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“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “One Earth · One Family · One Future” - is

drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text of the Maha Upanishad. Essentially, the
theme affirms the value of all life – human, animal, plant, and
microorganisms – and their interconnectedness on the planet Earth and in the
wider universe.


1. God gives us 24 hours in a day, let us take out a few minutes for Him and
thank Him for the happy moments……also ask Him to give us strength to
cope up with our difficulties.
2. Don’t be lazy….and become a couch potato!! Do exercise and be fit and
healthy. Revise all the concepts done in the class.
3. Reading is fun and it helps us develop our vocabulary…. Make it a habit to
read story books.


1. Give your child saplings and ask them to plant them and water them and
see them grow. Encourage them by saying that they will be presented with
gifts for their good deeds.
2. Make them sit by you and ask them what their needs are and satisfy some
of the useful ones and explain to them which ones are essential and which ones
are not. Give them a feeling that you are there for them.

*To enhance reading skills
*A list of books is recommended for you below. Choose and read any two, and
write a book review in 200-250 words.Write this on A4 sized sheets.

1) Kabuliwala by Rabindranath Tagore

2) Untouchable by Mulk Raj Anand
3) Far From the Madding Crowd-Thomas Hardy
4) The Secret Garden by Frances Hodson Burnett
5) Children's Omnibus by Ruskin Bond
6) The Harry Potter series – JK Rowling
7) Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Jules Verne
8) Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

*Design Your Own Magazine ( Use A-4 size sheets)

Design an attractive cover page for the magazine on the theme - “One Earth,
One Family, One Future” – PM Narendra Modi.
You may also focus on your inputs in changing the environment, for better.
1) Give a title to the magazine related to 'One Earth, One Family, One
2) Give the meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
3) Write an article on ‘Inclusive and Harmonious World For All’in 150-200
4) Scrambled words Quiz
5) Crossword Puzzles
6) Advertisements promoting global education
7) Self composed poem on the theme- “One Earth, One Family, One Future”
8) Amazing facts related to the G20 summit (seminars, sessions and cultural
events, with images.)
9) Find about the famous personalities who have contributed to the ideology of
the theme and mention about their contributions.



DESCRIPTION: Make a detailed PROJECT telling about the G20 nations,
theme of 2023 and it’s agendas. Read the following tasks to understand how to
research for the project.

TASK 1- Explain about the inception of G20.
TASK 2 - List the G20 nations
● Draw their flags
● Mention their capitals
● Mention the official language of the country
TASK 3 - Plot all these countries on the World Political Map.
TASK 4 - Find out the logo and theme of G20 summit 2023.
Explain the significance behind the theme and draw the logo.
Make it look presentable.
TASK 5 - Answer the following questions:
● Which Country holds the presidency of G20 in 2023?
● Which country held the presidency of G20 in 2022?
● Which country will hold the presidency of G20 in 2024?
● List the main agendas of G20 Summit 2023.
● List the host cities of the G20 Summit 2023.
● What are India’s G20 priorities?
TASK 6 - G20 and Sustainability
● Following is the list of Sustainable Development Goals that G20 nations are
targeting. Find out the actions taken by the G20 nations to achieve the
mentioned targets according to your roll no.
○ Roll no. 1 to 8 - No Poverty
○ Roll no. 9 to 16 - Zero Hunger
○ Roll no. 17 to 24 - Good Health and Well being
○ Roll no. 25 to 32 - Quality Education
○ Roll no. 33 to 40 - Gender Equality
○ Roll no. 41 to 46 - Clean water and Sanitation
● ‘UN Chief highlights crucial role of G20 in resolving global crises.’ Explain.

REMEMBER: Be creative! Make the project attractive and presentable.

Use a project file. Add or draw pictures wherever you can.



