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Subject: English
I. Choose the correct options and fill in the blanks.
1) -------------was the station master. ( Mr Bose / Mr Ghosh )
2) The little boy was surprised to see the ----------mice in the station master’s house.
( black/ white )
3) The little boy’s ----------comes to Lucknow to receive him. ( grandfather / grandmother)
4) ------------dashed out of his room screaming. ( Uncle Keny / Uncle Ken)
5) The ---------was stunned to see William’s friends at home. ( guard / cook)
2. Make Sentences.
a) thought b) full of
3. Answer the questions.
a) What was the gift given to the boy as he left Lucknow?
b) What did grandfather write to Mr Ghosh?
4. Complete the sentence.
a) After dinner , I slipped ------------.
NOTE: All the work to be done in English Project copy.

fo"k; & fgUnh

क. िन निल खत के उ र दो –
1. ‘बूँद का है कमाल’ क वता के अनुसार वषा से धरा पर या - या
प रवतन होते ह ?
2. भाषा कसे कहते ह ? भाषा के कतने कौशल ह ? उनके नाम िल खए।
3. मुरली को दे खकर मोती ने या सोचा?
4. जब मोती को लेकर मुरली राजमहल म पहुँचा तब या हुआ ?
ख. खाली थान भरो –
5. हं द हमार --------- है ।
6. सुनना और बोलना भाषा के -------- प ह ।
7. मोती क पदवी िछन गई य क उसने अपने -------- को मार डाला।
ग. सह / गलत िलखो ।
8. पंजाबी भाषा क िल प रोमन है ।
9. बोली का े सीिमत होता है ।
10. राजा साहब ने मुरली को एक हजार पए इनाम म दए ।
Subject: Mathematics
Note: Holiday Assignment is to be done in Maths CW copy.
1. Write the following numbers in words
a) 516,809,543
b) 3,68,26,856
2. Find the sum of the place values of each digit of the number 78,90,87,674.
3. Find the difference of the two sums, 1674581 + 480541 and 23427 + 23243.
4. A factory manufactured 48,13,685 toys in three weeks. The production in first week was
20,46,345 toys and in second week was 12,38,152 toys. Find the production in the third
5. What should be added to 79,415 to make it the greatest five-digit number?
6. Find the product of the successor of the largest 5 digit number and the predecessor of the
smallest 4 digit odd number.
7. A car factory manufactures 5789 cars each month. How many cars will be manufactured
in the factory in 5 years?
8. If the quotient is 57, the divisor is 45 and the remainder is 29, find the dividend.
9. Solve and write the answers in Roman Numerals.
a) MMD ÷ L =
c) XC + CMXCIX =
10. Divide and check. 7897560 ÷ 235
I) Fill in the blanks :-
1) The growth of a baby plant from a seed is called _____________________.
2) Mushrooms and fern plants grow from ______________________.
II) Name the following :-
1) Any two animals which swim with the help of flippers.
2) Any two plants which grow from leaves.
III) Answer the following questions :-
Q-1 Define agriculture.
Q-2 What do you mean by camouflage?
Q-3 What are cotyledons? Give two examples each of monocot and dicot seeds.
Q-4 Why do animals migrate from one place to another?
Q-5 Write any three adaptations in camels that help them to survive in the desert
Q-6 Write the organs for breathing in following animals :-
a) Birds-
b) Crab-
c) Prawn-
d) Earthworm-
e) Cockroach-
Note: Assignment to be done in the General Science CW copy.
Instruction : Assignments to be done in the S.St classwork copy:
I. Fill in the blanks: (Write complete sentences)
1. The layer of air that surrounds the Earth is called_______________.
2. Huge landmasses on the surface of the Earth are called _____________.
3. The network of latitudes and longitudes is known as _________.
I. Name them:(Write complete sentences)
1. A person who studies and makes maps.
2. The longest latitude on the globe.
3. A book of maps.
II. Answer these questions: (Write questions also)
1. Write any four features of latitudes.
2. What is atmosphere?
3. Define the following: i) Axis ii) Globe
4. Write the names of seven continents in increasing order of size.

Bokaro Steel City
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK – 2022 - 2023

Class : V
Dear Students
Summer Vacation is a welcome break but…… Good Habits and Good Manners are life long assets and manners
must be practiced until they become a habit.
Four magic words that are basics of good manners are – Please, Thank you, Excuse me and Sorry. Make these
four words a habit and see the difference.
Try to practice these manners -
Manners :
At home :
 Help to keep the house clean especially the areas you use. Clear the toys, books or crafts that
remain after you have finished.
 Honesty is the best policy. Tell the truth at all times.
 Be polite.
 Share the T.V time. Do not sit too close while watching T.V.
 Be fair with your friends, brothers and sisters.
 Be responsible.
At the dining table :
 Take small helpings and refill, clean your plate up.
 Take small bites, eat neatly, slowly with your mouth closed.
 Help to clear the table and clean up.
In the park :
 Littering makes the park untidy.
 Destroying the plants or plucking the flowers will spoil the beauty.
 Wait for your turn on swing and slides.
At a party :
 Wish the host.
 Don't mess up somebody's house.
While shopping :
 Softly ask your parent for what you want. If refused, don't throw a tantrum.
 Be careful, don't touch any breakable item.
On the telephone :
 If there are no elders around, don't let the phone ring long, answer it.
 Talk softly when someone is speaking on the phone and don't interrupt.
Hygiene :
 Brush your teeth twice a day.
 Do trim your nails often.
 Do not waste water and electricity.
 Keep your surroundings and environment clean. It is bad habit to throw things out of the window,
car or a balcony.
 Make friends having good habits who respect their elders and use good language.
Be Eco-Friendly :
 Plant trees and conserve your natural resources

