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Desafio do Verbo Irregular

49 verbos em 7 dias

Infinitive Past  Past 

day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

was, /wɒz/ He was my student.

be /biː/ been /biːn/ ser, estar I am your Teacher.
were /wɜː/ They were my neighbors.
beat /biːt/ beat /biːt/ beaten /ˈbiːtən/ bater, espancar He beat the man. They beat his enemy last night.
day 1

become /bɪˈkʌm/ became /bɪˈkeɪm/ become /bɪˈkʌm/ tornar-se you want to become a Teacher. She became a teacher.
begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ began /bɪˈɡæn/ begun /bɪˈɡʌn/ começar, iniciar I need to begin now. He began yesterday.
bet /bɛt/ bet /bɛt/ bet /bɛt/ apostar I bet he can do it. I bet she could do it.
bite /baɪt/ bit /bɪt/ bitten /ˈbɪtən/ morder Take a bite. You might like the taste of it. The dog bit me.
blow /bləʊ/ blew /bluː/ blown /bləʊn/ soprar Blow the candle. The wind blew the papers off the table.

Infinitive Past  Past 

day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

break /breɪk/ broke /brəʊk/ broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ quebrar, romper Don´t break anything, please. They broke the window.
bring /brɪŋ/ brought /brɔːt/ brought /brɔːt/ trazer Bring me a piece of cake, please. He brought me a gift.
day 2

build /bɪld/ built /bɪlt/ built /bɪlt/ construir They want to build a dog´s house. They built many houses.
buy /baɪ/ bought /bɔːt/ bought /bɔːt/ comprar I need to buy a new car. They bought a beautiful house.
choose /tʃuːz/ chose /tʃəʊz/ chosen /ˈtʃəʊˈsɛn/ escolher I have to choose where to go on vacation. She chose London.
come /kʌm/ came /keɪm/ come /kʌm/ vir Come here and read this. She came home late.
cut /kʌt/ cut /kʌt/ cut /kʌt/ cortar; reduzir Does this knife cut well? I cut my finger last night. It´s painful now.
Desafio do Verbo Irregular
49 verbos em 7 dias
Infinitive Past  Past 
day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

do /duː/ did /dɪd/ done /dʌn/ fazer I have to do my homework I did it.
draw /drɔː/ drew /druː/ drawn /drɔːn/ desenhar Can you draw a circle? She drew a beautiful moon.
day 3
drink /drɪŋk/ drank /dræŋk/ drunk /drʌŋk/ beber Can I drink some water? She drank a lot last night.
drive /draɪv/ drove /drəʊv/ driven /ˈdrɪvən/ dirigir Can you drive? She drove all the way back home.
eat /iːt/ ate /ɛt/ eaten /ˈiːtn/ comer I would like to eat something now. He ate a piece of pie.
feel /fiːl/ felt /fɛlt/ felt /fɛlt/ sentir How do you feel today? I felt terrible taking to her about the accident.
find /faɪnd/ found /faʊnd/ found /faʊnd/ achar, encontrar I need to find my keys I found an old English notebook.

Infinitive Past  Past 

day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

fly /flaɪ/ flew /fluː/ flown /fləʊn/ voar, pilotar They don´t like to fly. We flew to San Francisco last summer.
forgot, /fəˈɡɒt/
forget /fəˈɡɛt/ forgot /fəˈɡɒt/ esquecer I can´t forget her birthday. I forgot to call my mom.
forgotten /fəˈɡɒtən/
day 4

forgive /fəˈɡɪv/ forgave /fəˈɡeɪv/ forgiven /fəˈgɪvn/ perdoar Please, forgive me. I am so ashamed. He forgave her mistakes.
got, /ɡɒt/
get /ɡɛt/ got /ɡɒt/ obter, conseguir I need to get some more milk. He got the flu and I had to stay home.
gotten /ˈɡɒtən/
give /ɡɪv/ gave /ɡeɪv/ given /ˈɡɪvən/ dar, conceder I need to give you my businesscard. She gave me a pair of shoes for my birthday.
go /ɡəʊ/ went /wɛnt/ gone /ɡɒn/ ir I go to church every weekend. We went home early.
have /hæv/ had /hæd/ had /hæd/ ter I have awesome friends. We had cake for dessert.

Infinitive Past  Past 

day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)
I already knew how to read when I went to
know /nəʊ/ knew /njuː/ known /nəʊn/ saber, conhecer I know your cousin.
Can I leave my keys with you in case
leave /liːv/ left /lɛft/ left /lɛft/ deixar, partir They left before us.
something happens?
day 5

lend /lɛnd/ lent /lɛnt/ lent /lɛnt/ dar emprestado Can you lend me this book. She lent him some money.
lose /luːz/ lost /lɒst/ lost /lɒst/ perder he always loses his celphone. I lost my keys.
make /meɪk/ made /meɪd/ made /meɪd/ fazer, fabricar I want to make a carrot cake today. It´s made in Brazil.
I met your sister at the supermarket last
meet /miːt/ met /mɛt/ met /mɛt/ encontrar, conhecer Can you meet me later?
He wants to pay less than that for a pair of
pay /peɪ/ paid /peɪd/ paid /peɪd/ pagar I paid all my bills this morning.
Desafio do Verbo Irregular
49 verbos em 7 dias
Infinitive Past  Past 
day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

put /pʊt/ put /pʊt/ put /pʊt/ colocar, pôr Put your bag here. I put my car over there.
read /riːd/ read /rɛd/ read /riːd/ ler I have to read this book. They read it on the newspaper.
day 6

run /rʌn/ ran /ræn/ run /rʌn/ correr, concorrer They run every morning. She ran faster when she saw him.
say /seɪ/ said /sɛd/ said /sɛd/ dizer I say it’s a bad idea. He said he is not coming.
see /siː/ saw /sɔː/ seen /siːn/ ver I need to see her tomorrow. We saw it on tv.
sell /sɛl/ sold /səʊld/ sold /səʊld/  vender I want to sell my house. He sold his car.
send /sɛnd/ sent /sɛnt/ sent /sɛnt/ mandar, enviar Send me a text msg please. She sent him an e-mail.

Infinitive Past  Past 

day Translation Presente Passado
(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio)

sleep /sliːp/ slept /slɛpt/ slept  /slɛpt/ dormir I never sleep until late. I slept for nine hours last night.
speak /spiːk/ spoke /spəʊk/ spoken /ˈspəʊkən/ falar She speaks English and Italian. I spoke with her about you.
day 7

spend /spɛnd/ spent /spɛnt/ spent /spɛnt/ gastar, passar tempo I don´t spend a lot of time at home. She spent a lot of money.
steal /stiːl/ stole /stəʊl/ stolen /stəʊl/ roubar They steal cars. The thieves stole her car.
take /teɪk/ took /tʊk/ taken /ˈteɪkən/ tomar, pegar, aceitar How long does it take? We took a taxi home at the end of the night.
tell /tɛl/ told /təʊld/ told /təʊld/ contar (uma história) Can you tell me more about your project? I told you it wasn´t going to work.
think /θɪŋk/ thought /θɔːt/ thought /θɔːt/ pensar I can´t stop thinking about you. He thought about it all day long.
Desafio do Verbo Irregular
49 verbos em 7 dias

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