is staying in my home,” Tsurara

said. “And once he returns to Youkai he will have Mizore and all his
friends there to watch out for him.”

Mrs. Aono looked at the silver haired woman with the lollipop in her
mouth. She bowed to her. “Thank you; please do watch out for my
son. No matter what has happened I love him very, very much.”

Tsurara smiled gently. “I know, you are his mother and he is your
child. I know that you only want to protect him and keep him safe.”
Now Tsurara offered a low and graceful bow. “I know you are unhappy
with the things that have happened to your son. But, even if it sounds
selfish of me to say this, I am very glad for them. It is only because of
some of those changes that he became a part of my daughter’s life. I
have never known Mizore to be as happy as she has been since
meeting your son. She truly loves him and will do everything she can
to make him happy. I only hope that one day you will be just as glad
that Mizore entered his life.”

And with that she departed the Aono household.


“A snowmobile?” Tsukune asked in surprise. The two seat tracked

vehicle was sitting in front of his home.

“Were you expecting my mom to drive a school bus?”

“Uh, I guess I was.”

“You’re so weird Tsukune.”

Tsurara came out and climbed into the driver seat. “Get on children, it
will be a little tight but it won’t be that long a drive.” Tsukune stowed
his small suitcase and climbed in behind Tsurara wrapping his arms
around her. Mizore squeezed on behind him and held tight around his
chest. As soon as they were both on Tsurara turned the engine on and
they peeled off in a cloud of concrete chips.

“Whoa! Tsurara aren’t you going a little fast?!” Tsukune shouted as

they zoomed past cars as though they were standing still.

“No,” she answered calmly. “This is my usual speed.”

As they were racing towards a busy intersection Tsukune saw the light
turn from yellow to red. The snowmobile wasn’t slowing down. “The
light’s red!!” Tsukune screamed.

“Yes, it’s very pretty.”

I am going to die now! As they plunged into the intersection Tsukune closed
his eyes, easily more terrified now than he had been fighting against
Cerberus and Hokuto. He heard horns blaring and the sound of tires
screeching and people screaming at the top of their lungs. He also felt
the snowmobile go through a whole set of violent turns and twists.
Then suddenly… they were just zooming along in a straight line again.

Nervously he opened his eyes again. They were back on the road
flying past traffic, and still in one piece somehow.

“You know Tsukune,” Tsurara said pleasantly. “I always thought

driving through the snow fields was fun, but this is much more

For some reason he had a sudden flashback to the time Kurumu had
taken him flying. He still sometimes had nightmares of plummeting to
his doom to an endless chorus of, ‘yahoo, yahoo.’ Why are the most
frightening moments of my life caused not by the monsters who want to kill me but by the
women who supposedly like me?


Two Months Later

Kiria and Mako were enjoying a nice breakfast at the Karsumi
mansion. Taking over a multibillion dollar operation did have its little
perks. After the previous staff had, ‘gone’ Kiria had rehired a brand
new staff and set of guards. They were all his people.

“Do you have any plans for the day?” Kiria asked.

“I thought I would get a manicure and a facial and then do some

shopping.” Mako told him.

He looked up from his book. “Don’t you ever get bored shopping?”

She smirked at him. “Don’t you ever get bored reading?”

“Good point.”

Into the kitchen shuffled a pale and emaciated looking Karsumi. He’d
been kept constantly under Mako’s thrall. He had not been allowed a
single moment of free will. In that time Kiria had made sure he was
only fed bread and water and only enough to keep him alive, never
enough to keep him from being hungry. He’s only allowed him a few
hours of sleep each night, and forced him to burn cigarettes into his
own arm. It was a petty sort of revenge but Kiria liked to think that
somewhere Hokuto knew and was smiling. Hopefully Hokuto would be
really smiling soon. The corporate lawyers had confirmed the stock
and property transfer were now complete. Kiria was now the legal
majority stock holder of Fairy Tale, formerly Karsumi Industries.

Which meant Mr. Karsumi was no longer needed.

“I am done,” Karsumi said. He obediently held out the letter he’d just
written by hand.

Kiria looked it over. It was a confession of the child abuse and torture
he had inflicted on his son and of many other crimes. Kiria nodded
satisfied. “Yes, I think you are done Karsumi-sama. Please do mail that
off to the local paper and then take the car into the office. You know
what you need to do.”

“Yes,” He calmly folded up the letter and placed it in the envelope and
walked away.

Kiria watched him leave without comment.

“Hard to believe that was the monster in Hokuto’s life.” Mako


“Any monster can seem terrible if you’re powerless,” Kiria said. He

finished his toast. Unlike Mako he had to get to the office.

His chauffer delivered him to the office building a couple minutes

before nine. Entering the building people immediately recognized him
and greeted him with cries of Kiria-sama. These he politely
acknowledged as he approached the elevators. As he was waiting,
there was a loud crash and a series of screams coming from behind
him. Like everyone else he turned about. There was a bloody
splattered mess right outside the main entrance. It seemed someone
had just taken a leap from an office window or the roof.

Kiria checked his watch, it was 9 a.m. exactly. Well Karsumi-sama you were
on time to the very end. When the elevator came he was the only one to
step on.
Chapter 43. A scary place.

Six months had passed since the school closing. The time had slipped
by in an endless stream of pleasant days. Living with Mizore and her
mother had actually been fun. Well, they did have their little



He’d been out skiing all day with Mizore and when he’d come back he’d
decided a nice hot bath would be perfect. He was lying in the huge tub
with his eyes closed letting the hot steamy water soak into his weary
muscles. As he was lying there he heard the bathroom door open.

Tsukune smiled. Once having Mizore join him like this had worried
him, but now he’d come to accept it as one of the little pleasures of his
life. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes as he heard her enter the
tub beside him and felt her smooth legs rub next to him.

“Honey,” Tsukune called. “Would you mind washing my back?”

“Not at all Tsukune,” Tsurara’s pleasant voice answered. “Will you

wash mine as well?”

Tsukune’s eyes opened to see a naked Tsurara sitting there smiling at

him with a lollipop in her mouth. “TSURARA?!!”

She blinked at his reaction. “Yes?”

The bathroom door opened and Mizore popped her head in. “What’s
wrong Tsukune? I heard you all the way down stairs.”

Tsukune was gaping helplessly at his girlfriend trying to come up with

some possible explanation why he and her mother were sitting
together naked sharing a bath.

Mizore stepped into the bathroom and slipped off her robe revealing
her naked body. “Anyway slide over a little; I’ll wash your back for

“Actually dear he’s already asked me to do that.” Tsurara mentioned

and looked at Tsukune with a smile. “Are there any other spots you’d
like me to wash for you?”


“He fainted,” Tsurara grabbed him and propped him up to keep him
from drowning.

“I think it may run in his family,” Mizore said as she entered the tub.


“And this is a Smith and Wesson semi automatic .45 caliber ACP Model
CS45.” Tsurara was proudly holding out a polished silver handgun.

Tsukune had never even seen a real gun before except in a policeman’s
holster, in Japan they were almost impossible for regular people to
get. Right now Tsurara had no fewer than twenty handguns and rifles
displayed in front of him. All part of her collection. “Tsurara, why do
you have all these guns?”

“Oh, it’s just a hobby,” she said. “I started collecting them as a young
girl. I always used to want to be a spy.”

Tsukune looked at Mizore. Well that explains a whole lot.


He was riding behind Tsurara as her snowmobile dodged between

trees at death defying speeds. How did I let her talk me into riding with her

When they came out of the forest he saw a huge crevice right in front
of them separating them from the other side of the mountain.

“I think we can jump it,” Tsurara said and gunned her engine.

