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Chapter 1

1. The first people to settle in Mesopotamia

A. Babylonians
B. Egyptians
C. Greeks
D. Sumerians

2. Considered to be the first true city in the world

A. Edfu
B. Eridu
C. Ur
D. Uruk

3. Irrigation system used by the Sumerians

A. aqueduct
B. dike
C. levee
D. shaduf

4. The Hieroglyphic form of writing was developed by

A. Babylonian
B. Egyptians
C. Romans
D. Sumerians

5. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built by

A. King Nebuchadnezzar
B. King Nebucadnezzar
C. King Nebuchnezzar
D. King Nebunedzzarch

6. Nomad style of living was described to be

A. hunting-gathering style
B. used iron tools for survival
C. move from one place to another based on availability of food
D. all of the above

7. Egyptian civilization began around

A. 2400 BC
B. 3200 BCE
C 4000 BE
D. 4500 BCE

8. The following were developed by the Egyptians except

A. calendar
B. mummification
C. sexagesimal system
D. wigs

9. Which among the following is incorrect about mummification process?

A. salt is used to preserve the body
B, internal organs are placed in canopic jars
C. inside of the body is rinsed with wine and spices
D. the body wrapped in linen cloth is placed in natron

10. The civilization that transpired during 8th century

A. Babylonian
B. Greek
C. Roman
D. Sumerian

11. Ancient Egyptian physicians were known to perform such

practices except
A. used of healing herbs
B. used of charms and spells
C. performed eye surgery
D. practiced dentistry

12. The Greek philosopher who believed that everything in nature is made up
of indivisible elements
A. Aristotle
B. Democritus
C. Empedocles
D. Socrates

13. The only substance that was believed by Thales as the source of
all things.
A, air
B. fire
C. earth
D. water

14. Considered to be the first institution of higher learning in the

Western world
A. The Academy of Athens
B. The Colosseum
C. The Pantheon
D. None of these
15. Cuneiform writing was developed by
A. Babylonian
B. Egyptian
C. Greek
D. Sumerian

16. The first aqueduct constructed by Romans

A. Aqua Appia
B. Aquatico
C. Aquaria
D. Segovia

17. Building material used by Romans as substitute to marble

A. brick
B. concrete
C. travertine
D. tile

18. The only temple constructed by ancient Roman civilization that

is completely preserved up to this day,
A. Arch of Septimius Severus
B. Colosseum
C. Maison Caree
D. The Pantheon

19. Based on legends, Rome was said to be founded in

A. 357 BCE
B. 537 BCE
C. 735 BCE
D. 753 BCE

20. Roman aqueducts worked due to

A. electricity
B. gravity
C. mechanical gears
D. simple machine

Chapter 2
1. The "Dark Age" covered the period
A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

2. The "Scientific Revolution" covered the period

A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

3. The "Industrial Revolution" covered the period

A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

4. What is/are the reasons for the lack of scientific inquiry during the Dark
I. Most clerics and scholars of the early Middle Ages did not
have access to the vast amount of scientific literature written
in Greek before and during the Roman Empire.
II. Majority of the people could not read and write except the
members of the clergy (monks, priests, etc.).
III. Intellectual activity was centered on the study of the Bible
and on the Christian faith:
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II
D. I, II, Ill

5. During the Medieval Age, what method of learning was

introduced which placed a strong emphasis on Platonic
reasoning and deduction working within a background of fixed
religious dogma and Aristotelian philosophy?
A. Scholasticism
B. Renaissance
C. Ockham's Razor
D. Scientific Revolution

6. Which of the following describe/s the principle of parsimony?

I. It is also called Ockham's Razor, named after William of
Ockham who proposed the principle.
II. it supports that a simple theory is preferred to a more
complex one and speculation on unobservable phenomena
is avoided.
III. It was a new approach developed during the medieval era
which liberated scientific speculation from the dogmatic
restraints of Aristotelian science.
A. I onlv
B. II only
C. I, II