DESCRIPTION: Jute is a green and environmentally friendly material. It should
be used instead of plastic bags. Create an attractive Jute bag to be used for daily
use instead of the plastic bags.
TASK 1- Create an attractive jute bag using various patterns.
TASK 2- Mention the following on A4 size sheet:
● Any five uses of jute
● Harm caused by plastic bags to our environment.
TASK 3 - Think and reflect:
● Why is it necessary to change our way of living in order to ‘Save the
● During the last few years, how has plastic been replaced in daily use items?
List at least 5 examples.
● Give innovative ideas, How can you replace plastic with eco-friendly
material in your life? (For example: Bamboo truth brush can be used instead
of plastic brush.)
Revise the chapters done in the class so far.

● Chapter 1: Know Your Planet

● Chapter 2: Parallels and Meridians
● Chapter 18: Governing Ourselves
● Chapter 19: The United Nations

Activity 1: A 10-12 year old child requires 1800-2200 calories per day. Make diet
plans for yourself and for each of your family members considering their age, daily
requirements etc.
Sample diet plan chart is given below:
[ Hint:- 1 Chapati =80-110 calories, 1 bowl of rice = 180 calories, 1 cup milk =
70 calories, I cup ice-cream= 200 calories]
Activity 2 : Every drop of water on the planet is precious. Fresh water is crucial
for drinking , washing and growing food. But the increasing population may push
the planet towards a thirstier future. It has been predicted that by 2050, half of the
World’s population may no longer have safe drinking water.
To manage competing demands for freshwater we should work with nature rather
than against it.
Do the following tasks in a scrapbook:
Task 1 : Make a record in tabular form of the amount of freshwater required in ten
different states of a country. Write the numerals and expanded form of the data
Task 2 : Collect information on the amount of water consumed for different
activities like industries, agriculture etc of any five states taken above. Represent
the data for each state in a separate bar graph. [Hint: you can consider water
consumption in percentage]
Task 3 : What are the sources of raw water in Delhi and what is the average
production of raw water from that particular source. Represent the data in tabular
Task 4 : Research and answer the following:
a. How much of your body mass is made up of water? If all of the water were
removed from you, how much would you weigh?
b. Find how much water is available in the entire world ? convert it into Liters.
c. If there are 8 billion people living in the world and the average person uses
330 L/day, how many days of safe drinking water does the world have with
its present supply?
Activity 3: Importance of Fuel Efficiency
Bill, Sue and Fred each own a car.
Every week, all three drive the same distance.

1. Which car is the cheapest to run? Give Explanation for your answer?
2. If they all are covering a distance of 120 miles, find the total fuel consumption in
3. They are trying to work out how much fuel they will each save if they change

Fred is incorrect.
Use mathematics to show why his statement is wrong. State any assumptions you
make and explain your reasoning clearly.

4. Fred wants to buy a new car. Each week, he wants to save the same amount of
fuel as Bill. What should be the average fuel consumption of Fred's new car?
Explain your reasoning clearly.

5. If they have to choose only 1 car to travel together, which car they should
choose? How much fuel will they save in a month if they travel the same distance
on all days?