“You think we can?!”

She nodded and they took off for the crevice and near certain death.
“Glad you agree.”


Tsukune had slowly come to accept that both Mizore and her mom
were just a little bit insane. It was sort of like accepting someone you
liked was a smoker. You weren’t happy about it, you wished it would
change, but eventually you just learned to accept it.

Right now he and his girl were relaxing following a picnic. They were in
the meadow with all the snow whites, their scent filled the air and had
them both feeling really relaxed. He was lying on the soft grass with
his head in Mizore’s lap while she was playing with his hair.

“I can’t believe this is the last day of our vacation,” Tsukune said. “We
actually have to go back tomorrow.”

“Well if you like we could burn the school down again.”

He looked at her. A lot of times he had no idea when she was joking
and when she was serious. “You’re joking right?”

She just looked calmly back at him. “Let’s see how the semester

He shut his eyes and grunted. He definitely had mixed feelings on

going back. Of course he wanted to see Moka and Yukari and his other
friends. And some of the classes had been fun as had club. Then
again, he could do without having people trying to kill him or make
him lunch. Of course with Tsurara my life isn’t exactly safe here either. Still, he’d
been accepted by the locals and come to really like living here, though
it was different.

“Hey Mizore, I want to ask you something.”


“I’ve noticed there are a lot more females in the village than males.”

She nodded. “That’s true, men only make up about 25 percent of the
population, so they’re always out numbered about three to one. That’s
part of the reason we girls tend to be a little more aggressive that the
females of other races.”

He had noticed that. In human society beautiful girls were the top of
the dating, ‘food chain.’ They were pursued by a horde of males and
got to pick and choose who they wanted. Here things were exactly the
opposite. Here every boy was chased after by the local girls. The
attitudes about dating here were also interesting. Children started
dating around 12 or 13 (he didn’t know when sex started and didn’t
want to.) It was considered normal for one boy to date a few different
girls with the girls constantly competing with each other to win his
attention. But Tsukune had noticed that stable couples usually formed
by the time the boys were about 16, with attitudes about open or
multiple relationships completely changing once a couple married.
Marriage and the raising of children were considered duties to the
race. The marriage vows were considered sacred and any sort of
infidelity was looked down upon. The snow people didn’t believe in
divorce and if Tsurara was typical they usually did not care about
remarrying if they lost their husband / wife.

“Well I was just wondering, all the girls have to marry by the time
their 17 right?” He knew that was a fact.


“Well what happens to the two thirds of the girls without a boy?”

“They marry someone outside their race,” she answered. “If a girl
realizes she has no prospects in the village she may decide to leave to
go and try and find a husband among the other monster races. That’s
what I did.”

He looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”

She blushed just a little, it was sort of embarrassing. “Why do you

think I went to Youkai academy in the first place?”

“Wait a minute, you went there looking for a husband?”

She nodded. “You know how shy I used to be. With the other girls as
aggressive as they were I knew I’d never get a boyfriend in the village.
So I decided to go to Youkai and look for one there. And on my very
first day a cute boy literally fell in my lap.”

Tsukune blushed a bit too as he recalled their original meeting. “So

what happens if a girl doesn’t have any luck?”

“Her parents or the village will try and recruit someone, there are
some lonely males out there among the different races and the idea of
taking a beautiful snow maiden for a bride isn’t unattractive.”

“What if the girl doesn’t like the guy?”

Mizore shrugged. “If she can’t find her own candidate she has to
accept whoever is provided for her. Having children is a duty we owe
to our race, refusing would be considered unforgivably selfish.”
“So all the girls either marry snow boys or monsters who were
recruited for them?”

“Well… not exactly.”

He narrowed his eyes, whenever Mizore fudged about something it

wound up being a bad sign. “So what exactly happens?”

“Well, if no one can be willingly found, we provide someone who might

be a little… unwilling.”

“What does that mean?”

“You know all the human legends about snow girls? The ones where
they kidnap handsome young men during snowstorms and then take
them away to never be seen again?”

His eyes widened. “You wouldn’t!”

“It’s an absolute last resort! But we feel that every snow maiden must
have a husband to give her children and help her provide for them.”

“So you kidnap guys and then force them to stay here and raise

Mizore nodded. “It doesn’t usually come to that, but we do what we

have to, to preserve the race.”

“I can’t believe it. I mean you wouldn’t try and kidnap me if I didn’t
want to marry you would you?”

Mizore looked down at him.


“Oh look! A snow bunny!” She jumped to her feet dumping his head on
the grass and began chasing after it.

“Hey! Mizore! Answer the question!” He got up and chased after her.


They were walking back to the village hand in hand with Tsukune
carrying the picnic basket.

“Why did you want to know about who the maidens marry?” She asked

“Well we’re both 16 now,” he said quietly. They had both celebrated
their birthdays in the snow village. Mizore had, had hers less than two
months ago. “So the time’s coming when I’ll have to make a decision.”

Mizore nodded calmly. “I’m not worried; I know we’ll get married.”

He smiled over at her. “You have faith in our love?”

She nodded. “That and other things. Besides, my mom and I are
working out a plan to kidnap you if it comes to that.”

He looked at her worriedly. “That’s a joke right?”

She smiled at him. “Let’s see how it goes.”


The next morning a bright yellow school bus exited a tunnel and came
to a stop in the middle of a snow field. Two figures climbed aboard
holding their luggage.

The bus driver with glowing eyes grinned at them. “Step aboard
carefully. Oh, and I should warn you, Youkai Academy is still a scary

Thinking of Tsurara’s driving and Mizore’s talk about kidnapping

Tsukune sighed. “You have no idea.”
Chapter 44. A new school year.
A fully transformed Tsukune smashed his ice fist into the belly of a half
girl half bird sending her flying. Two other similar monsters were flying
over head screeching furiously.

“How the hell do we end up in a situation like this on our first day
back?!” Tsukune yelled loudly.

“It’s all Gin’s fault,” Mizore said calmly as she fired off a series of ice
knives at an incoming monster.

“He really is the enemy of all women,” a silver haired Moka said as she
delivered a merciless kick on the winged creature Mizore had diverted
into her path. “Know your place!” The kick sent the monster crashing
into a nearby tree.

“It’s not my fault!” Gin shouted. At the moment he was chained to a

tree with his shirt and coat torn away.

Hearing that the last monster screamed in fury. “You said you’d call
me!” She began a dive with her razor sharp claws out and murder in
her eyes. “I waited by the phone for six months and you never called!”

“It wasn’t my fault,” the helpless werewolf cried out. “I lost your
number, I was in jail, I had amnesia, there was an earthquake, a
terrible flood, a plague of locust, I swear it wasn’t my fault!”

The girl simply screeched and dove even faster at her unmoving

“Desu! Keep your hands off my man!” A little witch cried and waved
her wand. An extra large brass pot appeared from nowhere conking
the angry girl on the head and mercifully knocking her out.


“What kind of an idiot tries to date a harpy?” Moka asked coldly.

“Everyone knows they always end up eating their ex boyfriends.”

“I didn’t know she was a harpy when I dated her,” a relieved, though
still chained Gin said.

“And you never called her after you said you would?” Mizore said with
a shake of her head. “That’s really unforgivable.”

“I agree,” Moka announced. Turning away from Gin the vampire

smiled at the now human looking Tsukune. “It’s good to see you again
Tsukune, I… missed you.” A very slight blush tinged her cheeks.

Tsukune smiled back at her. “I am very happy to see you too Moka-
chan. Though I’m surprised to be talking to this you while you still
have the Rosario on.”

“I no longer need the Rosario to be removed to enjoy some freedom.”

