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Reasons and Reasoning

Directions: Answer these questions about some of Micah’s sources.

Source: Stories of the Underground Railroad by Anna L. Curtis

Question: Micah needs to show that using the Underground Railroad required escaping slaves

and their guides to be very brave. When are examples of bravery provided by this source?

When the 2 girls dress as boys and ride horses, then making it to


Source: Web site for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Question: What example of brave escape is provided by this source?

Henry Brown shipped himself to a o ce.

Source: Harriet Tubman: Secret Agent by Thomas B. Allen

Question: How can Harriet Tubman’s story support Micah’s point of view?

Harriet made a dozen trips to Maryland saving 72 people

Reasons and Reasoning

Source: The Underground Railroad by Shaaron Cosner

Question: Micah found a lot of information in this book. What are two reasons the book gives
that support Micah’s point of view on the Underground Railroad--that it was a dangerous
mission? (Hint: What could happen to people who helped slaves to escape?)

People who worked in the Underground Railroad were mocked and not
treated nicely, also people got killed because of working there.

Source: The Underground Railroad by Raymond Bial

Question: What details provided by this source could help Micah use to explain why slaves
would try to escape even though it was so dangerous?

Slaves were often brutally whipped.

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