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Conurbation is the connection of two or more megacities and it consists of the
cities, towns, satellite towns, minor communities etc. Conurbation is formed by
mixing of several expanding towns or cities. They play an important role with the
urban development and urban ecology. An example of conurbation is Delhi NCR
region which consists of Delhi and adjacent Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
The conurbation occurs along the main transportation route which connects the
two or more cities.
It present a picture of massive urban growth and expansion and it is also a part of
urban ecology.
It is also functionally related to the bigger metro cities
Conurbation leads to formation of many new industries, skyscrapers, horizontal
urban development, development of residential colonies and also slums in the
industrial areas.
Because of conurbation there also occurs fusion of different cultures and fusion of
diverse civilisation which leads to mixing of new culture and diversification of it.
The cities which experience conurbation faces fast population growth as well there
is growth in industrial and technical development.
There is also a large population difference in these cities than that in the existing
Wide variety of industries get developed in this region and are operated here which
provides job opportunity to many people in the city and the adjacent rural areas.
Due to conurbation the transport facility gets developed and the quality of the
communication system is excellent. The transportation facilities are good and so
this acts as a great shopping center for the nearby areas as they have many
resources and is also inexpensive.
Financially it is also flexible as different job opportunity of wide spectrum are
available in these areas and people get employment opportunities because of this.
For a mineral rich area conurbation occurs with development of industries and
different areas develop and then form a metropolitan region hence known as a
Due to excellent transportation facilities people can stay far away from work
location but still don’t face much problem and this leading to expansion of city.
Trade and commerce scope is also increased due to easy access and connection
between the national routes.
Conurbation provide market for both industrial products and agricultural products
hence it provides employement to large number of people whether skilled or
The population pressure becomes low in rural areas as people migrate to
conurbation from rural areas and hence they can get better education and health
These also lead to innovation and development and upgradation of the existing
environment by creating competition among themselves and hence helping with
the growth of economy.
There is full utilisation of resources and used to it’s full potential.
Due to formation of high skyscrapers, parks, amusement parks and attractive
buildings it attracts more tourists and significantly contribute to country’s growth.
Conurbation are urban growth occuring continuously along the transportation path
which connects the different growing cities. They represent fusion of different
civilization and different cultures and this leads to new ways pf life. These are really
essential for economic growth of the city and also provide a lot of employment
opportunities to people irrespective of their skills but unplanned and haphazard
growth of such area might lead to many problems such as creation of slums and
lack of other civic amenities hence proper planning should be done and executed.

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