She lifted up her school skirt to reveal her pink panties and the whip
tied around her upper thigh.

The sight made Tsukune blush a bit. “Ah, I see.”

Mizore materialized at his side and possessively took hold of his arm.
“Does this mean we won’t be seeing the pink haired version of you

“No,” Moka answered. “She will still be let out, but we’ll share this
body fifty / fifty now.”

“Well, whatever,” Mizore turned to Tsukune with a smile and put her
head on his shoulder. “I’m hungry, let’s get something to eat Tsukune-

“Sounds good,” Tsukune agreed.

“Actually I’m rather famished myself,” Moka came to the other side of
Tsukune. “Might I join you for a bite?” Her eyes were locked on
Tsukune’s neck.

The things I do for my friends. “Sure.” Tsukune said. The three of them
headed to the dorm cafeteria.


“Uh guys?” The still chained Gin called out. “Aren’t you forgetting
something? Hey, guys!”

“Desu,” a smiling Yukari came over to him. Her eyes were glittering.

“Oh Yukari, thank goodness you’re still here, could you get your
sempai out of this?”

“Thank you.”

Her smiled suddenly took on an evil glint. “After…”

“After?” Gina asked nervously. “After what?”

“After you turn me into a woman.”



“Oooh! So this is a man’s…”

“Help!!” Gin cried out. “My chastity! My chastity!”


Later that day Yukari ran into the others. They all noticed something
unusual. She seemed to be walking with a wide gait as though she was
sore. When they asked her if she was all right she smiled and said
nothing at all.


Gin spent the rest of that day locked in his room crying, trying to
make the bad memories go away.


Despite the life and death battle and the strange disappearance of Gin
afterwards that first day had some good points.

Tsukune and all the girls were in the same home room and they once
again had the ditzy, but friendly, Nekonome-sensei. Even better, she
announced that the previous ban on the newspaper club had been
lifted. Since the school and dorms had been completely destroyed both
had been remodeled and improved. On the inside at least. The school
still looked like a dreary gothic castle, while the dorms still looked like
slightly newer concrete slums. But the cafeteria had been enlarged as
had all the rooms. Best of all the rooms all came with private
bathrooms now! In the school the facilities had all been modernized.
Their new club room now had multiple computers for them to use and
a laser printer!
Despite the changes Tsukune found himself feeling much more
comfortable as a second year student. He even stopped to help out a
few freshman find their way. (He also told them to stay away from the
swimming club when the club recruitment began in a couple weeks.)
Of course the best part of the first day back was having Mizore come
pay him a visit in his room. Alas his new bathroom didn’t have a tub.
But showering with Mizore was certainly fun. What happened
afterwards was even more fun.

“So what do you think?” A warm and very naked Mizore asked as she
snuggled up to an equally naked Tsukune.

“I think this will be a good year,” Tsukune said. “And hopefully I don’t
have too many people trying to eat me.”

“We can only hope,” Mizore agreed.

“Well with any luck at all the year will be relatively peaceful.”

She nodded and shut her eyes, ready to drift off to sleep. “Relatively,”
she yawned.


Three Weeks Later

The quiet of the snow village was interrupted by multiple, ‘whump

whump’ sounds. Overhead three large helicopters passed though the
invisible barrier and into the airspace of the village. The people all
stopped whatever they were doing to stare up at the shiny grey
machines as they moved swiftly and gracefully through the sky above

Stenciled on their bellies in big black letters were the words, ‘FAIRY

From the roof of her great tower the Snow Priestess looked out upon
them. It was exactly as it had been in her vision. “It’s begun,” she said

Her mouth jerked open and a scratchy voice laughed in reply. “It sure
has! This is going to be fun!”
Chapter 45. Sister.
She was sitting on her throne trying to look as regal as she possibly
could. It had been a very long time since anyone had entered her shrine
without permission. She was not afraid. She had seen the visions of
how things would play out, she understood the part that she was
required to play.

“My name is Miyabi Fujisaki.” Their leader introduced himself and even
bowed to her. A very handsome looking man, the sort who always
thought their charm could get them whatever they wanted. “On behalf
of Fairy Tale I have come here in the hopes of establishing between
my organization and the snow people of this village. It is our
chairman’s greatest hope that we will become good friends.”

The Snow Priestess lifted a single eyebrow. “Do you usually go about
so well armed when you are trying to make friends?”

Besides their leader there were thirty men in her throne room. All of
them dressed in black uniforms and armed with automatic rifles. There
was also a woman who, while not armed, was infinitely more
dangerous than all the men combined.

“Please forgive the precautions we’ve taken,” Fujisaki said smoothly.

“But you’ll understand that given the laws of your village we needed to
make sure we would be allowed to leave. After all we are all humans.”

“Not all of you,” she looked at the girl.

The tanned girl in the white dress and tiara smiled back. She seemed
oblivious to the implications of what was going on here, almost like a

The snow priestess didn’t know how much of it was an act, but she
could sense the woman’s great power.

“Please believe me when I say we mean you no harm at all,” Fujisaki

insisted. “So long as we can work together.”

“And what would you do if I asked you to simply leave and not come

Fujisaki continued to smile but his eyes took on a dark humor. “I’m
afraid that would be impossible. The CEO has great plans for this
secret world of yours. It’s going to become a major base of operations
for Fairy Tale. The only question is what role will you and your people
play in that future?”

“What you are basically saying is that you and your people mean to
rule here and we must submit to being ruled by you.”

“I mean that we are here to stay,” Fujisaki said trying to sound

accommodating. “If you work with us you’ll find the relationship will be
mutually beneficial. If you don’t, well there would be negative

“Such as?”

“Well, let’s just say that if me and my men were to not return you
would see more helicopters. But these would be the military models.
You would also get to find out what use ice and snow powers are
against rockets and napalm.”

“Is this a common practice in the human world?” She asked. “Barging
into someone’s home and telling them you want to be friends in one
breath while threatening them in the next?”

“You’d be surprised what an effective combination it is,” he said still

trying to be charming. “In the end you have two choices; cooperation
or resistance. Please be reasonable and see that really, you have only
one choice. We know how much you value life here; if you resist us
you’d only be throwing away the lives of your people for nothing.”

“I see,” she replied calmly. “You are right; we do value life very highly
here. The absolute last thing I want is a pointless slaughter.” She
glanced at some of the men and their rifles. “Very well, we will try and
reach an accommodation with you.”

“That’s wonderful,” Fujisaki nodded happily. “And to demonstrate just

how seriously we want to reach a mutual understanding I offer myself
as a symbol of that peace we both desire. I’ll take a wife from among
the snow maidens to cement our alliance.”

Just as I foresaw, I am sorry Mizore. “Very well, I will have pictures of all the
available maidens presented to you. You may choose any of them as
your bride.”

Fujisaki smiled, this had worked out better than expected.


Tsukune, Mizore and Moka were walking to class together. After the
ruckus on the first day things had been surprisingly peaceful. Gin had
been acting a little weird, especially around Yukari, but otherwise
things had been pretty much ideal.

So of course it couldn’t possibly last.

“I’ve finally found you!” A short girl with red hair done in two big
braids stepped out into the middle of the road. A brown bat fluttered
around her. “I’ve come for you onee-sama!”

“Eeeek!” Moka shouted and began to run. “I’ve got to get back to the

The red haired girl grabbed the bat out of the air and somehow
transformed him into a huge metal mace. “Get back here onee-sama!”
The girl howled and began to give chase.

“Hey wait! What are you…” Tsukune called but the girl ran right past
him paying him no mind.

“Onee-sama?” Mizore muttered. She looked over to Tsukune. “Do we?”

