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Some people believe that teenage years are the happiest and having the most freedom part

of our lives.
Others think adult live is more fun because of having more things to do. I have to say whether being a
teen or an adult can be joyful since it comes down to us deciding to find our own happiness.

As a teen, we have a lot of time in our hands doing whatever we want such as skipping school to go out
to the arcade with friends or playing sports together during lunch break. There are also hard times
where we struggle in terms of academic or getting fights with friends because both parties don’t agree
on something. However, those youth of ups and downs, small or big memorable moments are
significant in part of what growing up. Also being a child will have less responsibilities than adults.

Being an adult is usually being too busy with our own work and taking up a lot of priorities and
responsibility. It can be stressful and excruciating because if a mistake was being made the manager will
give an earful scorn and will slow down the work process. Despite of that, there are some positive
moments such as we might have good luck such as marriage or becoming successful in the job. Marrying
your ideal person to have he/she as a forever courtship, giving birth to a child and growing old to see
future generations grandkids. As people grow old, they will also evolve to have wisdom and reached its

In conclusion, it all comes down to our ability in selecting choices to make ourself elated either as a kid
or as an old person.

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