Activity 4 : Solve the following questions on ruled A-4 size sheets and submit it in
a folder.
1. Fill in the correct place and place value of the underlined digit.
a) 1600981 : Place_________ Place Value_______
b) 9890252 : Place________ Place Value_______
2. Write the smallest and greatest possible numbers using each of the following
digits only once :
(a) 3, 4, 2, 0, 9, 8 (b) 5, 9, 6, 7, 3, 8
(c) 0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 5 (d) 7, 2, 5, 9, 0, 6
3. Find the difference between the place value and face value of 7 in the
number 234728.
4. Write the following numbers in Indian and International place value chart:-
a) 5470079
b) 99912923
5. Fill in the blanks.
a) 10 Lakh=_________Million
b) 1 crore= __________Million
c) 100 crore=_________Million
d) 40,00,000 + 70,000 + 200 + 5 = _________________ .
e) Numeral for “Three million seven thousand and nine” is _____________ .
f) One less than the smallest 7 digit number is _____________.
6. Round the numbers:
a) 135,296 to nearest 10
b) 350,678 to nearest 100
c) 735,219 to nearest 1000
7. Write the Roman numerals for the following numbers:
a) 87
b) 46
8. The product of two numbers is 68306. If one of the numbers is 287, find the
other number.
9. A state has 17667314 male voters and 14875699 female voters. In an election
785195 voters did not vote. How many people cast their vote in the election?
10. To buy a plot of land, Mr. Gupta paid Rs 68650 every month for 8 years.
How much did he pay in all?
11. Find the dividend when the divisor is 628, quotient 305 and remainder 152.
12. The cost of a scooter is Rs 36453. Find the cost of 65 scooters.
13. A stadium has a capacity of 40110 people. How many people should be
seated in 1 row if there are 42 rows?
14. Find the product of the greatest and the smallest three-digit numbers
formed with the digits 6, 3 and 8.
15. Simplify the following:
(i) 12 + 4 - 8 ÷ 2 × 3
(ii) 7 - 5 + 14 ÷ 2 + 6
(iii) 37 - 6 × 4 + 32 ÷ 8
16. Read and answer each question:
During a normal day, there are 280 planes taking off from the airport, but the
airport is a lot busier during Christmas. During the Christmas holidays, about
336 planes take off every day from the airport.
1. During the Christmas holidays, the airport opens 12 hours during each day, how
many planes take off from this airport in each hour?
2. On average, each plane takes 240 passengers and 12 tons of cargo. How many
passengers depart from the airport every hour during the Christmas holidays?
3. Compared with a normal day, how many more passengers depart from the
airport in a day during the Christmas holidays?
4. During a normal day, there are 782 passengers on average that are late for their
plane each day. However, during the Christmas holidays, there are 1,835
passengers that are late for their planes each day which causes delays of 14 planes.
How many more passengers are late for their planes each day during the Christmas
5. The airport administration did a study and found that an additional 5 minutes of
delay in the overall operation of the airport is caused for every 32 passengers that
are late for their flights. What is the delay in the overall operation if there are 832
passengers late for their flights?


संवर्धन गतिविधि
विषय : 'वसध
ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम'- 'एक धरा एक परिवार एक भविष्य

लघु नाटिका- वसध

ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम ्

निर्देश-संलग्न लिंक के माध्यम से विषय को समझने का प्रयास कीजिए|

ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम ् सनातन धर्म का मल
ू संस्कार तथा विचारधारा है | इसका अर्थ है - संपर्ण

धरती ही एक परिवार है | व्यक्ति-व्यक्ति से मिलकर परिवार बनता है | बहुत से परिवार
मिलकर समाज बनाते हैं| समाज से दे श और दे शों के मेल से विश्व बनता है | इन सभी
जगहों में रहने वाले मनष्ु य एक समान है | रं ग-रूप, वेशभष
ू ा, खान-पान में भिन्नता होते हुए
भी वे सब एक ही परमात्मा की संतान है | इस नाते परू े विश्व में रहने वाले लोग एक ही
परिवार के सदस्य हैं|
उपविषय : अपठित गद्यांश
कार्य-1 नीचे दिए गद्यांश को ध्यानपर्व
ू क पढ़कर उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर ढूँढकर
वसधु वै कुटुम्बकम एक संस्कृत अभिव्यक्ति है , जिसका अर्थ है कि परू ी पथ्
ृ वी एक परिवार
है । यह संस्कृत के तीन शब्दों वसध
ु ा, ईवा और कुटुम्बकम से मिलकर बना है । वसध
ु ा का
अर्थ है पथ्
ृ वी, ईवा का अर्थ है जड़
ु े हुए और कुटुम्बकम का अर्थ है एक परिवार। इसका
तात्पर्य है कि परू ी पथ्
ृ वी केवल एक परिवार है । यदि परमात्मा एक है तो हम कैसे
अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं? यदि समद्र
ु एक है तो उसकी बँद
ू ें अलग-अलग कैसे हो सकती है ?
हम सबको बनाने वाला परमात्मा ही है और वह एक है । इस तरह विश्व के सभी निवासी
एक ही परिवार के सदस्य है | समय के साथ, वसध
ु व
ै कुटुंबकम को भारत की सांस्कृतिक
और आध्यात्मिक विरासत के प्रतीक के रूप में दे खा जाने लगा है , जो करुणा के मल्
ू यों,
विविधता के प्रति सम्मान और दनि
ु या में शांति और एकता को बढ़ावा दे ता है । वसध
ु व

