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LESSON PLAN (Practical)


Date: 12th October, 2016

Class: Std 3

No. of Students: 25 Boys: 12 Girls: 13

Age Range: 9-10

No. present:


Subject: Physical Education

Topic: Throwing and Catching

Duration of Lesson: 35 – 40 mins.

Johnathan Dumont
Previous Knowledge/Experience/Skills:

Students have played games involving throwing and catching but they do not know the correct

techniques. They have also seen the game of cricket and some students would have played small-

sided games of windball cricket.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Psychomotor - throw the ball to their partner 5 metres away using the proper technique.

-execute a high catch using the proper technique.

Cognitive - describe the proper techniques for throwing and catching.

Affective - cooperate with their peers to complete given tasks.

Equipment: 5 tennis balls

Resources: 4 cones

Description of Facilities:

Moderate noise levels throughout the class session due to the class being practical. Students can

be easily distracted by the continuous movement by persons on the outside the of classroom

facility. Due to the marked-off area, the students can be better monitored and controlled.

Johnathan Dumont

5 INTRODUCTORY Get into personal space  Avoid contact with class-

Mins. mates.
 Swing arms to ensure that you
are touching no one or

Move around in general space  Swing arms

- Walk
- Jog  Jog on balls of feet
Short game of Simon says

SKILL -Do anything with the ball in

DEVELOPMENT personal space
5 -Do something different
Mins. Individual Work Teacher demonstrates the skills When throwing:
of Throwing and Catching.  Hold the ball with the fingers
-In personal space throw the  Bring throwing arm back and
ball into the air and catch it release ball in intended
with both hands direction.
-Use the other hand to throw  Point the hand in the direction
the ball you want the ball to go.
 Use the non-throwing arm for
 With opposite leg forward,
bend knees and extend as you
are releasing the ball.
 Follow through with the
throwing arm.

5 Pair Work Throwing and Catching in pairs Reinforce previous teaching

Johnathan Dumont
Mins. points
-Throw ball to partner standing
5 metres away When catching:
 Look at the ball
 Get under the ball
 Put little fingers to bring
palms together
 Spread fingers apart
 Face palms towards the ball
 Catch the ball at eye level.
 Cushion the ball so it does not
bounce off palms.

10 Group Work - In one group of 12 and

Mins. another of 13, students will - Reinforce previous teaching points.
form 2 lines.
xxxx ------------ xxxx
Throw the ball to the person in
the other line and run to the
back of your line/the other line.

5 SKILL In the same organisation,

Mins. APPLICATION students compete to see which
group finishes first.

2 EVALUATION Observation during the lesson

Questions: 1.What are some of

Johnathan Dumont
the key points to remember
when throwing?
2. What must we do when
Demonstration: students
would demonstrate the skills of
throwing and catching

- Find personal space.

- Move about slowly in
designated area.
3 FINAL -At the sound of the clap Breathe slowly
Mins ACTIVITY / pretend you are picking up a - In through the nose and out
Cool Down coin on the floor. through the mouth.



Johnathan Dumont

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