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(Affiliated to CBSE)

Periodic test – II (December 2021-22)


Class 4th

Time- 1 hour M.M. 40

Section-A (Reading)

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. (1*7=7)

The word "Hiking means a long walk or walking tour. Hikers are found everywhere in the world. Some men are great
hikers. Their only interest is to go on a bike. They go for a hike up the hills and mountains, along the banks of a river and
through the fields. Therefore there are many places for hiking.

Hiking is a kind of physical exercise. Our legs, arms and other parts of the body are in motion. Therefore, it provides
good physical exercise and keeps us physically fit. Hiking through the countryside gives us a feeling of being
independent. There is independent of the mind as well. We are away from the noise and din of the city life While walk
through the countryside which is very calm and quiet a mental peace. We walk the way we wish. No discipline is
required to be observed. We can chat and gossip from for a long period of time.

Moreover, while on a hike, we can give free vent to our emotions and feelings. Our suppressed thoughts can be
expressed during our hiking tours. We can inhale plenty of fresh air. The air of the gardens and the open places
meadows is loaded with sweet smell of flowers and is without any dirt.

1. While hiking, one can _____________(a) chat (b) chat and gossip (c) do nothing
2. In hiking, our ________are in motion. (a) arms and legs (b) other parts of the body (c) both of these
3. Hiking keeps us physically fit as it provides us ___________a) adventure (b) good physical exercise
4. During a hiking tour we can chat and gossip only. (True or False)
5. While Hiking, we can-not inhale fresh air. (True or False)
6. What is the meaning of ‘Hiking’?
7. Where are hikers found?

Section-B (Writing)

2. Notice Writing :- Imagine you are Ruhi/Rahul, head girl/boy, the monitor of Class VB , of Jain Public School. The
Principal of your school has asked you to inform all the students of class V to attend a meeting tomorrow in room
number 20. Write a notice in your words informing the students about the meeting.

Section-C (Grammar)

3. Do as directed. (1*9=9)

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions. (2)

1. I can’t speak French _______ I can speak English. ( so / but )

2. She was ill, ____________she stayed at home. ( if / so )

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives. (2)

1. Apples are _________than bananas. (cheap / cheaper / cheapest)

2. I think she is the _________ singer. ( good / better/ best)

C. Underline an interrogative adjective in the following sentences. (2*0.5=1)

1. Which shirt do you like? 2. Whose book is this?

D. Rewrite the sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. (3)

1. they are the children of mr and mrs kapur.

2. Who are reena and rohan

3. Sudha said, Reena is my best friend.

E. Rewrite the sentence using conjunction given in the bracket. (1)

1. Do you have a pen? Do you have a pencil? (Or)


4. Read the following extract and answer the questions. (1*3=3)

‘I’ ll tell you the leaves came down’,

The great Tree to his children said:

You’re getting sleepy, Yellow and Brown,

very sleepy, little Red

It is quite time to go to bed.

1. Who tell the story of the falling of leaves in the poem?

2. Who are Yellow, Brown, and little Red in the poem?
3. To whom ‘The great tree’ telling the story?

5. Write the meanings of the given words. 1. Annals 2. Bulging (2)

6. Make Sentences. 1. Miracle 2. Nectar (2)

7. Write forms of verb. 1. Grow 2. Beg (2)

8. Write antonyms - Above, Difficult (2)

9. Write synonyms - Small, Reply (2)

10. Answer the questions. (Do any two). (2*2=4)

Q1. Where did the bear chief spot Gowk?

Q2. Why did Rakesh and grandfather look at the tree in wonder one day?

Q3. Why did people slap on Gowk's head?

11. Multiple choice question. (1*3=3)

1. Who loved the dancing?

a. Bear. b. Gowk c. Cheetah
2. The tiny birds pecked
a. at the leaves b. at the branches c. at the blossoms
3. The cherry tree had no intention of______________
a. Dying b. Blossoming c. Growing again.

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