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Writing genres

English Literature
Name: Melissa Amaia Cajina Castellón
Teacher: Dora Espinoza

Informative Text
What is Anorexia?
Anorexia is a serious and potentially life-threatening (but treatable) eating disorder. Anorexia
it’s characterized by extreme food restriction and an intense fear of gaining weight. People
that have anorexia limit the calories in their food and what types of food they eat. Sometimes
they exercise compulsively and they intentionally vomit the food they eat. As you can see
anorexia is a serious condition that requires treatment. In some cases, anorexia can lead to
death(Overview-Anorexia). What is the cause of anorexia? The cause of anorexia is
unknown, but it can be a combination of genetic factors. Sometimes the opinion of other
people can affect. Another thing that causes anorexia is low self-esteem. Also, when your
family or friends critiqued your eating habits, your body shape, and your weight. Eating
disorders affect at least 9% of the worldwide population, and anorexia affects approximately
1% to 2% of the population (Anorexia Nervosa). It affects 0.3% of adolescents. Eating
disorders, including anorexia, are more common in adolescents and young adults, but young
children and older adults can still develop anorexia. Women and girls are more likely to be
diagnosed with anorexia. However, it’s important to know that men and boys can have
anorexia and may be under-diagnosed due to differences in seeking treatment. Big changes in
your life, such as going to college, starting a new job or going through a divorce, or trauma,
such as sexual assault or physical abuse, may trigger the development of anorexia. Anorexia
and other eating disorders are most common among dancers, models, runners, and
gymnastics (Anorexia Nervosa).
Cause and effect text
Global warming, what are the causes, and what are the effects?
What is global warming? Is the phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the
surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries.Global warming is related to the more
general phenomenon of climate change, which refers to changes in the totality of attributes
that define climate. In addition to changes in air temperature, climate change involves
changes to precipitation patterns, winds, ocean currents, and other measures of Earth’s
climate. The term global warming is used specifically to refer to any warming of near-surface
air during the past two centuries that can be traced to anthropogenic causes (Henry Selin,
2).What are the causes of global warming? One of the causes is industrial activity. Since the
Industrial Revolution, humans have been burning fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum for
energy, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Another cause of global warming
is Agricultural Activity. The agricultural practices that produce food for the people on earth
are another of the human causes of climate change. The use of both commercial and organic
fertilizers releases nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas. One of the biggest causes of
global warming is Deforestation (Chris Deziel). The increased demand for meat and dairy
cattle has led to the creation of feedlots in otherwise forested areas. Logging for wood and
paper and clearing for crop production also requires trees to be cut, sometimes illegally. One
mature tree absorbs as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, and by one estimate,
3.5 to 7 billion are cut every year. According to Scientific American, deforestation is
responsible for 15 percent of the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The result of global
warming, the glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife
is scrambling to keep pace. It has become clear that humans have caused most of the past
century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gasses as we power our modern lives (Christina

Problem and Solution text

Does suicide have a solution?
Many factors can increase the risk for suicide or protect against it. Suicide is connected to
other forms of injury and violence. For example, people who have experienced violence,
including child abuse, bullying, or sexual violence have a higher suicide risk. Being
connected to family and community support and having easy access to health care can
decrease suicidal thoughts and behaviors (Suicide Prevention). Every year 703 000 people
take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide. Every suicide is a
tragedy that affects families, communities and entire countries and has long-lasting effects on
the people left behind. Suicide occurs throughout the lifespan and was the fourth leading
cause of death among 15-29 year-olds globally in 2019. While the link between suicide and
mental disorders (in particular, depression and alcohol use disorders) is well established in
high-income countries, many suicides happen impulsively in moments of crisis with a
breakdown in the ability to deal with life stresses, such as financial problems, relationship
break-up or chronic pain and illness (Suicide). Suicide is preventable and everyone has a role
to play to save lives and create healthy and strong individuals, families, and communities.
LIVE LIFE, WHO’s approach to suicide prevention, recommends the following key effective
evidence-based interventions:limit access to the means of suicide (e.g. pesticides, firearms,
certain medications), interact with the media for responsible reporting of suicide, foster socio-
emotional life skills in adolescents, early identify, assess, manage and follow up anyone who
is affected by suicidal behaviours (Suicide).

Compare and contrast text

Who wins? E-books or text books?
In the last several years, e-books have become a mainstay of the publishing industry.
However, the demise of printed books as a result of the introduction of e-books has not
materialized as predicted.Print books have the feel of a book that many readers love. You can
hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper. Books on paper are difficult to carry around,
especially hardcovers. If you're an avid reader and you're going on a trip, or if you're just
stepping out to a coffee shop, an e-reader or iPad is a far lighter burden than a book or a stack
of them (Linda McMaken).

Clinic, Cleveland. “Anorexia Nervosa.” Cleveland Clinic, November 17, 2021.

NHS. “Anorexia.” NHS Website, January 15, 2021.

Selin, Henry. “Global Warming.” Britannica, January 31, 2022.

Nunez, Christina. “Causes and effects of climate change” National Geographic, January 22,

Deziel, Chris. “5 Causes of global warming.” Sciencing, November 22, 2019.

CDC. “Facts about Sucide” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, May 24, 2022.

World Health Organization. “Suicide” World Health Organization, June 17, 2021.

McMaken, Linda. “E-Books vs. Print Books: What’s the Difference?”

Investopedia, June 13, 2021.

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