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SESSION 2023-24

1.Write a paragraph of 150 words on the following topics based on hints given:-
➢ My Plans For Summer Vacation (Roll 1-10)
(destination, the duration of your trip, travel mode and accommodation, the day-wise activities and
course of action)
➢ A Hot Summer Day(Roll 11-20)
(The hottest time of year, The season ,when In the Indian subcontinent, length of night and days,
Description of climate, vacation, summer camp)
➢ How To Stay Healthy(Roll 21-30)
(balanced and nutrient-rich diet, Eat small portions at frequent intervals, Sleep well and meditate.
Avoid junk foods , fibers and immunity building foods, Stay hydrated, Be active and exercise daily)
➢ My Favourite Book(Roll 31-45)
(an introduction about the author, some background information on the book, what you like about
the book, what you learnt from it.)

2. Read the newspaper or E-newspapers regularly during holidays you may utilize your noon time for this
activity when you are at home. Cut one article per week based on sports, environment, finance,
politics from old newspapers paste them in scrap file and underline nouns with blue, verbs with green,
adjectives with red and conjunctions with yellow.(For all students)

3.Design an English Magazine on “education” which should have the following requirements:- (For all
❖ Design an attractive Cover Page.
❖ Give a creative name to magazine.
❖ Create a poster on “Education”
❖ An article on “Education”.
❖ A small story on “Education
❖ Cartoon strip (you may draw yourself as well.)

You tube link-

4.. Our school is our second home we must keep our school clean.
So write and draw any 10 rules that you follow to keep your school clean and hygienic on an A3 size green
and red color sheet. (For all students)
You tube link-


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Dana loves flowers. Her favourites are daisies, tulips, and daffodils. Tulips and daffodils come up every
spring, and daisies come up later in the summer. These plants are perennials; they come up year after

Dana loves the spring because she can go to the flower market to buy her annuals. The annuals only last
one season, but they add a lot of colour to the garden. Dana got up Saturday morning very early. She
wanted to get to the market early so she would have time to plant everything when she got home. Off she
went to Barton’s Flower Market. She ran into some friends.

“Hi, Dana,” they called out to her.

“Hi,” said Dana with a big smile. “Let’s look around together!” Dana and her friends saw pansies,
geraniums, periwinkles, and petunias.

“Oh, so many pretty flowers!” exclaimed Dana. “I love them all.”

Dana decided to buy red and yellow pansies, blue periwinkles, and purple petunias. That will add a lot of
colour to my garden, thought Dana. She said goodbye to her friends and went home.

Dana happily began planting her new flowers around the tulips and daffodils. Dana was so happy. She
loved her flower garden, and she knew she would enjoy it all summer long. Dana had a perfect day.

1. According to the story, Dana liked to

a. cook food from the garden
b. plant flowers in the garden
c. pull weeds from the garden
d. none of the above

2. Daffodils and tulips are

a. perennials
b. annuals
c. need to be planted each year.
d. none of the above
3. Annuals are flowers that
a. come up year after year
b. add colour
c. must be planted each spring
d. both b and c.

4. Dana bought
a. every flower at the market
b. tulips and daffodils
c. pansies, petunias, and periwinkles
d. none of the above

5. In this story, Dana’s mood was

a. sad
b. surprised
c. happy
d. all the above
Worksheet -2

1. Rewrite the following sentences by changing singular form/plural form.

1. I want that flower.

2. We have been to those buildings:
3. That book has a lot of interesting stories.
4. Who brought this packet?
5. I have read these books

2. Rearrange the following group of words to make meaningful sentences.

1. than /fortunate/ / others/ office/ am /in/ this/ more

2. cupboard/ the/ selfish/ all/ toys/ the/ in/ hid /boy/ the/ all/ his

3. work /do/ to/ mother/ much/ has/ home/at/ my.

