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Good Evening ladies and Gentlemen, My name is ___________ and today I would present the

topic of Communicating with employees about significant company changes.

As we all are aware, change in inevitable and constant. Be it whatsoever, employees would be
affected, whether it is mergers, takeovers, objectives set-backs, managerial changes, or
legislative upgrades to the entire organization (Lewis, 2019). Recently it has been witnessed that
companies change their management systems on larger global set-up rather. The impacts would
be challenging irrespective of the size of the business as these changes have to be communicated
not only publicly but also within the organization as functioning would alter accordingly.
Alterations within a business are not always simplified however, involving workers by informing
them empowers during the entire procedure making a huge impact in both aspects the works
experience and result of the change (Sun, Lee, & Tao, 2021). Irrespective of the development
phase, several firms have to deal with changes constantly. Workers have to manage the problems
while handling the adjustment inclusive of issues of redundancies, work pressures and travelling
between remote and blended employment positioning.
It is critical to build a consistent information exchange that can assist staff in anticipating and
navigating transition. Individuals who are going through a shift desire a comprehensive vision of
where they're going. It's critical to disclose everything one learns, inclusive of the
things changing, the timing of change, and the method of change. However, for most change
projects, starting with a narration or tale that clear and concise the "large image" – the reason of
the change is needed and the way it would benefit the company in the long run – is also
beneficial. This should be the starting point for how you convey in regards to the development in
the future (Schwarzmüller et al., 2018).
Transformation is inherently unreliable, insecure, uncomfortable, and risky. However, if the
alteration has a concrete rationale or objective, understanding of the change will be stronger.
Personnel will have a deeper knowledge of business plan if one is able to effectively

Keeping the employees informed and communicating it to them accurately would in-turn give
them enhanced levels of clarity upon the aspects of business. This in-depth understanding and
effective communication keeps employees motivated that helps in keeping high efficiency levels
resulting in higher revenues and profits (Stouten, Rousseau & Cremer, 2018).

The issue

Interaction is important in all aspects of business, but it is particularly important in the

employment. Workers that are alienated and misinformed can have a negative impact on
one’s organization and end result (Yue, Men & Ferguson, 2019). It is critical for businesses to
use strong communication abilities, resources, and tactics in the workplace in order to maximize
productivity and maintain a competitive advantage.
Organizations with a lack of positive contact are more than usually lacking in communication
techniques and instruments. Miscommunication, frustrated staff, stifled creativity, and lower
earnings are all possible outcomes.

As per Lewis (2019), in the circumstance where businesses fail to provide corporate material via
emailing, internet forum programs, conferences, or perhaps even text messaging systems, critical
sections of the business could suffer.
Workers might become frustrated by communication failure, which breeds resentment and
misunderstanding. Employees' confidence and devotion to the organisation could decline if they
don't have strong connections with one another and with leadership, and if they don't feel valued
(Diamantidis & Chatzoglou, 2019). This may result in a greater rate of turnover. If there is a loss
of confidence, a coherent, open culture cannot flourish.
The changes within an organization need to be appropriately communicated to employees,
sometimes there are certain differences that act as a barrier in doing so such as cultural
differences, attitudes, lacking motivation, poor listening skills and poor written communication
skills. According to Schwarzmüller et al. (2018), the improper communication in return causes
problems internally within a business or company.
People come to work in an atmosphere in which they can form bonds with their coworkers and
exchange their thoughts and opinions. Employees can't accomplish their tasks successfully if
they have not been informed about significant changes in the business. This can impair levels of
motivation and morale, resulting in a decreased productivity within a workforce. It can also have
an influence on project completion timeliness, which can harm a company's image.
What does the literature say
Most companies' performance is dependent on communicating effectively. When a company
undergoes transition, interaction becomes further critical in order to successfully execute the
transformation. It has been found that ineffective communication throughout organizational
transition has a detrimental influence on how an organization performs (Latham & Locke, 2018).
Ineffective communication process, for example, can result to opposition to the transition,
rumors, and amplification of the potential drawbacks of the alteration, along with have a
detrimental impact on company environment.
Successful change interaction, according to Latham and Locke (2018), occur when workers
effectively embrace the suggested transition or modifications. Others could consider the amount
of preparation workers have for the shift when evaluating meaningful change interaction. Whilst
there are several interpretations of what makes effective policy management, this development's
approach is founded on Locke's research on goal setting. For more than 30 years, goal setting
study have been studied, and objectives and related link to achievement have spawned a slew of
conceptual constructions. In aspects of precision and complexity, these structures encompass the
goal's essence. For example, the challenging goals give the best results as far as the person's
capacity isn't surpassed and their devotion towards the objective is constant (Yue, Men &
Ferguson, 2019). Furthermore, precise and tough targets result in an enhanced level of
achievement than general goals such as "do your best."
According to McKinsey study, 70% of change projects fail to meet their objectives, owing to
employee dissatisfaction. The Forbes Human Resources Council's 11 scientific consensus in on
how firms can interact successfully with workers while the organization is actively changing
(Keller & Schaninger, 2019).
Examples of companies