7. Johannes Gutenberg made the first version of the

A. electrical telegraph
B. printing press
C. spinning jenny
D. steam engine

8. Which of the following is/are true regarding the scholars of the

early times?
I. The Medieval Scholars of the 12th century focused on
studying Greek and Arabic works of natural sciences,
philosophy and mathematics,
II. The Renaissance scholars practiced astrology and studied the
cultural, literary & historical texts resuiting to the flowering of
Latin and vernacular literature.
III. The scholars of the Scientific Revolution concentrated on the
technological advancement.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II

9. This important book during the Scientific Revolution debunked

the Aristotelian view of the four elements and suggested the use
of chemical indicators for the detection of acidic and basic liquids.
A. Skeptical Chymist
B. The Elements
C. De Re Metallica
D. Treatise on Light

10. Who was the author of the famous book referred to in the
previous question?
A. Robert Boyle
B. Robert Hooke
C. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
D. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

11. What is Galileo-Galileo knows as? Father of modern physics

12. Which is true- I and Il
I. Marcelo Malpighi- father of physiology and embryology
II. Leeuwenhoek- father of microbiology
13. Book of Isaac newton served as the capstone of the scientific
revolution and become the most respected scientific work of all time-
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
14. Medieval book that provided illustrations of the technique of
shafting, pumping, and the conveying ore from the mines into trucks
which anticipated the development of the railways? De Re Metallica by
Georgius Agricola
15. The famous book on revolution of heavenly bodies highlighted the
discovery of? Copernicus

16. Which of the following k/are true regarding alchemists?

I. Alchemists were considered to have laid the foundation of
modern chemistry when they developed a structure of basic
laboratory techniques, theory and experimental method
II. Alchemists claimed to be experts on matter and thought o
matter to be made from four main elements: earth, air, water.
and fire.
Ill. The works of alchemists guided by Hematic principles related to magic,
mythology, and religion;
A. II only
B. III only

17. The greatest contribution of this great medieval mathemetician

was his role in spreading the use of Hindu-Arabic nume/al system
throughout Eutope early in the 13th Century.
A. James Walt
B, Charles Parsons
C. Leonardo of Pisa
D. Samuel Compton

18. Which of the following invention-inventor is/ore correctly paired?

I. first powered textile machine - Alfred Nobel
II. first version of the printing press- /Johannes Gutenberg
III. first commercial electrical telegraph - Richard Trevithick
IV. first commercially successful steamboat - Robert Fulton
A. I, III onlv
B. II, IV only
D. None of these

19. All of the following fields al study are correctly paired with their
Pounders EXCEPT
A. modern anatomy - Andreas Vesalius
B. modem botany - Otto Brunfels & Leonard Fuchs
C. modern algebra - John Waltis
D. modern optics - Johannes Kepler

20. Which of the following significant events happened during the Renaissance
I. The theory of Copernicus that the earth revolved around the
sun led Europeans. to reject Aristotelian-medieval scientific thought.
II. Iron industry emerged to Use coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron ore and
to process cast iron into wrought iron and steel.
III. New navigational techniques such the magnetic compass, the quadrant, the
Jacob's cross-staff and the mariner's astrolabe, allowed economic and military
control of the seas adjacent to Europe.
A. II only
B. III only

Chapter 3
1. The American philosopher who gave insights on the nature of scientific
revolutions is
A. David Hume
B. John Stuart Mill
C. Karl Popper
D. Thomas Kuhn

2. Transitions that arise from a complete change in thinking about a certain

concept or phenomena are called
A. cognitive upheaval
B. intellectual revolutions
C. paradigm shifts
D. scientific revolutions

3. The first one to suggest that the planets revolve around the sun is
A. Aristarchus of Samos
B. Johannes Kepler
C. Nicolaus Copernicus
D. Tycho Brahe

