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Table 2. Perception of the Student-Athletes in terms of Positive Experience as to Self-Perceived

A. Self-Perceived Challenges Mean SD

1. Set aside unnecessary things to stay focus on 3.95 0.21 Always

the game.
3.91 0.29 Always
2. Handle the demands of a situation.
3.80 0.40 Always
3. Clearly know what I am supposed to do.
3.77 0.42 Always
4. Beat my opponents.
3.85 0.36 Always
5. Beat my previous best performance.
3.86 0.35 Always
6. Reach optimal performance levels.
7. Keep abreast of new ideas and refined my 3.80 0.40 Always
skills during training
3.91 0.29 Always
8. Commit in doing the assigned task.
Overall Mean 3.86 0.16 Always

Legend: 4.00-3.01 = Always; 3.00-2.01 = Often; 2.00-1.01 = Sometimes; 1.00-0 = Never

Table 2 presents the mean perception of the student athletes in terms of positive

experience as to self-perceived challenges. The data revealed that the number 1 statement “Set

aside unnecessary things to stay focus on the game.” obtained the highest mean score of “3.95”

with a verbal interpretation of “Always”. On the other hand, statement number 5 “Beat my

opponents.” obtained the lowest mean of “3.77” with a verbal interpretation of “Always”.

Generally, the overall computed mean value of student-athletes perceptions of their positive

experiences is "3.86" with the verbal interpretation of "Always”, in accordance with self-

perceived challenges. The result of this finding showed that most of the respondents are
competitive in the competition. This means that respondents are highly confident in every

challenge they face. They set asides things that can distract them and keep on competing even

though how strong their opponents are.

In accordance with this result some players, are willing to overcome this distractions so

they can continuously focus on participating sports events. According to Brigthaus (2017). Any

sport requires a high level of concentration. The focus of a player must be entirely on the task at

hand. If not, there's a good probability that both the player and the rest of the squad will suffer.

According to Cohn (2021) claims that difficult opponents frequently result in difficult games but

do not always result in defeat. You will feel more ready to fight for every point throughout the

match if you train and get ready to compete against tough opponents.

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