John King was named as the new chairman of British Airways in 1981. The firm was found to be
exceedingly unproductive earlier on, with a significant amount of important assets getting lost.
The chairwoman resolved to revamp the rest of the company in order to assist them tranform into
a much more lucrative (Schwarzmüller et al., 2018). He determined that the best reliable
method was to implement a new strategy. The company started reducing its employees shortly

As a result of his interactions and management skills, he was able to steer the company through a
tough period and convert British Airways into a successful company. His efforts to communicate
created a feeling of urgency throughout the organization, preparing employees to accept
transformation. British Airways may have faced personnel resentment and unfavorable headlines
if he hadn't been open about the redundancies. However, Stouten, Rousseau and De Cremer
(2018) mentioned that in handling the shift, the chairman always spoke openly and often.

Corporate communication in big firms may become challenging and hard to control. Which is

why Netflix's communications within the organization are the most efficient practices is to
maintain things as simple as possible (Diamantidis & Chatzoglou, 2019). The majority of talks
amongst board staff and leadership take place in convenient web memoranda. As a result, rapid
queries may be posed, responded, and then saved for future use. Do all one may to simplify it for
everybody in the company to communicate? For instance, the company enables staff to sign in,
see, and participate to their organization's corporate communication.

Starbucks has repeatedly emphasized on the concept of staff members as brand advocates. The
organization's corporate methods of communication guarantee that all the employees are holding
the same vision when it comes to the organization's fundamental beliefs and major offers.
Internal marketing that is applicable to all levels of employee’s rewards well (Sun, Lee & Tao,
2021). Workers that are aware of and trust in the goal, purpose, and service offers are
further inclined to go above and beyond the call of duty.

As the aforementioned companies suggested that transparent and honest communication is

essential along with incorporating the right tools for communication.
Personal recommendation for the solution

In my opinion, communication within an organization is extremely essential during a significant

shift that determines whether or not the change implemented would be successful. For
strategically communicating the change, one must initially know their employees really one by
generally conducting surveys or taking feedbacks. Further, employees should be given the full
picture as to how the change would impact them or if the case maybe, then benefit them. This
approach would give them a deeper understanding for the reason of change along with a clear
vision. Furthermore, along with communicating to the employees what would change in an
organization, one must also communicate what would not change to avoid confusions.

Moreover, the person communicating about the significant change must not be deceitful or
unclear as that would not only impact the productivity and profitability of the firm but would
also stain the brand image. Henceforth, the person communicating must be honest. This
communication must not be delayed rather must be timely for employees to contribute towards
the change and to have a clarified vision. If the change is first advertised on public platforms
instead of internal, companies could face a backlash (Schwarzmüller et al., 2018).

In addition, the organizational change should not only be communicated, but also the responses
should be heard and taken into account as communication is a two way process. This exchange
of interactions would make the employees feel included and if they would be able to get
responses for their concerns on every step of the way, it would be easier to adapt towards the
change (Diamantidis & Chatzoglou, 2019).
Diamantidis, A. D., & Chatzoglou, P. (2019). Factors affecting employee performance: an
empirical approach. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Keller, S., & Schaninger, B. (2019). Getting personal about change.
Latham, G. P., & Locke, E. A. (2018). Goal setting theory: Controversies and resolutions.
Lewis, L. (2019). Organizational change (pp. 406-423). Routledge.
Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Duman, D., & Welpe, I. M. (2018). How does the digital
transformation affect organizations? Key themes of change in work design and
leadership. mrev management revue, 29(2), 114-138.
Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cremer, D. (2018). Successful organizational change:
Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures. Academy of Management
Annals, 12(2), 752-788.
Sun, R., Li, J. Y. Q., Lee, Y., & Tao, W. (2021). The role of symmetrical internal
communication in improving employee experiences and organizational identification
during COVID-19 pandemic-induced organizational change. International Journal of
Business Communication, 23294884211050628.
Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2019). Bridging transformational leadership,
transparent communication, and employee openness to change: The mediating role of
trust. Public relations review, 45(3), 101779.

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