कुटुंबकम का दर्शन एकता, सम्मान और जिम्मेदारी को बल दे ता है और इसमें शांति,
समझ और स्थिरता को बढ़ावा दे कर दनि
ु या पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालने की क्षमता रखता
है । हम सभी जानते हैं कि मनष्ु य एक सामाजिक प्राणी है और समाज की सबसे प्रथम कड़ी
होता है परिवार | परिवार लोगों के एक ऐसे समह
ू का नाम है , जो विभिन्न रिश्ते-नातों के
कारण भावात्मक रूप से एक दस
ू रे से जड़
ु े रहते हैं। ऐसा नहीं है कि उनमें कभी लड़ाई-झगड़ा
नहीं होता या वैचारिक मतभेद नहीं होते, परं तु इन सबके बावजद
ू भी वे एक दस
ू रे के
ु -दख
ु के साथी होते हैं। इसी अपनेपन की प्रबल भावना होने के कारण परिवार सभी
लोगों की पहली प्राथमिकता होता है । परिवार के इसी रूप को जब वैश्विक स्तर पर निर्मित
किया जाए तो वह वसद
ु े व कुटुंबकम ् कहलाता है ।
(क) ‘वसध
ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम’ शब्द किन शब्दों के मेल से बना है ? स्पष्ट करें |
(ख) समद्र
ु और बँद
ू का उदाहरण दे कर क्या समझाने का प्रयास किया गया है ?
(ग) वसध
ु व
ै कुटुंबकम का दर्शन किस बात पर बल दे ता है ?
(घ) परिवार को सभी लोगों की पहली प्राथमिकता क्यों कहा गया है ?
(ङ) परिवार के लोग आपस में किस रूप में जड़
ु े होते हैं ?
कार्य-2 उपरोक्त गद्यांश में रे खांकित कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ लिखकर वाक्य प्रयोग कीजिए l
उपविषय : अनच्
ु छे द लेखन
गाँव की सैर - लिंक संयक्
ु त परिवार- लिंक

कार्य-1 दिए गए लिंक की वीडियो को ध्यानपर्व

ू क दे खकर निम्नलिखित कार्य करें l
कार्य-2 ग्रीष्मावकाश में आप अपने परिवार के साथ पैतक ृ गाँव के भ्रमण हे तु गए थे l वहाँ
के अनभ ु वों का वर्णन करते हुए संयक्
ु त परिवार विषय पर अनच्
ु छे द लिखिए l


उपविषय- सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी

G-20 - लिंक

कार्य-1 दिए गए लिंक की वीडियो को ध्यानपर्व

ू क दे खिए l

कार्य-2 वीडियो के आधार पर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए |

(क) वर्तमान समय में G- 20 सम्मेलन कहाँ आयोजित किया जा रहा है ?
(ख) G- 20 की शरु
ु आत कब हुई थी और इसका क्या उद्दे श्य है ?
(ग) G- 20 की बैठकों में कौन-कौन हिस्सा लेते हैं ?
(घ) भारत के लिए G- 20 का क्या महत्त्व है ?
(ङ) 1 दिसंबर से G- 20 की अध्यक्षता कौन-सा दे श करे गा ?

उपविषय- व्याकरण

कार्य-1 निम्नलिखित वर्ग पहे ली में से दिए गए शब्दों के विलोम, पर्यायवाची व वाक्यांश के
लिए एक शब्द खोजकर लिखिए व विलोम शब्दों के खानों में हरा रं ग, पर्यायवाची शब्दों के
खानों में पीला रं ग व वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द के खानों में नीला रं ग भरिए-
ज प रा या सा प्र पा भा

