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The trip we did (those of us who did not go to Washington) was to do different activities in cultural
places of our country, Panama.

first trip: it was around 7:27 (I am always late) but since it was the first trip, everyone was
disorganized, so the students were not even at the entrance of the school to go to school on the
buses. Once outside, the teachers separated the buses for the men from those for the girls (I don't
understand why they did that if it only makes them spend more because we sure had space) and
well, the trip was tremendous, we were all there (my friends) talking, listening to music at full
volume, it was tremendous but once we got to the place all expectations vanished because
according to the teachers we were going to make our own teams to make the activity more fun
that way but in the end it was not like that and they (the teachers) did it and I was a bit annoyed
since none of those who had touched me was a close friend and well, I was kind of bored the first
day because of that and also because of the activities that they had given us, or I mean, we're from
9th grade and they made us do 4th grade things but it doesn't matter anymore.

Second trip: It was more or less 7:20 (this time I arrived early) and on the bus trip all my friends
and I were bothering him to keep everything fun until we arrived... everything to find out what we
were going to do was the same thing boring than the first day, the only thing that changed was
that this time it was a little more fun since two people from my group did not go, so nicolas had to
come to my group and he is a good friend of mine so we spent some time chatting and making
jokes like that and laughing like that because that man thinks he's a clown and makes the worst
jokes in the world and I also liked this second day a little more because we went to more
interesting places, for example, I secretly entered a place like of theater and well everything was
fine the second day the only bad thing is that on the way to school the teacher did not let us eat
neither me nor those who were bothering Alejandro precisely because we were bothering him but
that does not explain why he leaves us without eating , I mean what happens to him.

Third trip: the last trip but the most fun (within the context) because first we went to a center
there and we only bought strange things and we also cycled through a large part of the Ciudad Del
Saber, the only bad thing was that we stopped every minute and the gentlemen took about 10
minutes to explain us about the place. and in the end we went to the center and there was a piki
niki (picnic according to our Portuguese teacher) and well I was quite hungry so I was eating all the
time and one of my friends stole a chocolate from a pardilla and when trying to escape he tripped
and that's all.

Didn’t learn anything

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