4. Copernicus first published his heliocentric model in the work

A. Almagest
B. Commentariolus
C. De revolutionibus orbium celestium
D. Summa theologica

5. The theory of color was developed by

A. Albert Einstein
B. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
C. Isaac Newton
D. Robert Boyle

6.The foundation of classical mechanics is

A. the laws of motion
B. the laws of thermodynamics
C. the law of universal gravitation
D. the theory of relativity

7. Before the discovery of oxygen, the substance believed to be released by

burning objects is called
A. argon
B. carbon dioxide
C. ekaboron
D. phlogiston

8 Calculus was invented by Newton along with

A. Albert Einstein
B. Gottfried Leibniz
C. Isaac Newton
D. Rene Descartes

9. According to Darwin, evolution is driven by

A. genetic recombination
B. inheritance of acquired characteristics
C. natural selection
D. resistance

10. A process wherein painful or unpleasant memories are mentally

suppressed is called
A caression
B. depression
C. regression
D. repression

11. Much of Charles Darwin's work on evolution was accomplished

during his intercontinental voyage on the ship
A. HMS Beagle
B. HMS Endeavour
C. HMS Ocean
D. HMS Victory

12. The concept of evolution was first published by Charles Darwin and
A. Alfred Nobel
B. Alfred Russel Wallace
C. Gregor Mendel
D. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

13. Which of the following is the part of the mind that is supposed to be not
controllable and not directly understood?
A. alterego
B. COnsciouS
C. subconscious
D. unconscious

14. According to Freud, insights can be gained from the unconscious through
the following methods except for
A. examination of verbal slips
B. free association
C. hypnosis
D. interpretation of dreams

15. The 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to Einstein due to his
work on
A. Brownian motion
B. mass-energy equivalence
C. photoelectric effect
D. theory of relativity

16. Einstein' annus mirabilis papers were all published on

A. 1902
B. 1905
C. 1912
D. 1915

17. The two theories reconciled by Einstein are

A. theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence
B. theory of relativity and quantum theory
C. wave theory of light and theory of relativity
D. wave theory of light and quantum theory

18. The "Father of Chemistry" is

A. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
B. John Dalton
C. Jöns Jacob Berzelius
D. Robert Boyle

19. Oxygen was discovered by

A. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
B. Daniel Rutherford
C. Joseph Priestley
D. Robert Boyle

20. The following were considered by Kuhn as scientific revolutionaries except

A. Copernicus
B. Einstein
C. Freud
D. Newton

Chapter 4
1.Which of the following was NOT a reason for Spain's rule in t
A. cultural development
B acquisition of resources
C. spread of Christianity
D. territorial expansion

2. Who established Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines?

A. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
B. Carlos Maria dela Torre
C. Andres de Urdaneta
D. Ferdinand Magellan

3. The early writing system of the Tagalog is called

A. Kulitan
B. Tagbanwa
C. Surat Mangyan
D. Baybarin

4. Which of the following was NOT a function of the state during the
Spanish period?
A. provide peace and order
B. protect the Spanish monarchy
C. defend the Catholic region
D, protect the ancestral lands of the Indios

5. What social class developed the consciousness of the Filipinos to

fight Spain?
A. mestizos de Espana
B. principalia
C. mestizos de sangleys
D. ilustrados
6. Which of the following institutions have correct founding name
and date?
I. University of San Carlos - Colegio de San lidefonso in 1595
II. University of Santo Tomas - Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Santisimo
Rosario in 1611
Ill. University of Manila - Colegio de Manila in 1590
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II

7. The "Science Act" created the following agencies except

A. National Science Development Board (NSDB)
B. Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
D. National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)

8. The term used in helping the Philippines to be an innovation hub

in Asia is called
A. Filipinnovation
B. Philipinvention
C. Filipinoinvention
D. Fillinvention

9. A large outrigger warships used by native Filipinos during Spanish

era is called
A. caracoa
B. curacao
C. cacao
D. none of these

10. One of the legislations which was signed during President

Estrada's term, which was designed to protect and preserve the
environment and ensure the sustainable development of its
natural resources is
A. Philippine Clean Air Act (Republic Act No. 8749)
B. Electronic Commerce Act (Republic Act No, 8792)
C. Biofuels Act (Republic Act No. 9367)
D. Science & Technology Scholarship Law (Republic Act No.7687)

11, Who created the Presidential Task Force for Science and
Technology which came up with the first Science and
Technology Master Plan or STMP?
A. Ferdinand Marcos
B. Fidel Ramos
C. Joseph Estrada
D. Corazon Aquino

