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This module is designed to explore knowledge and skills that will help you and your family develop a
lifelong habit of physical fitness and wellness. Developing this lifelong habit poses as a real challenge for
many families.
Nowadays, people are less physically active because of various reasons, one of which is the
advancement of science and technology. Many people no longer participate in any physical fitness-relevant
activities. While we are aware of the health benefits and importance derived from engaging in physical
activities, we tend to take it for granted. Unfortunately, many young people do not engage in worthwhile
physical activities anymore. Hope this module will help us awaken, decide and make wise decisions or
choices to engage in any physical activities to keep us going and enjoy a healthy life style while coping up
challenges in our changing environment.
Physical Education is part of the school curriculum that aims to increase every individual’s physical,
mental, emotional and social benefits from physical activities and to develop a healthy life.
As mandated in the 1997 Philippines Constitution, the Physical Education subject in all educational
levels contributes to the development of each students physically, mentally, socially and emotionally through
participation in a selected physical activities.
Physical Education subjects/courses help build up physical fitness by allowing the students to increase
their endurance, strength and other components of fitness joyfully through individual and group participation in
any selected physical activities.
This P.E. 111- Self Testing Activities aims to assess and analyze the students’ physical fitness status
and capabilities. The activities concentrate on the basis of Physical Fitness and dance work outs as key to
improve and maintain their physical fitness condition to live a healthy life and to enjoy a what we so – called
“Good Life”.



At the end of this term, student should be able to:

1. Define physical fitness

2. Identify the two components of physical fitness
3. Understand the importance of physical fitness in our daily life.
4. Assess the personal fitness status.
5. Perform the fundamental gymnastic position correctly
Fitness is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
Look back and reflect on your daily activities.

Do you have lots of energy or do you get tired easily?

Physical Fitness - is the capacity of the individual to accomplish his/her regular daily activities without undue
fatigue and still has an ample amount of reserved energy to enjoy leisure and meet emergencies.
Physical fitness is divided into four health- and six skill-related components. Health-related fitness is the ability
to become and stay physically healthy. Skill-related fitness enhances ones’ performance in athletic or sports

Health -Related Fitness Components Skill- Related Fitness

Cardiovascular Endurance Agility
Agility Muscular strength and endurance Balance
Flexibility Power
Body composition Speed

Reaction time

Health-related components focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of disease
and problems associated with an activity. The four components are described as follows:
1. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory system (vascular) to supply
oxygen to muscles for an extended period of time. Cardiovascular is also called cardiorespiratory (lungs)
fitness. Usually the 1 km run or some other type of continuous fitness activity (12-minute run, cycling, step-
test, etc.) is used to assess cardiovascular fitness.
2. Muscular strength and endurance is the muscles ability to produce effort or perform work. Muscular
strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against an opposing force. Fitness testing
usually consists of a one-time maximum lift using weights (bench press, leg press, etc.).
Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscle to work over an extended period of time without fatigue.
Performing push-ups and sit-ups or crunches for one minute is commonly used in fitness testing of muscular
3. Flexibility is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion (ROM) at a joint. The sit-and-
reach is commonly used to determine flexibility.






For the demonstration of those basic movements of flexibility watch this video:
Introduction to Anatomy - Movement. Anatomy made Fun. Exams made Easy!

4. Body composition is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass (including water, bones, muscles, and
connective tissues). Having too many fat tissues is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer,
and arthritis.
Additional input : Watch this video :

The 5 Components of Health Related Fitness

In addition to improving quality of life, health-related fitness also

 increases muscle tone and strength;
 decreases susceptibility to injuries and illness;
 improves bone mineral density;
 reduces risk of osteoporosis;
 improves posture;
 increases efficiency of the respiratory and circulatory systems;
 decreases risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke;
 improves blood pressure;
 decreases risk of diabetes and some cancers;
 improves self-esteem and self-confidence;
 decreases body fat and improves metabolism; and increases energy level and academic


1. Balance– the ability to maintain equilibrium in relation to the force of gravity and to make minute
alterations in one’s body position when it is placed in various positions;
- it is the ability of the individual to maintain equilibrium in relation to changes in body.

2. Coordination– the skillful movement of different parts of the body at the same time;
3. Speed– the ability to move from one point to another in the shortest time possible;
4. Agility– the ability to change direction of the body quickly while moving from one point to another;
5. Power– the ability to perform one maximum effort in a short a period as possible (strength + speed)
6. Reaction Time– the length of time it takes to react to a stimulus.
Additional input: Watch this video :

Skill – Related Fitness Components

Physical Wellness – is the positive state of well – being and capability of an individual to design personal
fitness programs for improving and maintaining optimum levels of health.

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