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Part narrated by Lucy:

Gabriel and I have been great Friends since we started studying in the UNAQ, and
one of the main reasons we are friends is because we both love wasting our time
exploring every place we go. There’s a funny story about the first time we explored
a place together.
On our first day of university, we meet in the lobby at the school, and we were lost
but we have two hours until our next class started, so we started walking while I
was asking him some questions to know him better and then he asked me a few
things too. Suddenly, we started to walk, and I don’t know how but we arrived to a
strange place full of fascinating things like broken parts of an airplane, big
computers and electronic stuff. So, he asked me — Do you know what’s this? —
and I said — No, I have never been here, but I’m glad we are here —.
I was completely astonished looking at those things and I didn’t even thought that
we could have troubles for being there.
Part narrated by Gabriel:
When suddenly I saw in the distance that a security personnel appeared and told
us that we could not be there, but kindly told us that if we wanted he could show us
around the university, since we were new students, Lucy and I answered yes
He took us to the different classrooms, which were many and we did not learn all of
them at that time, the laboratories they had for the different areas, cafeterias where
the CREIIR cafeteria was our favorite, courts with one for soccer and another for
basketball and volleyball, as well as its hangar where we saw the famous UNAQ
He finally said goodbye to us, and we continued on our way to the room where we
had class, but the truth is that we forgot where those rooms were when the man
told us, being late for our first English class.

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