ल क प ट क्ष दा प गी

च प नि ड र न मौ र

र ड़ा दै रा च या खि थी

मी ठा नि के क्षु त क दे

कृ ष क श शि ख अँ व

न य न वि ह ग धे न

अ ने क ब ढ़ ई रा दी


(क) लिखित (ख) कड़वा (ग) पण्

ु य

(घ) उजाला (ङ) परु ाना (च) एक


(क) पानी (ख) वस्त्र (ग) आँख

(घ) पक्षी (ङ) चाँद (च) गंगा


(क) जल में विचरण करने वाला (ख) जो किसी से न डरे

(ग) कृषि करने वाला (घ) प्रतिदिन होने वाला

(ङ) जो पढ़ा-लिखा हो (च) जो लकड़ी की चीज़ें बनाता हो

कार्य-2 विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द और अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द की कार्य पत्रिका
निर्दिष्ट कार्य पस्ति
ु का में ही पर्ण
ू करें |

पठन हे त-ु सामग्री

सिंहासन बत्तीसी की कहानियाँ

कार्य-1 दिए गए लिंक के आधार पर सिंहासन बत्तीसी की कहानियों को ध्यानपर्व

ू क पढ़ें |

कार्य-2 उसमें से जो कहानी आपको सबसे अच्छी लगी है उस कहानी को अपने शब्दों में
लिखिए | (शव्द सीमा- 200-250 शब्द)

Instructions for Science Holiday Homework
❖ There are a total of three tasks.
❖ In task 1 topic is assigned roll number wise.
❖ In task 2 there is one choice and task 3 is model making,which is also
assigned roll number wise.

1.Activity-Profile Card (Roll number 1-9)
Science has shown that all living beings on Earth are connected through the
ecosystem. Plants, animals, humans and microbes all rely on each other for
survival and any disturbance to one part of the ecosystem can have ripple
effects throughout the entire system.

Assume that you are an Ecologist?

*Ecologists study the relationships between living things and their
environment. Ecologists often investigate how human actions affect
★ Can you think of an ecosystem near you that might need the help of an
★ Identifying the threats to that ecosystem.
★ Explain the impact of these problems on the local ecosystem and human
★ Develop strategies to conserve the ecosystem: Once the threats have been
identified, strategies can be developed to conserve the ecosystem.
★ What is the Government doing to deal with these problems?
★ Mention one similar problem faced globally.
★ Describe the global solutions that are being developed to address these
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in an
informative data format using pictures and various art forms.

2.Water Talk / National Water Mission (Roll number 10-18)

The water crisis is a global problem that requires a concerted effort from all
countries to address.
Water Talk refers to any conversation, discussion or dialogue related to the
conservation, management and sustainability of water resources. It can
involve various stakeholders such as policymakers, scientists, water experts,
and community members.

★ What is the Water Talk about?

★ What is the agenda of the National Water Mission in India?Can you
name any other such missions across the world?
★ Why is it important to conserve water and how can we minimize water
wastage in our daily lives?
★ Can you think of ways to reuse water instead of wasting it?
★ Which places in India are running out of water?
★ What are the global solutions to the water crisis?
★ Have you heard of Sadguru’s save water mission? Briefly explain about
his mission.
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in
an informative data format using pictures and various art forms.
3.Deglaciation (Roll number 19-27)
Deglaciation refers to the retreat or melting of ice sheets and glaciers. The last
period of significant deglaciation marked the end of the most recent ice age,
about 8,000 to 17,000 years ago.Glaciers retreat when ice mass is lost through
the melting of ice or through sublimation, the process by which ice evaporates.
Several factors impact the rate of deglaciation.

★ What is deglaciation?
★ What causes deglaciation?
★ How does deglaciation affect the environment?
★ How does deglaciation result in disappearance of species?
★ What can we do to prevent deglaciation?
★ What are some examples of areas that are currently experiencing
★ What role do governments and policy-makers play in addressing the issue
of deglaciation and what policies can be implemented to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions?
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in an
informative data format using pictures and various art forms.

4.Urban Heat Island (Roll number 28-36)

An urban heat island or UHI is a metropolitan area that's a lot warmer than
the rural areas surrounding it.There are many reasons for UHIs.One such
reason is when houses, shops and industrial buildings are constructed close
together, it can create a UHI. Building materials are usually very good at
insulating or holding in heat. This insulation makes the areas around
buildings warmer.