3. Underline the Adjectives of Quantity and circle the Adjectives of Number in the following sentences:

1. Manish goes to his art class five days a week.

2. Please give me some water. I am thirsty.
3 The first boy won the prize.
4. There is little food in the kitchen.
5. There are twelve months in a year
1. Make a chart of place value. (Roll no. 1-20)
You tube link-

Make a chart on ‘Types of Numbers’ with their examples.(Roll no. 21-40)

You tube link -

2. Write down the population of any 10 countries.

❖ Write the names of the countries.
❖ Write the population of the countries in Indian and International System of Numeration.

❖ Arrange the countries in Ascending Order and Descending Order according to population.
❖ Find out country with maximum and minimum population.

3. Practice 5 sums each of all four operations +,-.×,÷ every week (the sums should be of class 5 level)

Worksheet -1
Q1 Insert commas according to Indian place value chart

a. 345678
b. 1247890
c. 46723198
Q2 Insert commas according to international place value Chart
a. 345678
b. 1247890
C 46723198
Worksheet -2

1.Add the following:

(a) 1,53,81,021+ 4,64,32,291 =
(b) 5,45,92,356 + 3,82,10,815 =
(c) 7,11,11,273 +1,23,15,127 =
(d) 80,18,523 + 10,12,213 =
2.Subtract The Following :
a. 3,88,25,123 from 9,91,30,419
b. 2,360,765 from 611,214, 456
c. 31,91,835 from 52,37,250
Worksheet 3

Solve the following word problems.

(a) A factory manufactured 2,35,02,350 toys in year 2018. It manufactured 3,16,32,150 toys in year
2019. How many
toys were manufactured in these two years altogether?
(b) 13,75,825 people visited the Trade Fair in year 2017. 22,18,325 people visited the Trade Fair in
year 2018. How many more visitors visited the Trade Fair in 2018 than in 2017?

Worksheet 4
1 Compare the following numbers using <, > or = symbol

(a) 38,78,102 2,00,02,581

(b) 1,88,88,819 1,79,99,999

(c) 60,873, 61,277,721

Write the following in ascending order.

(a) 7,381,922; 6,234,103; 18,273,108; 8,592,084

(b) 9,38,55,185; 5,48,32,160; 8,14,03,020; 2,22,22,222

Write the following in descending order.

(a) 26,76,805; 1,00,00,268; 3,31,28,493;70,81,368

(b) 4,486,310; 7,023,518; 8,788,118;3,102,685

1. Make a chart of ‘Preamble of our Constitution’.(Roll No1-10)
Make a model Air Transport (Roll No 11-20)
Make a model Land Transport (Roll No 21-30)
Make a model Water Transport(Roll No 31-45)

2. Collect information about any Historical City in India and prepare a report on it.
Make a poster on ‘Great Leader from that city’.(Example City-Kolkata Leader –Subhash Chandra Bose)
You tube link

3. Explain the following using illustrations on A4 size sheet. ❖ Latitudes ❖ Longitudes ❖ Globe ❖ Grid

5. Collect the following information from the given states in Creative Manner in form of Scrap book using
artistic skills make an attractive cover page for the same. Also paste pictures to supplement the
information such as Capital, Language, Traditional Dress, Main Food, Festivals, Main Crops, Monuments,
Tourist Spots, Industries.
i) Arunachal Pradesh(Roll no. 1-10)
ii) Lakshadweep/Andaman and Nicobar Islands(Roll no. 11-20)
iii) Manipur(Roll no. 21-30)
iv) Tripura (Roll no. 31-45)

6. How well do you know your country? Name the following and paste pictures. Also write a few lines on
each of them.
i) National Flag
ii) National Emblem
iii) National Animal
iv) National Bird
v) National Anthem
vi) National Game
vii) National Flower
viii) National Fruit
ix) National Currency

Worksheet 1

1. In earlier days which island was known as Spice Island ?

2. Who gave the name of Cape of Good Hope?
3.In which year Megellan set out to sail around the world?
4.After three weeks of voyage Columbus spotted an island,give the name of the Island and
mark it on World map.
5.Define the following terms
Worksheet 2

1.Who introduced subsidiary alliance?

