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Name: Jennifer D. Avila Section: BSE-English 2B.

Date: September 7, 2022

Activity Sheet 1.1

Answer the following questions/learning tasks briefly yet substantially (with at least 50-words).
General Format:
Times New Roman (12), (1.5) spacing, paginated (footer, right corner), short-size bond paper,
one-inch margin (all sides)

Note: Kindly observe PROPER GRAMMAR while answering the activity. Thank you.

1. Before the interview of Briones, a discussion of the following authorities was shown. What
were their perspectives about the reasons why students lacked reading comprehension?
A. Teacher
● According to her, the students are spending more time on their gadgets and they
forget to focus on the correct grammar. She felt sad but still hoped for the students
to learn because she believes that there's a lot of motivation for students to learn.

B. Principal 1
● According to her, it is frustrating because they are trying to do their best. The
teachers are really pushed to their limits to deliver better quality education. But
despite all the measures they are still not doing anything better to improve the
quality of education.

C. Principal 2
● According to him, as a teacher they must do their best or do everything for
students to learn. Also, he stated that they must perform their duty where it is
consistent with their profession.

2. With the separate ambush interviews given to the authorities mentioned in Q1, are all their
answers acceptable? Justify your answer.

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● Yes, because based on their answers they have a point. As a teacher they must do their
best to teach their students because it is their responsibility to make their students learn,
especially on their reading comprehension. Spending more time on their gadgets can
affect their academic performance. They are aware that their role as a teacher is to help
students learning by educating them in which students will learn effectively.

3. The results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA, 2018) in Reading
Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Global Competence, showed how the students in the private
schools outweighed those in the government schools in terms of their performance. What do you
think could be the possible reasons for such results? Justify.
● I think of poverty and hunger because students who live in poverty frequently lack the
resources they need at home to finish their homework, study, or take part in other
activities that will help them succeed in school. Hunger and inadequate nutrition have a
severe impact on a student's ability to learn and on their physical development. It had
been discovered that youngsters who received sufficient nourishment were more likely to
be literate than those who did not.

4. Identify the five reasons for the students' lack of reading comprehension. Discuss each with
the explanation that transpired in the interview.

1st Reason
● Hunger is the first reason because the capacity to comprehend, to read and to learn is
linked to nutrition. That's why they are expanding the feeding program for students.

2nd Reason
● Poverty is the second reason because it has negative effects on how children's brains
grow, youngsters from low-income families frequently aren't ready to learn to read.
Children who live in poverty experience physical, social-emotional, and cognitive effects.
Insufficient nutrition and bad health have an impact on children's capacity to concentrate.

3rd Reason

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● The third reason is the level of spending on education because it mentioned there that the
global standard is at least five to six percent of the GDP and in terms of budget which is
the largest budget in the entire public financial system.

4th Reason
● Based on my understanding about the class size problem is because there are more
students to supervise in larger classrooms which can be more distracting. In a large
classroom, teachers may not be as able to pinpoint each student's individual talents and
limitations as they could in a smaller one.

5th Reason
● I think the fifth reason is the lack of facilities because it was mentioned in the interview
that not all the students have access to the internet. Some of the students are from far
away islands, which don't have technologies or gadgets that they can use for their
learning. That's why they are accelerating the provision of facilities.

5. Do you think the reasons mentioned are acceptable? Justify your answer.
● Yes, because their reasons are commonly seen in student situations which affects their
learning in school. We are all aware of how crucial reading comprehension is for
improving reading effectiveness and enjoyment as well as for academic, professional, and
personal success.

6. How do we compete and raise our students to a global level in terms of reading to enable them
to become globally competitive?
● Reading comprehension exercises are among the simplest techniques to help students
develop their minds. Young individuals can learn to absorb and comprehend every piece
of knowledge they come across by receiving an education. To succeed, students must be
globally competent, which means they must have the awareness, aptitude, and knowledge
necessary to comprehend, successfully navigate, and thrive in this increasingly globalised

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7. Give two suggestions (based on personal experience) on how reading can be best taught.

1. Suggestion
● In my opinion, I think we can teach children through telling them a story to give them
ideas. This assists them in developing their own vocabulary and enhances their listening
comprehension, both of which are crucial when they begin to read.

2. Suggestion
● I have a nephew who loves watching Cocomelon songs which he learned and familiarize
the alphabets, numbers, letters and the colors. He is 2 years old but I know that when he
goes to kindergarten he could easily learn to read because by watching this enhances his
listening comprehension. We are in a modern world in which technology is easily
accessible so children can watch this because one of the purposes of this is for education.
So when they are at the elementary level they must be limited on using gadgets because it
also has disadvantages for them to focus on their reading comprehension.

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