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A rainbow, how it’s made, changed topic

Student Name:

Finding Reasons

Directions: Answer these questions about each of your sources.

Source Title:

Question: Read your notes about the source (or you can read through the source again). How
can this source help you make your point? Does it suggest a reason or provide support for
your point of view? this cite explains how the rainbow is formed. This

source provided a medium amount of support.

Source Title:

Question: Read your notes about the source (or you can read through the source again). How
can this source help you make your point? Does it suggest a reason or provide support for
your point of view? This one explains not only how

rainbows are made and why they are a illusion. This cite provided the best support
because it has a very descriptive explaination.

Source Title:

Question: Read your notes about the source (or you can read through the source again). How
can this source help you make your point? Does it suggest a reason or provide support for
your point of view? the
rest explain how a rainbow is formed. All the cites were good and provided a lot of
info for my reaserch report.
Finding Reasons

Source Title:

Question: Read your notes about the source (or you can read through the source again). How
can this source help you make your point? Does it suggest a reason or provide support for
your point of view? this cite

explains how a rainbow is formed like the rest.

Source Title:

Question: Read your notes about the source (or you can read through the source again). How
can this source help you make your point? Does it suggest a reason or provide support for
your point of view? this
cite explains how a rainbow is formed.

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