2. Who was Suja-ud-Daula?
3. When was battle of Buxar fought? Mark Buxar on a Map of India
4 .Which revolt is known as the First war of Independence?
5 .Who was the Nawab of Bengal in 1757?
6.Who was the last Mughal Emperor ?

Q1.Be the nature protector -Wild animals are coming to our cities. One of the reasons being Deforestation.
Try and find out other such reasons.
(Visit any National Park and study the conditions of living of animals there. It may be a virtual tour also
You tube )
Make a poster on Save Wild Life Do it on a coloured A-3 size sheet.

Q2.Be your own Dietician Meghna’s mother always tells her not to eat junk food, so does your mother.
Let us join a Health Club to be healthy
1. Make your own Diet Chart for a week on an A-3 size sheet along with pictures

2. Learn to prepare 4 -5 recipes on delicious Fruit Mock tails that refresh you these summers.

Q3. Create a planter using any old can or plastic bottles and decorate with any recycled materials.
Some ofthe examples are given below
Youtube link
Q4.Save Water, Save Life Water is precious for our lives.
Let us join hands for our future generations as it will not be available after 50 years, if we Waste it/Pollute
it! Answer the following questions based on your research
You tube link
1. Do you know half of our country is facing drought these days, if yes, please tell the names of at least 3
2. Delhi should not face the problem of Water Scarcity. To avoid it, can you suggest some ways to save
water? Are you following these ways at home?
3. Do you think we can learn good techniques from other countries? Please mention any one technique
which is effective in India.
4. Are you inculcating the habit of saving water in your child?
5. How do you wash your car? 6. Are you alert enough to mend the pipes and the leakage of your taps on
Worksheet 1

Unscramble the letters to get the names of useful substances present in food and
fill in the blanks
a. Fruits and vegetables are good source of (AHEUOGRG)
b. Rice, wheat and potato are good source of ( ARCOBDARHYEST)
c. Oil and butter are rich in ____________ which also keep our body warm ( SATF )
d. are also called body – building nutrients ( SNEIPROT)
e. Foods rich in __and minerals are also called protective foods ( IVITNSMA)

Worksheet 2

1. What do you mean by a balanced diet?

2. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet ?
3. Name the nutrients :-
a. Energy giving nutrients _______________________
b. Body building nutrients_________________________
c. Protective nutrients ___________________________________________
निम्ननिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्ोां के उत्तर दीनिए ।
कुछ िोग पररश्रम की अपेक्षय भयग्य को महत्व दे ते हैं। उिकय कहिय है नक िो भयग्य में होगय
,अवश्य नमिेगय । इसनिए दौड़-धूप करिय व्यर्थ है ,परां तु आिसी बिकर बैठे रहिय और और असफितय
के निए भयग्य को कोसिय, नकसी प्रकयर भी उनित िही ां। पररश्रम के बि पर मिुष्य भयग्य की रे ियओां को
बदि सकतय है। पररश्रमी व्यखि ईमयिदयर और िररत्रवयि होतय है। पररश्रम के द्वयरय ही मिुष्य अपिे
पररवयर की ,ियनत की तर्य रयष्ट्र की उन्ननत में सहयोग दे सकतय है। पररश्रम करिे की प्रवृनत्त मिुष्य को
नवद्यर्ी िीवि से ग्रहण करिी ियनहए।
1)भयरत को महत्व दे िे वयिोां कय क्यय कहिय है ?
2) पररश्रमी व्यखि कैसे होते हैं ?
3) ‘ अविनत ’ कय नविोम शब्द निखिए ।
4) पररश्रम के बि पर व्यखि क्यय प्रयप्त कर सकतय है ?
5) पररश्रम करिे की प्रवृनत्त मिुष्य को कब ग्रहण करिी ियनहए ?
सभी नवद्यनर्थयोां के निए..........................
प्रनतनदि एक पृष्ठ सुिेि कॉपी में करें ।