12. The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act

No. B293) was enacted during the term of
A. Corazon Aquino
B. Joseph Estrada
C. Fidel Ramos
D. Benigno Aquino Ill

13. The science & technology sector of the Philippines was dubbed
as the "golden age" of science & technology during the term af
A. Corazon Aquino
B. Joseph Estrada
C. Fidel Ramos
D. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

14. Who was the president who enacted Republic Act 10611, a law
for the formulation of common food and safety standards?
A. Benigno Aquino Ill
B. Gloria Arroyo
C. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Fidel Ramos

15. One of the more known laws to be passed by Arroyo's

administration was the R.. 9367 which is also known as the
A. Biofuels Act
B. Clean Air Act
C. Science Act
D. Electronic Commerce Act

16. All of the following agencies/institutions were established during

the American Regime EXCEPT
A. National Academy of Science and Technology
B. National Research Council of the Philippines
C. Philippine General Hospital
D. University of the Philippines

17. Which Presidential Act outlaws computer hacking and provides

opportunities for new businesses emerging from the Internet-
driven New Economy?
A. Biofuels Act
B. Clean Air Act
C. Science Act
D. Electronic Commerce Act
18. On April 6, 1968. Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed 35 hectares in
as the site of the Philippine Science Community.
A. Bulacan
B. Tanay Rizal
C. Bicutan, Taguig
D. Quezon City

19. In 1986, during Corazon Aquino's presidency, the National

Science and Technology Authority was replaced by
A. National Academy of Science and Technology
B. National Institute of Science and Technology
C. Philippine Coconut Research Institute
D. Department of Science and Technology

20. Which of the following is true regarding the Balik Scientist Act?
I. It was formerly called the Balik Scientist program, established in
1975 through Presidential Degree No. 819 by President Ferdinand
II. It was made into law in 2018 by President Rodrigo Duterte
through Republic Act No. 11035.
III. The law provides incentives and assistance to Filipino experts, scientists,
inventors, and engineers abroad for them to return
and serve in the Philippines,
A. II only
B. III only

Chapter 5
1. A floating amphibious tricycle that can drive over land and
water and can carry six passengers,
A. electrifilter
B. e-jeepneys
C. hybrid electric train
D. salamander

2. A vehicle that runs on pure electricity supplied by rechargeable

automotivebatteries and it does not consume either gasoline or
diesel to operate.
A. hybrid electric train
B. e-jeepneys
C. salamander
D. Diwata-l
3. An improvised medical apparatus that regulates the body
temperature of babies.
A. multi-cooler fan
B. salt lamp
C medical incubator
D. electrifilter

4. An invention that has the capability to filter and cleanse water

that can be used for daily consumption,
A. sait lamp
B Vazbuilt
C. electrifilter
D. multi-cooler fan

5. An alternative light source that runs on saltwater, making it

suitable to those who live in coastal areas and remote barrios.
A. quink ink
B. salt lamp
C. electrifilter
D. medical incubator

6. This invention of the DOST scientists aims to control the

population of the dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitoes.
A. salt lamp
B. e-jeepneys
C. electrifilter
D. mosquito ovicidal/larvicidaltrap

7. It was launched into space fo capture data and images from

selected areas in the Philippines to assist in weather observation.
disaster risk management and environmental monitoring.
A. Diwata-1
B. salt lamp
C. electrifilter
D. Salamander

8. This invention works by using kinetic energy lost when it slows

down and converting it to electricity in the process.
A. E-jeepneys
B. Diwata-1
C. hybrid electric train
D. salamander

9. He is the president of the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines

and project leader of the DOST Roadmap for Nanotechnology
Development in the Philippines.
A. Marissa Paglicawan
B. William Padolina
C. Caesar Saloma
D. Fabian Dayrit

10. She received an Astronomy Achievement Student Award from

the American Astronomical Society for her research on
"obscured quasars".
A. Reina Reyes
B. Gay Jane Perez
C. William Padolina
D. Fe del Mundo

11. He received the Galileo Galilei award in recognition of his

significant contributions in the field of optics.
A. Caesar Saloma
B. Rody Sy
C. Fe del Mundo
D. Raymundo Punongbayan