He sighed. “Yeah, I knew things were too peaceful to last.”

The two of them began to give chase.


When they caught up to the strange and rather violent girl she had
reached the girls’ dorm. “Where is she? Where?! Come out and face
me onee-sama!”

“Hey!” Tsukune shouted to her. “Just who are you and what do want
with Moka-chan?”

“And why do you keep calling her onee-sama?” Mizore asked.

The girl turned to face them with a murderous expression on her face.
“Who the hell are you two?” Her eyes narrowed a bit. “Wait a minute
you were walking with onee-sama! Do you know her?”

“We’re her friends,” Tsukune confirmed. “Now who are you and why
are you trying to attack Moka-chan?”
The girl sneered at him. “I’m Moka’s sister! And my business with her
is private!”

Mizore looked around at the general destruction of the dorm lobby.

“Doesn’t seem very private to me.”

“Whatever! If you know her then you must know which room she lives
in. Tell me or else!”

“Or you’ll what beat it out of us?” Tsukune transformed and so did
Mizore. “You’re welcome to try, there’s no way I’d tell you where she

With a shout the red head came charging at him

Almost instantly she found herself frozen in a block of ice.

Unfortunately she broke through the ice almost immediately.

Damn, she’s strong even if she is kind of small. Tsukune thought, he’d learned
how to judge a monster’s strength by how quickly they could break out
of a block of ice. The weak ones couldn’t manage it at all. Along with
strength she also moved with great speed. Tsukune was forced to leap
out of the way as her mace came down reducing an innocent chair to

“If Moka really is your sister why are you wanting to hurt her?” Mizore
asked coolly as she fired off some ice kunai.

“That’s my business!”

Mizore only just ducked in time to avoid a mace strike that smashed
open a huge hole in the lobby wall.

“You know they just rebuilt this place!” Tsukune fired off a series of his
own ice kunai that made her jump back. In spite of her obvious violent
tendencies Tsukune found himself holding back. In general he really
didn’t like hitting girls, especially young girls. He also didn’t want to
end up hurting Moka’s kid sister. No matter how things looked he knew
how strange families could be. (He had a flashback of Tsurara and
shivered in terror.)

“Look just tell me where she is I won’t have to hurt you!” The red head
came at him swinging her huge mace. He leapt back and jumped over
the counter of the reception desk.
“I won’t do that to someone who wants to hurt Moka.”

“Fine then! I’ll just beat the information out of you!” She promptly
reduced the reception desk to splinters as Tsukune crawled away and
over to Mizore.

“You know, I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister,”

Mizore said.

Tsukune nodded. “Yeah, I’m starting to wonder if we should start to

look for some new friends.”

“You know I hear good things about elves,” Mizore offered.

“All right that’s enough Kokoa!” Silver haired Moka appeared. She was
brandishing a whip in her right hand and looking furiously at the
destruction of the lobby. “Did you have to involve my friends in your
childish dispute?” She demanded. “If you insist on attacking me I’m
right here.”

Tsukune watched as the two sisters faced one another. Given what
he’d seen on their fighting ability he thought Moka was significantly
strong and would be able to deal with the intruder. That didn’t mean it
wouldn’t be a huge fight.

The red head, Moka had called her Kokoa, stared at Moka and began
to shake with obvious rage. “Onee-sama… I… I… I’VE MISSED YOU SO
MUCH!!” She dropped her made and ran over to a very surprised
looking Moka embracing her as she wept into her older sister’s bosom.

Both Tsukune and Mizore stood there blinking at the sight.

“Wow,” a surprised Tsukune finally managed. “Didn’t see that coming.”

“Nope,” Mizore agreed.

After a few minutes of comforting her distraught sister Moka gently

lifted her face and spoke to her. “Kokoa, I am glad to know you do not
hate me. I hope that we can become close as we once were and build
the bonds of sisterhood.”

“Onee-sama,” Kokoa smiled and wiped away the last of her tears. “I
really want that too. I just want to be with my precious onee-sama.”

Moka nodded her head. “However, you did try to attack me and my
friends and you caused a huge mess in my dorm lobby. I’m afraid I
can’t let that go unpunished.” Moka grinned as she cracked her

“Uh oh,” Kokoa whispered as a dark and evil aura surrounded her

“KNOW YOUR PLACE!!” Moka leapt into the air and delivered a
ferocious and inhuman kick directly to the top of the red head’s skull.


When the dust settled Kokoa was lying unconscious in a three foot
deep crater.

“Well I saw that coming,” Tsukune said.

Mizore nodded. “Me too.”

“Come on,” Moka said as she grabbed Tsukune by the arm and led him
out of the building. “If we don’t hurry we’ll be late for homeroom.”


In the village of the snow people Fukisaki picked out the photo of an
adorable looking girl with long purple hair and blue eyes. He was sure
he could shape her into an ideal wife. He read her name and smiled.

“Miyabi Mizore, has a nice sound to it.”

Chapter 46. The unhappy maiden.
Tsukune was headed to third period trig when someone grabbed him
by his collar and started dragging him in the opposite direction.

“We need to talk,” a girl informed him in a no non sense tone.

When Tsukune saw who it was he gasped. “Saki?!”


The two of them were soon on the roof where they could speak in
private. Tsukune was just staring at the blonde girl. “I’m so happy to
see you! When none of us saw you after the insanity we all thought
you’d been eaten.”

She gave him a slightly amused grin. “Me, eaten? I’m a little too old
and tough for anything less than a kami to digest.”

He looked at her oddly, she was only a third year and compared to
someone like Moka she didn’t seem particularly tough. Though she
could be kind of scary in her own way.

“Let me get right to the point, you need to ask Mizore to marry you.”
Yes, scary.

“Wha… what?”

“Not only that you should elope and get married immediately. Her
mother will be upset but Mizore will be happy.”

Some of the color drained from his face. (Give the fact he was a snow
boy this was saying something.) “What, what are you talking about?
Marriage is such a huge step! You want me to marry her just like that
out of the blue?”

“Out of the blue?” She turned an angry scowl to him. “What, is she a
stranger to you? How many times have you saved each other’s lives?
For that matter how many times have the two of you had sex?” Now
the color came flooding back to his face. “Are you telling me the
thought of marriage has never occurred to you?”

Are you kidding? Tsurara made us choose the song for the first dance at the reception.
“I’ve thought about it, a lot, and I know I’ll have to make a choice
soon. But I still have months yet.”

The scowl on Saki’s face got just a little deeper and unforgiving. “And
just what exactly are you waiting for? You do love her right?”

“Well sure, madly.”

“And she loves you?”

“Of course.”

“And you want to be together right?”

“Well… yes.”

“Then what’s the problem? Taking time to make an important decision

is usually a good idea, but only when there is doubt as to the outcome.
Since you already know the outcome you want why are you

“Because I’m scared!” He snapped at her. “Geez! You, Mizore, Tsurara,

I’ve got all of you talking about marriage like it’s nothing! I’m sorry if I
don’t see it as a small thing, o.k.? For me marriage is an absolutely
huge step, and it’s not even just marriage! As soon as she can Mizore
wants to have kids, lots of kids.” He gulped. “I’ve got Tsurara and
Mizore both talking about what a great father they think I’ll be. I’m 17!
What do I know about being a father? I… I always imagined I’d go to
university, get a good job, and then maybe get married and have a
family. I love Mizore! I really, really do, and I can’t imagine being with
anyone else. I know her situation so I guess we will be getting married
soon. But I can’t help wanting to wait for as long as I can.”

The look on Saki’s face softened a bit. “I’m sorry Tsukune; I

sometimes forget what it’s like to be young.”