नदए गए नवषय पर अिुच्छेद नििें ।

1) मेरी िई कक्षय (क्रमयांक 1 से 10 )
सांकेत नबांदु ---- पररिय , कक्षय अध्ययनपकय , कक्षय की बियवट , छयत्र-छयत्रयएां , व्यवखथर्त क्रम में कुसी -
मेि श्ययमपट्ट पर प्रनतनदि सुनवियर , सयफ- स्वच्छ , नप्रय कक्षय ।
2) मेरी मयाँ (क्रमयांक 11 से 20 )
सांकेत नबांदु --- पररिय, महत्वपूणथ सदस्य, पहिी नशनक्षकय ,मयगथदशथक, त्ययग, प्रेम, सेवय की मूनतथ, अच्छी
नमत्र हर सफितय कय आधयर स्तांभ ।
3) मेरय नप्रय त्योहयर (क्रमयांक 21 से 30 )
सांकेत नबांदु --- िीवि में त्योहयरोां कय महत्व, नप्रय त्योहयर ,त्योहयर की नतनर् नवशेषतय ,त्योहयर कय महत्व,
तैययरी , सांदेश ।
4) प्रकृनत और हम (क्रमयांक 31 से 40 )
सांकेत नबांदु --- प्रकृनत कय उपहयर ,मयिव की प्रकृनत पर निभथरतय , असांतुिि की खथर्नत ,
प्रकृनत की ओर मुड़कर समस्यय कय समयधयि ।
5) नीचे दी गई वगग पहेली से फूल ों के नाम ढू ूँ ढ कर ललखें ।

6) निम्ननिखित शब्दों में से अिुिानसक (ँ)और अिुस्वार (ँों )शब् छाट कर

तानिका में नििें ।
पतोंग ,गोंगा , ,ऊचाई, साप ,रों ग, झोंडा, गाव , मुह ,चाद , चोंदि, वोंदिा ,आि ,मा ,
,सोंबोंध ,रों गीि ,कोंघा ,पाच ,दात, ऊट ,
अिुिानसक (ँ) अिुस्वार (ँों )
7) नीचे दी गई वगग पहेली से नलदय ों के नाम ढू ूँ ढ कर ललखें ।
1. Make a document in MS Word about “My Self” and also do formatting in it of your
choice and print it in colour. Use font style according to Roll No.
Roll no: Font Style
1-10 Arial
11-20 Bodoni MT
21-30 Bahnschrift
31-42 Book Antiqua

Worksheet 1

Q 1) Fill in the blanks:

1. The development of computer technology took place in five distinct phases

2. ______________ was the first electro-mechanical computer.
3. The transistors were replaced by the integrated circuits also known
4. In 1984, Apple introduced the ________________________.
5. Fourth Generation computers use ____________________.

Q 2) Differentiate between the followings:

1. Napier’s Bones and Pascaline

2. Fourth Generation Computer and Fifth Generation Computer

Q 3) Answer the followings:

1. Which was the first calculating device? Describe it and draw picture of it.
2. Who invented Analytical Engine? Name the five key features which were used
in it.
3. Which generation used Vacuum Tubes and transistors? Write their names and
Worksheet 2

Q 1) Fill in the blanks:

1. Deleted files goes into _________________.

2. ________________ is used to select all files in the folder.
3. A group of files stored under a common name is called ________________.
4. The work done on a computer is stored in the form of a_________________.
5. Changing the name of a file/folder is called _______________________.

Q 2) Differentiate between the following:

1. Copying File and Moving File

2. File and Folder

Q 3) Answer the following questions:

1. What is File Management? Describe it.

2. How Many types of views are available in Windows 10? Name Them.
3. How do we restore the deleted file?
4. What is the use of Recycle Bin?
5. What is the role of File Explorer in Windows 10?

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