12. She used the abaca fiber-reinforced composites in the

construction of "Tryk ni Juan", a common motorized tricycle.
A. Abelardo Aguilar
B. Marissa Paglicawan
C. Elmer Dadios
D. Caesar Saloma

13. He is recognized as one of the Asian Scientist 100 this year 2019
for his researches in biomedical science,
A. Rody Sy
B. Fabian Dayrit
C. Caesar Saloma
D. Abelard Aguilar

14. Her award-winning research focuses on using satellite data to

forecast drought and identify the ideal planting areas and
seasons that could result in improved crop yield.
A. Rosalinda Torres
B. Charissa Marcaida Ferrera
C. Gay Jane Perez
D. Ricardo Balog

15. He pioneered in the promotion of natural products and

A. William Padolina
B. Ricardo Balog
C. Rody Sy
D. Rosalinda Torres

16. He discovered this drug that is used for treatment of bacterial

infections, respiratory tract infections like pneumonia, urinary
tract infection, ear and skin infections, gonorrhea, syphilis,
thematic fever, whooping cough and diphtheria.
A. Rosalinda Torres
B. Raymundo Punongbayan
C. Alonzo Gabriel
D. Abelardo Aquilar

17. He was recognized for his contributions in the field of food

science, food processing technologies to achieve food safety
and food quality.
A. William Padolina
B. Alonzo Gabriel
C. Rody Sy
D. Elmer Dadios

18. His research interests include artificial intelligence, evolutionary

systems, fuzzy logic, manufacturing processes, neural networks,
robotics, software engineering, automation and intelligent
A. Elmer Dadios
B. Alonzo Gabriel
C. Ricardo Balog
D. William Padolina

19. He was recognized internationally as an authority in

volcanological and seismological phenomena.
A. Gay Jane Perez
B. Elmer Dadios
C. Raymundo Punongbayan
D. Reina Reyes

20. She conducted researches on natural products that have

resulted in the development of health supplements, personal
care products, and plant products with insectidal properties.
A. Marissa Paglicawan
B. Gay Jane Perez
C. Charissa Marcaida Ferrera
D. Rosalinda Torres
Chapter 6
1. Which of the following field is not considered a formal science?
A. bioinformatics
B. computer science
C. information science
D. numerical analysis
2. The philosopher who founded the school of Stoicism is
A. Diogenes
B. Epicurus
C. Socrates
D. Zeno of Citium
3. Which of the following schools of thought considered that the
knowledge acquired by humans is susceptible to doubt?
A. Cynicism
B. Epicureanism
C. Scepticism
D. Stoicism

4. The verifiability principle was advocated by

A. the Berlin Circle and Vienna Circle
B. Francis Bacon
C. Karl Popper
D. Martin Heidegger

5. The philosophical view that considers only pleasure and pain as

the importants aspects of life is
A. Epicureanism
B. hedonism
C. humanism
D. Stoicism

6. For Plato, the only requirement to achieve happiness is

A. good
B. knowledge
C. love
D. virtue

7. Which of the following is the literal translation of eudamonia?

A human flourishing
B. good-spirited
C. happiness
D. truthfulness

8. The highest human good is

A. enlightenment
B. human flourishing
C. self-actualization
D. virtue

9. Which of the following religions considers freedom from cravings

as spiritual happiness?
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Hinduism
D. Islam

10. Which of the following terms is translated as practical wisdom?

A. arete
B. philia
C. phronesis
D. siphrosune

11. Which of the following statements best describe enframing?

A. it destroys the integrity of human thinking.
B. I is a forceful way of revealing the truth,
C. It reduces nature as a mere reservoir of material resources.
D. It propels the society into technological advancement.