“You’re not that much older than me sempai,” he said dryly.

“You might be surprised,” she muttered. “Anyway, I think I can

understand. Your heart is still human and you’re afraid because this is
not what you wanted. I’m sorry about that Tsukune, I really am. But
sometimes fate gives us only hard choices and we must make the best
of it. In this case your best choice is to marry Mizore right away.”

“Another man will take her from you,” Saki said.

“Who?” The only other male they hung out with was Gin. Even if he
tried something with Mizore he just couldn’t believe anything would
happen. In his imagination Gin kept getting frozen into blocks of ice.

“Does it matter? If you don’t make her your wife immediately it will
only lead to conflict.”

Tsukune shook his head. “There is no way Mizore would ever leave
me. I am absolutely one hundred percent convinced of her love!”

“I didn’t say she would leave you, only that another man would take
her from you.”

“There’s no way I would ever let that happen, I have faith in our
relationship. No other guy would win her heart.”

You are misinterpreting my words, she thought wearily. When did I say Mizore
would choose to be with this other man? Millennia of experience had taught her
that people always heard what they wanted to or what they expected
to. And there were laws governing what she could and could not reveal
to mortals. She was permitted to guide, but never to control the
actions of others. It could be damn annoying sometimes.

“Fine,” she said. “Do what you want Aono Tsukune. I tried to help.” She
headed for the roof door.

“Wait a minute, will I see you again Saki?”

She looked back at him and smiled. “Sure, I’ll be at your wedding. Oh
and don’t worry, I think, ‘Kissed by a Rose’ is a wonderful first song.”


That night Mizore came to his room just like always. They enjoyed
their usual hot steamy sex and were soon lying together quietly in his

“Is something wrong Tsukune? You seem a little down.”

He looked at the girl who was lying cuddled up against him on his
chest. “Mizore-chan you would never leave me, right?”

Both her eyebrows leapt up at the question. “Never! Tsukune how

could you even ask that? I love you and only you. You are the only one
I want to be bound to forever!”
“I know, I feel the same way.” He gave her a comforting kiss and
squeezed her close. Like always when they were together like this
there was incredible and comfortable warmth. This is the best feeling he
thought. This warmth and security we share, nothing could ever be better than this.
“Forget I asked, I was just being dumb.”

She settled her head back on his chest and relaxed. “Are you jealous
about someone? You don’t need to worry; no one could ever take your
place in my heart.”

He smiled. Saki definitely had it wrong.


The next day started out fine. As was usual he left the dorm with
Mizore, Moka, and Yukari walking with him. They spotted Kokoa
stalking them but since Moka was her pink haired version that morning
the red head kept her distance. They all went to home room and then
headed off to first period.

The trouble started at lunch. Mizore never showed up. He, Moka, and
Yukari all wondered where she might be. Tsukune meanwhile started
to get a very bad feeling. Following class they went to club where
Yukari was sexually harassing a nervous Gin. Mizore again never
appeared. And that night she never came to his room.


The next morning he was over at the girl’s dorm.

“Tsukune I checked her room,” silver haired Moka informed him.

“There is no sign of her.”

“Desu! I cast a spell to try and locate her but there is no sign she is
anywhere on the campus!” A worried Yukari announced.

Kokoa suddenly glomped onto Moka’s side, her eyes glittering. “I’ll
help onee-sama find her friend!” An excited brown bat fluttered about.

“What’s going on?” Kurumu approached the little gathering. A small

crowd of her mindless slaves had formed and were waiting for her just
outside the dorm.

“Mizore seems to have gone missing,” Tsukune said in a worried voice.

“She has? Didn’t she just leave with her mother?” All eyes suddenly
snapped onto her. “What?”

“Mizore left with Tsurara? When did this happen?” Tsukune demanded.

“Just yesterday,” Kurumu said. “Her mom came into second period
class and told Mizore she had to come home to meet with some

“Wait a minute! Mizore went home to have a meeting with the Snow
Priestess? The ruler of the village?”

Kurumu shrugged. “I guess, I wasn’t really paying attention.”

Tsukune knew this was serious. From his time in the village he knew
the Snow Priestess lived a solitary existence within her shrine. She
rarely met with people, and when she did it was always about
something important. For her to summon Mizore without any sort of
warning like this…

“I have to get to the village of the Snow people,” Tsukune declared.

“Something is definitely going on and I need to get Mizore back!”

“I will come with you,” Moka announced.

“I’ll come with onee-sama!”

“Desu! I’ll come and help.”

“Yahoo! Count me in. Cutting class is always fun!”


Tsukune, Moka, Kokoa, and Yukari were on bikes pedaling towards the
tunnel entrance. Flying just a little ways behind them was Kurumu.
Tsurara had shown him the simple spell that allowed monsters to use
tunnels to cross huge distances. With it they entered a tunnel filled
with strange lights and bizarre images. After only a short ride they
came out the other side into an endless field of snow.

“It’s freezing!” Kurumu complained and began hugging herself. Despite

her yellow sweater she was shivering. It was about twenty degrees

“Is it? It doesn’t seem so bad,” Tsukune said. He created a large

bobsled from ice. “It’ll be faster if everyone piles in.”
Without an argument the girls climbed in with their bikes. Creating
skies for himself he soon had them flying through the deep snow.


For the girls it was their first visit to the snow village and they were all
impressed by the beauty displayed before them.

“Desu! How amazing!” Yukari was staring up at the aurora that hung
in the sky.

Tsukune pointed to a large tower near the center of the village. It was
made of ice like all the other structures. “That’s the shrine, let’s go
and find out what’s happened.”

But as they approached they found the tall building guarded by men in
black uniforms and rifles slung over their shoulders. The local populace
made sure to give them a wide berth.

“What the hell?” Tsukune said as soon as he spotted them.

“Is this not normal Tsukune?” Moka asked.

“No it’s not; the Shrine was never guarded before. And those men, I
think they’re human which makes no sense. And they’re carrying M16-
A3 air cooled semi automatic rifles, a serious military weapon.”

Moka looked at him and lifted an eyebrow. “I did not know you were
so knowledgeable about human fire arms.”

“Comes from talking to Tsurara,” he said. “You know, why don’t we go

and talk to her first. She’s bound to know what’s going on. I’d like to
try and avoid unnecessary violence if I could.”

“Why?” Kokoa asked. “That’s usually the most fun kind.”


“Ow!” Kokoa began to rub the top of her head. “Onee-sama is mean.”

Together they headed off to find Tsurara and some answers.


In a room high up in the Shrine Mizore stood by an open window

looking out. With her abilities she could leave easily and escape. She
could be back at Youkai Academy and her loved one in less than half
an hour. When kept her prisoner here wasn’t the guards or this room.
What kept her here was her sense of obligation to her people. The
Snow Priestess had told her she had to marry in order to secure peace
for her people. She had to sacrifice her own happiness for the greater
good. Every snow maiden understood and accepted this. They did their
duty even when it tore their hearts.

“You are very beautiful,” Fujisaki said. She was dressed in a black
evening gown, as he’d requested. “You really will be the perfect wife.”
He slowly approached her.

“If you touch me I will kill you,” she said without bothering to look at
him. The thought of anyone but Tsukune touching her that way made
her sick.

He halted and frowned at her back. He’d hoped to start training her to
be his ideal wife. She’d agreed to dress as he wanted and even
stopped using that silly lollipop. But she refused to let him so much as
touch her. When she said she would kill him he quite believed her.
“Now, now, is that any way to talk to your future husband?”

“When you are my husband I’ll allow you to touch me however you
want.” Now she did turn around to look at him. Her blue eyes were
cold and utterly uncaring. “I’ll tolerate it as best I can.”

