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My favorite animal is a dog.
My favorite animal is a cat.
It eats meat.
It eats fish and mice.
It can run and walk.
It cat fuma run and dimb.
It can´t fly and jump.
It ca´t swim and fly.
It lives in the house.
It lives in the house.
BAT ( murciélago)
This is a gorilla
This is a bat.
It eats bananas and other fuits
It eats mice and insects.
It can walk and climb
It can fly and hang.
It can´t fly
It can´t jump walk and run.
It lives in the jungle
It lives in the caves.
HIPPO ( hipopótamo)

This is a hippo.
LEOPARD (leopardo)
It eats plants from the jungle
This is a leopard.
It can swim and walk
It eats monkeys, pigs and deer.
It can´t jump and fly
It can run and climb.
It lives in the river
It can´t fly.

It lives in the jungle.

MONKEY (mono)
LION ( Leon)
This is a monke.
This is a lión
It eats a fruits, plants, sedes, eagzs and insects.
It eats a gazlle, zebras and bygaloes.
It can climb jump and walk.
It can run and jump
It can´t fly and swim.
It can´t flyIt lives in the savanmah
It lives on hte tries.
SNAKE( serpiente)

OSTRICH ( avestruz) This is a snake.

This is a ostrich. It eats mice and insects.

It eats plants, roots and seeats. It can creep

It can run. It can¨t walk run and jump

It can¨t jump climb and swim. It lives in the jungle

It lives in hte savanmah.

FROG( rana)

This is a frog.
This is a turtle
It eats insects and plants.
It eats plants and insects.
It can jump.It can´t climb and walk.
It can walk
It lives in the ponds
It can´t run and jump.

It lives in the forest.

ZEBRA( Cebra)

This is a zebra

It eats plants

It can run

It can´t climb, fly and swim

It lives in the Savannah.

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