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Study Plan: Pre-Intermediate Level (A2)

Month 1 // 18 learning hours

Hours Lesson Topic Grammar/Vocabulary Topics Homework
1-1.5 Review Review A1 level grammar and Song activity
vocabulary, icebreakers, games, useful Reading test
tools for language learning
1.5-3 Tell me about yourself V: geography, spelling, numbers Create a social media
G: word order in questions profile
L: How my town has changed Watch Extra English
SP: introducing yourself episode 1
3-4.5 What do they look like? V: adjectives of appearance and Quizlet
personality Watch Extra English
G: present simple/present continuous episode 2
SP: describe a picture
W: write a biography of someone you
know well
4.5-6 What were you doing V: common verb phrases 1 Write down everything
when the bell rang? G: past simple/past continuous you do between
SP: board game lessons and tell us
L: What were you doing at the time of about it next lesson
the murder?
6-7.5 Chicken or fish? V: Food, drinks, kitchen, restaurant Watch Extra English
G: Modal verbs episode 11
R: online restaurant reviews
SP: ordering food in a restaurant
7.5-9 Tomorrow there’s a V: weather, seasons, important life Watch Extra English
chance of showers events episode 22
G: Future time clauses and making Song activity
L: crazy weather forecast
SP: How likely do you think it is?
9-10.5 What’s the matter? V: body parts and medicine Video quiz
G: defining relative clauses Quizlet
SP: going to the doctor
R: important medical discoveries
10.5-12 And the gold medal V: Sports and hobbies Watch Extra English
goes to... G: present perfect/past simple episode 12
L: Sports in the UK Reading test
SP: board game
12-13.5 The most interesting V: adverbs/-ed and –ing adjectives Watch Extra English
thing happened... G: comparatives and superlatives episode 21
SP: Would you rather?
W: blog post about an interesting day
13.5-15 Reduce, reuse, recycle! V: the environment, natural disasters Song activity
G: 1st conditional Grammar video quiz
R: Water consumption
SP: How can we improve our city’s
15-16.5 Life in an English- V: British vs American English Quizlet
speaking country G: question tags Listening test
L: travel videos
SP: Interview a traveller
16.5-18 IELTS Preparation Reading strategies, Speaking skills Record your own

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