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Name : Neha Milind Kadam

Class : Sem-1 A
Roll no. : 17

Salutations to all the dignities on the dice and my dear friends. I feel very
grateful for this opportunity. Today, I choose to talk about mental health.

I feel mental health as an issue is often taken for granted and also is attached
with a lot of stigma, whereas it is an integral part of our overall health and is more
than just absence of mental disorder.

According to WHO (World Health Organization ) “ Health is a state of complete

physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or
infirmity. Hence importance of mental health is on par with that of physical. Various
factors such as Biological ( i.e genetics ), psychological. Environmental and socio-
economical have considerable effects on mental health.

A good mental health refers to emotional and psychological well-being leading

to a relatively happy and healthy life. It helps you demonstrate resilience and ability
to cope in face of adversities.

Often people get confused on what actually is a bad mental state or

mental illness. Now this is a broad term with wide range of conditions that
affects the way one feels or think. It can also affect someone’s ability to go
through day-to-day life.

Statistically WHO estimates that nearly 75% Indians suffer from some kind of
mental illness. Isn’t that huge? Women are more likely to experience SMI ( Serious
Mental Illness) and men are more likely to suffer chronic illness due to suppression
of emotions under sexist taboos like “men don’t cry”.

Types of serious mental illnesses if not looked upon can cause more
complications are :
 Bipolar Disorder : Chronic mental illness disorder characterized by
episodes of energetic highs and sometimes depressive lows.
 Persistent Depressive Disorder : Chronic depression.
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder : It is beyond normal anxiousness or
nervousness. In this person can become extremely worried even about
the little things.
 Social Anxiety Disorder : It cause extreme fear of social situations.
 Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder (OCD) : It causes repetitive thoughts
or obsessions with unnecessary and unreasonable desires to carry out
certain action.
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) : It is triggered after
experiencing a traumatic event which can be a war, natural calamity or
even verbal or physical abuse.
 Schizophrenia : It impairs a person’s perception of reality and world
around them.

Each mental disorder causes its own symptoms but many share common
ones. Let me tell you some,

 Not eating enough or overeating.

 Insomnia or too much sleep.
 Isolating from people.
 Lacking empathy.
 Feeling helpless, hopeless or lost.
 Smoking, drinking or having drugs uncontrollably.
 Extreme mood swings.
 Hearing voices involuntarily in head.
 Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others.
 Unable to do daily activities.

But yes, do take a note that these symptoms are also experienced by a
normal healthy person sometimes and that doesn’t mean that individual is
suffering from mental illness. If one experiences such symptoms very often
or at extremes, do not hesitate to consider a professional consultation. It is
absolutely normal and in fact act of sense to do so.

I really need to share the things that we as individuals can do to have a

stable mental health. For the betterment of our mood and a clearer thinking
we can have some strategies like

 Keeping a optimistic attitude.

 Exercising regularly.
 Meditating.
 Eating healthy.
 Sleeping adequately.
 Spending time with family, friends or people you feel unjudged and
comfortable with.
 Journaling your thoughts.
 Having self pampering days.

And for others who we feel are suffering from something or even having a
bad time, we can always be a good listener. It doesn’t take much to just
smile at others or greet everyone. We can never tell what one is going
through in their personal lives but we can be good individuals and create an
environment where they can share their problems and ask for help. It’ll be
so much better if everybody let goes a few things and just be a bit

Breaking the silly taboos like “ going to a psychologist or a psychytric

means is something abnormal people do” , “ people with mental illness are
fine and they act for attention “ , etc are ridiculous and we need to break

Lastly I just want to say this that keep a healthy mindset, be vocal about
your issues, judge less help more. Be with your mind and body and listen to
what its saying because you are worth living.

Thankyou for lending your ears!

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