★ What is an urban heat island, and how does it differ from surrounding
rural areas in terms of temperature?
★ What are the main causes of urban heat islands and how do they
contribute to global warming?
★ What are the effects of urban heat islands on human health and the
★ What measures can be taken to reduce the effects of urban heat islands
and what solutions are currently being implemented globally?
★ What role do urban planning and design play in reducing the impact of
urban heat islands?
★ What are some long-term consequences of unchecked urban heat
islands on human society and the environment?
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in
an informative data format using pictures and various art forms.

TASK 5(Roll number 37-46)

The World's Plastic Pollution Crisis

Much of the planet is swimming in discarded plastic, which is harming animals and
possibly human health. Can it be cleaned up?

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as
rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the
world’s ability to deal with them.

★ What is the current state of the world's plastic pollution crisis?

★ How do plastics move around the world and what are the main sources
of plastic waste?
★ What are microplastics and how are they contributing to the plastic
pollution crisis?
★ What are the most significant harms caused by plastic pollution to
wildlife and ecosystems?
★ Can plastic pollution be cleaned up and what methods are being used to
remove plastic waste from oceans and other water bodies?
★ What are the potential long-term consequences of the plastic pollution
crisis on the environment and human society?
★ Mention a few ways by which we can reduce the plastic waste and create
awareness amongst the people.
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in an
informative data format using pictures and various art forms.

The Greenhouse Effect and our Planet
The greenhouse effect happens when certain gasses which are known as
greenhouse gasses accumulate in Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses include
carbon dioxide , methane , nitrous oxide , ozone and fluorinated gasses.

★ What is the greenhouse effect and how does it contribute to global

★ What are the main causes of the greenhouse effect and how severe is the
★ What are the effects of global warming on the environment and human
★ How can individuals and communities contribute to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change?
★ What are some of the innovative technologies that are being developed
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
★ What international protocols and policies have been developed to
address climate change?
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in an
informative data format using pictures and various art forms.

Unbalanced: How Climate Change Is Shifting Earth’s
We can already see how climate change is impacting humans and wildlife. But
what about the abiotic or nonliving parts of the environment?
In a 2018 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
stated that the average global temperature has risen about 1ºC (1.8ºF) since
pre-industrial times. If the current rate of warming continues, this number is
expected to nearly double in a relatively short time, reaching 1.5ºC (2.7ºF)
between 2030 and 2052. This could have devastating effects on ecosystems
around the world, from tropical coral reefs to the icy Arctic Ocean.

★ What is climate change and how is it affecting the Earth's ecosystems?

★ Which human activities contribute to climate change ?
★ Which species are being most affected by climate change and how?
★ How climate change might affect the food we eat and the water we
★ What international protocols and policies have been developed to
address climate change?
★ What are some small things we can do to help prevent climate change
and protect our ecosystems?
★ Use A-4 size sheets to complete your task and answer the questions in an
informative data format using pictures and various art forms.


Model Making
Make a working /non working model on the topic allotted to you as per your
roll number. Be ready to explain the functioning and mechanism of your
model after the vacations.

★ Hydroelectric dam (Roll number 1-8)
★ Electromagnetic Car(Roll number 9-15)
★ Rain water harvesting (Roll number 16-22)
★ Green city(Roll number 23-29)
★ Water purifier(Roll number 30-36)
★ Energy generated from animals and plants waste (Roll number 36-46)
Art Homework
Complete activity 11,12,13 & 14 given on page 12,13,14 & 15 of your Art Book.

Art Integrated Activity

Travelog for Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands

❖ Make a colorful and attractive travelog for Lakshadweep and Andaman

& Nicobar Islands to attract tourists.
❖ The travelog should include a brief description of the tourist attraction
and geographical location.
The travelog should also highlight:
❖ Weather & Climate
❖ Food
❖ Language spoken
❖ Art & Craft
❖ Music & Dance form
❖ Biodiversity(Flora & Fauna)
❖ National Parks
❖ Tribes of(Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands )
Points to be noted:
❖ Students can add in whatever additional information they think is
necessary to make their travelog look attractive.
❖ Make it informative and creative.
❖ Don't forget to paste pictures.

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