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NAMA : Didin Hafidudin Amir

NIM : 220731011

1. Match the questions and answers.

Where were you Two years

born? ago.
What do you Twice a
do week.
Are you Because I need it for my
married? job.
Why are you Englis I’m an
learning h? engineer.
When did you start rning No, I am
lea English? single.
How often do you e English In
hav classes? Cirebon.

2. Ask and answer questions with partner.

Didin. : “Hi, what is your name
Aksa. : “Hi, my name is Aksa, where do you live?
Didin. : “I live in Depok, where do you live Aksa?”
Didim. : “I Live village Cempaka arum”
Aksa. :” where do you go to college?”
Didin. :”I continue my studies at Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon”.

3. Complete the text with the words in the box.

Has Call Come Cuisine Doesn’t work

Live Hobbies Went Paediatrician ‘m going to continue

Hi, my name’s Alfarabi. My friends
(1)Call me Abi. I’m a student at
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon,
the faculty of
Medicine. I (2) Come from
Kuningan, West Java. I (3) Live with
my parents and two sisters. My father (4) Has a business, but my mother (5) Doesn’t work
My brother (6) Went to work in Surabaya last year.
My (7) Hobbies are cooking and painting. I love cooking, especially Sundanese (8) Cuisine.
After I graduate, I (9) ‘m going to continue my study to be (10) Paediatrician

Senandung is from Bandung. She (1) Was born in Surabaya,
but her family (2) Leisure to Bandung since she was three
years old. In the picture, she (3) Is playing archery. She likes
(4) Spending her (5) Moved time to play archery with her
family. Senandung is an interior d esigner. She has her
own (6) Company

4. Choosing the correct form.
Choose the correct form of the verb.
a. Ferdian : Where does Luki come / Luki come / is Luki coming from? Aldi :
He’s from East Kalimantan.
b. Linda : what means this word / does mean this word / does this word
Suzie : I don’t know, open your dictionary.
c. Yulia : Do you want a chocolate?
Karin : No, thanks. I don’t eat sweet / am not eat sweet / no eat sweet.
d. Ben : What you d o / do you do / are you doing tonight? Jess : I’m going to
the cinema?
e. Mika : Where’s your sister?
Atta : She has / ‘s having / have lunch with mum.
f. Last Tuesday I buy / bought / ‘m buying a new camera.
g. The weekend was boring. I don’t / was not / didn’t do anything.
h. Do you / were you / did you at home last night?
i. Afika is my best friend. She is speaking / speak / speaks three languages.
j. Dilan : I’m going to take my master degree next year.
Bekti : What are you going to / you going to / do you study?

1. Find examples of present, past, and future tenses in part 4.
2. Which tenses are the two verb forms in these sentences?
What is the difference between them?
Aghnia lives with her parents.
She’s living with an Australian family for two months.
3. Match the question words and answers.
What Because she need
…? it.
Who On Monday
Where … ? Rp. 100.000;

When … ? Nasi Jamblang

Why … ? By plane

How many …? In the classroom

How much … ? Akbar

How … ? The green one

Whose … ? Ten

Which … ? It’s mine.

Talking About You
5. Ask and answer questions with a
a. Where do you live?
b. When were you born?
c. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
d. What do you like doing at the
e. What your favourite sport?
f. Where did you go for your last holiday?
Make more questions. And fill the answer on table below:

You: Your Friend:

a. Where do you live? I live in Cirebon
b. When were you born? I was born in Cirebon 26 September 2001
c. Do you have any brothers or I Have one sister and one brother
d. What do you like doing at the My weekend is a family time
e. What your favourite sport? My favourite sport is Foot Ball

f. Where did you go for your last Swimming


6. In groups, ask and answer the questions.

a. Do you like watching movie? I don’t like watching movies, because i’m
b. What sort of movie do you like? Romance and action
c. What are you wearing? I’m wearing a shirt and culottes
d. What is your lecturer wearing? My lecturer wears a shirt and black pants
e. What did you do last night? Just at home doing homework
f. What are you doing after the class end? Go to the canteen to buy snacks
7. Write a paragraph about you, use the text about Alfarabi to help you.
Hi, my name is Didin Hafidudin Amir. My friends call me Din. I’m
student at Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, The faculty of Medicine. I

come from Cirebon, West Java. I live with my uncle. My mother is a
housewife and my Father is a retired soldier . My hobby is anything about
sport. My study to be sports science.

Negatives and
8. Write the correct
a. Goats eat meat. : Goats do not eat meat. They eat grass.
b. The sun rises in the west. : The sun rises do not in the weast. The sun rise
in the east
c. Borobudur temple is in Yogyakarta. : Borobudur do not temple is in
Borobudur temple is in Magelang

d. We are studying French. : We are do not studying French, We are studying

e. Bill Gates started his career at computer software at very young age.: Bill
Gates do not started his career at computer software at very young age,
Bill Gates started his career at computer software at very old age

f. Eiffel Tower was built by the Chinese. : Eiffel Tower was built do not by
the Chinese, Eiffel Tower was built by the paris.

9. What are these words? Write noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition,
past tense.
wrote (past
sandwich (noun) at (adverb) tense)
above (adverb)
polite (adjective) always (adjective)
stay (adverb)
drive (verb) sang (Past tense)

fast (adjective) news (adverb) goose (noun)

10. These words have more than one meaning. Write two sentences that
show different meanings. Use your dictionary.

Word Sentence 1 Sentence 2
Can She can run faster than me. She drink the water from the can.
Train He went to yogyakarta by train The train is moving fast
Play I’m play bicycle I saw the child play ball
Ring she is selling rings I clean he ring because it’s dirty
Book I borrow a book in the library I’m reading a book in class
Kind he has all kinds of cats he has 3 kinds of book titles
Mean she has a very meaning doll family means a lot to us
Flat her face is so flat scientists say the earth is flat

Write a similar letter to your best friend, and write about these things:
▪ Your class
▪ Your new friends
▪ Your favourite subjects
▪ The lecturers
▪ How you go to campus
▪ What student association you choose

Dear Devina

Hai Dena, how are you? hope you are well. I studied at the University of
Muhammadiyah Cirebon, here I got new lessons and new friends. Well, i'll tell you
one by one.

This is my third week of my study here as a sports science student. I am

very interesting because i meet new friends. my class consist of 20 students, the are 7
females anda 13 males. this 1 take 10 subjects. i study from monday to friday.

I have a lot new friends here, they are very nice and fun. They have
different character, and they also have various sport achieveents,

namely basketball, futsal, soccer, karate, pencak silat, sepaktakraw,

volleyball and other.

My favourite subjects are swimming, satistics and gymnastics. But all
the course i like but swimming, statistik and gymnastics course.

I study at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon the faculty of health

sciences, the study program of sports science.

I went to campus using private vehicle, namely a motorbike. I leave for

campus at 06.30am and arrive at campus at 06.50am. And
finished the course at 17.10pm and arrived home at 17.30pm.

I follow the student assosiation of sport science and participate in

the student activities of fitness and perfomance and ikor english club.

Until here the letter i sent. Have a nice day.


10 | G e n e r a l E n g l i s h / U n i v e r s i t a s M u h a m m a d i y a h C i r e b o n

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