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Talent is natural because it involves one’s ability to do good and exception things without

being taught. There is no specific definition for talent because it may involve so many

phenomena' that would be considered. The context of applying the word talent will influence its

definition to the best of the knowledge. Scott Fitzgerald describes talent as prose and further

suggests that it depends on having something to say and an interesting, saying it in a highly

developed way.

Defining talent correctly depending on the context allows organizations to start and put in

action talent management strategies. Through talents, opportunities are created, which may

benefit businesses and people at large by creating employer brands and Organizations. Different

scholars have had different definitions of the word talent. It was a unit of currency used by

Romans and Greeks in ancient times. Others defined it as a natural skill and ability to do

something. The paper will expound on the definition of Scott Fitzgerald as he argues that to be

talented, you have to develop a conscience, and if, on top of that, you possess talent, you would

be better.
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The definition of talent as the natural ability, skill, training, and performance

characterized by intellectual capacity, personality, and genetic endowment will form the basis for

the study of this research paper. The study will expound to research the problem and come up

with supportive evidence basing its arguments on Scott Fitzgerald's works and quotes.

Talent explained

Scott Fitzgerald quotes about talents says that intelligence is measured by a person's

ability to eel validity within both sides of contradicting arguments. Talents may be viewed as

mental strengths used to pursue art, task, profession, or a given task. Examples include

communication. Some people are genetically endowed with skills and abilities naturally without

learning. Through oration, talented people with super communication skills can be identified. To

deliver a super speech in front of audiences, they must have influential powers to attract and

impress the target group. Communication skills require one to have the mastery of words, speak

fluently, and influence others on their artistic talent.

The act of influencing can be described to qualify as a talent. It involves changing the

ideas and the emotional state and actions of type other people (Kontsevaya 13). For example, a

crisis negotiator can apply a calming effect on someone in a problem and affected by a mental

state. The skill requires a lot of attention and a high level of convincing power to attract and

influence people to take your stance.

Storytelling and wit skill are qualified to be described as talent in one or two ways. Wit

involves communication d at high speed to say something intelligently and humorously when the

right moment presents itself. On the other hand, storytelling makes the information being taught

interesting. The basic elements of storytelling apply in the communication of fact and
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construction of fiction. Different authors are talented in constructing fiction work, such as having

the most interesting content to pass a moral lesson to the target groups.

Verbal intelligence is described as reasoning using a natural language such as English,

Chinese, and others. It involves thought processes based on language as individuals mostly

reason and thin with words. The application of verbal communication is very wide and can be

applied in such places as communication, strategic thinking, making proper decisions, and

solving complex problems.

Spatial reasoning involves solving problems in recognition, design, and navigation. For

example, a designer may make a house construction look spacious despite being in an area that

displayed space constraints. A road designer may also be involved in designing the correct

pattern of the routes to be followed to ease traffic jams and ensure smooth operations of the

people in the industry. The design problem-solving solutions aim at promoting and ensuring an

effective and efficient flow of the work. The designers manufacture the right products adapted to

space exploration in space navigation to ease its operations.

Kinesthetic intelligence allows perceptual motor skills that enable the person to use their

body with precision and grace. It forms the basis for talents in sports, acting, and music

industries especially dancing. In sports, for instance, a dribbler may use his skills of moving the

ball back and forth to run past the opponents. The mastery skill ensures that the player keeps the

ball intact and passes keenly to their teammates. In musical dancing, h dances can apply body

movement techniques that position themselves in a good opportunity to explore in the music

industry. Type movements cause entertainment to the funds. All movements enable the

performers to excel in their field because it may sound kind they in good job opportunities.
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Mathematical and critical thinking intelligence is another field that displays exceptional

talents to other people. Skills and abilities related to mathematics require a very intensive

thinking capacity. For instance, the knowledge of the math algorithm system has been of good

use since it has been applied in the generation of the computer coding system. The coding system

works under instructions to generate information in this technological era. Problems can be

solved using computer codes and systems and make work easier by reducing the time used in the

execution of the work.

Critical thinking may be any process generated by our minds and brains that is objective,

disciplined, and systematic. Critical thinkers can notice logical flaws and biases in their analysis

and devise the means to improve them. Better communication and critical thinking make

individuals think out of the box and enable them to express their ideas and beliefs logically. In a

company setup, critical thinking is applied by the workers to self-evaluate their contributions to

the company goals and make informed decisions. Moreover, it promotes a teamwork approach to

problem-solving in organizations. It is believed that effective collaboration in a team is effective

to organizational success.

Emotional intelligence is described as the ability to bread and respond carefully to the

emotions of the other parties. The parties involve aiming at creating a strong relationship through

problem-solving. For example, a customer service agent can notice that a customer is upset at a

perceived wrong or any other thing about the organization and can influence the customer to

reduce the negative attitude. The act would help in fostering customer relationships.

Fluid intelligence is the ability to adapt your thinking capability to acquire a piece of

new knowledge in a given field of study. The individual involved should be a fast learner to
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understand some phenomenon. For example, musicians can learn how to use an instrument to

acquire the techniques to operate it perfectly.

Convergent and divergent thinking can also be displayed and categorized as talents in

their nature. Convergent thinking involves finding the correct answers to the problems based on

old or existing systems. For example, a civil engineer can apply the correct amount of tan inroads

to sustain loads of vehicles. Divergent thinking involves creative methods to develop discoveries

and non-obvious things. For example, a computer expert may develop software to detect the

location of a criminal based on some information and the data possessed.


Scott Fitzgerald, in his quote, says that prose talent depends on having something you can

say and should be interesting and should be said in a highly intelligent way. It means that talent

has a wide scope of being understood a have some characteristics such as the ability to do

something, exploration of new phenomenon's and should solve some problem. In our discussion,

the word talent can be defined differently depending on the context of the setting. Talent

development is essential as it engages many people and motivates them to further their careers.

Talents also help one to close the skills gap through talent management strategies. Throughout

the essay, it is evident that talent creates career opportunities such as musicians, footballers,

athletes, computer wizards that help solve problems in the future.

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Work Cited

kontsevaya, v. n. "comparative analysis of the novels" a farewell to arms" by e. Hemingway and"

tender is the night" by f. Scott Fitzgerald in four aspects." форум молодых ученых 10

(2018): 11-15.

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