He laughed. “You might learn to like how I touch you.”

“No I won’t,” she said with finality.

She didn’t know it but her resistance was actually exciting him. It
would probably take months to properly break her. He was looking
forward to it. “We’ll see.” He quietly left

Mizore looked back out her window. Oh Tsukune! Come and rescue me my love!
Chapter 47. You were expecting a big reaction?
“She’s getting MARRIED?!” Tsukune yelled shrilly.

“Yahoo! I still have a chance!”

Kurumu was immediately smacked on the back of her head. “Quiet,”

silver haired Moka growled.

Tsukune was staring at Mizore’s mom feeling stunned. “Tsurara, how

could you do this? How could you bring her here so that she could be
married to someone else?”

“That was never my intention Tsukune, honestly. Here look; do you

think I would go through all this if I wanted Mizore to marry someone
else?” Tsurara handed him a huge stack of papers with her hand
writing all over them. Tsukune saw they were mostly details about the
wedding and reception.

There were also several outlining kidnapping scenarios. Tsukune

wondered if it was a bad sign that rather than being upset he was
actually touched by how much she cared.

“The Snow Priestess told me she needed to speak with Mizore,”

Tsurara declared. “I swear it never occurred to me that she wanted
her to marry one of these men.”

“Who are these guys anyway?” Tsukune asked. “I mean they are
human right? I don’t think monsters go around armed with M-16’s.”

“The guards outside the shrine were definitely human Tsukune,” Moka
said. “There was no mistaking their scents.

“They are human,” Tsurara confirmed. “They arrived here weeks ago
on helicopters and some of them have been here ever since.”

“But what about the law about humans never being allowed to leave
and all that?”

“Semi-automatic rifles and helicopter gunships have a way of

overruling local law and custom.” Tsurara said.

“Who are these guys anyway? American? Russian? Chinese? I mean

who has invaded you?”
“They call themselves Fairy Tale, that’s all I know.” Tsurara said.

“Is there a country called Fairy Tale?” Yukari asked.

“No,” Tsukune said. “I don’t know what they are, maybe some criminal
organization, but that’s not the important thing. The important thing is
they have Mizore-chan and we need to get her back.”

All the girls nodded their agreement.

“What do you want us to do Tsukune?” Moka asked.

“I wish we had the floor plans for the shrine,” he said.

“Here you are,” Tsurara said helpfully as she handed him a complete
set of blue prints.

Tsukune and the girls stared at her.

“Do I even want to know?” Tsukune asked.

“Probably not,” Tsurara replied. “She’s being held in a room on the top

Tsukune nodded and looked at the plans. “We’ll go tonight under cover
of darkness and rescue Mizore.”

“Orrrrrr, you can just forget about her and let sweet beautiful Kurumu-
chan take care of you.”

Kurumu was soon on the ground frozen, with a pot on her head, and
being stomped by a pair of vampires.


Under cover of night Kurumu carried Tsukune up to the roof. Yukari

rode on a broom with Moka. A weary brown bat somehow managed to
carry Kokoa all the way up to the top of the shrine. Having all reached
the roof top safely Tsukune looked about a little nervous.

“I’m surprised there are no guards.”

“That does seem a bit lax on their part,” Moka agreed.

“Who cares?” An annoyed Kurumu asked. “Let's get going.”

They broke the lock on the roof door and descended into the shrine.


Mizore was lying on her bed wide awake. She had on an evening gown
that she hadn’t bothered to take off. She was thinking about Tsukune
and about the first time they had come here. Saki had promised her
that if he came here they would be married one day. Even now she
still believed that. She held onto that idea like a life preserver. No
matter what happens, Tsukune and I will be together some day.

Outside her door she heard footsteps. She quickly sat up and looked at
the door nervously. Was Fujisaki here for a late night visit? As she
watched the door opened just a crack and she heard a whisper.

“Mizore-chan? Are you in here?”

“Tsukune?! Tsukune is that you?” She leapt off the bed and ran to the
door. The door opened wide and there he was. “Tsukune!” She ran into
his arms, so unbelievably happy to see him.

“Mizore-chan!” He grabbed her with all his might, determined to never

let go again.

They began kissing.

Moka looked on with an understanding and accepting smile. Kokoa

blushed slightly while Yukari sighed. Well, at least I have Gin to give me my
loving. Kurumu looked on feeling annoyed.

“Come on you love birds,” Kurumu said. “Let’s get out of here while we

“Right,” Tsukune said as he came up for air. “Are you all right Mizore-

“I am now,” she sighed.

“All right then let’s get going.” Holding tight to her hand he led them
back up the corridor towards the stairs.

“That is quite enough,” a man’s voice called from ahead of them.

As they watched a man in a suit came out with about a dozen armed
guards behind him, cutting them off from the stairs. At the same time
a dozen guards showed up behind them trapping them in the corridor.
“That’s him,” Mizore announced looking at the man in the suit. “His
name is Fujisaki; he’s the one who wants to marry me. He says he
wants to train me into his ideal wife.”

“Train you?” Tsukune said with a dangerous frown.

“That’s right,” Fujusaki said pleasantly. “The way she is now she is far
too independent and impulsive. And she has that annoying habit with
the lollipops. I need a wife who is obedient and elegant.”

“Mizore-chan is perfect exactly the way she is! I love the way she thinks
and acts and her sucking a loli is the cutest thing in the world to me! If
you don’t like her why are you trying to marry her?”

“It’s to ensure the peace between my employer and the people of this
village. When Fairy Tale takes over we want them to cooperate with

“What you want is for us to be your slaves,” Mizore said angrily. “We
don’t want you here! Just go away and leave us alone!”

“That would be impossible,” Fujisaki said. “If you reject our offer of
cooperation we will just have to lay waste to this entire village.”

“The snow people are the kindest most peaceful people in the world,”
Tsukune said. “They would never hurt anyone unless it was in self
defense or defense of a loved one. All they want is to live their lives in
peace. And you’d kill them for not wanting to serve you?”

“That’s right,” Fujisaki said pleasantly. “This has nothing to do with

right or wrong, in the end it’s just business. Do you have any idea the
financial windfall there is in having your very own secret world? A
place hidden from everyone, even governments? Can you imagine the
potential profit?”

“So their lives mean nothing compared to making money?”

“Now you’re starting to understand. Come here Mizore, the rest of you
surrender.” Fujisaki smiled. “I know you’re all fearsome monsters, but
one bullet through your skull will still kill you dead no matter what. In
the end the power of Youkai is nothing compared to the genius of

I’m starting to see why the Snow Priestess didn’t trust humanity. “I wouldn’t be so
confident if I were you,” Tsukune said. “We have not one but two
vampires on our side, and bullets can’t kill vampires!”

Kokoa turned to him furiously. “Baka! Who said that?!”

Tsukune blinked at her. “But… but you’re vampires, regular bullets

can’t kill you.”

Moka sent him a patient look. “Tsukune, we can walk in sunlight and
look at our reflections, what makes you think those silly human stories
about vampires are anything but fantasy?”

“So bullets can kill you?”

“Enough of them can,” she said.

“I don’t want to die!” Kurumu wailed.

“Neither do I!” Yukari cried.

Fujisaki sighed. “Pathetic, for a bunch of monsters you really are

pathetic. Now come here Mizore, last chance.”

“Never!” She hugged Tsukune tightly.

“If you don’t all surrender to me I’ll have my men kill you.”

Tsukune looked at Mizore and the girls. Mizore was holding him tight
but seemed fearless and ready for whatever came. Moka and Kokoa
were both getting ready to rush them and take their chances. Kurumu
and Yukari were crying and holding each other. If the bullets started to
fly at least some of them were almost certain to die.

