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The Child and Adolescent learners and learning principles

NAME OF STUDENT: Arnyl Kevin S. Gador
SESSION: Saturday and Sunday

Direction: Cite at least 5 big ideas from this module. Give a concrete application of each in your personal


1. Every child has the right to grow up as free Every child has the right to freedom and peace. So
individual. a child should not be the victim of the pressure of
their parents who would try to force them in order
to influence them in their opinion who would
prevent them from expressing themselves freely. A
child should live a life free from any form of
violence and deserves to grow up in a sage and
peaceful environment.

2. Every child is endowed with dignity and worth Every child must be respected and treated fairly.
of a human being from the moment of his There are responsible parents. On the other hand,
conception, as generally accepted in medical there are also parent who are abusive and
parlance, and has therefore, the right to be born irresponsible. We should be accountable for what
well. we have done especially for doing human

3. Every child has the right to wholesome family We cannot deny the fact that there are some
that will provide him with love, care and families abandoned their own child due to lack of
understanding, guidance and counseling, moral and family planning, teenage pregnancy and many
material security. more. Some parents deprived their children from
the love and care that they need and this is alarming
situation. It is a must that the parents should
provide the basic needs and support of their

4. Every child has the right to an education No one shall be deprived from education regardless
commensurate with his abilities and the of their status in life, condition or disposition.
development of his skills. Nowadays, education is very reachable especially
to those less privilege due to lack of financial
support. Government has a program to those less
fortunate citizens of the Philippines to address the
dilemma of out of school youth. Since the program
is established, parents should play their part to
support their children all throughout in reaching
their dreams. Children must be guided and
supported by their parents as well.
The Child and Adolescent learners and learning principles
5. Every child has the right to care, and protection As seen in the news recently, many cases that the
of the state. child are abused, kidnapped and killed and worst
case is being raped. Good thing we have our law
protecting our youth to ensure that the respect and
rights to each child is protected. Children are
entitled to live, to be loved because someday if they
already grown up they contribute and share in
building of a better world.

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