Sub: English
1. Do pages 2 to 20 of your Cursive Writing Book.
2. Make a travelogue of any tourist destination of India. (Scrap Book)
Travelogue ---- a) How to travel?
b) Location
c) Places of tourist interest
d) Climate
e) Cuisine
f) Festivals
g) Handicrafts
3. Make an English dictionary. Your dictionary will have one word and phrase taken from any English
newspaper for 20 days. You are supposed to write the meaning of the word and phrase with its usage.
( in a thin copy)
4. Draw a picture of a scenery and pick out 2 nouns, 2 adjectives and 2 verbs.
5. Book Review – Read a story book and write about the story why you liked it.
NOTE --- NO 4 and NO 5 to be done in English project copy.


1- Ifj;kstuk dk;Z ¼ Integrated ½ vuqPNsn ys[ku fo"k; ^ [ksydwn dk egRROk * foKku fo"k; ds lkFkA
2- ^o"kkZ _rq* fo"k; ij vkB&nl okD; fy[kks A
3- ^ fcuk fdlh 'kqHk xq.k ds ;'k ugha feyrk * 1 i`"B lqy[
s k fy[kksA
4- gkFkh ds LoHkko [kku&iku rFkk mldh mi;ksfxrk ds ckjs esa tkudkjh ,df=r djksA
5- ^ iznw"k.k * fo"k; ij ,d lqanj &lh LOkjfpr dfork fy[kks A

Subject: Mathematics
Note: Q2 and Q4 are to be done in the Maths Activity Copy.
(To be done on the same chart paper with SST Integrated Project).
Write the lengths of the National Highways in the following states of our country.
a) Arrange these lengths in descending order.
b) What is the total length of all National Highways in India?
c) Find the difference between the total lengths of National Highways in Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh.
d) Write the length of the National Highway of Maharashtra in the expanded form.
e) Draw the logo of the National Highway Authority of India (as given below)

Q2. The letters of the English alphabet depict the numbers as given below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Decode the words and solve the following.
For example – M – 3 , A – 1 , T – 0. MAT – 310
a) Product of WORLD and LOVE is ______
b) When MOON is divided by COED , we get _____
c) Subtract FLOWER from the sum of POSTCARD and GREETING.
Q3. Draw the following table on a half sheet of chart paper and complete.
S. Event Write the date as DD/MM/YY in Picture
No Roman Numerals
1. Gandhi Jayanti Example:

2. Independence Day of India DD/MM/YYYY Draw or paste the picture of our

National Flag
3. National Mathematics Day DD/MM Draw or paste the picture of S.
4. National Youth Day DD/MM Draw or paste the picture of
Swami Vivekananda
Please Note: DD means Date as two digit number, MM means month as two digit number and
YYYY means year as four digit number.
4. Draw the table and complete the data in your Maths Activity Book.
S.No. Endangered Number existing in the world Picture
species (Any 3) presently. Write in words according to
the Indian place value system.
1. Tiger 2967 (Two thousand nine hundred and
sixty seven )


Q5. On an A4 size bordered file paper, write puzzles and interesting facts related to Maths or draw/paste a
picture of any great Indian Mathematician and write 10 lines about him/her or write a poem on Maths or
draw symmetrical figures or patterns related to Mathematical shapes or numbers and submit the same.

Subject: General Science

1. Grow any one of the following plants. Take pictures and paste at least two pictures in your
a) Rose or hibiscus
b) Bryophyllum
c) Lady’s finger or Bittergourd
2. Collect seeds having hair, wings, hooks and spines. Keep them in cotton in a cardboard box.

3. Make simple and small models of any two tools used by our farmers. Write their uses also.
4. Make a snake puppet with your old pair of socks. Write any two interesting facts about them
5. Watch a movie related to animals like – The Jungle Book etc. and fill up the table given
below on the basis of the movie.

Name of the movie :-________________

Sl. Name of the animals What do they Where do How do they move?
shown eat ? they live? ( walk/fly/ crawl)

Note :- Do the General Science holiday homework in a thin plastic file.

Subject – Social Studies
Instruction : Q. 1, 2, 3 & 4 to be done in the S.St class work copy
1. Draw a picture of magnetic compass and mention cardinal directions and sub-
2. Draw a diagram of a globe and mark seven important latitudes. Write their names,
degrees and directions. (label it at the right-hand side)
3. Mention the names of the eight Indian states through which tropic of cancer passes.
4. Which physical features do these colours represent on a map?
i) Deep blue ii) Green iii) Dark brown
5. INTEGRATED PROJECT: To be done on the same ½ sheet of chart paper
with Maths integrated project.
Draw the following symbols:
i) International boundary
ii) Major roads
iii) Bridge
iv) Country Capital
v) State Capital
vi) Rivers

Subject: Technical Activity

General Instruction:
Qno.1, 2 and 3 to be done in the computer copy. Q4 to be submitted as print out and Q5 to be
done in the Touch Code Book.
1) Draw or paste the pictures of any three hardware items and write 3 lines about them.
2) Gather information about the 5th Generation of Computers and write 5 lines about it.
3) Write the keyboard short cuts for the following:
a) To open a new file
b) To close a file
c) To save a file
d) To open an already saved document
e) To paste an image
4) Using Clip Arts, callouts and various shapes, type a moral story in MS-WORD. Take print
out of the same and submit in a file.
5) Complete Level-1 and Level-2 of your computer book Touch Code in the book

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