He had the power to stop it.

He knew what he had to do. “I’m sorry.” Tsukune said. The entire area
around them froze solid in an instant. Fujisaki and all his men were
frozen solid.

“You did it Tsukune!” Kurumu shouted with relief.

“Yeah,” he said quietly. “I did it.”

Mizore looked at him in surprise. Why was he unhappy? “What’s the

matter Tsukune-kun? You did what you had to you stopped them.”

“Monsters can survive being frozen in ice. Humans can’t.”

Mizore stared at him. You mean they’re all…”

“Dead, I just killed them all.”

“Would you rather it had been us?” Moka asked quietly. “You heard
what they intended, both for us and for the snow people. Like it or not
it seems we are caught up in a war. And in war you either kill or are

“I never wanted to kill anyone,” Tsukune said. He knew he’d killed

Hokuto, but that had been different. He had no memory of it and he
had been under the influence of the Lilith mirror. This time he’d known
exactly what he’d been doing.

“Thank you Tsukune,” Mizore said as she held him. “Thank you for
doing this to protect me and the others.”

And he slowly nodded. That was what it had come down to, the lives of
his girl and his friends against their lives of the ones who wanted to
hurt them. He looked at the girl he loved.

“Hey Mizore, will you marry me?”

“Sure,” she said.

He waited but she didn’t say anything else. “Wait, is that it? I ask you
to marry me after I rescue you and all you have to say is, ‘sure?’”

She looked up at him and blinked. “What? You were expecting a big
reaction? You’re weird Tsukune; I always knew we were going to get

He stared at her, and very slowly smiled. He didn’t think he would ever
really understand the way her mind worked but that was fine.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you,” Mizore replied and happily kissed him.

It would be fine, he knew, because she was and always would be his
snow girl.


Beyond the ice Kahlua looked on at the touching scene. “Awwww, that
is so sweet! And my imoutos are here! Little Moka and Kokoa! They’ve
gotten so big.” She let out a happy sigh. Oh well, I guess I should go and call
in the air strikes. That should be fun! Napalm is so pretty!

Two huge leathery wings grew out of her back beneath her shoulder
blades. Leaping out a window she left to contact her employers.
Chapter 48/epiloge. A happy ending.

Colonel Lawson waited as the fueling and arming of his six Hueys was
finished. Unlike the civilian models there were all painted a dark green,
almost black, with no markings of any kind. The Hueys were a long
way from state of the art but so long as the opposition didn’t have any
aircraft or anti air defenses they were much more than good enough.
Each one had been modified with two .50 caliber machine guns, thirty
two rockets that could be fired at individual targets or in a salvo, and
each carried a single large drop tank attached to the belly that
contained napalm.

He looked at the pilots who would be flying with him as soon as the
birds were ready. They were all ex-military who had become
mercenaries. They did as their employers told them to do and didn’t
ask questions… about anything. “It’s a sweep and clear,” Lawson told
his men. “We’ll wipe the village out and burn it all down. Then we’ll
stay in the area to take care of any stragglers. Just like in Laos in ’73
or Afghanistan in ’81. Remember these aren’t ordinary people we’re
dealing with, they’re abilities could be potentially dangerous. So
remember, do everything from maximum range.”

All around him his men nodded soberly. They’d done and seen a lot of
things in their time, but none of them had ever imagined attacking a,
‘hidden world’ or having to fight real live monsters.

Standing behind him a girl in a pink dress and tiara pumped a fist in
the air. “Yay! Kick the tires and light the fires!” She yelled excitedly.

Lawson and the rest all looked at her a little nervously. She seemed to
be nothing but a silly and childish young woman. But they had all seen
her arriving flying with a pair of monstrous wings flapping above her.
The wings weren’t there anymore but no one thought she was an
ordinary anything.

Seeing the men look at her she smiled and pranced about a bit. “I saw
that in a movie once,” she said proudly. She pumped her fist into the
air again. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning!” She shouted.

Lawson stared at her and wondered if he’d made a good decision in

taking Fairy Tale’s money. He looked at his watch. “All right, mount
up; we should be up and over the target in fifty minutes.”

“Which one do I fly in?!” Kahlua asked, a huge grin on her face.

“You don’t have to come with us,” Lawson said quietly. “We can handle
things from here on out.”

“But I want to see the pretty napalm,” she said. She frowned and
puffed out her cheeks. “If I don’t get to go I’ll start to cry.”

Fujisaki had warned him specifically not to let that happen no matter

“I guess you’ll be riding with me then.” He told her.

“Great!” She looked at all of them. “They’ll never take our

freeeeeedom!!” She shouted and then began to dance about.

Why do I get this feeling this is going to be a disaster? Lawson wondered as he

headed toward his Huey.


The Snow Priestess sat patiently on her throne as Tsukune and the
others glared at her. She was not surprised that the only one not
upset with her was Mizore. She was a snow maiden and understood.

“I am sorry Tsukune, but it was necessary. I had no choice but to

accept the terms in order to protect my people.”

“But even if they had guns surely you and everyone here could have
dealt with them,” Tsukune said. “How could you just give up and sell
your people out like that?”

“I did what my visions dictated I do,” she replied calmly. “Had I

refused to surrender, or had I ordered my people to attack and kill the
intruders I foresaw they would launch an attack that would massacre
nearly everyone. To avoid that I capitulated and agreed to offer them
Mizore as a bride.”

“Don’t be angry with her Tsukune,” Mizore pleaded. “Even if it seems

harsh at times, everything she does is always for the good of the people
and village.”

He looked at her. If she wasn’t angry about what had happened he

supposed that he couldn’t be either. “Well at least it’s over now.”
“No,” the Snow Priestess announced it is not over. “I also foresaw
what would happen if you came and rescued Mizore.”

“What?” He asked nervously. He really didn’t like prophesies.

“More death,” she foretold.


They were airborne and headed through the mountains. They were
twenty minutes from target. He understood that there would be
nothing there to the naked eye until they passed through the barrier
that hid the village from sight. It was rather convenient as that meant
there would be no need to cover anything up. No one would see the
ruins or the dead bodies.

Everything would remain hidden.


Tsukune was staring at her. “No way,” he whispered. “You mean

because of what I did everyone is going to die?”

The Snow Priestess nodded calmly. “This is the human way isn’t it? To
destroy whatever you cannot possess? To take whatever you want at
the end of a sword or a gun?”

“Not all humans are like that,” Tsukune said.

“Perhaps,” the priestess conceded. “But obviously some are.”

“Can’t you stop them?” Tsukune asked. With all the snow people here,
with all their powers combined…”

“Our powers over snow and ice are formidable,” she stated. “But
they’re effective ranges are limited. We can do nothing about an
enemy that can kill us from thousands of yards away. If we could I
would not have surrendered in the first place. I fear retribution is
coming and there is nothing I can do to stop it.”

Tsukune looked at the girls. “Is there any way?”

“If I could reach them I could certainly smash these helicopters,” Moka

He looked at Kurumu and Yukari. “Yukari or I could fly her up there

and maybe we could take one or two of them by surprise,” Kurumu
said carefully.

“Desu, but the problem is we’re not bulletproof.” Yukari said

nervously. “When they start to shoot at us I don’t know what we can

I’m going to be responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people or of my

friends. He thought. “There has to be some way to stop this!”

“There is,” the Snow Priestess said calmly. “You can stop them
Tsukune. The power you possess is greater than that of all my people


She nodded. “You need only unleash the full force of what is inside
you.” She said quietly.