12. Which of the following terms means "bringing forth"?

A. aletheig
B. Gestell
C. poeisis
D. techne

13. The act that brings the hidden into unhiddenness is

A. aletheia
B. Gestell
C. poeisis
D: techne

14. The untying force that ties culture, religion, politics, and society
A, art
B. poetry
C. technology
D. truth

15. Gestell means

A. enframing
B. meditative thinking
C. standing reserve
D. truth

16. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the base need/s of humans is/ are
A. belonging and love
B. esteem
C. safety
D. physiological needs

17. According to Heidegger, the danger of technology is

A. art is eradicated from society
B. calculative thinking becomes the norn
C. humanity becomes a standing-reserve
D. nature becomes a standing-reserve

18. The Memorial Address of Heidegger discusses the

A. art as a way out of enframing
B. danger of technology
C. merits of meditative thinking over calculative thinking
D. technology as a poeisis

19. Which of the following exemplifies the result of meditative

A. determining the optimum amount of preservatives in
B. ensuring that the manufacturing process is environment-
C. maximizing the yield of agricultural crops by applying
fertilizers and pesticides
D. prioritizing efficiency in the industry by using advanced

20. Which of the following is considered a psychological definition

of happiness?
A. It is a complete end by itself.
B. It is a positive feeling that arises from well-being.
C. It is a state of mind that is achieved from spiritual enlightenment.
D. It results from the interplay of factors such as genetics, brain
physiology. hormones, and physical state.

Chapter 7
1. The UDHR was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on
A. 8 December 1940
B. 12 December 1940
C. 10 December 1948
D. 15 December 1948

2. Article 4 of the UDHR states that humans should

A. not be discriminated against
B. not be forced to slavery
C. not be tortured
D. not be threatened

3. How many articles does the UDHR contain?

A. 25
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50

4. Which article of the UDHR states our right to culture and

A. Article 15
B. Article 23
C. Article 27
D. Article 34

5. On the other hand, which article of the ICESCR Covenant

recognizes the right to culture and science?
A. Article 15
B. Article 23
C. Article 27
D. Article 34

6. The ICESCR Covenant was adopted on

A. 12 December 1962
B. 14 December 1964
C. 16 December 1966
D. 18 December 1968

7. In terms of their involvement in science, majority of the general

public are
A. consumers
B. educators
C. practitioners
D. policy-makers

8. Upholding the right to science is a burden of

A. every individual
B. human rights activists
C. science educators
D. scientists and policy-makers

9. The four standard principles considered in making ethical

decisions in medicine are:
A. autonomy, beneficence, justice, non-maleficence
B. autonomy, beneficence, equality, non-maleficence
C. beneficence, justice, non-maleficence, obligation
D. beneficence, justice, non-maleficence, responsibility

10. Which of the following is not a role of cades of ethics?

A, establish standards of conduct
B. formulate rules to govern a practice or discipline
C. protect professionals in case of misconduct
D. manage the expectation of the public in the profession

11. The ethical guideline that arose from the proceedings of the
famed Doctors' Trial in 1945 is the
A. Belmont Report
B. Declaration of Geneva
C. Hippocratic Oath
D. Nuremberg Code

12. Which view on technology considers the dynamic interactions

between technology and social values as a complex web?
A. device paradigm
B. instrumentalist view
C. pluralist view
D. substantive view

13. Who developed the ethical matrix as a tool to assist in ethical

A. Ben Mepham
B. Cynthia Tsay
C. Fiorella Operto
D. Gianmarco Veruggio

14. The principles being considered by the ethical matrix are the
following except for
A. autonomy
B. cost
C. fairess
D. well-being

15. The term roboethics was coined by

A, Isaac Asimov
B. George Devol
C. Gianmarco Veruggio
D. Ray Kurzweil

16, The philosopher who developed the device paradigm is

A. Alber Borgmann
B. Martin Heidegger
C. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
D. Robert Kubey

17. The following technologies were considered by Kurzweil and Joy

as capable of threatening the survival of humanity except for
A. genetic engineering
B. integrated circuit (IC)
C. nanotechnology
D, robotics

18. Sophia the Al robot was granted citizenship in what country?

A. Germany
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Japan
D. United States of America

19. The Unimate was developed by

A. George Devol
B. Isaac Asimov
C. Joseph Engelberger
D. Karel Capek

20. Robots capable of interacting with humans are called

A. humanoid robots
B. personal robots
C. sentient robots
D. social robots

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