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(Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, upto +2 Level)

Date : 1-Nov-2022 to 5-Nov-2022
Class & Sec : XI
Name of Class Teacher : Vikram Kumar

Subject Subject Teacher Chapter Name Topics/Sub-Topics Home Assignments

English Abhilasha Singh --------- ---------------- ------------

Time of flight,
Physics Fyaj keshar Projectile motion maximum height
and horizontal range
Ncert examples and
exercise questions
of a projected body
Linear combination
of atomic orbitals
Molecular orbital
Chemical bonding theory Draw MOT diagram of
Chemistry Vikram Kumar and molecular Molecular orbital different molecules
structure diagram
Polar and non polar
Dipole moment
1. Explain with
suitable diagram
Cell organelles like about mitochondria
Sanjay Kumar Cell : the unit of lysosomes ,vacuoles and plastid. Mention
Biology Tiwari life ,mitochondria, its functions.
plastid and 2. Which cell
ribosome. organelles are semi
autonomous in nature
and why?
Maths Vicky Kumar Trigonometry General value and NCERT
exercise and
questions will
principal value be given in class.
Meaning &
PHE Kundan Kumar Physical Fitness, Importance Of
Rana Health and Wellness. Physical Fitness,
Wellness & Life Style.
Do Questions
and Answers.

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