“Why don’t you do it then?” He demanded. “You have the same power
inside of you!”

Her body began to shake. Her head fell back and her mouth opened
emitting a thick mist. Two glowing yellow eyes formed within a bestial
face. “Not for much longer,” a creaking voice announced. “Her time as my
vessel is up, and I’ve picked you as my new body.”

“No!” Mizore jumped in front of Tsukune. “I won’t let you! You can’t
take over Tsukune or kill the Snow Priestess!”

“She’d have died years ago without my power to sustain her. She has served her purpose,
I don’t need her anymore.”

“It’s… it’s all right,” the priestess’s mouth moved. “I… gladly make this
sacrifice for my people. Please… Tsukune, accept the power and use it
to protect them.”

“No don’t do it Tsukune!” Mizore begged.

“You can refuse if you want,” Jack Frost said teasingly. “But I’m abandoning her
anyway; she will die now no matter what you decide. You must agree to become my new
host of your own free will; if you do I will give you full access to all my powers. You can
easily save the village then. If you refuse I will simply leave, though I’ll take back that
portion of my essence that I gave you. You can be human again.”
“I can be human?” Tsukune asked. He’d given up any hope of that.

“Sure you can!” The creaky voice laughed. “It will only cost the lives of everyone
in the village. But hey, what’s that compared to your own personal happiness?”

“What kind of monster are you?!” Moka shouted furiously.

“I am an ice demon vampire, a far greater evil than you could ever imagine.” The
yellow eyes and face drifted closer to Tsukune. “So what is your answer?
Which do you choose? Your humanity or the lives of the innocent?”

“Tsukune you can’t!” Mizore cried. “Once he takes you as a host you
can never be free again, not until you die!”

Tsukune looked at the yellow eyes and spoke slowly and calmly. “If I
become your host can I still be with Mizore and my friends? Can I still
have a life with them?”

“Sure! Most of the time you’ll be able to do whatever you please. And I won’t ask you to
do anything that would harm them or the snow people. That’s fair isn’t it? You get all my
power and all I ask in return is just a little bit of your time and a place to stay.”

Tsukune looked at Mizore. “Will you still marry me if I do this? Will you
still love me even if I have a demon inside me?”

“Tsukune,” she said sadly. Tears were beginning to run down her
cheeks. She stepped forward and kissed him tenderly on his lips. She
felt his warmth flow into her. “Yes, yes… I love you no matter what. I
will marry you no matter what Tsukune. I love you, now and forever.”

“I love you too Mizore-chan, more than anything in this world.” He

faced the yellow eyes and twisting smile of the monster before him.
“Do what you have to, I agree.”

With laughter the mist entered his mouth and nose and he felt himself
plunging into the icy depths of a frozen and bleak hell.


The six helicopters crossed the unseen barrier and vanished from

“What the hell?!” Lawson gave a panicked shout. It looked like they’d
flown into a fog bank. Visibility was zero. Even with radar, flying in this
kind of weather was extremely dangerous. He was about to get on the
radio to abort the mission when he saw a pair of yellow eyes looking
straight at him from out of the mist.

“I’m sorry.”

Before Lawson could react he felt his entire body grow cold and
unbearably numb.

Normal engines cannot function in the extreme cold of absolute zero,

fire will not burn, and most chemical reactions will not occur. In a flash
every human was killed and the engine of every helicopter died. They
fell to the ground shattering on impact. The tanks and rockets
remained inert and did not explode or even burn.


“Wow I didn’t think you could freezeonee-sama like that,” Kokoa said.

In front of them was a pretty girl in a pink dress and tiara in a block of

“Using my powers at full force is a little different from putting someone

in a regular block of ice.” Tsukune explained. “So this is your older
sister?” Both vampires nodded. “Want me to thaw her out?”

“NO!!” They both cried in unison.

“Well, at least things are finally over,” Kurumu said with obvious relief.

Tsukune slowly shook his head. “Not quite yet.”


The next day Kiria returned to his mansion from another day of the
corporate grind. With his nose in a book he did not immediately notice
the scene around him. “Did someone turn on the air conditioning?”

Looking up from his book he finally noticed the corpses of his guards
and servants. Among them he saw Mako staring at him with cold
lifeless eyes.

“You’re Kiria right? You were Hokuto’s friend? I don’t think we ever

Kiria calmly closed his book and put it down on a table. Too bad, I would
have liked to have seen how it ended. He slowly turned around to see Tsukune
standing there. When he’d found out the operation in the snow village
had failed he’d expected something like this to happen.

“Yes I’m Kiria, and I was Hokuto’s best friend and mentor. I know you
of course Tsukune. Hokuto tried to use you, but you wound up killing
him. It looks like he and I both really underestimated you.”

“I never wanted to kill Hokuto, but he didn’t leave me any choice.”

Tsukune looked at him with eyes that seemed to be glowing. “Neither
did you. Why did you attack the snow village?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” Kiria said.

“That’s it?” Tsukune asked not believing it.

Kiria nodded. “That’s it.”

Tsukune shook his head at the pointlessness and stupidity of it all.

Then he did what he had to.


Seven Years Later

“I am pleased to report that with the completion of the new solar

power plant employing over two thousand reflective mirrors that Fairy
Tale is taking another important step in helping to lower carbon
emissions in the atmosphere while providing a safe inexhaustible

The board members gave their CEO Kiria a polite round of applause.
This latest project was just one among many efforts by their
wandering leader to again try and be socially responsible. Hundreds of
millions had been spent on the environment, education, and on
fighting poverty. Most of them would have preferred company funds be
focused on increasing profits and share holder value.

“I think this is wonderful news,” COO Moka said.

“Desu! It’s a great step forward,” CFO Yukari said.

“Yahoo! Lower energy bills mean more money for partying!” His
private secretary Kurumu shouted.

While Kiria was away in seclusion these were the people he trusted to
run his financial empire. The boards really didn’t see much of Kiria
anymore. He came in perhaps once or twice a month, but no more
than that. The rest of the time he was off jet setting in some exotic
location and usually out of reach.

As Kiria looked at them none of them particularly noticed his ring that
was half gold and half silver.


Exiting the tunnel in his Humvee he drove through the snow fields
without too much trouble and into the village. He of course had
dropped the Kiria disguise and looked like himself. When the people
saw him they all greeted their, ‘Snow King.’ He gave them the
prophesies that shaped their future and protected them from the
outside world.

As soon as he arrived in the Shrine he called out. “Daddy’s home!”

And immediately four beautiful children ran out to greet him. The
oldest was his son Keito, with his younger children being girls. He
hugged and kissed them, he loved his family above all else. Though he
was a billionaire thanks to his deception of being Kiria he liked nothing
better than to simply be home with his wife and children.

“Welcome home Tsukune-kun,” Mizore came out to greet him with a

small kiss. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Good,” he said happily.

Inside him the great demon lay seemingly dormant. Jack Frost had
actually kept his word. He was allowed to live his life as he pleased
most of the time. And none of the demon’s requests had ever involved
harming his dear friends or any of the snow people.

So far.

“Oh by the way honey,” Mizore said off handedly. “Saki will be coming
by for dinner, she says there’s something she needs to talk to you
about. She says it’s important.”

Tsukune groaned. Whenever Saki came by it always meant his life was
about to get difficult again.

“Something wrong dad?” Keito looked up at him.

His son and his daughters all had their mother’s eyes. Looking down
into those eyes Tsukune smiled. “Not really, how can anything be
wrong as long as I have all of you? Now who wants to play with

All his children shouted out and began to climb all over him eager for
his attention.

He laughed and began playing with his kids while the woman he loved
looked on smiling. What more could a man ever want?


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